Literature references and obituaries








General micropaleontological literature

Abdel-Kireem, M.R., Samir, A.M., and Luterbacher, H. (1994). Planktonic foraminifera from the Kolosh Formation (Paleogene) of the Sulaimaniah-Dokan Region, northeastern Iraq. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 1994(9):517-527. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of H.P. Luterbacher.

Abramovich, S., Keller, G., Adatte, T., Stinnesbeck, W. Hottinger, L., Stueben, D., Berner, Z., Ramanivosoa, B., and Randriamanantenasoa, A. (2002). Age and paleoenvironment of the Maastrichtian to Paleocene of the Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar: a multidisciplinary approach. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 47, pp. 17-70. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with collection of L. Hottinger. Link to collection.

Aghib, F.S., Bernoulli, D. and Weissert, H. (1991). Hardground formation in the Bannock Basin, Eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology, vol. 100, pp. 103-113. Standort: A copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of D. Bernoulli.

Aguilera, O., Rodrigues de Aguilera, D., Vega, F.J., and Sanches-Villagra, R. (2010). Mesozoic and Cenozoic decapod crustaceans from Venezuela and related trace-fossil assemblages. Pages 103-128 in: Sanches-Villagra, M.R., Aguilera, O.A., and Carlini, A.A. (eds.). Urumaco and Venezuelan paleontology. The fossil record of the northern neotropics. Indiana University press, 286 p. Standort: Book deposited alongside the Caribbean-Latin American Collections [K3 / D 22 / 2 / 51 ]. Link to Caribbean-Latin American Collections.

Alam, G.S. (1992). First South Asia Geological Congress. Islamabad, Pakistan: February 23-27, 1992. Field Guide book Salt Range - Potwar, February 29 - March 2, 1992. Geological Survey of Pakistan. Standort: Alongside collections of Lukas Hottinger from Pakistan/Salt Range area. Link to collections of Lukas Hottinger from Pakistan / Salt Range area.

Alexanian, C.L. (1932). Etude magnétique de la faille d'Allschwil, près de Bâle (Suisse). Traité pratique de prospection géophysique à l'usage des géologues et des ingénieurs des mines.Béranger, Paris, pp. 185-186. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with collection of Hermann Fischer (Allschwil 2). Link to collection.

Allemann, F. (1956). Geologie des Fürstentums Lichtenstein. 3. Teil. Geologie des südlichen Gebietes Falknis, Lawena, Triesenberg. Unter besonderer berücksichtigung des Flyschproblems. Selbstverlag des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Lichtenstein, Vaduz 1956, 244 p. Standort: A copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Allen, M.B., Saville, C., Blanc, E.J.-P., Talebian, M., and Nissen, E. (2013). orogenic plateau growth: Expansion of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau across the Zagros fold- and thrust belt. Tectonics, vol. 32, pp. 1-20. doi: 10.1002/tect.20025, 2013. Standort: A printout of the article is deposited with the collection Beckmann. Link to colln. J.P. Beckmann (1969, South Iran).

Almogi-Labin, A., Reiss, Z., and Caron, M. (1986). Senonian globotruncanidae from Israel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 79(3):849-895. Link to collection.

Almogi-Labin, A., Luz, B., and Duplessy, J.-C. (1986). Quaternary paleo-oceanography, pteropod preservation and stable isotope record of the Red Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 57, pp. 195-211. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collections of D. Bernoulli. Link to collections of D. Bernoulli.

AM Dakrory, A. M. (2002). Biostratigraphy, paleoenvironment and tectonic evolution of the late Cretaceous early paleogene succession on the North African plate (Sinai, Egypt) and a comparison with some European and Asian sections. Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Reihe A, vol. 64, pp. 31-37. Link to study collections of H.P. Luterbacher from Iran.

Archie, C. Geology of Trinidad. homepage.

Arni, P. (1939). Ueber die Nummuliten und die Gliederung des Untereocaens. Eclogae geol. Helv. 32:113-159. Colln. deposited at Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich. Link to nummulite collns. of Hans Schaub.

Arni, P. (1966). Contribution to the history of growth of the Chordoperculinoides shell. In Luterbacher et al. (eds.). Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Reichel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):339-345. Link to collection.

Arni, P. (1933). Siderolites heracleae im Maastrichtien des thessalonikischen Pindos. Eclogae geol. Helv., 26(1):105-109, 1 plate. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Aubry, M.-P. (1993). Calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy of the Neogene formations of eastern Jamaica. Geological Sociecty of America Memoir 182, pp. 131-178. Link to UNOCAL collections from Buff Bay. Link to E. Robinson collections from Buff Bay.

Aubry, M.-P., Ouda, K., Dupuis, C., Berggren, W.A., and Van Couvering, J.A. and the Members of the Working Group on the Paleocene/Eocene Boundary (2007). Global Standard Stratotype-Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Eocene series in the Dababiya section (Egypt). Episodes, vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 271-286. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections J.P. Beckmann from Gebel Kilabiya section, Egypt. Link to collections J.P. Beckmann from Gebel Kilabiya section, Egypt.

Azéma, J., Fernex, F., Hottinger, L., Magné, J. & Paquet, J. (1969). Borelis melo (Fichtel & Moll) dans le Miocène de la partie orientale des Cordillières bétiques (Espagne). Bulletin Sociétée Géologique de France (Paris), vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 444-448. Standort: One copy is in the micropaleo reprints collection WeisserBär: Study library of Lukas Hottinger, a scond copy is deposited with the collection. Link to colln. Hottinger.

Azzaroli, A. and Reichel, M. (1964). Alveoline e Crisalidine Neocretacee del "Calcare di Mola" in Terra di Bari. Bollettino de Servizio geologico d'Italia, vol. 58:3-9. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Baker, J.E.B. (2019). Recent Foraminifera of "Star Sand Beach" Hatoma Isl., Okinawa Pref., Japan. Standort: Printout deposited with the collection Knappertsbusch, Recent Marine Beach sands, Sample 29. Link to collections Knappertsbusch, Recent Marine Beach sands, Sample 29.

Bandy, O.L. (1949). Eocene and Oligocene foraminifera from Little Stave Creek, Clarke County, Alabama. Bulletins of American Paleontology, vol. 32, No. 131, 210 p. Standort: The Bulletins of American Paleontology are deposited in K3/Wandregal Y. Link to study collections of H.P. Luterbacher/Maastrictian-Paleogene sections from America.

Baritto, I. (2023). Hans Kugler (1893-1986) y su contribucion a la exploracion petrolera en Falcon oriental, Venezuela. Boletin de la Academia Nacional de la Ingenieria y el Habitat. No 58, Enero-Marzo 2023:45-77. Standort: Printout in Micropaleo Hand library/Trinidad, Weisser Bär.

Baroni Urbani, C. (1980). The first fossil species of the Australian ant genus Leptomyrmex in amber from the Dominican Republic. Stuttgarter Beiträge für Naturkunde, Ser. B. No. 62, 10 p. Standort: Printout deposited with the collection. Link to collections of John Saunders from the Dominican Republic.

Baroni-Urbani, C. and Saunders, J.B. (1982). The fauna of the Dominican Republic amber: the present status of knowledge. Transactions of the 9th Caribbean Geological Conference, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 1980 (1982), vol. 1:213-223. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Baroz, F., Bernoulli, D., Biju-Duval, B., Bizon, G., Bizon, J.-J., and Letouzey, J. (1978). Correlations of the Neogene formations of the Florence Rise and of northern Cyprus: Paleogeographic and structural implications. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 903-926. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collections D. Bernoulli/ DSDP Leg 42A.

Barr, K.W. (1953). The mud volcanoes of Trinidad. Caribbean Quarterly, vol. 3(2), p. 80-85. Standort: Foto archive H.G. Kugler & J.B.Saunders (mud volcanism) [metal-cabinet]. Link to archive of John Saunders.

Barr, K.W., Waite, T., and Wilson, C.C. (1958). The mode of oil occurrence in the Miocene of southern Trinidad, B.W.I. In: Weeks, L.G. (ed.). Habitat of oil. Symposium. 40th annual Meeting of the AAPG, New York, March 28-31, 1955. Published by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 1958, pp. 533-550. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections of J.B. Saunders. Link to collections of John Saunders from southern and SE Trinidad.

Barr, K.W., (1960). The occurrence of Choffatella decipiens in Trinidad. Micropaleontology, vol. 6, no. 3, p. 323.

Barr, K.W. (1963). The Geology of the Toco District, Trinidad, West Indies. PhD dissertation. Reprinted and repaginated from Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 379-415 and Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-29. Link to Stratigraphic Collection of Trinidad.

Barr, K.W. and Saunders, J.B. (1968). An outline of the geology of Trinidad. Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968. Standorte: One copy with the study colln of J.B. Saunders "An inventory of benthic smaller foraminifera in Trinidad"; another copy with H.G. Kugler's Stratigraphic Collection of Trinidad.

Bartenstein, H. and Burri, F. (1954). Die Jura-Kreide-Grenzschichten im schweizerischen Faltenjura und ihre Stellung im mitteleuropäischen Rahmen. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 47(2): 426-443. Standort: A xerox copy of the reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection dissertation F. Burri (1956).

Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt und Bolli H.M., (1957). Die Foraminiferen Der Unterkreide von Trinidad. B.W.I. Erster Teil: Cuche und Toco-Formation. Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 5-67. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection H.H. Renz, Link to Collections Bartenstein, Link to H.G.Kugler's Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.

Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt F. und Bolli H.M., (1966). Foraminiferen der Unterkreide von Trinidad. Zweiter Teil: Maridale-Formation (Typlokalität). Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 59, Nr. 1, pp. 129-177. Link to Collection H.H. Renz, Link to Collections Bartenstein, Link to H.G.Kugler's Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.

Bartenstein and Bolli, H.M. (1973). Die Foraminiferen der Unterkreidevon Trinidad. Dritter Teil: Maridaleformation (Co-Typlokalität). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 389-418. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to Collection H.H. Renz, Link to Collections Bartenstein, Link to H.G.Kugler's Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.

Bartenstein, H. (1974a). Lenticulina (Lenticulina) nodosa (Reuss 1863) and its subspecies-worldwide index foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous. Eclogae geol. Helv. 67(3):539-562. Link to collection.

Bartenstein, H. (1974b). Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous primitive arenaceous foraminifera from DSDP Sites 259 and 261, Eastern Indian Ocean. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 27, pp. 683-695. Link to collection.

Bartenstein, H., and Bolli, H.M. (1977). The foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous of Trinidad, W.I. Part 4: Cuche Formation, upper Part; Leupoldina protuberans Zone. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 70, No. 2, 1977, pp. 543-573. Link to Collections Bartenstein, Link to H.G.Kugler's Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.

Bartenstein, H., and Kovatcheva, T. (1982). A comparison of Aptian Foraminifera in Bulgaria and North West Germany. Eclogae geol. Helv., Vol. 75/3, pp. 621-667, 5 plates. Standort: A rfeprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection Bartenstein.

Bartenstein, H. and Bolli, H.M. (1986). The foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous of Trinidad, W.I. Part 5: Maridale Formation, upper Part; Hedbergella rohri Zone. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 945-999. Link to Collections Bartenstein, Link to H.G.Kugler's Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.

Bassi, D., Bolivar-Feriche, M., Renema, W., Braga, J.C., Pignatti, J., Di Domenico, G., Fujita, K., Lipps, J.H., Reolid, J., Iryu, Y. (2022). Larger porcellaneous foraminifera with a common ancestor: the Neogene Ino-Pacific Flosculinella and Alveolinella (Alveolinidea). Marine Micropaleontology, 173:102124. Standort: A printout of the article is deposited in the collection of foram models of M. Reichel. Link to collection M. Reichel.

Baumann, P. (1970). Mikropaläontologische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen der obereozänen-oligozänen Scaglia im zentralen Appennin (Italien). Eclogae geol. Helv. 63(3):1133-1204. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Baumann, P., Oesterle, H., Wibisono, S. (1972). The Cenozoic of Java and Sumatra. Proceedings of the Indonesian Petroleum Association, First Annual Convention, June 1972, pp. 31-42. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the study collection Lukas Hottinger/Indonesia: East Borneo-Java-Sumatra. Link to study collection Lukas Hottinger/Indonesia: East Borneo-Java-Sumatra, Link to collection Bolli (1966).

Baumgartner, P.O. and Bernoulli, D. (1976). Stratigraphy and radiolarian fauna in a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous section near Achladi (Evvoia, Eastern Greece). Eclogae geol. Helv. 69(3):601-626. Link to reference collection Baumgartner and Bernoulli (1976).

Baumgartner, P.O. (1980). Late Jurassic Hagiastridae and Patulibracchiidae (Radiolaria) from the Argolis Penninsula (Peloponnesus, Greece). Micropaleontology, 26(3):274-322. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Baumgartner, P.O., De Wever, P., and Kocher, R. (1980). Correlation of Tethyan Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous radiolarian events. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, 2:23-86. Link to collection.

Baumgartner, P.O. (1981). Jurassic sedimentary evolution and Mesozoic nappe emplacement in the Argolis peninsula (Peloponnesus, Greece). PhD dissertation, No. Q 1982, 152, University of Basel, 137 p. Standort: A xerox copy of the thesis is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Baumgartner, P.O., Bjorklund, K.R., Caulet, J.-P., De Wever, P., Kellogg, D., Labracherie, M., Nakaseko, K., Nishimura, A., Schaaf, A., Schmidt-Effing, R., and Yao, A. (1981). Eurorad II, 1980 - Second European meeting of radiolarian paleontologists: Current research on Cenozoic and Mesozoic radiolarians. Eclog. geol. Helv. 74(3):1027-1061. Link to collection.

Baumgartner, P.O. (1984). A middle Jurassic - Early Cretaceous low latitude radiolarian zonation based on unitary associations and age of Tethyan radiolarites. Eclogae geol. Helv. 77(3):729-841. Link to collection.

Baumgartner-Mora, C. and Baumgartner, P.O. (2016). Paleocene-earliest Eocene larger benthic foraminifera and Ranikothalia-bearing carbonate paleo-environments of Costa-Rica (South Central America). Micropaleontology, vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 453-508. Standort: A printout of the pdf is deposited with the collection to Caudri, M.C. (1996). Link to collection B.M. Caudri (1996).

Beckmann, J.-P. (1953). Die Foraminiferen der Oceanic Formation (Eozän-Oligozän) von Barbados, Kl. Antillen. Eclogae. Geologicae. Helvetiae, vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 306-404. Standort: With collns A. Senn. Link to Barbados collns. A. Senn. Link to colln. J.B. Saunders et al. (Bath Cliff, Barbados).

Beckmann, J.P., Koch W., (1964). Vergleiche von Bolivinoides, Aragonia und Tappanina (Foraminifera) aus Trinidad (Westind.) und Mitteleuropa. Geol. Jb. 83.

Beckmann, J.P., El-Heiny, I., Kerdany, M.T., Said, R. and Viotti, C. (1969). Standard planktonic zones in Egypt. In: Brönnimann, P. and Renz, H.H. (eds.) (1969). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils, Geneva 1967. Vol. 1, pp. 92-103. E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. Standort: With collns J.P. Beckmann from Egypt. Link to collection of J.P. Beckmann from Egypt.

Beckmann, J.-P. (1976). Shallow water foraminifers and associated microfossils from Sites 315, 316, and 318, DSDP Leg 33. Init. Rep. DSDP 33:467-489. Link to collections.

Beckmann, J.P. (1978). Late Cretaceous smaller benthic foraminifers from Sites 363 and 364, DSDP Leg 40, Southeast Atlantic Ocean. Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 40, pp. 759-781. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Beckmann, J.P., Bolli, H.M., Kleboth, P., and Proto Decima, F. (1982). Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of the Campanian to Paleocene of the Monte Giglio, Bergamo Province, Italy. Memorie die Science Geologiche gia Memorie degli Istituti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell'Universita di Padova. Vol. 35, pp. 91-172. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Bellion, Y. J.-C. (1989). Histoire géodynamique post-paléozoique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest d'après l'étude de quelques bassins sédimentaires (Sénégal, Taoudenni, Iullemmeden, Tschad). Thèse de doctorat, Université d?avignon et des pays de Vaucluse, Publication occasionnelle 1989/17, CIFEG, 103, rue de Lille, 75007 Paris. France. Standort: An extract is deposited with the collection to Robertson & Bernoulli, 1982. Link to collection Robertson & Bernoulli (1982). Link to study collections Lukas Hottinger.

Bender, H., and Hemleben, Ch. (1988). Constructional aspects in test formation of some agglutinated foraminifera. Abh. Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien, 41:13-21. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Benjamini, Ch. (1995). Planktonic foraminifera- distribution and zonal stratigraphy. In: Schaub, H., Benjamini, C., and Moshkovitz, S. (eds.). The Biostratigraphy of the Eocene of Israel. Schweizerische Palaeontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 117, pp. 33-39. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to study collection of H.P. Luterbacher (planktic foraminifera). Link to collection of Hans Schaub (nummulites).

Bentz, F. (1948). Geologie des Sarnersee-Gebietes (Kt. Obwalden). Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 41(1):1-77. Link to collection.

Bergen, J., De Kaenel, E., Blair, S., Boesiger, T., Browning, E. (2017). Oligocene-Pliocene taxonomy and stratigraphy of the genus Sphenolithus in the circum North Atlantic Basin: Gulf of Mexico and ODP Leg 154. Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 37 (2-3): 77-112. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of Eric de Kaenel.

Berggren, W.A. (1993). Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of eastern Jamaica. Mem. -Geol. Soc. Am., 182:179-217. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection. Link to collection Saunders/UNOCAL.

Bermudez, P.J. (1939). Resultados de la primera expedicion en las Antillos des Ketch Atlantis bajo los auspicios de las universidades de Harvard y Habana. Nuevo genero y especies nuevos de foraminiferos. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., Vol. 12, No. 5; Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 9-12, No. 2, pp. 57-61, and No. 4, pp. 247-251. Standort (xerox): Weisser Bär, Micropaleontology reprints library/Planktic Forams/Cenozoic/Bermudez. Link to collection P.J. Bermudez - Atlantis stations.

Bermudez, P.J. (1950). Contribucion al estudio del Cenozoico Cubano. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural. Mayo 1950. Standort: Weisser Bär, Micropaleontology reprints library/Benthic Forams/Cenozoic/Bermudez. Link to collection P.J. Bermudez - Atlantis stations.

Bermudez, P.J. (1966). Consideraciones sobre los sedimentos del Miocene medio al Recinto de las Costas Central y Oriental de Venezuela. Primera Parte. Boletin de Geologia, Republica de Venezuela, Vol. 7, No. 14, pp. 333-411. (Link to collection).

Bermudez, P.J., & Fuenmayor, A.N., (1966). Consideraciones sobre los sedimentos del Miocene medio al Recinto de las Costas Central y Oriental de Venezuela. Segunda Parte. Boletin de Geologia, Republica de Venezuela, Vol. 7, No. 14, pp. 413-620. (Link to collection).

Bermudez & Gomez (1966): Estudio Paleontologico de una seccion del Eocene. mem. Soc. Ciencias Nat. La Salle, Tomo 26, No. 75. (Link to collection, donation 10 February, 1993).

Bermudez, P.J., & Bolli, H.M., 1969: Consideraciones sobre los sedimentos del Miocene medio al Recinto de las Costas Central y Oriental de Venezuela. Tercera Parte. Bol. Geol. 10, No. 20, pp.137-223. Standort: A copy is deposited in Micropal. reprints collection Weisser Bär/Planktonic foraminifera/Cenozoic/Bermudez. See also micropal reprints library in Room Weisser Bär 13/-105. Link to collections H.M. Bolli. Link to collections P.J. Bermudez.

Bernoulli, D. and Renz, O. (1970). Jurassic carbonate facies and new ammonite faunas from western Greece. Eclogae geol. Helv. 63(2):573-607. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Bernoulli, D. (1972). North Atlantic and Mediterranean mesozoic facies: A comparison. Initial Reports DSDP, vol. XI, pp. 801-871. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 11. Link to collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 11.

Bernoulli, D. (1976). Deep-water carbonates. manuscript to Internal report KSEPL Rijswijk, NL, 22 p., 47 figures. Standort: Copy deposited with collections D. Bernoulli. Link to collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Bernoulli, D. Garrison, R.E., and Mélières, F. (1978). Phillipsite cementation in a foraminiferal sandstone at Hole 373A and the "case of the violated foram". Init. Rep. DSDP 42(Part 1):478-482. Standort: K3/Cabinet with reference literature, under Bernoulli. Link to collection.

Bernoulli, D. and Mélières, F. (1978 and b). Dolomitization in Early Pliocene pelagic limestones, Site 374, Ionian Abyssal Plain. Init. Rep. DSDP 42(Part 1):621-633. Standort: K3/Cabinet with reference literature, under Bernoulli. Link to collection. Second link to collections D. Bernoulli DSDP Leg 42A (under Bernoulli and Melières 1978b).

Bernoulli, D. and McKenzie, J. (1978). Petrology, isotope geochemistry, and origin of dolomite and limestone associated with basaltic breccia, Hole 373A, Tyrrhenian Basin. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 541-558. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Bernoulli, D. and McKenzie, J.M. (1981). Hardground formation in the Hellenic trench: penesaline to hypersaline marine carbonate diagenesis, pp. 197-220, chapitre XI, in Dercourt, J. (ed.) (1981). Programme HEAT. Campagne submersible. Les fosses helléniques, 19 août-15 septembre 1979. Publications du Centre National pout l'Exploitation des Océans (CNEXO), Résultats des Campagnes à la Mer No. 23, Brest CEDEX 1981. Standort: Volume deposited with the collection. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.

Bernoulli, D. and Kälin, O. (1984). Jurassic sediments, Site 547, Northwest African margin: Remarks on stratigraphy, facies, and diagenesis, and comparison with some Tethyan equivalents. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 79, pp. 437-448. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.

Bernoulli, D., Beckmann, J.P., Bolli, H.M., and Gunzenhauser, B.A. (1987). Upper Cretaceous deep-water sediments near Prella (Southern Alps, Mendrisiotto, Switzerland). Memorie die Science Geologiche gia Memorie degli Istituti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell'Universita di Padova. Vol. 39, pp. 49-71. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collections of J.P. Beckmann.

Bernoulli, D. and Weissert, H. (1987). The upper Hawasina nappes in the central Oman Mountains: Stratigraphy, palinspastics and sequence of nappe emplacement. Geodinamica Acta (Paris), 1(1):47-58. Standort: Reprint deposited with reference literature in K3. Link to collections of D. Bernoulli.

Bernoulli, D., Gasperini, L., Bonatti, E., and Stille, P. (2004). Dolomite formation in pelagic limestone and diatomite, Romanche Fracture Zone, Equatorial Atlantic. Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. 74, No. 6, pp. 924-932. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Bernoulli, D., Schaltegger, U., Stern, W.B., Frey, M., Caron, M., Monecchi, S. (2004). Volcanic ash layers in the Upper Cretaceous of the Central Appennines and a numerical age for the early Campanian. Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundschau), vol. 93, pp. 384-399. Standort: Reprint deposited with reference literature in K3, Cabinet 52. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.

Bernoulli, D., Hottinger, L. Spezzaferri, S., and P. Stille (2007). Miocene shallow-water limestones from Sao Nicolau (Cabo Verde): Caribbean-type benthic fauna and time constraints for volcanism. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, vol. 100, pp. 215-225. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. pdf [2.9 MB]. Link to collection.

Bernoulli, D. and Jenkyns, H.C. (2009). Ancient oceans and continental margins of the Alpine-Mediterranean Tethys: deciphering clues from Mesozoic pelagic sediments and ophiolites. Sedimentology, 56:149-190. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2008.01017.x. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collections of Daniel Bernoulli.

Bernoulli, D. and Ulmer, P. (2015). Dropstones in Rosso Ammonitico-facies pelagic sediments of the Southern Alps (southern Switzerland and northern Italy). Swiss Journal of Geosciences. DOI 10.1007/s00015-015-0205-0. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Biju-Duval, B., Jung, P., and Saunders, J. (1980). Excursion de Campo E - Rio Gurabo. Field Guide. 9th Caribbean Geological Conference, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, pp. 140-165. Standort: One xerox copy is deposited with the raw material collections at Spengler Park, colln. Jung, Geister and Saunders (1980), and Saunders, Jung and Geister (1980). A second xerox copy is deposited alonside the collections of John Saunders. Link to raw material collection. Link to collections J. Saunders.

Bichsel, M. (1980). Zur Sedimentologie des Lombardischen Oberkreideflyschs zwischen Lecco und Breschia. Inaugural Dissertation Phil. Nat. Fak. Univ. Basel, 166 p. Standort (xerox): Weisser Bär, Micropaleontology reprints library/Planktic Forams/Mesozoic.

Billmann, H., Hottinger, L., and Oesterle, H. (1980). Neogene to Recent rotaliid foraminifera from the Indopacific Ocean; their canaly system, their classification and their stratigraphic use. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 101:71-113, Plates 1-39. Link to collection.

Bisson, R.A. & referenced in doc, coleagues (2002). Hydrogeological reassessment of Trinidad Volume I - Chapters 1-4. Technical report. Groundwater assessment and well development programme for Trinidad W.T.C. 21/2000. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1364.3604. Standort: Extract (printed) is deposited with the collection. Link to H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collections of Trinidad.

Bitterli, P. (1958). Herrera subsurface structure of Penal field, Trinidad, B.W.I. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 145-158. Standort: Reprint with collection. Link to collections Peter Bitterli.

Bitterli, P. 1945). Geologie der Blauen und Landskronkette südlich von Basel. Inauguraldissertation, Phil.-Natw. Fakultät, Universität Basel. Stampfli & Cie (Bern), 1945, 74 p. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71, literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bitterli, P. (1962). Untersuchung bituminöser Gesteine von Westeuropa. Erdöl und Kohle - Erdgas - Petrochemie, 15. Jhrg., pp. 2-6. Standort: Reprint with the collection Bitterli (1962). Link to collection.

Bitterli, P. (1963). Classification of bituminous rocks of western Europe. Proceedings Sixth World Petroleum Congress 1963, Frankfurt/Main, Section I, Paper 30, 11 p. Standort: Reprint with the collection Bitterli (1962). Link to collection.

Bitterli, P. (1963). Aspects of the genesis of bituminous rock sequences. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 42(6):183-201. link for download of volume see Standort: Printout with the collection Bitterli (1963). Link to collection.

Bitterli, P. (1965). Bituminous intercalations in the Cretaceous of the Breggia River, S. Switzerland. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., Vol. 31, No. 81, pp. 179-185. Standort: Reprint with the collection Bitterli (1962). Link to collection.

Bitterli-Brunner, P. (1988). Geologischer Führer der Region Basel. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum Basel, No. 19. Birkhäuser verlag, 232 p. Link to archive of Peter Bitterli.

Blair, S., Bergen, J., De Kaenel, E., Browning, E., Boesiger, T. (2017). Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene taxonomy and stratigraphie in the circum North Atlantic Basin: radiation and extinction of Amauroliths, Ceratoliths and the D. quinqueramus lineage. Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 37 (2-3): 113-144. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of Eric de Kaenel.

Blow, W.H. (1956). Origin and evolution of the foraminiferal genus Orbulina d'Orbigny. Micropaleontology, vol. 2, no. 1.

Blow, W.H. (1969). Late middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy. In Brönnimann, P. and Renz, H.H.: Proceedings of the first international conference on planktonic microfossils, Geneva 1967, vol. 1, pp. 199-422, 53 plates. Standort: Weisser Bär, Micropaleontology reprints library.

Blondeau, A., Cavelier, C. and Pomerol, Ch. (1968). Livret guide des excursions dans le Bassin de Paris. 25-26-28 mai 1968. Colloque sur l'Eocène. Milan, Nice, Paris, Reims 1968. 123 p. Link to Raw material collection of samples from type localities for European Tertiary regional stages. Standort.

Blondeau, A., Gruas-Cavagnetto, C., Le Calvez, Y. and Lezaud, L. (1976). Etude paléontologique du sondage de Cuise (Oise). Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 3-32. Link to raw material collection Kapellos. Standort Lit: With raw material collection Kapellos, a xerox copy is deposited in the Micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär: Stratigraphy Neogene / Paleogene of the Tethys and European areas.

Blumer, E. (1922). Die Erdöllagerstätten. Grundlagen der Petroleumgeologie. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 442 p.

Boesiger, T., De Kaenel, E., Bergen, J., Browning, E., Blair, S. (2017). Oligocene to Pleistocene taxonomy and stratigraphy of the genus Helicosphaera and other placolith taxa in the circum North Atlantic Basin. Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 37 (2-3): 145-175. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of Eric de Kaenel.

Bolin, C., Tourenq, J., Ambroise, D. (1982). Sédimentologie et microfossiles pyritisés du sondage de Cuise-La-Motte (Bassin de Paris). Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 55-65. Link to raw material collection Kapellos. Standort Lit: With raw material collection Kapellos, a xerox copy is deposited in the Micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär: Stratigraphy Neogene / Paleogene of the Tethys and European areas.

Bolli, H.M. (1944, ausgegeben den 28. Feb. 1945). Zur Stratigraphie der oberen Kreide in den höheren helvetischen Decken. Eclogae Geol. Helv. vol. 37, pp. 217-328, plate IX. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Bolli, H. (1950). The direction of coiling in the evolution of some Globorotaliidae. Reprint from contributions from the Cush. Found. Foram. Res., vol. 1, parts 3 and 4.

Bolli, H.M., (1954). Note on Globigerina concinna Reuss 1850 (Point-a-Pierre, Trinidad). Contrib. Cush. Found. Foram. Res. vol. 5, Part. 1.

Bolli, H.M. and Saunders, J.B. (1953 ?). Note on Recent freshwater thecamoebines (test-bearing rhizopods) in Trinidad. Internal report "Bulletin No. 105", 4 pages. Standort: One copy in Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär/Trinidad: A-B, one xerox copy with collection of J.B. Saunders. Link to collections J. B. Saunders.

Bolli, H.M. and Saunders, J.B. (1954). Discussion of some Thecamoebina described errorneously as Foraminifera. Contributions of the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 45-52. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collections J. B. Saunders.

Bolli, H.M. (1957b). Planktonic foraminifera from the Oligocene-Miocene Cipero and Lengua Formations of Trinidad, B.W.I. In: Loeblich and Tappan, and collaborators (1957) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 215, pp. 97-123. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collections H.M. Bolli from Trinidad.

Bolli, H.M. (1957c). Planktonic foraminifera from the Eocene Navet and San Fernando Formations of Trinidad, B.W.I. In: Loeblich and Tappan, and collaborators (1957) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 215, pp. 155-198. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collections H.M. Bolli from Trinidad.

Bolli, H.M., (1957d). The genera Globigerina and Globorotalia in the Paleocene-Lower Eocene Lizard Springs Formation of Trinidad, B.W.I. In: Loeblich and Tappan, and collaborators (1957) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 215, pp. 61-81. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collections H.M. Bolli from Trinidad. (Link to collections of H.M. Bolli).

Bolli, H.M. (1959a). Planktonic foraminifera as index fossils in Trinidad and their value for worldwide stratigraphic correlation . Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 52, no. 2., pp. 627-637. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to reference collections to Cenozoic planktic foraminiferal zonal slides of Hans M. Bolli.

Bolli, H.M. (1959b). Grimsdaleinella, new Genus of Foraminifera, Family Heterohelicidae. Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 52, no. 1.

Bolli, H.M. (1959c). Planktonic Foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Trinidad. Bulletins of American Paleont., vol. 39, no. 179. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär/Trinidad. Note: All specimens figured in this report are deposited in the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.

Bolli, H.M., Cita, M.B., and Schaub, H. (1962). Il limite Cretaceo-Terziario nella catena del Monte Baldo. Memorie della Societa Geologica Italiana, vol. 3:151-168. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär (under Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera, Bolli).

Bolli, H.M. (1966). The Planktonic Foraminifera in Well Bodjonegoro-1 of Java. Eclog. geol. Helv. 59(1):449-465. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. (1966). Zonation of Cretaceous to Pliocene marine sediments based on planktonic foraminifera. Boletin informativo of the Asociacion Venezolana de Geologia, Mineria Y Petroleo, vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 3-32. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär (under Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera, Bolli).

Bolli, H.M., Boudreaux, J.E., Emiliani, C., Hay, W.W., Hurley, R., Jones, J.J. (1968). Biostratigraphy and paleotemperatures of a section cored on Nicaragua Rise, Caribbean Sea. Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 79, pp. 459-470. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. (Link 1 to collection, Link2 to collection, donation 10 February, 1993).

Bolli, H.M., (1970). The Foraminifera of Sites 23-31, Leg 4. Initial Reports of the DSDP, vol. 4, pp. 577-643. Link to collection. Link to collection Bolli et al. (1968) [Submarex cores].

Bolli, H.M. (1972). The genus Globigerinatheka Brönnimann. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 2(3):109-136. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. and Premoli Silva, I. (1973). Oligocene to Recent planktonic foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Leg 15 sites in the Caribbean Sea. Initial Reports of the DSDP, vol. 15, pp. 475-497. Link to collection 24 (study collection) of Hans M. Bolli including materials from DSDP Leg 15. Link to reference collection of Hans M. Bolli from DSDP Leg 4.

Bolli, H.M. (1974a). Jurassic and Cretaceous Calcisphaerulidae from DSDP Leg 27, Eastern Indian Ocean. Init. Rep. DSDP 27:843-907. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. (1974b). Calcareous organisms incertae sedis from the lower Cretaceous of DSDP Leg 27. Init. Rep. DSDP 27:909-913. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. (1976). The Subspecies of Globorotalia fohsi Cushm. and Ellisor and the zones based on them. Micropaleontology, vol. 13, no. 4.

Bolli, H.M. (1978a). Calcareous spherules from the Albian of DSDP Leg 40, Site 363. Init. Rep. DSDP 40 supplement:695-701. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. (1978b). Cretaceous and Paleogene Calcisphaerulidae from DSDP Leg 40, southeastern Atlantic. Init. Rep. DSDP 40:819-837. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. (1978c). Upper Jurassic Calcisphaerulidae from DSDP Leg 44, Hole 391C, Blake-Bahama Basin, Western North Atlantic. Init. Rep. DSDP 44:911-919. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. (1980a). Calcisphaerulidae and Calpionellidae from the upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous of Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 416A, Moroccon Basin. Init. Rep. DSDP 50:525-543. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. (1980b). Aptian calcareous spherules incertae sedis from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 51, Hole 417D, Bermuda Rise. Init. Rep. DSDP 51:847-849. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. and Saunders, J.B. (1981). The species Sphaeroidinellopsis Banner and Blow, 1959. Cahier de Micropaleontologie 4:13-25. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. and Saunders, J.B. (1982). Globorotalia mayeri and its relationship to Globorotalia siakensis and Globorotalia continuosa. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 12(1):39-50. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M., and Saunders, J.B., 1985. Oligocene to low latitude planktic foraminifera. In: Bolli, H.M., Saunders, J.B., and Perch-Nielsen, K. (eds) 1985. Plankton Stratigraphy, pp. 155-262. Cambridge University Press. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M., Saunders, J.B., and Perch-Nielsen, K. (eds) 1985. Plankton Stratigraphy, 1032 pages. Cambridge University Press.

Bolli, H.M., Beckmann, J.-P., and Saunders, J.B. (1994). Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the south Caribbean region. Cambridge University Press, 408 p. Standort: K3/together with the collection. Link to collection.

Bolli, H.M. (1999). A redeposited foraminiferal fauna from the Varesotto Flysch, Canton Ticino, Switzerland. Geol. Insubr. 4/2: 21-26. Standort: Foram Alphabet (Weisser Bär, Room 13/-105).

Bos, G. and Knappertsbusch, M. (1992). Mikrozooplankton und nannoplankton, pp. 12-22. In Bathmann, U., Schulz-Baldes, M., Fahrbach, E., Smetacek, V., Hubberten, H.-W. (eds.). Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS IX/1-4 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 1990/91. Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar Research), Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, vol. 100, 403 p. hdl:10013/epic.10100.d001. URL: Link to collection of M. Knappertsbusch (Polarstern Expedition).

Boukhary, M., Toumarkine, M., Khalifa, H., and Arif, M. (1982). Etude biostratigraphique à l'aide des foraminifères planctoniques et des ostracodes de l'Eocène de beni Mazar, Vallée du Nil, Egypte. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie 1:53-64. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bourouilh-Le-Jan, F.G. (1985). A tool for a better knowledge of an atoll: The magnetic field at Clipperton Island (E-NE Pacific). Geophysical and geological results. Proceedings of the 5th International coral reef congress, Tahiti, 1985, vol. 6, pp. 407-412. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside study collections L. Hottinger/Pacific. Link to study collection L. Hottinger.

Bourrouilh-Le Jan, F.G. and Hottinger, L.C. (1988). Occurrence of rhodolites in the tropical Pacific - a consequence of Mid-Miocene paleo-oceanographic change. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 60, pp. 355-367. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside study collections L. Hottinger/Pacific. Link to study collection L. Hottinger.

Bourouilh-Le-Jan, F.G. (1990). Diagenèse des carbonates de plate-formes, récifs et mangroves, en Atlantique et Pacifique. Contròle de la diagenèse par les variations thermo-glacio-eustatiques d'émersion-submersion aragonite, calcite, dolomite. Thèse de doctorat d'etat, No. 90-17. Mémoires des Sciences de la Terre, Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie, Paris VI, 190 p. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside study collections L. Hottinger/Pacific. Link to study collection L. Hottinger.

Bourrouilh-Le Jan, F.G., Hottinger, L.C., and Salvat, B. (1996). The birth of a carbonate platform: Miocene to Recent carbonate sediments on Rurutu Island (Austral Archipelago, SE Pacific). Mém. Soc. géol. France, n.s., No. 169, pp. 231-242. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside study collections L. Hottinger/Pacific. Link to study collection L. Hottinger.

Bowden, A.J., Gregory, F.J. and Henderson, A.S. (Eds.) (2013). Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropalaeontology: History and Development. The Micropaleontological Society Special Publications. Published for The Micropalaeontological Society by The Geological Society London. 360 p. Standort Book: Foraminiferen Alphabet, Weisser Bär, Room 13/-105.

Braga, G. (1975). I Briozoi dell'Eocene di Possagno. In: Bolli, H. (ed.) Monografia Micropaleontologica sul Paleocene e l'Eocene di Possagno, Provincia di Treviso, Italia. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 97, pp. 141-148, Plates 1-3. Link to collection.

Braga, G., De Biase, R., Grünig, A., and Proto Decima, F. (1975). Foraminiferi bentonici del Paleocene ed Eocene della sezione di Possagno. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 97: 85-189. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Bralower, T.J., Monechi, S., and Thierstein, H.R. (1989). Calcareous Nannofossil Zonation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary Interval and Correlation with the Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 14, pp. 153-235. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collections of H.R. Thierstein.

Brianza, M., Hauber, L., Hottinger, L., und Maurer, H. (1983). Die geologischen Resultate der Thermalwasserbohrung von Leymen (Haut-Rhin, Frankreich) südlich von Basel, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schwerminerale. Eclogae geol. Helv. 76(1):253-279. Standort: Xeroxed copy deposited with collection of Huber, B. (1994). Link to collection of Huber, B. (1994). Link to raw material collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1938). Ueber mikrosphärische Asterocyclinen aus NW-Marokko. Eclogae geol. Helv. 31(2):303-312. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1940). Ueber die tertiären Orbitoididen und die Miogypsiniden von Nordwest Marokko. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 63:113 pages, 11 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1940). Zur Kenntnis des Embryonalapparates von Discocyclina s.s. Eclogae geol. helv. 33(2): 251-274. Standort: Microlaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär.

Brönnimann, P. (1941). Eine Discocyclina mit multilocularem Embryonalapparat aus dem Eocaen von Kressenberg. Eclogae geol. Helv. 34(2):305-319. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1942). Eine Proporocyclina aus dem Eocaen von Venezuela. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 63:1-17, 2 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1944). Ein neues Subgenus von Orbitocyclina aus Iran nebst Bemerkungen über Helicolepidina Tobler und verwandte Formen. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 64:1-42, 3 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1945a). Zur Morphologie von Aktinocyclina Gümbel 1868. Eclogae geol. Helv. 38(2):560-579. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1945b). Zur Frage der verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Discocyclina s.s. und Asterocyclina. Eclogae geol. Helv. 38(2):579-617. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1946). Zur Neu-Definition von Pliolepidina H. Douvillé 1915. Eclogae geol. Helv. 39(2): 373-379. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections.

Brönnimann, P. (1949). Pflanzenbewohnende tropische Foraminiferen nebst Beschreibung von Cymbalophora tobagoensis n.sp. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, vol. 60, p. 179-185. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1950a). Tremastegina, ein neues Genus der Familie Astigerinidae d'Orbigny. Eclogae geol. Helv. 43(2):255-265. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Manuscript.

Brönniman, P. (1950b). The genus Hantkenina Cushman in Trinidad and Barbados, B.W.I. J. Paleontology,vol. 24, no. 4, 1950.

Brönnimann, P. (1950c). Weitere Beobachtungen an Hantkeninen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 43(2):245-251.

Brönnimann, P. (1950d). Occurrence and ontogeny of Globigerinatella insueta Cushman and Stainforth from the Oligocene of Trinidad. Contrib. Cush. Found. Foram. Res. vol. 1, parts 3 and 4.

Brönnimann, P. (1950e). Bemerkungen über den Bau von Amphistegina d'Orbigny. Eclogae geol. Helv. 43(2):251-254. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections.

Brönnimann, P. (1951a). Die Mundöffnungen bei Asterigerina carinata d'Orbigny 1839. Eclogae geol. Helv. 44(2):469-474. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1951b). Remarks on the embryonic chambers of upper Eocene Asterocyclinidae of Trinidad, B.W.I. Eclogae geol. Helv. 44(2):474-486. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Manuscript.

Brönnimann, P. (1951c). Globigerinata naparimaensis n. gen., n. sp., from the Miocene of Trinidad., B.W.I. Contrib. Cush. Found. Foram. Res. vol. 2, part 1.

Prönnimann, P. (1951d). A model of the internal structure of Discocyclina s.s. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 208-211. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to model collection of Discocyclina.

Brönnimann, P. (1952). Globigerinidae from the upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Maestrichtian) of Trinidad, B.W.I. Bulletins of American Paleontology, vol. 34, No. 140, pp. 1-61. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside the collections of H.M. Bolli, type assemblage slides from Trinidad. Note: The Holotypes of this report are deposited in the Cushman collection, U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. Sets of topotypes will be deposited in the Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, and in the Museum of Natural History, Basel, Switzerland. As by 3 June 2002 no topotype collection to P. Brönnimann (1952) could be found so far (curatorial remark). Link to the collection of H.G. Kugler, type assemblage slides from Trinidad. Link to collections of H.M. Bolli, type assemblage slides from Trinidad.

Brönnimann, P. (1952). Globigerinoita and Globigerinatheka, new genera from the Tertiary of Trinidad., B.W.I. Contrib. Cush. Found. Foram. Res., vol. 3, Part.1.

Brönnimann, P. (1953). Arenaceous foraminifera, Oligo-Miocene of Trinidad. Contrib. Cush. Found. Foram. Res., vol. 4, part 3.

Brönnimann, P. and Brown, N.K. (1955). Taxonomy of the Globotruncanidae. Eclogae geol. Helv. 48(2):503-561, plates 20-24. Manuscript only.

Brönnimann, P. (1958). New Pseudorbitoids from the Upper Cretaceous of Guatemala, Texas and Florida. Eclogae geol. Helv. 51(2): 422-437, 1 plate. Standort: Reprint is included with the archive. Link to archive.

Brönnimann, P. and Rigassi, D. (1963). Contribution to the geology and paleontology of the area of the city of La Habana, Cuba, and its surroundings. Eclogae geol. Helv. 56(1): 193-480, 26 plates. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Brönnimann, P. (1964). Taxonomic significance of eternal and internal features in Aktinocyclina Guember 1868 (Foraminifera). Archives des Sciences, vol. 17, fasc. 1, pp. 35-37, Genève. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections.

Brönnimann, P. (1967). Pseudotextulariella courtionensis, n.sp., from the Valanginian, of well Courtion 1, Courtion, Canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. Archives des Sciences (Genève), vol. 19, fasc. 3, sept.-déc. 1966. Link to collection.

Brosius, M. and Bitterli, P. (1961). Middle Triassic Hystrichosphaerids from salt-wells Riburg-15 and -17, Switzerland. Bull. Vereinig. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing. 28(74):33-49. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Brown, N. K. Jr (1969). Heterohelicidae Cushman, 1927, Amended, A Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminiferal Family. In P. Brönnimann & H.H. Renz (eds.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils, Geneva 1967, Vol. II, pp. 21-67. Standort: Forams Alphabet/Weisser Bär, Büro W13/-105, under Fr. Link to study collections H.P. Luterbacher (Cretaceous type samples from Texas).

Brown, K.R. (2007). Biogeographic and morphological variation in late Pleistocene to Holocene globorotalid foraminifera. PhD thesis, University of Basel, 128 p. Standort: A copy of the thesis is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Brownfield, M.E. and Charpentier, R.R. (2006). Geology and Total Petroleum Systems of the West-Central Coastal Province (7203), West Africa. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2207-B, 52 p. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. URL for download pdf. Link to historical collection of petroleum samples.

Browning, E., Bergen, J., Blair, S., Boesiger, T., and De Kaenel, E. (2017). Late Miocene to Late Pliocene taxonomy and stratigraphy of the genus Discoaster in the circum North Atlantic Basin: Gulf of Mexico and ODP Leg 154. Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 37 (2-3): 189-214. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of Eric de Kaenel.

Brückner, W. and v. Pia, J. (1935). Characeenreste im unteren Teil der Zementsteinschichten (oberer Malm) der Griesstock-Decke am Klausenpass (Kt. Uri). Eclogae geol. Helv. 28(1):115-121, 1 plate. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Budd, A.F., Johnson, K.J., and Edwards, J.C. (1989). Miocene coral assemblages in Anguilla, B.W.I., and their implications for the interpretation of vertical succession of fossil reefs. Palaios, vol. 4, pp. 264-275. Standort: Raw materials collections J.B. Saunders / Anguilla. Link to raw materials collections / Saundets / Anguilla.

Burri, F. (1956). Die Rhynchonelliden der unteren Kreide (Valanginien-Barrémien) in westschweizerischen Juragebirge. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 49(2): 559-701. Standort: An extract of the reprint is deposited with the collection Burri (1956). Link to collection Burri (1956).

Bursch, J.G. (1947). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen des Tertiärs von Gross Kei (Molukken). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 65:1-69, plates 1-5. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection Bursch (1947).

Butt, A. (1979). Lower Cretaceous foraminiferal biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and depositional environment at DSDP Site 397, Leg 47A. Initial Rep. DSDP, vol. 47, part 1, pp. 257-271. Link to collns. of H. P. Luterbacher.

Butt, A. (1982). Micropaleontological bathymetry of the Cretaceous of western Morocco. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 37:235-275. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collns. of H. P. Luterbacher.

Butt, A., Stets, J., and Wurster, P. (1984). Appendix. Micropaleontological and sedimentological aspects of High Atlas Cretaceous onshore sediments (Atlas-Gulf, Morocco). Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 79, pp. 923-934. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collns. of H. P. Luterbacher.

Butterlin, J. (1992). Données nouvelles sur la distribution géographique d'éspèces Américains de grands foraminifères du Crétacé terminal. Geobios, M.S. No. 14, pp. 29-34. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection additional materials to Beckmann (1976). Link to collection Beckmann (1976).

Buxtorf, A. (1917). Ueber ein Vorkommen von Malmkalk im subalpinen Flysch des Pilatusgebietes. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, vol. 28(2):436-438, 1 plate. Standort: K3/Cabinet No. 70. Link to collection.

Buxtorf, A. and Reichel, M. (1936). Ueber das Alter der Lithothanienkalke von Montorfano bei Como. Eclogae geol. Helv., vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 497-499.

Calonge, A., Caus, E., Bernaus, J.M., and Aguilar, M. (2002). Praealveolina (Foraminifera) species: A tool to date Cenomanian platform sediments. Micropaleontology, vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 53-66. Standort: Print deposited with colln. Reichel, M. (1937). Link to collection Reichel.

Calonge Garcia, A. and Lopez Carrillo, D. (2003). Importancia de los yacimientos cretacicos de Cuevas de Portalrubio (Montalban, Teruel). Revista Espanola de Paleontologia, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 213-219. Standort: Print deposited with colln. Reichel, M. (1937). Link to collection Reichel.

Caron, M. (1966). Globotruncanidae du Crétacé supérieur du Synclinal de la Gruyère (Préalpes Médianes, Suisse).Revue de Micropaléontologie, 9(2):68-93. Gross Kei (Molukken). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 65:1-69, plates 1-5. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection (type sample to Dicarinella algeriana).

Caron, M. (1972). Planktonic foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of Site 98, Leg 11, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP, 11:551-559. Link to collection.

Caron, M. (1976). Révision des types de foraminifères planktoniques décrits dans la région du Montsalvens (Préalpes fribourgoises). Eclogae geol. Helv. 69(2):327-333. Link to collection.

Caron, M. (1978). Cretaceous plankton foraminifers from DSDP Leg 40, southeastern Atlantic ocean. Init. Rep. DSDP, 40:651-678. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

Caron, M. (1981). Un nouveau genre de foraminifère planctonique du Crétacé: Falsotruncana nov. gen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 74(1): 65-73, 2 plates. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

Caron, M. and Spezzaferri, S. (2006). Scanning electron microscope documentation of the lost holotypes of Mornod, 1949: Thalmanniella reicheli and Rotalipora montsalvensis. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 36(4):374-378. Standort: Reprint with the collection Mornod (1949). Link to collection of Mornod (1949). Link to collection of M. Caron.

Carr-Brown, B. (2008). The Contribution of Trinidad Micropaleontology to Global E & P. In: Trinidad and Tobago: Celebrating a century of commercial oil production. Official publication of the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, Port of Spain, The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, pp. 158-166. Link to collection of Hans Kugler.

Casier, E. (1966). Sur la faune ichthyologique de la formation de Bissex Hill et de la série océanique, de l'île de la Barbade, et sur l'âge de ces formations. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 59(1), pp. 493-515. Standort: Xerox copy in K3/Cabinet 71. Link to collection.


Caudri, C.M.B. (1932). De foraminiferen-fauna van eenige Cyclclypeus-houdende gesteenten van Java. Verhandelingen van het Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonien. Geologische Serie, 4(3):171-204.
Standort: Handbibliothek (Separata-Sammlung) Mikropaläontologie im Weissen Bär, 3. Stock.
Caudri, C.M.B. (1934). Tertiary Deposits of Soemba. PhD thesis University of Leiden, NL. 125 p., 5 plates. Standort: Handbibliothek (Separata-Sammlung) Mikropaläontologie im Weissen Bär, 3. Stock.
Caudri, C.M.B. (1935). Excerpt of Tan Sin Hok's work on Cycloclypeus. Unpublished report. Standort: Handbibliothek (Separata-Sammlung) Mikropaläontologie im Weissen Bär, 3. Stock.
Caudri, C.M.B. (1937). Excerpt of Tan Sin Hok's work on the Miogypsinidae. Unpublished report, 26th November 1937. Standort: Handbibliothek (Separata-Sammlung) Mikropaläontologie im Weissen Bär, 3. Stock.
Caudri, C.M.B. (1937). Beitrag zur Altersbestimmung des Flysches der Niesen-Decke. Eclogae geol. Helv. 30(2): 403-421. Standort: Handbibliothek (Separata-Sammlung) Mikropaläontologie im Weissen Bär, 3. Stock. A xerox copy is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Caudri, C.M.B. (1939). Lepidocyclinen von Java. Verhandelingen van het Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonien. Geologische Serie, 12(2):135-257. Standort: Handbibliothek (Separata-Sammlung) Mikropaläontologie im Weissen Bär, 3. Stock.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1944). The larger foraminifera from San Juan de Los Morros, State of Guarico, Venezuela. Bulletins of American Paleontology, 28(114):355-405. Standort: One copy deposited in the reference colln. Caudri (1975), another copy is in the Handbibliothek (Separata-Sammlung) Mikropaläontologie, Weisser Bär/Trinidad. Link to the reference collection Caudri (1975). Note: The holotypes or syntypes of the new species and the hypotypes including all the photographed specimens were sent to the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1948). Note on the stratigraphic distribution of Lepidorbitoides. Journal of Paleontology, 22(4):473-481. Standort: Colln Caudri (1948). Link to collection.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1948). The age of the Guaduas formation in Colombia. Journal of Paleontology, 22 with appendix: - Note on the stratigraphic distribution of Lepidorbitoides.Journal of Paleontology 22(4):473-481.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1950). The age of the Guaduas formation in Colombia; A correction. Journal of Paleontology, 24(3):388-389. Standort: Colln Caudri (1948). Link to collection.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1961). Some remarks of the ferrugineous interval in the Eocene section of Humocara, Venezuela. Assoc. Venez. Geol., Min. y Petrogr., Bol. informativo 9:285-287.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1972). Systematics of the American Discocyclinas. Eclogae geol. Helv., 65(1):211-219. Standort1: Colln Caudri (1975). Standort2: Colln. H.G. Kugler: Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad / Soldado Rock Formation.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1972a). Report on a collection of rock samples from Ecuador. Unpublished report, 3.3.1972. Standort: Colln Caudri (1972). Link to collection.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1972b). The larger foraminifera of the Scotland District of Barbados. Eclogae geol. Helv., 65(1):221-234. Standort: Colln Caudri (1972b). Link to collection.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1974). The larger foraminifera of Punta Mosquito, Margarita Island, Venezuela. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, 84(1):293-318. Standort: Colln Caudri (1974). Link to reference collection. Link to type collection.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1975) - with H.G. Kugler. Geology and Paleontology of Soldado Rock, Trinidad (West Indies). Part 1: Geology and Biostratigraphy. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 68(2): 365-430. Link to type collection. Link to reference collection.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1975). Geology and Paleontology of Soldado Rock, Trinidad (West Indies). Part 2: The larger Foraminifera. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 68(3): 533-589. Link to type collection. Link to reference collection.


Caudri, Bramine C.M. (1996). The larger Foraminifera of Trinidad (West Indies). Eclogae geol. Helv. 89/3:1137-1307. Edited by H.M. Bolli and J.-P. Beckmann. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Caus, E. (1979). Fabularia roselli n.sp. et Pseudolacazina n. gen., foraminifères de l'Eocène Moyen du nord-est de l'Espagne. Geobios 12(1):29-45. Link to collection.
Caus, E., Hottinger, L., and Tambareau, Y. (1980). Plissements du "septal flap" et système de canaux chez Daviesina, foraminifère paléocène. Eclogae geol. Helv. 73(3):1045-1069, 4 plates. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Caus, E. and Cornella, A. (1981a). La estructura de Montsechiana montsechiensis n. sp. de foraminifero del Cretacico superior sudpirenaico. Revista espanola de Micropaleontologia, 13(2):201-212. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Caus, E. and Cornella, A. (1981b). Calveziconus lecalvezae n. gen. n. sp., orbitolinidé campanien de la bordure méridionale des Pyrénées. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, 1981/4, 11 p., 2 plates. Standort: A manuscript text is with the collection. Link to collection.
Caus, E. and Hottinger, L. (1986). Particularidades de la fauna (macroforaminiferos) del Cretacico superior pirenaico. Paleontologia e evolutio, t. 20, pp. 115-123. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.
Charollais, J., Hochuli, P., Oertli, H., Perch-Nielsen, K., Toumarkine, M., Rögl, F., and Pairis, J.-L. (1980). Les marnes à foraminifères et les schistes à meletta des chaines subalpines septentrionales (Haute Savoie, France). Eclogae geol. Helv. 73(1):9-70. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Charlot, R., Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., Hottinger, L., Marçais, J., and Tisserant, D. (1967). Note au sujet de l'âge isotopique de la limite Miocène-Pliocène au Maroc. Compte Rendu Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 264, pp. 222-224. Standort: Reprint is deposited in the micropaleontological reprints library (Weisser Bär/Handbibliothek Lukas Hottinger, under Hottinger). Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.
Cherchi, A. and Schroeder, R. (1978). Revision of the type of Broeckinella arabica Henson (Foram.) from Qatar Peninsula (Arabia). Neues Jahrbuch Paläont. Mh., Heft 9:513-520. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection Gendrot, C. (1968). Link to collection.
Chiari, M., Baumgartner, P.O., Bernoulli, D., Bortolotti, V., Marcucci, M., Photiades, A., and Principi, G. (2013). Late Triassic, Early and Middle Jurassic Radiolaria from ferromanganese-chert "nodules" (Angelokastron, Argolis, Greece): evidence for prolonged radiolarite sedimentation in the Maliac-Vardar Ocean. Facies, 59:391-424. DOI: 10.1007/s10347-012-0314-4. Standort: Reprint is deposited with reference literature to collections in K3. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.
Choubert, G., Hottinger, L., Marçais, J., and Suter, G. (1964). Stratigraphie et micropaléontologie du Néogène au Maroc. Instituto "Lucas Mallada", C.S.I.C. (Espana). Cursilios y conferencias, IX (1964), pp. 229-257. Standort: Reprint is deposited in the micropaleontological reprints library (Weisser Bär/Handbibliothek Lukas Hottinger, under Hottinger). Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.
Choubert, G. Faure-Muret, A., and Hottinger, L. (1966a). Le Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional). Tome I, Stratigraphie. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc. Vol. 175. Standort: Volume I (Stratigraphie) and Volume II (Paléontologie) are deposited in the micropaleontological reprints library (Weisser Bär/Handbibliothek Lukas Hottinger, under Hottinger). Link to collection Lehmann, R. (1962b).
Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., and Hottinger, L. (1966b). Aperçu géologique du Bassin côtier de Tarfaya. pp. 9-220 in Choubert, G. Faure-Muret, A., and Hottinger, L. (eds.). Le Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional). Tome I, Stratigraphie. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc. Vol. 175. Standorte: A reprint of the paper is deposited with the collection Lehmann (1962b). A complete Volume I (Stratigraphie) and Volume II (Paléontologie) are deposited in the micropaleontological reprints library (Weisser Bär/Handbibliothek Lukas Hottinger, under Hottinger). Link to collection Lehmann, R. (1962b). Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.
Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., Hottinger, L. et Lecointre, G. (1966a). Le Néogène du Bassin de Melilla (Maroc Septentrionale) et sa signification pour définir la limite Mio-Pliocène au Maroc. International Union of Geological Sciences, Commission on Stratigraphy, Proceedings of the Third Session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964, Edited by C.W. Drooger, Z. Reiss, R.F. Rutsch, P. Marks. Leiden, E.J. Brill 1966, pp. 238-249. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections L. Hottinger, also Weisser Bär/Micropaleo hand library to L. Hottinger. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.
Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., Hottinger, L., and Lecointre, G. (1966b). Le prétendu "Pliocène" de Charf el Akab près de Tanger est d'âge tortonien. Notes du Service géologique du Maroc, Tome 27, (Notes et Mémoires No. 198), pp. 29-33. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the study collection of L. Hottinger (Charf el Akab), a reprint is deposited in Weisser Bär/Micropaleo hand library to L. Hottinger. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco/Charf el Akab.
Christ, P. (1924). Die Bohrung von Allschwil bei Basel. In Schmidt, C., Braun, L., Paltzer, G., Mühlberg, M., Christ, P., and Jacob, F. Die Bohrungen von Buix bei Pruntrut und Allschwil bei Basel. Beiträge zur Geologie der Schweiz, Geotechnische Serie, X. Lieferung, pp. 31-74, Tafel I. Standort: A xeroxed copy is deposited with the micropaleontological collections Hermann Fischer, Bohrung Allschwil 2. Link to collections Herman Fischer, Bohrung Allschwil 2.
Ciarapica, G. and Zaninetti, L. (1984). Aulotortus praegaschei (Koehn-Zaninetti, 1968): Révision taxonomique et stratigraphique sur la base du materiel-type. Revue de Paléobiologie, 3(1):53-61. Standort: A xeroxed copy is deposited with the collections Koehn-Zaninetti (1968 and 1969). Link to collections Koehn-Zaninetti 1968 and 1969.
Cimermann, F. and Langer, M. (1991). Mediterranean Foraminifera. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica, Part 30, 118 p., 93 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Note: The reference collection to this publication is NOT deposited at the NMB, but with the authors, Martin Langer and Franc Cimerman (MK, 25. January, 2008).
Cita, M.B., Premoli-Silva, I., Toumarkine, M., Bolli, H.M., Luterbacher, H.P., Mohler, H.P., and Schaub, H. (1968 a). Le Paléocène et l'Eocène de Paderno D'Adda (Italie septentrionale). Mémoire du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.), No. 58 (Colloque sur L'Eocène, Paris, Mai 1968):611-627. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. A complete volume Colloque sur l'Eocène is in the Hand library of L. Hottinger (Weisser Bär). Link to nummulites collection of Hans Schaub. Link to planktic foraminiferal collection of H.P. Luterbacher.
Cita, M.B., Premoli-Silva, I., Toumarkine, M., Bolli, H.M., Luterbacher, H.P., Mohler, H.P., and Schaub, H. (1968 b). La coupe Paléocène-Eocène de Paderno d'Adda. In Cita, M.B. (ed.) Guide de l'excursion en Italie. Colloque sur l'Eocène, Milan-Nice-Paris-Reims 18-26 mai 1968, pp. 8-17. Standort: A complete volume of the excursion guide is in the Hand library of L. Hottinger (Weisser Bär). Link to nummulites collection of Hans Schaub. Link to planktic foraminiferal collection of H.P. Luterbacher.
Cleary, W.J., Curran, H.A., and Thayer, P.A. (1984). Barbados Ridge: Inner trench slope sedimentation. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 527-540. Standort: A xeroxed reprint is with the collection. Link to collection.
Collingnon, M., Lehmann, R., Hottinger, L., Davadie-Crosnier, C., and Oertli, H.J. (eds). (1966). Le Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional). Tome II, Paléontologie. Notes et Mémoires du Service Geologique du Maroc, No. 175, pp. 153-176. Standort: Complete copy of No. 175 (Tome I and II) is in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär/Hand library of L. Hottinger/under Hottinger. Link to collection Lehmann 1962b. Link to study collections Morocco of L. Hottinger.

Collins, L.S. and Coates, A.G. (eds.) (1999) A Paleobiotic survey of Caribbean Faunas from the Neogene of the Isthmus of Panama. Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 357, December 31, 1999. Link to collection J. B. Saunders.

Comon, D. (1986). Etude hydrogéologique d'un site à Couloisy par forage d'essay. Bureau de Recherche Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.), Rapport 85 SGN 618 PIC. Standort Lit: With raw material collection Kapellos., local pdf.

Constandache, M. (2017). Morphometric study of porosity and morphology of fossil Globigerinoides, during the Late Oligocene and Early Pliocene. Implications for the study of a climatic and environmental paleoproxy. PhD dissertation No. 2044, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. GeoFocus, vol. 42, 163 p. Standort: A reprint is with the collection. Link to collection.

Corminboeuf, P. (1959). Sur les couches de Cucloz-Villarvard en Suisse occidentale. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, vol. 52(1): 271-294. Link to collections of Hans Schaub/Nummulite determinations for P. Corminboeuf.

Corminboeuf, P. (1961). Tests isolés de Globotruncana mayaroensis Bolli, Rugoglobigerina, Trinitella et Heterohelicidae dans le Maestrichtien des Alpettes. Eclogae geol. Helv., vol. 54(1), p. 107 ff.

Corminboeuf, P. (1965). Géologie des Alpettes et de la Chia (Préalpes fribourgoises). Dissertation Université de Fribourg. Unpublished manuscript from 30 June 1965. Link to collections of Hans Schaub/Nummulite determinations for P. Corminboeuf.

Courteney, S. (1995). Sequence stratigraphy applied to hydrocarbon productive basins of western Indonesia. Geological Society of Malaysia, Bulletin 37, July 1995, pp. 363-394. Standort: Supplementary literature to the collection of H. M. Bolli (1966) from the Bodjonegoro well 1, printout with the colln. of H.M. Bolli (1966). Link to collection of H.M. Bolli (1966).

Cox, P.T. (1937). The genus Loftusia in South Western Iran. Eclogae geol. Helv. 30(2):431-450. Link to collection.

Crudeli, D. and Kinkel, H. (2004). Reticulofenestra calicis n. sp., an unusual small reticulofenestrid coccolith from the Lower Pliocene of the South Caribbean Sea. Micropaleontology, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 369-379, text-figures 1-3, plates 1-3, 2004. Link to collection.

Curry, M.D. (1968). Excursion en Angleterre 25-29 avril 1968. Colloque sur l'Eocène, 24 p. Link to Raw material collection of samples from type localities for European Tertiary regional stages. Standort.

Cushman, J.A., and Jarvis, P.W. (1930). Miocene foraminifers from Buff Bay, Jamaica. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 4, pp. 353-368. Link to UNOCAL colln. from Buff Bay (collections J.B. Saunders).

Cushman, J.A., Stainforth, R.M. (1945). The foraminifera of the Cipero Marl Formation of Trinidad, British West Indies. Contrib. Cush. Lab. foram. res., spec. pub. no. 14.

Darling, K.F., Wade, C.M., Siccha, M., Trommer, G., Schulz, H., Abdolalipour, S., and Kurasawa, A. (2017). Genetic diversity and ecology of the planktonic foraminifers Globigerina bulloides, Turborotalita quinqueloba and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma off the Oman margin during the late SW Monsoon. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 17, pp. 64-77. Standort: Reprint copy deposited with collection Knappertsbusch (2009, unpublished). Link to collection Knappertsbusch (2009, unpublished).

Davies, L.M. (1930). The genus Dictyoconus and its Allies: A Review of the group, together with a description of three new species from the lower Eocene beds of Northern Baluchistan. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. LVI-Part II (No. 20). Standort: Weisser Bär, micropaleontological reprints collection, Larger Forams/Cenozoic. Link to collection of foraminiferal models of Manfred Reichel and Lukas Hottinger.

Davies L.M. (1939).- An early Dictyoconus and the genus Orbitolina: their contemporaneity, structural distinction and respective natural allies.- Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 59, p. 773-790. Standort: Weisser Bär, micropaleontological reprints collection, Larger Forams/Cenozoic. Link to collection of foraminiferal models of Manfred Reichel and Lukas Hottinger.

Styrnalowna, M. (=later De Cizancourt, M.) (1925). Relations des schistes de Spas et des couches de Wensdorf de la région de Dobromil. "Kosmos" Journal de la Société Polonaise des Naturalistes, "Kopernik", vol. 50, fasc. 1A., pp. 1-12. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside reference and type collections M. de Cizancourt. [Material missing]. Link to reference- and study collections of M. de Cizancourt.

De Cizancourt, M. (1928). Sur quelques nummulites du Flysch Karpatique et sur leur signification pour la stratigraphie. des Karpates. "Kosmos" Journal de la Société Polonaise des Naturalistes "Kopernik", vol. 53, fasc. 2-3, pp. 287-312. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside reference and type collections M. de Cizancourt. [Material missing]. Link to reference- and study collections of M. de Cizancourt.

De Cizancourt, M. (1933). Otwornice priabonskie z Bukowca w Karpatch Wschodnich. Bulletin du Service Geologique de Pologne, vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 735-752, Plates XXXIV to XXXVI. Standort: Deposited alongside reference and type collections M. de Cizancourt. Link to reference- and study collections of M. de Cizancourt.

De Cizancourt, M. (1933). Note sur quelques nummulites du Rif Marocain. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, 5e série, tome 3, pp. 361-367. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71. Link to type collection. Link to reference- and study collection of M. de Cizancourt from Morocco.

De Cizancourt, M. (1934). Matériaux pour la stratigraphie du Nummulithique dans le désert de Syrie. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, 5e Série, vol. 4, pp. 737-758. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71. Link to type collection.

De Cizancourt, M. (1938a). Nummulites et Assilines de Flysch de Gardez et du Khost, Afghanistan Oriental. Mém. Soc. Géol. de France, nouvelle série, tome 17, fasc. 1, Mém. No. 39, 28 p. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71. Link to type collection.

De Cizancourt, H. (1938b). Remarques sur le genre Orbitocyclina Vaughan. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, 5e série, tome 8, pp. 645-652. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71. Link to reference- and study collections of M. de Cizancourt.

De Cizancourt, M. and Frizzell, D.L. (1940). Ferayina in the middle Eocene of Venezuela (Foraminifera, Rotaliidae, Chapmanininae). Journal of Paleontology, vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 496-497 Standort: Reprint deposited alongside reference and type collections M. de Cizancourt. [Material missing]. Link to reference- and study collections of M. de Cizancourt.

De Cizancourt, M. (1945). Nummulithes nouvelles ou peu connues d'Aquitaine. Bull Soc. Géol. de France, Série 5, tome 15, pp. 643-655. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71. Link to type collection.

De Cizancourt, M. (1947). Quelques nummulithidés nouveaux ou non encore signalés de l'Eocène de Cuba. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, Série 5, tome 17, pp. 513-522. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71. Link to type collection. Link to reference- and study collection.

De Cizancourt, M. (1948a). Nummulites de l'ile de Barbade (Petits Antilles). Mém. Soc. Géol. de France, nouvelle série, tome 27, fasc. 1, feuilles 1-5, Mém. 57, pp. 1-40. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71. Link to type collection. Link to reference- and study collection.

De Cizancourt, M. (1948b). Matériaux pour la stratigraphie des régions Caraibes. I Les genres Miscellanea Pfender et Pellatispirella Hanzawa. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, série 5, tome 18, pp. 663-674. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71. Link to type collection.

De Cizancourt, M. (1948c). Matériaux pour la paléontologie et la stratigraphie des régions Caraibes. II Grands foraminifères du Vénézuela. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, série 5, tome 18, 670ff. Link to type collection. Link to reference- and study collection M. de Cizancourt from Venezuela.

De Cizancourt, M. (1948d). Nummulitidae et Orbitoidae de l'Eocène de Bojnice Les-Bains près de Prievidza, Karpathes Slovaques. Prace Statneho Geologickeho Ustavu v Bratislave. Sosit, vol.17, pp. 39-58. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside reference and type collections M. de Cizancourt. [Material missing]. Link to reference- and study collections of M. de Cizancourt.

De Cizancourt, M. (1951). Grands foraminifères du Paléocène, de l'Eocène inférieur et de l'Eocène Moyen de Vénézuela. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, Novelle Série, t. 30, fasc. 1-2, Feuilles 1 à 9, Mémoire no. 64, pp. 1-68, pl. 1-6. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside reference and type collections M. de Cizancourt. Link to type collection M. de Cizancourt. Link to reference- and study collection M. de Cizancourt from Venezuela.

De Cizancourt, M. (1954). Quelques commentaires sur Miscellanea antillea (Hanzawa) M. de Cizancourt et Operculinoides georgianus Cole et Herrik. C.R.S. Soc. géol. de France 9. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside reference and type collections M. de Cizancourt. Link to reference- and study collections of M. de Cizancourt.

De Cizancourt, M. and Cuvillier, J. (1954). Les nummulites cordelées du Sénégal occidental. C.R.S. Soc. géol. de France 7, pp. 131-134. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside reference and type collections M. de Cizancourt. Link to reference- and study collections of M. de Cizancourt.

Degen, C. and Erni, A. (2005). Automatisierung der Mikrofossilorientierung. Semesterarbeit SS 05, FHBB, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, 38 p. Link to collection. Link to Archive Knappertsbusch / Project AMOR.

De Geyter, G., De Man, E., Herman, J., Jacobs, P., Moorkens, T., Steurbaut, E., and Vandenberghe, N. (2006). Disused Paleogene regional stages from Belgium: Montian, Heersian, Landenian, Paniselian, Bruxellian, Laekenian, Ledian, Wemmelian and Tongrian. Geologica Belgica, 9 / 1-2:203-213. Standort: Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär / Stratigraphy and Correlation in general. Local pdf.

Jong, H. de (1923). Studien über Eruptiv- und Mischgesteine des Kaibobo-Gebietes (West Ceram). (Niederläandisch Ostindien). Dissertation Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 88p. In: Rutten, L. and Hotz, W. Geological, petrographical and Palaeontological Results of Explorations, carried out from September 1917 till June 1919 in the Island of Ceram. First Series: Petrography. No. 1. Standort: One copy in K3/Belegliteratur, Cabinet 71, a second copy is with the collection. Link to collection.

De Kaenel, E., Bergen, J., Browning E., Blair, S., and Boesiger, T. (2017). Uppermost Oligocene to Middle Miocene Discoaster and Catinaster taxonomy and stratigraphy in the circum North Atlantic Basin: Gulf of Mexico and ODP Leg 154. Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 37 (2-3): 215-244. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of Eric de Kaenel.

Delteil, J. and Toumarkine, M. (1975). Précisions sur le Tertiaire allochtone du Tell oranais oriental. Eclogae geol. Helv. 68(1):65-77. Link to collection.

Dennen, K.O. and Hackley, P.C. (2012). Definition of Greater Gulf Basin Lower Cretaceous Shale Gas Assessment Unit, United States Gulf of Mexico Basin Onshore and State Waters. Search and Discovery Article #10429 (2012), posted July 30, 2012. . Standort: A printout is deposited alongside study collections H.P. Luterbacher. Link to study collections of H.P. Luterbacher (Cretaceous type samples from Texas).

De Verteuil, L.R. (1979). Woodbourne Field in St. Philippe - Barbados. Synopsis. 4th Latin American Geological Conference, Barbados Field trip. Deposited with Saunders, J.B. (1979). Field Trip I(J) Barbados. In: Field Guide Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados, July 1979. 4th Latin American Geological Congress, pp. 71-88. Published by Key Caribbean Publications, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Standort: Deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, under Field trips. Link to raw material collection of J.B. Saunders (Barbados).

Deville, E., Battani, A., Griboulard, R., Guerlais, S., Herbin, J.P., Houzay, J.P., Müller, C., and Prinzhofer, A. (2003). The origin and processes of mud volcanism: new insights from Trinidad. In Van Rensberger, P., Hillis, R.R., Maltman, A.J., and Morley, C.K. (eds). Subsurface sediment Mobilization. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 216:475-490. Standort: Printout with the Trinidad Photo archive of H.G. Kugler and J.B. Saunders, together with fotos from mud-volcanism in Trinidad [in metal-cabinet]. Link to archive of J.B. Saunders.

Diaz de Gamero, M.L. (1968). Paleontologia de la formacion El Veral (Miocenico), Estado Falcon. GEOS No. 17, May 1968, pp. 7-51. Standort: together collection to Diaz de Gamero (1977). Link to collection of Diaz de Gamero (1977).

Diaz de Gamero, M.L. (1976). Estratigrafia y micropaleontologia del Oligoceno y Mioceno inferior del centro de la Cuenca del Falcon, Venezuela. Dissertation ETH Zürich, No. 5758, 269 pages. Standort: together with type collection. Link to collection.

Diaz de Gamero, M.L. (1977). Estratigrafia y micropaleontologia del Oligoceno y Mioceno inferior del centro de la Cuenca del Falcon, Venezuela. GEOS, No. 22, June 1977, pp. 3-60. Standort: together with type collection. Link to collection.

Diester-Haass, L. (1985). Late Quaternary upwelling off southwest Africa (DSDP Leg 75, HPC 532). In: Hsü, K. and Weissert, H. (eds.). South Atlantic paleoceanography. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 46-55. Standort: A xerox copy of the book is deposited with the study collection to DSDP Site 532 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections of Hedi Oberhänsli.

Diester-Haass, L. (1996). Late Eocene-Oligocene paleoceanography in the southern Indian Ocean (ODP Site 744). Marine Geology, vol. 130, pp. 99-119. Standort: A printout of the paper is deposited with the study collection to ODP Site 738 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections of Hedi Oberhänsli (ODP Site 738, Kerguelen Plateau).

Diester-Haass, L. and Zahn, R. (2001). Paleoproductivity increase at the Eocene-Oligocene climatic transition: ODP/DSDP sites 763 and 592. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 172, pp. 153-170. Standort: A printout of the paper is deposited with the study collection to DSDP Site 762 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections of Hedi Oberhänsli (ODP Site 762, Exmouth Plateau).

Donovan, K.D. (2005). The Geology of Barbados: a field guide. Caribbean Journal of Earth Science, 38:21-33. Standort: One copy with the raw material collection from Barbados, one copy with the Barbados collection of John Saunders, one copy in Micropaleontology reprints collection Weisser Bär/Trinidad/Geological field guides for the Caribbean area. Link to raw material collection from Barbados. pdf (local).

Douvillé, H. (1905). Les foraminifères dans le tertiaire de Bornéo. Extrait du Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 4è Série, tome V, pp. 436-464. K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Douvillé, H. (1923). Quelques observations sur le sous-genre Helicolepidina. Eclogae geol. Helv. 17(5):566-569. Standort: Xerox copy with the collection, and in Micropaleontology reprints collection. Link to collection.

Douvillé, H. (1927). Les orbitoides de la région pétrolifère du Méxique. Compte Rendu Sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique de France 1927 (1-2), pp. 34-35. Link to collection.

Drobne, K. and Hottinger, L. (1971). Broeckinella and Saudia (Foraminiferida) aus dem nordwestlichen Teil Jugoslawiens, ihre Morphologie und ihre stratigraphische Verbreitung. Slowenska Akademija Znanosti Umetnosti. Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica, Classis IV: Historia Naturalis et Medicina, Dissertationes, vol. XIV/7, 26 p. Standort: A copy of the paper is deposited with the collection. Link to collection Hottinger.

Drobne, K. (1977). Alvéolines paléogènes de la Slovénie et de l'Istrie. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 99:1-174, 21 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Drooger, C.W. (1951). Notes on some representatives of Miogypsinella. Koninklijke Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings, Serie B, vol. LIV, No. 4, pp. 357-365. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Drooger, C.W. (1952). Study of American Miogypsinidae. Dissertation University of Utrecht, 80 p. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Drooger, C.W. (1954). Miogypsina in northwestern Morocco. Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen Amsterdam, Proceedings Series B, 57(5):580-591. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Drooger, C.W., Gulinck, M., Gullentrops, F., De Heinzelin de Braucourt, J., Voorthuysen, J.H. von, van der Vlerk, I.M. (1961). Siebentes Europäisches Mikropaläontologisches Kolloquium (Niederlande und Belgien). Exkursionsführer, 23.-30. September 1961. Standort. Link to raw material collection (type localities for European Tertiary regional stages).

Drooger, C.W., Reiss, Z., Rutsch, R.F. and Marks, P. (1966). Proceedings of the third session in Berne. 8-13 June 1964. International Union of Geological Sciences. Commission of Stratigraphy. Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 346 p. 1. Standort: Foraminiferal hand library ("Foram Alphabet") in Weisser Bär, Room 13/105. 2. Standort: Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär/planktic foraminifera, working library Lukas Hottinger.

Durand Delga, M., Hottinger, L., Marcais, J., Mattauer, M., Milliard, Y., and Suter, G. (1962). Données actuelles sur la structure du Rif. Données actuelles sur la structure du Rif. Livre à la Mémoire du Professeur Paul Fallot, consacré à l'Evolution paléogéographique et structurale des Domaines Méditerranéens et Alpins d'Europe, Tome I, pp. 399-422. Standort: Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär/working library Lukas Hottinger/Hottinger. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.

Eames, F.E. Banner, F.T., Blow, W.H., and Clarke, W.J. (1962). Fundamentals of Mid-Tertiary Stratigraphical Correlation. Cambridge University Press, 163 p. 1. Standort: Foraminiferal hand library ("Foram Alphabet") in Weisser Bär, Room 13/105. 2. Standort: Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär/planktic foraminifera, working library Lukas Hottinger.

Eckert, R. Hottinger, L., Mohler, H.P., and Schaub, H. (1965). Kreide und Alt-Tertiär des Helvetikums in der Zentralschweiz. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., 31(81):115-123. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to thin section collections of Hans Schaub.

Ehrenberg, C.G. (1873). Mikrogeologische Studien über das kleinste Leben der Meeres-Tiefgründe aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Einfluss. Abhandlungen der Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 226 p., 30 plates. Standort: Rüt 1892, zur Zeit Büro Weiser Bär 13/-105. Link to Barbados colln J.B. Saunders.

Eicher, D.L. and Worstell, P. (1970). Cenomanian and Turonian foraminifera from the Great Plains, United States. Micropaleontology, vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 269-324. Standort: Reprint with the study collns. of H.P. Luterbacher/Cretaceous of Texas. Link to study collns. H.P. Luterbacher/Cretaceous of Texas.

Ellero, A., Ottria, G., Malusà, M.G., Ouanaimi, H. (2012). Structural geological analysis of the High Atlas (Morocco): Evidences of a transpressional fold-thrust belt. Chapter 9 in Sharkov, E. (ed.) Tectonics - Recent Advances. Earth and Planetary Sciences, Geology and Geophysics, InTech,

El Khoudary, R.H. (1977). Truncorotaloides lybyaensis, a new planktonic foraminifer from Jabal al Kahdar (Libya). Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 9(3):327-336. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

El Khoudary, R.H. (1980). Middle Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the northern escarpment of Jabal al Akhdar, North Eastern Libya. Revista de Micropaleontologia, 12(3):339-357. Standort: Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär/planktic foraminifera, "E".

El Khoudary, R.H. and Helmdach, F.F. (1981). Biostratigraphic studies on the upper Eocene Apollonia Formation of N.W. Jabal al Akhdar, N.E. Libya. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 13(1): 5-23. Standort: Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär/planktic foraminifera, "E".

Energy map of Trinidad and Tobago, 2017 edition. Produced by Petroleum Economist, in association with The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd, bhpbilliton, Shell Trinidad and Tobago, Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd (Petrotrin).

Erk, A. Suat (1942). Etude géologique de la région entre Gemlik et Bursa (Turquie). Inaugural-Dissertation University Basel. Veröffentlichung des Institutes für Lagerstättenforschung der Türkei, Serie B: Abhandlungen No. 9, 1942 Ankara, 295 p. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to study collections of Lukas Hottinger: Systematic collections.

Etter, W., and Felber, P. (2018). Der Insektenmergel der Schambelen: Eine klassische Fossilfundstelle der Nordschweiz. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft beider Basel, 18:81-102. Standort: Printout with the raw material collection Insektenmergel Schambelen 2004. Link to collns. Etter / Raw material collection Insektenmergel Schambelen 2004.

Etter, W., Knappertsbusch, M., and Costeur, L. (2018). The Natural History Museum Basel (NMB). Chapter 4 (pp. 27-38) in: Lothar, A. Beck and Ulrich, Joger (eds.). Paleontological Collections of germany, Austria and Switzerland. The History of Life of Fossil Organisms at Museums and Universities. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.

Etter, W. (2021). Peter Jung-Bandelier (1937-2019): a life-long dedication to Caribbean Cenozoic mollusks and to the Natural History Museum Basel. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 114:19.

Instituts-Exkursion GPI 1955 - The northern border of the Pyreneans - Aquitaine. 27 September - 13 October 1955). Excursion guide (Lukas Hottinger's copy). Standort lit. Link to collections Hans Schaub. Link to collections Lukas Hottinger. Link to collections Christos Kapellos.

(5th ?) Colloque de Micropaléontologie 1957 - Aquitaine, 8-15 September, 1957. Excursion guide. Standort lit. Link to collections Hans Schaub. Link to collections Lukas Hottinger.


The 6th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1959). Excursion Guide. Mainz-Tübingen-Donaueschingen-Freiburg (FRG), 14th-22th June, Mainz 1959, 70 p. Standort lit.
The 7th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1961). See Drooger et al., 1961.
1er Colloque International de Stratigraphie du Paléogène 1962 - Angleterre (3-9 Juin 1962), Bassin de Mayenee, Belgique, Ile de France, Alsace (20 Août - 1er Séptembre 1962), Bassin d'Aquitaine (2-10 Séptembre 1962). A set including excursion guides, handouts and stratigraphic schemes provided during the congress. Standort. Link to collections.
Colloque sur le Paléogène (Bordeaux, Septembre 1962). Mémoires du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. No. 28 (1964), vol. I (pp. 1-544), vol. II (pp. 545-1107). Standort: One set ist in the Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär/Excursions and colloquia. Standort second set. Link to collections.
The 8th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1963). See Grill et al. (1963).
The 9th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1965). Excursion guide. See Schaub, H. and Luterbacher, H. (1965).

The 11th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1969). Excursion Guide. 20th-28th September. London 1969, 49 p. Standort lit. Link to collection.

The 12th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1971). Guide book. 18th-28th September, 1971, Crimea & Moldavia, USSR, 232 p. Standort lit. Link to collection.

The 13th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1973). Guide book. 18th-27th September, 1973, Spain, 311 p. Standort lit. Link to collection.

The 14th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1975). Micropaleontological guide to the Mesozoic and Tertiary of the Romanian Carpathians. 9th-18th September, 1975, Romania, 197 p. Standorte lit.: copy of Hans Schaub, copy of Lukas Hottinger. Link to collection of Hans Schaub. Link to collection of Lukas Hottinger.

The 15th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1977). Guide book. 9th-17th September, 1977, Denmark 159 p. Standort lit. Link to collection.

The 16th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1979). Guide book. 8th-16th September, 1979, Zagreb-Bled, Yugoslavia, 258 p. Edited by K. Drobne. Published by the Croatian geological Society and the Slovenian Geological Society, Ljubliana, Yugoslavia. Standort lit. Link to collection.

The 17th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1981). Guide book. September, 1981. Die Bayrischen Alpen und ihr Vorland in mikropaläontologischer Sicht. Edited by Herbert Hagn. Geologica Bavarica, vol. 82, 408 p., Bayrisches Geologisches Landesamt, München 1981. Standort lit. Link to collection.

The 18th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1983). Excursion guide. Bratislava-Praha, September 11-20, 1983. Edited by Ondrej Samuel and Viera Gasparikova. Geologicky ustav Dionyza Stura, Bratislava. Standort lit. Link to collection.

The 19th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1985). Excursion guide. Sardinia, October 1-10, 1985. Edited by Antonietta Cherchi. Standort lit. Link to collection.

The 21st European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1989). Guidebook Hungary. 4th-9th September, 1989, 352 p. Standorte lit: copy of Hans Schaub, copy of Lukas Hottinger. Link to collection of Hans Schaub. Link to collection of Lukas Hottinger.

22ème Colloque Européen de Micropaléontologie 1993. Bassin de Paris. Champagne, Ile-de-France, Normandie, Maine. 23 september-1er octobre 1993. Livret-Guide (editor: G. Bignot). Revue de Micropaléontologie, Supplément au volume 36, January 1994. 159 p. Standort lit.

The 24th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1998). Excursion guide. Editor M.A. Lamolda (1998). Bilbao, 15-23 September 1998, 125 p. Standort: A xeroxed copy is deposited with the raw material collection of Michael Knappertsbusch. Link to raw material collection of Michael Knappertsbusch. Link to teaching collection of Michael Knappertsbusch.

Eva, A.N. (1980). Pre-cyclical chamber arrangement in the foraminiferal genus Polylepidina Vaughan, 1924. Micropaleontology, vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 90-94. Standort: Reprint deposited with the study collection of Christos Kapellos (Jamaica).

Farouk, S., Khalifa, M.A., Abu El-Hassan, M.M., Papazzoni, C.A., Frontalini, F., Coccioni, R., and Zaky, A.S. (2019). Upper Paleocene to lower Eocene microfacies, biostratigraphy, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the northern Farafra Oasis, Western Desert (Egypt). Micropaleontology, 65(5):381-406. Standort: A printout is deposited with the study collection H. Schaub/Egypt: Farafra & El Quss Abu Said sections. Link to collection H. Schaub/Egypt: Farafra & El Quss Abu Said sections.

Faure-Muret, A. and Choubert, G. (1971). Le Maroc. Domaine rifain et atlasique, pp. 17-46 in Tectonique de l'Afrique. Unesco Paris 1971. Standort: A printout of this chapter is deposited in the maps archive (Maps Africa). URL:

Ferrandez-Canadell, C. (1997). A new, ribbed species of Nemkovella Less 1987 (Discocyclinidae), and discussion of the genus Actinocyclina Gümbel, 1870. J. Foram. Res. 27(3):175-185. Link to collection.

Ferrandez-Canadell, C. (20002). New Paleocene orbitoidiform foraminifera from the Punjab Salt Range, Pakistan. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 32(1):1-21. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

Ferrandez-Canadell, C. (2004). The foraminiferal genus Lakadongia Matsumaru and Jauhri 2003, a re-evaluation. Micropaleontology, 50(4):397-400. Standort: Reprint with the collection of Ferrandez-Canadell (2002).

Ferrando, S., Bernoulli, D., and Compagnoni, R. (2004). The Canavese zone (internal Western Alps): a distal margin of Adria. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilunge, 84:237-256. Standort: Reprint with literature references in K3. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.

Ferrer, J. (1971). El Paleoceno y Eoceno del borde sur-oriental de la depressiòn del Ebro (Cataluna). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 90, 70 p., 5 plates. Standort: Reprint with the collection (K3/Cabinet 71). Link to collection.

Fischer, H., and Luterbacher, H.P. (1963). Das Mesozoikum der Bohrungen Courtion 1. (Kt. Fribourg) und Altishofen 1 (Kt. Luzern). Beiträge zur geologischen Karte der Schweiz, Neue Folge, 115. Lieferung, 4 Profiltafeln und 7 Phototafeln. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71, literature to type & reference collections. Link to reference collection Fischer and Luterbacher (1963). Link to collections H.P. Luterbacher.

Fischer, H. (1965a). Geologie des Gebietes zwischen Blauen und Pfirter Jura. Beiträge zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz. Neue Folge 122:106 p. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to rcollection.

Fischer, H. (1965b). Oberes Rupélien (Septarienton) des südlichen Rheintalgrabens: Tongrube von Allschwil bei Basel. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., Vol. 31, No. 81, pp. 7-16. Standort: Copy deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Fischer, H. (1965c). Oberer Dogger und unterer Malm des Berner Jura: Tongruben von Liesberg. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., Vol. 31, No. 81, pp. 25-36. Link to collection.

Forrer, M. (1949). Zur Geologie der östlichen Wildhauser Mulde. Inaugural Dissertation Univ. Basel. Published in Berichte der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, vol. 73, pp. 1-99. Zollikofer & Co., Buchdruckerei St. Gallen. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Frampton, J. (late 1980s). Correlation of foraminiferal zones in Trinidad with TTI zonal schemes. Unpublished document. Standorte: Copies are distributed to varios locations: H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad; Geological archive NMB (Archive H.G. Kugler to Trinidad, Box#80); Collections of J.B. Saunders: Collections of H.M. Bolli (colln. Cenozoic planktic foraminiferal zones and subzones); Maps archive (Trinidad). Link to H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad. Link to pdf (internal access only).

Fraser, R. (2016). Near-term future of oil & gas exploration in Guyana. GEM3201 Geology of Guiana shield, 54 p. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collections H.M. Bolli.

Frey, M., Saunders, J., and Schwander, H. (1988). The mineralogy and metamorphic geology of low-grade metasediments, Northern Range, Trinidad. Journal of the Geological Society, London, vol. 145, pp. 563-575. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collections of J.B. Saunders. Link to collections J.B. Saunders. Link to study collns. J.B. Saunders Northern Trinidad - thin sections.

Friç, W. (1844). Verzeichniss von 100 Gypsmodellen von Foraminiferen, welche unter der Leitung des Prof. Dr. A. Reuss und Dr. Anton Fritsch gefertigt wurden. Karl Seyfried, 7 p. Standort: Paper with the collection. Link to collection.

Fricke, H.W. and Hottinger, L. (1983). Coral bioherms below the euphotic zone in the Red Sea. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, vol. 11, pp. 113-117. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Friesenhagen, T. (2022 a). Evolutionary prospection of Globorotalia menardii: an investigation of tempo and mode of evolution since the Late Miocene. Inauguraldissertation Universität Basel, 218 p. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Friesenhagen, T. (2022 b). Test-size evolution of the planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia menardii in the eastern tropical Atlantic since the Late Miocene. Biogeosciences, 19, 777-805. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Friesenhagen, T. (2022 c). Archive to the evolutionary study about menardiform globorotalids in the eastern tropical Atlantic ODP Hole 108-667A. PANGAEA,, on-line since 24 May 2022. Standort: The same data set is also deposited on the NMB's internal media server. Link to collection.

Friesenhagen, T. and Knappertsbusch, M. (2022 in prep.). Morphometric measurements of the planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia menardii from the Mozambique Channel provide new evidence for the Agulhas Leakage Hypothesis. Chapter 3 to PhD thesis. Manuscript to be submitted for Biogeosciences, version from 3 August2022. Standort: A printed copy of the manuscript is with the collection. Link to collection.

Frizzell, D.L. (1954). Handbook of Cretaceous Foraminifera of Texas. Report of Investigations No. 22, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas, Austin, TX. Standort: Forams Alphabet, Weisser Bär, Büro W13/-105, under Fr. Link to study collections of H.P. Luterbacher (Cretaceous type materials from Texas).

Fröhlicher, H. Schaub, H., and Vonderschmitt, L. (1951). Bericht über die Exkursion der Schweizerischen geologischen Gesellschaft in die Giswiler Klippen, den Schlierenflysch und ihre tektonische Unterlage und in die Molasse des Alpenrandes. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 44(2):363-372, with small map. Standort: Xeroxed copy with the collection & K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collections: Thin sections of Hans Schaub.

Gandolfi, R. (1942). Ricerche micropaleontologiche e stratigrafiche sulla scaglia e sul flysch Cretacici dei dintorni di Balerna (Canton Ticino). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia - Anno XLVIII - 1942-XX, 160 p. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Ganssen, G. and Shipboard Party (1990). Shipboard Report JGOFS Leg 4, MS Tyro, Reykjavik-Galway 2-29 June 1990. Unpublished report. Standort: deposited with collection to Knappertsbusch and Brummer (1995). Link to collection Knappertsbusch and Brummer (1995).

Garreau, B. (1956). Le gisement de Parentis. In: Guzman,E.J. (ed). Symposium sobre yacimientos de petroleo y gas, pp. 267-274. Tomo V Europa. XX Congreso Geologico Internacional, Mexico 1956. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the collection. Link to collection Saunders.

Garrido-Megias, A. & Rios Aragües (1972). Sintesis geologica del Secundario y terciario entre los rios Cinca y Segre. Boletin Geologico y Minero. T. LXXXII-I, Ano 1972 (1-47). Standort: Xerox copy deposited with documentation to collection H. Schaub in K3/A12/5/167. (Refers to Hans Schub's sampling locations Aren, Boltana, Graus, Montsec, Tremp and Troncedo).

Garrison, R.E., Schreiber, C., Bernoulli, D., Fabricius, F.H., Kidd, R.B. and Mélières, F. (1978). Sedimentary petrology and structures of Messinian evaporitic sediments in the Mediterranean Sea, Leg 42A, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 571-611. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli. Link to collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Gasemi Nejad, E., Sarjeant, W.A.S., and Gygi, R. (1999). Palynology and paleoenvironment of the uppermost Bathonian and Oxfordian (Jurassic) of the northern Switzerland sedimentary basin. Schweiz. Pal. Abh. 119:1-69, Plates 1-29. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

Gasperini, L., Bernoulli, D., Bonatti, E., Borsetti, A.M., Ligi, M., Negri, A., Sartori, R., von Salis, K. (2001). Lower Cretaceous to Eocene sedimentary transverse ridge at the Romanche Fracture Zone and the opening of the equatorial Atlantic. Marine Geology, vol. 176, pp. 101-119. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.

Gebhardt, H. Kuhnt, W. and Holbourn, A. (2004). Foraminiferal response to sea level change, organic flux and oxygen defiency in the Cenomanian of the Tarfaya Basin, southern Morocco. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 53, pp. 133-157. Link to study collns. L. Hottinger from Tarfaya.

Geiger, M. (1956). Die Unterlage der zentralschweizerischen Klippengruppe Stanserhorn-Arvigrat, Buochserhorn-Musenalp und Klewenalp. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 49(2), pp. 407-452. Dissertation phil nat. Univ. Basel, 1956. Link to collection.

Gendre, F., Beck, C., Ruch, P., and Kübler, B. (1994). Human impacts on coral ecosystems at Mauritius island: Coprostanol in surface sediments. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 357-367. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the study collections of L. Hottinger/Mauritius/P. Ruch. Link to study collections of L. Hottinger from Mauritius.

Gendrot, C. (1964). Contribution à l'étude de quelques foraminifères des Martigues (Bouches du Rhône, France). Eclogae geol. Helv., 57(2):529-536. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Gendrot, C. (1968). Stratigraphie et micropaléontologie du Sénonian de la région des Martigues près Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). Eclogae geol. Helv. 61(2):657-694, 9 plates. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Gigon, W. (1952). Geologie des Habkerntales und des Quellgebietes der Grossen Emme. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, 63(1):51-136. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection of thin sections of Hans Schaub in K3/A11/4/119.

Gillet, S., Lorenz, H.G. and Woltersdorf, F. (1965). Introduction à l'étude du Miocène supérieur de la région de Bacinello (environs de Grosseto, Italie). Bull. Serv. Carte géol. Als. Lorr., t 18, fasc. 1, pp. 31-42, Strasbourg. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection of H.G. Lorenz.

Gisler, M. (2014). "Swiss Gang" Pioniere der Erdölexploration. Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik, Band 97, 120 Seiten. Herausgegeben vom Verein für wirtschaftshistorische Studien, R+A Print GmbH, 8752-Näfels. Standort: A copy is deposited with the collection of Hans G. Kugler in K3/F10/5/165 ). Link to collection Hans G. Kugler.

Gisolf, F.W. and Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1924). Foraminiferenhoudende gesteenten van Flores, typewritten text, 11 p., dated 27 march 1924. [No collections ??]. Link to Archive.

Gohrbandt, K. (1963a). Zur Gliederung des Paläogens im Helvetikum nördlich Salzburg nach planktonischen Foraminiferen. Mitt. Geol. Ges. Wien, 56(1):1-116. URL: Download local document. [Useful documentation to nummulite raw materials of Hans Schaub from Waschberg & Salzburg].

Gohrbandt, K. (1963b). Exkursion in das Gebiet von Salzburg. DI. Paläozän und Eozän des Helvetikums nördlich von Salzburg. URL: Download local document. [Useful documentation to nummulite raw materials of Hans Schaub from Waschberg & Salzburg].

Gohrbandt, K.A.H. and Hottinger, L. (1967). Der Libysche Flosculina Limestone. Eclogae geol. Helv. 60(2):697-705. Link to collection.

Golev, B.T. (1971). New stratigraphic data on the subdivision of the Eocene in the Bakhchisaray region, Crimea. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, vol. 9, pp.110-121 (in Russian). Standort: A xerox copy is with the study collns. of H.P. Luterbacher from Russia. Link to study collns. H.P. Luterbacher from Russia.

Gomberg, D.N. (1976). Geology of the Pourtales Terrace, Straits of Florida. Dissertation Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science. https.// Link to study collns. Daniel Bernoulli from Pourtales Terrace.

Gorter, N.E. and Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1932). Larger foraminifera from Central Falcon (Venezuela). Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen, Deel 4,(2):94-122. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Govindan, A. (1984). Neogene benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoecology of offshore Godavari-Krishna Basin, India. In Oertli, H.J. (ed.) Benthos '83. 2nd Int. Symposium on benthic foraminifera (Pau, April 1983). Elf Aquitaine, Esso Rep. and Total CFP. Pau and Bordeaux, 1984, pp. 271-279. Standort: A reprint (xerox) is with the collection, in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär, and in the Foraminifera Alphabet in Weisser Bär (Room -105). Link to study collections L. Hottinger.

Gradstein, F., Kopaevich, L., Knappertsbusch, M. (2017). Preface: The planktic foraminifera of the Jurassic. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, vol. 136, pp. 153-159. DOI: 10.1007/s13358-017-0133-x. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the study colln. to Gradstein. Link to colln. F. Gradstein.

Gradstein, F. (2017). New and emended species of Jurassic planktonic foraminifera. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, vol. 136, pp. 161-185. DOI: 10.1007/s13358-017-0127-8. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the study colln. to Gradstein. Link to colln. F. Gradstein.

Griffon, J.-C., and Muylaert, J. (1962). Les grands foraminifères du Jebel Gorgues (Dorsale Calcaire, Rif). Notes Serv. géol. Maroc, t. 21, No. 156, pp. 7-14. Standort: See entire volume in micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär / Reprints library Hottinger, under Hottinger; pdf at Mediendaten (M)/05_Bibliothek/Belegliteratur_GeolSammlung. Link to closely related study collections Morocco of L. Hottinger.

Griffon, J.-C. (1965). La Dorsale Calcaire au sud de Tetouan. Notes et Mémoires du Service géologique du Maroc, No. 184 (Etudes géologiques sur la chaîne du Rif). [Thèse du 3eme cycle de l'Université de Grenoble]. Standort: Library University of Basel; NMB: pdf at Mediendaten (M)/05_Bibliothek/Belegliteratur_GeolSammlung. Link to closely related study collections Morocco of L. Hottinger.

Grill, R. (1943). Ueber mikropaläontologische Gliederungsmöglichkeiten im Miozän des Wiener Beckens. Mitteilungen des Reichsamts für Bodenforschung, Zweigstelle Wien, 6:3-44, 8 plates. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Grill, R., Kollmann, K., Küpper, H. and Oberhauser, R. (1963). Exkursionsführer für das Achte Europäische Mikropaläontologische Kolloquium in Oesterreich. Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien III, Sonderheft F, 92 p. Standort. Link to collection (raw materials).

Grönhagen, D. and Luterbacher, H. (1966). Beobachtungen an den Foraminiferen-Gattungen Pseudotextulariella und Textulariella sowie verwandten Formen. In Luterbacher et al. (eds.). Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Reichel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):235-246. Standort: K3/with collection Festschrift Reichel. Link to collection.

Groupe International d'Etude de la Stratigraphie du Paléogène (1975). Le contenu de l'Illerdien et sa place dans le Paléocène. Séance spécialisée de la Société géologique de France, 18 Novembre 1974. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 1975, t. 17, No. 2, 123-223. Standort: Standort lit. Link to reference collection Kapellos (1973).

Grützmacher, U.J. (1993). Die Veränderungen der paläogeographischen Verbreitung von Bolboforma-Ein Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion und Definition von Wassermassen im Tertiär. GEOMAR Report 22, 104 p. Standort: K3/A17/2/58-59. Link to collection.

Gruas-Cavagnetto, C. (1976). Etude palynologique du sondage de Cuise-La-Motte (Oise). Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 13(2):11-23. Link to raw material collection Kapellos. Standort Lit: With raw material collection Kapellos, a xerox copy is deposited in the Micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär: Stratigraphy Neogene / Paleogene of the Tethys and European areas.

Grunau, H.R. (1972). Dr. Georg Andreas Vischer. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. -Ing., vol. 39, Mo.94, pp. 25-26. Standort: K3 / Nekrologe. Link to study collections of Hans Schaub / Egypt: Nummulites from Farafra & El Quss sections, Geological Reconnaissance B.I.P.M., Vischer 1960.

Guillaume, H. and Reichel, M. (1957). Neotrocholina friburgensis n. sp., foraminifère de l'Urgonien alpin. Eclogae geol. Helv. 50(2):287-288, 1 plate. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Guillaume, H.A., Bolli, H.M., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1972). Estratigrafia del Cretaceo Inferior en la Serrania del Interior, Oriente de Venezuela. Memoria IV Congreso Gologico Venezolano. Tomo III. Boletin de Geologia. Publicacion Especial No. 5. Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos. Caracas 1972, pp. 1619-1658. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär: Planktic foraminifera/Cretaceous/, another copy is also deposited with the collection of J.P. Beckmann. Link to collection J.P. Beckmann, Link to collection J.B. Saunders. See also Guillaume, H.A. (1961, private report).

Gulinck, M. (1968). Guide des excursions en Belgique 22-23-24 Avril 1968. Colloque sur l'Eocène, Paris, 1968. Including a sample list from Hans Schaub from materials collected in France, Belgium, England, and Italy. Link to Raw material collection of samples from type localities for European Tertiary regional stages. Standort.

Gürs, K. and Spiegler, D. (1999). Das Mittelmiozän der Bohrung Schwarzenbeck 1/96, Schleswig-Holstein (Mollusken, Foraminiferen und Bolboformen). Greifswalder Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge, vol. 6, pp. 405-417. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Gürs, K. and Spiegler, D. (2000). Kalkige Mikrofossilien aus dem Miozän der Bohrung Lübtheen 27/82 (SW-Mecklenburg). Schriftenreihe für Geowissenschaften, vol. 11, pp. 135-155, Berlin. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Gutierrez Domech, M.R. (1966). Globigerina haoi, un nuevo foraminifero planctonico del Eoceno superior de Cuba. Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidraulicos, Publicacion especial No. 2, La Habana, Cuba, pp. 17-25, plates 2 and 3. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections, see under Vinent, M.A.I. Link to collection.

Gutzwiller, O.W. (1921). Beiträge zur Geologie der Umgebung von Merfete am Marmara-Meere. Inaugural-Dissertation, Philosophische Fakultät Universität Basel, 27 p. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71, literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Gygi, R. and Stumm, F. (1965). Der untere Malm des Aargauer Jura. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., 31(81):17-24. Standort: reprint (xerox) is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hagn, H., Butt, A., and Malz, H. (1980). Paleocene shallow-water facies at Emperor Seamounts: DSDP Leg 55, Northwest Pacific. Initial Reports of the DSDP, vol. 55, pp. 327-347. Standort: pdf printout with the collection. Link to study collection H.P. Luterbacher / Arif Butt.

Hamaoui, M. (1984). Sur la dynamique architecturale des Alveolinidae (foraminifères). In Oertli, H.J. (ed.) Benthos '83. 2nd Int. Symposium on benthic foraminifera (Pau, April 1983). Elf Aquitaine, Esso Rep. and Total CFP. Pau and Bordeaux, 1984, pp. 271-279. Standort: A reprint (xerox) is with the collection, in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär, and in the Foraminifera Alphabet in Weisser Bär (Room -105). Link to collection. Link to collection of structural models.

Hamel, C. (1965). Etude géologique de la Terminaison Occidentale de la Chaîne du Gareb (Avant-Pays du Rif Oriental). Thèse 3ème Cycle, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Paris, 128 p. Standort: A copy is deposited with the collection of Hottinger (1967c). Link to collection Hottinger (1967c).

Hamel, C. (1968). Etude géologique de la Terminaison Occidentale de la Chaîne du Gareb (Avant-Pays du Rif Oriental). Notes et mémoires du Service Géologique, No. 199. Editions du Service Géologique du Maroc, Rabat, 78 p. Standort: A copy is deposited with the collection of Hottinger (1967c). Link to collection Hottinger (1967c).

De la Harpe, Ph. (1883). Etude des nummulites de la Suisse et révision des éspèces éocènes des genres Nummulites et Assilina. Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 10:140-180, plate III-VII [ref. cit. Schaub, H., 1981, vol. 104, p. 73]. Standort: Weisser Bär. Link to collection.

Harris, A. (ed.) (2015). Trinidad & Tobago: The Black Gold Book. A collection of articles commemorating a century of oil and gas production. FIRST, the forum for international affairs. Standort: pdf printouts to chapters deposited in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad (drawer key literature). Link to Stratigraphic collections of Trinidad.

Hauber, L. (1991). Ergebnisse der Geothermiebohrungen Riehen 1 und 2 sowie Reinach im Südosten des Rheingrabens. Geol. Jb., vol. E48, pp. 167-184. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside collection of Huber, B. (1994). Link to collection of B. Huber (1994), link to raw materials collection.

Hay, W.W. and Towe, K.M. (1962). Electron microscopic examination of some coccoliths from Donzacq (France). Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 55(2):497-517.

Hay, W.W. and Mohler, H.P. (1967). Calcareous nannoplankton from Early tertiary rocks at Pont Labau, France, and Paleocene - Early Eocene correlations. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 1505-1541. Standort: A reprint is deposited alongside the collection. Link to study collections of H.P. Luterbacher.

Hay, W.W. and Boudreaux, J.E. (1968). Calcareous nannofossils in the Submarex cores, Nicaragua Rise, Caribbean Sea, at Costella, Calabria, and the age of the Miocene-Pleistocene boundary. Giornale Geologia, ser. 2, vol. 35, pp.143-152. [Standort: Micropaleontology reprints collection, Weisser Bär, Nannoplankton, Cenozoic/H].

Hay, W.W. and Boudreaux, J.E. (1969). Calcareous nannoplankton and biostratigraphy of the Late Pliocene-Pleistocene-Recent sediments in the Submarex cores. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 1(3):249-292. [Standort: Micropaleontology reprints collection, Weisser Bär, Nannoplankton, Cenozoic/H].

Hayward, B.W., Holzmann, M., and Tsuchiya (2019). Combined molecular and morphological taxonomy of the Becarii/T3 group of the foraminiferal genus Ammonia. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 49(4), pp. 367-389. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the reference collection of Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss (1993). Link to reference collection of Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss (1993).

Hedberg, H.D. (1939). Trinidad Geological Conference, April 18-27, 1939. Abstracts. Bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists, vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 1238-1244. With conference group foto. Standorte: A xerox of the reprint and a group foto are deposited in memorials to geologists. A second printed group foto is deposited alongside the documentation of the stratigraphic collection of Trinidad. A second group foto is deposited in memorials to geologists. Link to memorials to geologists. Link to stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.

Heezen, B.C., Mathews, J.L., Catalano, R., Natland, J., Coogan, A., Tharp, M., and Rawson, M. (1973). Western Pacific Guyots. Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 20, pp. 653-723. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the study collection of Bernoulli, Mn-crusts & nodules from Mapmaker Seamounts, N-Pacific. Link to study collection of Bernoulli, Mn-crusts & nodules from Mapmaker Seamounts, N-Pacific.

Henry, J.D. (1910). Oil Fields of the Empire. A survey o British imperial petroleum questions and a comprehensive technical description of the oil fields of Trinidad and Newfoundland. Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Ltd, London, 279 p. Standort: Micropaleontology reprints collection, Weisser Bär, Trinidad]. Link to Archives of J.B. Saunders: Trinidad photo archive, envelope abot Historical Photos.

Herb, R. and Schaub, H. (1963). Zur Nummulitenfauna des Mitteleozäns von Sorde-l'Abbaye (Landes, Frankreich). Eclogae geol. Helv. 56(2): 973-999, plates 1-12. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.

Herb, R. and Hekel, H. (1973). Biostratigraphy, variability and facies relations of some Upper Eocene nummulites from Northern Italy. Eclogae geol. Helv. 66(2):419-445. Link to collection.

Herb, R. and Hekel, H. (1975). Nummuliten aus dem Obereocaen von Possagno. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 97:113-211, 5 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Herm, D. (1963). Mikropaläontologisch-stratigraphische Untersuchungen im Kreideflysch zwischen Deva und Zumaya (Prov. Guipuzcoa, Nordspanien). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 115. Standort: Extract of paper deposited alongside with the collection of Kapellos, Ch. (1964). Link to collection of Kapellos (1974).

Herrmann, A. (1916). Vierter Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Vorkommens von Foraminiferen im Tertiär des Unterelsass. Mitteilungen der Geologischen Landesanstalt Elsass-Lothringen, vol. 10, pp. 257-299. uipuzcoa, Nordspanien). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 115. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the reference- and study collection M. de Cizancourt/Colln. Herrmann. Link to reference- and study collectiion of M. de Cizancourt/Colln. Hermann.

Herrmann, S. (2010). Ecological and evolutionary significance of coccolith size changes. Diss. ETH No. 19191, 116 p. Standort: A copy of the PhD thesis is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Herrmann, S. et al. (2011). Global coccolith size variability in Holocene deep-sea sediments. Marine Micropaleontology, 82:1-12. Standort: A printout of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Herrmann, S. and Thierstein, H.R. (2012). Cenozoic coccolith size changes - Evolutionary and/or ecological controls ? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 333-334:92-106. Standort: A printout of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1960a). Ophiurenreste aus dem Malm des Schweizer Juras und des Départements Haut-Rhin. Eclogae geol. Helv. 53(1):385-421. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1960b). Neubeschreibung von Geocoma elegans (Ophiuroidea) aus dem unteren Callovien von La Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche). Eclogae geol. Helv. 53(1):335-384. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1962a). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren. I. Einleitung. Eclogae geol. Helv. 55(2):595-608. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1962b). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren. II. Die Ophiuren aus dem Lias (Pliensbachien-Toarcien) von Seewen (Kt. Solothurn). Eclogae geol. Helv. 55(2):609-656. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1963). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren. III. Die Ophiuren aus dem Callovien-Ton von Liesberg (Berner Jura). Eclogae geol. Helv. 56(2):1141-1164. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1965). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren. IV. Die Ophiuren aus dem Renggeri-Ton (Unter-Oxford) von Chapois (Jura) und Langecombe (Ain). Eclogae geol. Helv. 58(2):1059-1082. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1966). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren. V. Die Ophiuren aus dem Argovien (unteres Ober-Oxford) vom Guldenthal (Kt. Solothurn) und von Savigna (Dépt. Jura). Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(2):1025-1063. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1972). Planktonic crinoids of Late Jurassic age from Leg 11, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP, 11:631-643, 4 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1975a). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren. VI. Die Ophiuren aus den Günsberg-Schichten (oberes Oxford) vom Guldenthal (Kt. Solothurn). Eclogae geol. Helv. 68(3):591-601, 1 plate. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, H. (1975b). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren. VII. Die Ophiuren aus den Humeralis-Schichten (Ober-Oxford) von Raedersdorf (Ht.-Rhin). Eclogae geol. Helv. 68(3):603-612, 3 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hess, M. (1985). Zur Stratigraphie des Oligo- / Miocaens in der Umgebung des Gardasees (Norditalien). Diplomroman.63 p., University of Basel. Supervisors: Prof. L. Hottinger, Prof. D. Bernoulli. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the collections of Lukas Hottinger. Link to collections of Lukas Hottinger (diploma studies).

Heussner, S., Monaco, A., Fowler, S.W., Buscail, R., Millot, C., and Bojanowski, R. (1988). ECOMARGE: flux of particulate matter in the Northwestern Mediterranean (golfe du Lion). Oceanologica Acta, 1988, No. SP, pp. 149-154. Standort: Pdf printout deposited with the collection. Link to collections M. Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea.

Higgins, G.E. (1986). A History of Trinidad Oil. Trinidad Express Newspapers Limited, Port of Spain, Trinidad, WI, 498 p. Standort: Deposited with H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.

Hilgen, F.J., Iaccarino, S., Krijgsman, W., Montanari, A., Raffi, I., Turco, E., and Zachariasse, W.J. (2003). The global stratotype section and point (GSSP) of the Tortonian stage (Upper Miocene): A proposal. From URL's/TGSSP_ICS_finalproposal.pdf. Standort: Deposited with collection H.G. Kugler from Piemont Excursion 1963. Link to collection H.G. Kugler, Piemont Excursion 1963.

Hilgen, F., Abdul Aziz, H., Bice, D., Iaccarino, S., Krijgsman, W., Kuiper, K., Montanari, A., Raffi, I., Turco, E., and Zachariasse, W.-J. (2005). The global boundary stratotype sction and point (GSSP) of the Tortonian Stage (Upper Miocene) at Monte dei Corvi. Episodes, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 6-17, URL Standort: Deposited with collection H.G. Kugler from Piemont Excursion 1963. Link to collection H.G. Kugler, Piemont Excursion 1963.

Hillebrandt, A., von (1962). Das Alttertiär im Mont Perdu-Gebiet (Spanische Zentralpyrenäen). Eclogae Geol. Helv., vol. 55(2):295-315, pl. I-VI. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hillebrandt, A. von (1965). Foraminiferen-Stratigraphie im Alttertiär von Zumaya (Provinz Guipuzcoa, NW-Spanien) und ein Vergleich mit anderen Tethys-Gebieten. Abh. bayer. Akad. Wiss., math.-natw. Kl [N.F.] 123. Link to collection of Kapellos, Ch. (1974).

Hinz, J.K. and Werneburg, I. (2019). The historical archive of the Palaeontological Collection of Tübingen, Germany. Palaeontologia-Electronica, Article No. 22.2.26. Link to collections of Hans Gocht in the collections of H.P. Luterbacher.

Hirsch, F. (1966). Sobre la presencia de Conodontes en el Muschelkalk superior de los Catalanides. Notas y Comns. Inst. Geol. y Min. Espana, vol. 90, pp. 85-91. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hirsch, F. (1971). Conodontes nouvelles du Trias méditerranéen. C.r.s. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève, NS 6, pp. 65-69. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hirsch, F. (1972). Middle Triassic conodonts from Israel, southern France and Spain. Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud., vol. 21, pp. 811-828. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hochuli, H.P. and Groner, U. (1985). Heerisporites, a new spore-genus of possible Riellacean affinity. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 44:261-275. Link to collection.

Hohenegger, J. (2002). Inferences on sediment production and transport at carbonate beaches using larger foraminifera. First International Symposium on Carbonate Sand Beaches, December 5-8, 2000, Westin Beach Resort, Key Largo, Florida, U.S.A. Punlished by American Society of Civil Engineers, 2002. Published online: April 26, 2012. DOI: 10.1061/40640(305)9. Standort: Printout deposited with the collection Knappertsbusch, Recent Marine Beach sands, Sample 29. Link to collections Knappertsbusch, Recent Marine Beach sands, Sample 29.

Hollaus, S.S. (1994). Recent benthic Mediterranean Foraminiferids from Crete (Greece). Diploma thesis University of Basel, 111p., 19 plates. Supervisor: Prof. L. Hottinger. Standort: A copy is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hollaus, S.S. (1997). Cloning in foraminifera. Dissertation No. 13, geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Universität Basel, 80 p. Standort: One copy is deposited with the collection, a second copy is deposited in the Micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, Lit. Hottinger: PhD theses. Link to collection.

Hollaus, S. and Hottinger, L. (1997). Temperature dependance of endosymbiontic relationships ? Evidence from the depth range of mediterranean Amphistegina lessonii (Foraminiferida) truncated by the thermocline. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, vol. 90, pp. 591-597. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the study collections of L. Hottinger/Crete. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L., Schaub, H. and Vonderschmitt, L. (1956). Zur Stratigraphie des Lutétien im Adour-Becken. Eclogae geol. Helv., 49(2):245-468. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collections of Hans Schaub.

Hottinger, L. (1957). Excursionsbericht Mont Cayla (Aude), Herbst 1957. Unpublished report, 5 pages type-written, with hand-drawn geological map and photos. Contains field numbers referred to by Hans Schaub. Standort: Deposited with collection Hottinger, L. (1958, 1960 and 1962). Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1958). Géologie du Mont Cayla (Aude, Aquitaine orientale). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 51, no. 2, p. 437-451. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71, literature to type & reference collections/Hottinger. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1960 a) [= Hottinger, L. 1962) ]. Recherches sur les Alvéolines du Paléocène et de l'Eocène. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie 75 (Text(I))/76 (Atlas(II)), 243 p., 1 table, 18 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1960 b). Ueber paläozäne und eozäne Alveolinen. Diss. Univ. Basel, verkürzte Fassung, Eclogae geol. Helv. 53(1):265-283, plates 1-21. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. and Schaub, H. (1960). Zur Stufeneinteilung des Paleocaens und des Eocaens. Einführung der Stufen Ilerdien und Biarritzien. Eclogae geol. Helv. 53(1):453-480. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub.

Hottinger, L. (1962). Documents micropaléontologiques sur le Maroc: Remarques génerales et bibliographie analytique. Notes Serv. géol. Maroc, t. 21, No. 156, pp. 7-14. Standort: Copy in micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär / Reprints library Hottinger. Link to study collections Morocco of L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. and Suter, G. (1962). La structure de la zone prérifaine au sud du moyen Ouerrha (Maroc septentrional). Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, t. 254, pp. 140-142, séance du 3 janvier 1962. Standort: Copy in micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär / Reprints library Hottinger. Link to study collections Morocco of L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (1964). Les genres Operculina et Heterostegina (foraminifères) et leur utilité stratigraphique. Extrait du Colloque sur le Paléogène (Bordeaux, Septembre 1962). Mémoire du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.), vol. 28(2): 1013-1031, 1964. Standort: Copy in micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär / Reprints library Hottinger. Link to collections of L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L., Lehmann, R., and Schaub, H. (1964). Données actuelles sur la biostratigraphie du Nummulithique Méditerranéen. III. Les grands foraminifères eocènes du Bassin de Paris et leur importance pour la détermination des étages du Paléogène. Colloque Paléogène (Bordeaux, 1962). Mémoires du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.), vol. 28(2):629-652. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Plate II (page 635) in the red volume contains hand written annotations to the NMB own C-numbers of the specimens. Link to collection Hottinger. Link to collections Schaub.

Hottinger, L. (1965a). Evolution et variation morphologique des Palmula et Flabellina du Coniacien et du Santonien de Tarfaya (Maroc Méridional). Mémoires du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M., Paris), 32:101-111. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.

Hottinger, L. (1965b). Observations sur quelques Uvigerines du Néogène Marocain. International Union of Geological Sciences, Commission on Stratigraphy, Proceedings of the Third Session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964, Edited by C.W. Drooger, Z. Reiss, R.F. Rutsch, P. Marks. Leiden, E.J. Brill 1966, pp. 84-86. Standort: One copy in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger. Second copy in micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär / Reprints library Hottinger. Link to collection. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.

Hottinger, L. (1966a). Foraminifères rotaliformes et Orbitoides du Sénonien inférieur pyrénéen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1): 277-301. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1966b). Foraminifères flabelliformes du crétacé supérieur. Notes et Mém. Serv. Géol. Maroc, No. 175, pp. 181-201. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär: smaller benthic forams/cretaceous. Link to collection. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.

Hottinger, L. (1966c). Heterostegina, Grzybowskia et Spiroclypeus néogènes du Maroc. Proceedings of the third session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964. Comm. Méditerr. Néogène Strat. Proc. 3rd sess. Berne 1964 (Brill, Leiden) 1966:61-69. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.

Hottinger, L. (1966d). Les Ammonia dans le Miocène supérieur et Pliocène Marocain. Proceedings of the third session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964. Comm. Méditerr. Néogène Strat. Proc. 3rd sess. Berne 1964 (Brill, Leiden) 1966:117-123. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Additional reprints are deposited in the Weisser Bär, Reprints Library of L. Hottinger. Link to collection. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.

Hottinger, L. (1966e). Résumé de la stratigraphie micropaléontologique du Mésozoique et du Tertiaire Marocain. In: Van Hinte, J.E.(ed.) (1966). Proceedings of the second West African Micropaleontological Colloquium, Ibadan, June 18th-July 1st 1965, pp. 92-104. Leiden, E.J. Brill. Standort: A copy of the Proceedings volume is deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär / hand library L. Hottinger/Hottinger. Link to study collections Morocco of L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (1966 f). Les nummulites d'un galet du Moghrébien de la Sebkha El Khemira. Notes et Mém. Serv. Géol. Maroc, No. 175, pp. 227-230. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär: smaller benthic forams/cretaceous. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco.

Hottinger, L. (1967a). Zur Grossforaminiferenfauna des Niesenflyschs am Niesengipfel (Facultative Excursion B, So 5. Sept.), in: Brower, J., Hay, W.W., Hottinger, L., Kugler, H.G., Mangin, J.-Ph., Millioud, M., and Renz, O. (1967). 9. Europäisches Mikropaläontologisches Kolloquium (1965). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petr.-Geol. u. Ing., vol. 33, No. 84, Mai 1967, pp. 70-71. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1967b). Zur Foraminiferenfauna der Orbitolinenschichten an der Strasse Weesen-Amden (Exkursionsführer Seite 155), in: Brower, J., Hay, W.W., Hottinger, L., Kugler, H.G., Mangin, J.-Ph., Millioud, M., and Renz, O. (1967). 9. Europäisches Mikropaläontologisches Kolloquium (1965). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petr.-Geol. u. Ing., vol. 33, No. 84, Mai 1967, pp. 71-72. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1967c). Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoïque marocain. Editions du Service géologique du Maroc, Rabat - 1967, pour le compte du Royaume du Maroc, Ministère du commerce, de l'artisanat, de l'industrie et des mines, Direction des Mines et de la Géologie, Division de la Géologie, Notes et Mémoires du Service géologique N° 209, 168 p., 61 text figures, 20 plates. Habilitationsschrift. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. A complete volume is also deposited in the Weisser Bär, Reprints Library of L. Hottinger. Link to collection. Link to study colletions L. Hottinger from Morocco. Link to foraminiferal model of Cuneolina, Broeckinella, Anchispirocyclina.

Hottinger, L. (1967d). Mikropaläontologie. Verhandl. Naturf. Ges. Basel, vol. 78(1):55-62. Standort: Micropaleontology reprints collection Weisser Bär/Geschichtliches Uni Basel & NMB.

Hottinger, L. (1969). The foraminiferal genus Yaberinella Vaughan 1928, Remarks on its species and on its systematic position. Eclogae geol. Helv. 62(2):745-749. Link to collection. Link to model of Yaberinella jamaicanensis of Lehmann (1961).

Hottinger, L. (1971). Larger foraminifera common to Mediterranean and Indian Paleocene and Eocene Formations. Ann. Inst. Geol. Publ. Hung. vol. LIV, fasc. 4, pars I, Budapest 1971. (Colloque Stratigraphie sur l'Eocène, 1969). Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to Pakistan collections of L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (1972a). Campanian larger foraminifera from Site 98, Leg 11 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (Northwestern Province Channel, Bahamas Islands). Init. Rep. DSDP 11:595-605. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1972b). Larger foraminifera in the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea). A provisional inventory. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Geology, May 1972, pp. 1-5, 5 plates. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. and Krusat, G. (1972). Un foraminifère nouveau intermédiaire entre Opertorbitolites et Somalina de l'Ilerdien Pyrénéen. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, numero extraordinario, dec. 1972, pp. 249-271. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection. Link to models of Orbitolites.

Hottinger, L. (1974). Marin- biologische Expedition nach Kreta. Comité Culturel Gréco-Suisse, Rapport No. 5, pp. 12-15b. Athènes, October 1974. Standort: Weisser Bär, Micropaleontology hand-library of L. Hottinger/Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. and Dreher, D. (1974). Differentiation of protoplasm in Nummulitidae (Foraminifera) from Elat, Red Sea. Marine Biology, vol. 25, pp. 41-61. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (1974). Alveolinids, Cretaceous-Tertiary larger Foraminifera. Esso Production Research-European Laboratories, Report EPR-E-1 SP74, 84 p. (text volume), 106 plates (plates volume). Standort: Weisser Bär, Micropaleontology hand-library of L. Hottinger/Hottinger. Link to Maps-Archive. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1975). Late Oligocene larger foraminifera from Koko Guyot, Site 309. Init. Rep. DSDP, 32:825-826. Standort: A reprint is with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1976). An early umbilical canaly system in Trocholina chouberti n.sp. from the Lower Cretaceous of northeastern Morocco. Eclogae geol. Helv. 69(3):815-820. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1977a). Foraminifères operculiniformes. Mémoires Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Série C - Sciences de la Terre, 40:1-159, 66 plates. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1977b). Distribution of larger Peneroplidae, Borelis and Nummulitidae in the Gulf of Elat, Red Sea. In: Reiss, Z., Leutenegger, S., Hottinger, L., Fermont, W.J.J., Meulenkamp, J.E., Thomas, E., Hansen, H.J., Uchardt, B., Larsen, A.R., and Drooger, C.W. (eds.). Depth-relations of recent larger foraminifera in the Gulf of Aqaba-Elat. I.G.C.P. Project No. 1. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, vol. 15, pp. 35-110. Standort: A volume is deposited with the collection Hottinger (1977b). Link to collection. A second volume is also deposited eprint in the micropaleo handibrary (Micropaleo Journals), Weisser Bär, 13/103, Bibliothek (Estrich). Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1978). Comparative Anatomy of Elementary Shell Structures in Selected Larger Foraminifera. In: Hedley, R.H. and Adams, C.G. (eds.). Foraminifera. Volume 3. Academic Press, pp. 203-266. Standort: One copy in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger. A second copy in the reprints library of Lukas Hottinger and in Micropal Reprints library/Larger Forams/Cenozoic in Weisser Bär.

Hottinger, L. (1980). Répartition comparée des grands foraminifères de la Mer Rouge et de l'Océan Indien. Annali dell'Università di Ferrara (Nuova Serie), Sez. IX, Sc. Geologiche e Paleontologiche, vol. VI, supplemento, 13 p. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger. Link to Red Sea collections of L. Hottinger. Link to study collection L. Hottinger from the Maldives.

Hottinger, L. and Leutenegger, S. (1980). The structure of calcarinid foraminifera. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 101:115-154, Plates 1-12. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1981). Fonctions de la disposition alternante des loges chez les foraminifères et la structure d'Omphalocyclus. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, 4:45-52, plates 1 to 2. Standort: Reprint with the collection; a second reprint copy is deposited with the structural foraminiferal models of Orbitolites, Sorites, Marginopora, Amphisorus, Yaberinella. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1982). Larger Foraminifera, Giant Cells with a Historical Background. Naturwissenschaften, vol. 69, pp. 361-371. Standort: One copy in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger. A second copy in the micropal reprints library Weisser Bär, Larger Forams/Cenozoic. See also collection of Hottinger and Leutenegger (1980).

Hottinger, L. and Caus, E. (1982). Marginoporiform structure in Ilerdorbis decussatus n. gen. et n. sp., a Senonian agglutinated, discoidal foraminifer. Eclogae geol. Helv. 75(3): 807-819. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1983). Neritic macroid genesis, an ecological approach. In Peryt, T.M. (ed.). Coated Grains. pp. 38-55. Springer-verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (1984 a). Les organismes constructeurs sur la plate-forme du Golfe d'Aqaba (Mer Rouge) et les mécanismes régissant leur répartition. Geobios, Mém spécial no. 8, pp. 241-249. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (1984 b). Foraminifères de grande taille: Signification des structures complexes de la coquille. Larger foraminifera: The significance of complex shell-structures. Benthos '83; 2nd Int. Symp. Benthic Foraminifera (Pau, April 1983), pp. 309-315, Pau and Bordeaux, March 1984, ISSN 0181-0901. ISBN 2-901026-14-1. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger. Standort: Micropal Reprints library Weisser Bär, Larger Forams/Cenozoic.

Hottinger, L. (1985). Manfred Reichel 1896-1984. Dessins. Geological Institute of Basel University, Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056 Basel, Switzerland. Schudeldruck Riehen. ISBN 3 85895 855 7, 60 p. Standort: Micropal Reprints library Weisser Bär / Hottinger. Link to chronological inventory of publications from Manfred Reichel.

Hottinger, L. (1986). Construction, structure, and function of foraminiferal shells. Chapter 14 in: Leadbeater, B. and Riding, R. (eds.). Biomineralisation in lower plants and animals. Systematic Assoc. Spec. vol. 30, Clarendon, Oxford, pp. 219-235. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (1987). Conditions for generating carbonate platforms. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., vol. 40, pp. 265-271. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (1988). "Base de réfléxion". Concept to morphological terminology in selected larger foraminifera. Unpublished lecture notes by L. Hottinger, December 1988.

Standort: Deposited with the model of Cuneolina in the collection of structural foraminiferal models of Reichel and Hottinger. Link to collection of foram models.
Hottinger, L. (1988). Significance of diversity in shallow benthic foraminifera. Atti del Quattro Simposio di Ecologia e Paleoecologia delle Communità Bentoniche. Sorrento 1-5 Novembre, 1988, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali - Torino, pp. 35-51. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.
Hottinger, L. (1989). Conditions for generating carbonate platforms. Memorie della Societa Geologica Italiana 40: 265-271.

Hottinger, L., Drobne, K., and Caus, E. (1989). Late Cretaceous, larger, complex miliolids (foraminifera) endemic in the Pyrenean faunal province. Fazies, 21:99-134, plates 21-29. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. and Pignatti, J.S. (1990 or later). Shallow water recent miliolina from the eastern coast of Mauritius with special reference to eutrophication. Unpublished (?) manuscript text. Standort: A copy of the text is deposited with the study collections of L. Hottinger from Mauritius. Link to study colln L. Hottinger from Mauritius.

Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1990 a). Wall texture of Spirorutilus. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 65-70. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1990 b). Partitions and fistulose chamberelts in Textulariina. In. Hemleben, Ch., Kaminski, M.A., Kuhnt, W., and Scott, D.B. (1990). Palaeoceanography and taxonomy of agglutinated foraminifera, pp. 37-49. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Standort: Xerox copy deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L., Reiss, Z., and Halicz, E. (1990). Comments on Neoeponides (Foraminifera). Revue de Paléobiologie, vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 335-340. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1991a). The foraminiferal genera Pararotalia, Neorotalia, and Calcarina: Taxonomic revision. Journal of Paleontology, 65(1):18-33. Standort: Reprint deposited in the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L., Muller, N., Muller, J. and Vasseur, P. (1990). Etude des Ecosystems Littoraux de Maurice. Projet 946/89: acceleration du programme. Rapport No. 1. Les ecosystemes littoraux de la zone test No.1 entre le Morne Brabant et Flic en Flac. Leur modifications entre 1974 et 1989. Juillet 1990. Commission des Communautes Europeennes, direction generale du development. 56 p. and with enclosures. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär/files of L. Hottinger about Mauritius. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1991b). Architecture of Eponides and Poroeponides (foraminifera) reexamined. Micropaleontology, vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 60-75. Standort: Reprint deposited in the collection. Collection.

Hottinger, L., Halicz, E. & Reiss, Z. (1993).- Recent Foraminiferida from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umenosti (Ljubljana), classis IV, dela vol. 33, 179 p., 230 pls. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. and Caus, E. (1993). Praestorrsella roestae (Visser) - a foraminiferal index fossil for late Cretaceous deeper neritic deposits. Zitteliana, 20:213-221. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1996). Sels nutritifs et biosédimentation. Mém. Soc. géol. France, n.s., No. 169, pp. 99-107. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. ­ EUCOR_MICROPAL 1996. Advanced training course for structural analysis and functional morphology of benthic foraminifera (Late Paleozoic to Recent). Oct. 3-17, 1996 at the Geological Institute, Basel University (Switzerland). Standort: Xerox copy in micropaleontological reprints library Weisser Bär/Larger Forams/Cenozoic. Link to collection of foraminiferal models.

Hottinger, L. (1999). "Odd partnership", a particular size relation between close species of larger foraminifera, with an emendation of an outstandingly odd partner, Glomalveolina delicatissima (Smout, 1954), Middle Eocene. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 92, pp. 385-393. Standort: Reprints library of Lukas Hottinger in Weisser Bär. No separate collection to this publication.

Hottinger, L. (2000). Functional morphology of benthic foraminiferal shells, envelopes of cells beyond measure. Micropaleontology, vol. 46, supplement No. 1, pp. 57-86. Standort: Reprints library of Lukas Hottinger in Weisser Bär.

Hottinger, L., Romero, J., and Caus, E. (2001). Architecture and revision of the Pellatispirines, planispiral canaliferous foraminifera from the Late Eocene Tethys. Micropaleontology 47, supplement no. 2:35-77. With original drawings and notes Pellatispira (in Cabinet 71). Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. Reiss, Z., and Langer, M. (2001). Spiral canals of some Elphidiidae. Micropaleontology, vol. 47, supplement no. 2, pp. 5-34. K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (2001a). Archaiasinids and related porcellaneous larger foraminifera from the late Miocene of the Dominican Republic. Journal of Paleontology, 75(3):475-512. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (2001).- Learning from the past. In: R.Levi-Montalcini (ed.): Frontiers of Life, vol. 4, part 2: Discovery and spoliation of the biosphere, p. 449-477. Academic Press (London & San Diego). K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Hottinger L. (2006).- Illustrated glossary of terms used in foraminiferal research.- Carnets de Géologie - Notebooks on Geology, Brest, Memoir 2006/02 (CG2006_M02), 126 p., 83 fig. URL

Hottinger, L. (2007a). Revision of the foraminiferal genus Globoreticulina Rahaghi, 1978 and of its associated fauna of larger foraminifera from the late Middle Eocene of Iran. Carnets de Géologie, article CG2007_A06. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (2007b). Shell architecture in the Late Cretaceous foraminifer subfamily Clypeorbinae Sigal, 1952. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 372-392. Collection missing.

Hottinger, L. and Caus, E. (2009a). Meandropsinidae, an ophtalmidid family of Late Cretaceous K-strategist foraminifera endemic in the Pyrenean Gulf. N. Jb. geol. Paläont. Abh., vol. 253/2-3, pp. 249-279. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (2009b). The Paleocene and earliest Eocene foraminiferal family Miscellaneidae: neither nummulites nor rotaliids. Carnets de Geologie / Notebooks on Geology, article 2009 / 06 (CG2009_A06), 41 p. Standort: A printout is alongside the collection. Link to collection.

Hottinger, L. (1960-2012). Schliffbücher. Listing to numbers of thin sections and samples. Handwritten, unpublished. Standort: With collection of thin sections. Link to thin section collection of L. Hottinger.

Hottinger, L. (2013). Micropaleontology in Basel (Switzerland) during the twentieth century, rise and fall of one of the smaller fields of the life sciences. In Bowden, A.J., Gregory, F.J., and Henderson, A.S. (eds.): Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropaleontology: History and Development. The Micropalaeontological Society Special Publications No. 6, Geological Society Publishing House, Bath, U.K., pp. 317-335. Standorte: Xerox copy of article: Micropaleontology reprints collection, Weisser Bär/Hottinger (manuscript version 2011), Book: Foraminiferen Alphabet, Weisser Bär, Room 13/-105. a,b,c.

Hottinger, L. (edited by Davide Bassi, 2014). Paleogene Larger Rotaliid Foraminifera from the Western and Central Neotethys. Springer, 196 p. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-02853-8. Standort: A copy of the book is deposited with the collection to "Rotaliids". Link to "Rotaliids" collection L. Hottinger.

Hotz, W. (1928). Das Profil der neuen Bohrung von Allschwil 2 bei Basel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 21(1): 90-92. Link to collection of Hermann Fischer (Allschwil 2).

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978a). Site 371: South Balearic Basin. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 29-57. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978b). Site 377: Mediterranean Ridge Cleft. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 305-319. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978c). Site 378: Cretan Basin. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 321-357. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978d). Site 372: Menorca Rise. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 59-150. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978e). Site 374: Messina Abyssal Plain. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 175-217. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978f). Site 375 and 376: Florence Rise. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 219-304. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978g). History of the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 1053-1078. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Hsü, K.J and Weissert, H. (eds.) (1985). South Atlantic paleoceanography. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Standort: A xerox copy of the book is deposited with the study collection to DSDP Site 532 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections of Hedi Oberhänsli.

Hsü, K.J. and Wright, R. (1985). History of calcite dissolution of the South Atlantic Ocean. In: Hsü, K. and Weissert, H. (eds.). South Atlantic paleoceanography. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 149-187. Standort: A xerox copy of the book is deposited with the study collection to DSDP Site 532 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections of Hedi Oberhänsli.

Huber, B. (1994). Rupelian foraminifera in the southern Rhinegraben and their paleoecological significance. Dissertation Geol. Pal. Inst. University of Basel, No. 4a, 1994. 92 p., 14 plates. Standort: With reference- and study collection. Link to reference collection. Link to raw materials collection.

Instituts-Exkursion GPI 1955 - The northern border of the Pyreneans - Aquitaine. 27 September - 13 October 1955). Excursion guide. See under guides to European Micropaleo Colloquia further above.

Isuman, N.I. (1983). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen von Grossforaminiferen (Nummuliten und Assilinen) im Alttertiär von Südostspanien (Aspe und Agost in der Provinz Alicante). Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe A / Band 49, 170 p., 20 plates. Berlin 1983, verlag von Dietrich Reimer in Berlin. Dissertation Technische Universität Berlin. Standort: Micropaleontology reprints collection, Weisser Bär, Larger Forams/Cenozoic, under I. Link to collection of Lukas Hottinger Aspe & Agost. Link to raw material collection (Alicante: Benidorm area) of Hans Schaub.

Iturralde Vinent, M.A. (1966). Cassigerinella regularis nueva especie de foraminifero planctonico de la Formacion Tinguaro del Oligoceno Cubano. Istituto Nacional de Recursos Hidraulicos, Direccion Technica, Depto. de Ingenieri geologica, Publicacion Especial No. 2:5-15, La Habana, Cuba. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/see under Vinent. Link to collection.

Iturralde-Vinent, M.A. (1992). A short note on the Cuban late Maastrichtian megaturbidite (an impact-derived deposit?). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 109:225-228. Standort: A copy of the field trip guide is deposited with the collections of D. Bernoulli. Link to colln. D. Bernoulli (Field trip to Cuba, 2001 & 2002).

Iturralde-Vinent, M.A. (2002). Field guide to the geology and tectonics of western and central Cuba. Museo National de Historia Natural, 58 p. Standort: A copy of the field trip guide is deposited with the collections of D. Bernoulli. Link to colln. D. Bernoulli (Field trip to Cuba, 2001 & 2002).

Jackson, E.D., Koizumi, I., and Shipboard Scientific Party (1980a). Chapter 5. Site 432: Nintoku Seamount. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 55, pp. 95-125. Standort: Reprint with the collections of D. Bernoulli. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli.

Jackson, E.D., Koizumi, I., and Shipboard Scientific Party (1980b). Chapter 6. Site 433: Suiko Seamount. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 55, pp. 127-282. Standort: Reprint with the collections of D. Bernoulli. Link to collns. D. Bernoulli.

Jackson, T.A. and Donovan, S.K. (1994). Tobago. Chapter 11 in Donovan, S.K. and Jackson, T.A. (1994). Caribbean Geology. An Introduction. Published by the University of the West Indies Publisher's Association (UWIPA), P.O. Box 42, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica W.I., ISBN 976-41-0033-3, pp. 193-207. Standort: Handbibliothek Weisser Bär/ Bibliothek L. Hottinger / Caribbean. Link to collection John Saunders. Link to Tobago Collection of H. G. Kugler.

Jenkins, G.D. (1978). Neogene planktonik foraminifers from DSDP Leg 40 Sites 360 and 362 in the Southeastern Atlantic. Init. Rep. DSDP 40:723-739. Link to collection.

Joly, N. and Leymerie, A. (1848). Mémoire sur les Nummulites considérées zoologiquement et géologiquement. Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse (3), 4, 1-70, pl. I-II. Link to collection.

Johnson, J.H. (1955). Early Tertiary coralline algae from Trinidad, British West Indies. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 48(1): 69-78, pls. 7-9. Standort: K3/Cabinets to type- and reference collections ? Link to collection.

Jordan, R.W., Knappertsbusch, M., Simpson, W.R., and Chamberlain, A.H.L. (1991). Turrilithus latericioides gen. et sp. nov., a new coccolithophorid from the deep photic zone. British Phycological Journal, 26: 175-183. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the archive M. Knappertsbusch / Film-Negatives (III)+(IV) [T. latericioides], another copy is deposited with the collections of Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea. Link to archive M. Knappertsbusch / Film-Negatives. Link to collections of Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea.

Jukes-Browne, A.J. and Harrison, J.B., (1891). The Geology of Barbados. Part I.-The Coral-Rocks of Barbados and other West-Indian Islands. Part II.- The Oceanic Deposits. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlviii. Link to collection A. Senn.

Jung, P. (1973). Pleistocene pteropods - Leg 15, Site 147, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 15, pp. 753-756. Standort: K3/Cabinets DSDP literature to MRC collections. Link to collection.

Jung, P. (1975). Quaternary larval gastropods from Leg 15, Site 147, Deep-Sea Drilling Project. Preliminary report. Veliger, vol. 18, pp. 109-126. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Kälin, O. and Bernoulli, D. (1984). Schizosphaerella Deflandre and Dangeard in Jurassic deep-water carbonate sediments, Mazagan Continental Margin (Hole 547B) and Mesozoic Tethys. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 79, pp. 411-435. Standort: Reprint deposited with collections of Daniel Bernoulli. Link to collection of Daniel Bernoulli.

Kälin, O. (1980). Schizosphaerella punctulata Deflandre and Dangeard: wall ultrastructure and preservation in deeper-water carbonate sediments of the Tethyan Jurassic. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 73(3), pp. 983-1008. Standort: Reprint deposited with collections of Daniel Bernoulli. Link to collection of Daniel Bernoulli [under reference materials to DSDP Legs 13, 17, 43, 55, and 79].

Kaminski, M.A., Gradstein, F.M., Beggren, W.A., Geroch, S., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1988). Flysch-type agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages from Trinidad: Taxonomy, stratigraphy and Paleobathymetry. Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundes-Anstalt Wien, vol. 41, pp. 155-227. Standort: printout deposited with collections of J.-P. Beckmann. Link to collections of J.-P. Beckmann (1991). Link to reference collection to Bolli, H.M., Beckmann, J.-P., and Saunders, J.B. (1994), Link to study collection "An inventory of benthic smaller foraminifera in Trinidad, W.I." of Hans M. Bolli and J.B. Saunders (1958, unpublished)".

Kapellos, Ch. (1969). Untersuchungen über die Nummuliten und Assilinen des Gurnigelflysches. Diploma thesis University of Basel. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Kapellos, Ch. (1973). Biostratigraphie des Gurnigelflysches mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nummuliten und des Nannoplanktons, unter Einbeziehung des paläogenen Nannoplanktons der Krim (UDSSR). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 96, 127 p., 49 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Kapellos, Ch. and Schaub, H. (1973). Zur Korrelation von Biozonierungen mit Grossforaminiferen und Nannoplankton im Paläogen der Pyrenäen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 66(3):687-737. Link to collection.

Kapellos, Ch. (1974). Ueber das Nannoplankton im Alttertiär des Profils von Zumaya-Guetaria (Provinz Guipuzcoa, Nordspanien). Eclogae geol. Helv. 67(2):435-444. Link to collection.

Kapellos, Ch. and Schaub, H. (1975). L'Illerdien dans les Alpes, dans les Pyrénées et en Crimée. Corrélation des zones à grands foraminifères et à nannoplancton. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France (B.S.G.F.), 7e série, t. 17, pp. 123-266. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection Kapellos and Schaub (1973).

Kassab, I.I., 1975). Globotruncana falsocalcarata Kerdany and Abdelsalam from northern Iraq. Micropaleontology, 21(3):346-351.

Katz, M.E. and Miller, K.G. (1993). Miocene-Pliocene bathyal benthic foraminifera and the uplift of Buff Bay, Jamaica. Geological Society of America Memoir 182, pp. 219-254. Standort: K3, xerox copy deposited with colln. Saunders/Jamaica/UNOCAL. Link to collection Saunders/Jamaica/UNOCAL.

Kellner, S.K., Knappertsbusch, M.W., Costeur, L., Müller, B., and Schulz, G. (2019). Imaging the internal structure of Borelis schlumbergeri Reichel (1937): Advances by high-resolution hard X-ray microtomography. Palaeontologia Electronica 22.1.17A, 1-19, Palaeontologia Electronica 22(1),, Standort: Printout with the collection. Link to Collection.


Supplement to Kellner, S.K., Knappertsbusch, M.W., Costeur, L., Müller, B., and Schulz, G. (2019). Imaging the internal structure of Borelis schlumbergeri Reichel (1937): Advances by high-resolution hard X-ray microtomography. Palaeontologia Electronica 22(1), Data deposited at Media Server (M:) of NMB. Link to collection.

Kerdany El, M.T. (1969). Paleontology and regional correlation studies of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower tertiary rocks of Middle Egypt. Unpublished PhD thesis, Faculty of Science, Ains Shams University, Cairo. Typescript, 177 p., plates 1 through 18. Enclosures: 7 stratigraphic sections, 3 correlation charts. Standort: Deposited with the collection. Link to collections of J.P. Beckmann.

Kerdany El, M.T. and Abdelsalam, H. (1969). Globotruncana fasocalcarata n. sp. from the Quseir area, Eastern desert, U.A.R. Third African Micropaleontological Colloquium, (Cairo, 1968), Proc., pp. 261-267, pls. 1-2, text fig. 1. Link to collection.

Kidd, R.B., Bernoulli, D., Garrison, R.E., Fabricius, F.H. and Mélières, F. (1978). Lithologic findings of DSDP Leg 42A, Mediterranean Sea. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 1079-1094. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collns. D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A. Link to collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.

Kind, H.D. (1967). Diapire und Alttertiär im südöstlichen Baskenland (Nordspanien). Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch, Vol. 66, pp. 127-174. Standort: K3, a xeroxed copy is deposited with the colln. Hans Schaub/H.D. Kind. Link to collection.

King, D.J., Wade, B.S., Liska, R.D., Miller, C.G. (2020). A review of the importance of the Caribbean region in Oligo-Miocene low latitude planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and the implications for modern biogeochronological schemes. Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 202, 102968, 27 p. Standort: K3, a printout is deposited with the collections of H.G. Kugler/Stratigraphic collections from Trinidad, K3 / D 20 / 5 165. Link to collections of H.G. Kugler/Stratigraphic collections from Trinidad.

Kirmani, K.U. (1979). Geology of the Inniss, Catshill and Balata East Oilfields in Trinidad, West Indies. Fourth Latin American Geological Conference, Port - of - Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, July 7th-15th, 1979, Vol. II, pp. 700-713. Standort: Deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, under Trinidad/. Link to collections of J.B. Saunders.

Kleiber, G.W. (1984). Fazielle und biostratigraphische Untersuchungen in der obersten Kreide und im Alttertiär südlich des Grünten. Diplomarbeit der geowissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Eberhard-Karl Universität Tübingen, 221 pages. Standort: Reprint included with the collection.

Kleiber, G.W. (1991). Nummuliten der paläogenen Tethys in Axialschnitten. Tübinger Mikropaläontologische Mitteilungen, No. 9, 161 pages. Standort: A reprint is included with the collection. Link to collection.

Knappertsbusch, M. (1985). Geologie und Mikropaläontologie im Valle di Costa, Prov. Brescia, Italia. Diploma thesis ETH Zürich, 100 p. Standort: A xeroxed copy is included with the collection. Link to collection.

Knappertsbusch, M. (1990a and b). Geographic distribution of modern coccolithophorids in the Mediterranean Sea and morphological evolution of Calcidiscus leptoporus. Dissertation No. 9169, ETH Zürich. Standort: A copy of the thesis is deposited with the collection. An annotated pdf version of the thesis (6 october 2022) and raw data to Part 1 and Part 2 are stored on the internal media server (M) of the NMB and in printed form in the NMB GEO-Archive. Link to collection. Link to archive M. Knappertsbusch / Film-Negatives.

Knappertsbusch, M. and Vonhof, H. (1992). Mikrozooplankton und Nannoplankton. pp. 317-324. In Bathmann, U., Schulz-Baldes, M., Fahrbach, E., Smetacek, V., Hubberten, H.-W. (eds.). Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS IX/1-4 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 1990/91. Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar Research), Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, vol. 100, 403 p. hdl:10013/epic.10100.d001. URL: Link to collection of M. Knappertsbusch (Polarstern).

Knappertsbusch, M. (1993 a). Geographic distribution of living and Holocene coccolithophores in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, vo. 21, pp. 219-247. Standort: A copy of the reprint is deposited with the collection. Xeroxed manuscript version 1 with plates and an earlier manuscript version 2 (from 29 March 1992) containing printed listings of specific cell counts in the plankton are also deposited with the collection (note that for reasons of brevity the published version reproduced only graphical representations of specific cell frequencies in the plankton). Link to collection. Link to archive M. Knappertsbusch / Film-Negatives.

Knappertsbusch, M. (1993 b). Syracosphaera noroiticus sp. nov., and S. marginaporata sp. nov., (Syracosphaeraceae, Prymnesiophyta), new coccolithophores from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 12 (1):71-76. Standort: One reprint is deposited with the archive M. Knappertsbusch / Film-Negatives (I)+(II) [S. noroiticus], One reprint is deposited with the archive M. Knappertsbusch / Film-Negatives (III)+(IV) [S. marginaporata], another copy is deposited with the collections of Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea. Link to archive M. Knappertsbusch / Film-Negatives. Link to collns. Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea. Link to collns. Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea.

Knappertsbusch, M. (1994). Report to the study "The significance of coccolithophore blooms for the oceanic carbon cycle: A numerical modelling experiment simulating Emiliania huxleyi blooms in the North Atlantic". Unpublished report, November 2, 1994. Link to collection (report & data only). Link to archive Knappertsbusch.

Knappertsbusch M. and Brummer, G.-J.A. (1995). A sediment trap investigation of sinking coccolithophorids in the North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research I, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1083-1109. Standort: A copy of the reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection. Link to archive.

Knappertsbusch, M., Cortes, M.Y., and Thierstein, H.R. (1997). Morphologic variability of the coccolithophorid Calcidiscus leptoporus in the plankton,, surface sediments and from the Early Pleistocene. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 30, pp. 293-317. Standort: A copy of the reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of M. Knappertsbusch. Link to archive.

Knappertsbusch, M. (1997, unpublished). Coccolith fluxes at NABE station 34°N / 21° W. Unpublished report, 22p. Poster presented at GEM VII Meeting, 13-17 September 1997, Château de Blagnac, Cabara, France. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Knappertsbusch, M. (1998 b). A simple Fortran 77 program for outline detection. Computers & Geosciences, vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 897-900. Code available from Reprint deposited in the archive. Link to archive. Link to collection (with program code).

Knappertsbusch, M. (2000). Morphological evolution of the coccolithophorid Calcidiscus leptoporus from the Early Miocene to Recent. Journal of Paleontology, 74(4):712-730.<0712:MEOTCC>2.0.CO;2. URL: %3B2. Standort: A copy of the reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection. Link to Archive (PhD-C. leptoporus study).

Knappertsbusch, M. (2001). A method of illustrating the morphological evolution of coccoliths using 3D animations applied to Calcidiscus leptoporus. Paleontologia Electronica, vol. 4, issue 1. Link to Archive (PhD-C. leptoporus study).

Knappertsbusch, M., (2002), Stereographic virtual reality representations of microfossils in light microscopy. Palaeontologia Electronica, vol. 5, issue 1. URL: Printout deposited in the archive. Link to collection. Link to archive.

Knappertsbusch, M., (2004). MorphCol. A collection of Fortran 77 programs for geometric morphometry. NMB Technical Report. First Edition, 14 september 2004. Hardcopy including program code listings. Published on-line under Knappertsbusch (2015a). Link to collections.

Knappertsbusch, M., Brown, K.R., and Rüegg, H.R. (2006). Positioning and enhanced stereographic imaging of microfossils in reflected light. Palaeontologia Electronica, vol. 9, issue 2; 8A: 10p, 30.1 MB. Printout deposited in the archive. Link to archive.

Knappertsbusch, M. (2007). Morphological variability of Globorotalia menardii (planktonic foraminifera) in two DSDP cores from the Caribbean Sea and the Eastern Equatorial Pacific. Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology -Brest, Article 2007/04 (CG2007_A04). URL: Printout deposited in the archive. Link to collection. For download of raw data see Knappertsbusch, M. (2016). Link to archive.

Knappertsbusch, M. (2011). Evolution im marinen Plankton. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft beider Basel, 13: 14 p. Link to archive.

Knappertsbusch, M. and Mary, Y. (2012). Mining morphological evolution in microfossils using volume density diagrams. Palaeontologia Electronica, Vol. 15, Issue 3; 7T: 209p. URL: Standort: A copy of the reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection. Link to Archive (PhD-C. leptoporus study).

Knappertsbusch, M. (2015a). MorphCol 2004-2013. A collection of Fortran 77 programs for geometric morphometry. Naturhistorisches Museum Basel. Online at PANGAEA since 20 august 2015.

Knappertsbusch (2015b). Raw-data to morphometric investigations about the Neogene planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia menardii and related forms from ODP Hole 154-925B (Céara Rise, western tropical Atlantic). Link to collection of Knappertsbusch (2016). Online at PANGAEA since 21 december 2015.

Knappertsbusch, M. (2016). Evolutionary prospection in the Neogene planktic foraminifer Globorotalia menardii and related forms from ODP Hole 925B (Ceara Rise, western tropical Atlantic): evidence for gradual evolution superimposed by long distance dispersal ? Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, vol. 135 (2), pp. 205-248. On-line version available under Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Knappertsbusch, M., (2016). Raw data to Knappertsbusch, M. (2007). Morphological variability of Globorotalia menardii (planktonic foraminiferan) in two DSDP cores from the Caribbean Sea and the Eastern Equatorial Pacific. File archive for download (1.48 GB). Online at PANGAEA since 8 august 2016.

Knappertsbusch, M. (2021b). Commented archive to Morphological evolution of menardiform globorotalids at Western Pacific Warm Pool ODP Hole 806C (Ontong-Java Plateau). Standort: Internal Media-Server of the NMB (>1.3 GB); on-line version at Link to collection.

Knappertsbusch, M. (2022). Morphological evolution of menardiform globorotalids at Western Pacific Warm Pool ODP Hole 806C (Ontong-Java Plateau). Revue de Micropaléontologie 74 (2022) 100608, 33 p. The approved manuscript and data files to this publication is also accessible from Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Knappertsbusch, M. and Eisenecker, J. (2022). Towards a Fleet of Robots for Orientation, Imaging, and Morphometric Analyses of Planktonic Foraminifera. Frontiersd in Marine Science, xx xx 2022. Standort: A printout is in the Geo Archive/Knappertsbusch/AMOR Box 10. Link to archive of M. Knappertsbusch.

Knappertsbusch, M. (2023). Morphological cladogenesis and terminal dwarfing in extinct Late Miocene through Pliocene menardiform globorotalids: New complementary data to "Evolutionary prospection in the Neogene planktic foraminifer Globorotalia menardii and related forms from ODP Hole 925B (Céara Rise, western tropical Atlantic): evidence for gradual evolution superimposed by long distance dispersal ? Swiss J. Palaeontology, 135:205-248". Data archive and report published on Standort: A printout of the report is deposited alongside the collection. Link to collections of M. Knappertsbusch.

Koch, R.E. (1923). Die jungtertiären Foraminiferenfauna von Kabu (Res. Surabaja, Java). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 18(2): 342-361. Link to collection.

Koch, R.E. (1926a). Miogypsina staufferi, nov. sp., from northwestern Venezuela. Eclogae geol. Helv. 29(3):751-753. Link to collection.

Koch, R.E. (1926b). Mitteltertiäre Foraminiferen aus Bulongan, Ost-Borneo. Eclogae geol. Helv. 19(3):722-751. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71, literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Koch, R.E. (1928). Tertiärer Foraminiferenkalk von der Insel Curacao (Niederländisch West-Indien). Eclogae geol. Helv. 21:51-57. Standort: K3/Cabinet71, literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Koch, R.E. (1935). Namens-Aenderung einiger tertiär-Foraminiferen aus Niederländisch Ost-Indien. Eclogae geol. Helv. 28(2):557-558. Standort: K3/Cabinet 71, literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Koechlin, E. (1941). Demonstration jurassischer Foraminiferen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 34:260-263. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Koechlin, E. (1942). Pseudocyclammina virguliana n.sp. aus den Virgula-Mergeln des Berner Jura. Eclogae geol. Helv. 35(2):195-199. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Koehn-Zaninetti, L. and Brönnimann, P. (1968). Triasina oberhauseri, n. sp., un foraminifère nouveau de la Dolomie principale des Alpes Calcaires septentrionales (Autriche). Institut de Paléontologie, Université de Genève. Genève, Imprimerie P. Fontana, Mars 1968, pp. 1-8. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.


Koehn-Zaninetti, L.A. (1968). Les foraminifères du Trias de la région de l'Almtal (Haute-Autriche). Texte condensé de la thèse de L.A. Koehn-Zaninetti, Institut de Paléontologie, Université de Genève, 14 p. Standort: With the collection. Link to collection.
Koehn-Zaninetti, L.A. (1969). Les foraminifères du Trias de la région de l'Almtal (Haute-Autriche). Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Sonderband 14, pp. 1-155. Wien, Juni 1969. Standort: With the collection. Link to collection.
Koizumi, I., Butt, A., Ling, H.Y., and Takayama, T. (1980). Biostratigraphic summary of DSDP Leg 55: Emperor Seamount Chain. Initial Reports of the DSDP, vol. 55, pp. 285-288. Standort: pdf printout with the collection. Link to study collection H.P. Luterbacher / Arif Butt.
Konijnenburg, J.-H., Bernoulli, D., Mutti, M. (1999). Stratigraphic architecture of a Lower Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary Carbonate base-of-slope succession: Gran Sasso d'Italia (Central Appennines, Italy). Advances in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Applications to Reservoirs, Outcrops and Models. SEPM Special Publication No. 63, pp. 291-315. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology). Standort: Reprint with literature references in K3. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.

Kopp, J. (1952). Die Erdölbohrung Altishofen. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. und Ing., 19(57):21-24. Link to collection Luterbacher. For collections to Kopp, J. (1952, 1955a, 1955b), and Vonderschmitt & Tschopp (1953) see list available under Typen- und Belegsammlungen Details.

Kopp, J. (1955a). Erdölanzeichen in der Trias der Erdölbohrung Altishofen. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. und Ing., 21(61):1-6. Link to collection Luterbacher. For collections to Kopp, J. (1952, 1955a, 1955b), and Vonderschmitt & Tschopp (1953) see list available under Typen- und Belegsammlungen Details.

Kopp, J. (1955b). Die Ergebnisse der Erdölbohrung Altishofen. Mitt. naturf. Ges. Luzern, 17:197-214. Link to collection Luterbacher. For collections to Kopp, J. (1952, 1955a, 1955b), and Vonderschmitt & Tschopp (1953) see list available under Typen- und Belegsammlungen Details.

Krijnen, J.P., Mac Gillavry, H.J., van Dommelen, H. (1993). Review of upper Cretaceous orbitoidal larger foraminifera from Jamaica, West Indies, and their connection with rudist assemblages. Geological Society of America Memoir 182, pp. 29-63. Standort: With the collection John B. Saunders/Buff Bay.

Kristan-Tollmann, E. (1966). Zum Bau und zur Taxonomie der triadischen Foraminiferengattung Duostomina. In Luterbacher et al. (eds.). Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Reichel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):47-63. Standort: K3/with collection Festschrift Reichel. Link to collection.

Kugler, H.G. (1921). Geologie des Sangir-Batang-Hari-Gebietes (Mittel-Sumatra). Verhandelingen van het Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonien. Geologische Serie, Deel V, pp. 135-201. [Dissertation of H.G. Kugler, University of Basel]. Standort: A reprint is with the collection. Link to collections of H.G. Kugler from Russia.

Kugler, H.G. (1939). Visit to Russian oil districts. Journal of the Institute of Petroleum, 25(184): 68-88. [Standort: With the collection]. Link to collection.

Kugler, H.G. (1961). Tertiary of Barbados, W.I. Geological Magazine, vol. 97(4):348-350. [Standort: With Barbados collection of J.B. Saunders].

Kugler, H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1967). On Tertiary turbidity-flow sediments in Trinidad, W.I. Boletin Informativo Asociacion Venezolana de Geologia, Mineria Y Petroleo, vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 241-259. Standort: A copy is deposited in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad (drawer key literature). Link to Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad. Link to collns J.B. Saunders "Inventory benthic smaller foraminifera.

Kugler, H.G. (1968). Sedimentary volcanism. In Transactions of the Fouth Caribbean Geological Conference. Held at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, 2th March - 12 April 1965, pp. 11-13. Standort: One copy deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, Trinidad / K /, another copy deposited in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad (drawer key literature). Link to colln. Saunders/mud volcanism. Link to Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.

Kugler, H.G. (1974). The geology of Patos Island (East Venezuela). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 469-478. A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Kugler, H.G. and Caudri, C.M.B. (1975). Geology and Paleontology of Soldado Rock, Trinidad (West Indies). Part 1: Geology and Biostratigraphy. Eclogae geol. Helv. 68(2):365-430. Reprint deposited in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad, Soldado Rock formation.

Kugler, H.G. (1978). Lebensspuren made by penguins. Eclogae geol. Helv. 71(3):639-646. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection.Link to collection.

Kugler, H.G., Jung, P., and Saunders, J.B. (1984). The Joes River Formation of Barbados and its fauna. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 675-705. Link to Barbados collns of J.B. Saunders.

Kugler, Hans G. (2001). Treatise on the Geology of Trinidad. Part 4 - Paleocene to Holocene Formations. Edited by H.M. Bolli and M. Knappertsbusch. 309 p. Published by the Natural History Museum Basel. Link to stratigraphic collections. Link to archive.

Kugler, Hans G. (1996). Treatise on the Geology of Trinidad. Part 3 - Detailed geological Maps and sections. Edited by Hans M. Bolli and John B. Saunders. Published by the Natural History Museum Basel. Link to stratigraphic collections. Link to archive.

Kuhn, J.A. (1972). Stratigraphisch-mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen in der äusseren Einsiedler Schuppenzone und im Wägitaler Flysch E und W des Sihlsees (Kt. Schwyz). Dissertation ETH, No. 4849). Eclogae geol. Helv., 65(3):485-553. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Lacoste, J. et Rey, M. (1938). Sur l'âge et la répartition des certains faciès du Miocène dans le Prérif. Bull. Soc. géol. France, 5ème série, t. VIII, pp. 305-320. Standort: Reprints libary of L. Hottinger.

Lahusen, P.H. and Wyss, R. (1995). Erdöl- und Erdgasexploration in der Schweiz. Ein Rückblick. Bull. Schweiz. Ver. Petroleum-Geol. u. Ing., 62(141):43-72.

Lambert, B., and Laporte-Galaa, C. (2005). Discoaster zonation of the Miocene of the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Mahakam Delta Offshore). Carnets de Géologie - Notebooks on Geology, Brest, Memoir 2005/01 (CG2005_M01), 63 p., 27 fig., 17 pl.

Lamolda, M. (1999, ed.). 24 Colloqquio Europeo de Micropaleontologia. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, vol. 31(3). Standort: Alongside teaching collections M. Knappertsbusch, 24° EMC, 1998. Link to teaching collection M. Knappertsbusch from 24 European Micropaleontological Colloquium 1998 in Spain.

Lange, E. (1925). Eine mittelpermische Fauna von Guguk Bulat (Padanger Oberland, Sumatra). Verhandelingen van het Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonieen, Geologische Serie, Deel VII, pp. 149-295. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Langer, M.R. (2008). Assessing the contribution of foraminiferan protists to global ocean carbonate production. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 55(3): 163-169. Standort: Printout deposited with the collection Knappertsbusch, Recent Marine Beach sands, Sample 29. Link to collections Knappertsbusch, Recent Marine Beach sands, Sample 29.

Langer, M., Hottinger, L., and Huber, B. (1989). Functional morphology in low-diverse benthic foraminiferal assemblages from tidal flats of the North Sea. Senckenbergiana marit., vol. 20, No. 3/4, pp. 81-99. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Langer, M. and Hottinger, L. (2000). Biogeography of selected "larger" foraminifera. Micropaleontology, vol. 46, supplement no. 1, pp. 105-126. Standort: A copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to study collections of L. Hottinger.

Larue, D.K. and Speed, R.C. (1984). Structure of the accretionary complex of Barbados, II: Bissex Hill. Geol. Soc. Abstract. America Bulletin, 95:1360-1372. Link to collections of John Saunders [Grenada].

Lehmann, R. (1961). Strukturanalyse einiger Gattungen der Subfamilie Orbitoididae. Eclogae geol. Helv. 54(2):597-667, 14 plates. [Standort: K3/shelf with literature on type collections], Standort: Full paper in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection. Link to model of Yaberinella jamaicanensis.

Lehmann, R. (1962a). Plusieurs types morphologiques distincts d'Orbitolites de l'Ilerdien Pyrénéen. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 7ème série, tome iV, pp. 357-361. Standort: K3/Cabinet 70 with literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Lehmann, R. (1962b). Etude des globotruncanidés du Crétacé supérieur de la province de Tarfaya (Maroc occidental). Notes du Service géologique du Maroc, Tome 21 (Notes et Mémoires No. 156), Rabat, pp. 133-181. Standort: Reprint deposited together with collection. Collection missing. Link to collection.

Lehmann, R. (1966a). Description des globotruncanidés et hétérohelicidés d'une faune maestrichtienne de Prérif (Maroc). Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):309-317, 2 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinet 70 with literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Lehmann, R. (1966b). Les Foraminifères pélagiques du Crétacé du Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya. In: Collingnon, M., Lehmann, R., Hottinger, L., Davadie-Crosnier, C., and Oertli, H.J. (eds). Le Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional). Tome II, Paléontologie. Notes et Mémoires du Service Geologique du Maroc, No. 175, pp. 153-176. Standort: An extract (xerox copy of chapter 1. Planomalinidae et Globotruncanidae du Sondage de Puerto Cansado...) is deposited with the collection to Lehmann (1962b); a complete copy of the volume No. 175 (Tome I and II) is in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär/Hand library of L. Hottinger/under Hottinger. Link to collection Lehmann 1962b.

Lehmann, R. (1970). Early Tertiary foraminifera. Nummulites and Assilina. ESSO Production Research Company, P.O. Box 2189, Houston, Texas 77001. EPRE Private report No. EPRE-E-1 SP-70, 102 pages, 58 plates. Standort: Belegliteratur zu den Sammlungen, K3/Cabinet 70.

Lehner, P. (1952). Die Geologie des Denti della Vecchia, des Monte Brè und des Monte San Salvatore bei Lugano. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 45:85-159. Inaugural-Dissertation Universität Basel.

Lehner, B.L., Knappertsbusch, M.W., Heer, P.H. (1987). Biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Maiolica Lombarda and the Scaglia Lombarda on the west side of Lake Garda (Northern Italy), Memorie di Scienze Geologiche, Universita di Padova, vol. 39, pp. 1-35. Standort: Reprint deposited together with collection of Knappertsbusch, M. (1985). Link to the collection Knappertsbusch, M. (1985).

Lemcke, K. (1963). Die Ergebnisse der Bohrung Savigny 1 bei Lausanne. Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweiz. Petroleum-Geologen und- Ingenieure, vol. 30 (1963-1964), No. 78, pp. 4-11. Link to collection.

Leppig, U. (1988). Structural analysis and taxonomic revision of Miscellanea, Paleocene larger foraminifera. Eclogae geol. Helv., 81(3):689-721. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Leria, M., Ferrandez-Canyadell, C., and Ruiz-Ortega, M. (2014). Modelos tridimensionales de foraminiferos fosiles de Lukas Hottinger. Revista Bellas Artes (Revista de Artes Plasticas, Estetica, Diseno e Imagen), vol. 12, pp. 79-102, Universidad de la Laguna. Standort: One reprint is deposited together with the collection of structural models of M. Reichel, one printout is in the Micropal reprints collection/Weisser Bär/Handbibliothek Larger Foramininifera/Mesozoic. Link to collection of structural models of Manfred Reichel and Lukas Hottinger.

Leria Morillo, M. (2015). Dibujo Cientifico en Paleontologia. Proceso en la Representacion de Foraminiferos Fosiles. Interaccion entre Arte y Ciencia. PhD thesis. Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Dibuix, Facultat de Belles Arts, 421 p. Standort: A copy is deposited together with the collection of structural models of M. Reichel and L. Hottinger. Standort dissertation. Link to collection of structural models of Manfred Reichel and Lukas Hottinger.

Leschik, G. (1955). II. Die Iso- und Mikrosporen. In: Kräusel, R. und Leschik, G. (1955). Die Keuperflora von Neuewelt bei Basel. Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 72, 70 p., 10 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Less, G. and Kovacs, O. (1996). Age estimates by European Paleogene Orthophragminae using numerical evolutionary correlation. Geobios, 29(3):261-285. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Supplementary data to the collection of Hans Schaub (1981).

Less, G., Özcan, E., Papazzoni, C.A., and Stockar, R. (2008). The middle to Late Eocene evolution of nummulitid foraminifer Heterostegina in the Western Tethys. Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 53(2): 317-350. Standort: Micropal reprints collection/Weisser Bär/Larger Forams, Cenozoic. Link to collections L. Hottinger; Link to reference colln. to Hottinger (1977).

Leutenegger, S. (1977a). Ultrastructure de foraminifères perforés et imperforés ainsi que de leurs symbiontes. Diss. Univ. Basel. Chair: Prof. L. Hottinger. Standort: Micropal reprints collection/Weisser Bär/PhD studies. Link to collections.

Leutenegger, S. (1977b). Reproduction cycle of larger foraminifera and depth distribution of generations. In: Reiss, Z., Leutenegger, S., Hottinger, L., Fermont, W.J.J., Meulenkamp, J.E., Thomas, E., Hansen, H.J., Uchardt, B., Larsen, A.R., and Drooger, C.W. (eds.). Depth-relations of recent larger foraminifera in the Gulf of Aqaba-Elat. I.G.C.P. Project No. 1. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, vol. 15, pp. 27-34. Standort: A volume is deposited with the collection Hottinger (1977b). Link to collection. A second volume is deposited eprint in the micropaleo handibrary (Micropaleo Journals), Weisser Bär, 13/103, Bibliothek (Estrich). Link to collections.

Leutenegger, S. (1977c). Symbiosis between larger foraminifera and unicellular algae in the Gulf of Elat, Red Sea. In: Reiss, Z., Leutenegger, S., Hottinger, L., Fermont, W.J.J., Meulenkamp, J.E., Thomas, E., Hansen, H.J., Uchardt, B., Larsen, A.R., and Drooger, C.W. (eds.). Depth-relations of recent larger foraminifera in the Gulf of Aqaba-Elat. I.G.C.P. Project No. 1. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, vol. 15, pp. 241-244. Standort: A volume is deposited with the collection Hottinger (1977b). Link to collection. A second volume is deposited eprint in the micropaleo handibrary (Micropaleo Journals), Weisser Bär, 13/103, Bibliothek (Estrich). Link to collections.

Leutenegger, S. and Hansen, H.J. (1979). Ultrastructural and radiotracer studies of pore function in foraminifera. Marine Biology, vol. 54, pp. 11-16. Standort: Micropal reprints collection/Weisser Bär/Handbibliothek L. Hottinger/Leutenegger/.

Leutenegger, S. (1983). Specific host-symbiont relationship in larger foraminifera. Micropaleontology, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 111-125. Standort: Micropal reprints collection/Weisser Bär/Handbibliothek L. Hottinger/Leutenegger/.

Leutenegger, S. (1984). Symbiosis in benthic foraminifera: Specificity and host adaptations. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 16-35. Standort: Micropal reprints collection/Weisser Bär/Handbibliothek L. Hottinger/Leutenegger/.

Leymerie, A. (1846). Mémoire sur le terrain à Nummulites (épicrétacé) des Corbières et de la Montagne Noire. Mém. Soc. géol. France (2)1,5-41, pl. XII-XVII. Link to collection.

Liska, R.D. (1991). The history, age and significance of the Globorotalia menardii Zone in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. Micropaleontology, vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 173-182. Standort: A printout is deposited with the Stratigraphic Collection of Trinidad (Colln. H.G. Kugler, Lengua Formation). Link to Stratigraphic Collection of Trinidad (Colln. H.G. Kugler, Lengua Formation).

Loeblich, A. and Tappan, H. and collaborators (eds.), (1957). Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 215. ASmithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 323 p. Standorte: One copy is deposited with the micropal reprints collection and the handlibrary of Lukas Hottinger/Weisser Bär; one copy is deposited with the collection "Late Albian Globotruncana 26 zone to Early Eocene Globorotalia 22 zone (T.L.L. zonal scheme) of Trinidad benthic foraminifera" of J.P. Beckmann; one copy is deposited in the "Foraminiferen Alphabet" in Weisser Bär, Room 13/-105. Link to collection of J.P. Beckmann. Link to "Inventory smaller benthic foraminifera in Trinidad" collections of J.B. Saunders.

Lorenz, H.G. (1968). Stratigraphische und mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen des Braunkohlegebietes von Baccinello (Provinz Grosseto - Italien). Univ. Basel, Diss phil. Riv. Ital Paleont. e Stratigrafia, vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 147-270. Standort: A copy of the dissertation is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Luterbacher, H.-P. (1961). Ueber Thuramminen aus dem oberen Malm der Bohrung Altishofen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 54(2):581-587. Link to collection.

Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1962). Note préliminaire sur une révision du profil de Gubbio, Italie. Rivista Italiana de Paleontologia 68(2):253-288, 23 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Luterbacher, H.P. (1964). Studies in some Globorotalia from the Paleocene and Lower Eocene of the Central Apennines. Eclogae geol. Helv. 57(2):631-730. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1964). Biostratigrafia del limite Cretaceo-Terziario nell Appennino Centrale. Rivista Italiana de Paleontologia, 70(1):67-128, 7 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Luterbacher, H.P. (1965). Das Scaglia-Profil der Breggia bei Balerna (Süd-Tessin). Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Petroleum-Geologen und Ingenieure, vol. 31, No. 81, pp. 161-175. Standort: K3/G8/3. Link to collection.

Luterbacher, H.P., Grönhagen, D., Kugler, H.G., Mohler, W.A., Herb, R., and Nabholz, W.K. (eds.), (1966). Estschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Reichel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1), 564 pages. Standort: K3/with collection Festschrift Reichel.

Luterbacher, H. (1968). Paleogene deposits of the Soviet Union. Esso Production Research Company (E.P.R.Co), Report EPR68-ER11, pp. 3-20. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the study collections H.P. Luterbacher from Russia. Link to study collections H.P. Luterbacher from Russia.

Luterbacher, H.-P. (1970 a). Paleocene and Eocene planktonic foraminifera, Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP 11: 547-559.
Link to collection.
Luterbacher, H.-P. (1970 b) Foraminifera from the Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic of the Northwestern Atlantic. Init. Rep. DSDP 11: 561-593. Link to collection.
Luterbacher, H.P. (1970 c). Environmental distribution of Early Tertiary microfossils, Tremp Basin, Northeastern Spain. ESSO Production Research ­ European Laboratories. EPRE Private report No. EPR-E-1ER-70, 48 pages, 18 plates. [Note: illustrated specimens with SP-numbers given in the sections; the number behind SP indicates the section-height in meters]. Standort: Belegliteratur zu den Sammlungen, K3/Cabinet 70; a second, xeroxed copy is in the micropaleo hand-library of L. Hottinger @ Luterbacher (Weisser Bär). Link to type and reference collections.
Luterbacher, H.P. (1971). Paleogene microfossils from northeastern Spain. Systematic paleontology. ESSO Production Research ­ European Laboratories. Supplement to: Environmental distribution of Early Tertiary microfossils, Tremp Basin, Northeastern Spain. EPR-E-1 ER-70.
In 5 volumes: Part A, Text, p. 1-87; continuation of Part A: Text, p. 88-180; Part B: Plates 1-44; continuation of Part B: Plates 45-92; Part C: Distribution Charts. [Note: illustrated specimens with SP-numbers given in the sections; the number behind SP indicates the section-height in meters]. Standorte: A complete set is in Belegliteratur zu den Sammlungen, K3 / Cabinet 70. A second set is in the hand-library of Lukas Hottinger @ Luterbacher (Part A: Text, pp. 88-180 is missing), Weisser Bär. Link to collection Luterbacher (1971).
Luterbacher, H. (1972a). Paleocene and Eocene planktonic foraminifera, Leg 11, DSDP. Init. Rep. DSDP 11: 547-550. Standort: Reprint with the study collection. Link to study collns. H.P. Luterbacher.
Luterbacher, H.P. (1972b). Foraminifera from the lower Cretaceous and upper Jurassic of the northwestern Atlantic. Init. Rep. DSDP, 11:561-593, plates 5 to 8. Standort: Reprint with the study collection. Link to reference collection. Link to study collns. H.P. Luterbacher.
Luterbacher, H.P. (1975a) Early Cretaceous foraminifera from the northwestern Pacific, Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 32, pp. 703-718. Standort: K3/With the volumes of the DSDP. Link to collection.
Luterbacher, H.P. (1975b). Paleocene and Early Eocene planktonic foraminifera Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP, 32:725-733. Standort: K3/With the volumes of the DSDP. Link to collection.
Luterbacher, H.P. (1975c). Planktonic Foraminifera of the Paleocene and Early Eocene, Possagno Section. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 97:57-67. Standort lit.: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Lys, M. (1948). Introduction to "Planches Inédites" of Alcide D'Orbigny. International Geological Congress "Report of Eighteeth Session, Great britain, 1948, Part XV, pp. 3-11. Standort: Reprint with collection of foraminifera models of Alcide d'Orbigny 1826. Link to collection of foraminiferal models.
Maldonado, et al. (1956). Visita a las localidades tipo de las Formaciones del Eoceno, Oligoceno y Mioceno de la cuenca sedimentaria de Tampico-Misantla, en la Llanura Costera del Golfo de Mexico, entre Poza Rica, Ver., Tampico, Tamps. y ciudad Valles, S.L.P. Congreso geologico Internacional, Excursion C-16, 94 p. Standort: A copy of the guide is deposited with the collections of Hans M. Bolli. Link to collections of H.M. Bolli.
Mamet, B., Choubert, G., and Hottinger, L. (1966). Notes sur le Carbonifère du jebel Ouarkziz. Etude du passage du Viséen au Namurien d'après les Foraminifères. Notes du Serivice éologique du Maroc, Tome 27 (Notes et mémoires), No. 198, pp. 7-21. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collections of L. Hottinger from Morocco. Link to collections of L. Hottinger/Morocco.
Mancini, E.A. and Copeland, C.W. (1986). St. Stephens Quarry (Lone Star Cement Company Quarry), St. Stephens, Washington County, Alabama, where a near complete Oligocene section, including the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, is exposed. Centennial Field Guide Volume 6. Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 1986, pp. 373-378. Edited by T.L. Neathery, Geological Survey of Alabama, Drawer O University, Alabama. Standort: A xerox copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of J.B. Saunders (Raw materials collections: St. Stephens Quarry).
Marinos, G. and Reichel, M. (1958). The fossiliferous Permian in Eastern continental Greece and Euboea. Institute for Geology and subsurface Research, Athens, Publication No. 8, 16 pages. In Greek.
Martin-Kay, P.H.A., 1959. Reports on the Geology of Leeward and British Virgin Islands. Voice Publishing Co., St. Lucia, p. 106-110. Lesser Antilles, Leeward Antilles, minerals.
Martin-Kaye, P.H.A., 1958. The geology of Carriacou. Bulletin of American Paleontologists, 38: 311-324. Grenadines, Carriacou, West Indies, paleontology.
Martin-Kaye, P.H.A., 1969. A summary of the geology of the Lesser-Antilles. Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources, 10: 172-206. Lesser Antilles.
Maurasse, F. J.-M. (1993). Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and paleoecologic significance of calcareous-siliceous facies of the Neogene Montpellier Formation, northeastern Jamaica. Geological Society of America Memoir 182, pp. 255-282. Standort: Xerox copy of article with collection John Saunders/Jamaica/Buff Bay.
Maurer, H., Funk, H., and Nabholz, W. (1978). Sedimentpetrographische Untersuchungen an Molasse-Abfolgen der Bohrung Linden 1 und ihrer Umgebung (Kt. Bern). Eclogae geol. Helv. 71(3):497-515. Link to collection Luterbacher (molasse wells).
Margadant, S. (1987). Fotonachlass Dr. Moritz Blumenthal (1886 - 1967). Mittlerer und Ferner Osten, Dolomiten. Staatsarchiv Graubünden.
URL for direct download pdf. Link to historical collection of petroleum samples.
Martin, G.P.R. (1938). Zur Mikrofauna des Ferrugineus-Oolith aus der Gegend von Basel. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 31 (1938), pp. 355-361. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Mary, Y. (2013). Morphologic, biogeographic and ontogenetic investigation of Mid-Pliocene menardellids (planktonic foraminifera). Inauguraldissertation Universität Basel, 181 p. Standort: A copy of the thesis is deposited with the collection, including a CD-ROM with AutoIt3 scripts to AMOR 3.17. Local pdf (8.2 MB, version from 9 July 2013). Published version at edoc University library of Basel: Link to collection.
Mary, M. and Knappertsbusch, M. (2013). Morphological variability of menardiform globorotalids in the Atlantic Ocean during Mid-Pliocene. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 101, May 2013, pp. 180-193. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection to the PhD thesis of Mary (2013). Link to collection of the PhD thesis Mary (2013).
Mary, Y. and Knappertsbusch, M. (2015).Worldwide morphological variability in Mid-Pliocene menardellid globorotalids. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 121, pp. 1-15. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection to the PhD thesis of Mary (2013). Link to collection of the PhD thesis Mary (2013).
Maync, W. (1949). The foraminiferal genus Choffatella Schlumberger in the lower Cretaceous (Urgonian) of the Caribbean region (Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, and Florida). Eclogae geol. Helv. 42(2):529-547, plates XI to XII. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Maync, W. (1958a). Feurtilla frequens n. gen., n. sp. A new genus of lituolid foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, 9(1):1-3. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Maync, W. (1958b). Note sur Pseudocyclammina jaccardi et sa synonymie, Revue de Micropaléontologie, 1:9-16. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Maync, W. (1959). The foraminiferal genera Spirocyclina and Iberina. Micropaleontology, 5(1):33-68. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
McCabe, C., Kaminski, M.A. and Finch, E. (1993). A bisostratigraphic revision of the Eocene and Oligocene foraminiferal type localities of Trinidad described by Cushman & Stainforth (1945) and Cushman & Renz (1948). Journal of Micropalaeontology, vol. 12(2): 195-200. Standort: Reprint with collections J.B. Saunders: "An inventory of benthic smaller foraminifera in Trinidad, W.I." of Hans M. Bolli and J.B. Saunders (1958, unpublished). Link to collections J.B. Saunders/Trinidad. Link to H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.
McKenzie, J., Bernoulli, D., and Garrison, R.E. (1978). Studies on lithification and diagenesis. Lithification of pelagic-hemipelagic sediments at DSDP Site 372: Oxygen isotope alteration with diagenesis. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 473-478. Standort: Reprint with collections D. Bernoulli. Link to collections D. Bernoulli/DSDP Leg 42A.
McKenzie, J., Bernoulli, D., and Schlanger, S.O. (1980). Shallow-water carbonate sediments from the Emperor Seamounts: Their diagenesis and paleogeographic significance. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 55, pp. 415-455. Standort: Reprint with collection. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.
McKenzie, J.A. and Bernoulli, D. (1982). Geochemical variations in Quaternary hardgrounds from the Hellenic Trench region and possible relationship to their tectonic setting. Tectonophysics, vol. 86, pp. 149-157. Standort: Reprint with collection. Link to collections D. Bernoulli / HEAT (Hellenic Arc and Trench) Project 1979.
McKenzie, J.A., Weissert, H., Poore, R.Z., Wright, R.C., Percival, S.F., Oberhänsli, H., and Casey, M. (1984). Paleoceanographic implications of stable-isotope data from upper Miocene- lower Pliocene sediments from the southeast Atlantic (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 519). Init. Reports DSDP, vol. 73, pp. 717-724. Link to collections H. Oberhänsli (DSDP Sites 522 and 523).
Meincke, J., Mittelstaedt, E., Kremling, K., Zenk, W., and Koske, P. (1985). Technischer Bericht 1-85 Forschungsschiff "Meteor", Reise No. 69, Nordostatlantik 84 NOAMP III. Institut für Meereskunde Hamburg. Standort: Selected info from core samples to ME69-196 is deposited alongside to the collections to Knappertsbusch (1990 b). Link to collections M. Knappertsbusch (1990 b). Link to archive M. Knappertsbusch.
Merian, P. (1851). Ueber Foraminiferen der Gegend von Basel. Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 9:47-49. See colln Tobler (1926).
Michard, A., Chalouan, A., Negro, F., Saddiqi, O. (2015). Comment on "Evidence of extensional metamorphism associated to Cretaceous rifting of the North-Maghrebian passive margin: The Tanger-Ketama Unit (external Rif, northern Morocco)" by Vasquez et al., Geologica Acta 11 (2013), 277-293. Geologica Acta, vol. 13, No. 1, March 2015, pp. 69-76. DOI: 10.1344/GeologicaActa2015.13.1.5
Michel, P. and Garreau, B. (1956). Le Bassin D'Aquitaine. Situation des gisements. In: Guzman,E.J. (ed). Symposium sobre yacimientos de petroleo y gas, pp. 236-245. Tomo V Europa. XX Congreso Geologico Internacional, Mexico 1956. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the collection. Link to collection Saunders.
Michel, Ch. (1996). Oekologische Untersuchungen an rezenten benthonischen Foraminiferen aus einem Querprofil durch den Kanal San Bortolo (Golf von Piran / nördliche Adria). Diplomarbeit Geologisches Institut der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau,44 p. Standort: A copy deposited with the study collections L. Hottinger from Piran. Link to study collections L. Hottinger from Piran.
Migliore, R.E. (2004). Evening Flower. Publish America, Baltimore, pp. 1-231. ISBN: 1-4137-0282-1, 231 p. Standort: Book deposited alongside the systematic collection of foraminifera of Willy A. Mohler. Link to systematic collection of foraminifera of Willy A. Mohler.
Meulenkamp, J.E., Dermitzakis, M., Georgiadou-Dikeoulia, E., Jonkers, H.A., and Böger, H. (1979). Field guide to the Neogene of Crete. In: Symeonidis, N., Papanikolao, D., and Dermitzakis, M. (eds.). Publications of the Department of Geology and Paleontology, Univ. Athens, Series A. No. 32, 32p. Standort: Xerox copy is deposited with collections of Peter Jung. One copy depüosited in the archive of Peter Jung in K3 (Neogen Kongress Athen 1979). Link to collection of Peter Jung.
Mohamed, M., Perch-Nielsen, K., and Toumarkine, M. (1982). Etude de nannofossiles calcaires et des foraminifères planctoniques du Paléocène et de l'Eocène inférieur de la coupe de Taramsa, Ouest de Quena, vallée du Nil, Egypte. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie 1:21-32. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Mohler, W. (1938). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen in der nordschweizerischen Juraformation. Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 60:1-53, plates 1-4. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Mohler, W.A. (1946a). Sigmoilina personata n. sp., eine Leitform aus dem Eocaen von Südost-Borneo und Java. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 39 (1946), pp. 298-300. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Mohler, W.A. (1946b). Lepidocyclina crucifera n. sp., aus dem Burdigalien von Ost-Borneo. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 39 (1946), pp. 302-309. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Mohler, W.A. (1946c). Ueber das Vorkommen von Trocholina Paalzow in der Unterkreide von West-Borneo. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 39 (1946), pp. 300-302, Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Mohler, W.A. (1949a). Flosculinella reicheli n. sp. aus dem Tertiär e5 von Borneo. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 42(2): 521-527. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Mohler, W.A. (1949b). Das Alter des Eozän-Kalkes von Gunung Gamping westlich Djokjakarta, Java. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 42(2): 519-521. Link to collections W.A. Mohler.
Mollet, H. (1921). Geologie der Schafmatt-Schimbergkette: Stratigrafie der Schafmatt-Schimbergkette und ihrer Umgebung (Kt. Luzern). Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, NF 47:1-50. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Molina, E., Alegret, L., Apellaniz, E., Bernaola, G., Caballero. F., Dinarès-Turell, J., Hardenbol, J., Heilmann-Clausen, C., Larrasoana, J.C., Luterbacher, H., Monechi, S., Ortiz, S., Orue-Etxebarria, X., Payros, A., Pujalte, V., Rodriguez-Tovar, F.J., Tori, F., Tosquella, J., Uchman, A. (2011). The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Lutetian Stage at the Gorrondatxe section, Spain. Episodes, vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 86-108. Standort: Printout deposited with study collection of H.P. Luterbacher / Paleogene type samples from Trinidad, and collections from Trinidad, Mexico, California, southern U.S. Link to study collection of H.P. Luterbacher.
Montaggioni, L.F. (1978). Recherches géologiques sur les complexes récifaux de l'Archipel des Mascareignes (Océan Indien occidental). Thèse Université d'Aix-marseille U.E.R. des sciences de la mer et de l'environnement, vol. 1 and 2. Standort: A xerox copy of the thesis is deposited with the study collections of L. Hottinger from Mauritius. Link to study collections of L. Hottinger from Mauritius.
Monaco, A., Biscaye, P., Soyer, J., Pocklington, R. and Heussner, S. (1990). Particle fluxes and ecosystem response on a continental margin: the 1985-1988 Mediterranean ECOMARGE experiment. Continental Shelf Research, vol. 10, No. 9-11, pp. 809-839. Standort: Pdf printout deposited with the collection. Link to collections M. Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea.
Monaco, A., Courp, T., Heussner, S., Carbonne, J., Fowler, S.W., and Deniaux, B. (1990). Seasonality and composition of particulate fluxes during ECOMARGE-I, western Gulf of Lions. Continental Shelf Research, vol. 10, No. 9-11, pp. 959-987. Standort: Pdf printout deposited with the collection. Link to collections M. Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea.
Montaggioni, L.F. (1981). Les foraminifères dans les sédiments récifaux de l'archipel des Mascareignes (Océan Indien). Ann. Inst. Océanogr. 67(1):41-62. Link to study collections of L. Hottinger from Mauritius.
Morariu, A., and Hottinger, L. (1988). Amphisteginids: Specific identification, dimorphism, coiling direction and provincialism. Revue de Paléobiologie, vol. spéc. No. 2, Benthos'86, ISSN 0253-6730, pp. 695-698. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.
Mornod, L. (1949 a). Les globorotalidés du Crétacé supérieur du Montsalvens (Préalpes fribourgeoises). Eclogae geol. Helv. 42:573-596. Standort: Reprint /xerox copies deposited with the collection of Caron, M. (1976) [neotypes], and the collection of Mornod (1949-50) [holotypes].
Mornod, L. (1949 b). Géologie de la région de Bulle (Basse-Gruyère) Molasse et bord alpin. Beiträge zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, Nouvelle série, 91è livraison, 119 p. Standort: Rüt. Library, Stehlinhalle. Link to collections of L. Mornod.
Morozova, V.G. (1959). The stratigraphy of the Danian-Montian deposits of the Crimea according to foraminifera. Doklady Akad. Nauk USSR, vol. 124, No. 5, pp. 1113-1116 (in Russian). Standort: Xerox copy deposited with study collections from Russia of H.P. Luterbacher. Link to study collections from Russia of H.P. Luterbacher.
Morozova, V.G. (1961). Planktonic foraminifera from the Danian-Montian of the southern Soviet Union. Akad. Nauk SSSR Paleont. Zhur., 2, 8-19 (in Russian). Standort: Reprint deposited with study collections from Russia of H.P. Luterbacher. Link to study collections from Russia of H.P. Luterbacher.
Müller, C. and Spiegler, D. (1993). Revision of the late/middle Miocene boundary on the Voering Plateau (ODP Leg 104). Newsletters of Stratigraphy, vol. 28(2/3):171-178. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection to Qvale, G. and Spiegler, D. (1989). Link to colln. of Qvale and Spiegler (1989).
Müller, J. and Fabricius, F. (1978). Lüneburgite [Mg3 (PO4)2 B2O (OH)4 x 6 H2O] in upper Miocene sediments of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 42(1):661-664. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with the collection. Link to collection D. Bernoulli.
Müller-Merz, E. (1975). Strukturanalyse ausgewählter rotaloider Foraminiferen. Inaugural Dissertation Universität Basel, 50 p., 27 figs, 15 plates. Standort: A xerox copy of the thesis is deposited with the collection. Link to collection. Link to collection of foraminiferal models.
Müller-Merz, E. (1980). Strukturanalyse ausgewählter rotaloider Foraminiferen. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 101:5-39, Plates 1-15. Standort: A reprint of the publication is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Müller-Merz, E. and Saunders, J.B. (1986). The Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the Bath Cliff section, Barbados, West Indies. Reprinted from: Ch. Pomerol and I. Premoli-Silva (eds.), Terminal Eocene Events. Elsevier Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, NL, pp. 193-198. Standort: A reprint of the publication is deposited along the collection to Saunders et al. (1984). Link to collections of E. Müller-Merz. Link to collections J.B. Saunders et al. (1984) from Barbados.
Müller-Merz, E. (1988). Evolutionary trends in Abyssamina Schnitker and Tjalsma, Quadrimorphina Finlay and Clinapertina Tjalsma and Lohman during the Eocene. Abstract. Revue de Paléobiologie, vol. Spec. No. 2, Benthos '86, p. 581. (There is no separate collection to this abstract). Link to collections Müller-Merz.
Müller-Merz, E., and Oberhänsli, H. (1991). Eocene bathyal and abyssal benthic foraminifera from a south Atlantic transect at 20-30° S. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83:117-171. Link to type collection of Müller-Merz. Link to reference and study collection of Müller Merz.
Müller, W. (1964). Conodonten der Tessiner Kalkalpen. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 57(2): 747-753. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Muylaert, J. (1966). Le genre Cyclammina au Maroc septentrional. International Union of geological Sciences, Proceedings of the third session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964. (Drooger, C.W., Reiss, Z., Rutsch, R.F. and Marks, P. (eds.), pp. 127-133. Standort: Xerox copy deposited alongside the collections. Link to study collections of L. Hottinger from Morocco.
Nouet, G. (1953). Le Miocène d'Ahermoumou. Unpublished. Typewritten text including a drawing of the section. Standort: Text deposited alongside the collections. Link to study collections of L. Hottinger from Morocco.
Oberhänsli, H. and Toumarkine, M. (1985). The Paleogene oxygen and carbon isotope history of Sites 522, 523, and 524 from the Central South Atlantic. In: Hsü, K. and Weissert, H. (eds.). South Atlantic paleoceanography. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 125-147. Standort: A xerox copy of the book is deposited with the study collection to DSDP Site 532 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections of Hedi Oberhänsli (Sites 522 and 523).
Oberhänsli, H., Müller-Merz, E., and Oberhänsli, R. (1991). Eocene paleoceanographic evolution at 20-30° S in the Atlantic Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83:173-215. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections (same booklet as Müller-Merz & Oberhänsli, 1991). Link to collection Müller-Merz, E. and Oberhänsli, H. (1991). Link to collections from Hedi Oberhänsli.
Oberhänsli, H. (1991). Upwelling signals at the northeastern Walvis Ridge during the past 500'000 years. Paleoceanography, vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 53-71. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the study collection to ODP Site 532 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections of Hedi Oberhänsli (DSDP Site 532).
Oberhänsli, H. (1996). Klimatische und ozeanographische Veränderungen im Eozän. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen gesellschaft, vol. 147, No. 3, pp. 303-413. Standort: Abstract deposited with the study collection to ODP Site 738 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections Hedi Oberhänsli (ODP Site 738).
Oertli, H. und Key, A.J. (1955). Drei neue Ostracoda-Arten aus dem Oligozän Westeuropas. Bull. Vereinigung Schweizerische
Petroleum Geologen- u. Ingenieure, vol. 22 (62): 19-28. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Oertli, H.J. (1956). Ostracoden aus der oligozänen und miozänen Molasse der Schweiz. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 74:1-119, 16 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Oertli, H.J. (1959a). Malm-Ostrakoden aus dem Schweizerischen Juragebirge. Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, vol. 83, Abh. 1, pp. 1-44, 7 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Oertli, H.J. (1959b). Platylophocythere, eine neue Ostracoden-Gattung aus dem unteren Malm des Schweizer Juras. Eclogae geol. Helv. 52(2):953-957, 2 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Oertli, H.J. (1966). Die Gattung Protocythere (Ostracoda) und verwandte Formen im Valanginien des zentralen Schweizer Jura. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):87-127, 7 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Oesterle, H. (1969). Foraminiferen der Typlokalität der Birmensdorfer-Schichten, unt. Malm. (Teilrevision der Arbeiten von J. Kübler & H. Zwingly 1866-1870 und von R. Haeusler 1881-1893). Eclogae geol. Helv. 61(2):695-793. Link to collection.
Oesterle, H. (2011). Lukas Hottinger. 1933-2011. Swiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie, vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 133-135. Standort: A xerox copy of the paper is deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär (under L. Hottinger). On-line available under Link to collections of L. Hottinger.
Omar, R., Nor Faiz, N., Mohod Agil, N., Ismail, R. (2003 ?). The abundance of benthic foraminifera in offshore sediment around Pulau Redang, Terengganu, Standort: Printout deposited with collection Knappertsbusch Recent marine beachsands. Link to collns Knappertsbusch, Recent marine beachsands (samples MK 28).
Olsson, R.K. (1970). Planktonic foraminifera from base of Tertiary, Millers Ferry, Alabama. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 598-604. Standort: A xerox copy of the paper is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of J.B. Saunders (Raw materials: Millers Ferry).
Olsson, R.K., Chengljie Liu and van Fossen, M. (1996). The Cretaceous-Tertiary catastrophic event at Millers Ferry, Alabama. In: Ryder, G., Fastovsky,D., and Gartner, S. (eds.). The Cretaceous-Tertiary Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History: Geological Society of America Special Paper 307, pp. 263-277, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. Standort: A xerox copy of the paper is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of J.B. Saunders (Raw materials: Millers Ferry).
Ozawa, Y. and Tobler, A. (1929). Permian Fusulinidae in Greece. Eclogae geol. Helv. 22(1): 45-49. Link to collection.
Palmer, R.H. (1948). List of Palmer Cuban fossil localities. Bulletin of American Paleontology, 31(128), 178 pages. [Standort: Micropaleontology reprints collection, Weisser Bär, Larger Foraminifera, Cenozoic, under P]. Link to Palmer material in collection Caudri.
Pannekoek van Rheden, J.J. (1918). Geologische Notizen über die Halbinsel Sanggar, Insel Soembawa (Niederländisch-Ost-Indien). Zeitschrift zur Vulkanologie, 1918, Band IV, 100-192. Herausgeber: Immanuel Friedländer, Neapel. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to colln. Tobler, A. (1918).
Papp, A., Rögl, F., and Steininger, F. (1970). Führer zur Paratethys-Exkursion 1970 in die Neogen-Gebiete Oesterreichs, vom 26.-30. Mai, 1970. Wien, 1970, 57 p. Standort: Raw materials collection (K1 / I / 3 / 1). Link to raw material collection.
Papastamatiou, J. and Reichel, M. (1956). Sur l'âge des phyllades de l'île de Crête. Eclogae geol. Helv., vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 147-149.
Pêcheux, M.J.-F. (1995). Pseudorhapydionina moulladei. Nouveau macroforaminifère du Paléocène du Chiappas, S.E. Mexique. Revue de Micropaléontologie, 38(2):169-176. Manuscript text and reprint with the collection. Link to collection.
Pêcheux, M.J.-F. (1996 ?). Des miliolidae aux alvéolinidae (grands foraminifères): La faune du Campanien-Eocène inférieur du Chiapas (S.E. Méxique). Manuscript text with the collection dated from 1996, submitted to Revue de Micropaléontologie. Link to collection.
Pettingill, O.S., Jr. (1964). Penguins ashore at the Falkland Islands. The living Bird, Third Annual of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, pp. 45-64. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection to Kugler, H.G. (1978). Link to the reference collection to Kugler, H.G. (1978).
Peybernès, B, Fondecave-Wallez, M.-J., Hottinger, L., Eichène, P., and Segonzac, G. (2000). Limite Crétacé-Tertiaire et la biozonation micropaléontologique du Danien-Sélandien dans le Béarn occidental et la Haute-Soule (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Geobios, vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 35-48. Standort: Copy deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.
Pia, J.V. (1937). Die wichtigsten Kalkalgen des Jungpaläozoikums und ihre geologische Bedeutung. Compte Rendu du deuxième Congrés pour l'avancement des études de Stratigraphie Carbonifère, Heerlen 1935. Gebrs. van Aelst, Maastricht, pp. 765-856, 13 plates. Standort: Copy deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection Pia.
Pirkenseer, C. (2007). Foraminifera, Ostracoda and other microfossils of the Southern Upper Rhine Graben. Inaugural Dissertation No. 1565, Departement Geowissenschaften - Institut für Geologie / Paläontologie Universität Freiburg (Schweiz), 340 p. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collections. Link to collection of Pirkenseer, Spezzaferri and Berger (2010) or Pirkenseer and Berger (2011).
Pirkenseer, C., Spezzaferri, S., and Berger, J.-P. (2010). Palaeoecology and biostratigraphy of the Paleogene Foraminifera from the southern Upper Rhine Graben and the influence of reworked planktonic Foraminifera. Palaeontographica. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit. Abteilung A: Paläozoologie - Stratigraphie, vol. 293:1-93. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. A second copy is alongside the micropaleontological collection Herman Fischer/Allschwil 2. Link to reference collection. Link to micropaleontological collection Herman Fischer.
Pirkenseer, C. and Berger, J.P. (2011). Paleogene Ostracoda from the southern Upper Rhine Graben: Taxonomy, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography. Palaeontographica. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit. Abteilung A: Paläozoologie - Stratigraphie, vol. 295, 149 p. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection of Pirkenseer andd Berger (2011).
Pirkenseer, C., Berger, J.-P., and Reichenbacher, B. (2013). The position of the Rupelian/Chattian boundary in the southern Upper Rhine Graben based on new records of microfossils. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, vol. 106, pp. 291-301. DOI: 10.1007/s00015-013-0146-4. A reprint is alongside the micropaleontological collection of Herman Fischer/Allschwil 2. Link to micropaleontological collection of Herman Fischer.
Plante, R. (1967). Etude quantitative du Benthos dans la région de Nosy-Bé: Note préliminaire. Cahiers O.R.S.T.O.M., sér. Océanographique, vol. V, no. 2, pp. 7-14. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of L. Hottinger from Madagascar.
Plante-Cuny, M.-R. (1973). Recherches sur la production primaire benthique en milieu marin tropical. I. Variations de la production primaire et des teneurs en pigments photosynthétiques sur quelques fonds sableux. Valeur des Résultats obtenus par la méthode du 14 C. Cahiers O.R.S.T.O.M., série Océanographique, vol. XI, No. 3, pp. 317-348. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the study collection L. Hottinger from Madagascar. Link to study tollections L. Hottinger from Madagascar.
Poag, C.W. and Tresslar, R.C. (1979). Habitat association among living foraminifera of the west Flower Garden Bank, Texas continental shelf. Transactions of the Gulf Coast geological societies, vol. 29, pp. 347-351. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection. Link to study collections of H.P. Luterbacher / Maastrictian-Paleogene sections from America.
Potter, H.C. (1974 a). The Geology of the western part of the Northern Range of Trinidad. PhD thesis, University of Durham, 168 p. Standort: A copy is deposited with the collection H.C. Potter. Link to tollections H.C. Potter. Link to collection J.B. Saunders from Northern Trinidad. Link to Study collection John B. Saunders: Thin-sections, mainly from Northern Trinidad.
Potter, H.C. (1974 b). Type sections of the Maraval, Maracas, and Chancellor formations in the Caribbean Group of the Northern Range of Trinidad. VIIème Conférence Géologique des Caraibes, Antilles, Françaises, 30 Juin-12 Juillet 1974. 25 p., 15 figs. Standort: A copy is deposited with the collection H.C. Potter. Original deposited in K3/Wandregal /R / Archive to Peter Jung. Link to tollections H.C. Potter. Link to collection J.B. Saunders from Northern Trinidad. Link to Study collection John B. Saunders: Thin-sections, mainly from Northern Trinidad.
Potter, H.C. (1974 c). Observations on the Laventille Formation, Trinidad. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, 84(1):202-208. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection H.C. Potter. Link to tollections H.C. Potter. Link to collection J.B. Saunders from Northern Trinidad. Link to Study collection John B. Saunders: Thin-sections, mainly from Northern Trinidad.
Powell, J.D., Pessagno, E.A., McNulty, L.L., Rothwell, W.T. Schell, W.W. and Williams, T.E. (eds.) (1970). Field Trip Guidebook for the First Interamerican Micropaleontological Colloquium, July 19-30, 1970. University of Texas at Dallas. Standort: One copy is deposited with the raw material collection, a second copy is with the filed and excursion guides to European Micropaleontological coccoluia (Standort lit.). Link to raw material collection.
Premoli Silva, I. and Luterbacher, H.P. (1966). The Cretaceos-Teriary boundary in the Southern Alps (Italy). Rivista Italiana de Paleontologia, vol. 72(4):1183-1266. Standort: K3/. Link to collection.
Proto Decima, F. and Bolli, H.M. (1970). Evolution and variability of Orbulinoides beckmanni (Saito). Eclogae geol. Helv. 63(3):883-905. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Proto Decima, F. and Bolli, H.M. (1978). Southeast Atlantic DSDP Leg 40 Paleogene benthic foraminifers. Init. Rep. DSDP 40:783-797. Link to collection.
Pujol, C. and Vergnaud Grazzini, C. (1995). Distribution of live planktic foraminifers as related to regional hydrography and productive systems of the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 25, pp. 187-217. Link to collections M. Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea. Link to archive M. Knappertsbusch/VICOMED.
Python, C., Berger, J.-P., and Plancherel, R. (1998). Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz, 1:25000. Feuille 1185 Fribourg. Notice explicative, cit. pp. 42-43. Link to collections H.P. Luterbacher (Molasse Bohrungen). Link to reference collection Fischer & Luterbacher (1963).
Qvale, G. and Spiegler, D. (1989). The stratigraphic significance of bolboforma (algae, Chrysophyta) in Leg 104 samples from the Voering Plateau. Proceedings of the ODP, vol. 104, pp. 487-495. Standort: Reprint with collection. Link to collection.
Rahaghi, A. (1976). Contribution à l'étude de quelques grands foraminifères de l'Iran. Société National Iranienne des Pétroles, Laboratoire de Micropaléontologie, Publication No. 6, Offset Press Inc., Teheran, Iran, 1976, 79 p. Standort: With the collection of Rahaghi, A. and Schaub, H. (1976).
Rahaghi, A. and Schaub, H. (1976). Nummulites and Assilines du NE de l'Iran. Eclogae geol. Helv. 69(3):765-782. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.
Rahhali, I. (1970). Foraminifères benthoniques et pelagiques du Crétacé supérieur du synclinal D'El-Koubbat (Moyen Atlas - Maroc). Notes Serv. geol. Maroc., t 30, No. 225:51-98. Standort: Reprint with study colln. L. Hottinger from Morocco. Link to study colln. L. Hottinger from Morocco.
Rainwater, E.H. (1955). Tertiary type localities (Vicksburg, Oligocene; Jackson, upper Eocene; Claiborne, Middle Eocene; Wilcox, Lower Eocene; and Midway, Paleocene) of Mississippi and Alabama. In Guides to Southeastern Geology, pp. 428-458. Geological Society of America Special Publication. G.S.A. Annual Convention, 1955, New Orleans, Louisiana. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collection H.G. Kugler (1955) Paleogene type localities from Alabama and Mississippi. Another copy is deposited in the Archive to Peter Jung/Exkursionen USA. Link to collection H.G. Kugler (1955) [alongside collns of H.M. Bolli].
Raja, R., Saraswati, P.K., Rogers, K., Iwao, K. (2005). Magnesium and strontium composition of recent symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 58, pp. 31-44. Standort: Printout deposited with collection Knappertsbusch Recent marine beachsands. Link to collns Knappertsbusch, Recent marine beachsands (samples MK 26 and MK 27).
Ratanasthien, B. and Rieb, S.L. (eds.) (1999). Shallow Tethys 5. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Shallow Tethys (ST) 5, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 497 p. Standort: Deposited with study colln. L. Hottinger/International Symposium Shallow Tethys 5, 29 Jan-5Feb 1999, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Link to study colln. L. Hottinger/International Symposium Shallow Tethys 5 (1999).
Ratanasthien, B., Singharajwarapan, S., Chonglakmani, C. (eds.) (1999). Pre-Shallow Tethys 5 Symposium Excursion. Guide Book, 29-31 Jan., 1999. Standort: Deposited with study colln. L. Hottinger/International Symposium Shallow Tethys 5, 29 Jan-5Feb 1999, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Link to study colln. L. Hottinger/International Symposium Shallow Tethys 5 (1999).
Ratanasthien, B., Singharajwarapan, S., Chonglakmani, C., Metcalfe, I. (eds.) (1999). Mid-Shallow Tethys 5 Symposium Excursion. Guide Book, 3 February, 1999. Standort: Deposited with study colln. L. Hottinger/International Symposium Shallow Tethys 5, 29 Jan-5Feb 1999, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Link to study colln. L. Hottinger/International Symposium Shallow Tethys 5 (1999).
Reichel, M. (1924). A. Wegener. La Genèse des Continents et des Océans, traduit sur la troisième édition allemande par M. Reichel. Collection de Monographies Scientifiques Etrangères publiées sous la direction de M.G. Juvet, Professeur è l'Université de Neuchâtel, No. VI. Librairie Scientifique Albert Blanchard 3, et 3 bis, Place de la Sorbonne, Paris. Standort: Deposited in Weisser Bär/ Reprint collection of L. Hottinger.
Reichel, M. (1931). Sur la structure des Alvéolines. Eclogae geol. Helv., 24(2):289-303, plates 14 to 18. Standort: Reprint (Xerox) with collection, and in micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection. Link to collection of structural models.
Reichel, M. (1933). Sur une Alvéoline cénomanienne du Bassin du Beausset. Eclogae geol. Helv. 26(2):269-280, 2 plates. Standort: Reprint (Xerox) with collection, and in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection. Link to collection of structural models.
Reichel, M. (1936). Anhang V: Bemerkungen über einige von O. Renz im zentralen Appennin gesammelten Foraminiferen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 29(1):136-149. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. (1936). Bemerkungen über einige von O. Renz im zentralen Apennin gesammelten Foraminiferen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 29(1):136-149. Standort: Reprint (xerox) is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Buxtorf, A. and Reichel, M. (1936). Ueber das Alter der Lithothanienkalke von Montorfano bei Como. Eclogae geol. Helv., vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 497-499.
Reichel, M. (1036-1937). Etude sur les alvéolines. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, vols. 57 /5 9:1-147, 11 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection. Link to collection of structural models.
Reichel, M. (1938). Die paläozoischen Faunen von 1935. Unterpermische Fusuliniden aus dem Karakorum und dem Aghil-Gebirge. Part I of H. Renz und M. Reichel, Die paläontologischen Ergebnisse der Expedition 1935. In: Visser, C. and Visser-Hooft, I. (1940). Wiss. Ergebn. der Niederländ. Expedition in den Karakorum, vol. 3, fasc 1, pp. 89-118. Standort: Reprint (xerox copy of the article) is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. (1941). Sur un nuveau genre d'Alvéolines du Crétacé supérieur. Eclogae geol. Helv., 34(2):254-260, 1 plate. Standort: Reprint (xerox) with the collection, and in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. (1945a). Sur un miliolidé nouveau du Permien de l'île de Chypre. Verhandlungen der Basler Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, vol. 56(2): 521-530. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collections. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. (1945b). Sur quelques foraminifères nouveaux de Permien méditerranéen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 38(2): 524-560. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collections, and in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection. Link to collection of structural models.
Reichel, M. (1947a). Multispirina iranensis n. gen. n. sp. Foraminifère nouveau du Crétacé supérieur de l'Iran. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie, vol. 65:1-13, 4 plates. Standort: Reprint (xerox) is deposited with the collection, and in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. (1947b). Les Hantkéninidés de la Scaglia et des Couches rouges (Crétacé supérieur). Eclogae geol. Helv. 40(2):391-409, 1 plate. Standort: Reprint (xerox) is deposited with the collection, and in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection. Link to collection of models.
Reichel, M. (1949a). Observations sur les Globotruncana du gisement de la Breggia (Tessin). Eclogae geol. Helv. 42:596-617., Plates 16 and 17. Standort: Reprint (xerox) is deposited with the collection. Link to collection. Link to collection of models.
Reichel, M. (1949b). Sur un nouvel orbitoide du Crétacé supérieur héllenique. Eclogae geol. Helv. 42(2):480-485. Standort: Reprint (xerox) is deposited with the collection, and in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. (1951). Fusarchaias bermudezi n. gen., n. sp., Pénéroplidé alvéoliniforme de l'Oligo-Miocène de Cuba. Eclog. geol. Helv., 44(2):458-464. Reprint (xerox) is deposited with the collection, and in the icropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär. Link to collection. Link to collection of structural models.
Reichel, M. (1952). Remarques sur les Globigerinées du Danien de Faxe (Danemark) et sur celles des couches de passage du Crétacé au Tertiaire dans la Scaglia de l'Apennin. Compte Rendu de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, 31° assemblée. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 45, No. 2, 1952, pp. 341-349. Standort: Reprint deposited with collection. Link to collection. Link to related collection of Renz, O. (1936a).
Reichel, M. (1953). Les charactères embryonnaires de Subalvéolina. Eclogae geol. Helv., 46(2):256-262, plates 13 to 14. Standort: Reprint (xerox) with the collection. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. (1955a). Sur une Trocholine du Valanginien d'Arzier. Eclogae geol. Helv. 48(2):396-408, 3 plates. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. (1955b). Démonstration d'un modèle structural de la plume. Acta XI Congr. Int. Orn. 1954, pp. 284-286. [Standort: Micropaleontology reprints collection, Weisser Bär, Smaller benthic Foraminifera, Mesozoic, under R].
Papastamatiou, J. and Reichel, M. (1956). Sur l'âge des phyllades de l'île de Crête. Eclogae geol. Helv., vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 147-149.
Guillaume, H. and Reichel, M. (1957). Neotrocholina friburgensis n. sp., foraminifère de l'Urgonien alpin. Eclogae geol. Helv. 50(2):287-288, 1 plate. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Marinos, G. and Reichel, M. (1958). The fossiliferous Permian in Eastern continental Greece and Euboea. Institute for Geology and subsurface Research, Athens, Publication No. 8, 16 pages. In Greek.
Azzaroli, A. and Reichel, M. (1964). Alveoline e Crisalidine Neocretacee del "Calcare di Mola" in Terra di Bari. Bollettino de Servizio geologico d'Italia, vol. 58:3-9. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Reichel, M. Festschrift (1966). See Luterbacher et al. (1966).
Reichel, M. (1967). Franz und Gustav Kahler: Fusulinida. Chroniques, Bibliographie. In: Revue de Micropaléontologie, 10e année, 1967, No. 3, pp. 217-220. Standort: Deposited with reprints collection of L. Hottinger (under Reichel).
Reichel, M., Sigal, J., and Monod, O. (1969). Description d'une Lacazine nouvelle (foraminifères, miliolidés) dans le Paléocène du Taurus de Beysehir (Turquie). Revista espanola de Micropaleontologia, 1(3):317-326. Standort: Reprint (xerox) is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Weidmann, M. and Reichel, M. (1979). Traces de pattes d'oiseaux dans la Molasse suisse. Eclogae geol. Helv., vol. 72/3, pp. 953-971. Standort: Reprints library of L. Hottinger.
Reichel, M. (1984). Le crible apertural de Rhapydionina liburnica Stache du Maastrichtien de Vremski-Britof, Yougoslavie. Benthos '83; 2nd Int. Symp. benthic Foraminifera (Pau, April 1983), 525-532; Pau and Bordeaux, March 1984. ISSN 0181.0901 ISBN 2-901026-14-1. Standort: A reprint (xerox) is with the collection, in the micropaleontological reprints collection Weisser Bär, and in the Foraminifera Alphabet in Weisser Bär (Room -105). Link to collection. Link to collection of structural models.
Reinhard, M. and Wenk, E. (1951). Geology of the Colony of North Borneo. Geological Survey Department of the British Territories in Borneo, Bulletin No. 1, 160 pages. Standort: K3 / Beleg Literatur, Cabinet 69. With enclosures I to X. Link to collection.
Reiss, Z. and Gvirtzman, G. (1966). Borelis from Israel. In Luterbacher et al. (eds.). Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Reichel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):437-447. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Reiss, Z., Leutenegger, S., Hottinger, L., Fermont, W.J.J., Meulenkamp, J.E., Thomas, E., Hansen, H.J., Buchardt, B., Larsen, A.R., and Drooger, C.W. (1977). Depth-relations of recent larger foraminifera in the Gulf of Aqaba-Elat. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, No. 15, 244 pages. Standort: Library Geological-Paleontological Institute, University of Basel/Foram literature, Le-Leutenegger.
Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984). The Gulf of Aqaba. Ecological micropaleontology. Ecological Studies 50, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Standorte: One book deposited together with the collection. Another book in Weisser Bär/Geol. Handbibliothek (Rüt G241). Link to collection.
Renema, W. (2003). Larger foraminifera on reefs around Bali (Indomesia). Zool. Verh. Leiden 345, 31.x.2003: 337-366.
Renema, W. (2018). Terrestrial influence as a key driver of spatial variability in large benthic foraminiferal assemblage composition in the Central Indo-Pacific. Earth-Science Reviews 177:514-544. Standort: Printout deposited with the collection Knappertsbusch, Recent Marine Beach sands, Sample 29. Link to collections Knappertsbusch, Recent Marine Beach sands, Sample 29.
Renz, C. (1947). Neue Fossilfunde in Südtessin. Eine zusammenfassende Uebersicht über die Maestrichtienfauna der Insel Kreta. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 40, No. 2, 1947. Link to collection.
Renz, C. and Mitzopoulos, M. (1948). Le Maestrichtien aux environs de Lac Hyliki en Béotie (Grèce moyenne). Eclogae geol. Helv. 41(2):376-379, plate 14. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.
Renz, C. and Reichel, M. (1948). Neue Foraminiferenfunde im boeotischen Seengebiet (Mittelgriechenland). Eclogae geol. Helv. 41(2):379-389, plate 15. Standort: Reprint with the collection. Link to collection.
Renz, C. and Reichel, M. (1949). Neue Fossilfunde in Griechenland und Vorderasien. Eclogae geol. Helv. 42(2):557-573, 1 plate. Standort: Reprint with the collection of Renz, C. and Reichel, M. (1948).
Renz, H.H. and Suter, H.H. (1939). The Pozon and El Mene de Acosta type sections of the Agua Salada Formation. Company report. Pointe-à-Pierre, April 1939. Link to collection of H.H. Renz.

Renz, H.H. (1942). Stratigraphy of northern South America, Trinidad and Barbados. Proceedings of the Eighth American Scientific Congress, Washington, D.C., IV, Geological Sciences, pp. 513-571.

Renz, H.H. (1943a). Trinidad foraminiferal type samples. Cretaceous-Eocene. Geological report No. 234 (private report). Standort: A duplicate of the report is deposited alongside the collection. Original report is in the H.G. Kugler Archive, Box # 58. Link to topotype collections from Trinidad of H.H. Renz.

Renz, H.H. (1948). Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Agua Salada Group. Geol. Soc. America, Memoir 32, 219 pages. Link to collection of H.H. Renz. Link to collection of H.M.Bolli. A copy of the volume is deposited in the book archive in K3 on the wall, cabinet No. 70 under H.H.Renz.

Renz, O. (1936a). Stratigraphische und mikropalaeontologische Untersuchung der Scaglia (Obere Kreide-Tertiär) im zentralen Appennin. Eclogae geol. Helv. 29(1):1-149. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection. See also Italian version of this article under Renz, O. (1951).

Renz, O. (1936b). Ueber ein Maestrichtien-Cenomanien- Vorkommen bei Alfermée am Bielersee. Eclogae geol. Helv. 29(2):545-566, Plates 28-34. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Renz, O. (1951). Ricerce stratigrafiche e micropaleontologiche sulla Scaglia (Cretaceo superiore-Terziario) dell' Appennino Centrale. Servizio Geologico d'Italia. Memorie descrittive della Carta Geologica d'Italia, vol. XXIX, 173 p., 15 plates. See original version of this article under Renz, O. (1936a). Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection Renz, O. (1936a).


Renz, O., Luterbacher, H.P., and Schneider, A. (1963). Stratigraphisch- paläontologische Untersuchungen im Albien und Cénomanien des Neuenburger Jura. Eclogae geol. Helv. 56(2): 1073-1116. Link to collection.

Renz, O. and Luterbacher, H.P. (1965a). Die Mittlere Kreide von La Vraconne bei Ste-Croix (Kt. Waadt). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., vol. 31, No. 81, April 1965, pp. 76-101. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. A copy of the volume is also deposited with the literature to the 9th European Micropaleontological Colloquium (1965). Link to collections Otto Renz.

Renz, O. (1966). Ueber die Gattung Onychoceras (Ammonoidea) im oberen Toarcien des Departement de l'Aveyron in Frankreich. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):467-483. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Renz, O. (1972). Aptychi (Ammonoidea) from the upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous of the western North Atlantic (Site 105, Leg 11, DSDP). Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 11, pp. 607-629, 4 figs, 4 plates. Link to collection.

Renz, O. (1974). A dwarf fauna of Upper Jurassic age in the Western Atlantic. Deep-Sea Drilling Project, Leg 11 - Site 99A. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, vol. 84, No. 1, pp. 510-520. Standort: A xeroxed copy is in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. A reprint is with the type collection and another reprint is with the additional materials. Link to collection.

Renz, O., 1982. The Cretaceous ammonites of Venezuela. Edited by Maraven, a subsidary of Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A., 132 p., 40 plates. Link to Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad and (part of J. Saunders).

Renz, O., Bernoulli, D., and Hottinger, L. (1992). Cretaceous ammonites from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. Geol. Mag., vol. 129, no. 6, pp. 763-769. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger. Link to collections L. Hottinger. Link to collections D. Bernoulli.

Resiwati, P. (1991). Upper Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean. Proceedings ODP, Scientific Results, vol. 121, pp. 141-170. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with teaching colln. M. Knappertsbusch. Link to teaching collections M. Knappertsbusch.

Revets, S.A. and Hottinger, L. (datum post 1990). The infaunal foraminifera of Mauritius. Manuscript text, 11 p., 2 text figures, 2 plates. Standort: Manuscript deposited with collections to Mauritius in Standort1. Link to study collections of L. Hottinger from Mauritius.

Rey, M. et Nouet, G. (1958). Microfacies de la région Prérifaine et de la moyenne Moulouya (Maroc septentrional). International Sedimentary Petrographical Series (eds. Cuvillier, J. et Schürmann, H.M.E.), vol. 3, 31 p., 97 plates. Leiden, E.J. Brill. Standort: Xerox copy deposited with study collns. L. Hottinger Morocco. Link to study collns. L. Hottinger/Morocco: Si Ameur el Hadi.

Reyment, R.A. (1966). Afrobolivina africana (Graham, De Klasz, Rérat). Quantitative Untersuchung der Variabilität einer paleozänen Foraminifere. In Luterbacher et al. (eds.). Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Reichel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):319-337. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections, and K3/with collection Festschrift Reichel. Link to collection.

Richter, D., Mihm, A., and Müller, C. (1992). Mit einem mikropaläontologischen Beitrag von L. Hottinger. Die faziellen und paläogeographischen Beziehungen zwischen Pindos-Zone und Koziakas-Einheit sowie der Ophiolith-Komplex in West-Thessalien (Griechenland). Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 143, pp. 67-85. Standort: K3/With the collection. Link to collections L. Hottinger.

Riegraf, W., Luterbacher, H., and Leckie, R.M. (1984). Jurassic foraminifers from the Mazagan Plateau, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 547, Leg 79, off Morocco. Init. Rep. DSDP 79:671-702. Standort: K3/With DSDP/ODP volumes. Link to reference collection.

Riegraf, W. (1989). Benthonische Schefl-Foraminiferen aus dem Valanginium-Hauterivium (Unterkreide) des Indischen Ozeans südwestlich Madagaskar (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 25, Site 249). Geologische Rundschau, vol. 78(3): 1047-1061. Standort: Only manuscript ? Link to reference collection.

Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989a). Oberjura- Foraminiferen aus dem Nord- und Südatlantik (Deep Sea Drilling Project 1-79). Geologische Rundschau, 78(3): 999-1045. Standort: K3/With the reference collection. Link to reference collection. Link to study collection H.P. Luterbacher.

Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989b). Benthonische Foraminiferen aus der Unterkreide des "Deep Sea Drilling Project" (Leg 1-79). Geologische Rundschau, 78(3): 1063-1120. Standort: K3/With the reference collection. Link to reference collection. Link to study collection H.P. Luterbacher.

Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989c). Jurassic and Cretaceous Rhyncholites (cephalopod jaws) from the North Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1-79) and their European counterparts. Evidence for the uniformity of the western Tethys. Geologische Rundschau, 78(3):1141-1163. Standort: K3/With the study collection. Link to reference collection. Link to study collection H.P. Luterbacher.

Riegraf, W. (1989). Benthonische Schelf-Foraminiferen aus dem Valanginium-Hauterivium (Unterkreide) des Indischen Ozeans südwestlich Madagaskar (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 25, Site 249). Standort: K3/With the collection Riegraf and Luterbacher (1989a).

Rieppel, O. (1980). Green anole in Dominican amber. Nature, vol. 286, 31 July 1980, pp. 486-487. Standort: Xerox copy with amber collection from Dominican Republic. Link to collections from the Dominican Republic.

Rigaud, S., Martini, R. and Rettori, R. (2012). Parvalamellinae, a new subfamily for Triassic glomospiroid Involutinidae. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 246-257. Standort: K3/With the collection Koehn-Zaninetti (1968/1969). Link to collection Koehn-Zaninetti (1968/1969).

Rigaud, S., Martini, R. and Rettori, R. (2013). A new genus of Norian involutinid foraminifers: Its morphological, biostratigraphic, and evolutionary significance. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 58(2): 391-405. Standort: K3/Reprint with the collection Koehn-Zaninetti (1968/1969,) local pdf (1.2 MB). Link to collection Koehn-Zaninetti and Brönnimann (1968), Link to collection Koehn-Zaninetti (1968/1969). Link to collection Hottinger (1976).

Rigaud, S., Blau, J., Martini, R., Rettori, R. (2013). Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Trocholinidae (Involutinina). Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 317-339. Standort: K3/With the collection Koehn-Zaninetti (1968/1969). Link to collection Koehn-Zaninetti (1968/1969), Link to collection Hottinger (1976).

Rigaud, S., Schlagintweit, F., and Bucur, I.I. (2018). The foraminiferal genus Neotrocholina Reichel, 1955 and its less known relatives: A reappraisal. Cretaceous Research, vol. 91, pp. 41-65. Standort: K3/With the collection to Reichel (1955). Link to type collection Reichel (1955).

Ritter, T.F. (1983). Memorial of Guyana Annex130-134, 50 p. Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) Case Repository. PCA Case No. 2004-04, Guyana v. Suriname, Pleadings- Guyana - Memorial, vol. 3, Annex 130-134. URL: Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of H.M. Bolli [About Deminex and Essequibo 1 and 2 boreholes off Guyana].

Robaszynski, F., Caron, M. (Coord.) et et Groupe de travail européen des foraminifères planctoniques (1979): Atlas des Foraminifères planctoniques du Crétacé moyen (Mer Boréale et Téthys). Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, 1 and 2: 1-85 and 1-181.

Robaszynski, F., Caron, M., Gonzalez Donoso, J.M., Wonders, A.A.H., and the European Working Group on Planktonic Foraminifera (1984). Atlas of late Cretaceous globotruncanids. Revue de Micropaléontologie 26(3-4):145-305. Standort: K3/With the collection. Link to collection.

Robertson, A.H.F. and Bernoulli, D. (1982). Stratigraphy, facies and significance of Late Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) and Mayo (Cape Verde Islands). In: Von Rad,, Hinz, K., Sarnthein, M., and Seibold, E. (eds.): Geology of Northwest African Continental Margin, pp. 498-525. Springer, Berlin. Standort: K3/Cabinet 69 with reference literature. Link to collections of D. Bernoulli.

Robertson, B.E. (1998). Systematics and paleoecology of the benthic foraminifera from the Buff Bay Section, Miocene of Jamaica. Micropaleontology, 44/2, pp.1-266. Standort: K3/Xerox copy deposited with the collection of Saunders/Jamaica/UNOCAL. Link to collection Saunders/Jamaica/UNOCAL.

Robinson, E. (1969). Stratigraphy and age of the Dump Limestone Lenticle, Central Jamaica. Eclogae geol. Helv. 62(2): 737-744. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Robinson, E. Lewis, J.F. and Cant, R.V. (1971). Field guide to aspects of the geology of Jamaica. In: International Field Institute. Guide book to the Caribbean island-arch system. 52 p. Standort: University Library Basel, Geological-Paleontological Institute.

Robinson, E., and Jung, P. (1972). Stratigraphy and age of marine rocks, Carriacou, West Indies. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 114-127. Standort: K3 / G5 / 1. Link to collection.

Robinson, E. (1974). Some larger foraminifera from the Eocene limestone at Red Gal Ring, Jamaica. In: Contributions to the geology and paleobiology of the Caribbean and adjacent areas. Dedicated to the 80th birthday of Hans G. Kugler. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 84(1):281-291. Standort book: K3/With Kugler's stratigraphic collection from Trinidad. Link to collection.

Robinson, E. and Wright, R.M. (1993). Jamaican Paleogene larger foraminifera. Geological Society of America Memoir 182, pp. 283-345. Standort: K3/Xerox copy together with colln. of E. Robinson. Link to collection E. Robinson.

Robinson, E. (1994). Jamaica. Chapter 6 in Donovan, S.K. and Jackson, T.A. (eds.), 1994. Caribbean Geology. An Introduction. Published by The University of the West Indies Publisher's Association (UWIPA), P.O. Box 42, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica W.I. ISBN 976-41-0033-3. Standort: One xerox copy of the article is deposited with the collection. A second copy is with the Raw materials collection of E. Robinson. Entire volume is deposited in hand library Weisser Bär / reprints of L. Hottinger / Caribbean geology. Link to collections E. Robinson. Link to Raw materials collection E. Robinson.

Robinson, E. (1996). Using larger foraminifers in high resolution biostratigraphy: An example from the Eocene of the Gulf of mexico and northern Caribbean. Palaios, vol. 11, pp. 220-229. Standort: K3/Xerox copy together with raw materials colln. of Ch. Kapellos. Link to collection of Ch. Kapellos, link to collection E. Robinson.

Robinson, E. and Mitchell, S.F. (1999). Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene stratigraphy in Jamaica. A window on the Nicaragua Rise. Contributions to Geology UWI Mona #4, pp. 1-47 (see especially ER sample numbers from sections Stop 3 Langley Member and Stop 4. Richmond and Fonthill Formations). Standort: K3/Xerox copy together with colln. of E. Robinson in K3/A6/6/215. Link to collection E. Robinson.

Robinson, E. (2004). Zoning the White Limestone Group of Jamaica using larger foraminiferal genera: A review and proposal. Cainozoic Research, 3(1-2), pp. 39-75. Standort: K3/Xerox copy together with colln. of E. Robinson in K3/A6/6/215. Link to collection E. Robinson.

Rodrigues, K. (1984). Petroleum geology of Jamaica. The Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago Newsletter No. 7, July 1984. URL Standort: K3/printed copy together with raw materials colln. of Ch. Kapellos. Link to collection of Ch. Kapellos. Link to collection E. Robinson.

Rögl, F. and Bolli, H.M. 1973. Holocene to Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera of Leg 15, Site 147 (Cariaco Basin (Trench), Caribbean Sea) and their climatic interpretation. Initial Reports of the DSDP, vol. 15, pp. 553-615. Link to holo- and paratypes, link to accompanying study materials.

Rögl, F. (1974). The evolution of the Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globorotalia crassaformis group in the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Timor Trough, Leg 27, Site 262. Init. Rep. DSDP 27:743-767. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Rögl, F., Cita, M.B., Müller, C., and Hochuli, P. (1975). Biochronology of the conglomerate bearing Molasse sediments near Como (Italy). Rivista Italiana de Paleontologia, 81(1):57-88, pl. 7-10. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections and with the collection. Link to collection.

Rögl, F. (1976a). Late Cretaceous to Pleistocene foraminifera from the southeast Pacific Basin, DSDP Leg 35. Init. Rep. DSDP 35:539-555. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Rögl, F. (1976b). Danian Calcisphaerulidae at DSDP Leg 35, Site 323, Southeast Pacific Ocean. Init. Rep. DSDP, 35:701-711. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Rögl, F. and Hochuli, P. (1976). The occurrence of Bolboforma, a probable algal cyst in the Antarctic Miocene of DSDP Leg 35. Init. Rep. DSDP, 35:713-719. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collections.

Rohling, E.J., Den Dulk, M., Pujol, C., and Vergnaud-Grazzini, C. (1995). Abrupt hydrographic changes in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean) around 8000 yrs BP. Deep-Sea Research, vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 1609-1619. Link to collections M. Knappertsbusch/Mediterranean Sea. Link to archive M. Knappertsbusch/VICOMED.

Rohr, K. (1948-1955). N.V.P. Geological Report No. 102. Aerial Survey of the Acosta Area, N.V.P. concession, 18p. Standort: GEO Archive, Kugler Archive, Box No. 13 and 85. Link to archive.

Romagny, A. (2011). Evolution de la surrection de la Chaîne du Rif (Maroc). Master 2 Dynamique des Systèmes Géologiques et Aleas, Juin 2011. Master STE, Université de Nice. pdf available from the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA) under

Romero, J., Hottinger, L., and Caus, E. (1999). Early appearance of larger foraminifera supposedly characteristic for Late Eocene in the Igualada Basin, NE Spain. Revista Espanola de Paleontologia, vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 79-92. Standort: Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections to L. Hottinger.

Roth, P.H. (1968). Calcareous nannoplankton zonation of Oligocene sections in Alabama (U.S.A.), on the islands of Trinidad and Barbados (W.I.), and the Blake Plateau (E coast of Florida, U.S.A.). Eclogae geol. Helv. 61(2):459-465. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Roth, P.H. (1970). Oligocene nannoplankton biostratigraphy. Diss. ETH Zürich No. 4488. Eclogae geol. Helv. 63(3):799-881. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection. Link to Colln J.B. Saunders.

Rowley, K.C. (1979). Field Trips C and F, Tobago. In: Field Guide Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados, July 1979. 4th Latin American Geological Congress, pp. 71-88. Published by Key Caribbean Publications, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, pp. 65-70. Standort: Deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, under Field trips., a further copy is deposited with the collection John B. Saunders/Barbados: Scotland District. Link to collection Saunders and Müller-Merz (1985).

Roth, P.H. and Thierstein, H.R. (1972). Calcareous nannoplankton: Leg 14 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP, 14:421-485. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Ruch, P., Gendre, F., Beck, C., and Kübler, B. (1989-1990). Physico-chimie des eaux douces et marines de Maurice. Manuscript version of a report (ref. not known). Standort: Deposited with the study colln. of L. Hottinger from Mauritius, sub-collection Patrick Ruch. Link to collection.

Ruf, H. (1949). Ueber die Entwicklung der Erdölindustrie und die Verarbeitung von Erdöl in Niederländisch-Ostindien. Bull. Ver. Schweizer Petrol.-Geol. u. -Ing. Vol. 16, No. 51, pp. 22-32.

Rütimeyer, L. (1850). Ueber das Schweizerische Nummulitenterrain, mit besonderer Berücksichtigun des Gebirges zwischen dem Thunersee und der Emme. Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesamten Naturwissenschaften, 11:1-120, 2 maps, 3 plates. Dissertation. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections (published reprint). Link to collection Hans Schaub / Rütimeyer.

Rutsch, R.F. (1966). Bericht über die Exkursionen. Molasse Exkursionen No. I bis III, Juni 1964. Pages 1-8, in Drooger, C.W., Reiss, Z., Rutsch, R.F. and Marks, P. (eds.) (1966). Proceedings of the third session in Berne. 8-13 June 1964. International Union of Geological Sciences. Commission of Stratigraphy. Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy. Leiden, E.J. Brill. 1. Standort: Foraminiferal hand library ("Foram Alphabet") in Weisser Bär, Room 13/105. 2. Standort: Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär/planktic foraminifera, working library Lukas Hottinger. Link to raw material collection to the excursion.

Rutten, L. (1914). Neue Fundstellen von tertiären Foraminiferen in Ost-Borneo. Chapter 4 in: L. Rutten. Studien über Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien, pp. 238-325, Plates XXI-XXVII. Sammlungen des geologischen Reichs-Museums in Leiden. Serie I, Bd. IX. E.J. Brill, Leiden. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collections.

Sameeni, S.J. (2009). The Salt range: Pakistan's unique field museum of geology and paleontology. Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology - Book 2009/03 (CG2009_B03). Link to archive Lukas Hottinger (collections from Pakistan).

Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021). Benthic foraminifera as a tool for exploring the geographical extent of a sediment drift in the Cipero Formation, Trinidad, SE Caribbean. Marine Micropaleontology, 162:101942, 16p. Standort: A copy is deposited in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad / Cipero Formation. Link to H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic colln. of Trinidad. Link to collections J.B. Saunders.

Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020). Early Neogene Stratigraphy and Palaeoceanography of Trinidad, West Indies. A fresh perspective. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 109p. Standort: A copy is deposited in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad / Cipero Formation. Link to H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic colln. of Trinidad. Link to collections J.B. Saunders.

Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020). Early Neogene palaeoenvironmental variability along the margins of the eastern Caribbean plate. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, vol. 103:102765, 19 p. Standort: A copy is deposited in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad / Cipero Formation. Link to H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic colln. of Trinidad. Link to collections J.B. Saunders.

Samsoondar, S. and Knappertsbusch, M. (2022). Celebrating 129 years of Hans G. Kugler: Remembering his first visit to Trinidad. The Hammer, September 1st 2022, Q3 issue 2022, pp. 8-13.

Samsoondar, S. and Knappertsbusch, M. (2024a, submitted). Combined archival and morphometric research for evolution in Globorotalia archeomenardii-praemenardii-menardii lineane from Oligocene-Miocene Cipero Formation type- and co-type localities, Trinidad, SE Caribbean. Manuscript submitted (121 March 2024). Standort: A copy of the manuscript text is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of M. Knappertsbusch.

Sanfilippo, A, Riedel, W.R., Glass, B.P., and Kyte, F.T. (1985). Late Eocene microtektites and radiolarian extinctions on Barbados. Nature, vol. 314, 18 April, 1985, pp. 613-615. Link to Bath Cliff collection J.B. Saunders et al. (1984).

Saraswati, P.K., Shimoike, K., Iwao, K., Mitra, A. (2003). Distribution of larger foraminifera in the reef sediments of Akajima, Okinawa, Japan. Journal of Geological Society of India, vol. 61, pp. 16-21. Standort: Printout deposited with collection Knappertsbusch Recent marine beachsands. Link to collns Knappertsbusch, Recent marine beachsands (sample MK 26).

Saraswati, P.K. (2007). Symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera of Lakshadweep. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, vol. 36(4), pp. 351-354. Standort: Printout deposited with collection Knappertsbusch Recent marine beachsands. Link to collns Knappertsbusch, Recent marine beachsands (sample MK27).

Satyana, A.H. Nugroho, D., Surantoko, I. (1999). Tectonic controls on the hydrocarbon habitats of the Barito, Kutei, and Tarakan Basins, Eastern Kalimantan, Indonesia: major dissimilities in adjoining basins. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 17, pp. 99-122. Standort: Printout deposited with study collections L. Hottinger / Indonesia: East Borneo-Java-Sumatra. Link to study collections L. Hottinger / Indonesia: East Borneo-Java-Sumatra.

[see LIT_TRIN.HTML] Saunders, J.B. (1957). Trochamminidae and certain Lituolidae (foraminifera) from the Recent brackish-water sediments of Trinidad, British West Indies. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 134, No. 5, pp. 1-16, published by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Standort: with Contrib. Cushman Lab, Micropaleo hand library in "Weisser Bär".

Saunders, J.B. (1958). Recent foraminifera of mangrove swamps and river estuaries and their fossil counterparts in Trinidad. Micropaleontology, vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 79-92. Standort: Reprint with study collection. Link to study collection.

Saunders, J.B. (1961). Helenina Saunders, new name for the foraminiferal genus Helenia Saunders, 1957, non Helenia Walcott, 1889. Nomenclatural note. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for foraminiferal Research, vol. XII, part 4, october, 1961, p. 148. Standort: Deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, under Trinidad/Saunders.

Saunders, J.B. and Cordey, W.G. (1965). The biostratigraphy of the Oceanic Formation in the Bath Cliff Section Barbados. Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference, Trinidad 1965, pp. 179-181. Link to colln Saunders and Cordey (1065). Link to colln J.B. Saunders et al. (1984) from Bath Cliff, Barbados. Location publication: together with colln J.B. Saunders et al. (1965).

Saunders, J.B. (1968). Excursion No. 1, Manzanilla Coast. Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference, 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, pp. 427-442 (publicised 1968, see Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference below). Standort: One copy is deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, under Field trips; a second copy alongside Study collection to "An inventory of benthic smaller foraminifera in Trinidad, W.I." of Hans M. Bolli and J.B. Saunders (1958, unpublished). Link to study collns. J.B. Saunders to "An inventory of benthic smaller foraminifera in Trinidad, W.I."

Saunders, J.B. (Editor) (1968). Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968. Includes many papers on Trinidad Geology. Standort: One copy is deposited with H.G. Kugler's Stratigraphic Collection of Trinidad; a 2nd copy is deposited in the GEO-Archive NMB/Saunders.

Saunders, J.B. and Kennedy, J.E. (1968). Sedimentology of a section in the upper Morne l'Enfer formation, Guapo Bay, Trinidad. Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference, 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, pp. 427-442 (publicised 1968, see Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference below). Standort: One copy is deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, under Field trips; a second copy alongside Study collection to "An inventory of benthic smaller foraminifera in Trinidad, W.I." of Hans M. Bolli and J.B. Saunders (1958, unpublished, under 4'''''.) D.O.L. collection and Forest Reserve (F.R.), Trinidad). Link to 4'''''.) D.O.L. collection and Forest Reserve (F.R.), Trinidad).

Saunders, J.B. (1968). Field Trip Guide to Barbados. In Transactions of the Fouth Caribbean Geological Conference. Held at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, 2th March - 12 April 1965, pp. 443-450. Standort: One copy deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, under Field trips; second location, nother copies are deposited with the colln. Saunders and Cordey (1965) or collns J.B. Saunders - materials Robert C. Speed (1979-1988). Link to colln Saunders and Cordey (1965). Link to colln J.B. Saunders et al. (1984) from Bath Cliff, Barbados. Link to collns J.B. Saunders - materials Robert C. Speed (1979-1988), Link to raw material collections Peter Jung.

Saunders, J.B. (1972). Recent paleontological results from the Northern Range of Trinidad. VI Conferencia Geologica del Caraibe - Margarita, Venezuela Memorials 1972, pp. 455-460. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection of J.B. Saunders from Northern Trinidad. Link to collection J.B. Saunders from Northern Trinidad. Link to study collns. J.B. Saunders Northern Trinidad - thin sections.

Saunders, J.B., Beaudry, F.M., Hay, W.W., Bolli, H.M., Rögl, F., Riedel, W.R., Sanfilippo, A., and Premoli Silva, I. (1973). 19. Paleocene to Recent planktonic microfossil distribution in the marine and land areas of the Caribbean. Init. Reports DSDP, vol. 15, pp. 769-771. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection J.B. Saunders MRC, DSDP and ODP.

Saunders, J.B. (1979). Field Trip I(J) Barbados. In: Field Guide Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados, July 1979. 4th Latin American Geological Congress, pp. 71-88. Published by Key Caribbean Publications, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Standort: Deposited in the micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär, under Field trips., a further copy is deposited with the collection John B. Saunders/Barbados: Scotland District.

Saunders, J.B., Jung, P., Geister, J. and Biju-Duval, B. (1982). The Neogene of the south flank of the Cibao Valley, Dominican Republic: A stratigraphic study. Transactions 9th Caribbean Geological Conference (Sto. Domingo, 1980), vol. 1, pp. 151-160. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Saunders, J.B. and Müller-Merz, E. (1982a). The genus Pseudononion in relationship with Nonion, Nonionella, and Nonionellina. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 12(3):261-275. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Saunders, J.B. and Müller-Merz, E. (1982b). Nonionellina nitida (Cushman) and its relationship to Nonionellina labradorica (Dawson). Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 12(3):276-278. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Saunders, J.B., Bernoulli, D., Müller-Merz, E., Oberhänsli, H., Perch-Nielsen, K., Riedel, W.R., Sanfilippo, A., and Torrini, R. (1984). Stratigraphy to the late Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene in the Bath Cliff section, Barbados, West Indies. Micropaleontology, vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 390-425. TSL 102. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Saunders, J.B., Bernoulli, D., and Martin-Kaye, P.A.H. (1985). Late Eocene dee-water clastics in Grenada, West Indies. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 78, No. 3, pp. 469-485. Link to collection of J.B. Saunders.

Saunders, J.B. and Müller-Merz, E. (1985). The age of the Rockly Bay Formation, Tobago. Transactions of the 4th Latin American Geological Conference (Trindiad and Tobago), held at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, 7th-15th July 1979, Volume 1, Book 5 (Paleontology, Macropaleontology, Micropaleontology, Palynology), pp. 339-344. Published in 1985. Standort: A manuscript of the article and a xerox copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Volumes I and II of the Transactions 4th Latin Americ Geol. Conference are in the micropaleontological hand library Weisser Bär/Trinidad. Link to collections Saunders and Müller-Merz, 1985. Link to collections of H.G. Kugler / Tobago.

Saunders, J.B. and Bolli, H.M. (1979, published 1985). Trinidad's contribution to world biostratigraphy. Transactions of the 4th Latin American Geological Conference (Trindiad and Tobago), held at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, 7th-15th July 1979, Volume 2, pp. 781-795. Published in 1985. Standort: Volumes I and II of the Transactions 4th Latin Americ Geol. Conference are in the micropaleontological hand library Weisser Bär/Trinidad.

Saunders, J.B., Jung, P., and Biju-Duval. (1986). Neogene Paleontology in the Northern Dominican Republic. 1. Field surveys, lithology, environment, and age. Bulletin of American Paleontology, vol. 89, No. 323, 79 p. [="Red Book"]; Standort1: K3/Cabinet 65. Standort2: A second copy of the Red Book is deposited in the maps archive, (no longer valid: Lista unit 14, drawer 8) Lista unit 17, drawer 2. Raw material to this publication (text figures and maps, foto prints, notes, manuscript texts) is deposited in an archive box in the GEO Archive (Archive J.B. Saunders / Saunders, Jung, Biju-Duval, 1986). More documents on the Dominican Republic (DR) Project of John Saunders see also large bookshelf at back wall of K3.

Saunders, J.B. (1987). Memorial to Kenneth William Barr 1914-1987. Geol. Soc. of America, Memorials, vol. 18, 4p. Standorte: A reprint is deposited with the Nekrolog collections, a reprint is in the Micropaleo Handlibrary Weisser Bär/Saunders.

Saunders, J.B. (1996). History of Trinidad Biostratigraphic Studies. Appendix VII in Higgins, G.E. (ed.). A History of Trinidad Oil. Trinidad Express Newspapers Limited, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I., pp. 411-416. Standort: Weisser Bär, Büro 13/-105.

Saunders, J.B. (1998). Geological Map of Trinidad. Minitsry of Energy and Energy Industries, Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. With explanatory notes for 1997 Geological Map of Trinidad by J.B. Saunders and H.C. Potter. Standort: Map and explanatory Notes deposited alongside the stratigraphic collection of Trinidad (Documentation). Link to H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad. Link to study collns. J.B. Saunders Northern Trinidad - thin sections.

Sarwar Alam, G. and Shakoor, T. (1992). Fieldguide book Salt Range - Potwar, February 23-27, 1992., First South Asia Geological Congress, Islamabad, Pakistan: february 23-27, 1992. Standort: Micropaleo hand library Weisser Bär (together with field guides from L. Hottinger). Link to archive Lukas Hottinger (collections from Pakistan).

Schaub, H., and Schweighauser, J. (1950). Nummuliten und Discocyclinen aus dem tiefsten Untereocaen von Gan. Eclogae geol. Helv. 43(2):236-242. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.

Schaub, H. (1950). Ueber die Zugehörigkeit der palaeocaenen und untereocaenen Nummuliten zu Entwicklungsreihen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 43(2):242-245. 1 plate. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub.

Schaub, H. (1951a). Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Schlierenflysches mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der paleocaenen und untereocaenen Nummuliten und Assilinen. Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen, 68:1-222, 9 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Schaub, H. (1951b). Die Stratigraphie des Schlierenflysches. Abbreviated version of Schaub, H. (1951a). Buchdruckerei B. Wirz, Binningen/Basel, pp. 1-16, 1 foldout. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection. Link to collection of thin sections of Hans Schaub.

Schaub, H. (1960). Ueber einige Nummuliten und Assilinen der Monographie und der Sammlung d'Archiac. Eclogae geol. Helv. 53(1):443-451, plates1-4. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.

Schaub, H. (1961a). Acerca de algunos nummulites y assilinas de la monografia y coleccion de D'Archiac. Notas y Comuns. Inst. Geol. y Minero de Espana, No. 62:171-194. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.

Schaub, H. (1961b). Flyschfragen im Bau der Alpen. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, vol. 72(2):333-342. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection: Thin sections.

Schaub, H. (1962a). Ueber einige stratigraphisch wichtige Nummuliten-Arten. Eclogae geol. Helv. 55(2):529-551, plates 1-8. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.

Schaub, H. (1962b). Stammesentwicklung und geologische Zeitbestimmung. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 73(2):318-331. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.

Schaub, H. (1963a). Ueber einige Entwicklungsreihen von Nummulites und Assilina und ihre stratigraphische Bedeutung. In: Von Koenigswald, G.H.R., Emeis, J.D., Buning, W.L., and Wagner, C.W. Evolutionary trends in foraminifera. Elsevier Publishing Company, pp. 282-297. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub.


Schaub, H. and Luterbacher, H. (1965). Neuere Daten zur mikropaläontologischen Forschung in der Schweiz. zom 9. Europäischen Mikropaläontologischen Kolloquium (Schweiz, 1965). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., vol. 31, No. 81, 200 p. Including separate sheets to selected sections. Standort. Link to colln of Hans Schaub. Link to colln of J.B. Saunders.
Schaub, H., Hay, W.W., and Mohler, H.P. (1965). Schlierenflysch. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., vol. 31, No. 81, April 1965, pp. 124-134. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection. Link to Thin section collections of Hans Schaub.
Schaub, H. (1966a). Ueber die Grossforaminiferen im Untereocaen von Campo (Ober-Aragonien). Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):355-377, plates 1-6. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.
Schaub, H. (1966b, in Russian). Nummulitenzonen und Evolutionsreihen der Nummuliten und Assilinen. In: W.W. Menner (Editor), Fragen der Mikropaläontologie, Ausgabe 10, pp. 289-301. Wissenschafts Akademie SSSR, wissenschaftliche Abteilung der Erde. Geologisches Institut, Moskau. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.
Schaub, H. (1967a). Nummulites and Assilina im Becken von Tremp. Unpublished. Atlas with original photographs, 35 pages, 24 plates, 1 text figure, 3 tables. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub.
Schaub, H. (1967b). Abstecher No. 33b. III - Exkursion in den Schlierenflysch westlich von Alpnach. In: Geologischer Führer der Schweiz (herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft), Heft 7 (1967), pages 607-612. Umgebung von Zürich, Zentralschweiz bis Meiringen und Altdorf; Glarnerland; Walensee-Chur. Exkursionen No. 31-35. Standort: Xerox copy with the collection & K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collections: Thin sections.
Schaub, H. (1967c). IV - Alpnach-Sarnen-Giswil. In: Geologischer Führer der Schweiz (herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft), Heft 7 (1967), pages 612-617. Umgebung von Zürich, Zentralschweiz bis Meiringen und Altdorf; Glarnerland; Walensee-Chur. Exkursionen No. 31-35. Standort: Xerox copy with the collection & K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collections: Thin sections.
Schaub, H. (1967d). Exkursion No. 17a. Habkernmulde. In: Geologischer Führer der Schweiz (herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft), Heft 4 (1967), pages 293-299. Berner Jura (Basel-Neuchâtel-Biel), Berner Mittelland, Berner Oberland (ohne Grimsel, Brünig und Simmental). Exkursionen No. 13-18. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub & K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.
Schaub, H. (1970). Aus der Geschichte des Lebens auf unserer Erde. Sandoz-Bulletin No. 19:16-28. (with translations in English, French, and Spanish). Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection.
Schaub, H. (1973). La seccion de Campo (Prov. de Huesca). Field guide to the XIII European Micropaleontological Colloquium in Spain, 1973. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections/Schaub. Link to collection of Kapellos and Schaub (1973).
Schaub, H. (1981). Nummulites et Assilines de la Téthys paléogène. Taxinomie, phylogénèse et biostratigraphie. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 3 volumes: vol. 104:1-236, 18 plates, vol. 105 (Atlas I), plates 1-48, vol. 106 (Atlas II), plates 49-97. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Schaub, H. Benjamini, C. and Moshkovitz, S. (1995). The biostratigraphy of the Eocene of Israel. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 117:58 p. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Scheibnerova, V., (1974). Aptian-Albian benthonic foraminifera from DSDP Leg 27, Sites 259, 260, and 263, Eastern Indian Ocean. Initial Reports of the DSDP, vol. 27, pp. 697-741, plates 1-8. A xerox copy of the reprint is with the collection. Link to collection.

Scheuring, B.W. (1970). Palynologische und palynostratigraphische Untersuchungen des Keupers im Bölchentunnel (Solothurner Jura). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 88, 119 p., 43 Plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. The reference collection to this study is deposited at ETH in Zürich (pers. comm. V. Scheuring, 16.10.2006). A raw material collection is deposited at the NMB.

Scheuring, B.W. (1978). Mikrofloren aus den Meridekalken des Mte. San Giorgio (Kanton Tessin). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 100, pp. 1-100, plates 1-52. Link to manuscript with the original plates. The collection to this study is deposited at ETH in Zürich (pers. comm. V. Scheuring, 16.10.2006).

Schider, R. (1913). Geologie der Schrattenfluh im Kanton Luzern. Beiträge zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, Neue Folge, 43. Lieferung, 1913. Link to collection.

Leg 42 Shipboard Scientific party (1978). Site 374; Messina Abyssal Plain. Init. Rep. DSDP 42(Part 1):175-217. Standort: K3/Cabinet under Bernoulli. Link to collection D. Bernoulli.

Schmidt, C., Braun, L., Paltzer, G., Mühlberg, M., Christ, P. und Jacob, F. (1924). Die Bohrungen von Buix bei Pruntrut und Allschwil bei Basel. Beiträge zur Geologie der Schweiz, Geotechnische Serie, X. Lieferung, 74 p., 3 plates. Standort: Rüt. 8046. Link to collection Herman Fischer (about drilling Allschwil 2).

Schmidt, D.N. (2002). Size variability in planktonic foraminifers. Dissertation ETH No. 14578, 121 pages, Appendices I through XXIII. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited together with the collection. Link to collection.


Schmidt, D.N., Renaud, S., Bollmann, J. (2003). Response of planktic foraminiferal size to late Quaternary climate change. Paleoceanography, vol. 18(2):12 pages. Link to collection.
Schmidt, D.N., Thierstein, H.R., Bollmann, J., Schiebel, R. (2004). Abiotic forcing of plankton evolution in the Cenozoic. Science, vol. 303, 9 January 2004, pp. 207-210. Link to collection.
Schmidt, D.N., Thierstein, H.R., Bollmann, J. (2004). The evolutionary history of size variation of planktic foraminiferal assemblages in the Cenozoic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 212, pp. 159-180. Link to collection.
Schönfeld, J. and Spiegler, D. (1995). Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Site 861, Chile Tripple Junction, Southeastern Pacific. Proceedings of the ODP, SR, vol. 141, pp. 213-221. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Schönfeld, J., Beccari, V., Schmidt, S., Spezzaferri, S. (2021). Biometry and taxonomy of Adriatic Ammonia species from Bellaria-Igea Marina (Italy). Journal of Micropalaeontology, vol. 40, pp. 195-223. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.
Schmucker, B. (1996). Oekologische Untersuchungen an rezenten benthonischen Foraminiferen aus einem Längsprofil durch den Canale San Bortolo (Golf von Piran / nördliche Adria). Diplomarbeit Geologisches Institut der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, 49 p. Standort: A copy is deposited with the study collection L. Hottinger from Piran. Link to study collection L. Hottinger from Piran.
Schneidermann, N., Beckmann, J.P., and Heezen, B.C. (1972). Shallow water carbonates from the Puerto Rico Trench Region. 6th Conferencia geologia del Caribe - Margarita, Venezuela Memoirs 1972, pp. 423-425. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Schweighauser, J. (1950). Spirillinen aus dem Lias von Arzo (Tessin). Eclogae geol. Helv. 42(2):225-236. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Schweighauser, J. (1951). Ein Vorkommen von Neoalveolina aus dem vizentinischen Obereozän. Eclogae geol. Helv. 44(2):465-469. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Schweighauser, J. (1953). Mikropaläontologische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen im Paleocaen und Eocaen des Vicentin (Norditalien) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Discocyclinen und Asterocyclinen. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen vol. 70, 97 p., 13 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to type and reference collections. Link to study collection of J. Schweighauser.

Schweizer, M., Jorissen, F., and Geslin, E. (2011). Contributions of molecular phylogenetics to foraminiferal taxonomy: General overview and example of Pseudoeponides falsobeccarii Rouvillois, 1974. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 10, pp. 95-105. Standort: A copy is with the reference collection to Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss (1993). Link to collection Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss (1993).

Schroeder, R. (1965). Dictyoconus pachymarginalis n. sp. aus dem Apt des Elburz-Gebirges (Nord-Iran). (Studien über primitive Orbitolinidae III). Eclogae geol. Helv. 58(2):976-980, 2 plates. Standort: A copy is with the collection in K3. Link to collection.

Schrodt, F. (1894). Das Vorkommen der Foraminiferen-Gattung Cyclammina im oberen Jura. Briefliche Mitteilung an Herrn C.A. Tenne. Z. deutsch. geol. ges. 45(4):733-735. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. See colln. Tobler (1926).

Seibold, I. (1966). Ueber den Verbleib älterer Sammlungen jurassischer Foraminiferen. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, vol. 40(1/2), pp. 151-154. Standort: A printout of the article is deposited with historical collections in the study collection of Lukas Hottinger. Link to the historical collections(collns R. Häusler in the study collection of Lukas Hottinger.

Seiglie, G.A. (1964). New and rare foraminifers from Los Testigos reefs, Venezuela. Caribbean Journal of Science 4(4):497-512. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Seiglie, G.A. and Bermudez, P. (1965). Monografia de la familia de foraminiferos Glabratellidae. Geos 12:15-65, Caracas (1965). Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Seiglie, G.A. and Bermudez, P.J. (1966). Tres géneros nuevos y una especie nueva de foraminiferos del terciario de las Antillas. In Luterbacher et al. (eds.). Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Reichel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):431-435. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Senn, A. (1924). Beiträge zur Geologie des Alpensüdrandes zwischen Mendrisio und Varese. Eclogae geol. Helv. 18(4): 550-632. Standort: Reprint deposited alongside the collection. Link to collection.

Senn, A. (1934). Contribution à la stratigraphie des terraines nummulitiques de la région entre Ouezzane et Souk-el-Arba (Rharb) [NW Morocco]. I Rapport, unpublished type-written report (81 p.); II Annexes (range charts, maps, and stratigraphic column sections with sampling locations). Standort: Report deposited with the collection Alfred Senn. Link to collection Alfred Senn. Link to collection M. de Cizancourt. Link to Archive of Alfred Senn: Senn, A(1934). Link to Maps-Archive.

Senn, A., 1935a. Die stratigraphische Verbreitung der Tertiären Orbitoiden, mit spezieller Berücksichtigung ihres Vorkommens in Nord-Venezuela und Nord-Marokko. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 51-113. Link to collection.

Senn, A., 1935b. Nachtrag zu: Die stratigraphische Verbreitung der Tertiären Orbitoiden. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 369-373. Link to collection.

Senn, A. 1939. The Paleogene of Barbados and its bearings on the history and structure of the Antillen-Caribbean region. Unpublished private report. Published 1940 in The Bulletin of The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, vol. 24, No. 9,, pp. 1548-1610. Standort: together with Barbados collns. of A. Senn. Link to colln J.B. Saunders et al. (1984) from Bath Cliff, Barbados.

Senn, A. (1944). Inventory of the Barbados Rocks and their possible utilization. Bulletin No. 1 (New Series), Department of Science and Agriculture, Barbados, B.W.I., pp. 1-40. Standort: Weisser Bär, Micropaleontology hand-library.

Senn, A. (1946). Geological investigations of the ground-water rescources of Barbados, B.W.I. Report of the British Union Oil Company Limited, 112 p., 8 enclosures and appendix containing list of water-wells. Standort: Map archive to Barbados. Link to Map archive Barbados, Lista unit 15, drawer 10.

Senn, A. 1947. Die Geologie der Insel Barbados B.W.I. (Kleine Antillen) und die Morphogenese der umliegenden marinen Grossformen. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 40, pp. 219-227. Link to collection of A. Senn.

Serra-Kiel, J., Hottinger, L., Caus, E., Drobne, K., Ferrandez, C., Jauhri, A.K., Less, G., Pavlovec, R., Pignatti, J., Samso, J.M., Schaub, H., Sirel, E., Strougo, A., Tambareau, Y., Tosequella, J. and Zakrevskaya, E. (1998). Larger Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Paleocene and Eocene. Bulletin Société géologique France, vol. 169, no. 2, p. 281-299. Link to collections L. Hottinger from 1958, 190 and 1962.

Shamah, K., Blondeau, A., le Calvez, Y., Perch-Nielsen, K., and Toumarkine, M. (1982). Biostratigraphy of the middle Eocene El Midawarah Formation, Wadi El Rayan region, Fayoum area, Egypt. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie (1):91-104. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Shcherbinina, E., Gavrilov, Y., Iakovleva, A., Pokrovsky, B., Golovanova, O., Aleksandrova, G. (2016). Environmental dynamics during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) in the northeastern Peri-Tethys revealed by high-resolution micropalaeontological and geochemical studies of a Caucasian key section. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 456, pp. 60-81. Standort: A printout is deposited along the study collections of H.P. Luterbacher: Paleogene sections from Russia. Link to study collections H.P. Luterbacher: Paleogene sections from Russia.

Sheldon, E., Stouge, S. and Henderson, E. (eds.) (2004). The Micropalaeontological Society Calcareous Plankton Spring meeting (Joint nannofossil and Foraminifera Group Meeting). Geocenter Copenhagen, 13t-15h May 2004. Abstracts and Field Guide, 77p. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. Ministry of the Environment (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark. Link to raw material collection Michael Knappertsbusch /Stevns Klint.

Sigal, J. (1952). Aperçu stratigraphique sur la micropaléontologie du Crétacé. Congr. géol. int. XIX, Alger, Monogr. régionales, Sér. I: Algérie, No. 26(43); Fig. 46. Standort: An extract of the paper is deposited in K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Silvestri, A. (1925). Sur quelques foraminifères et pseudoforaminifères de Sumatra. Verhandelingen van het Geologische Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonien, Geologische Serie, Deel VIII, pp. 449-460, 3 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Simon, C. (2009). Natur-Geschichte. Das Naturhistorische Museum Basel im 19. und 20. jahrhundert. Christoph Merian Verlag, 415 p.

Smith, L.A., Luterbacher, H.P., Lamb, J.L., and Fairchild, W.W. (1969). Preliminary biostratigraphic survey of samples from type and other localities of the Tampico region, Central Eastern Mexico. Esso Production Research Company, special report EPR69-SP36, 20 p. Standort: Report deposited with study collns. H.P. Luterbacher. Link to study collections H.P. Luterbacher.

Soder, P.A. (1949). Geologische Untersuchung der Schrattenfluh und des südlich anschliessenden Teiles der Habkern Mulde (Kt. Luzern). Inaugural Dissertation, Universität Basel. Sonderabdruck Eclogae geologicae helvetiae, vol. 42, No. 1, 109p. Standort: A copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Soder, P.A. (1985). Lebensbeschreibungen von Schweizer Geologen. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol. Geol.- u. Ing., 51(120):71-72. Standort: Nekrologe (Obituaries). Link to collections Pierre A. Soder.

Speed, R.C. and Larue, D.K. (1985). Tectonic evolution of Eocene turbidites of Grenada. Géodynamique des Caraibes Symposium Paris, 5-8 February 1985. Editions Technip, 27, Paris, 101-108. Link to collections of J.B. Saunders [Grenada].

Speed, R.C., Smith-Horowitz, P.L., Perch-Nielsen, K. v. S., Saunders, J.B., and Sanfilippo, A.S. (1993). Southern Lesser Antilles Platform: Pre-Miocene Stratigraphy, Structure, and Tectonic Evolution. Geological Society of America Special Paper 277, 98 p. Standort: A xerox copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of J.B. Saunders (Lesser Antilles: Carriacou).

Speed, R.C. (1994). Barbados and the Lesser Antilles forearc. Chapter 10 (pp. 179-192) in Donovan, S.K. and Jackson, T.A. (eds.), 1994. Caribbean Geology. An Introduction. Published by The University of the West Indies Publisher's Association (UWIPA), P.O. Box 42, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica W.I. ISBN 976-41-0033-3. Standort: A xerox copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Entire volume is deposited in hand library Weisser Bär / reprints of L. Hottinger / Caribbean geology. Link to collections of J.B. Saunders.

Spezzaferri, S. and Spiegler, D. (1998). Bolboforma, Greenland. Proceedings ODP, Sci. Res. 152:201-208. Link to type collection, link to reference collection.

Spezzaferri, S. and Yanko-Hombach, V. (2007). Hyalinea marmarica, a new species of benthic foraminifera from the Sea of Marmara (Turkey). Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 309-317, october 2007. Standort: A xerox copy of the paper is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Spezzaferri, S. and Caron, M. (2008). Revision of the planktonic foraminifera Pseudothalmaniella klausi (Lehmann, 1966) and Globotruncanella semsalensis (Corminboeff, 1961) and first scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the holotypes. Revue de Paléobiologie, 27(1): 81-88. Standort: A xerox copy of the paper is deposited with the collection. pdf of article. Link to collection.

Spezzaferri, S. and Pearson, P.N. (2009). Distribution and ecology of Catapsydrax indianus, a new planktonic foraminifer index species for the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 39(2): 112-119. Standort: A xerox copy of the paper is deposited with the collection. pdf of article. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. and Jansen, E. (1989). Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of Norwegian Sea sediments: ODP Leg 104. Proceedings of the ODP, SR, vol. 104, pp. 681-696. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. (1991). Occurrence of Bolboforma (Algae, Chrysophyta) in the subantarctic (Atlantic) Paleogene. Proceedings ODP, Sci. Res. 114:325-334. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. and Von Daniels, C.H. (1991). A stratigraphic and taxonomic atlas of Bolboforma (Protophytes, incertae sedis, Tertiary). J. of Foram Res. 21(2):126-158. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. and Müller, C. (1992). Correlation of Bolboforma zonation and nannoplankton stratigraphy in the Neogene of the North Atlantic: DSDP Sites 12-116, 49-408, 81-555, and 94-608. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 20, pp. 45-58. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. and Rögl, F. (1992). Bolboforma (Protophyta, incertae sedis) im Oligozän und Miozän des Mediterran und der zentralen Paratethys. Ann. Naturhistor. Mus. Wien, 94(A):59-95. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. and Rögl, F. (1992). Bolboforma (Protophyta, incertae sedis) im Oligozän und Miozän des Mediterran und der zentralen Paratethys. Ann. Naturhistor. Mus. Wien, 94(A):59-95. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. and Müller, C. (1995). Correlation of calcareous nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy off the coast of southern Chile. Rproceedings of the ODP, SR, vol. 141, pp. 193-211. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. (1996). Planktonic foraminifer Cenozoic biostratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean, Fram Strait (Sites 908-909), Yermak Plateau (Sites 910-912), and East Greenland Margin (Site 913). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, SR, Vol. 151, pp. 153-167. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. and Gürs, K. (1996). Der miozäne Glimmerton von Gross Pampau, Schleswig-Holstein (Mollusken, Foraminiferen und Bolboformen). Meyniana, vol. 48, pp. 135-164. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. (1999). Bolboforma biostratigraphy from the Hatton-Rockall Basin (North Atlantic). Proceedings of the ODP, SR, vol. 162, pp. 35-49. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Spiegler, D. and Spezzaferri, S. (2005). Bolboforma - an overview. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, vol. 79/1, pp. 167-181. Standort: Reprint deposited with the collection of Spiegler, D. and von Daniels, C.H. (1991) [K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections].

Stainforth, R. M., 1948. Description, correlation and paleoecology of the Tertiary Cipero Marl Formation, Trinidad. Bulletin of the American Assoc. of Petroleum Geologists. vol. 32, no. 7.

Stainforth, R.M. (1974). Nomenclature of dome large Eo-Oligocene globigerinas. In: Jung, P. (ed.), 1974. Contributions to the geology and paleobiology of the Caribbean and adjacent areas. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, vol. 84(1):256-263. K3/F10/5/165 (Stratigraphic colln of Trinidad).

Stam, B. (1986). Quantitative analysis of middle and late Jurassic foraminifera from Portugal and its implications for the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, No. 34, 168 p. Link to colln. Oesterle, H. (1969) [Birmensdorfer Schichten].

Stattegger, K. Kuhnt, W., Wong, H.K., et al. (1997). Cruise Report Sonne 115. SUNDAFLUT. Report No. 86 of the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany, 214 p. Standort: A printed copy is alonside the collection Knappertsbusch/Global Holocene menardiform study. Link to study collection Knappertsbusch / Global Holocene menardiform study.

Stehlin, H.G. (1931). August Tobler 1872-1929. Mit einem Portrait. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, vol. 42, pp. 175-195. Standort: K3, Nekrologe. Link to micropaleontological collections of August Tobler.

Subbotina, N.N. (1953). Foraminifères fossiles d'U.R.S.S., Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae, and Globorotaliidae. Trudy V.N.I.G.R.I., S.S.S.R., no. 76, 296 p., 8 fig., 1 dpl., 41 pl. (in Russian; French Translation by M. Sigal, Traduction No. 2239, 2 volumes. Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Service d'Information Géologique, Paris). Standort: Foram Alphabet, Room 13/-105. Link to study collections H.P. Luterbacher / Paleogene sections from Russia.

Szöts, E., Malmoustier, G. and Magné, J. (1964). Observations sur le passage Oligocène-Miocène en Aquitaine et sur les zones de foraminifères planctoniques de l'Oligocène. In: Colloque sur le Paléogène (Bordeaux, Septembre 1962). Mémoires du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. No. 28 (1964), vol. I (pp. 433-454). Standort: One set ist in the Micropaleontological reprint collection, Weisser Bär/Excursions and colloquia. Standort second set. Link to collections J.B. Saunders (Parentis well 15).

Thierstein, H.R. (1971). Tentative lower Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton zonation. Eclogae geol. Helv. 64(3):459-488, 8 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Thierstein, H.R., Franz, H.E., and Roth, P.H. (1971). Scanning electron and light microscopy of the same small object. Micropaleontology, 17(4):501-502. Standort: K3/with collection Thierstein, H.R. (1971).

Thierstein, H.R. (1973). Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy. Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 29:1-52, 6 plates, Wien. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Thierstein, H.R. (1974). Calcareous nannoplankton - Leg 26, Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Davies, T.A., Luyendyk, B.P., et al., Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 26, pp. 619-667. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Thomassin, B.A. (1976). Feeding behaviour of the felt-, sponge-, and coral-feeder sea stars, mainly Culcita schmideliana. Helgoländer wiss. Meeresuntersuchungen, vol. 28, pp. 51-65. Link to study collections L. Hottinger from Madagascar.

Tobler, A. (1904). Einige Notizen zur Geologie von Südsumatra. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 272-292 (with map enclosed). Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection of Miogypsina and Lepidocyclina (Tobler, 1091).

Tobler, A. (1906). Zur Geologie von Sumatra. Dr. A. Petermanns Geogr. Mitteilungen 1906, Heft 4, pp. 1-2.

Tobler, A. (1906). Topographische und geologische Beschreibung der Petroleumgebiete Moeara Enim (Süd-Sumatra). Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Jaargang 1906, pp. 199-314. Standort: K3/Cabinet 69, literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection Tobler (1906). Link to Archive Tobler (Moeara Enim area).

Tobler, A. (1907). Ueber das Vorkommen von Kreide- und Carbonschichten in Südwest-Djambi (Sumatra). Verslag van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie over het 4de Kwartal 1906, Batavia Landsdrukkerij, 1907, pp. 1-8.

Tobler, A. (1910, published in 1912). Voorloopige mededeeling over de geologie der Residentie Djambi. Jaarb. Mijnweezen 1919. Verhandelingen (verschenen 1912), pp. 1-31. Batavia Landsdrukkerij 1912. Standort: K3/Cabinet 69, literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection Tobler (1922c) to Djambi-Verslag.

Tobler, A. (1911). Bericht über die geologische Djambi-Expedition (1906-1910). Dr. A. Petermanns Geogr. Mitteilungen 1911, Heft 4, pp. 189.

Tobler, A. (1912). Geologische beschrijving der Afdeeling Djambi. In "Beknopte nota over de Afdeeling Djambi" door W.H. Keuchenius, Controleur von Djambi, Tijdschrift v.h. Binnenlandsch Bestuur, met scheetskaartje 1:1'000'000, Batavia, 1912, pp. 242-246.

Tobler, A. (1912). Korte beschrijving der petroleumterreinen gelegen in het zuidoostelijk deel der Residentie Djambi (Sumatra). Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, 40 Jaarg., 1911, p. 12-30.

Tobler, A. (1914). Geologie van het Goemaigebergte (Res. Palembang, Zuid-Sumatra). Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen 1912 (deel Verhandelingen). Batavia Landsdrukkerij, pp. 1-81.

Tobler, A. (1017). Ueber Deckenbau im Gebiet von Djambi (Sumatra). Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, vol. 28:123-147. Standorte: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections; Micropaleontology reprints library / Tobler, Estrich Weisser Bär. Link to collection Tobler (1922c) to Djambi-Verslag.

Tobler, A. en medewerkers (1918). Korte beschrijving van het petroleumgebied van Midden-Noordwest-en Nord -Beneden Djambi. Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederl. Oost-Indie, 45 Jaarg., 1016, Verhandelingen 2de gedeelte, pp. 141-201. Batavia Landsdrukkerij, 1918.

Tobler, A. (1918). Notiz über einige foraminiferenführende Gesteine von der Halbinsel Sanggar (Soembawa). Zeitschrift zur Vulkanologie, 4: 189-192. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Tobler, A. (1922). Notizen aus der aussereuropäischen (bisher indischen) Abteilung der geologischen Sammlung. Beilage zum Bericht über das Naturhistorische Museum in Basel für das Jahr 1921. Verh. Naturforsch. Gesellschaft in Basel, vol. 23, pp. 306-308.

Tobler, A. (1922a). Helicolepidina, ein neues Subgenus von Lepidocyclina. Eclogae geol. Helv. 17(3):380-384. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Tobler, A. (1922). Die Jacksonstufe (Priabonien) in Venezuela und Trinidad. Eclogae geol. Helv. 27(3):342-346.

Tobler, A. (1922c). Djambi-Verslag: Uitkomsten van het geologisch-mijnbouwkundig onderzoek in de Residentie Djambi 1906-1912. Volume 1 (Text), Volume 2 (Bijlagen). s'Gravenhage Algemeene Landsdrukkerij. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections (Cabinet 69); a second set is deposited in the Micropaleo handlibrary Weisser Bär (Estrich) / Tobler. Link to regional collection Tobler from Djambi/Sumatra.

Tobler, A. (1923). Unsere paläontologische Kenntnis von Sumatra. Eclogae geol. Helv. 18(2): 313-342. Including map of Sumatra showing the most important fossil locations, Scale 1:5'000'000. Standort: Volumes Eclogae geol. Helv. Weisser Bär. Link to map archive.

Tobler, A. (1924). Djambi-Verslag. Uitkomsten van het Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Onderzoek in de Residentie Djambi 1906-1912. Jaarboek v.h. Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch. Oost-Indie, 48 Jaarg., 1919. Verhandelingen 3. Gedeelte S'Gravenhage, 1922, 595 p.

Tobler, A. (1925b). Ueber eine ostindische Lepidocyclina mit mehrkammeriger Nucleoconcha. Eclogae geol. Helv. 19(1):269-274. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Tobler, A. (1925). Mesozoikum und tertiär des Gumai-Gebirges. Beiträge zur Geologie und Paläontologie von Sumatra, herausgegeben von A. Tobler, Basel. Verhandelingen v. h. Geol. Mijnbouwkundig Gen. voor Nederland en Kolonien. Geol. Serie Deel 8, pp. 521-535.

Tobler, A. (1926). Ueber Cyclammina (Choffatella) sequana Merian spec. Eclogae geol. Helv. 19(3):714-719, Plate 27. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Tobler, A. (1926). Miogypsina im untersten Neogen von Trinidad und Borneo. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 19(3):719-722.

Tobler, A. (1927a). Maeandropsina im Tertiär von Ostborneo. Eclogae geol. Helv. 20(2):321-323. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection. Link to collection.

Tobler, A. (1927b oder 1926b). Verkalkung der Lateralkammern by Miogypsina. Eclogae geol. Helv. 20(2):323-330. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection, Link to collection.

Tobler, A. (1928). Ueber Pseudocyclammina und Choffatella in Schweizerischen Juragebirge. Eclogae geol. Helv. 21(1):212-216. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Tobler, A. (1929). Pellatispira im Priabonien von Lenk (Berner Oberland). Eclogae geol. Helv. 22:172-175. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Ozawa, Y. and Tobler, A. (1929). Permian Fusulinidae found in Greece, Eclogae Geol. Helv. 22(1):45-49.

Tobler, A. (1929). Alveolinenfunde im Eocän der nördlichen Kalkalpen. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 22(2):175-180.

Todd , R. and Brönnimann, P. (1957). Recent foraminifera and Thecamoebina from the eastern Gulf of Paria. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication No. 3, 43 pp. Standort: A printout is alongside collection of John Saunders. A reprint is in the micropaleontology hand library (Trinidad), in Weisser Bär. Link to collections (Thecamoebines) of John Saunders.

Thompson, M.L. (1935). The fusulinid genus Yangchienia Lee. Eclogae geol. Helv. 28(2):511-517, Plate 17. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Thompson, M.L. (1936). Lower Permian Fusulinids from Sumatra. Journal of Paleontology, 10(7):587-592. Link to collection.

Torrini, R.E. Jr., Mattioli, G.S., Speed, R.C., and Saunders, J.B. (1982). Oceanic beds at Bath, Barbados: Depositional and Tectonic History. Unpublished manuscript, 1982. Standort: A typewritten manuscript with figures and remarks is deposited with the collections of J.B. Saunders/Barbados. Link to collections J.B. Saunders.

Toumarkine, M. and Bolli, H.M. (1970). Evolution de Globorotalia cerroazulensis (Cole) dans l'Eocène Moyen et supérieur de Possagno (Italie). Revue de Micropaléontologie 13(3):131-145. Link to collection.

Toumarkine, M. (1975). Middle and Late Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the northwestern Pacific, Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP 32:735-751. Link to collection.

Toumarkine, M. and Bolli, H.M. (1975). Foraminifères planctoniques de l'Eocène moyen et supérieur de la coupe de Possagno. Schweiz. Paläont. Abh. 97:69-185. Link to collection.

Toumarkine, M. (1978). Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Paleogene of Sites 360 to 364 and the Neogene at Sites 362A, 363, and 364, Leg 40. Init. Rep. DSDP 40:679-721. Standort: K3/see DSDP Reports. Link to collection.

Toumarkine, M. and Luterbacher, H. (1985). Paleocene and Eocene planktic foraminifera. In Bolli, H.M., Saunders, J.B. and Perch-Nielsen, K. (eds.). Plankton Stratigraphy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 87-154. Link to study colln. H.P. Luterbacher (zonal assemblages Russia).

Umbgrove, J.H.F. (1935). De pretertiaire historie van den Indischen Archipel (met bijdragen van Dr. Friedr. Weber). Leidsche geol. Mededelingen, VII, 1, 119-155. Standort: A printout of the article is deposited in the geological archive of the NMB. Link to collections of Fritz Weber.

Van den Bold, W.A. (1957 a): Ostracoda from the Paleocene of Trinidad. Micropaleontology, vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-14. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the T.L.L. type collection of H.G. Kugler. Link to T.L.L. type collection of ostracoda from H.G. Kugler.

Van den Bold, W.A. (1957 b): Oligo-Miocene Ostracoda from southern Trinidad. Micropaleontology, vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 231-250. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the T.L.L. type collection of H.G. Kugler. Link to T.L.L. type collection of ostracoda from H.G. Kugler.

Van den Bold, W.A. (1958 a). Distribution of fresh water ostracodes from Trinidad. Micropaleontology, vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 71-74. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the T.L.L. type collection of H.G. Kugler. Link to T.L.L. type collection of ostracoda from H.G. Kugler.

Van den Bold, W.A. (1958 b). Ostracoda of the Brasso Formation of Trinidad. Micropaleontology, vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 391-418. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the T.L.L. type collection of H.G. Kugler. Link to T.L.L. type collection of ostracoda from H.G. Kugler.

Van den Bold, W.A. (1960). Eocene and Oligocene ostracoda of Trinidad. Micropaleontology, vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 145-196. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the T.L.L. type collection of H.G. Kugler. Link to T.L.L. type collection of ostracoda from H.G. Kugler.

Van den Bold, W.A. (1963). Upper Miocene and Pliocene Ostracoda of Trinidad. Micropaleontology, vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 361-424. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the T.L.L. type collection of H.G. Kugler. Link to T.L.L. type collection of ostracoda from H.G. Kugler.

Van den Bold, W.A. (1966). Ostracoda of the Pozon section, Falcon, Venezuela. Journal of Paleontology, 40(1):177-185, 1 plate. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Van den Bold, W.A. (1988). Neogene Paleontology in the Northern Dominican Republic. 7. The subclass Ostracoda (Arthropoda: Crustacea). Bulletin of American Paleontology, vol. 94, No. 329. Standort: K3/Large bookshelf at backside of K3. (Dominican Republic Project, John Saunders).

Van Gorsel J.T. (Han) and Gunzenhauser, B. (2021). August Tobler, the Swiss pioneer of South Sumatra geological mapping, 1900-1912. Indonesian Journal of Sedimentary Geology "Berita Sedimentologi", in press. Standort: K3 / Nekrologe. Link to collections August Tobler.

Van Kreveld, S.A., Ganssen, G.M., van Hinte, J.E., Melkert, M.M., Troelstra, S.R., van der Borg, K., and de Jong, A. (1995). A method for quantifying deep-sea carbonate dissolution using 14C dating. Radiocarbon, vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 585-592. Standorte: A printout deposited with the collection to Van Kreveld et al. (1996), Global Emiliania Modelling (GEM) initiative, North Atlantic. Link to Van Kreveld et al. (1996), Global Emiliania Modelling (GEM) initiative, North Atlantic.

Van Kreveld, S.A., Knappertsbusch, M., Ottens, J., Ganssen, G.M., and van Hinte, J.E. (1996). Biogenic carbonate and ice-rafted debris (Heinrich layer) accumulation in dee-sea sediments from a Northeast Atlantic piston core. Marine Geology, 131:21-46. Standorte: Printout deposited with collections of Knappertsbusch, Global Emiliania Modelling (GEM) initiative, North Atlantic. Link to collections of Knappertsbusch, Global Emiliania Modelling (GEM) initiative, North Atlantic/Computer simulation experiments.

Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1922). Studien over Nummulinidae en Alveolinidae. Haar voorkomen op Soembawa en haar beteekenis voor de geologie van Ooost-Azie en Australie. Proefschrift, Faculteit der wis- en natuurkunde, Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Verhandelingen v.h. geologisch-mijnbowkundige genootschap van Nederland en Kolonien, Deel V, Blz. 329-364. Standorte: One copy is in K3/Cabinet 69; a second copy is with the collection J.J. Pannekoek van Rheden (1912-1913); a third copy is in the Micropaleontology reprints library, Weisser Bär (Larger Forams/Cenozoic). Link to collection Van der Vlerk (1922) [part of the Sumbawa collection of J.J. Pannekoek van Rheden 1912-1913].

Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1966). Miogypsinoides, Miogypsina, Lepidocyclina et Cycloclypeus de Larat (Moluques). Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 59, No. 1. In: H.P. Luterbacher, D. Grönhagen, H.G. Kugler, W.A. Mohler, R. Herb, and W.K. Nabholz (eds.), Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Reichel. pp. 421-429, pl. 1-2. Standorte: One copy is n the Micropaleontology reprints library, Weisser Bär, a second copy is in the Foraminiferen Aphabet. Link to collection.

Van Winkle Palmer, K. (1948). Dorothy K. Palmer (1897-1947). Journal of Paleontology, 22(4):518-519. Link to Palmer material in collection Caudri.

Vénec-Peyré, M.-T. (2005). Les planches inédites de Foraminifères d'Alcide d'Orbigny à l'aube de la micropaléontologie. Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. Standort: Together with collection of foraminiferal models from d'Orbigny. Link to collection of foraminiferal models from d'Orbigny.

Vialli, V. (1951). I foraminiferi Luteziano-Priaboniani del Monte Orobio (Adda di Paderno). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali, vol. 90:97-168, 7 plates. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Vicedo, V., Aguilar, M., Caus, E., and Hottinger, L. (2009). Fusiform and laterally compressed alveolinaceans (Foraminiferida) from both sides of the Late Cretaceous Atlantic. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, vol. 253(2-3):229-247. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to study collections of Lukas Hottinger.

Viotti, C. (1966). Résultats stratigraphique due sondage Puerto Cansado 1, du Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya. In: Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., and Hottinger, L. (1966). le Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional), Tome I, Stratigraphie. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, Vol. 175, pp. 225-234. Standort: A xerox copy of the article is deposited with the collection to Lehmann, R. (1962b). Complete volumes Notes et Mém. Serv. geol. Maroc, No. 175, Tome I and II are in the Micropaleo reprints collection, Weisser Bär / Hand library Lukas Hottinger/Hottinger. Link to collection of Lehmann, R. (1962).

Vogt, C. (1981). Benthonische-Kleinforaminiferen aus dem Unter-Karbon der Südvogesen. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Heft 6, pp. 363-384, Stuttgart, Juni 1981. Standort: Deposited with collection to Reichel. Link to collections L. Hottinger (diploma thesis Christiane Vogt).

Vögtli, B. et al. (1988). Geothermische Tiefbohrung Riehen. Riehen 1, Composite-Log 1:1000. Baudepartement Basel-Stadt / Gemeinde Riehen. Standort: Deposited with the collection of Huber, B. (1994). Link to the reference collection of the PhD thesis of Huber, B. (1994).

Vögtli, B. et al. (1988). Geothermische Tiefbohrung Riehen. Riehen 2, Composite-Log 1:1000. Baudepartement Basel-Stadt / Gemeinde Riehen. Standort: Deposited with the collection of Huber, B. (1994). Link to the reference collection of the PhD thesis of Huber, B. (1994).

Vogler, J. (1941). Oberer Jura und Kreide von Misol (Niederländisch-Ostindien). Palaeontographica, suppl. Vol. 4, Stuttgart, pp. 245-293, 6 plates. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.

Vollmayr, Th. and Wendt, A. (1987). Die Erdgasbohrung Entlebuch-1, ein Tiefenaufschluss am Alpennordrand. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. und Ing., 53(125):67-79. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collections Luterbacher.

Vonderschmitt, L. (1942a). Die geologischen Ergebnisse der Bohrung von Hirtzbach bei Altkirch (Ober-Elsass). Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 35, pp. 67-99, Sammelprofil auf Tafel II. Standort: A xerox copy of the paper is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Vonderschmitt, L. (1942b). Aus dem Vortrag über die Bohrungen von Hirtzbach bei Altkirch (Sundgau). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol. Geol. und -Ing., vol. 2, No. 28, pp. 5-8. Standort: A xerox copy of the paper is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Vonderschmitt, L. and Schaub, H. (1944). Neuere Untersuchungen im Schlierenflysch. Eclogae geol. Helv. 36(2):207-215. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection of thin sections of Hans Schaub.

Vonderschmitt, L. and Tschopp, H.J. (1953). Die Jura/Molasse-Grenze in der Bohrung Altishofen (Kt. Luzern). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. und Ing., 20(58):23-28. Link to collections Luterbacher. For collections to Kopp, J. (1952, 1955a, 1955b), and Vonderschmitt & Tschopp (1953) see list available under Typen- und Belegsammlungen Details.

Vonderschmitt, L. und Reichel, M. (1960). Geologie und Paläontologie. Lehre und Forschung an der Universität basel zur Zeit ihres 500jährigen Bestehens. Birkhäuser Verlag Basel, pp. 345-354. Standort: Micropaleontology reprints collection Weisser Bär/Geschichtliches Uni Basel & NMB.

Von Salis, K. and Bernoulli, D. (2000). Coccolith in a K-feldspar: A note. Journal of nannoplankton Research, 22(1):35. Reprint with collection. Standort: Reprint with collections of D. Bernoulli. Link to collections of D. Bernoulli.

Wadge, G. (1994). The Lesser Antilles. In Donovan, S.K. and Jackson, T.A. (eds.), 1994. Caribbean Geology. An Introduction. Published by The University of the West Indies Publisher's Association (UWIPA), P.O. Box 42, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica W.I. ISBN 976-41-0033-3. Standort: A xerox copy of the article is deposited with the collection. Entire volume is deposited in hand library Weisser Bär / reprints of L. Hottinger / Caribbean geology. Link to collections of Carriacou.

Wade, B., Pearson, P.N., Olsson, R.K., Fraass, J., Leckie, M.R., Hemleben, C. (2018). Taxonomy, Biostratigraphy, and Phylogeny of Oligocene and lower Miocene Dentoglobigerina and Globoquadrina. Chapter 11 in Wade, B.S., Olsson, R.K., Pearson, P.N., Huber, B.T., and Berggren, W.A. (eds.). Atlas of Oligocene Planktonic Foraminifera, Cushman Foundation Special Publication No. 46, pp. 331-384. Standort: A printout of the article is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of Wade et al. 2018, and Koch, R.E. (1926b) and Koch, R.E. (1935).

Wanner, J. (1956). Zur Stratigrafie von Portugisch Timor. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 108, No. 1, pp. 109-140. Standort: A printout of the article is deposited in the geological archive of the NMB. Link to collections of Fritz Weber.

Wannier, M. (1975). La distribution des Foraminifères en Méditerrannée à l'Ile d'Elba et de la Crète. Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Universität Basel. Standort: A printed copy of the diploma thesis is deposited with the collection. Link to collections of Lukas Hottinger.

Wannier, M. (1979). Origine, Evolution et Systematique des Sidérolithines. Dissertation Univ. Basel, 55 p. Standort: A printed copy of the thesis is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Wannier, M. (1980). La structure des Siderolithinae, foraminifères du Crétacé supérieur. Eclogae geol. Helv. 73(3):1009-1029, 4 plates. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Wannier, M. (1983). Evolution, biostratigraphie et systématique des Sidérolitinae (foraminifères). Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 15(1):5-37. Standort: Reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Wannier, M. (2009). Carbonate platforms in wedge-top basins: An example from the Gunung Mulu National Park, Northern Sarawak (Malaysia). Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 26(2):177-207. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2007.12.004. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the study collections L. Hottinger/Wannier, M. (2009). Link to study collections L. Hottinger/Wannier, M. (2009).

Wannier, M., Lesslar, P., Lee, C., Raven, H., Sorkhabi, R., Ibrahim, A. (2011). Geological excursions around Miri, Sarawak. 1910-2010 Celebrating the 100 anniversary of the discovery of the Miri oil field. Ecomedia, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 279 p. Standort: Volume deposited with the study collections L. Hottinger/Wannier, Borneo-Sarawak: Niah. Link to study collections L. Hottinger/Wannier, Borneo-Sarawak: Niah.

Wannier, M.A. (2021). A quest for perfection in science and art: The paleontological legacy of Manfred Reichel (1896-1984). In. Clary, R.M., Rosenberg, G.D., and Evans, D.C. (eds.). The Evolution of Paleontological Art. Geological Society of America Memoir 2018, 8 p. Standort: A printout is deposited with the collection of manfred Reichel. Link to collection of structural models of M. Reichel.

Weber, F. (1926). Eindrapport omtrent het geologisch onderzoek en den vooruitzichten van Oost Ceram. BPM report 96, 11p. Privat report. <citation only>

Weber, J. and Arkle, J. (2015). Trinidad's Northern Range: "Reversal of fortune": Bedrock structure and metamorphic geology, and tectonic geomorphology. 20th Caribbean Geological Conference 2015. Conference Field Trip Guide. Link to Stratigraphic collections of Trinidad / Northern Range (collns. J.B. Saunders), Link to collections H.C. Potter (Northern Range, Trinidad).

Weidmann, M. and Reichel, M. (1979). Traces de pattes d'oiseaux dans la Molasse suisse. Eclogae geol. Helv., vol. 72/3, pp. 953-971. Standort: Reprints library of L. Hottinger.

Weissert, H., McKenzie, J., Wright, R.C., Clark, M., Oberhänsli, H. and Casey, M. (1984). Paleoclimatic record of the Pliocene at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 519, 521, and 523 (Central South Atlantic). Init. Reports DSDP, vol. 73, pp. 701-715. Link to collections H. Oberhänsli (DSDP Sites 522 and 523).

Weissert. H. and Oberhänsli, H. (1985). Pliocene oceanography and climate: an isotope record from the southwestern Angola Basin. In: Hsü, K. and Weissert, H. (eds.). South Atlantic paleoceanography. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 79-97. Standort: A xerox copy of the book is deposited with the study collection to DSDP Site 532 of Hedi Oberhänsli. Link to collections of Hedi Oberhänsli.

Wernli, R. (1987). Micropaléontologie du Néogène Post-Nappes du Maroc Septentrional et Description Systématique des Foraminifères Planctoniques. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc No. 331, 266 p. Standort: Foram-Alphabet, Weisser Bär, Room 13/-105. Link to study collections from Morocco of Lukas Hottinger.

Wielandt, U. (1996). Benthonic foraminiferal paleoecology and microfacies investigations of Paleogene sediments from the Farafra Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. Tübinger Mikropaläontologische Mitteilungen, No. 13, 78 p., Plates 1-23. Standort: PhD thesis deposited alongside collection. Link to collection.

Wielandt, U. (1999). Early progressive evolutionary trends in Nummulites luterbacheri from the western desert of Egypt. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 29:130 - 142. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Wiedenmayer, F. (1980). Die Ammoniten der mediterranen Provinz im Pliensbachian und unteren Toarcian aufgrund neuer Untersuchungen im Generoso-Becken (Lombardische Alpen). Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft / Mémoires de la Société Hélvétique des Sciences Naturelles, Vol. XCIII. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to raw materials collection F. Wiedemayer (1980).

Wittmann, O., Hauber, L., Fischer, H., Rieser, A., and Staehelin, P. (1972). Blatt 1047 Basel (Atlasblatt 59). Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz 1:25'000. Link to collection of Hermann Fischer (Allschwil 2).

Wolf, T. (1978). Jahreszeitliche Schwankungen des Zooplanktons vor der Küste von Kreta und Versuche zur Darstellung des Planktons mit dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop. Diplomarbeit in Zoologie. Supervisor: prof. L. Hottinger. Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut Basel. Standort: Original text, plates and foto materials deposited with the collection. Link to collection.

Wood, K.C., Miller, K.G., and Lohmann, G.P. (1985). Middle Eocene to Oligocene benthic foraminifera from the Oceanic Formation, Barbados. Micropaleontology, vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 181-197. Standort: together with colln J.B. Saunders et al. (1984).

Woodside, P.R. (1981). The petroleum geology of Trinidad and Tobago, US Geological Survey open-file report 81-660, 88p. Standort: Printout deposited with study collns. J.B. Saunders"Inventory benthic smaller foraminifera in Trinidad".

Work, H., Davis, D.W., Wilbur, C.D., Hoover, H. (Federal Oil Conservation Board) (1928). Report II-IV of the Federal Oil Conservation Board to the President of the United States. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 311 pages. Reproduced by Google books, Direct URL. Link to Historical collection of oil samples.

Wright, R.M. and Robinson, E. (1993). Biostratigraphy of Jamaica. Geological Society of America Memoir 182.. Published by Geological Society of America, Inc., 3300 Penrose Place, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301, U.S.A.

Wyss, R., Jäckli, H., Greber, E., Freimoser, M., Schenker, F., and Haarpaintner, R.-T. (2002). Grundlagen zur Charakterisierung der Erdgasgefährdung bei Untertagentertagbauten. Bull. angew. Geol., 7(1):45-65.

Zaninetti, L. (1969). Les Foraminifères du Trias. Essai de synthèse et corrélation entre les domaines mésogéöns et asiatiques. Riv. Ital. Paleont. 82(1):1-258. Standort: K3/Cabinet 69, literature to type & reference collections. Link to collections Koehn-Zaninetti 1968 and 1969.

Ziegler, M.A. (1967). A Study of the Lower Cretaceous Facies Developments in the Helvetic Border Chain, North of Lake Thun (Switzerland). Eclogae geologica Helvetiae, vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 509-527. Standort: A xerox copy is deposited with the collections. Link to collection.

Ziko, A. (1985). Eocene bryozoa from Egypt, a paleontological and paleoecological study. Tübinger Mikropaläontologische Mitt., vol. 4, pp. 1-183. Standort: K3/Cabinets, literature to type & reference collections. Link to type- and reference collection.

Zohary, T., Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1980). Population dynamics of Amphisorus hemprichii (Foraminifera) in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba), Red Sea. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 73, No. 3, pp. 1071-1094. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections L. Hottinger.