Venezuela-related publications
Caudri, C.M.B. (1961). Some remarks on the ferruginous interval in the Eocene section of Humocaro Baja, Lara. Boletin Informativo de la Asociation Venezolano de Geologia, Mineria y Petroleo, 4(9): 285-287. Standort: A reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to private collection of C.M.B. Caudri.
De Cizancourt, M. (1951). Grands foraminifères du Paléocène, de l'Eocène inférieur et de l'Eocène moyen du Vénézuéla. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, Novelle Série, t. 30, fasc. 1-2, Feuilles 1 à 9, Mémoire no. 64, pp. 1-68, pl. 1-6. Standort: K3/Cabinets literature to type & reference collections. Link to collection.
Diaz de Gamero, M.L. (1968). Paleontologia de la formacion El Veral (Miocenico), Estado Falcon. GEOS No. 17, May 1968, pp. 7-51. Standort: together collection to Diaz de Gamero (1977). Link to collection of Diaz de Gamero (1977).
Gonzalez de Juana, C. (1968). Guia de la excursion geologica a la parte oriental de la Isla de Margarita (Eastado nueva Esparta). 17-18 febrero 1968. Standort: Weisser Bär, Mikropaläontologie Handbibliothek, geological guides Caribbean area.
Guillaume, H.A., Bolli, H.M., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1972). Estratigrafia del Cretaceo Inferior en la Serrania del Interior, Oriente de Venezuela. Memoria IV Congreso Gologico Venezolano. Tomo III. Boletin de Geologia. Publicacion Especial No. 5. Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos. Caracas 1972, pp. 1619-1658. Standort: Micropaleontological reprints collection, Weisser Bär: Planktic foraminifera/Cretaceous/, another copy is also deposited with the collection of J.P. Beckmann. Link to collection J.P. Beckmann, Link to collection J.B. Saunders. See also Guillaume, H.A. (1961, private report).
Hunter, V.F. (1979). The biostratigraphy and geological definition of the Mid-Tertiary stratigraphic unit of northern Venezuela and adjacent areas. Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Science, University of London, September 1979, 310 p., unpublished. Standort: K3, Archiv H.G. Kugler (Handbibliothek). Link to Venezuela collection of Alfred Senn, link to Venezuela-related maps of H.G. Kugler, link to collection of Diaz de Gamero.
Munoz, N.G.J. (1971). Guia de la excursion al Flysch Eoceno de Margarita. VI Conferencia Geologica del Caribe, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, 6-11 Julio 1971. Standort: Weisser Bär, Mikropaläontologie Handbibliothek, geological guides Caribbean area.
Gonzalez de Juana, C. (1971). Excursion geologica alrededor de Margarita Oriental. VI Conferencia Geologica del Caribe, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, 6-14 Julio 1971. Standort: Weisser Bär, Mikropaläontologie Handbibliothek, geological guides Caribbean area.
Kugler, H.G. (1957). Contribution to the geology of the islands Margarita and Cubagua, Venezuela. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 68:555-566. [Standort: Venezuela reprints collection, Weisser Bär].
Salvador, A. (1961). Guidebook to the geology of northeastern Trujillo. Field trip of the "Sociedad Geological de Venezuela Occidental", October 7 and 8, 1961. [Standort: Collections C.M.B. Caudri/private collection].