Micropaleontological primary type and reference collections at NMB
Collection of hypotypes to specimens illustrated in Almogi-Labin, A., Reiss, Z., and Caron, M. (1986). Senonian globotruncanidae from Israel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 79(3):849-895. TSL 67.
Reference collection to Arni, P. (1933). Siderolites heracleae im Maastrichtien des thessalonikischen Pindos. Eclogae geol. Helv., 26(1):105-109, 1 plate.
One thin section of the illustrated specimen.
About Paul Arni.
Reference collection to Baumann, P. (1970). Mikropaläontologische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen der obereozänen-oligozänen Scaglia im zentralen Appennin (Italien). Eclogae geol. Helv. 63(3):1133-1204.
Hypotypes to the illustrated and described species.
Type and reference collection to Bender, H., and Hemleben, Ch. (1988). Constructional aspects in test formation of some agglutinated foraminifera. Abh. Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien, 41:13-21, 2 plates.
Holotypes to:
Paratrochammina bermudaensis Bender and Hemleben (1988)
Trochamminopsis irregularis Bender and Hemleben (1988)
Trochamminopsis mombasaensis Bender and Hemleben (1988)



[Thin sections missing]. Reference collection to Bentz, F. (1948). Geologie des Sarnersee-Gebietes (Kt. Obwalden). Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 41(1):1-77.
Dünnschliffe ausgeliehen von L. Hottinger (30. Nov. 1964). --> Thin sections possibly in collections of L. Hottinger or M. Reichel or H. Schaub, but currently not known.
Type and reference collection to Billmann, H., Hottinger, L., and Oesterle, H. (1980). Neogene to Recent rotaliid foraminifera from the Indopacific Ocean; their canaly system, their classification and their stratigraphic use. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 101:71-113, Plates 1-39. TSL 99.
A collection of thin sections, picked specimens in Fema-cells and SEM preparations.
Holoypes and paratypes to:
Challengerella brady Billmann, Hottinger, and Oesterle (1980)
Callengerella persica Billmann, Hottinger, and Oesterle (1980)
Asterorotalia gaimardii inermis Billmann, Hottinger, and Oesterle (1980)
Pseudorotalia schroeteriana angusta Billmann, Hottinger, and Oesterle (1980)
Type- and reference collection to Boukhary, M., Toumarkine, M., Khalifa, H., and Arif, M. (1982). Etude biostratigraphique à l'aide des foraminifères planctoniques et des ostracodes de l'Eocène de beni Mazar, Vallée du Nil, Egypte. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie 1:53-64.
SEM preparations of illustrated materials.
New ostracode species:
Anticythereis pomeroli Boukhary et al. (1982)
Echinocythereis bassiounii Boukhary et al. (1982)
Leguminocythereis praesadeki Boukhary et al. (1982)


Reference collection to Braga, G. (1975). I Briozoi dell'Eocene di Possagno. In: Bolli, H. (ed.) Monografia Micropaleontologica sul Paleocene e l'Eocene di Possagno, Provincia di Treviso, Italia. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 97, pp. 141-148, Plates 1-3.
One (7x7) multicellular slide with illustrated specimens mounted, plus a list of taxa names and references to the illustrations. Donated by Hans M. Bolli. TSL 358.
Reference collection to Braga, G., De Biase, R., Grünig, A., and Proto Decima, F. (1975). Foraminiferi bentonici del Paleocene ed Eocene della sezione di Possagno. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 97: 85-189. This a collection of single specimens mounted in Fema-cells, and with SEM preparations.
Type collection to Brosius, M. and Bitterli, P. (1961). Middle Triassic Hystrichosphaerids from salt-wells Riburg-15 and -17, Switzerland. Bull. Vereinig. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing. 28(74):33-49.
A collection of palynological slide preparations containing the holotypus of Veryhachium ? riburgense Brosius 1961, forma regulare.
Reference collection to Brückner, W. and v. Pia, J. (1935). Characeenreste im unteren Teil der Zementsteinschichten (oberer Malm) der Griesstock-Decke am Klausenpass (Kt. Uri). Eclogae geol. Helv. 28(1):115-121, 1 plate.
Collection of thin sections with the illustrated specimens.
Type collection of Bursch, J.G. (1947). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen des Tertiärs von Gross Kei (Molukken). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 65:1-69, plates 1-5. (PhD dissertation).
A collection of isolated specimens in fema cells, and a large collection of thin sections, that are illustrated in the dissertation. A locality map (1:150'000) from Gross and Klein Kei, fotographic prints, negatives, and a type written manuscript of Bursch "Zonation in a cycle of sedimentation" are also included in the collection.
Holotypes of:
Gypsina mastelensis Bursch (1947)
Lacazina reicheli Bursch (1947)
Lepidocyclina weberi Bursch (1947)



The materials were originally collected by Fritz Weber in 1922-1923, see overview to collections from F. Weber and collections of F. Weber from the Kai-Islands. See also map roll #45 (Stratigrafisch Zamelprofiel door de tertiaire Afzettingen van Groot Kei, 1:10'000, Dr. F. Weber, 1924) in Maps archive - Indonesian Archipelago.
Reference collection to Buxtorf, A. (1917). Ueber ein Vorkommen von Malmkalk im subalpinen Flysch des Pilatusgebietes. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, vol. 28(2):436-438, 1 plate.
One thin section showing the illustrated calpionella limestone.
Type collection to Caus, E. (1979). Fabularia roselli n.sp. et Pseudolacazina n. gen., foraminifères de l'Eocène Moyen du nord-est de l'Espagne. Geobios 12(1):29-45. TSL 415.
Type collection to Caus, E. and Cornella, A. (1981a). La estructura de Montsechiana montsechiensis n. sp. de foraminifero del Cretacico superior sudpirenaico. Revista espanola de Micropaleontologia, 13(2):201-212.
Collection of illustrated specimens, and holotypus to Montsechiana montechiensis Caus and Cornella (1981).
Type collection to Caus, E. and Cornella, A. (1981b). Calveziconus lecalvezae n. gen. n. sp., orbitolinidé campanien de la bordure méridionale des Pyrénées. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, 1981/4, 11 p., 2 plates.
Collection of thin sections with paratypes of Calveziconus lecalvezae Caus and Cornella (1981).
Reference collection to Charollais, J., Hochuli, P., Oertli, H., Perch-Nielsen, K., Toumarkine, M., Rögl, F., and Pairis, J.-L. (1980). Les marnes à foraminifères et les schistes à meletta des chaines subalpines septentrionales (Haute Savoie, France). Eclogae geol. Helv. 73(1):9-70.
SEM preparations and SEM session protocol.
Reference collection to Cherchi, A. and Schroeder, R. (1978). Revision of the type of Broeckinella arabica Henson (Foram.) from Qatar Peninsula (Arabia). Neues Jahrbuch Paläont. Mh., Heft 9:513-520.
This publication refers to Broekinella neumannae Gendrot (1968) and is therefore deposited with the collection of Gendrot, C. (1968).
Study of Cimerman, F. and Langer, M.R. (1991). Mediterranean Foraminifera. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica, Part 30, 118 p., 93 plates.
Note: There is NO reference collection to this publication deposited at the NMB. Material to this study is in hands of the co-author, Martin Langer in Bonn (MK, email conversation with Martin Langer, 25. January, 2008). Franc Cimerman has never sent any materials to Basel (see email-reply from Franc Cimerman from 29. january 2008).
Additional Mediterranean benthic foraminiferal material is with the collections of the diploma theses of Wannier and Saskia Hollaus (collections of Lukas Hottinger).
Primary type collection of Cox, P.T. (1937). The genus Loftusia in South Western Iran. Eclogae geol. Helv. 30(2):431-450.
Loftusia elongata Cox (1937)
Loftusia harrisoni Cox (1937)
Loftusia minor Cox (1937)


Included are also hypotypoids and paratypoids (intact specimens and thin sections) of Loftusia described in the article. Additional material (Loftusia and Reticunella) is deposited alongside the collection for study, together with the original manuscript, drawings and photos to the publication from 1937.
Included, there is a type-written script by Cox, P.T. (dated as 1933). The genera Loftusia W.B. Brady and Praealveolinella gen. nov. in south west Persia. Unpublished, 24 pages, text figures are missing. With annotations from Manfred Reichel (1937).
Ex collection L. Hottinger.


Collection of hypotypoids to De Cizancourt, H. (1938b). Remarques sur le genre Orbitocyclina Vaughan. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, 5e série, tome 8, pp. 645-652.
Reference collection to Delteil, J. and Toumarkine, M. (1975). Précisions sur le Tertiaire allochtone du Tell oranais oriental. Eclogae geol. Helv. 68(1):65-77. A xerox copy is with the collection.
Three SEM preparations and SEM session protocols.
Collection of hypotypes to specimens illustrated and discussed in Diaz de Gamero, M.L. (1977). Estratigrafia y micropaleontologia del Oligoceno y Mioceno inferior del centro de la Cuenca del Falcon, Venezuela. GEOS, No. 22, June 1977, pp. 3-60. (=TSL 196). A copy of the dissertation of Diaz de Gamero (1976) is enclosed with the collection.
Compare also with the publication of Diaz de Gamero (1968). See also PhD dissertation of Hunter, V.H. (1979).
Type collection to Douvillé, H. (1905). Les foraminifères dans le tertiaire de Bornéo. Extrait du Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 4è Série, tome V, pp. 436-464.
Small collection of rock specimens and thin sections.
Note: This collection was previously part of the Indonesia/Borneo collection of A. Buxtorf (1902- ca. 1903).
Thin sections hold Spiroclypeus orbitoideus Douvillé (1905), probably being the holotype.
(However, thin sections are not explicitely labelled as "Holotypus").
Probable Holotype:
Spiroclypeus orbitoideus Douvillé (1905)


Reference collection to Douvillé, M.H. (1915a). Les orbitides de lîle de la Trinité. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, t. 161, p. 87-92.
Reference collection to Douvillé, H. (1923). Quelques observations sur le sous-genre Helicolepidina. Eclogae geol. Helv. 17(5):566-569.
Two thin sections with the illustrated specimens of Helicolepidina spiralis Tobler. See also the collection Tobler, A. (1922a).
Reference collection to Douvillé, M.H. (1917). Les orbitides de lîle de la Trinité. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, t. 164, pp. 841-847.
Type collection to Douvillé, H. (1927). Les orbitoides de la région pétrolifère du Méxique. Compte Rendu Sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique de France 1927 (1-2), pp. 34-35.
Orbitocyclina (Lepidorbitoides) minima (Douvillé 1927) De Cizancourt (1938b)
(See colln De Cizancourt, 1938b).


Type- and reference collection to Drobne, K. (1977). Alvéolines paléogènes de la Slovénie et de l'Istrie. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 99:1-174, 21 plates.
Collection of thin sections illustrated and discussed in the study. TSL 154.

Collection of specimens described in Drooger, C.W. (1951). Notes on some representatives of Miogypsinella. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings, Serie B, vol. LIV, No. 4, pp. 357-365.

Small collection of isolated specimens in Fema cells (see further below).






Hypotype / topotype-collection of Miogypsina to Drooger, C.W. (1952). Study of American Miogypsinidae. Dissertation University of Utrecht, 80 p.

A representative collection of isolated Miogypsina specimens (hypotypes, topotypes, in Fema-cells), that are described in the above thesis. Most of the specimen determinations were from or confirmed by C.W. Drooger. Included are:


Type collection of hypotypes to specimens described in Drooger, C.W. (1954). Miogypsina in northwestern Morocco. Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen Amsterdam, Proceedings Series B, 57(5):580-591. TSL 424.
See also small collection of isolated specimens of Miogypsina to Drooger (1951) and Drooger (1952).
Type collection to El Khoudary, R.H. (1977). Truncorotaloides lybyaensis, a new planktonic foraminifer from Jabal al Kahdar (Libya). Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 9(3):327-336.
Two SEM preparations, an SEM session protocol, and a manuscript.
For additional publications on the geology and micropaleontology of the middle and upper Eocene of Jabal al Akhdar see El Khoudary, R.H. (1980), and El Khoudary, R.H. and Helmdach, F.F. (1981).
Type collection to Ferrandez-Canadell, C. (1997). A new, ribbed species of Nemkovella Less 1987 (Discocyclinidae), and discussion of the genus Actinocyclina Gümbel, 1870. J. Foram. Res. 27(3):175-185. TSL 225.
Holotypus to:
Nemkovella rota Ferrandez-Canadell (1997)


Type collection to Ferrandez-Canadell, C. (20002). New Paleocene orbitoidiform foraminifera from the Punjab Salt Range, Pakistan. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 32(1):1-21. TSL 366. Thin sections with the holotype and paratypes of Setia primitiva Ferrandez-Canadell (2002). For further discussion on the genera Setia and Lakadongia see also Ferrandez-Canadell, C. (2004).
Type collection to Ferrer, J. (1971). El Paleoceno y Eoceno del borde sur-oriental de la depressiòn del Ebro (Cataluna). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 90, 70 p., 5 plates.
[For raw materials from Catalunya consult also the raw materials and nummulite collections of Hans Schaub (areas of Montserrat, Igualada, Pontils, Santa Maria de Miralles etc., deposited in K3/G6) ].
Reference collection to Fischer, H. and Luterbacher, H.P. (1963). Das Mesozoikum der Bohrungen Courtion 1 (Kt. Fribourg) und Altishofen 1 (Kt. Luzern). Beiträge zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, Neue Folge 115, 40 pages, 7 plates. Collection of thin sections discussed and illustrated in the study. See also additional material from various Molasse wells, i.e. well Altishofen deposited with the collections of H.P. Luterbacher. See also Python, C., Berger, J.-P., and Plancherel, R. (1998). Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz, 1:25000. Feuille 1185 Fribourg. Notice explicative, cit. pp. 42-43.
Reference collection to the PhD dissertation of Forrer, M. (1949). Zur Geologie der östlichen Wildhauser Mulde. Inaugural Dissertation Univ. Basel. Published in Berichte der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, vol. 73, pp. 1-99. Zollikofer & Co., Buchdruckerei St. Gallen.
Collection of thin sections.
Type collection to Gasemi Nejad, E., Sarjeant, W.A.S., and Gygi, R. (1999). Palynology and paleoenvironment of the uppermost Bathonian and Oxfordian (Jurassic) of the northern Switzerland sedimentary basin. Schweiz. Pal. Abh. 119:1-69, Plates 1-29. TSL 198.
Holotypes and paratypes to:
Bejuia asterica Gasemi Nejad, Sarjeant and Gygi (1999)
Pareodinia granuloperforata Gasemi Nejad, Sarjeant and Gygi (1999)
Pareodinia psiloperforata Gasemi Nejad, Sarjeant and Gygi (1999)
Rigaudella aemula fenestra Gasemi Nejad, Sarjeant and Gygi (1999)
Tasmanites spinosus Gasemi Nejad, Sarjeant and Gygi (1999)


Reference collection to Gendrot, C. (1964). Contribution à l'étude de quelques foraminifères des Martigues (Bouches du Rhône, France). Eclogae geol. Helv., 57(2):529-536.
Hypotypoid to Praesorites moureti Douvillé (1902)
Type- and reference collection to the described and illustrated specimens in Gendrot, C. (1968). Stratigraphie et micropaléontologie du Sénonian de la région des Martigues près Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). Eclogae geol. Helv. 61(2):657-694, 9 plates.
Collection of picked foraminifers in fema cells and with the illustrated thin sections.
Holotypes to:
Broekinella neumannae Gendrot (1968)
Choffatella rugoretis Gendrot (1968)
Dictyopsella cuvillieri Gendrot (1968)
Orbitolinopsis senonicus Gendrot (1968)
Peneroplis giganteus Gendrot (1968)
Pseudolituonella mariae Gendrot (1968)



Collection of hypotypes to the specimens illustrated and discussed in Gohrbandt, K.H.A. and Hottinger, L. (1967). Der Libysche Flosculina Limestone. Eclogae geol. Helv. 60(2):697-705.
Collection to Gorter, N.E. and Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1932). Larger foraminifera from Central Falcon (Venezuela). Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen, Deel 4,(2):94-122.
Collection to the publication, holding rock samples, polished samples, thin sections, washed residues in small bags, and picked microfossils in various cells from Misoa-Trujillo Formation, the Pauji-Shales and the Mene Grande-Series in Venezuela. Although this is not a type collection it holds samples from type localities. The five digit numbers (from 10'000 onwards) indicated on the rock samples or on the preparations are those indicated on labels in Leiden (cabinet 157/29-32 by april 1959), and they correspond to the manual annotations on pp. 95-105 in the publication.
For additional reference see also the Venezuela collections from H.G. Kugler.
The material contains at least topotype or homoeotypes, if not paratypes to the following new species (the holotypes are most probably deposited in Leiden):
Discocyclina (Discocyclina) blumenthali Gorter and Van der Vlerk (1932)
Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) falconensis Gorter and Van der Vlerk (1932)
Lepidocyklina (Lepidocyclina) kugleri Gorter and Van der Vlerk (1932)
Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) senni Gorter and Van der Vlerk (1932)


Reference collection to Grill, R. (1943). Ueber mikropaläontologische Gliederungsmöglichkeiten im Miozän des Wiener Beckens. Mitteilungen des Reichsamts für Bodenforschung, Zweigstelle Wien, 6:3-44, 8 plates.
A collection of smaller benthic foraminifera in Fema-cells, isolated nummulites in glass vials from various places mentioned in the paper, and a few slides prepared for grinding (by Hans Schaub). This collection was found together with the materials from Hans Schaub.
Type collection to Gutierrez Domech, M.R. (1966). Globigerina haoi, un nuevo foraminifero planctonico del Eoceno superior de Cuba. Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidraulicos, Publicacion especial No. 2, La Habana, Cuba, pp. 17-25, plates 2 and 3.
Reference collection to Gygi, R. and Stumm, F. (1965). Der untere Malm des Aargauer Jura. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., 31(81):17-24.
Small collection of microfossils in fema cells selected from the Variansschichten, Birmenstorfer Schichten and the Oxfordian collected in the section of Mandacher Egg Fig. 2, page 21) and Wildegg Fig. 3, page 23).
Type-Reference [Ammonia debenayi] to Hayward, B.W., Holzmann, M., and Tsuchiya, M. (2019). Combined molecular and morphological taxonomy of the Becarii/T3 group of the foraminiferal genus Ammonia. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 49(4), pp. 367-389.
Holotype to:
Ammonia debenayi Hayward and Holzmann (2019).
The holotype specimen and a reprint to the article are included in the reference collection to Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss (1993).
Type collection to Hochuli, H.P. and Groner, U. (1985). Heerisporites, a new spore-genus of possible Riellacean affinity. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 44:261-275. TSL 256.
Holotypus to:
Heerisporites variabilis Hochuli and Groner (1985)


Type collection to Iturralde Vinent, M.A. (1966). Cassigerinella regularis nueva especie de foraminifero planctonico de la Formacion Tinguaro del Oligoceno Cubano. Istituto Nacional de Recursos Hidraulicos, Direccion Technica, Depto. de Ingenieri geologica, Publicacion Especial No. 2:5-15, La Habana, Cuba.
One Fema cell holding a paratypoid to Cassigerinella regularis Iturralde Vinent (1966)
Reference collection to Johnson, J.H. (1955). Early Tertiary coralline algae from Trinidad, British West Indies. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 48(1): 69-78, pls. 7-9.
Collection of ca. 25 thin-sections, 5 new species.
Collection of hypotypes to the specimens illustrated and discussed in Jenkins, G.D. (1978). Neogene planktonik foraminifers from DSDP Leg 40 Sites 360 and 362 in the Southeastern Atlantic. Init. Rep. DSDP 40:723-739.
Type collection of Kerdany, M.T. and Abdelsalam, H. (1969). Globotruncana fasocalcarata n. sp. from the Quseir area, Eastern desert, U.A.R. Third African Micropaleontological Colloquium, (Cairo, 1968), Proc., pp. 261-267, pls. 1-2, text fig. 1. (See also: Kerdany, M.T. (1969), and the paper of Kassab, I.I., 1975).
Holotypus to:
Globotruncana fasocalcarata Kerdany and Abdelsalam (1969)




Type collection to Koch, R. (1926a). Miogypsina staufferi, nov. sp., from northwestern Venezuela. Eclogae geol. Helv. 29(3):751-753.
Syntypus to Miogypsina staufferi Koch (1926)
Type collection to Koch, R. (1928). Tertiärer Foraminiferenkalk von der Insel Curacao (Niederländisch West-Indien). Eclogae geol. Helv. 21:51-57.
Holotypus to Lepidocyclina curasavica Koch (1928)
Study colln. Koechlin, E. (1939). Study material to Koechlin, E. (1941). Demonstration jurassischer Foraminiferen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 34:260-263 (see further below).
The material was collected in 1939 and comprises grain-preparations in glas-slides and picked isolated specimens in Fema-cells from the Callovian, Oxfordian, and Sequanian of NW Switzerland (Aargauer Jura - Berner Jura; Schleifenberg, Lausen, Höllstein, Röschenz, Schellenbrücke, Riedberg (Blauen), Movelier, and other localities).
Enclosed are 3 boxes with foraminiferal microfotographs on glass-plates.
Standort (Removed from study collns. L. Hottinger)
Type- and reference collection to Koechlin, E. (1941). Demonstration jurassischer Foraminiferen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 34:260-263, and to Koechlin, E. (1942). Pseudocyclammina virguliana n.sp. aus den Virgula-Mergeln des Berner Jura. Eclogae geol. Helv. 35(2):195-199.
A collection of thin sections and picked specimens including the holotype and paratypes of Pseudocyclammina virguliana Koechlin (1942).
Type- and reference collection to Koehn-Zaninetti, L.A. and Brönnimann, P. (1968). Triasina oberhauseri, n. sp., un foraminifère nouveau de la Dolomie principale des Alpes Calcaires septentrionales (Autriche). Institut de Paléontologie, Université de Genève. Genève, Imprimerie P. Fontana, Mars 1968, pp. 1-8.
Collection of thin sections (see also PhD study of Koehn-Zaninetti further below).
A reprint is deposited with the collection.
Holotypes and paratypoids to:
Triasina oberhauseri Koehn-Zaninetti (1968)


The holotype is in thin section No. 583, C-27488.
Type- and reference collection to the dissertation of Koehn-Zaninetti, L.A. (1968). Les foraminifères du Trias de la région de l'Almtal (Haute-Autriche). Texte condensé de la thèse de L.A. Koehn-Zaninetti, Institut de Paléontologie, Université de Genève, 14 p.
The dissertation was published one year later under the same title as Koehn-Zaninetti, L.A. (1969). Les foraminifères du Trias de la région de l'Almtal (Haute-Autriche). Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Sonderband 14, pp. 1-155. Wien, Juni 1969.
The collection includes a large collection of thin sections, holo- and hypotypoids to the dissertation, lists of thin sections, detailed locality- and stratigraphic lists. The two publications are deposited with the collections.
Holotypes and paratypoids to:
Ammobacculites wirzi Koehn-Zaninetti (1968)
Involutina gaschei Koehn-Zaninetti (1968)
Involutina gaschei praegaschei Koehn-Zaninetti (1968)
Involutina minuta Koehn-Zaninetti (1968)
Ophthalmidium exiguum Koehn-Zaninetti (1968)
Triasina oberhauseri Koehn-Zaninetti (1968)
Trochammina almtalensis Koehn-Zaninetti (1968) [rock sample # 1009; C27418]
Turritellella mesotriasica Koehn-Zaninetti (1968)


The sectioned rock specimens to the thin sections are deposited in the B-Compactus.
Related publications to the collections of Koehn-Zaninetti (1968/1969) [there is no additional material]:
Standort (type colln.).
Standort (sectioned rocks to type colln. Koehn-Zaninetti, L.A., 1969).
Type collection to Lange, E. (1925). Eine mittelpermische Fauna von Guguk Bulat (Padanger Oberland, Sumatra). Verhandelingen van het Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonieen, Geologische Serie, Deel VII, pp. 149-295. Note: There is also a collection of macrofossils with corals, brachiopods, etc. to this publication, Standort: see further below).
A large collection of thin sections bearing holotypes of new smaller and larger benthic foraminiferal species (in alphabetical order):
Bigenerina cucumis Lange (1925)
Bigenerina perrodata Lange (1925)
Climacammina bicammina Lange (1925)
Climacammina lagenalis Lange (1925)
Climacammina tudicla Lange (1925)
Climacammina valvulinoides Lange (1925)
Cribrogenerina climacamminoides Lange (1925)
Cribrogenerina macillenta Lange (1925)
Cribrogenerina obesa Lange (1925)
Cribrogenerina permica Lange (1925)
Cribrogenerina verbeeki Lange (1925)
Cribrogenerina vermiculata Lange (1925)
Doliolina minima Lange (1925)
Endothyra minima Lange (1925)
Fusulinella arenacea Lange (1925)
Fusulinella terebra Lange (1925)
Geinitzina ovata Lange (1925)
Lagena permica Lange (1925)
Lituotuba rostellata Lange (1925)
Lithuotuba rostellata var. parva Lange (1925)
Lunucammina conica Lange (1925)
Monogenerina gradata Lange (1925)
Neoschwagerina buxtorfi Lange (1925)
Neoschwagerina sumatraensis Lange (1925)
Neoschwagerina staffi Lange (1925)
Neoschwagerina tobleri Lange (1925)
Nodosaria acantha Lange (1925)
Nodosaria sumatrensis Lange (1925)
Nodosaria tricammina Lange (1925)
Nodosinella adhaerens Lange (1925)
Nodosinella hydrocephalus Lange (1925)
Nodosinella minima Lange (1925)
Nodosinella padagangensis Lange (1925)
Nodosinella perplexa Lange (1925)
Nodosinella perpusilla Lange (1925)
Nodosinella vauseptata Lange (1925)
Nummulostegina padangensis Lange (1925)
Nummulostegina parva Lange (1925)
Nummulostegina schuberti Lange (1925)
Pachyphloia multiseptata Lange (1925)
Pachphloia ovata Lange (1925)
Pachyploia pediculus Lange (1925)
Padangia perforata Lange (1925)
Padangia pulchra Lange (1925)
Padangia venosa Lange (1925)
Schellwienia aequabilis Lange (1925)
Schellwienia padangensis Lange (1925)
Schellwienia pulla Lange (1925)
Schellwienia schuberti Lange (1925)
Schubertella plana Lange (1925)
Schubertellasimplex Lange (1925)
Stacheia verbeeki Lange (1925)
Textularia sumatrensis Lange (1925)
Textularia thorax Lange (1925)
Vaginulina chapmanni Lange (1925)
Valvulina angulata Lange (1925)



Standort (foraminiferal collection)
Standort (macrofossils)
Type collection to the PhD dissertation Lehmann, R. (1961). Strukturanalyse einiger Gattungen der Subfamilie Orbitoididae. Eclogae geol. Helv. 54(2):597-667, 14 plates.
Holotype and paratypes to:
Orbitolites armoricensis Lehmann (1961)
Orbitolites cotentinensis Lehmann (1961)
Orbitolites reicheli Lehmann (1961)



The reference collection to the Dissertation of R. Lehmann is located elsewhere (Standort), and includes additional interesting micropaleontological materials and thin sections. See also the structural plasticine model of Yaberinella (illustrated on Fig. 44), which is deposited alongside to the collection of foraminiferal models of Manfred Reichel.
Collection to Lehmann, R. (1962a). Plusieurs types morphologiques distincts d'Orbitolites de l'Ilerdien Pyrénéen. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 7ème série, tome iV, pp. 357-361.
Collection of thin sections including holotypes, paratypes, and hypotypes to the studied species.
Orbitolites gracilis Lehmann (1962a)
Orbitolites latimarginalis Lehmann (1962a)
Orbitolites biplanus Lehmann (1962a): Sample illustrated in Lehmann (1961, pl. VII, fig. 2) [only paratype]
Orbitolites ibericus Lehmann (1962a): Sample illustrated in Lehmann (1961, p. 632, fig. 28) [only hypotype]
Reference collection to Lehmann, R. (1962b). Etude des globotruncanidés du Crétacé supérieur de la province de Tarfaya (Maroc occidental). Notes du Service géologique du Maroc, Tome 21 (Notes et Mémoires No. 156), Rabat, pp. 133-181.
Large collection of picked specimens from Tarfaya in Fema-cells, washed residues in glass vials, zonal specimens mentioned in Fig. 3 of the publication, and topotypes to the three new species described in the publication. The publication is alongside the collection.
Also included is a xerox copy of enclosure VI (Les zonations et répartition stratigraphique de quelques foraminifères du Crétacé supérieur du Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya) in Choubert, G. Faure-Muret, A., and Hottinger, L. (1966a). Le Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional). Tome I, Stratigraphie. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc. Vol. 175. Also included with the collection are three topographic maps (1:200'000) from the Tarfaya area.
Topotypes to:
Praeglobotruncana gigantea Lehmann (1962)
Globotruncana trafayaensis Lehmann (1962)
Globotruncana undulata Lehmann (1962)
Fema-cells include the following sample numbers ("T" from Tarfaya, the red labbelled samples are mentioned in the publication):
T4, T8, T10, T11, T20, T28, T30, T31, T32, T36, T37, T41, T42, T43, T44, T45, T49, T51, T68, T73, T79, T81, T83, T84, T86, T90, T98, T106, T108, T122, T202, T206, T226, T232, T405, T406, T433, T446, T447, T460, T461, T462, T471, T472, T473, T475.
RPR 187
K 101
Slides representing zones illustrated in Fig. 3 are from additonal samples:
T28, T34, T36, T43, T68, T76, T85A, T105, T204, T207, T226, T405, T406, T461, T473, T476, T477, T562 (typo ? =T460 ?)
Washed residues in glass vials include the following samples:
T8, T10, T18, T21, T30, T32, T36, T37, T123, T202, T206, T241, T406, T433, T471, T472, T473.
Included with the collection to Lehman (1962b) is also a set of thin sections from cuttings from the drillhole Puerto Cansado 1 (Bassin côtier de Tarfaya). See chapter 1 - Planomalinidae et globotruncanidae du sondage de Puerto Cansado (Albien supérieur, Cénomanien inférieur), pp. 153-167 in Lehmann, R. (1966b).
The stratigraphy of drillhole Puerto Cansado 1 is described in Viotti, C. (1966). Résultats stratigraphique due sondage Puerto Cansado 1, du Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya. In: Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., and Hottinger, L. (1966). Le Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional), Tome I, Stratigraphie. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, Vol. 175, pp. 225-234 (xerox copy of the article is with the collection).
See also Fieldbook Lukas Hottinger #6.


Related material and literature:
Hottinger (1965a). Evolution et variation morphologique des Palmula et Flabellina du Coniacien et du Santonien de Tarfaya (Maroc Méridional). Mémoires du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M., Paris), 32:101-111, used the same material.
Reference collection to Lehmann, R. (1966a). Description des globotruncanidés et hétérohélicidés d'une faune maestrichtienne de Prérif (Maroc). Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):309-317, 2 plates. See also the publication of Lehmann (1962b) about material from Tarfaya.
Collection of picked planktic and benthic foraminifers in fema cells, and original drawings.
Collection to ? Lehmann, R. (1966 ?) [authorship, year, and publication unclear].
Three boxes containing a collection of 103 Fema-cells numbered from 1 through 103 containing isolated benthic foraminifera. Hand drawings to specimens are accompanied. No literature reference is indicated.
Individual specimens come from a single sample AA 374.
Box 1: Fema-cells AA 374 / 1 - 374 / 48
Box 2: Fema-cells AA 374 / 49 - 374 / 90
Box 3: Fema-cells AA 374 / 91 - 374 / 103.
Note: Sample AA 374 is probably a sample from the collection of Gabriel Suter (see similar samples mentioned in Hottinger, L. (1966d).
Raw materials to Lehmann, R. (1970). Early Tertiary foraminifera. Nummulites and Assilina. ESSO Production Research Company, P.O. Box 2189, Houston, Texas 77001. EPRE Private report No. EPRE-E-1 SP-70, 102 pages, 58 plates.
There is no particular collection associated with this report, but materials were collected and studied by Hans Schaub, and there is raw materials deposited in the raw materials collection of Hans Schaub. Related studies are also those of Luterbacher, H.P. (1970) and Luterbacher, H.P. (1971).
Type collection to Leppig, U. (1988). Structural analysis and taxonomic revision of Miscellanea, Paleocene larger foraminifera. Eclogae geol. Helv., 81(3):689-721.
Holotypes and type series (thin sections) to the illustrated specimens.
Holotypes to:
Miscellanea juliettae pfenderae Leppig (1988)
Miscellanea juliettae villattea Leppig (1988)
Miscellanea yvettae Leppig (1988)




Type collection of Liska, R.D. (1980). Polyperibola, a new planktonic foraminiferal genus from the Late Miocene of Trinidad. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 10(2):136-142.
"Ideotypes" and paratypes of Polyperibola christiani Liska (1980)
Collection to Martin, G.P.R. (1938). Zur Mikrofauna des Ferrugineus-Oolith aus der Gegend von Basel. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 31 (1938), pp. 355-361. A xerox copy is deposited with the collection.
Small collection of 3 thin sections illustrated in Figure 1 (sample no. 804), Figure 3 (sample no. 803), and a third thin section numbered as 853.
Reference collection to Maync, W. (1949). The foraminiferal genus Choffatella Schlumberger in the lower Cretaceous (Urgonian) of the Caribbean region (Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, and Florida). Eclogae geol. Helv. 42(2):529-547, plates XI to XII.
Illustrated hypotypoids (isolated specimens in Fema cells), thin sections, rock samples, and washed residues with of Choffatella decipiens Schlumberger.
Type collection to Maync, W. (1958a). Feurtilla frequens n. gen., n. sp. A new genus of lituolid foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, 9(1):1-3.
Collection holding the holotype and and paratypes of Feurtilla frequens Maync (1958).
Reference collection to Maync, W. (1958b). Note sur Pseudocyclammina jaccardi et sa synonymie, Revue de Micropaléontologie, 1:9-16.
Syntypes (illustrated specimens) to:
"Choffatella" n. sp. Schlumberger
Cristellaria sequana "Merian"
Cyclammina jaccardi Schrodt
Pseudocyclammina sequana (Tobler)


Reference collection to Maync, W. (1959). The foraminiferal genera Spirocyclina and Iberina. Micropaleontology, 5(1):33-68.
Small collection with a rock sample with Spirocyclina cf. infravalanginiensis Choffat from the upper Jurassic, Purbeckian, Layer 6 from the section illustrated in figure 3 in Favre and Jankovski, Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève, vol. 37(4), Fig. 3 on page 11.
Reference collection to Mohamed, M., Perch-Nielsen, K., and Toumarkine, M. (1982). Etude de nannofossiles calcaires et des foraminifères planctoniques du Paléocène et de l'Eocène inférieur de la coupe de Taramsa, Ouest de Quena, vallée du Nil, Egypte. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie 1:21-32.
SEM preparations of illustrated specimens and SEM session protocol.
[anchor abandoned, moved to MOHLERWA.HTML]
Reference collection to Mollet, H. (1921). Geologie der Schafmatt-Schimbergkette: Stratigrafie der Schafmatt-Schimbergkette und ihrer Umgebung (Kt. Luzern). Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz, NF 47:1-50.
Collection of rock specimens, some nummulites, and thin sections.
Dünnschliffe ausgeliehen von L. Hottinger, 30. No. 1964: --> see collections L. Hottinger, Manfred Reichel or Hans Schaub (location of thin sections currently not known).
Reference collection to Müller, W. (1964). Conodonten der Tessiner Kalkalpen. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 57(2): 747-753. Reprint is deposited in K3/Cabinets with literature to type collections.
Collection of isolated hypotypoids in Fema-cells, that were described and illustrated.
Gondolella cf. navicula Huckriede



Collection of neotypes to specimens discussed and illustrated in Oesterle, H. (1969). Foraminiferen der Typlokalität der Birmensdorfer-Schichten, unt. Malm. (Teilrevision der Arbeiten von J. Kübler & H. Zwingly 1866-1870 und von R. Haeusler 1881-1893). Eclogae geol. Helv. 61(2):695-793.
Note: The collection of J. Kübler & H. Zwingly 1866-1870 and the collection of R. Haeusler 1881-1893) are deposited at the Geological Institute of the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich.
A small part of the (presumable) collection of R. Haeusler was found alongside the historical collections of L. Hottinger.
See also the collection of hypotypoids in fema cells and multiple field cells, picked materials to the same publication, but deposited elswhere in K3/compactus A7.
Neotypes to:
Bigenerina arcuata Haeusler (1890)
Bigenerina jurassica Haeusler (1890)
Glomospira variabilis Kübler and Zwingli (1870)
Halophragmoides globigerinoides Haeusler (1882) (specimen lost)
Halophragmoides constrictus Haeusler (1882)
Halophragmoides hyalinus Haeusler (1886)
Halophragmoides pygmaeus Haeusler (1881)
Halophragmoides universus Haeusler (1881)
Miliammina jurassica Haeusler (1882)
Placopsilina argoviensis Haeusler (1881)
Reophax chrysalis Haeusler (1881)
Reophax helveticus Haeusler (1881)
Reophax sterkii Haeusler (1890)
Thurammina tuberosa Haeusler (1890)
Trochammina neoparva, nom. nov.
Trochammina peregrina Haeusler (1881)




Hypotypus to:
"Globigerina helvetojurassica" Haeusler (1881)
1.) Re-study of "G. helvetojurassica": In 2016 specimens of G. helvetojurassica from the H. Oesterle (1969) collection were re-investigated by SEM study by Felix Gradstein, Michael Knappertsbusch, and Walter Etter ("Project G. helvetojurassica"). At this occasion the Eisengraben-section was also visited and re-sampled at the same horizons as published in Fig. 4 of Oesterle (1969). See the collection Gradstein et al. (2016) for precise documentation.


2.) Raw materials:
See the raw material collection of H. Oesterle (1969) from Secion Eisengraben, Switzerland, (= type section for Birmensdorfer Schichten).
Related literature with mention to "Globigerina helvetojurassica" from Eisengraben:
Plates 7-8 in Stam, B. (1986). Quantitative analysis of middle and late Jurassic foraminifera from Portugal and its implications for the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, No. 34, 168 p.
Standort above listed types
Standort additional hypotypes
Standort raw materials Eisengraben to Oesterle (1969)
Standort re-study "G. helvetojurassica" by Gradstein et al. (2016, in work)
Type collection to Ozawa, Y. and Tobler, A. (1929). Permian Fusulinidae in Greece. Eclogae geol. Helv. 22(1): 45-49. Collection of thin sections holding hypotypes and the syntypus to the discussed and illustrated specimens.
Syntypus to:
Sumatrina pesuliensis Ozawa and Tobler (1929)


Type collection to Pêcheux, M.J.-F. (1995). Pseudorhapydionina moulladei. Nouveau macroforaminifère du Paléocène du Chiappas, S.E. Mexique. Revue de Micropaléontologie, 38(2):169-176.
Holotype and paratypes of Pseudorhapydionina moulladei Pêcheux (1995)



Compare also to the plasticine model of Rhapydionina liburnica Stache illustrated in Reichel, M. (1984).

Type collection to Pêcheux, M.J.-F. (1996 ?). Des miliolidae aux alvéolinidae (grands foraminifères): La faune du Campanien-Eocène inférieur du Chiapas (S.E. Méxique). Manuscript text dated from 1996, submitted to Revue de Micropaléontologie. This is the material to the PhD dissertation of Pêcheux.

Holotype and paratypes to Praealveolina hottingeri Pêcheux (? 1996)



Type collection to Proto Decima, F. and Bolli, H.M. (1970). Evolution and variability of Orbulinoides beckmanni (Saito). Eclogae geol. Helv. 63(3):883-905.
SEM preparations to the illustrated specimens, 1 multi field slide with colored specimens of Orbulinoides, original drawings of the published figures.
Holotypes and paratypes:
Globigerinatheka curryi Proto Decima and Bolli (1970)
Globigerinatheka euganea Proto Decima and Bolli (1970)



Collection of primary types and hypotypes to illustrated specimens in Proto Decima, F. and Bolli, H.M. (1978). Southeast Atlantic DSDP Leg 40 Paleogene benthic foraminifers. Init. Rep. DSDP 40:783-797.
Holotypes to:
Bandyella beckmanni Proto Decima and Bolli (1978)
Stainforthia ryani Proto Decima and Bolli (1978)


Reference collection to Riegraf, W., Luterbacher, H., and Leckie, R.M. (1984). Jurassic foraminifers from the Mazagan Plateau, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 547, Leg 79, off Morocco. Init. Rep. DSDP 79:671-702. TSL 64.
A small collection of SEM preparations with SEM protocols.
[No collection ?] Reference collection to Riegraf, W. (1989). Benthonische Schefl-Foraminiferen aus dem Valanginium-Hauterivium (Unterkreide) des Indischen Ozeans südwestlich Madagaskar (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 25, Site 249). Geologische Rundschau, vol. 78(3): 1047-1061. Only manuscript ?
For materials see collections to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989a), Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989b), and Study collections to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989 a,b,c), DSDP Legs 1-79.
Reference collection to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989a). Oberjura- Foraminiferen aus dem Nord- und Südatlantik (Deep Sea Drilling Project 1-79). Geologische Rundschau, 78(3): 999-1045.
SEM preparations from the following DSDP holes:
DSDP Legs 1 (Site 4), 11 (Sites 100, 101A, and 105), 13 (Sites 120), 17 (Site 166), 25 (site 249), 27(Site 261), 32 (Sites 304, 305, and 306), 36 (Site 330), 41 (Site 370), 43 (Site 384), 44 (Site 391C), 50 (Site 416A), 62 (Site 463).
Lists with SEM session protocols and species identifications are included.
See also Study collections to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989 a,b,c), DSDP Legs 1-79 for more materials to this investigation.
Reference collection to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989b). Benthonische Foraminiferen aus der Unterkreide des "Deep Sea Drilling Project" (Leg 1-79). Geologische Rundschau, 78(3): 1063-1120.
SEM preparations from the following DSDP holes:
DSDP Legs 1 (Site 4), 11 (Sites 100, 101A, and 105), 13 (Sites 120), 17 (Site 166), 25 (site 249), 27(Site 261), 32 (Sites 304, 305, and 306), 36 (Site 330), 41 (Site 370), 43 (Site 384), 44 (Site 391C), 50 (Site 416A), 62 (Site 463).
Lists with SEM session protocols and species identifications are included.
See also Study collections to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989 a,b,c), DSDP Legs 1-79 for more materials to this investigation.
Reference collection to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989c). Jurassic and Cretaceous Rhyncholites (cephalopod jaws) from the North Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1-79) and their European counterparts. Evidence for the uniformity of the western Tethys. Geologische Rundschau, 78(3):1141-1163.
About 50 specimens, of these over 40 in micro-slides.
See study collections of H.P. Luterbacher for additional materials to this investigation.
Type- and reference collection to Robaszynski, F., Caron, M., Gonzalez Donoso, J.M., Wonders, A.A.H., and the European Working Group on Planktonic Foraminifera (1984). Atlas of late Cretaceous globotruncanids. Revue de Micropaléontologie 26(3-4):145-305.
A collection of all illustrated specimens (holotypes, hypotypoids, gold coated). A reprint is deposited with the collection.
Holotype and five paratypes to:
Globotruncana dupeublei Caron, Gonzalez Donoso, Robaszynski and Wonders (1984).
Hypotype to:
Globotruncanella minuta Caron and Gonzales Donosos (1984).
Collection hypotypes illustrated in Rögl, F. (1974). The evolution of the Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globorotalia crassaformis group in the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Timor Trough, Leg 27, Site 262. Init. Rep. DSDP 27:743-767.
Reference collection to Rögl, F., Cita, M.B., Müller, C., and Hochuli, P. (1975). Biochronology of the conglomerate bearing Molasse sediments near Como (Italy). Rivista Italiana de Paleontologia, 81(1):57-88, pl. 7-10.
SEM preparations to the illustrated and described specimens. A sample list and an SEM session protocol is deposited with the reprint (K3/Cabinet 70).
Reference collection to Rögl, F. (1976a). Late Cretaceous to Pleistocene foraminifera from the southeast Pacific Basin, DSDP Leg 35. Init. Rep. DSDP 35:539-555.
SEM preparations to the illustrated specimens. A sample list and an SEM session protocol is deposited with the reprint (K3/Cabinet 70).
Type collection to Rögl, F. (1976b). Danian Calcisphaerulidae at DSDP Leg 35, Site 323, Southeast Pacific Ocean. Init. Rep. DSDP, 35:701-711.
SEM preparations to the discussed and illustrated specimens. A sample list and an SEM session protocol is deposited with the reprint (K3/Cabinet 70).
Holotypes and paratypes to:
Pithonella antarctica Rögl (1976)
Pithonella bolli Rögl (1976)
Pithonella fusiformis Rögl (1976)
Pithonella titanoplax Rögl (1976)




Reference collection to Rögl, F. and Hochuli, P. (1976). The occurrence of Bolboforma, a probable algal cyst in the Antarctic Miocene of DSDP Leg 35. Init. Rep. DSDP, 35:713-719.
SEM preparations to the discussed and illustrated specimens. A sample list and an SEM session protocol is deposited with the reprint (K3/Cabinet 70).
[Reference and title not known]. Collection to Scheffen, W. (1939).
Two boxes containing a collection of 219 thin sections of Tertiary foraminiferal rocks from Sumatra and Borneo.
Note: This collection does NOT correspond to the publication of Scheffen, W. (1932). Ostindische Lepidocyclinen. I. Teil. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen No. 21, Dienst van het Mijnbouw in Nederlandsch-Indie, pp. 4-76.
Reference collection to Schider, R. (1913). Geologie der Schrattenfluh im Kanton Luzern. Beiträge zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, Neue Folge, 43. Lieferung, 1913.
A collection of thin sections from nummulites, nummulite limestones, orbitolina limestones, etc.
Type- and reference collection to Schönfeld, J., Beccari, V., Schmidt, S., and Spezzaferri, S. (2021). Biometry and taxonomy of Adriatic Ammonia species from Bellaria-Igea Marina (Italy). Journal of Micropalaeontology, vol. 40, pp. 195-223.
Eingang: 15.7.2021
Type collection to Schweighauser, J. (1950). Spirillinen aus dem Lias von Arzo (Tessin). Eclogae geol. Helv. 42(2):225-236.
Thin sections with the holotype and paratypes of Spirillina ticinensis Schweighauser (1950).
Type collection to Schweighauser, J. (1951). Ein Vorkommen von Neoalveolina aus dem vizentinischen Obereozän. Eclogae geol. Helv. 44(2):465-469.
Thin sections with the holotype and paratypoids of Neoalveolina vonderschmitti Schweighauser (1951). Included is a box with photos and fotonegatives of Neoalveolina vonderschmitti.
Reference collection to Schweighauser, J. (1953). Mikropaläontologische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen im Paleocaen und Eocaen des Vicentin (Norditalien) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Discocyclinen und Asterocyclinen. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen vol. 70, 97 p., 13 plates. TSL 49.
This is the reference collection to J. Schweighauser's PhD thesis including sectioned and polished rock samples, photographic negatives and prints of microfossils, a large collection of thin sections and isolated picked foraminifers (hypotypoids) from the Mossano section, Cava Zengele, Monte Baldo, Spilecco-Bolca, Malo-Priabona, Valrovina and the Brianza.
Thin sections:
C25035 - C25085: Mossano
C25086 - C25140: Mossano, Cava Zengele
C25141 - C 25191: Monte Baldo, Spilleco-Bolca, Malo-Priabona
C25192 - C25258: Valrovina, Brianza
C25261 - C 25287: Discocyclina seunesi, D. scalaris
C25299 - C25316: Discocyclina angustae, D. chudeaui, D. pratti
C25320 - C25342: Discocyclina aff. papyracea, D. archiaci, D. roberti, D. roberti ilarenai
C25343 - C25377: Discocyclina sella, D. nummulitica
C25386 - C25406: Discocyclina aspera, D. varians
C25407 - C25416: Discocyclina varians, D. discus, D. tenuis, D. douvillei
C25422 - C25433: Discocyclina andrusovi, D. bartholomei, D. stellaris
C25439 - C25449: Asterocyclina pentagonalis, A. stellata
C25458 - C25471: Asterocyclina taramelli, A. stella
In addition to the above reference collection there is also the study collection of Schweighauser with additional rock samples, sectioned rocks, thin-sections, washed residues, isolated specimens, all mainly from northern Italy, and J. Schweighauser's special collection of discocyclines (from northern Italy and other provenances).
Standort (Reference collection)
Standort (Study collection)
Standort (Card catalogue & photo collection Diss. J. Schweighauser, 1953).
Collection to Seiglie, G.A. (1964). New and rare foraminifers from Los Testigos reefs, Venezuela. Caribbean Journal of Science 4(4):497-512.
Isolated paratypoids in Fema cells of:
Buliminoides curta Seiglie (1964)
Triphotrocha concava Seiglie (1964)


The holotypes to both of these species are deposited in the collections of the Department of Geology, Instituto Oceanographico, in Cumana (Venezuela).
Collection to Seiglie, G.A. and Bermudez, P. (1965). Monografia de la familia de foraminiferos Glabratellidae. Geos 12:15-65.
Paratypoids to:
Glabratella testigoensis Seiglie and Bermudez (1965)
Heronallenita dorscostata Seiglie and Bermudez (1965)


The holotypes to both of these species are deposited in the collections of the Department of Geology, Instituto Oceanographico, in Cumana (Venezuela).
Reference collection to Shamah, K., Blondeau, A., le Calvez, Y., Perch-Nielsen, K., and Toumarkine, M. (1982). Biostratigraphy of the middle Eocene El Midawarah Formation, Wadi El Rayan region, Fayoum area, Egypt. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie (1):91-104.
SEM preparations and SEM session protocol.
Type collection to Sigal, J. (1952). Aperçu stratigraphique sur la micropaléontologie du Crétacé. Congr. géol. int. XIX, Alger, Monogr. régionales, Sér. I: Algérie, No. 26(43); Fig. 46. Including original samples, from which the holotype (=sample SIGAL 12596) and the paratype (=sample SIGAL 13266) were selected.
Holotypus to:
Globotruncana falsostuarti Sigal (1952) [Note: holotype also illustrated in Robaszynski et al. (1984), pl. 10, fig. 1a-c].
Neotype sample SIGAL 13311:
Fema cells with washed residue and picked specimens from El Kef, Tunisia, from which Sigal selected the holotype and from which the neotype of Marginotruncana schneegansi Sigal (1952) was collected. Don. M. Caron, 17.3.2006.
The neotype of M. schneegansi is deposited at the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle à Paris, (No. FG. 691) and is illustrated in Robaszynski, F., Caron, M. (Coord.) et et Groupe de travail européen des foraminifères planctoniques (1979): Atlas des Foraminifères planctoniques du Crétacé moyen (Mer Boréale et Téthys). Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, 1 et 2-1979, pl. 70, fig. 1a-c. Don. M. Caron, 17.3.2006.
Holotypus and holotype sample to Globotruncana lamellosa Sigal (1952), inv. Sample SIGAL 11923:
This is the original sample, from which Sigal selected the specimen for Globotruncana lamellosa Sigal (1952). However, G. lamellosa was found to be a junior synonym to Globotruncana rosetta Carsey (1926), who described this species from the Cretaceous of Central Texas (see Robaszynski et al. (1984), page 210 and plate 18). Don. M. Caron, 17.3.2006.



Notes to collections of Sigal:
A further original type sample of Sigal (sample SIGAL 10574), from which holotypes of Marginotruncana sigali Reichel (1949) and Dicarinella algeriana Caron (1966) were selected, is deposited in the collection to Caron, M. (1966).
List of Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal species erected by Sigal and deposited at other museums (list compiled by Michèle Caron, University of Fribourg, 2006).
Type collection to Silvestri, A. (1925). Sur quelques foraminifères et pseudoforaminifères de Sumatra. Verhandelingen van het Geologische Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonien, Geologische Serie, Deel VIII, pp. 449-460, 3 plates.
A small collection of thin sections.
Syntypes to:
Choffatella cyclamminoides Silvestri (1925)
Lacazina lamellifera Silvestri (1925)


Primary type collection to Spezzaferri, S. and Spiegler, D. (1998). Bolboforma, Greenland. Proceedings ODP, Sci. Res. 152:201-208.
Holotypus to:
Bolboforma groenlandica Spezzaferri and Spiegler (1998)




For additional materials from this study see the reference collection to Spezzaferri, S. and Spiegler, D. (1998).
Collections of August Tobler:
About August Tobler (1872-1929).
Fieldbooks of A. Tobler (Tagebücher 1-33, 1892-1929).
Map study areas early 20th century geologists in Indonesia.
Collection of foraminiferal thin sections (Miogypsina, Lepidocyclina), collected by August Tobler during his early Sumatra expeditions in 1901 to the District of Palembang. The material was collected at field locality No. 7 along the Lenkayap River, downstream from Tandjung to the village of Pajung (=Pajoeng, ned.).
There is no explicit publication to these slides. However, in Field book No. 6 from A. Tobler (1900-1901) on page 87 there is the following entry:
"Dienstag, den 23. April 1901. Von Tandjoeng-Lenkajap flussabwärts auf demselben Laufstieg wie gestern. Bis Pajoeng. Eocaenkalke ca. 4° ESE fallend".
See also the description of fossil rich Eocene outcrops in Tobler, A. (1904) on page 276.
Another note was found in a sample list from A. Tobler, 10b (dated from 1903). Südsumatra, Barissan von Südpalembang u. Kauer. Mention under the title "Stromgebiet Lenkajap", on sheet no. 3:
"85. Lepidocycl. Kalk, Fundort 7, A. Lenkajap, Pajung, 23.4.01"
Related literature: Tobler, A. (1904). Einige Notizen zur Geologie von Südsumatra. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 272-292 (with map enclosed). A map of sampling locations in Sumatra is published in Tobler, A., (1923) [local pdf].
Standort Fieldbooks A. Tobler
Standort Sample list Südsumatra, Barissan von Südpalembang u. Kauer.
Standort collection
Collection to Tobler, A. (1906). Topographische und geologische Beschreibung der Petroleumgebiete Moeara Enim (Süd-Sumatra). Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Jaargang 1906, pp. 199-314.
Lithological and paleontological collection of rocks (volcanic rocks), sediments, coal, and fossils from the Moera Enim petroleum area in southern Sumatra.
Note: There exist original geological maps and sections from this area and drawn by A. Tobler during his exploration work with K.N.P.M. in Sumatra from 1000-1903 in the geological archive of the NMB, that have led to the published maps and sections [see Box "A. Tobler Petroleum Exploration K.N.P.M. in Süd-Sumatra 1900-1903"].
Standort collection
Standort archive
Reference collection to Tobler, A. (1918). Notiz über einige foraminiferenführende Gesteine von der Halbinsel Sanggar (Soembawa). Anhang VI in J.J. Pannekoek van Rheden (1918), Geologische Notizen über die Halbinsel Sanggar, Insel Soembawa (Niederländisch-Ost-Indien). Zeitschrift zur Vulkanologie, 4: 189-192, plate XXXV, Figs. 3, 4 and 5.
Collection of rock specimens, sectioned rock specimens, and thin sections, including illustrated thin sections and holotype of Baculogypsina neotetraedra Tobler 1918.
Baculogypsina neotetraedra Tobler 1918


For for its junior synonym Schlumbergerella neotetraedra (Tobler 1918) see also Renema, W. (2003). Larger foraminifera on reefs around Bali (Indomesia). Zool. Verh. Leiden 345, 31.x.2003: 337-366.
Standort1 (Tobler, A., 1918).
Standort2 (Pannekoek van Rheden (1918) [geological colln. Sumbawa, vulcanites].
Type- and reference collection to Tobler, A. (1922a). Helicolepidina, ein neues Subgenus von Lepidocyclina. Eclogae geol. Helv. 17(3):380-384. Collection containing


Standort primary types
Standort reference collection
Reference collection to Tobler, A. (1922b). Die Jacksonstufe (Priabonien) in Venezuela und Trinidad. Eclogae geol. Helv. 17(3):342-346, Plate 19.
A small collectiion of isolated specimens and thin sections from Trinidad and Venezuela.
Reference collection to Tobler, A. (1922c). Djambi-Verslag: Uitkomsten van het geologisch-mijnbouwkundig onderzoek in de Residentie Djambi 1906-1912. s'Gravenhage Algem. Landsdrukkerij.
This is a vast regional lithological-paleontological collection of rocks (volcanic- and plutonic rocks, sediments, and fossils from the Djambi area in SW Sumatra, that are described in the Djambi-Verslag. Notably, there are representative sediments from the marine permo-carbon successions in the Djambi-area with marine Fusulina-limestones, productids, but also presumably terrestrial-fluviatil or deltaic deposits with land plants. Particularly interesting is the drawer [K3 / B10 / 3 / 93] holding specimens of Pecopteris (fern plants) from the Merangin area, which represent the now famous Djambi-Flora, which was discovered by A. Tobler (see also Tobler, 1910 and Tobler 1917).
Reference collection to Tobler, A. (1925a). Miogypsina im untersten Neogen von Trinidad und Borneo. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 19, p. 719-722.
This collection includes washed residues, rock samples, thin sections from various Trinidad localities, such as the Mejas Quarry, Penal Rock Road, Moruga, and from Trinidad locations No. 5, 31 and 40. See also the stratigraphic collection of H.G. Kugler from Trinidad.
Neotypes for Pliolepidina tobleri (Douvillé, 1917). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 161:727, Fig. 34.
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 164, pp. 841-847.
Related literature:
Eames, F.E. and Clarke, W.J. (1965). Douvillé's Lepidocyclina pustulosa, L. trinitatis and L. (Polylepidina) tobleri, a reconsideration. Revue de Micropaléontologie (Paris), 8(1):3-10.
Type collection to Tobler, A. (1925b). Ueber eine ostindische Lepidocyclina mit mehrkammeriger Nucleoconcha. Eclogae geol. Helv. 19(1):269-274, plate 8.
Holotype (thin sections only) to Lepidocyclina (Pliolepidina ?) luxurians Tobler (1925)
Reference collection to Tobler, A. (1926). Ueber Cyclammina (Choffatella) sequana Merian spec. Eclogae geol. Helv. 19(3):714-719, Plate 27.
Cristellaria sequana Merian (1851)
Cyclammina (Choffatella) sequana (Merian)
Syntypes to Tobler, A. (1926)
Pseudocyclammina jaccardi (Schrodt):
Lectotype and hypotypoids to W. Maync (1958), Revue de Micropaléontologie 1(1): p. 10.
Type- and reference collection to Tobler, A. (1927a). Maeandropsina im Tertiär von Ostborneo. Eclogae geol. Helv. 20(2):321-323. TSL 385.
The reference collection contains rock samples, thin sections and oriented specimens, with types and hypotypoids of Maeandrospina sp.
Type- and reference collection to Tobler, A. (1926 b). Verkalkung der Lateralkammern by Miogypsina. Eclogae geol. Helv. 20(2):323-330. TSL 386.
The reference collection contains additional thin sections, rock samples and washed residues.
Syntypes to:
Miogypsina tuberosa Tobler (1926)
Miogypsina abunensis Tobler (1926)


The rock specimens deposited now in the type collection were previously located in the Indonesia colln, under "Sammlung Mühlberg 1919, Serawak, Nordwestborneo". A sketch map of sampling localities colln. Mühlberg in southeastern Borneo (transparency, in 4 pieces A, B, C, D) is alongside the collection [=Begleit Doku].
Also: On page 429 in Tobler (1926 b) Tobler cites Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1924). Miogypsina dehaarti nov. spec de Larat (Moluques). Eclogae geol. Helv. 18:429-432, copy included. In this context, there is an unpublished report (without a separate collection) fom Gisolf, F.W. and van der Vlerk, I.M. (1924), also mentioning M. dehaarti, which is deposited as well with this material, see Archive of J.M. Van der Vlerk.
Standort reference collection
Type collection to Tobler, A. (1928). Ueber Pseudocyclammina und Choffatella in Schweizerischen Juragebirge. Eclogae geol. Helv. 21(1):212-216.
Syntypes to Pseudocyclammina personata Tobler (1928)
Reference collection to Tobler, A. (1929). Pellatispira im Priabonien von Lenk (Berner Oberland). Eclogae geol. Helv. 22:172-175, plate 17.
A collection with Pellatispira madaraszi (Hantken) in thin sections, rocks and polished rocks.
Type collection to Thompson, M.L. (1935). The fusulinid genus Yangchienia Lee. Eclogae geol. Helv. 28(2):511-517, Plate 17.
Yangchienia tobleri Thompson (1935)


Type collection to Thompson, M.L. (1936). Lower Permian Fusulinids from Sumatra. Journal of Paleontology 10(7):587-592.
Schwagerina rutschi Thompson (1936)
Pseudoschwagerina meranginensis Thompson (1936)


Collection of primary types and hypotypes to specimens described and illustrated in Toumarkine, M. and Bolli, H.M. (1970). Evolution de Globorotalia cerroazulensis (Cole) dans l'Eocène Moyen et supérieur de Possagno (Italie). Revue de Micropaléontologie 13(3):131-145. TSL 344.
Holotypus to:
Globorotalia cerroazulensis cunialensis Toumarkine and Bolli (1970)
Globorotalia cerroazulensis pomeroli Toumarkine and Bolli (1970)


Collection of hypotypes to specimens discussed and illustrated in Toumarkine, M. (1975). Middle and Late Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the northwestern Pacific, Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP 32:735-751.
Collection of primary types and hypotypes to specimens illustrated and described in Toumarkine, M. and Bolli, H.M. (1975). Foraminifères planctoniques de l'Eocène moyen et supérieur de la coupe de Possagno. Schweiz. Paläont. Abh. 97:69-185. TSL 354.
Holotypes and paratypes to:
Globigerina mediazzai Toumarkine and Bolli (1975)
Globorotaloides carcoselleensis Toumarkine and Bolli (1975)


Reference collection to Toumarkine, M. (1978). Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Paleogene of Sites 360 to 364 and the Neogene at Sites 362A, 363, and 364, Leg 40. Init. Rep. DSDP 40:679-721.
14 SEM preparations (C33616-C33766).
Type collection to Van den Bold, W.A. (1966). Ostracoda of the Pozon section, Falcon, Venezuela. Journal of Paleontology, 40(1):177-185, 1 plate.
Paratypes to:
Acanthocythereis ? kugleri Van den Bold (1966)
Costa variabilocostata muhlemanni Van den Bold (1966)



Specimens are from the Brasso Formation, G. mayeri zone, Trinidad, Lok. Rohr 25956, and from the Brasso Formation, Ste-Croix Member, Globigerinatheka insueta zone, from Ste. Croix Quarry, Trinidad, T.L.L. Cat. No. 72669, respectively.
See also the TLL Type collection of H.G. Kugler - Small foraminifera and ostracods from Trinidad / collection of W.A. Van den Bold.
Collection to Vaughan, T.W. and Cole, W.St. (1941). Preliminary report on the Cretaceous and Tertiary larger foraminifera of Trinidad, B.W.I. Geol. Soc. America, Special Paper 30, 137 p.
This is a nearly complete set of species illustrated in the book, as part of H.G. Kugler's micropaleontological collection from Trinidad. It consists of sorted larger foraminiferal specimens, rock samples and washed sediments described in Vaughan and Cole (1941). The specimens are preserved in glass vials and were determined by T.W. Vaughan. The original holotypes and representations of illustrated species are deposited in the U.S. National Museum.
Compare also with collections of benthic foraminifers from Trinidad by Bramine Caudri.
Hypothypes to:
Asteriacites asteriscus (Guppy) Vaughan
Discocyclina (Discocyclina) grimsdalei Vaughan and Cole
Discocyclina soldadoensis Vaughan and Cole (type material, K2851 from Soldado Rock)
Operculinoides sp. 2 kugleri Vaughan and Cole
Operculinoides cf. semmesi Vaughan and Cole
Lepidocyclina forresti Vaughan (material K2864 from Morne Diablo Quarry)
Lepidocyclina pancanalis Vaughan and Cole
Lepidocyclina tempanii Vaughan and Cole
Lepidocyclina yurnagunensis Vaughan
Spiroclypeus bullbrooki Vaughan and Cole



Type- and reference collection to Vogler, J. (1941). Oberer Jura und Kreide von Misol (Niederländisch-Ostindien). Palaeontographica, suppl. Vol. 4, Stuttgart, pp. 245-293, 6 plates.
The collection contains only thin sections.
In his study Vogler discussed a number of calcareous microplankton (about 20 to 30 µm in size) from thin sections, such as Cadosina, Cadosinella and Stomiosphaerella, which are of unknown origin and taxonomic affilation. Cadosina is indicated in Vogler as belonging to foraminifera, but stongly resemble calcisphaerulids. Some of the biological literature lists Cadosina under Ciliophora (ciliates), others consider them as calcareous dinoflagellates; perhaps some of them (Cadosina ingens) are even small bolboformans.
New foraminifera:
Globotruncana linnei stuarti Vogler (1941)
Nodosaria misolensis Vogler (1941)


New species of incertae sedis:
Cadosina fusca misolensis Vogler (1941)
Cadosina heliosphaera Vogler (1941)
Cadosina ingens Vogler (1941)
Cadosina lapidosa Vogler (1941)
Cadosina misolensis Vogler (1941)
Cadosina sublapidosa Vogler (1941)
Cadosina radiata Vogler (1941)
Cadosinella gracillimoides Vogler (1941)
Cercidina supracretacea Vogler (1941)
Stomiosphaerella acculeata Vogler (1941)
Stomiosphaerella polygona Vogler (1941)
Stomiosphaerella spinosa Vogler (1941)


Type- and reference collection to Wannier, M. (1980). La structure des Siderolithinae, foraminifères du Crétacé supérieur. Eclogae geol. Helv. 73(3):1009-1029, 4 plates. This publication resulted from the PhD dissertation of Wannier, M. (1979). Origine, Evolution et Systematique des Sidérolithines. Dissertation Univ. Basel, 55 p. Especially see also the type- and reference collection to Wannier, M. (1983) further below.
Wannier's field number scheme: 77W1001: 77=year of collection, W=abbreviation for Wannier, 1001=continuous number.
Type- and reference collection to Wannier, M. (1983). Evolution, biostratigraphie et systématique des Sidérolitinae (foraminifères). Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 15(1):5-37.
This is a large collection, which resulted from the PhD dissertation of Wannier, M. (1979). Origine, Evolution et Systematique des Sidérolithines. Dissertation Univ. Basel, 55 p.
This collection holds thin sections of isolated, oriented specimens from Aubeterre, Tremp, Aramunt, and other localities, arranged in 21 black boxes. The collection includes the following slide numbers:
W134-W159, W160-W184, W205-W224, W245-W264, W329-W348, W349-W368, W728-W750, W761-W779, W780-W798, W813-W837, W871-W887, W888-W908, W929-W948, W949-W970, W1017-W1026, W1027-W1046, W1047-W1066, W1067-W1086, W1087-W1108, and W1109-
These are numbers of slides only, taken from one or several rocks or isolated specimens (which themselves have Wannier's field numbers).
Furthermore, the collection contains four wooden boxes with thin sections from oriented isolated specimens, bearing the numbers W265-W328, W374-W463, W558-W645b, W646-W727.
In addition there are multi-field- and fema slides with picked specimens, that are illustrated in the publication.
Holotypes to:
Praesiderolites dordoniensis Wannier (1983)
Praesiderolites douvillei Wannier (1983)
Praesiderolites santoniensis Wannier (1983)
Siderolites cataluniensis Wannier (1983)



Type- and reference collection to the PhD thesis of Wielandt, U. (1996). Benthonic foraminiferal paleoecology and microfacies investigations of Paleogene sediments from the Farafra Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. Tübinger Mikropaläontologische Mitteilungen, No. 13, 78 p., Plates 1-23. TSL 267. A copy of the PhD thesis is alongside the collection.
Washed residues, slides with picked foraminiferal slides, SEM-preparations (stubs in plastic box) with illustrated specimens, sample materials.
For documentation of illustrated specimens (plates with SEM illustrations) to specimens on SEM stubs refer to the enclosed list and sketches and numbering of specimens to each SEM stub. For identification of individual SEM stubs please see the label in the plastic box.
    Identifications to SEM stubs in plastic box:
    7088 124 116 117 115
    118 123 Stick 120 121
    122 119 125 PlastilineHole
Holotypes to:
(Illustrated holotypes are monted on SEM stub No. 7088)
Lagenammina planktonica Wielandt (1996), [C37626, specimen missing on stub].
Pseudothurammina curvata Wielandt (1996), [C37628].
Pseudothurammina farafraensis Wielandt (1996), [C37631].
Type- and reference collection to Wielandt, U. (1999). Early progressive evolutionary trends in Nummulites luterbacheri from the western desert of Egypt. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 29:130 - 142. TSL 337.
Nummulite preparations.