Collections of Fritz Weber
About Fritz Weber (1878-1959)
Collections of Fritz Weber from the Kai Islands archipelago (Moluccas).
Collections of Fritz Weber from Java.
Oil-collection of Fritz Weber from the Malayan Archipelago.
Collections of Fritz Weber from the Tenimber-Islands [material not yet found].
Card catalogue of rocks and fossils collected by F. Weber (1923-1924).
Maps archive to collections F. Weber.
Map study areas early 20th century geologists in Indonesia.

Fritz Weber was active as a petroleum geologist during the early 20th century with Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij (later Shell) and collected fossils and rocks in the Indonesian Archipelago. Materials collected by Fritz Weber are scattered in various collections at the NMB (as for example in the Indonesian collections). Unfortunately there exist almost no publications from Weber, but in the paleontological and geological literature about the Indonesian Archipelago there are numerous mentions to Weber's collection activity in Ceram, the Moluccas, Java, Timor, for example Wanner (1949); Wanner et al. (1952), Wanner, (1956), in the preface to Welter, (1914), Bursch (1947), Umbrove (1934 and 1935). Of particular interest is the correspondence of F. Weber with August Tobler, that is deposited in the geological archive of the NMB ("Korrespondenz Dr. A. Tobler, Folder S-Z").

Tenimber-Islands (Moluccas): Also of interest is a file deposited in the geological archive of the NMB, Schenker, M. D. (1953). Akten und Schliffprotokolle von M. Schenker bezüglich: Foraminiferengesteine der Tenimber-Inseln, Molukken, Sammlung Fr. Weber, 1923/24 (Ausleihe No. 96+97 vom 15.1.1946, unpublished". It contains pencil drawings of foraminifera from thin sections, and 2 enclosed maps from the Moluccas, e.g.,

Standort Archive file File Schenker, M.D. (1953)


Card catalogue of rocks and fossils collected by F. Weber (1923-1924).
There is a card catalogue "Slg. Fr. Weber (1923/24) to rocks and fossils collected by Fritz Weber in 1923-1924 from various places in the Indonesian Archipelago, indicating sampling locations of materials from the Moluccas (Kei Island, Tenimber Islands).
Standort Card catalogue collns. F. Weber (1923-1924).
Literature giving reference to Fritz Weber:
Umbgrove, J.H.F. (1934). Tijd en type der tertiaire plooiingen binnen de zone van sterk negatieve afwijkingen der zwaartekracht in den Indischen Archipel. Tijdschr. Kon. Nederl. Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 2, LI, 1934.
Umbgrove, J.H.F. (1935). De pretertiaire historie van den Indischen Archipel (met bijdragen van Dr. Friedr. Weber). Leidsche geol. Mededelingen, VII, 1, 119-155. A printout of the article is deposited in the geological archive of the NMB.
Wanner, J. (1949). Lebensspuren aus der Obertrias von Seran (Molukken) und der Alpen. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 42 (2), pp. 183-195.
Wanner, J., Knipscheer, H.C.G., und Schenk, E. (1952). Zur Kenntnis der Trias der Insel Seran (Indonesien). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 45 (1), pp. 53-84.
Wanner, J. (1956). Zur Stratigrafie von Portugisch Timor. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 108, No. 1, pp. 109-140. A printout of the article is deposited in the geological archive of the NMB.
Welter, O.A. (1914). Die obertriadischen Ammoniten und Nautiliden von Timor. In Joh. Wanner. Paläontologie von Timor. Ergebnisse der Expeditionen G.A.F. Molengraaf, J. Wanner und F. Weber. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung Stuttgart 1914, 362 p.