Biographies and obituaries relevant to the collections held at the NMB:
(Many extracted from the necrologs about geologists and paleontologists compiled by Pierre A. Soder).
Standort necrologs.
For some obituaries see also the directory of the Geological Society of America, Memorials,
Franz Allemann:
Paul Arni:
Pedro Bermudez:
Walter Bernoulli:
[Petroleum geologist. Work with Shell in Borneo [Sanga-Sanga & Sambodja], Galizia (Poland). Later work with Petrofina, exploration studies in and expeditions to Trinidad, Surinam, Venezuela, Cameroon, Egypt, Sinai, California].



Ernst Blumer:

Ken W. Barr:



Jean Pierre Beckmann:

Peter Bitterli-Brunner:
Hans M. Bolli:
Paul Brönnimann:
Cornelia Marguerite Bramin Caudri:


Butt, Ann:

Carl Cahn-Bronner:


Barry Carr-Brown:



Joseph A. Cushman:


Max Furrer:



Hermann Eugster:



Otto Wilhelm Gutzwiller:


Reinhart A.Gygi:



Rudolf Häusler (1857-1929):


Hollis Dow Hedberg (1903-1988):




René Herb:



Hans Hess (1930 - 2017):



Lukas Hottinger:

Arthur Gilbertson Hutchison ("Hutch"), (1902-1949):



Peter Jung-Bandelier:

Johann Ulrich Kappeler:



Louis Kehrer-Erni:

Hans G. Kugler:


Ernst J. Lehner:


Peter Lehner:


Hanspeter Luterbacher:

Judith McKenzie (1942-2023):
Willy A. Mohler:
Dorothy K. Palmer:
Katherine Van Winkle Palmer (1895-1982):
Kenneth E. Caster (1986). Memorial to Katherine Van Winkle Palmer (1895-1982). Geological Society of America Memorials, vol. 17.
Manfred Reichel:


Hans Hermann Renz:



Otto Renz:



William Rex Riedel:

Karl Rohr (1895-1995):
Rolf F. Rutsch:

Thalmann, H. (1976): Rolf F. Rutsch 1902-1975. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol. Geol.- u. Ing., 42(102):27-28.

John Baverstock Saunders (1928-2017):



Hans Schaub:



Jakob Schweighauser:

Alfred Senn:
Robert C. Speed:
Sedlock, R. (2004). Memorial to Robert C. Speed (1933 - 2003). Geological Society of America Memorials, vol. 33, April 2004, pp. 49-52. https://rock/
Pierre A. Soder:


Robert M. Stainforth (1915-2002):


Nina Nikolaevna Subbotina (1904-1984):

August Tobler (1872-1929):
Isaak Martinus Van der Vlerk (1892-1974):
Louis Vonderschmitt:



Georg Andreas Vischer (1910-1971):

Friedrich Weber (1878-1959):
Martin Andreas Ziegler (1931- ):


Peter A. Ziegler:

Fortunat Zyndel: