Collections of Paul Brönnimann (1913-1993)
Fondation Paul Brönnimann, Musée d'Histoire Naturelle à Genève, Suisse,
Paul Brönnimann studied at the University of Basel and was a student of manfred Reichel. He worked about larger benthic foraminifera like Tertiary Orbitoids, Miogypsinids and Discocyclina. In the late fourties to fifties he was located at Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd, and then in Cuba and worked as a stratigrapher togethzer with many renown micropaleontologists, among them Hans Bolli, Hans G. Kugler, Hans H. Renz, Pedro Bermudez, for example. Later, he was located in Liby, France, and Switzerland. More about Paul Brönnimann
1.) Type collections:
Type- and reference collection to Brönnimann, P. (1940). Ueber die tertiären Orbitoididen und die Miogypsiniden von Nordwest Marokko. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 63:113 pages, 11 plates.
The collection contains the hypotypoids and paratypoids of the described specimens in thin sections, various rocks, Fema-cells, and in washed residues from profiles I through VI described by A. Senn (see also collns of A. Senn from NW Morocco in the "Indonesia collection, K2"). There is also a major collection of thin sections (8 boxes), which belong to the same publication, deposited in K3/A6/1/33.
Holotypes to
Asterocyclina praestellaris Brönnimann (1940),
Miogypsina basraensis Brönnimann (1940),
Miogypsinoides complanata var. mauretannica Brönnimann (1940),
Miogypsina mediterranea excentrica Brönnimann (1940).
Type- and reference collection to Brönnimann, P. (1941). Eine Discocyclina mit multilocularem Embryonalapparat aus dem Eocaen von Kressenberg. Eclogae geol. Helv. 34(2):305-319. Collection containing the holotype and paratypes of Discocyclina strati-emanuelis Brönnimann (1941).
Type- and reference collection to Brönnimann, P. (1942). Eine Proporocyclina aus dem Eocaen von Venezuela. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 63:1-17, 2 plates. Ex Colln H.G. Kugler and collaborators (Northern Venezuela Petroleum Company, NVP). A collection of thin sections and washed residues, including the holotype, paratypes and not illustrated specimens of Proporocyclina pertenuis Brönnimann (1942).
Type collection to Brönnimann, P. (1949). Pflanzenbewohnende tropische Foraminiferen nebst Beschreibung von Cymbalophora tobagoensis n.sp. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, vol. 60, p. 179-185.
Note1: The collection contains only paratypoids to C. tobagoensis (foraminifera); the holotype is deposited at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (collection Cushmann).
Note2: On page 183 the paper gives also a list of ostracods, for which there exists a T.L.L. type collection, which is deposited at the NMB in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.
Type collection to Brönnimann, P. (1951a). Die Mundöffnungen bei Asterigerina carinata d'Orbigny 1839. Eclogae geol. Helv. 44(2):469-474. Included with the collection is the original manuscript and figures.
C29703: Astigerina carinata (Fig. 1)
C29704: Astigerina carinata (Fig. 2a)
C29705: Astigerina carinata (Fig. 2b)
C29706: Astigerina carinata (Fig. 2c)
C29707: Astigerina carinata (Fig. 2d)
C29708: Astigerina carinata (Fig. 3a)
C29709: Astigerina carinata (Fig. 3b)
C29710: Astigerina carinata (Fig. 3c)
Type collection to Brönnimann, P. (1967). Pseudotextulariella courtionensis, n.sp., from the Valanginian, of well Courtion 1, Courtion, Canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. Archives des Sciences (Genève), vol. 19, fasc. 3, Sept.-Déc. 1966.
Holotypus and paratypes of Pseudotextulariella courtionensis Brönnimann (1967)
2.) Reference collections:
Reference collection to Brönnimann, P. (1938). Ueber mikrosphärische Asterocyclinen aus NW-Marokko. Eclogae geol. Helv. 31(2):303-312. Collection of hypotypoids in thin sections.
Reference collection to Brönnimann, P. (1944). Ein neues Subgenus von Orbitocyclina aus Iran nebst Bemerkungen über Helicolepidina Tobler und verwandte Formen. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 64:1-42, 3 plates. Leg. H.G. Schenck, don. P. Brönnimann.
This collection contains the hypotypoids and paratypes to Orbitocyclinoides schencki Brönnimann (1944), and a paratypoid to Helicolepidina spiralis Tobler (1922) var. trinitatis Brönnimann (1944). See the collection of Tobler, A. (1922a) for the holotype of H. spiralis var. trinitatis.
Reference collection to Brönnimann, P. (1945a). Zur Morphologie von Aktinocyclina Gümbel 1868. Eclogae geol. Helv. 38(2):560-579. This is a collection with orientated thin sections and hypotypoids to Actinocyclina radians (D'Arch.) and Asterocyclina stellaris (Brunner).
Reference collection to Brönnimann, P. (1945b). Zur Frage der verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Discocyclina s.s. und Asterocyclina. Eclogae geol. Helv. 38(2):579-617. Collection conaining thin sections with hypotypoids.
Reference collection to Brönnimann, P. and Rigassi, D. (1963). Contribution to the geology and paleontology of the area of the city of La Habana, Cuba, and its surroundings. Eclogae geol. Helv. 56(1): 193-480, 26 plates.
Collection including rocks, washed residues, thin sections and picked materials. A listing of the samples held at the NMB is with the collection.
Note: See also the collections of M. de Cizancourt (1947) from Cuba.
3.) Originals to manuscripts:
At the NMB deposited are a number of manuscripts of Paul Brönnimann together with the original plates and drawings, which are curated for historical reasons, or for reasons of reference to the respective Brönnimann collections, but which are deposited at other museums.
Manuscript and original figures to Brönnimann, P. (1950a). Tremastegina, ein neues Genus der Familie Astigerinidae d'Orbigny. Eclogae geol. Helv. 43(2):255-265.
Manuscript and original figures to Brönnimann, P. (1951b). Remarks on the embryonic chambers of upper Eocene Asterocyclinidae of Trinidad, B.W.I. Eclogae geol. Helv. 44(2):474-486.
Manuscript and original fotographic plates and drawings to Brönnimann, P. and Brown, N.K. (1955). Taxonomy of the Globotruncanidae. Eclogae geol. Helv. 48(2):503-561, plates 20-24.
Manuscript and original photographic prints to Brönnimann, P. (1958). New Pseudorbitoids from the Upper Cretaceous of Guatemala, Texas and Florida. Eclogae geol. Helv. 51(2): 422-437, 1 plate.
Reference to:
Pseudorbitoides ? chubbi Brönnimann (1958)
Vaughanina guatemalensis Brönnimann (1958)
Vaughanina jordanae Brönnimann (1958)



The type specimens and the other figured specimens are deposited at the United States National Museum (USNM), Washington, D.C.