Collections of Hans G. Kugler

About Hans G. Kugler


Collections from outside Trinidad:
Reference collection to Kugler, H.G. (1921). Geologie des Sangir-Batang-Hari-Gebietes (Mittel-Sumatra). Verhandelingen van het Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonien. Geologische Serie, Deel V, pp. 135-201. [Dissertation of H.G. Kugler, University of Basel].
Collection of rock specimens, mostly volcanic and magmatic rocks, few ore minerals, and few sediments and fossils. The collection has also a larger number of petrographic thin sections. Fossils includeGervilia sp. indet. and Loxonema ? sp. indet., and a limestone with Cardia aff. glabiformis Boettger. For sampling localities refer to maps enclosed with the collection.
The specimens of this reference collection are listed in the the dissertation on pp. 171-173.
A copy of the dissertation is deposited with the collection.
With the collection are the following 3 maps:
Standort. Note: This collection was previously deposited under the collections of A. Tobler in the Indonesia collections [ Ex G 19 / 1-4 ].
Reference collection to Kugler, H.G. (1978). Lebensspuren made by penguins. Eclogae geol. Helv. 71(3):639-646.
Fossil grooves made by rockhoppers in quartzitic sandstone. See also contribution from Pettingill, O.S., Jr. (1964). Penguins ashore at the Falkland Islands. The living Bird, Third Annual of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, pp. 45-64.
Collections from Trinidad:
Part from H.G. Kugler, part from J.B. Saunders, part from K. W. Barr (1963).


H.G. Kugler's Stratigraphic Collection of Trinidad.
This is a representative collection for the geology and stratigraphic succession of Trinidad, B.W.I. It was assembled by oil geologist H.G. Kugler and his collaborators (mainly southern and Central Trinidad) and by J.B. Saunders for the northern part of Trinidad while working in Trinidad during the 1920ties through the late 1950ties. Summaries about the history of industrial geological mapping and biostratigraphy in Trinidad are given in See Saunders, J.B. and Bolli, H.M. (1985) and Bisson et al. (2002). The collection represents a systematic collection of rocks, fossils, washed residues and microfossils from Upper Jurassic to Quaternary formations exposed in Trinidad. It includes samples from many classical locations, from where stratigraphic markers and zones have originally been described and which now serve as the historical reference to the tropical plankton zonation (see map). Several of the type localities for formation names or microfossil zones are no longer accessible today.
Below, a complete record of Trinidad sedimentary formations is given in 4 sections:
Section 1 comprises Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous rocks and formations from Northern Trinidad, collected mainly by John B. Saunders. A documentation exists in form of maps, labels to rock specimens and the field-book notes of J.B. Saunders.
Section 2 is a small collection of Ken W. Barr on the Toco District (NE Trinidad).
Section 3 comprises the Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) through Maastrichtian rocks and formations, mainly from Central and Southern Trinidad, and collected by H.G. Kugler and many collaborators. The documentation exists in form of labels, maps, and reports.
Section 4 includes the Tertiary through Holocene rocks and formations of Central and Southern Trinidad, collected by H.G. Kugler and many collaborators and from which materials are kept for reference purposes at the Natural History Museum in Basel. The Tertiary formations have been described in great detail in H.G. Kugler's Treatise on the Geology of Trinidad (edited by H. M. Bolli and M. Knappertsbusch in 2004).
Status of the collection:
For the Central and Southern part of Trinidad collections there is a type-written sample list entitled "Sammlung von Gesteinen von Trinidad (B.W.I.) from H.G. Kugler, dated from 1920-1925. It contains information about specimens No. 1 through 784.
The collection is only in part registered by NMB numbers, or contains numbers of employees at the Natural History Museum Basel (for example PJ numbers), which are thoroughly registered by the museum numbering system. Every information to specimens is available in form of labels (partly type written, partly hand written), some with references to the literature. There are large archive materials of H.G. Kuglers' (all fieldbooks of H.G. Kugler, field maps, profiles, notes, photographs, reports, letters, etc), that are kept alongside to these collections (see Legacy of H.G.Kugler, Photo archive of J.B. Saunders and H.G. Kugler from Trinidad). Much material is referenced to reports or publications of collaborators of H.G. Kugler. Fossils are partly determined to species level, although most follows an outdated taxonomy and only a smaller portion of fossils have been given modern names. Many of the samples collected by Kugler are indicated on the various sheets of the Governmental cadastral sheets of Trinidad, that are deposited at the NMB.
Reference to R.R. Rutsch materials: Especially numerous specimens in the Kugler collection (and other collns. of the NMB) were collected by R.F. Rutsch, who documented his observations on the mollusc fauna from various Tertiary formations from Trinidad in 13 unpublished reports and in no less than 120 paleontological letters. Locality lists are given with cross references of NMB numbers to original RR (Rutsch) localities, as well with cross references to the collection materials of other collaborators (K. Rohr, Jooss, H.G. Kugler, Frischknecht, Strasser, and others) (see unpublished reports and paleontological letters of R.F. Rutsch, and List of Rutsch-Locality Numbers from Trinidad, W.I.).
A large compilation of field numbers and information on sampling locations from early oil geologiests working in the Caribbean area including Trinidad is available from the CARIBLOC file.
Some selected literature (alongside with the collection):
For additional references see: Trinidad micropaleontological literature.
References from H.G. Kugler's former hand-library about the geology of Trinidad can also be found in the by searching for "BIBKugler" in Swisscovery or following the link,contains,BIBKugler&tab=UBS&search_scope=UBS&vid=41SLSP_UBS:live&offset=0
Excursion guide Geological Confererence of Trinidad (1939):
Kugler, H.G. (1939). Notes on the Excursions. Trinidad Geological Conference April 1939. Compiled under the Petroleum Association of Trinidad. 18 pages, 9 enclosures. Yuille's Printerie, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
See also:
Treatise on the Geology of Trinidad:
Part 1 (1965):
Trinidad - La Trinité by H.G. Kugler. In: Hoffstetter, R., (1956). Lexique Stratigraphique International, Amerique Latine, Fascicule 2b, Antilles vénézuéliennes). Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 13 Quai Anatole-France, Paris-VII, 495 p.
Part 2 (1961):
Geological Map of Trinidad 1:100,000; Geological Sections through Trinidad 1:100'000 by H.G. Kugler (1959) (published 1961). A set of this map and sections is included in Part 3 (Standort).
Part 3 (1996):
32 Detailed Geological maps and Sections with Explanatory Notes, 3 Correlation Charts and the Map and Sections of Part 2. Published 1996 by the Natural History Museum in Basel. A printed copy and a CD Rom containing the scanned geological map and geological sections is deposited with the collection (Standort).
Part 4 (2001):
The Paleocene to Holocene Formations of Trinidad, by Hans G. Kugler. Part 4 is complementary to Part 3 in that it provides the text to most of the 32 maps and sections. Published 2001 by the Natural History Museum in Basel (Standort).
Part 5 (2016):
Documentation of image collection on the "Treatise on the Geology of Trinidad" of Hans G. Kugler. By Rocibel Marin Lacruz. Electronic documentation [media server], only internal access.
Saunders, J.B. (Editor) (1968). Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968. Includes many papers on Trinidad Geology.
Barr, K.W. and Saunders, J.B. (1968). An outline of the geology of Trinidad. Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968.
Jung, P., Bolli, H.M., Panchaud, R., Saunders, J.B., Schaefer, H., and Wiedenmayer, F. (1974). Contributions to the Geology and Paleobiology of the Caribbean and Adjacent Areas. Dedicated to the 80th Birthday of Hans G. Kugler. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft von Basel, vol. 84, No. 1, pp. 1-520 (Standort).
Jung, P. (1987) Hans Kugler - Wissenschaftler und Mäzen. Basler Stadtbuch 1987, pp. 187- 190. Christoph Merian Verlag, Basel (Standort).
Saunders, J.B.(1987). Memorial to Hans Gottfried Kugler 1893-1986. The Geological Society of America, pp. 1-5. Nov. 1987 (Standort).
Harris, A. (ed.) (2015). Trinidad & Tobago: The Black Gold Book. A collection of articles commemorating a century of oil and gas production. FIRST, the forum for international affairs.
Higgins, G.E. (1996). A History of Trinidad Oil. Trinidad Express Newspapers Limited, 35-37 Independence Square, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I., 498 p (Standort).
Higgins, G.E. and Saunders, J.B. (1967). Report on 1964 Chatham Mud Island, Erin Bay, Trinidad, West Indies. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 55-64 (deposited in the photo archive of John Saunders).
Higgins, G.E. and Saunders, J.B. (1974). Mud volcanoes-their nature and origin. In: Jung, P., Bolli, H.M., Panchaud, R., Saunders, J.B., Schaefer, H., and Wiedenmayer, F. (1974). Contributions to the Geology and Paleobiology of the Caribbean and Adjacent Areas. Dedicated to the 80th Birthday of Hans G. Kugler. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft von Basel, vol. 84, No. 1, pp. 1-520.
Kugler, H.G. (1965). Sedimentary volcanism. Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968, pp. 11-14.
In this context see also
Yassir, N.A. (1989). Mud volcanoes and the behaviour of overpressured clays and silts. PhD thesis University College London, 249 p.


Kugler, H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1967). On Tertiary turbidity-flow sediments in Trinidad, W.I. Boletin Informativo Asociacion Venezolana de Geologia, Mineria Y Petroleo, vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 241-259.
Kugler, H.G. and Bolli, H.M. (1967). Cretaceous biostratigraphy in Trinidad, W.I. Boletin Informativo, Associacion Venezolana de Geologia, Mineria y Petroleo, vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 209-236.
Saunders, J.B. (1998). Geological Map of Trinidad. Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. With explanatory notes for 1997 Geological Map of Trinidad by J.B. Saunders, and H.C. Potter. (Standort).
Renz, H.H. (1942). Stratigraphy of northern South America, Trinidad and Barbados. Proceedings of the Eighth American Scientific Congress, Washington, D.C., IV, Geological Sciences, pp. 513-571. With special comments to several specimens in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection.
Carr-Brown, B. (1979). Field Guide Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados, July 1079. 4th Latin American Geological Congress. Printed by Key Caribbean Publications, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. With contributions from
Carr-Brown, B. and Frampton, J. (An outline of the Stratigraphy of Trinidad);
Carr-Brown, B. and Frampton, J. (Field Trip A, Southeast Trinidad);
Ferrell, A.D. and Kuarsingh, H. (Field Trip B, Eastern Northern Range);
Nath, M. and Tuttle, L.J. (Field Trip D, Southwest Trinidad);
Scott, K.R. (Field Trip E, Western Northern Range);
Frampton, J. and Birchwood, K.M. (Field Trip G, Historical and Geological Tour of the Trinidad Oil Industry);
Liska, T.C. and Frampton, J. (Field Trip H, Micropaleontological collecting trip);
Rowley, K.C. (Field Trips C and F, Tobago);
Saunders, J.B. (Field Trip I,J, Barbados).


Carr-Brown, B. (2008). The Contribution of Trinidad Micropaleontology to Global E & P. In: Trinidad and Tobago: Celebrating a century of commercial oil production. Official publication of the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, Port of Spain, The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, pp. 158-166.
Bolli, H.M., Beckmann, J.P., and Saunders, J.B. (1994), the collections of J.P. Beckmann, and, especially, Jean-Pierre Beckmann's study collection "Late Albian Globotruncana 26 zone to Early Eocene Globorotalia 22 zone (T.L.L. zonal scheme) of Trinidad benthic foraminifera and corresponding card catalogues".
King, D.J., Wade, B.S., Liska, R.D., Miller, C.G. (2020). A review of the importance of the Caribbean region in Oligo-Miocene low latitude planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and the implications for modern biogeochronological schemes. Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 202, 102968, 27 p.
For further information on the geology of Trinidad refer also to the web site of the Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago under and for formations under
For visiting geological attractions in Trinidad (for example mud-volcanism) consult also
1. Collection of Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous formations of North Trinidad (NW-Trinidad, Northern Range, and NE-Trinidad, mainly J.B. Saunders' collections)
Closely related publications and collections:
Standort (collection of formations and rocks)
1.1. Maraval Formation (Pre-Tithonian, Northern Range) [Ex cabinet 171/17):
A collection of blocks of hard limestones, marbles, and recrystallized calcareous schists, deformed and lower grade metamorphic limestones (lower greenschist metamorphic facies ?). Collected by J.B. Saunders. Poorly documented. Fieldbook notes do exist. Most blocks have been cutfor thin sections. See reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b).
JS 2149, JS 2306 (Saul-d'Eau Road), JS 2310 Saul-d'Eau Road), JS 2311 (Saul-d'Eau Road), JS 2312(Paramin) , JS 2313 (Morne-Coco Road), JS 2315, JS 2317 (Saul-dEau Road), JS 2319 (Morne Coco Road), JS 2320 (Maracas Road), JS 2323 (Cutucupharo Road), JS 2328 (Saul-d'Eau Road), JS 2337, JS 2340 (Rev. Cummings Quarry), JS 2395, JS 3108 (Anderson Estate), JS 3186, JS 3188, JS 3189, JS 3190, JS 3191.
1.2. Maraval Formation (Pre-Tithonian), Chancellor- and Laventille Formations (Barremian through Albian), Northern Range [Ex cabinet 171/18):
A collection of blocks of hard, black to grey limestones and calcareous shists, some of them strongly tectonized (streched and foliated, some with serizite, some with streched quarzite pebbles). Poorly documented but See reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. Fieldbook notes do exist. Collected by J.B. Saunders. See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b).
JS 199 (Maraval Formation ?, Hollis Res.), JS 2352 (Cunaca Road), JS 2357 (Cunaca Road), JS 2360 (Cunaca Limestone Quarry), JS 2430 (Cuare Road) JS 2432 (Cuare River), JS 2433 (Cunaca Road), JS 2434 ((Cuare Road) JS 2435 (Cunaca Road), JS 3185 (N end of Hollis Res.).
1.3. Maracas Formation (Tithonian, Neocomian), Northern Range [Ex cabinet 171/19):
Blocks of metapelites and metasandstones, phyllitic and micaceous quartzites, collected by J.B. Saunders and H.G. Kugler. Poorly documented but see reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b). Fieldbook notes of J.B. Saunders do exist.
Thin foliated grey schists (JS 3293) from Breakfast River, Toco.
Micaceous phyllite and phyllitic micaceous quartzite (K681, = 286) from Hacachacare Island, road to Lighthouse.
Dark metapelite and black non-calcitic phyllite (metapelite) with large pyrite crystals from Damian Bay, E of Maracas Bay.
Jade green, phyllitic quartzite (K 9565 and JS 2300) [greenschist metamorphic facies] from Maracas Road Mile 4, type locality of Maracas Formation.
Green (chloritic and sricitic) metapelite, strongly deformed (JS2302).
Quartzitic brecchia (JS 2959) from Toco Main Road.
Quartzose metasandstone with magnetite and hematite (K 10805) from Maracas Valley, below La Vigie.
Quartzitic tectonic breckzia (??) (JS 1927) and strongly tectonized metapelite to metasandstone with tectonic breccia included (JS 1927) from Chupara Pt.
Other metapelites include JS 2933, K9420 (from Cuare), KR 79 (Hollis), lebelled as "with ammonites" (questionable); JS 3147, JS 2303 (from Maracas Road), JS 2602 (labelled as ash bed, is a green metapelite from Maracas Road).
JS 1927, JS 2300, JS2302, JS 2303, JS 2602, JS 2933, JS 2959, JS 3147, JS 3293.
K681 (= 286), K 9565, K 10805, K9420
KR 79.
1.4. Chancellor Formation (Barremian through Albian), Northern Range [Ex cabinet 171/20):
Blocks of low grade metamorphic pelites and hard limestones from Chancellor Formation from type area, collected by H.G. Kugler and J.B. Saunders. Poorly documented but see reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b). See also Field book notes of J.B. Saunders.
Black, non calcitic phyllite (K682) (Grande Rivière Formation), Chacachacare Island, La Tinta Bay.
"Schistes lustrées" (dark metapelite) (356) from Lady Chancellor Road.
Calcischist with giant pyrite crystals (JS 2382) from Lady Chancellor Road.
Calcitic veins, siderite and ankerite from Grande Rivière Formation (355) from Lady Chancellor Road.
Other metapelites and low-grade metamorphic limestones: JS 2644, JS 2378 (Lady Chancellor Road), JS 2379 (Lady Chancellor Road), JS 3173 (Lady Chancellor Road), JS 3174 (Lady Chancellor Road), JS 3176, JS 3193.
A slice of a core-bit (grey-metamorphic marl or limestone) from Couva offshore, at approx. 15000' depth.
K682, 356
JS 2382, JS 2644, JS 2378, JS 2379, JS 3173, JS 3174, JS 3176, JS 3193.
1.5. Laventille Formation (Barremian to Aptian), from Pt. Gourde, Caspar Grande Island, Carrera Island, and Cronstadt Island, "pre-" Northern Range [Ex cabinet 171/21):
Hand specimens of non-metamorphic sediments (shales, limestones, coarse brecckzia) from Pointe Gourde, which is close to the main fault line of Northern Trinidad (Arima Fault), some specimens sectioned and polished. Collected by J.B. Saunders. Poorly documented but see reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. Fieldbook notes of J.B. Saunders do exist.
Coarse breccia of Laventille Formation (JS1887, JS 1890, and JS 1899) (primary Talus ?), and Coquina (mollusk rich limestone with Pteromya laventillensis Harris ?, specimens 285, compare with Coquina (363) from Laventille Formation from Carrera Island (=San Diego Islands) from Gulf of Paria, see also Bulletin AAPG, vol. 57, No. 3, p.572) , both from Lee Lum Quarry at Point Gourde.
Sandstone (284, JS 1916), hematite (?) (JS 1936), oolithic limestone (JS 1917) and breccia (JS 1915) of Laventille Formation from Caspar Grande Island, Winn's Bay.
Black shale (K 11543=TLL 246 095) and dark limestones (JS 1901 and JS 1902) from Cronstadt Island (=San Diego Islands).
JS1887, JS 1890, JS 1899, JS 1916, JS 1936, JS 1917, JS 1915, JS 1901, JS 1902.
285, 360, 363, 284,
K 11543 (=TLL 246 095)
1.6. Laventille Formation (Barremian to Aptian), from type area, "pre-" Northern Range [Ex cabinet 171/22):
Hand specimens of non-metamorphic or low grade metamorphic Laventille Formation sediments (shales and limestones). Collected by H.G. Kugler, Rutsch, P.W. Jarvis, H. Renz, and J.B. Saunders. Poorly documented. Fieldbook notes of J.B. Saunders do exist.
Shale from Picton Limestone Member K11224) of Laventille Formation with yellow and orange colored Tellina-like bivalves and gastropods from Laventille Picton Quarry, and slightly metamorphic shale of Laventille Formation from Laventille Quarry.
Calcitic shale of Picton Limestone Member (polished specimen) and with Nerinea sp. from type locality of C.T. Trechmann's Nerinea limestone east of Laventille Church).
Limestone with Pteromya laventillensis (2333, and K11228 and JS 2196) from Laventille Formation, Laventille Quarry.
Limestone (Picton Limestone ?) (K10371), and orange-yellow shale with deformed bivalves (K11227 and HR 145) from Laventille Formation, from Laventille Bainé's Quarry.
Morvant Conglomerate Quartzite (K11229) and limonitic mudstone (=? Hematite ?) from Quarry Morvant-Lady Hollis Road.
K11224, 2333, K11228, K10371, K11227, K11229
JS 2196
HR 145
1.7. Rio Seco Formation (Neocomian to Aptian), NE Trinidad (J.B. Saunders additions) [Ex cabinet 171/23):
A collection of blocks of dark and hard limestone, some of them tectonized, collected by J.B. Saunders.
Most of the specimens have been cut for thin sections. Sample numbers highlighted in bold and red are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b). Fieldbook notes of J.B. Saunders do also exist.
Specimens from Sena Bay (NE Trinidad):
JS 2954, JS 2956, JS 2958, JS 3008, JS 3010, JS 3011, .
Specimens from along Siras River (NW of Sena Bay), NE Trinidad:
JS 2939, JS 2940 (black shale), JS 2942, JS 2944 (black shale), JS 2945, JS 2947, JS 2949.
JS 2954, JS 2956, JS 2958, JS 3008, JS 3010, JS 3011, JS 2939, JS 2940, JS 2942, JS 2944, JS 2945, JS 2947, JS 2949.
1.8. Rio Seco Formation (Neocomian to Aptian), NE Trinidad (J.B. Saunders additions) [Ex cabinet 171/24):
Mostly dark and hard limestones and dark shales, cut for thin sections. Collected by J.B. Saunders. Sample numbers highlighted in bold and red are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b). Fieldbook notes of J.B. Saunders do also exist.
Specimens from Turure River:
Black (JS 2524) and slightly metamorphic micaceous shales (JS 2536), grey and dark limestones (JS 2530, JS 2537).
Specimens from Barracuta Point (NE coast of Trinidad):
Black shales (JS 3006),
Specimens from Matura Point (=SE border of Northern Range, NE Trinidad):
Dark, tectonized limestone (JS 3016).
Specimens of Sena Bay (NE Trinidad)
K 10379 (calcareous fossiliferous microbreccia), JS 3009 (strongly tectonized and metamorphized phyllite with talkum).
JS 3138 (brown limestone).
Specimens from along Siras River (NW of Sena Bay), NE Trinidad:
JS 3064 (dark limestone).
JS 2524, JS 2536, JS 2530, JS 2537, JS 3006, JS 3009, JS 3016, JS 3064, JS 3138.
K 10379.
More specimens of dark limestones (cut for thin sectioning) from Siras River were found in another drawer ("important Trinidad Material"), and they are probably all from Rio Seco Formation. They include John Saunders' numbers JS 2948, JS 4351, JS 4352.
1.9. Tompire Formation (Hauterivian [=Upper Neocomian]), NE Trinidad [Ex cabinet 171/25):
Slates and dark limestones, collected by H.G. Kugler, J.B. Saunders, K.W. Barr and G.E. Higgins. For selected samples see Saunders, J.B. (1972), see also field book notes.
Tompire Bay, O'Hallaran Trace, Mile 24 of Toco Road (NE Trinidad): Type section of Tompire Formation: Black slates (Cumana Formation) with heteromorphous ammonites of Hauterivian age (K 10925, K 10927, 10928).
Dark limestone blocks from Tompire River mouth, Tompire Bay: JS 2960 (with heteromorphous ammonites), JS 2962 with many small ammonites, and JS 2967.
More cretaceous ammonites from Tompire Formation of Trinidad, determined by Otto Renz, September 1985 (Collection of Otto Renz):
Now integrated in Tompire Formation of H.G. Kugler's Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.
Sample numbers highlighted in bold and red are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). BT refer to Ken Barr's field numbers.
Benueites trinidadensis n.sp. (J 28449), Trinidad. See Renz, O. (1982) The Cretaceous ammonites of Venezuela, p. 93 (holotype), pl. 28, Fig. 7a-b, 8a-b, 9-14, a-b, pl. 29, Fig. 1a-b.
Benueites benuensis (J 28469, J 28450).
Benneites regmanti (J 28455).
Hypophylloceras sp., Barremian, Tompire Bay, Trinidad.
Partschiceras sp., Barremian, Tompire Bay, Trinidad (BT 456; see K.W. Barr (1963), K9263).
Phylloceras sp., Barremian, Tompire Bay, Trinidad.
Pulchellia sp., Barremian, Tompire Bay
One specimen (with photo) with Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten) 1886 (found by K.W. Barr, specimen No. BT 456).
K 10925, K 10927, 10928.
JS 2960, JS 2967.
J 28449, J 28469, J 28450, J 28455, BT 456 (=K9263).
1.10. Toco Formation (Barremian to lower Albian), Toco Bay. NE Trinidad [Ex cabinet 171/26):
Blocks of dark coral limestones, grey limestones, dark shales and breccia of the Toco Formation, from Toco Bay. Collected by H.G. Kugler, A.G. Hutchison, and J.B. Saunders. (See field book notes). For selected samples see Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also collections of Bartenstein (1957 to 1986). See also reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) (metasediments) further below. BT refer to Ken Barr's field numbers.
- Toco Formation black, massive limestone with coarse quartz grains, Trigonia and corals, similar to Remanié Beds, from Coast west of Toco jetty.
- Brown wheathered Toco limestone (K 2662) with corals (see also polished specimens), west of Toco jetty.
Dark Toco corallogeneous limestone (BT 154), south side of O'Brian Point.
- AGH 6335 and AGH 5473: Corals, belemnite fragments and coralligeneous limestone blocks from Toco Bay area.
- Large fragment of Leiocidaris hemigranosus Shumard, from Toco Jetty (with photos).
Other blocks of Toco Formation: K 2658 from Toco Bay, first outcrop east of steamer jetty; a belemnite (AGH 6336) from Toco Formation; dark Toco limestone, with corals (O'Brien Pt. area, Trechmann's locality, JS 2048); Dark limestone (272) with shells and corals from Toco area.
Dark limestones of Toco Formation from Trechmann's locality of sponge reef, Toco Bay, east of Jetty; K10932 sponge reef from Toco Bay. Dark limestone from ? Toco area (550).
Dark, sandy shales (JS 3815) from Toco Bay.
"Cherrycake" conglomerate (BT 450) (breccia !!) of Toco Formation, from Toco Bay, O'Brian Point. Compare with Curtis Archie's homepage Geology of Trinidad and Tobago under Andre Point - Toco.
K 2662, BT 154, AGH 6335, AGH 5473, K 2658, AGH 6336, JS 2048, K10932, JS 3815, BT 450, BT 550.
1.11. Toco Formation (Barremian to lower Albian), Reefs Point, NE Trinidad [Ex cabinet 171/27):
Boulders of Toco Formation consisting of mainly dark brown coral limestones, and algal limestones collected by J.B. Saunders and H.G. Kugler. (See field book notes). Sample numbers highlighted in bold and red are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). For metasediments see also reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b).
JS 1954 (labelled with "algae identified by Gasche"), JS 2057, JS 2059, JS 2064, JS 8581, JS 2584, JS 2587.
K 2662 (from Toco Bay).
1.12. Sans Souci Volcanic Formation (Albian), Galap Diorite, NE Trinidad [Ex cabinet 171/28):
Few blocks of dark green (?) diorite collected by J.B. Saunders (JS 2011) and H.G. Kugler (364).
(See field book notes). JS 4354 (Diorite ?).
Sans Souci Gabbro (JS 2038).
Metamorphic sandstone (364) from Sans Souci Volcanic Formation.
For selected samples see Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also reference collection and publication (metasediments) of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b).
1.13. Galera Formation (Campanian through Maastrichtian), NE Trinidad [Ex cabinet 171/29):
Flysch deposists (non-metamorphic): A collection of black shales, "Schistes lustrées", some with ichnofossils (traces), black silts or limestones (?), fine to coarse quartzose sandstones, and conglomerates and breccia, all from Galera Point, collected by J.B. Saunders (see field book notes). Sample numbers highlighted in bold and red are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b).
Specimens: JS 1921, JS 2066, JS 2074, JS 2087, JS 2978, JS 2983, JS 2984, JS 2985, JS 2986, JS 2988, JS 2989, JS 3000 (from Forest point), JS 3056, JS 3865, JS 3866,
301 and 302 (H.G. Kugler).
1.14. El Pilar fault zone [= large E-W trending fault system south of Northern Range), (Arima River, Champs Fleurs, central part of North Trinidad), and Fluorite from Gaspar Grande Island (NW Trinidad) [Ex cabinet 171/30):
Grey shales (JS 2871, JS 2647, JS 2662, JS2664), and red, tectonically brecciated and mineralized fault filling (JS 3039) from Arima River. Tectonize and elongated (?) conglomerate from Arima River (JS 3041).
Siltstones or limestones, strongly tectonized (mylonite ??) (JS 2231), and calcareous sandstone (JS 2232) from Champs Fleurs. All collected by J.B. Saunders.
Blocks of siltstone with veins filled with quartz and violet fluorite from Gaspar Grande Island (NW Trinidad), collected by J.B. Saunders (JS 1907, JS 1908, see also field book notes).
Reference collection to Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988). The mineralogy and metamorphic geology of low-grade metasediments, Northern Range, Trinidad. Journal of the Geological Society, London, vol. 145, pp. 563-575.
Collection of thin sections described in the article. Thin-sections labelled with P are from H.C. Potter, those labelled with DB are from Daniel Bernoulli. For collection of rock samples from Northern Range area see under 1. Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous formations of North Trinidad described further above.
Study collection of John B. Saunders: Thin-sections, mainly from Northern Trinidad.
Twenty-eight trays containing thin-sections with JS numbers to Trinidad's Northern Range mesozoic rock formations, northwestern Trinidad Islands, and from Patos Island. Formations include the Rio Seco Formation, Maraval Formation, Maracas Formation, Chancellor Formation, Laventille Formation, Sans Souci Formation, Galera Formation, Toco Formation.
There is A separate set of thin sections from rocks of the Laventille and Maraval Formations bearing sample numbers of Hans Kugler, some of them originating from Cronstadt Island (NW-Trinidad).
A third stack of additional 11 trays comprises thin-sections of rock formations from various places in Trinidad, with mixed numbers (JS: John Saunders; K: H.G. Kugler)
Curator's remarks:
These thin sections were returnedto Basel in the shipment from 23 November 2018. No specific publication nor any other documentation was found to these slides except field-book notes of John Saunders or selected sample entries on maps.
Most probably, these slides were consulted by John Saunders for compiling his Northern Range studies published in Saunders (1972), in Frey et al. (1988), and especially for the stratigraphic revision to publicise the Explanatory Notes for 1997 Geological Map of Trinidad (Saunders and Potter, 1998), and from the NW Trinidad Islands. See especially also the thin-section collections from Central Range of Potter (1974a), Potter (1974b), and Potter (1974c). See also reference collection to Kugler, H.G. (1974) about the geology of Patos Island.
Eingang: 23 November 2018
2. Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous formations of the Toco District, NE-Trinidad, reference collection to the PhD dissertation of K.W. Barr)
This is a well documented collection of the sedimentary and metamorphic formations of NE Trinidad, collected by Ken W. Barr, including a sample list and cover letter to H.G. Kugler dated from 1976, and a publication "The Geology of the Toco District, Trinidad, West Indies" (including a geological map) by K.W. Barr (1963). BT numbers refer to text and figures in the dissertatiuon. A further copy of the geological map of the Toco-District is deposited in the geological maps archive (Jura-Keller, Room 1/-102, Lista unit 13_1).
2.1. Barr Toco samples (drawers I through VI):
(Roman numerals refer to drawer units, all from Ex cabinet 146/12-14).
Rio Seco Formation (? Tithonian ? to lower Neocomian) [Ex cabinet 146/12-14]:
BT 25, BT 71.
Grande Rivière Formation (Neocomian) [Ex cabinet 146/12-14]:
BT 65, BT 83, BT 73, BT 468, BT 61, BT 22, BT 23, BT 20, BT 21, BT 465, BT 825, BT 806.
Tompire Formation (Barremian) [Ex cabinet 146/12-14]:

BT 456.

Toco Formation, (Barremian to Aptian), Zagaya Limestone Member of Toco Formation [Ex cabinet 146/12-14]:

Dark limestone with corals (BT 154) (sectioned, polished) from Toco Formation, south side of O'Brien Point, NE Trinidad. Large polished block of dark Toco Formation limestone (BT 160) with corals (Myriophyllia cuyleri) from Toco Bay, block N. of O'Brien Point (I).

Impure Cretaceous limestone with corals and rubble (BT 163) from Toco, Reef's Point. With thin section (I).

Noncalcareous "breccia" (it is a conglomerate !) (BT 5) of Toco Formation, from Sans Souci, beginning of Manantal Trace (I).

Conglomeratic quartzite (BT 455) of Toco Formation, from Pearlite Bay near Trois Roches Point (II).

Limestone with Stylina (BT 452) from Toco Formation, from Toco Bay, S. of O'Brien Point. With thin section. (II).

Black shale (BT 407) of Toco Formation, from O'Brien Point (II).

Black limestone (BT 410) with coral of Toco Formation. From Toco Formation type locality, Toco Bay, below Warden's House (II).

Light grey limestone of Zagaya Limestone (BT 393 and BT 285) from Grande Rivière area, and from Self Help Trace. (II)

Rubbly coral limestone of (?) Toco Formation (BT 163), from Toco, Reef's Point. With thin section (II).

Silty fossiliferous limestone (BT 218) of ? Toco Formation, Grand Fond Trace near Toco Bay. (II)

Calcareous shales and thin, graded limestones (BT 347) of the Toco Formation, from Basin Galap Trace (II).

Fossil rich limestone (BT 766) of Toco Formation, from Montevideo area, vicinity of Grande Rivière Fault. (III)



Zagaya Limestone member of Toco Formation:


BT 154, BT 160, BT 163, BT 5, BT 455, BT 452, BT 407, BT 410, BT 393, BT 285, BT 163, BT 218, BT 347, BT 766, BT 139, BT 112.



Sans Souci Volcanic Formation (Upper Aptian to Albian) [Ex cabinet 146/12-14]:

BT 6, BT 360, BT 374, BT 347, BT 371.
Galera Formation (Senonian to Maastrichtian) [Ex cabinet 146/12-14]:
BT 490, BT 517, BT 402, BT 201.
3. Upper Jurassic through Cretaceous formations (mostly from Central and Southern Trinidad, H.G. Kugler's collection)
(For a summary of Cretaceous stratigraphy in Trinidad see Kugler and Bolli, 1967)
3.1. Maracas Formation, Rio Seco, Grande Rivière Formatiom, Tompire & Toco Formations [Ex cabinet 226/1]: Sedimentary hard rocks, polished coral limestone, Quartz.
PJ 329
K355, K681, K2662, K9424, K10932,
TLL 130615
BT 410, BT 743
3.2. Toco Formation, Sans Souci Volcanics, Laventille Formation [Ex cabinet 226/2]:
Sedimentary rocks, black shales.
Planomalina barri zone of Toco formation, type loc. Toco Bay (PJ 330).
PJ 330
BT 154b, BT 410a,c+e, BT 414 (TLL 176,909), BT 417, BT452a
K226/2, K363
3.3. Laventille Formation, Galera Formation, Cuche Formation [Ex cabinet 226/3]:
Sedimentary hard rocks including polished limestones with bivalves, mudstones, sandstones with gastropods, echinoderm breccia and belemnites, from Central Range East (Cush River, Tamana Road, Navet River, Swiss River (=now Cuche River) ) and Plaisance, near Pointe -à-Pierre. Some specimens with thin sections. Collected by H.G. Kugler, Günther, Kurt Schmid, E. Lehner, K. Rohr, and R.F. Rutsch.
Cuche Limestone with fossils (Günther 3687), echinoderm breccia with belemnite and with Nerinea from Swiss (=Cuche) River (G 3687); Cuche Limestone with rolled caprinids and ? Actaeonella (711) and Limestone with microfauna (265) (both Plum Road, Central Range East). Limestone with Nerinea (269) from Central Range. Limestone (392) from river at Plum, Mitan Road.
Cuche Limestone from Tamana Road (145), Cuche limestone (EL 156) with bivalves and Cuche Formation breccia with traces (229) from Cunapo Southern Road. Cuche Formation with coquina of rolled rudistids (KR 8807). Cuche Formation breccia (G3554) from Chert River (Central Range), conglomerate from Cuche Formation (227), Southern Cunapo Road. Dark silt to sandstone with mica and plant remains (263) from Plum Road. Dark siltstone with bivalves and other from Stollmeyer Quarry, Hermitage. Cuche Limestone With ? Stromatoporoids ?? (KS 201) from Cush River.
Pectinids from Cuche Formation from Cush River 26, Biche Area (KS 201).
Grey limestone with belemnite from Cuche River. Grey limestone (Rutsch 1939).
For Cuche Formation see also collections of Bartenstein et al. (1957 to 1986).
TLL No. 55911
K9048A, K9048A
KS 201, KS 201, KS 201.
23, 144, 145, 226, 269, 711, 265, 269, 392, 229, 227, 263.
G3687, G 3687, G 3687, G3554
EL 156.
KR 8807.
R 1939.
3.4. Cuche Formation [Barremian to Albian], (Maridale Member, Bon Accord Marl, La Carrière silt member, Herrera Rock) [Ex cabinet 226/4]:
Sedimentary rock specimens, fossiliferous limestones (oytsers, inoceramus, sponges, corals), Marls, washed residues.
Micropaleontological Type materials:
Lenticulina ouachensis ouachensis zone of Cuche Fm (=PJ314, =Renz 180, see collections of Bartenstein et al. 1957 to 1986).
Biglobigerinella barri zone of Maridale member of Cuche Fm (=PJ236).
Blocks of Cuche Formation with Calamophyllia sandbergeri (K8955) from Navet area.
Washed residues from Cuche Formation included in collections of Bartenstein et al. (1957 to 1986) are: Rz 180, Rz 437, Rz 841, and HGK 4880.
Washed residues from Maridale Formation (=Maridale Marl Member of Cuche Formation) included in collections of Bartenstein et al. (1957 to 1986) are: Rz 420, HGK 4877, and HGK 4879.
PJ210, PJ236, PJ252 (=K8187), PJ 294, PJ314,
Renz 180
16, 334, 354, 412, 226/4
K8955, K9048
3.5. Cuche Formation, Remanié Bed (Aptian, Neocomian, Pointe-à-Pierre) [Ex cabinet 226/5]:
Mainly macrofossils including oysters (Lopha, Exogyra TLL 384 with Photos), Neithea) and other bivalves (Pterotrigonia, Harpagodes, Sphaera), small ammonites, and washed residues of Cuche Shale (PJ 294). Collected by H.G. Kugler, E. Lehner.
PJ 294
G1640, G1641, G1642, G1643, G1645
389, 148, 993, 226/5
TLL 1238, TLL 56121
3.6. Cuche Formation, Remanié Bed (Aptian, Pointe-à-Pierre) [Ex cabinet 226/6]:
Macrofossils including cretaceous oysters, other bivalves (Lopha, Neithea, Pterotrigonia, Sphaera) and gastropods. Corals (Montlivaltzia cf. M. burckhardti Wells), from Remanié Bed, Pointe-à-Pierre (with Photo). Exogyra latissima (Lamarck) from Remanié Bed of Pointe-à-Pierre (with photos). Coral limestone of Urgonian Facies from Remanié beds in Chaudiere Formation.
TLL No. 30270, TLL No. 160519 (=K8174)
3.7. Cuche Formation, Rudists of block at "Stack Rock" [Ex cabinet 226/7]:
A collection of unprepared rudists and rudist limestone from Pointe-à-Pierre, close to "Stack rock". Literature: G.D. Harris & F. Hodson (1922). The Rudists of Trinidad. Paleontographica Americana, vol. 1.
K8431 (see also Kugler and Bolli, 1967 on page 217)
3.8. Cuche Formation, Rudists from "Stack Rock" and Plum Road (Urgo-Aptian and Upper Cretaceous) [Ex cabinet 226/8]:
A collection of unprepared rudists, rudist limestone, corals and coral limestone from Pointe-à-Pierre, close to "Stack Rock". Amphitricoelus, Requienia, Kippia, Myriophyllia, Synastrea, Caprinids
226/8, 727
K8431 (=TLL No 176,936), K8586 (=TLL No. 177,193), K8431 (=TLL 176,936), K8431 (=TLL No. 176,936 and 176,235)
3.9. Cuche Formation, from Plum Road [Ex cabinet 226/9]
A collection of Upper Cretaceous rudists and rudist limestone with Amphitricoelus.
226/9 (=? 226/9)
All 727
3.10. Cuche Formation, reef facies. From Bon Accord. Cenomanian ? [Ex cabinet 226/10]:
Reef facies limestones (rudist limestones) and siliceous limestones from Cuche formation, partly polished, with Sabinia, Kugleria, Laevinerinea.
Large piece (K 2997) with current aligned specimens of Nerinea (Laevinerinea) bouga d'Orb. var. trinidadensis Dietrich, 1939.
All K2997
Related publications on Sabinia and Kugleria:
Bouwman, L.A.H. (1937). Sur une espèce nouvelle du genre Sabinia (Caprininés). Proc. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, vol. XL, No. 5, pp. 449-453 (see NMB type collection No. 277).
Bowman, L.A.H. (1938). Sur un genre nouveau (Kugleria) de la famille de Requiénidés (Pachydontes). Proc. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, vol. XLI, No. 4, pp. 418-421 (see NMB type collection No. 278).
3.11. Cuche Formation, reef facies, Sabinia limestone. From Bon Accord [Ex cabinet 226/11]:
Isolated fossils and reefal limestones including Sabinia kugleri (all K2997) [Mollusca, Heterodonta], and Nerinea (Laevinerinea) (K2993)
K2993, K2997
Related publications on Sabinia and Kugleria:
Bouwman, L.A.H. (1937), Bowman, L.A.H. (1938).
3.12. Miscellaneous hand specimens from Trinidad, collected by John Saunders [Ex cabinet 226/12]:
(For further information refer to filed book notes of J.B. Saunders, books 6 through 8).
JS 1414+1413: Navet River
JS 1808: Campero Road bed fossils (bivalves)
JS 1810: Robinson's Porcellanite Quarry, Caigual Road ("baked porcellanite")
JS 1820: Mandillas Quarry limestone.
JS 2544: Rio Claro Brick Works
JS 2592: Coral limestone from Gasparillo
JS 2603+JS3146: Glauconitic sandstone from Brasso Gorge
JS 2620: Limestone block, Lantern Estate
JS 2827: Coral specimens
JS 2962: Liz Road
(Red numbers are also deposited in the raw materials collection).
3.13. Miscellaneous hand specimens from Trinidad, collected by John Saunders [Ex cabinet 226/13]:
(For further information refer to filed book notes of J.B. Saunders, books 6 through 8). Localities: see also list from lot 1.12. above.
Specimen numbers:
JS 3025: Quinan Road end
JS 3102: Echinoid, locality unreadable
JS3213: Renz Coast, Manzanilla ?
JS 33406: unreadable
JS 3842: Coral limestone, fossils (bivalves, gastropods, chaetetids ?). Lime Ave.
JS 3843: Loose blocks from Lime Ave with good blue quartz
JS 3770: Cuche River: Echinoderm limestone
JS 3409: Lime Ave fossils, Echinoids, Crab claw
JS 3884: Rockby Bay.
3.14: Corals from Pointe-à-Pierre Remanié beds, Stack Rock, Baccus River, Toco Bay, L'Ebranche River. Some of them new for Trinidad [Ex cabinet 226/14]:
A collection of corals from the Remanié beds, with species determinations by I.W. Wells. Specimens partly sectioned and polished. See Kugler and Bolli, Boletin Inf. Asoc. Venez. Geol. Min y Petroleo, vol. 10, No. 8, p. 227.
K8431, K8586,K9048A, K9424, K10930
3.15: Cuche Formation, reef facies, Sabinia limestone. From Bon Accord and Kloof Road (Pointe-à-Pierre) [Ex cabinet 226/15]:
Siliceous limestones with Sabinia, partly polished, isolated specimens of Sabinia kugleri. Block with Nerineans.
Large blocks of polished reefal limestone slabs with Nerineeans, Plesioplocus aand Caprinuloidea sp. of Albian age), from the coast at Pointe-à-Pierre.
Related publications on Sabinia:
Bouwman, L.A.H. (1937).
3.16: Gautier Formation, Marac Well, Morne Diablo Well (Albian) [Ex cabinet 226/16]:
Bituminous shales, Limestones and fossils from Hermitage Quarry.
Bituminous shales with Didymotis trinidadensis (bivalves) and fish remains (291) from Biche, Mollusk River, and core bits. Collected by H.G. Kugler, Renz. See also the collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1955, private report).
Globigerina washitensis zone of Gautier Formation, type locality (see Bolli, H.M., 1957e). Core bits from Marac Well #1, core 9853-9891', @9854', @9874', and @9886' (core depths in feet, see coordinates).
See also separate list "Trinidad cores in Basel Museum" from H.M. Bolli, 18.12.1967 in lot "Naparima Hill formation").
Rotalipora ticinensis ticinensis zone of Gautier Formation, type locality (see Bolli, H.M., 1957e). Marac Well #1, core 12035-40', @12040' (core depths in feet, see coordinates).
Rotalipora appenninica appenninica zone of Gautier Formation, type locality (see Bolli, H.M., 1957e). Morne Diablo well #34, core 13889-13936', @13890 1/2', @13914 1/2', @13928' and Morne Diablo well #34 core 13984-14018', @13985 1/2', @13999', and Morne Diablo well #34 core 13936-13965', @13949 1/2 ', and Morne Diablo well #34, core 13889-13936', @13928' (core depths in feet).
Renz 135 (=TLL No. 26900)
53A, 291.
3.17: Naparima Hill Formation, and Trinidad cores in Basel Museum from H.M. Bolli (18.12.1967, Turonian/Coniacian/Santonian)) [Ex cabinet 226/17]:
Various sediments from Type locality (Argiline, San Fernando), Rock Dome Well (part of core). Note: Moruga 15 well is an important type well for the Cretaceous foraminiferal zonations and also for the systematic descriptions (see Bolli, H.M., 1957e, see coordinates). See also the collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1955, private report).
Washed residues of sample PJ 253 (Globotruncana stuarti zone) from quarry at St. Madelaine usine at Fernando.
Core bits from various levels from Moruga 15 well (Globotruncana renzi zone and Globotruncana inornata zone, of Naparima Hill fm, see coordinates), and core bits from various levels of Marac well #1 (Globotruncana concavata zone of Naparima Hill fm, see coordinates).
Ammonite with Texanites sp. Spath 1932 (Santonian) from Naparima Hill Formation from well Marac #1, core 8305-8332', sample # 8326' (core depths in feet, Globotruncana concavata Zone), with photos.
Ammonite fragment from Texanites Spat 1932, possibly T. texanus Roemer, of Santonian age (Globotruncana concavata Zone), from Marac well #1, core 8305-8332, sample # 8316' (with photos. core depths in feet, see coordinates). Refer also to Renz, O. (1982), the Cretaceous ammonites of Venezuela.
List "Trinidad cores in Basel Museum" from H.M. Bolli, 18.12.1967 included).
Other core samples from Moruga well #15 (see coordinates) are in small sample bags (but no age indication), labelled with
Moruga 15, core 6980-7005', partition 5,6,7 from bottom
Moruga 15, core 6802-27', 8' from bottom
HR 56
PJ 253
3.18: Naparima Hill Formation, and Trinidad cores in Basel Museum from H.M. Bolli (18.12.1967) [Ex cabinet 226/18]:
Core bits from various Cretaceous zones from Moruga well #15 (Globotruncana fornicata zone, of Naparima Hill fm, see coordinates), and core bits from various levels of Marac well #1 (Globotruncana concavata zone of Naparima Hill fm, see coordinates). Several species and zones, that are described ore illustrated in Bolli, H.M. (1957e), were collected from these cores. See also the collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1955, private report).
See also list "Trinidad cores in Basel Museum" from H.M. Bolli, 18.12.1967 in lot "Naparima Hill formation").
Globotruncana stuarti zone of Naparima Hill Formation, Quarry of St. Madelaine at San Fernando (PJ253).
3.19: Naparima Hill and Guayaguayare Formations (Maastrichtian), Trinidad cores in Basel Museum from H.M. Bolli (18.12.1967) [Ex cabinet 226/19]:
Core bits from various levels from Guayaguayare well #163 (Globotruncana stuarti zone, Globotruncana lapparenti tricarinata zone and Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone of Naparima Hill and Guayaguayare Formations). See coordinates of well.
See list "Trinidad cores in Basel Museum" from H.M. Bolli, 18.12.1967 in lot "Naparima Hill formation"). Several species, that are described and illustrated in Bolli, H.M. (1957e), were collected from Guayaguayare well #163. See also the collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1955, private report). For Guayaguayare well #163 compare also with Kaminski, M.A., Gradstein, F.M., Beggren, W.A., Geroch, S., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1988).
Bon Accord Conglomerate with component of "Argiline" from Naparima Hill Formation (Kurt Schmid sample KS 134) from Pointe-à-Pierre.
3.20: Roudairia Sandstone (Maastrichtian), San Fernando North of Bontour Point, Saw Mill and Basse Terre River, Cortez Trace, Railway station), and Mt. Moriah [Ex cabinet 226/20]:
Collected by H.G. Kugler, E. Lehner, F. Zyndel
Blocks with mollusks (621), bivalves, bone bed sandstones with oysters, mollusks and fish tooth, sandy limestone with mollusk shells from opposite St.54, Mt. Moriah (Stainforth 55), Calcareous Sandstone with Roudairia and Psilomya, Sandstone with Turbo, Oysters and fish-teeth, greensand (glauconite with fish teeth)
289, 293, 418, 436
K 12267. (=291513), K2989 (=TLL 48072)
Stainforth 55 (=TLL 43304)
1456 (=L 1431B, collected by E. Lehner)
1a, 1d, 1h
3.21: Hamulus Sandstone (Maastrichtian) and Corax Glauconite, Bontour Formation [Ex cabinet 226/21]:
A collection of various sediment blocks and fossils: Maastrichtian Sandstone with mollusks (see G.D. Harris in G.A. Waring, 1926, p. 97) and with Ostra tripolitana, Roudairia (topotype), Turritella from Bontour Fm; siliceous limestone with plants & mollusks (Eocene ?, San Fernando, Mt. Moriah); bivalves from Ben Lomond (possibly Paleocene, and from Upper Eocene); Maastrichtian bonebed from San Fernando-Cipero coast section; and Hamulus sandstone with Sphenodiscus (See R. Rutsch: Upper Cretaceous Fossils from Trinidad. J. Paleontology, vol. 13, No. 3).
K902, K3719
10, 33, 47, 440, 490, 491 (=K902), 492
K12267 (=TLL 291513)
4. Tertiary and Quaternary formations (Central to Southern Trinidad, H.G. Kugler's collection, see also map of important localities from Trinidad)
Related collections:
Collections of Hans Bolli from Trinidad.
Collection to Saunders (1985), collection of foraminiferal assemblages from Eocene-Miocene formations in Trinidad.
Raw material collection from Trinidad.
Kugler collection:
3.22: Soldado Rock Formation (Paleocene) [Ex cabinet 226/22]
Diverse blocks and fossils from Soldado Formation (Paleocene) from Marac Quarry and San Fernando, collected by various persons (Günther, Kugler, Renz& Stainforth, Jung,, Lehner, Rutsch, Schider).
Block of Soldado Fm in Plaisance Conglomerate from Lasalle Trace (Biche Area); Fossil rich and glauconitic limestones and crab claw limestone (both basal Eocene) and Venericardia from San Fernando, Cash River and Basse Terre River, very fossil rich limestone/lumachelle blocks of Soldado Formation from Marac Quarry, blocks from Soldado Formation from Norwegian Seaman's church (PJ 328), blocks with and isolated Venericardia from Soldado fm (Paleocene) from Bontour Point, fossil rich limestone (Soldado Fm, Paleocene) from Hermitage Quarry and Stollmeyer Quarry (with turritellids), silty shale from Marac Quarry with washed residues (PJ 249), and red marl from Marac Quarry.
Block of nummulithic limestone (part of Soldado Formation), from San Fernando, Point Bontour.
Kugler, H.G. (1938). The Eocene of the Soldado Rock near Trinidad. Boletin de Geologia y Mineria, Tomo II: Nos. 2, 3 y 4, Ministerio de Fomento. Caracas, Venezuela, pp. 202-225. Report including geological map.
Kugler, H.G. and Caudri, C.M.B. (1975). Geology and Paleontology of Soldado Rock, Trinidad (West Indies). Part 1: Geology and Biostratigraphy.
Rutsch, R.F. (1938a,b, unpublished)

Caudri, C.M.B. (1948). Note on the stratigraphic distribution of Lepidorbitoides. Journal of Paleontology, 22(4):473-481.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1972). Systematics of the American Discocyclinas. Eclogae geol. Helv., 65(1):211-219.

Caudri, C.M.B. (1975). Geology and Paleontology of Soldado Rock, Trinidad (West Indies). Part 2: The Larger Foraminifera.
Caudri, C.M.B. (1996). The Larger Foraminifera of Trinidad (edited by H.M. Bolli and J.-P. Beckmann).
See also in the various collections of Bramine C.M. Caudri on larger foraminifera from Trinidad and Soldado Rock.
G1468 (=Günther 1468), G930 (TLL 64728), G932, G916
292, 455, 463, 505a and 505b
PJ 249, PJ 328
292a (TLL 48056, Renz & Stainforth)
R.R. Loc No. 237
EL 1431
3.23: Soldado Rock Formation (Paleocene) [Ex cabinet 226/23]:
Diverse blocks and fossils from Paleocene and Eocene Soldado Formation (Paleocene) collected by Jung,, Panchaud, Kugler and Caudri. Mostly labelled with yellow NMB numbers. Salenia (PJ1165), Latest Eocene (G. cerroazulensis zone, NMB 13731), nummulitic limestone and echinoids (PJ 1144=NMB13731), larger foraminiferal bioherm (PJ 1153), echinod limestone (PJ1164=NMB 13747), glauconitic sandstone (PJ1159 and PJ1160), Bed 1 of Paleocene Soldado Rock (Thin sections, residues PJ1152), washed residue (8).
Typical Soldado Rock Formation and partly polished handspecimens collected by Peter Jung in February 1981, all with yellow NMB numbers.
Literature: Kugler, H.G. (1938). The Eocene of the Soldado Rock near Trinidad. Boletin de Geologia y Mineria, Tomo II: Nos. 2, 3 y 4, Ministerio de Fomento. Caracas, Venezuela, pp. 202-225. Report including geological map.
Rutsch, R.F. (1938a,b, unpublished).
See also the various collections of Bramine C.M. Caudri and Vaughan and Cole (1941) on larger foraminifera from Trinidad and Soldado Rock.
PJ 1143 (=NMB 13748).
PJ 1144 (=NMB13731)
PJ 1153, PJ 1156
PJ 1165 (=NMB13748)
PJ1159, PJ 1160
PJ1163=NMB13746)PJ 1164, PJ 1166
NMB 13731.
NMB 13733, NMB 13734, NMB 13735, NMB 13736, NMB 13742 (=PJ 1157), NMB 13743, NMB 13750
3.24: Chaudière Formation and Lower Lizard Springs Formation (Paleocene) [Ex cabinet 226/24]:
PJ 286: Raw materials from Chaudière Formation, type locality. Cunago Southern Road, between 9 1/2 and 10 mp.
PJ 254: Raw materials from Chaudière facies of lower Lizard Springs formation, South of Hobson House, San Fernando.
PJ 255: Raw materials topmost Argilline. San Fernando. 700' SW of pt 9 on map 3.
Guayaguayare well # 163: Rzehakina epigona zonule (see Bolli, H.M.1957d or Kaminski, M.A., Gradstein, F.M., Beggren, W.A., Geroch, S., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1988), Lower Lizard Springs formation, core bits from 4478-94' @ 4482' and 4478-94' @ 4479'. Core depths in feet, see coordinates of well).
Various blocks of shale from Chaudiere Formation, Rzehakina Marl =Tarouba Shales = Hobsons Clay, Upper Cretaceous. Shell bed in Hobson Clay from top of Mt Moriah.
Marl with borrows (Flysch ?), Chaudiere Formation.
Washed residues, from Lower Lizard Springs Formation, Pointe-à-Pierre:
Globorotalia uncinata Zone, (KR 23375).
Globorotalia pseudomenardii Zone, (K10832).
Globorotalia velascoensis Zone (see Bolli, H.M.1957d), (K9415).
For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968).
PJ 254, PJ 255, PJ 286
743, 148,149, 1450, 745
K2873, K10832, K9415
KR 23375
3.25: Lizard Springs Formation (Paleocene-Eocene)[Ex cabinet 226/25]:
A collection of unwashed raw materials from Lizard Springs Formation, recollected mostly by Peter Jung, and some at the zonal type localities (see Bolli, H.M.1957d), and mostly close to Pointe-à-Pierre. For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968), the collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1956, private report), and compare also with Kaminski, M.A., Gradstein, F.M., Beggren, W.A., Geroch, S., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1988).
PJ 237: Globorotalia pseudomenardii Zone of Lizard Springs Formation.
PJ 238: Globorotalia aragonensis Zone. Type locality but not zonal type sample. San Fernando.
PJ 256: Globorotalia uncinata Zone, Lower Lizard Springs Formation.
PJ 257: Globorotalia velascoensis Zone of Lower Lizard Springs Formation (=K9415)
PJ 297 (=HK 1831): Globorotalia rex Zone of Lizard Springs Formation, Type Locality.
PJ 298: Globorotalia rex Zone ? (=HK2242)
Core bits from Guayaguayare well #159, core 4778-4790' @ 4782' (core depths in feet, see coordinates of well), with G. pusilla pusilla Zone of Lizard Spring Formation. (" ' " indicate core depths in feet; 1 foot=0.3048 m). Note: Samples from Guayaguayare well #159 are discussed in the systematic descriptions of Bolli, H.M. (1957d).
Core bit from Well Lizard Springs #1, 5951'-5966' (core depths in feet), Type locality of Guayaguayare Formation.
PJ 237, PJ 238, PJ 256, PJ 257, PJ 297, PJ 298.
3.26: Pointe-à-Pierre Formation (Eocene), Pointe-à-Pierre[Ex cabinet 226/26]:
Various blocks of sandstone, some with trace fossils (Point-à-Pierre grit with Virgularia presbytes), collected by H.G. Kugler, K.A. Tobler and Peter Jung. See also: Bayer, F.M. (1955) Remarkably preserved sea-pens and their recent counterparts, Journal of Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 45, No. 9, p. 294.
PJ 289: Raw material from Charuma silt member of Pointe-à-Pierre Formation (Cunapo Southern Road).
PJ 296: Washed residue. Road below old Geological Office, Pointe-à-Pierre.
D 5516, D5517/1-2, D23/1-8
TLL 9060
Kugler 257, 335, 60a
PJ 289, PJ 296 (=TLL 136,200)
Kugler, H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1967). On Tertiary turbidity-flow sediments in Trinidad, W.I. Boletin Informativo, Associacion Venezolana de Geologia, Mineria y Petroleo 10(9):243-259.
3.27: Navet Formation (Eocene)[Ex cabinet 226/27]:
Raw (unwashed) sediments from Navet formation foraminiferal zones, re-collected by Peter Jung, John B. Saunders and Karl Rohr. Relevant literature from the Navet Formation: see Cushman, J.A. and Renz, H.H. (1948), and also Kaminski, M.A., Gradstein, F.M., Beggren, W.A., Geroch, S., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1988). In Bolli, H.M. (1957c) the original zonal samples from Trinidad and precise positions of the zonal type sample locations are described, and the collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1957, private report).
PJ 274, PJ 288, PJ 321
JS 1412.
KR 14781
3.28: Navet Formation, including Hospital Hill Mayrl (Eocene) [Ex cabinet 226/28]:
Mainly raw (unwashed) sediments from Navet formation, collected by Peter Jung, John B. Saunders and F. Zyndel, some re-collected from the zonal type locality (for example Truncorotaloides rohri zone, see Bolli, H.M. (1957c). Thin sections from Navet Formation Marls. For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968), to the collection to Beckmann, J.P. (1957, private report) and to Kaminski, M.A., Gradstein, F.M., Beggren, W.A., Geroch, S., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1988).
Note: Red labelled sample numbers are also deposited in the raw material collections.
PJ 273: Truncorotaloides rohri Zone of Navet Formation, Firestation roundabout at San Fernando.
JS 1413: Truncorotaloides rohri Zone of Navet Formation, type locality.
JS 1414: Porticulasphaera mexicana Zone. Brasso-Tamana Road.
PJ 327: Navet Formation, N of Norwegian Seaman's church, below San Fernando Hospital.
PJ 334: Globigerapsis semiinvoluta Zone of Navet Formation, Hospital Hill Marl.
PJ 273, PJ 327, PJ 334
JS 1413, JS 1414
3.29: Farallon Rock, San Fernando (Upper Eocene) [Ex cabinet 226/29]
Various blocks of Farallon orbitoid limestone, and some with crabclaw, type sample of Farallan limestone, collected by F. Zyndel.
2166 (=174,147)
418, 419, 340, 416, 420, 422, 423a+b+c
[3.30: See Soldado Rock under 3.24.[Ex cabinet 226/30].
3.31: San Fernando Formation, Mount Moriah Silt, Vistabella Quarry (Late Eocene ?) [Ex cabinet 226/31]:
A collection of unwashed raw materials and rocks, partly with washed residues, larger foraminifers, of San Fernando Formation and Mount Moriah Silt, collected by Peter Jung, H.G. Kugler, and Senn. For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968) and to the collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1957, private report).
Note: The San Fernando Railway Station in Trinidad is Hans Bolli's type locality for the Globigerina ampliapertura foraminiferal zone (Lower Cipero Formation, Lower Miocene), see Bolli, H.M. (1957b); and Eames, F.E. Banner, F.T., Blow, W.H., and Clarke, W.J. (1962), on page 69 ff.
Collected by Peter Jung:
PJ 239: Mount Moriah sandstone member of San Fernando Formation. Layer 3 from Type profile. Also Washed residue.
PJ 240: Vistabella Limestone member of San Fernando Formation. Type locality. Vistabella Quarry, Mount Moriah, with washed residue.
PJ 241: Yellow clay, 2' below reef, bed 6.
PJ 243: G. cerroaculensis Zone of San Fernando Formation (Mount Moriah Silt), type Locality. Behind Railway Station San Fernando.
PJ 244: Dark silt.
PJ 245: Mount Moriah Silt from Point Bontour.
Collected by Senn (washed residues):
S 128: Various size fractions from Vistabella Quarry, Mount Moriah Formation, with larger foraminifers, Upper Eocene.
Core bits from Wells Calyx #57, core 256-58', Calyx # 59, core 550-60' (Mt Moriah Silt of San Fernando Fm), Calyx #59, core 320-30' (Lower Cipero Formation, Globigerina ampliapertura zone), Calyx #59, core 430-40', all Vistabella.
K2644 (Vistabella).
Other samples (in bags) from Vista Bella, but poorly labelled.
See also: Caudri, C.M.B. (1948). Note on the stratigraphic distribution of Lepidorbitoides. Journal of Paleontology, 22(4):473-481.
3.32: San Fernando Formation, Vistabella Quarry, Point Bontour [Ex cabinet 226/32]:
A large collection of fossil-rich limestones and diverse fossils, washed residues, thin sections, collected by Peter Jung (labelled with yellown NMB numbers, e.g. NMB 13717 and NMB 13718), Kugler, and others including echonoids and algal limestones and larger foraminifers. Others collected by F. Zyndel including marls, algal limestones and and glauconitic sands from across Point Bontour and Paradise Section. Collections from Harris & Waring with corallinaceous algal limestones, lithothamnian reefs, Block of Eocene San Fernando orbitoidal limestone coll. by G.E. Higgins (Hg 643).
Washed residues contain Lepidocyclines, nummulites, Asterodiscus, Operculina, serpulids.
See also:
Johnson, J.H. (1955). Coralline algae from Trinidad, British West Indies. Eclogae geol. Helv. 48(1):69-78.
The collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1957, private report).
3.33: San Fernando Formation (Late Eocene), Point Bontour, San Fernando [Ex cabinet 225/1]:
Diverse rocks collected by H.G. Kugler and F. Zyndel: Orbitoid limestones (in part polished), sandy limestones, some with numerous nummulites (southern Cunapo Road, Cunapo River, Cush River, Jack's Branch of Black Soil River, Cortez Trace) and lepidocyclina-limestone (Point Bontour).
Washed residues with Asteriscus, nummulites and pustulous lepidocyclines (Penal Road). Glauconitic sandstone, siliceous limestone.
K 290
21, 32, 34, 42, 45, 47, 146, , 295, 437, 438, 441
B.B. 5615
See also:
The collections to Beckmann, J.P. (1957, private report).
3.34: San Fernando Formation, Plaisance Conglomerate, Bon Accord Boulder Bed [Ex cabinet 225/2, see also drawer below]:
The Late Eocene Plaisance Conglomerate has led to somewhat controversy about the age and provenance of its oldest components. The collection here includes blocks of Plaisance Conglomerate and various Plaisance Conglomerate components collected by Kurt Schmid, E. Lehner, and H.G. Kugler, mainly from Stollmeyer Quarry north of Pointe-à-Pierre, but also from Bon Accord Estate, Hermitage Quarry north of Pointe-à-Pierre (not to be mistaken with the Hermitage Quarry of the Cipero Formation !), Plaisance Quarry, and Cush River (arranged from stratigraphically young to old):
KS 66, KS 3, KS 171, KS 201
319, 502, 523, 533.
3.35: San Fernando Formation: Plaisance Conglomerate, Morne Roche [Ex cabinet 225/3]:
Various blocks and boulders from Eocene Plaisane Conglomerate, collected by Kurt Schmid, and H.G. Kugler, and H.H. Renz.
Specimens of Tissotia and another ammonite in boulders of Plaisance Conglomerate from Hermitage Quarry. Echinoids, orbidoid limestones with nummulites, quartz bearing limestones with lithothamnia and glauconite, oysters, serpulids (?) from Morne Roche.
Limestone (202) from (?) Plaisance Conglomerate, from Navet Dam.
Sandstones with ? serpulids (Tubulostium) [specimen with photo] and specimen NMB 14602 from Morne Roche Quarry, East of Gasparillo, Central Range, Trinidad.
See Rutsch, R. (1939) about the genus Tubulostium.
118, 202, 335
TLL 17388
K.S. 134
NMB 14602
3.36: Cipero Formation foraminiferal zones (Oligocene to Middle Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/4]:
A collection of unwashed marls from the Cipero Formation, collected by Peter Jung, H.G. Kugler, A. Senn, and Rutsch, washed residues, and slides with picked foraminifers. Several samples were re-collected from the original zonal type localities described in Bolli, H.M. (1957b). For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968).
Note: For a newer interpretation of the Cipero through Brasso paleoenvironments refer to Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020); Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020); and Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021).
PJ 242: Upper part of G. ampliapertura Zone of Cipero Formation, from Mount Moriah.
PJ 258 (=JS 1399): Globorotalia kugleri Zone of Cipero Formation, from the zonal type locality.
PJ 261: Catapsydrax dissimilis Zone of Cipero Formation, from the zonal type locality.
PJ 269: G. ampliapertura Zone, Cipero Coast
PJ 270: G. opima opima Zone, from the zonal type locality, Cipero coast.
PJ 271: G. ciperoensis ciperoensis Zone, from the zonal type locality, Cipero Coast.
Core bits from well Calyx #59, core 560-70' with Mt Moriah Silt, Vista Bella.
Core bits from well Calyx # 57, cores 254-56', 258-60', 270-80', 290-300' and 480-90', Vista Bella (G. opima opima Zone and G. ampliapertura Zone of lower Cipero Formation)
Blocks of marls with orbitoids (251). Pecten waylandi beds, Bamboo-Silt of Cipero Formation (with washed residues and slides from sample 251).
Washed residues from G. opima opima Zone.
Washed residues from Cipero Formation (Rutsch Loc 38)
Washed residues (S 142) from Bamboo Silt Member of Cipero Formation with picked Operculinella.
PJ 242, PJ 258, PJ 261, PJ 269, PJ 270, PJ 271
35140, 35142, 34144, 35146, 35402, 38227
K12020 (256 837)
RR 38 (=256 756)
S 142
Rutsch, R.F. (1939b, unpublished).
Roth, P.H. (1970).
Kugler, H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1967).
Bolli, H.M. and Saunders, J.B. (1982).
Bolli, H.M. (1957b).
3.37: Cipero Formation foraminiferal zones (Oligocene to Middle Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/5]:
A collection of unwashed marls and white radiolarian marl from the Cipero Formation, collected by H.G. Kugler, and several re-collected from the original zonal type localities of by Peter Jung (for original descriptions of zonal samples and zoal type localities see Bolli, H.M.,1957b). For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968).
PJ 250: Miocene Clay, mainly Globigerinatella insueta Zone from Marac Quarry, with washed residues.
PJ 259: Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis Zone of Cipero Formation, type locality. Hermitage Quarry.
PJ 262: Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone, Cipero Coast.
PJ 268: Globigerinatella insueta Zone, type locality, Cipero Nose of Cipero Coast.
PJ 307: Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone, type locality, Cipero Coast.
PJ 332: Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis Zone, Radiolarian facies, Philippine Road, close to Bolli 200, with washed residues.
PJ 333: Top of Globigerinatella insueta Zone. Radiolaria facies. Golconda Junction (=K9391), with washed residues.
K11398: Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis Zone of Cipero Formation. Morne Diablo Quarry.
Radiolarian marl (157 and 780), Lamont Area, Hermitage Quarry.
Radiolaria marl (38)
Green Clay withgypsum, orbitoids , nodosaria, operculina Marac Quarry).
K 11398
PJ 250, PJ 259 (=Bolli 202), PJ 262, PJ 268, PJ 307, PJ 332, PJ 333 (=K 9391)
38, 157, 510, 780
Bolli, H.M.,1957b).
Rutsch, R.F. (1939b, unpublished).
For a newer interpretation of the Cipero through Brasso paleoenvironments refer to Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020); Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020); and Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021).
3.38: Cipero Formation foraminiferal zones (Oligocene to Middle Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/6]:
A collection of unwashed marls from Cipero Formation, together with washed residues, collected by Peter Jung, John B. Saunders, H.G. Kugler and F. Zyndel. Several of these samples are the original zonal type samples as described in Bolli, H.M.,1957b), other samples were re-collected by P. Jung and J.B. Saunders from the zonal type localities. For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968) and to McCabe, C., Kaminski, M.A. and Finch, E. (1993).
The nannoplankton from the Cipero-Section was investigated in some of the present samples by Bramlette and Wilcoxon (1967). For a newer interpretation of the Cipero through Brasso paleoenvironments refer to Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020); Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020); and Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021).
PJ 260 (=JS 1567): Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Zone of Cipero Formation, new type locality, close Golconda Railway station. See also E. Ann Butler, Hans M. Bolli, Willem A. van den Bold and John S. Saunders (1968) Type locality of Globorotalia fohsi.
PJ 265: Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone of Cipero Formation, type locality, S. of Cipero Nose, Cipero Coast.
PJ 310: Globorotalia fohsi lobata Zone, type locality, Cipero Coast.
PJ 315: Arenaceous Cipero Formation (Junction San Fernando By-Pass with Western Branch of Tarouba Road).
"Pebble bed" (raw material) from Cipero Coast type section, Trinidad, South of "Nose" (Globigerinatella insueta Zone), collected by Hans M. Bolli, March 30, 1963. For literature reference see Kugler, H.G. (2001), Treatise on the Geology of Trinidad, Part 4, on page 56 (also page 43: is it the same bed ??).
Washed residues (including sample list with localities from R. Herb) of:
JS 20 (=TTOC 193265, = zonal type sample): Globorotalia opima opima Zone (=Globigerina 31/100b Zone), type locality.
JS 2441: Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone.
JS 2327: Globigerina ampliapertura Zone, Cipero Formation.
JS 2514 (=518,806; =NMB 13323): Globorotalia fohsi lobata Zone.
Rz 108 (= TTOC 21743, = zonal type sample; =497,206): Globigerinatella insueta Zone.
BO 291A (= TTOC 215656, = zonal type sample; =497,804): Globigerina ciperoensis ciperoensis Zone.
Bo 267: (= TTOC 201216, = zonal type sample) Catapsydrax dissimilis Zone.
Related literature (included with the collection): M.C. Cater 1966. A note on the re-investigation of the foraminiferal localities of the Cipero Coast, Trinidad, West-Indies. Carib- J. Sci, Vol. 6 (3-4), p. 89.
Rock pieces: limonitic concretion, marlstones, some marl with oil, dark chert, and coastal sand from Alley creek - Moskito creek.
PJ 260 (=JS 1567), PJ 265, PJ 310, PJ 315
JS 20, JS 2441, JS 2327, JS 2514
Rz 108
Bo 291A, Bo 267
9, 14, 44, 155, 162.
3.39: Herrera Sandstone Member (Middle Middle Miocene), Morne Diablo Formation (Oligocene) [Ex cabinet 225/7]:
A collection of various sandstones, fossil bearing limestones and marls, collected by Frischknecht, Kurt Schmid, Senn, E. Lehner, F. Zyndel, and Kugler, some with washed residues and thin sections.
Core bit with dark sandy marl and with Didymotis from well Morne Diablo well #34, core 59: 13179-13226', sample 13213.
Reefal limestones (polished), some with Lithothamnia, Miogypsina and Orbitoids, Pecten, Rothpletzia, from Morne Diablo Quarry. With a collection of thin sections from Morne Diablo Quarry (reefal limestones, without a list).
Herrera Conglomerat and sandstones with foraminifers (Marac Road and Rock Dome Oilfield and from Galfa Point (SW Trinidad) and Islet Point (dark [bituminous ?] sandstone).
Washed residues:
Senn S 126, Morne Diablo formation (Upper Oligocene), Morne Diablo Quarry.
K11399 (Morne Diablo).
HGK 3989
13213, 1540, 795, 10574, 608
KS 22, KS 53, KS 69, KS 96, KS 123, KS 125
23, 454
3.40: Mejias Limestone (Early Early Miocene), Mejias Quarry [Ex cabinet 225/8]:
A collection of fossil rich limestone blocks and marls from the Mejias Quarry, Moruga district, or Mejias area, some polished, some with thin sections, and some with washed residues. Collected by H.G. Kugler, F. Zyndel and Peter Jung. Rich in large foraminifers, corals and bivalves, gastropods, Miogypsina, Eulepidina (up to 3.5 cm) and Lithothamnia limestones.
Related literature (sample 425): A. Tobler (1925), Miogypsina im untersten Neogen von Trinidad und Borneo. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 19, p. 720.
424, 425, 781, 782
12, 58
PJ 248
3.41: Kapur limestone (Early Early Miocene), Kapur Quarry and Kapur Ridge, Guayaguayare [Ex cabinet 225/9]:
A fine collection of coral limestone blocks with corals (several indicated as new species !) of Astrocoenia, Hydnophora, Monastrea, Dichocoenia, Cyphastra, Agathiphyllia, Goniopora, Galaxea, Antillophyllia, (determinations by J.W. Wells). Larger foraminifera (large Lepidocyclina).
Collected by H.G. Kugler and C.S. Lee, and A. Senn.
S. 1237.
3.42: Kapur limestone (Early Early Miocene), Kapur Quarry or Logeon Spur near Kapur Quarry, Guayaguayare [Ex cabinet 225/10]:
As above, e.g. blocks of corals and coral limestones from Kapur Quarry with Diploastrea, Agathiphyllia, Astrocoenia, Abntiguastrea, (det. J.W. Wells)
Collected by H.G. Kugler, C.S. Lee and P. Leuzinger
LZ 3464 (=42738)
3.43: Quinam Quarry Limestone (=Freeman's Bay Limestone, Upper Lengua Formation), Old Quinam Quarry, south of Siparia [Ex cabinet 225/11]:
A collection of fossil bearing limestone blocks and bivalves (Cardium sp. and undetermined pelecypods) from the Quinan Quarry. Collected by H.H. Renz, R.M. Stainforth, K.W. Barr, and H.G. Kugler.
TLL No. 64484
Rutsch, R.F. (1938d, unpublished.
3.44: Quinam Quarry Limestone (=Freeman's Bay Limestone, Upper Lengua Formation), New Quinam Quarry, south of Siparia [Ex cabinet 225/12]:
Yellow and fossil rich Quinam limestones collected by H.H. Renz, K.W. Barr, R.M. Stainforth, and H.G. Kugler. It includes echinoids (Encope), many bivalves, gastropods.
KWB 57
Rutsch, R.F. (1938d, unpublished).
3.45: Nariva Formation (Early Miocene), Brasso Formation (Early to Middle Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/13]:
Raw and unwashed marls of Brasso Formation, collected by P. Jung.
Two pieces of coals from Nariva Formation, Nariva Hill (243), collected by H.G. Kugler.
A coral Isophyllia sp. cf. I. sinuosa (KR 9802) [with Photo's] from Lower Brasso Formation, from Chaudière River, collected by K. Rohr. For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968). For a newer interpretation of the Cipero through Brasso paleoenvironments refer to Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020); Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020); and Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021).
PJ 280: Brasso Clay, Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis Zone, Navaro River close to Santo Severo.
PJ 282: Esmeralda member of Brasso Formation, Esmeralda Estate (=Rz 2806), Globigerinatella insueta Zone.
PJ 284: Globorotalia fohsi lobata or Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis Zone, Brasso-Tabaquite Road.
PJ 295: Nariva Formation, Gravellina narivaensis Zone, Pointe-à-Pierre.
PJ 280, PJ 282, PJ 284, PJ 295.
KR 9802
3.46: Brasso Formation (Early to Middle Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/14]:
A collection of unwashed, washed residues from the Brasso Formation, and picked slides. Collected by P. Jung, Karl Rohr and H.G. Kugler. For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968). See also Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020); Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020); and Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021).
KR 21A (=245 368) from Caparo River, Brasso Type locality, washed material, and a solitary coral (KR 4866).
K 10636: Mayo Quarry (=208 768), with Cupuladria (=bryozoans) (washed, some picked, and with shark teeths).
K 11464 (=245.371), washed residues. Caparo River (=KR40841)
PJ 277: Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone of Brasso Formation, Brasso Village, Caparo River.
PJ 278: Globorotalia fohsi lobata Zone ?, Caparo River.
PJ 279: Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Zone, Navaro River, close to USGS 18261.
PJ 281: Globorotalia fohsi lobata Zone. Junction Brasso-Tabaquite Road with Garcia Road. USGS 21799.
PJ 299: Globigerinatella insueta/Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis Zone. Ste Croix Quarry.
PJ 303: Brasso Marl of Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Zone, Mayo Quarry.
4 boxes containing slides with picked materials (no sample list included):
Box I: Non forams. Tabaquite Auger Line (K.R numbers).
Box II: Bassin Hill Line, Auger Line (K.R. numbers).
Box III: Non-forams. Tabaquite-Auger Line (K.R. numbers).
Box III: Bassin Hill. Auger Line, labelled as Type slides for Dr. Renz.
KR 21A.
K 10636, K 11464.
PJ 277, PJ 278, PJ 279, PJ 281, PJ 299, PJ 303.
3.47: Brasso Formation (Tunnel Hill Member, Navarro Member. Early to Middle Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/15]:
A collection of limestones, marls, fossils, washed residues, thin sections from Brasso Formation. Collected by Karl Renz and H.G. Kugler, A. Tobler, R. Rutsch.
From Machapure Quarry, Caparo River close to Brasso, Ste Croix Quarry, Plaisance at Pointe-à-Pierre, Mayo River, Quarry close to Princestown, Cumuto River, Cumuto Road at 19 1/2 Mile post,
K4890 (Tunnel Hill or Navarro Formation).
Limestone (blocks and washed residues and thin sections) in Naparima Marls Ste Croix Quarry (30)
Trochocyathus, Brasso Marl
Picked foraminifers (K2844) (washed residues)
Small corals (K11463), mollusks (K2847), bivalves
Cupularia limestone bryozoa), K12216.
Limestones with corals and Turritella (K10978)
Two cardboard boxes with slides containing picked microfossils (no list enclosed):
I Bassin Hill Anger Line (slides labelled with K.R. numbers)
II Tabaquite-Anger Line, Non-forams (slides labelled with K.R. numbers).
30, 55, 97, 107, 230, 238, K4890 (=TLL 56180) , K10986, KR 21A (washed residue), K12216, 1089, Reptelea (Bryozoa) (723)
Rutsch, R.F. (1939a, unpublished).
Rutsch, R.F. (1940c, unpublished).
Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020).
Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020).
Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021).



3.48: Brasso Formation (Early to Middle Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/16]:
Various blocks of marls, algal (lithothamnia) limestones, blocks from glauconitic sandstone member and from Tamana beds, Machapoorie limestones, oolithic limestones with fossils, coarse sandstones, and washed residues from Brasso Formation, collected by H.G. Kugler, A. Senn, Strasser, P. Jung, H. Suter, K. Rohr, H.G. Higgins, and R. Märky. From Lizard Spring Salt River; Biche Quarry; New Quarry at Plaisance Estate, Pointe-à-Pierre; Caparo River above Brasso; Saint-Croix Area, Lotion Estate; Brasso Gorge; Tamana Road; and Machapoorie Quarry; Crony River, Brasso, near Crony Track, Nariva River.
Fossils: Ostrea sp., Esmeralda calcareous clay with pteropods and plants, gastropods (from Tarouba Hill, determinations by Rutsch) and bivalves, arca sp., Chama, picked larger foraminifers and washed residues (S 121) from Biche Limestone, Raninoides, Terebra, Turris, Strigilla, Conus, Oliva, Natica, Nuculana, Anadara, Chione, Mactra, Sphenotrochus, solitary corals (Antillocyathus, Asterosmilia), Lithothamnia limestone with Amphistegina (381).
NMB 10271, NMB 10237
51, 130, 207, 218, 381, 24991, 4582, 57390,
S 121
PJ 305
KR 12297
HG 9913 (=13753)
Rutsch, R. 1939. The Mollusks from the Ste Croix formation of Trinidad (B.W.I.).
Private Report No. 5.
Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020).
Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020).
Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021).
3.49: Brasso Formation (Early to Middle Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/17]:
A collection of various corals (Pocilloporidae, Trachyphyllidae, Azooxanthellatae from Biche Quarry (16.5 mile Cunapo Southern Road), and Machapure Quarry (Central Range), collected by H.G. Kugler. Determinations by J.W. Wells, and Ken Johnson (1989):
Antillophyllia bullbrooki, A. sawkinsi, Stylophora imperatoris, Pavona machapoorensis, Porites baracoanensis.
Related literature: Vaughan, T.W. and Hoffmeister, J.E. (1926). Miocene corals from Trinidad. Publ. No. 344, Carnegie Inst. of Washington.
Samsoondar, S., Wilson, B., and Farfan, P. (2020).
Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2020).
Samsoondar, S. and Wilson, B. (2021).
K10978, K 10981, K10982
3.50: Karamat Formation (Middle to Late Middle Miocene): Blocks from Guayaguayare area [Ex cabinet 225/18]:
Various blocks of Lithothamnia limestone (partly with thin sections) and larger foraminiferal limestones, of Karamat Formation. Echinoderm (?) limestone ("Aquitanien"). Other blocks from "Auversien" and "Stampien sup.". Erratica from mudflow.
Collected by F. Zyndel, A. Tobler, Schider, Peter Jung.
Various marls from Karamat formation, including washed residues, collected by P. Jung:
PJ 317: From Penal Rock Road, Haggard Trace, Kuramata River close to Moruga West 45.
PJ 318: Karamat Marls from Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone (100' N of Moruga West 128).
PJ 319: Karamat Clay, 40' W of Rock Dome 3
Locations: Head of Moriquita Reserve Boundary, Loc 5; Quarry near end of Nejias trace, Moruga; Schider's Va Lizard D and E1, Trinidad location 22a and 23.
3, 35, 50, 53, 56, 57, 58
PJ 318, PJ 318, PJ 319
Kugler, H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1967). On Tertiary turbidity-flow sediments in Trinidad, W.I. Boletin Informativo, Associacion Venezolana de Geologia, Mineria y Petroleo 10(9):243-259.
3.51: Karamat Formation (Middle to Late Middle Miocene): Blocks from Guayaguayare area (Stampien supérieur and Auversien) [Ex cabinet 225/19]:
Various blocks from Karamat Formation including limestones, lithothamnia limestones, some with large benthic foraminifers, and coarse sandstones (Stampien sup.), some with thin sections. Collected by F. Zyndel, Suter, and A. Tobler.
Locations: Head of Petit Pilote R, Trinidad Loc. 8; Lee LKuna's Concession East Side; Lizard Spring East (Lizard E2, Rav Djalan), District Mayaro; Stone 39 River, Mayaro District; Lizard F, Trinidad Loc 23; Navet B1, Loc 25; Jacks Branch of Black Soil River, Trinidad Loc 7b; Quarry near end of Mejias trace, Moruga, Trinidad Loc. 12b;
2, 6, 7, 13, 57, 82, 83, 488, 489, 492, 530
LS 67
3.52: Karamat Formation (Middle to Late Middle Miocene): Blocks from Guayaguayare area (Stampien supérieur, Auversien, Priabonien, Aquitan) [Ex cabinet 225/20]:
Various limestones, algal limestones with lithothamnia, and sandstones from Karamat Formation. Navett C Navett Spring West Schiders II,; Navett B2, Navett Stat 45 Ravin Lower part Schider IIIb, Trinidad Loc 26; Lizard Spring East, Lizard E 2.
Collected by F. Zyndel, A. Tobler.
13, 17, 47, 466, 467, 476, 468, 469, 470, 474, 476, 479
3.53: Karamat Formation (Middle to Late Middle Miocene): Blocks from Kapur Ridge [Ex cabinet 225/21]:
Various rocks from Karamat Formation. Collected by A. Tobler, F. Zyndel, and H.G. Kugler.
- Quartzitic and jasperized pebbles from Rio Salada Cave, Road Rio C'laro-Guayaaguayare Stat. 8, Mayaro District, and from Pit 178, Moruga.
- Glauconitic marl with bivalves and amphistegines.
- Glauconitic sandstone with large benthic foraminifers (Stampien sup.) from Kapur Ridge, East Site, Loc. 11.
- Oil-impregnated limestone with gastropods (Oligocene ?), from Ravin Kapur, Stone-(Moruga) River, Trinity Hill Reserve, Mayaro District.
- Amphistegine limestone, close pit 171, Figari, Figari Trace-Philips Trace.
- Glauconitic sandstones with large benthic foraminifers (also isolated foraminifers), from Kapur Ridge Westside.
- Lithothamnia limestones with large benthic foraminifers (Stampien sup.)
An old road map from SW Trinidad, labelled "for Museum Basel, Zyndel Collections, 1931), containing geological measurements, many of the old field and road names indicated in the collection of H.G. Kugler, and notes about outcroping rocks.
6, 14, 565, 566, 572, 574, 578, 580, 581, 584.
3.54: Karamat Formation (Middle to Late Middle Miocene): Blocks from Rock Dome area [Ex cabinet 225/22]:
Various rocks and fossils from Karamat Formation, some polished, and some with thin sections. Collected by H.G. Kugler, F. Zyndel.
- A Scaphopod from Mejias Quarry.
- Orbitoid limestone (783 and 595) from Moruga, north of Mejias Quarry, and from Herrera-Cortez Trace, west of Mejas Quarry.
- Large orbitoids in marly limestone (408) from Rock Penal Road.
- Lithothamnia limestone (Stampien sup.) from Marac, Goudon ravin near Mejias Trace.
- Echinoids and orbitoid limestone (405), Facies Mejias Quarry, from Rock Penal Road.
- Orbitoid limestone (410, polished, and 783).
- Lithothamnia limestone (10) and lepidocyclina limestone, both "eruptiva" of a mud volcano. Karamat mud volcano Rock Dome.
405, 408, 410, 595, 783.
61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71.


3.55: Karamat Formation (Middle to Late Middle Miocene): Blocks from Rock Dome area [Ex cabinet 225/23]:
A number of limestones, coarse sandstones, and washed residues from the Karamat Formation, collected by H.G. Kugler.
- Orbitoid limestones (783), some with lithothamnia from Moruga, close to Mejas Quarry, and Small Ravine at mile 14 of Penal Moruga Road, from Rock Penal Road, and from Cortez Trace (specimens 408, 410, 430, 439, and 444).
- Polished Orbitoid limestone (429) with manjak-cement from Rock Penal Road.
- Marl with large Lepidocyclina (Spiroclypeus reefal limestone, washed residues and one thin section from 409).
- Washed residues of Karamat marls (432) from Penal Moruga Road.
- Coarse sandstone with benthic foraminifers (784), Mejas Quarry, loose blocks between Goudon River and mud volcano, Herrera Ridge, Moruga.
Washed residue with orbitoids (617).
- Washed residues of globigerina marl (413) from Herrera Rock Road Ravine C.
- "Float of Jaspis probably out of green marl or clay from Grande Rivière" (477).
408, 409, 413, 429, 432, 444, 477, 617, 783, 784.


3.56: Karamat Formation (Middle to Late Middle Miocene): Blocks in Quinam-Facies [Ex cabinet 225/24]:
A collection of various limestones an fossils from the Karamat Formation, collected by H.G. Kugler, Strasser, G. Frischknecht, G.H. Hoos, G.E. Higgins and K.W. Barr.
- An almost intact crab carapax from Portunus (Neptunus) gabbi Rothburn (822) from the Tamana stage, Nariva Quarry II (see Rutsch, R.F. 1942b).
- Crab remains (844). 3000 feet north of 13 miles post on Penal Road, along Povi Trace (E.S. Test pit No. 9).
- Limestone with silicified bivalve Meretrix ovata (407). Rock Penal Road.
- Various bivalves in glass vials, partly indetermined, Cuspidaria, Arca, Kuphus, Glycymeris, Thracia, Tellina, Anadara, Corbula, Nemocardium, with some with yellow NMB numbers (NMB 10224, NMB 10225, NMB 10226).
- Blocks of limestone with bivalves (Hg 610=67848) and impure coquina limestone with small bivalves from Quinam, southern watershed and East of Quinam Road (KWB 4970 (=TLL No. 35225)).
407, 547, 822, 844.
HG 610.
KWB 4970 (=TLL 35225).
Rutsch, R.F. (1942b, unpublished).
3.57: Karamat Formation (Middle to Late Middle Miocene): Blocks from SW-Trinidad [Ex cabinet 225/25]:
Fossils, limestone blocks and thin sections from Karamat Formation, collected by R.O. Young, F. Zyndel, and H.G. Kugler.
- Orbitoid limestone (514), Jacksonian blocks occur in Aquitanian blocks, from Erin-Chateau Coast.
- Block of impure limestone in mudflow (K 2729), with terebratulids, bivalves, gastropods, small corals and echinoids, possibly from Eocene San Fernando Formation.
Amphistegine limestone (K1470=679) from Calfa Point.
- Fossil mudflow 517), Palo Seco, Erin Coast.
- Sandstone (K1461=677) similar to Upper Moruga Sandstone, with plant remains, Cedros Peninsula.
- Lepidocyclina limestone and isolated Lepidocyclina with ? giant spiroclypeus, after mudflow ? Fom Erin Bay.
- Lithothamnia limestone ("Auversien", 425), from Galfa Point.
- Markasite concretion (17) from dark Nodosaria-clay (Eruption at Erin Bay, Oilfield Development, Pg 204.
- Nummulite limestone (Auversien) and marly limestones with Amphistegina (138, 147, and 412), Specimen 138 with thin sections. From Aripero.
- Aquitanian limestone (141), from Erin Point.
- Monastrea sp. cf. M. brevis (coral, det. J.B. Wells) (45414) from Forest Field, mud flow.
45414, K1470, K 2729, K1461
138, 141, 147, 412, 425, 514, 517
Related literature on sedimentary volcanism:
Kugler, H.G. (1965). Sedimentary volcanism. Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968, pp. 11-14.
Kugler, H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1959). Occurrence of armored mud balls in Trinidad, West Indies. The Journal of Geology, 67(5):564, plate 1.
There is a small reference collection to this publication including a piece and thin sections of an armored mud ball from the Miocene from Erin Point, Trinidad. In addition, there are fotographs of mud balls from the Erin area (see Trinidad photo collection of H.G. Kugler).



3.58: Lengua Formation (Late Middle Miocene) and Tamana Formation (Middle Miocene), and Guaracara Limestone Member of Tamana Formation [Ex cabinet 225/26]:
A collection of fossil rich limestones and marls, isolated fossils and unprepared raw marls of the Lengua- and Tamana formations. Collected by E. Lehner, H.G. Kugler, R. Mühlemann, J.B. Saunders, and P. Jung.
Guaracare limestone with Pecten, from Tabaquite Nariva Quarry RR56 (see Rutsch, R.F., 1942b), Guaracare limestone (98, 99, 119 and 124, some with Turritella (87)) and other gastropods, Lithothamnia (101) and with corals from Gasparillo Point, Tabaquite-Nariva Road, El Corosal Quarry, Guaracara gorge and Mitan Village (N of Biche Village, K12861).
Guaracare limestone (K 8798, RM9102) with Lithothamnia, from Pointe-à-Pierre.
Upper Concord Member of Tamana Formation with many bivalves (K8374=NMB 14767), from New Concord Quarry, Pointe-à-Pierre.
Tamana Series limestone (55), Corosal Quarry on Corosal Road, District Montserrat.
Components of Brasso Conglomerates with Lithophagus , Gran Couva River (M12389).
Core bit of Tamana Formation, well Calyx-114, core 84-103', sample 1, Corosal Road (61434).
Coquina in Globigerina marl from Freeman's Bay, Oropuche. With thin sections.
Brasso conglomerate (50) from Tamana Formation. Brasso-Tamana Road.
Raw materials re-collected by P. Jung and J.B. Saunders from original zonal type- or co-type localities given in Bolli, H.M. (1957b). For the location of type localities refer to Saunders, J.B. and Cater, M.C. (1968).
PJ 316: Upper Concord Member of Tamana Formation. Type locality for foraminifera Texaco Star Farm, Pointe-à-Pierre.
PJ 320: Globorotalia menardii Zone of Lengua Formation, co-type locality, Haggard Trace. For sample from original type locality of G. menardii Zone at Lengua settlement Road (sample KR 23425) see collns. H.M. Bolli, catalogue to samples [entry No. 917].
PJ 335: Globorotalia mayeri Zone of Lengua Formation. Caroni private road to Golconda Railway Station. Co-Type locality.
JS 1570: Globorotalia mayeri Zone, co-type locality, Golconda Estate.
Large gastropod (Ampullarius) (2265) from coast close to Gapfa Point, SW Trinidad.
Lithodomus in Guaracare Limestone, from Concord Quarry No. 1.
Gastropods and corals, both from Guaracara Limestone, Gasparillo Quarry.
Pyrgoma (Eoceratoconcha Kugleri Newman & Ladd), from Quarry of Norman Joseph at San Fabian Road, 1100 feet ENE of Pointe-à-Pierre Railway Station (also sample from John Saunders, JS 2628).
Ostrea (368) from Marichal Road Quarry.
50, 55, 87, 98, 101, 119, 124, 307
K 5127, K8374 (=NMB14767), K 8798, K 12850, K12861
JS 2628
Rutsch, R.F. (1942b, unpublished).
Kugler, H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1967).
Bolli, H.M. (1957b).
Liska, R.D. (1991).
3.59: Tamana Formation (Middle Miocene), corals from Guaracare Limestone Member [Ex cabinet 225/27]:
A collection of various corals (Faviidae) from Tamana Formation, Guaracare Limestone Member, collected by H.G. Kugler, H.H. Renz, and R.M. Stainforth, and re-determined by Ken Johnson, University of Glasgow, February 1998.
Monastrea trinitatis, Nariva Quarry (see Rutsch, R.F. 1942b), TLL 57368, NMB 19001.
Monastrea trinitatis, Pointe-à-Pierre, Concord Quarry No. 1. NMB 18997.
Monastrea trinitatis, Pointe-à-Pierre, Concord Quarry No. 2. NMB 18996.
Monastrea trinitatis, Biche Quarry, NMB 18999.
Caulastrea portoricensis, Pointe-à-Pierre, Concord Quarry No. 2, NMB 18996.
Favia dominicensis, Pointe-à-Pierre, Concord Quarry No. 2, NMB 18996.
Favia dominicensis, Pointe-à-Pierre, Concord Quarry No. 8
Monastrea brevis, Concord Quarry No. 2, Pointe-à-Pierre, NMB 18996.
Monastrea brevis, Concord Quarry No. 1, NMB 18997.
Monastrea limbata pennyi, Pointe-à-Pierre, NMB 19000.
Monastrea limbata, Nariva Quarry, NMB 10696 and 10220 (=TLL57368).
Monastrea limbata, Concord Quarry No. 1, Pointe-à-Pierre, NMB 18997.
Monastrea canalis, Concord Quarry No. 1, Pointe-à-Pierre, NMB 18997.
NMB 19000, NMB 19001, NMB 18996, NMB 18997.
Rutsch, R.F. (1942b, unpublished).
Kugler, H.G. (1952) [on coral reef from Concord Quarry No. 2].
3.60: Tamana Formation (Middle Miocene), corals from Guaracare Limestone Member [Ex cabinet 225/28]:
A collection of various corals (Agariciidae and Siderastreidae) from Tamana Formation, Guaracare Limestone Member, collected by H.G. Kugler and H.H. Renz, and re-determined by Ken Johnson, University of Glasgow, February 1998.
Psammocora gasparillensis, Concord Quarry No. 1, Pointe-à-Pierre, K7912.
Porites waylandi, Norman Joseh Quarry, East Pointe-à-Pierre, NMB 19003.
Porites waylandi, Concord Quarry No. 1, NMB 18997 (=K7912).
Porites waylandi, Concord Quarry No. 2, NMB 18996.
Porites waylandi, Gasparillo, St. Fabian Road, NMB 19003 (=K12850).
Undaria crassa, Nariva Quarry (see also Rutsch, R.F., 1942b), Tabaquite, NMB 10220 and NMB 10565, also with TLL 56026.
Undaria crassa, Pointe-à-Pierre, NMB 19000.
Porites sp. A., Concord Quarry No. 1, Pointe-à-Pierre, NMB 18996 and NMB 18997.
Porites sp. A., Gasparillo Quarry, NMB 14599.
Porites astreoides, Concord Quarry No. 2, Pointe-à-Pierre, NMB 18996.
NMB 18996, NMB 18997 (=K7912), NMB 19000, NMB 19003 (=K12850), NMB 10220, NMB 10565, NMB 14599.
TLL 56026.
Rutsch, R.F. (1942b, unpublished).
Kugler, H.G. (1952) [on coral reef from Concord Quarry No. 2].
3.61: Tamana Formation (Middle Miocene), corals from Guaracare Limestone Member [Ex cabinet 225/29]:
A collection of various corals (Pocilloporidae), gastropods and fossiliferous limestones from Tamana Formation, Guaracare Limestone Member, collected by H.G. Kugler, K. Rohr. Corals were re-determined by Ken Johnson, University of Glasgow, February 1998.
A small collection of gastropods and bivalves (PF 88) collected by P. Farfan from the Tamana Formation from North Gasparillo Quarry (see enclosed maps, photo and sketch).
Washed residue of "Ditrupa Bed" of J.L. Guppy.
Collected at Concord Quarry, Pointe-à-Pierre; Morichal Quarry, Corosal Road (Central Range); Freeman's Bay, Oropuche.
Eoceratoconcha in corals (K7912) from Concord Quarry No. 1, Pointe-à-Pierre.
Fish tooth ?, Concord Quarry No. 2, Pointe-à-Pierre.
Lithodomus, Concord Quarry No. 1, Pointe-à-Pierre.
Stylophora granulata, Tabaquite Nariva Quarry (see also Rutsch, R.F., 1942b), some with TLL No. 56026.
K2942, K7912, K12850.
Rutsch, R.F. (1942b, unpublished).
Kugler, H.G. (1952) [on coral reef from Concord Quarry No. 2].


3.61: Moruga Formation (Late Miocene to Pliocene) [Ex cabinet 225/30]:

Blocks of brown and grey sandstones very rich in bivalves, collected by H.G. Kugler, K. Rohr, J.B. Saunders, F. Zyndel, R. Young, and P. Jung. Some labelled with 474, others with KS 44 (104), or KWB 5584 (=68786), R 284 (=56446).

Brown marls, including washed residues, collected by P. Jung (PJ 324, from Guayaguayare beach field, north flank, 120 m SSW well No. 364: clay infill of joints in Moruga sandstone).

Locations: Coast close to La Lune; East of Mahawal R., Quinam; or Guayaguayare, or Marac Village , 

Loose Blocks of Mayaro Formation from Radix Point (see Rutsch, 1941b), Mayaro (RR 109). Conglomerate from Herrerasandstone (443) from Philips Trace. Conglomerate from Cascas ? (146)    

Fossils: Bivalves: Petricola cf. P. calvertensis, Ostrea sp., Donax sp., Corbula sp. Small corals: Caryophyllia (246701) from Cats Hill Oilfield of Shell, and from K 10835 1700' W of Marac River mouth, coast of La Lune at Moruga (TLL No. 230,180).Teeth, corals.

Picked residues with micromollusks (PJ 247) from Stone River Area (St. Blaise Zone) Well AT 56: Upper Cruse of Forest.

146, 474, 246701,
PJ 247, PJ 324
KS 44
RR 109, KWB 5584 (=68786), R 284 (=56446)
TLL 230,180.
Rutsch, R.F. (1941b, unpublished).


3.62: Moruga Formation (Late Miocene to Pliocene), Mayaro Formation (Pliocene) [Ex cabinet 225/31]:

Blocks of grey and brown marls, sandstones, very rich in bivalves and with coal (Molasse sandstones), and isolated fossils, collected by H.G. Kugler, G. Frischknecht, A. Tobler.

Bituminous brown sandstones (with oil) with many fragments of bivalves (239 and 240), indicated as Oligocene, from Ravin St. Blaise, Trinity Hill Reserve, Moruga District, and from Navett Spring, District Mayaro.
Fine laminated, black schist, lower part of Moruga Molasse (close Petit Lizard river, District Mayaro) (1a)
Locations: 1700' west of Marac River Mouth (K10835=TLL 230,180). Mayaro beach, north of Navette River mouth (1482, 1484).  
Isolated small corals: Caryophylla sp., Paracyathus sp., Oculina sp., from Cats Hill Reserve, Moruga Formation.
Moruga Sandstone with terrestrial plants (leave) (K 10728), from Moruga Quarry.
A tray with washed and picked residues from Guayaguayare well #601 S.T. (Mayaro Sandstone and Cruise material, Southern Trinidad), sample levels from 4810' to 9718' (core levels in feet).

K10835 (=230,180), 908, 1482, 1484, 1a, K 10728.


3.63: Cruse Formation (Late Miocene), and Forest Formation (Late Miocene) [Ex cabinet 225/32]:

Blocks of clay and marls and core bits from wells, washed residues. Collected by H.G. Kugler, P. Jung, E. Lehner, F. Zyndel.  

Lower Forestsand with Cyclamina (345), Boodoo Singh Trace, Pit No. 46. Fine grained sandstone with many mollusks and bivalves (PJ 247) from St. Blaise River area.
Mud flow (143) from Erin Point, Trinidad Loc. 2, with washed residues.
Silty clay with plant remains (329) from Top of Forest Sand, Apex Field at Well No. 3.
Bivalves (Chione) collected by Scott (NMB No. 10260).
Roseau clay (=lower Cruse clay) (PJ 322), from type locality, Rio Claro: Guayaguayare Road, 1 1/4 mp., clay pit.
Calcareous sandstone with plant remains (348) from Mt. Blanco, Palo Seco.
Typical Moruga Clay (513) from Palo Seco, Erin Coast.
Wheathered Forest Clay (312), from Apex.

A cardboard box containig microfossil slides (picked materials from U.B.O.T. Ltd well GP No. 1, cores 2700-2719' and 2712-2718' (? Cruse Formation).


Core bits:

Picked microfossils (828834) from well FR 687, core 4112-17' from Lower Forest Clay, Forest Reserve.
Picked microfossils (132868) from Lower Forest Clay, well FR 800, core 1907-12', Forest Reserve.
Washed residues from well FR 670, core 3602' (TLL 151.335)
Lower Cruse clay from well # 801, cores 4662-4757', with picked microfossils from FR #801, cores 4691-97, core 5246-58, and core 5258-68' (TLL No's 210,280; 210,300; and 210,301, respectively).
Cruse sandstone (803) from well at Parry lands cruse Zone.
Lower Forest clay from well FR # 998, interval at 3360-3420' and interval at 3360-3420'.
Base of Forest Clay 1492) with bivalves, Fyzabad Bernstein Field of TLL, Well 218, at 1063 feet.
Forest Formation (1445) from Apex Well No. 197.A. Intervall 1330-13480'.
Fossiliferous marl (316) from Apex well No. 4, from 1067 feet.
PJ 247 (=THB 521)
1445, 1492
143, 312, 316, 348, 513
132868, 828834, TLL 151.335; 210,280; 210,300; and 210,301.


Kugler, H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1967). On Tertiary turbidity-flow sediments in Trinidad, W.I. Boletin Informativo, Associacion Venezolana de Geologia, Mineria y Petroleo 10(9):243-259.
In context of lower Cruse Formation/G. menardii Zone see also Liska, R.D. (1991). The history, age and significance of the Globorotalia menardii Zone in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. Micropaleontology, vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 173-182.






3.63: Manzanilla Formation (Late Miocene), San José section [Ex cabinet 171/1]:

Blocks of fossil rich brown and grey marls and sandstones, and raw materilas collected by P. Jung, K. Rohr, H.H. Suter, C. Jooss, and H.G. Kugler.

PJ 217: Grey marl. San José River.
PJ 218: Brown marl. San José River (=Cb 1517, =USGS 21773).
PJ 219: Glauconitic conglomeratic sandstone with clay and chert pebbles, bryozoans and mollusks. With washed residues. San José River.
PJ 221: Grey marl, San José River (=Cb 1541).
PJ 222: Brown siltly marl. Top of San José calcareous silt Member of Manzanilla Formation (=Cb 1547, =USGS 21765).
PJ 301: Grey marls with bivalves. North Manzanilla Bay. Type locality of mollusk fauna of Manzanilla Formation. With washed residues.


Brown marls with bivalve pavement (1495) and shell debris (KR 10037) from Manzanilla Point. Clay with fossils (211) from Manzanilla Coast, brown and fine grained sandstone with bivalves (S 127, = 45861) from North Manzanilla Bay, and bivalve pavement (367) from Manzanilla Bay 70 M south of track Leodina to Bay.

KR 1495, KR 10037, S 127.
PJ 217, PJ 218 (=Cb 1517, =USGS 21773), PJ 219, PJ 221 (=Cb 1541), PJ 222 (=Cb 1547, =USGS 21765), PJ 301.


Rutsch, R.F. (1940b, unpublished).



3.64: Manzanilla Formation (Late Miocene), San José section [Ex cabinet 171/2]:

A collection of Manzanilla Formation raw materials collected by P. Jung (PJ numbers) and C. Campbell (Cb numbers).

PJ 224: Grey marls. San José River (=Cb 1557).
PJ 225: Grey marls. San José River.
PJ 226: Grey marls. San José River (=Cb 1591).
PJ 227: Brown marls. San José River (ca. Cb 1598, ca. USGS 21754).
PJ 228: Grey marls. San José River (= USGS 21753).
PJ 229: Grey marls. San José River (=Cb 1611, =USGS 21748).
PJ 230: Grey marls. San José River. Type locality of San José calcareous silt member, (=Cb 1621, =USGS 21746, =RR 341).
PJ 231: Grey marls. San José River.
PJ 232: Grey marls. San José River.
Cb 1531 (=TLL 284.400): Echinoids from Upper San José River waterfall.



3.65: Manzanilla Formation (Late Miocene) [Ex cabinet 171/3]:

A collection of unwashed raw materials, sediment blocks, isolated fossils, washed residues and picked microfossils from the Manzanilla Formation. Collected by P. Jung, H.G. Kugler, R. Mühlemann, J.B. Saunders and C. Campbell.

Unwashed raw materials:

PJ 223 (=K 9819): Glauconitic sandstone member. Gran Couva. Bridge over Savanetta River. Type locality.
PJ 276: Brown marls from Turritella layer of Manzanilla Formation, Brasso Quarry.
Washed residues:
K 10669: Forres Park.
KR 9971 (=TLL 245 884).


Slides with picked materials:

JS 891, SM 1388, and SM 1399 TLL No's 301.861; 302.236; and 306.773, respectively): Pointe-à-Pierre, Housing Estate.

Hard rock blocks and fossils:
- Grey marl with bivalves (77) and sandstones (339) from Manzanilla Formation. Brasso Quarry.
- Crab carapax and small gastropods (both M 12993) from Manzanilla Formation. From Kanja River, Tortuga area, Central Trinidad.
- Limonitic and glauconitic conglomerate with fossils (54) from ? Tamana series ?. Mararaval Road, Montserrat District.
- Limestone with lumachelle (54), Caparo River above Brasso
- Calcareous sandstone with bryozans ? (20). Tamana series ? North of Brasso.
- Limonitic hardground (338) with fossils. Brasso Pantin Trace to Flamingin Town.
- Blocks with small gastropods from Springvale Formation or younger (K9845).
- Black lignite (214) from Manzanilla coast.
- Small solitary corals and gastropod from Montserrat member of Manzanilla Formation (K4267).

- A large number of small bivalves (mostly poorly preserved) and gastropods from Manzanilla Formation. Pepper Village area, San José River Waterfall (Cb 1531 and Cb1609).

- Bivalves (Cb 2076) from ? Manzanilla Formation. Brasso, Cascade River
- Limonitic sandstone (85) from Montserrat Member of Manzanilla Formation. Gran Couva.
- Glauconitic sandstone with gastropod (Cb 1527). From San José River.

338, PJ 223 (=K 9819), PJ 276, K 10669, KR 9971 (=TLL 245 884), JS 891, SM 1388, and SM 1399 TLL No's 301.861; 302.236; and 306.773, respectively).

77, 85, 339, M 12993, 54, 20, 338, K9845, 214, K4267, Cb 1531, Cb1609, Cb 2076, Cb 1527.




3.66: Morne l'Enfer Formation (Late Miocene to Early Pliocene), Point Courbaril [Ex cabinet 171/4]:

A number of blocks of marls, unwashed and washed residues, core bits and asphalt from Morne l'Enfer Formation, collected by H.G. Kugler, R.O. Young, and P. Jung.

Washed materials:

PJ 212: Various size fractions with many shell fragments, and picked microfossils. K 8398 from Point Courbaril.

675: Clay with sand, rich in fossils. Brighton. Various size fractions. Determined by Woodring.

Two slides with picked materials from well F.R. # 998, cores 3420-22' and 3410-20' (TLL 232593 and 232592), Upper Forest clay.


K1429: Courbaril beds (=675), type locality.
- Asphalt impregnated limestone with balanids. Pelikan Rock Brighton.
- Massive black asphalt (676), Manjak dyke, Boodoosingh Trace.
- Pale marl from type locality of Upper Forest Clay. Pit at well 722 Forest Field.
- Forest clay with Cyclammina cancellata (9) from Apex Oilfield, Fyzabad and (red specimen 313) from Apex well No. 12, core at 135 ft.
- Forest clay with Spatangus (332), Apex Field.
- "Vivianite on wood" (583) from Forest clay. A 46 Apex Augurhole 46 at well no. 7.
- Morne l'Enfer marl with echinoids (347), way to St. Cecilia, pit. 1200.


Raw materials:

- Reddish marls from Upper Forest clay, well FR # 798, cores 843-933'.
- PJ 213 (=USGS 21782): Red clay from Maury's 49 3/4 mp locality close to Pitch Lake.

PJ 212, K 8398, 675, TLL 232593, TLL 232592, K1429 (=675), 676, 9, 313, 332, 347, PJ 213 (=USGS 21782).




3.67: Springvale Formation (Late Miocene) [Ex cabinet 171/5]:

Fossils, fossil rich green sand, and washed and picked materials, collected by P. Jung, Rutsch, H.G. Kugler, E. Lehner, and C.H. Joos.

Washed sediments:

PJ 215: Various size fractions.
PJ 216 (=RR 399): Various size fractions and picked materials from Savaneta glauconitic sandstone member from Breckin Castle Estate.
PJ 283: Unwashed raw materials and washed and picked residues from Springvale Quarry.
PJ 306: Gransaull clay from Mamural Road, close to Mamural River: Large exposure of Gransaull Clay.
NMB 10941: Washed residues from Springvale Formation.
KR 5508 (TLL 55771): Rutsch locality 433, Gransaull member, Leekam R.
KR 5360 (=RR442, =TLL 254 676) Washed residue from Gransaull Bed, Gransaull Road.



Balanus remains and intact balanids (835) from Springvale, collected by C.H. Joos.

Molluscan greensand (513=NMB 10491) with gastropods balanids, pectinids and other bivalves from Springvale.

 PJ 215, PJ 216 (=RR 399), PJ 283, PJ 306, NMB 10941, KR 5508 (TLL 55771), KR 5360 (=RR442, =TLL 254 676), 835, 513 (=NMB 10491).


Rutsch, R.F. (1940, unpublished).
Rutsch, R.F. (1941a, unpublished).



3.68: Springvale Formation (Late Miocene) [Ex cabinet 171/6]:

Fossils, washed and picked materials, from Springvale Formation, collected by P. Jung, Renz, Stainforth, and H.G. Kugler.


Washed residues:

K9872 (=255 374): Residues with various size fractions and picked materials from Savaneta River area, close to RR399.

PJ 215: Washed residues with various size fractions, picked materials, gastropods, bivalves and crab claw.


NMB 10491, 13720, 10484, 10487, 10485, 10490, 10492, 10493: Echinids, echinid spines, balanids, foraminifers, fish teeth, and bivalves from Springvale Quarry, Forres Park.

K9872 (=255 374), PJ 215, NMB 10491, NMB 13720, NMB 10484, NMB 10487, NMB NMB 10485, NMB 10490, NMB 10492, NMB 10493.


Rutsch, R.F. (1940a, unpublished).



3.69: Springvale Formation, Melajo Clay Member (Late Miocene) [Ex cabinet 171/7]:

Raw materials, washed residues and fossils collected by P. Jung, E. Lehner, H.G. Kugler and K. Rohr.

PJ 275: Chickland Clay of Springvale Formation. Savaneta River, collected 20 m WNW of type locality. Raw material and washed residues.

PJ 285: Melajo Clay from Melajo Clay type locality, unwashed raw materials, washed residues with several size fractions and picked residues. Type locality does not exist anymore.

KR 11862 (273851), Melajo Formation.
K 9817 (193 920), Melajo River Area.
EL 1810 (=TLL 10880,10882), Melajo Clay from Melajo River, washed residues.
KR 11863: Coral from Springvale Formation, Melajo River, Matura Forest Reserve.

PJ 275, PJ 285, KR 11862 (273851), K 9817 (193 920), EL 1810 (=TLL 10880,10882), KR 11863.


Rutsch, R.F. (1940a, unpublished).


3.70: Mayaro Formation (Pliocene), Erin Formation (Pliocene to Pleistocene) [Ex cabinet 171/8]:

Various pieces of asphalt, silicified wood, and "porcellanite" (porcellanite sensu Wall and Sawkins (1860: page 49): baked and fused clays and shales in the roof and floor of burned lignite seams), mainly from the Erin Formation, collected by Renz, H.G. Scott, and H.G. Kugler.

Red and brown porcellanites, some with bivalves, from near Erin Bay (Rz 68=TLL 17,875, and Rz 69);

Red porcellanite with plant remains (39) from Quarry between Siparia and Erin Road, Mile 13, and from SW Apex Anticline (308), anf from Comparo Road (216), and from Quion Cliff and Erin Bay, District Cedros (specimen 25).

Piece of black asphalt (674).

Porcellanite and white Kaolinite veins from Cedros St. Mary's Estate Coast (556).

Silicified dicotyledonian wood from Erin Formation, Fyzabad area, Apex Anticline south flank, ca. 100m south of the porcellanite layers (309). A large block of silicified wood (5089) from SW end of Apex anticline, few 100 meters south of porcellanite.

Washed residues with many small gastropod shells (Renz 439 = NMB 10534 = TLL No. 61801) from 250 meters North of Mayaro Well No. 3.

Rz 68=TLL 17,875, and Rz 69), 308, 216, 25, 674, 556, 309, Renz 439 (= NMB 10534, = TLL No. 61801), 5089.





3.71: Talparo Formation (Pliocene), Palmquiste Clay (Pliocene) [Ex cabinet 171/9]:

Blocks of marls, limestones and sandstones, and washed residues, collected by H.G. Kugler, P. Jung, J.B. Saunders, and A. Tobler.

Rock pieces:
- Red porcellanite (JS 1810) from Robinson's Porcellanite Quarry, Comparo Road (porcellanite sensu Wall and Sawkins (1860: page 49): baked and fused clays and shales in the roof and floor of burned lignite seams).
- Coarse sandstone/conglomerate with limonite cement (113) from Free Port - Todd's Road.
- PJ 323: Marls from Palmquiste Clay of Talparo Formation, including washed residues. Type locality Mayaro Coast (=K9668).
- Various fossiliferous limestones (33 and 238, 955) from Palmquiste Clay, Grande Lagoon, Mayaro Coast, and from and from La Bouée to Navett River, Mayaro District.
- A massive piece of brown coal (34) from the basis of the Palmquiste Clay, from Palmquiste River, Mayaro District.


Core bits:

Grey marl from Barrancones Well No. 1, core 1212-20' from Talparo Clay.
Well T.N.A. # 1, cores at 3599-3609', and 6452-62' with small mollusks, Talparo Formation (24277 and 25816)


Leda (Saccella) subcerata (Cardiinae) (KR 13517. Main Talparo Clay, Toussaint Achung.
Small bivalves (K10049=TLL 194 373) from Conva River.

JS 1810, 113, PJ 323, K9668, 33, 238, 955, 34, KR 13517, K10049 (=TLL 194 373).



3.72: Talparo Formation (Pliocene) [Ex cabinet 171/10]:

Marls and sandstones, and washed residues from Talparo Formation, collected by H.G. Kugler, K. Rohr, and P. Jung.
- Marls with gastropods (KR 103=540) from Free Port, Free Port Arena Road, 3 1/2 miles, Test Pit, tube at 71'.
- Boring fillings (?), Talparo Formation (49611). From Layme well No. 1 at 603', Cedar Hill Road, La Sophie Estate.
- Beige marls with terrestrial plant remains, Talparo Formation (KR 13521=8575). From Mahaica Toussaint.
- Typical Talparo Clay with Haplophragmoides (KR 13511), from Talparo area, Mahaica Trace.
- Rusty sandstone with terrestrial plant remains (206), and brackish marl with bivalve, both from Comparo Road.
- Various Talparo marls with bivalves specimens 201, KR 1510, KR 11395, RR 229, ) from Sadoo Road; Mapipire Trace; 1/2 M south of Sangre Grande - Oropuche Road 3M; from Sangre Grande Sta Ana Estate at Comparo Road.
- Violet porcellanite (216) from Comparo Road, (porcellanite sensu Wall and Sawkins (1860: page 49): baked and fused clays and shales in the roof and floor of burned lignite seams).
Washed residues:
- Various size fractions of sample PJ 214 with many shell remains, from Tambon Trace.
- K 9957 (TLL 194.264), Talparo Formation from Couva River.
- Talparo mollusks (washed residues) (KR 25570), from 1 mi W of Philipine Gran Couva.

KR 103=540, KR 13521 (=8575), KR 13511, 206, 201, KR 1510, KR 11395, RR 229, PJ 214, K 9957 (=TLL 194.264), KR 25570).



3.73: Talparo Formation, Matura Sand and Clay Member (Pliocene) [Ex cabinet 171/11]:

A collection of rusty brown Matura sandstones and clay with fossils and washed residues collected by P. Jung, G. Joss, C.H. Joos, H.G. Kugler.

PJ 302 and RR230: Various blocks of Matura sandstone (raw material, washed residues, picked material) and Matura lumachelle, from Matura Coast, type locality, see Rutsch (1942a, unpublished).
Additional Matura sandstones from Matura Bay type locality with bivalve shells (9827 and 869 and 222, and 223, and 544, K10924).
Block of grey marl (222) from between Oropuche Mouth and Matura.
Block of grey sandstone with terrestrial plant remains (223), Matura Coast.
Bivalve (Chlamys ?) (9827), small corals (K 10924).
A balanid (850) from Matura Bay

PJ 302, RR230, 9827, 869, 222, 223, 544, K10924, 223, K 10924, 850.

Rutsch, R.F. (1942a, unpublished).



3.74: Quaternary [Ex cabinet 171/12]:

A collection of large gypsum crystals, coal, lignite, subrecent corals and other fossils, and washed residues from Quaternary deposits. Collected by H.G. Kugler.

Giant gypsum crystals (24 and 303), twinned, from Fryman's Bay, Oropuche.


Corals: Eusmilia fastigiata, Colpophyllia natans, Montastra annularis, Agaricia agaricites, Fagia fragum, Acropora prolifera, Maicia areolata, Millepora alcicornis, Oculina diffusa, Porites porite, Madacis decactis, Siderastrea siderea (Br 604, = TLL 143,060), from P. Sinet, Alcoa Bauxite Plant, Mud from dredging.

Various subrecent corals from Pointe-à-Pierre foreshore (NMB 10187), and (KR 15132) from Morne Dieu Valley, Auger Line.

Gastropods: An incrusted gastropod shell (361) from Gasparee Grande Cave.

- Calcareous tufa (15) from Rio Salada at Rio Claro-Guayayaguayare Road, Stat. 11, Mayaro District.
- Sandstone with bivalves and chert pebbles (16). Erin Bay.
- Lignite (225) from ? Moriah Sandstone ?. Mt. Gordon.
- Manjak (glancepitch) (62), from Vistabella near San Fernando.
- Asphalt dyke and contact sand (673).
- Browncoal (28), from a few meters below Pliocene porcellanite, Quion Cliff, Erin Bay, Cedros District.
 - Quaternary clay, some with terrestrial plants (25 and 304 and 531). Fryman's Bay, Oropuche. Some with washed residues (531).
- Pitch cobble (SS 1) from shore at Vessigny Beach, collected by Sadie Samsoondar on 22 February 2023.
- Asphalt (SS 2) from Pitch Lake, near mining plant, collected by Sadie Samsoondar on 22 February 2023.
See also fine collections of Recent benthic foraminifera and Thecamoebines of mangrove swamps and river estuarines of Trinidad under collections of J.B. Saunders.

24, 303, Br 604 (= TLL 143,060), NMB 10187, KR 15132, 361, 15, 16, 225, 62, 673, 28, 25, 304, 531, SS 1, SS 2.



3.75: Quaternary, Recent [Ex cabinet 171/13]:

Collected by H.G. Kugler, J.B. Saunders,

Large blocks of subrecent corals (Br 604=TLL 143 060) from P. Sinet, Alcoa Bauxite Plant, west of Port-of-Spain, and from Pointe-à-Pierre.
A serpulide-reefal block and palm fruits, both from Trinidad Southcoast.
Balanus from Mayaro Coast.
Stalactites (361) from Gasparee Grande Cave.
Limonite concretions (284) from Gasparee Grande.
Blocks of Trinidad asphalt (industrial product).

A number of mud volcano samples from Trinidad. MV on the labels means mud volcano, probably collected by J.B. Saunders. No sample list found.

3.76: Specimens and core bits, that during curation of the collection could not clearly be associated with Trinidad Formations or an age [Ex cabinet 171/14]:
Chertlike Argiline (Kugler 678) from Galfa Point (SW Trinidad) isted by Kugler as "San Fernando and other mud flow boulders"). Silicified marl "Chert" (Kugler 141), from Tamana Road, Mile 11.5.
Core bits from wells (from Naparima Hill Formation ???):
Well A.B.M. #1, core16, 8595-8621', sample at 8618.
Well A.B.M. #79, 7064.
Well M.D. (=Morne Diablo) #34, core 28, depth 13774-13821', sample # 13804'.
Well Rochard #1, core 5, 9353-9382', sample # 9358'.
Well Soldado #189, core 3: 10280-10319', sample #10313'.
Well Soldado #189, core 3: 10280-10319', sample #10293'







3.77: TLL Type collection - Small foraminifera and ostracods [Ex cabinet 171/15]:


A collection of microfossil slides with foraminifers and ostracods, prepared by J.-P. Beckmann, P.W. Jarvis, A. Senn, P. Brönnimann, R.J.L. Guppy, H.H. Renz, H.M. Bolli, W.A. Van den Bold and Saunders. For description see Micropaleontological Collections of H.G. Kugler under section 2. See also TLL collections of H.G. Kugler (Collection of H.G. Kugler's Foraminiferal Genus Slides of the T.L.L. (Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd.) Type Collection), and of H.M. Bolli (Collection of Trinidad Foraminifera prepared by H.M. Bolli).

3.78: J.B. Saunders [Ex cabinet 247]:
A collection of Recent benthic foraminifers and Thecamoebines of mangrove swamps and River estuarines from Trinidad. See collections of J.B. Saunders.
3.79: Literature and Sample List [Ex cabinet 171/16]:
Relevant literature (cited at the beginning of this document, and H.G. Kugler's list of samples (specimens No. 1 through 784) of the stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.