- Collections of Hans G. Kugler
Hans G. Kugler
- Collections from outside Trinidad:
- Reference collection to Kugler,
H.G. (1921). Geologie des Sangir-Batang-Hari-Gebietes
(Mittel-Sumatra). Verhandelingen van het Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig
Genootschap voor Nederland en Kolonien. Geologische Serie, Deel
V, pp. 135-201. [Dissertation of H.G. Kugler, University of Basel].
- Collection of rock specimens, mostly volcanic and magmatic
rocks, few ore minerals, and few sediments and fossils. The collection
has also a larger number of petrographic thin sections. Fossils
includeGervilia sp. indet. and Loxonema ? sp. indet.,
and a limestone with Cardia aff. glabiformis Boettger.
For sampling localities refer to maps enclosed with the collection.
- The specimens of this reference collection are listed in
the the dissertation on pp. 171-173.
- A copy of the dissertation is deposited with the collection.
- With the collection are the following 3 maps:
- Color map (on paper) of Tobler, A. (1909). Geologische Kartenskizze
des Sangir-Batang-Hari Gebietes nach einer Original-Kartenskizze
von A. Tobler und den Arbeiten von Schelle, Fennema, D.D. Veth
und R.D.M. Verbeek, zusammengestellt von H.G. Kugler. Scale 1:200'000.
Indicating Tobler's sampling localities 1-68.
- Map to Tobler, A. (1909). Padanger Oberland und Indragiri.
Scale 1.20'000. Transparency map, handcolored. Indicating Tobler's
sampling localities 79-103.
- Scheetskaart van het Stromgebied der Indragiri-Rivier en
aangrenzende landstrekken. 1:500'000. Paper map, hand colored.
Indicating Tobler's sampling localities 69-108.
- Standort. Note: This
collection was previously deposited under the collections of
A. Tobler in the Indonesia collections [ Ex G 19 / 1-4 ].
- Reference collection to Kugler,
H.G. (1978). Lebensspuren made by penguins. Eclogae geol.
Helv. 71(3):639-646.
- Fossil grooves made by rockhoppers in quartzitic sandstone.
See also contribution from Pettingill, O.S., Jr. (1964). Penguins
ashore at the Falkland Islands. The living Bird, Third Annual
of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, pp. 45-64.
- Standort
- Collections from
- Part from H.G. Kugler,
from J.B. Saunders, part from K. W. Barr (1963).
- H.G. Kugler's Stratigraphic Collection
of Trinidad.
- This is a representative collection for the geology and stratigraphic
succession of Trinidad, B.W.I. It was assembled by oil geologist
H.G. Kugler and his collaborators (mainly southern and Central
Trinidad) and by J.B. Saunders for the northern part of Trinidad
while working in Trinidad during the 1920ties through the late
1950ties. Summaries about the history of industrial geological
mapping and biostratigraphy in Trinidad are given in See Saunders,
J.B. and Bolli, H.M. (1985) and Bisson et al. (2002). The collection
represents a systematic collection of rocks, fossils, washed
residues and microfossils from Upper Jurassic to Quaternary formations
exposed in Trinidad. It includes samples from many classical
locations, from where stratigraphic markers and zones have originally
been described and which now serve as the historical reference
to the tropical plankton zonation (see map). Several of the type localities
for formation names or microfossil zones are no longer accessible
- Below, a complete record of Trinidad sedimentary formations
is given in 4 sections:
- Section 1 comprises Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous rocks
and formations from Northern Trinidad, collected mainly by John
B. Saunders. A documentation exists in form of maps, labels to
rock specimens and the field-book notes of J.B. Saunders.
- Section 2 is a small collection of Ken W. Barr on the Toco
District (NE Trinidad).
- Section 3 comprises the Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) through
Maastrichtian rocks and formations, mainly from Central and Southern
Trinidad, and collected by H.G. Kugler and many collaborators.
The documentation exists in form of labels, maps, and reports.
- Section 4 includes the Tertiary through Holocene rocks and
formations of Central and Southern Trinidad, collected by H.G.
Kugler and many collaborators and from which materials are kept
for reference purposes at the Natural History Museum in Basel.
The Tertiary formations have been described in great detail in
H.G. Kugler's Treatise on the Geology of
Trinidad (edited by H. M. Bolli and M. Knappertsbusch
in 2004).
- Status of the collection:
- For the Central and Southern part of Trinidad collections
there is a type-written sample list entitled "Sammlung
von Gesteinen von Trinidad (B.W.I.) from H.G. Kugler, dated
from 1920-1925. It contains information about specimens No. 1
through 784.
- The collection is only in part registered by NMB numbers,
or contains numbers of employees at the Natural History Museum
Basel (for example PJ numbers), which are thoroughly registered
by the museum numbering system. Every information to specimens
is available in form of labels (partly type written, partly hand
written), some with references to the literature. There are large
archive materials of H.G. Kuglers' (all fieldbooks of H.G. Kugler, field
maps, profiles, notes, photographs, reports, letters, etc), that
are kept alongside to these collections (see Legacy of H.G.Kugler, Photo archive of J.B. Saunders and H.G. Kugler
from Trinidad). Much material is referenced to reports
or publications of collaborators of H.G. Kugler. Fossils are
partly determined to species level, although most follows an
outdated taxonomy and only a smaller portion of fossils have
been given modern names. Many of the samples collected by Kugler
are indicated on the various sheets of the Governmental cadastral
sheets of Trinidad, that are deposited at the NMB.
- Reference to R.R. Rutsch materials: Especially numerous specimens
in the Kugler collection (and other collns. of the NMB) were
collected by R.F. Rutsch, who documented his observations on
the mollusc fauna from various Tertiary formations from Trinidad
in 13 unpublished reports and in no less than 120 paleontological
letters. Locality lists are given with cross references of NMB
numbers to original RR (Rutsch) localities, as well with cross
references to the collection materials of other collaborators
(K. Rohr, Jooss, H.G. Kugler, Frischknecht, Strasser, and others)
(see unpublished
reports and paleontological letters of R.F. Rutsch, and List
of Rutsch-Locality Numbers from Trinidad, W.I.).
- A large compilation of field numbers and information on sampling
locations from early oil geologiests working in the Caribbean
area including Trinidad is available from the CARIBLOC file.
- Some selected literature
(alongside with the collection):
- For additional references see: Trinidad micropaleontological literature.
- References from H.G. Kugler's former hand-library about the
geology of Trinidad can also be found in the by searching for
"BIBKugler" in Swisscovery or following the
link https://slsp-ubs.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?query=any,contains,BIBKugler&tab=UBS&search_scope=UBS&vid=41SLSP_UBS:live&offset=0
- Excursion guide Geological Confererence of Trinidad (1939):
- Kugler,
H.G. (1939). Notes on the Excursions. Trinidad Geological
Conference April 1939. Compiled under the Petroleum Association
of Trinidad. 18 pages, 9 enclosures. Yuille's Printerie, Port
of Spain, Trinidad.
- See also:
- Hedberg,
H.D. (1939). Trinidad Geological Conference, April 18-27,
1939. Abstracts. Bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 1238-1244. With conference group foto. Standort.
- Higgins,
G.E. (1996). A History of Trinidad Oil. Trinidad Express
Newspapers Limited, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, W.I. Group foto
shown on Fig. 133, page 332 (showing identifications to persons).
- Samsoondar,
S. and Knappertsbusch, M. (2022). Celebrating 129 years
of Hans G. Kugler: Remembering his first visit to Trinidad. The
Hammer, Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Q3 Issue 2022,
September 1st, pp. 8-13. Group foto of participants on page 12.
- Foto prints in K3 / B12 / 6 226 (memorials) and K3
/ D20 / 5 / 165 (Strat. coll. Trinidad).
- Treatise on the Geology of Trinidad:
- Part 1 (1965):
- Trinidad - La Trinité by H.G. Kugler. In: Hoffstetter,
R., (1956). Lexique Stratigraphique International, Amerique Latine,
Fascicule 2b, Antilles vénézuéliennes).
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 13 Quai Anatole-France,
Paris-VII, 495 p.
- Part 2 (1961):
- Geological Map of Trinidad 1:100,000; Geological Sections
through Trinidad 1:100'000 by H.G. Kugler (1959) (published 1961). A set
of this map and sections is included in Part 3 (Standort).
- Part 3 (1996):
- 32 Detailed Geological maps and Sections with Explanatory
Notes, 3 Correlation Charts and the Map and Sections of Part
2. Published 1996 by the Natural History Museum in Basel. A printed
copy and a CD Rom containing the scanned geological map and geological
sections is deposited with the collection (Standort).
- Part 4 (2001):
- The Paleocene to Holocene Formations of Trinidad, by Hans
G. Kugler. Part 4 is complementary to Part 3 in that it provides
the text to most of the 32 maps and sections. Published 2001
by the Natural History Museum in Basel (Standort).
- Part 5 (2016):
- Documentation of image collection on the "Treatise on
the Geology of Trinidad" of Hans G. Kugler. By Rocibel Marin
Lacruz. Electronic documentation [media server], only internal
- Saunders, J.B. (Editor) (1968). Transactions of the
Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April,
1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers,
Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968. Includes many papers on Trinidad
- Barr,
K.W. and Saunders, J.B. (1968). An outline of the geology
of Trinidad. Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological
Conference. 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
& Tobago. Caribbean Printers, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago,
- Jung, P., Bolli, H.M., Panchaud, R., Saunders, J.B., Schaefer,
H., and Wiedenmayer, F. (1974). Contributions to the Geology
and Paleobiology of the Caribbean and Adjacent Areas. Dedicated
to the 80th Birthday of Hans G. Kugler. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden
Gesellschaft von Basel, vol. 84, No. 1, pp. 1-520 (Standort).
- Jung, P. (1987) Hans Kugler - Wissenschaftler und
Mäzen. Basler Stadtbuch 1987, pp. 187- 190. Christoph Merian
Verlag, Basel (Standort).
- Saunders, J.B.(1987). Memorial to Hans Gottfried Kugler
1893-1986. The Geological Society of America, pp. 1-5. Nov. 1987
- Harris,
A. (ed.) (2015). Trinidad & Tobago: The Black Gold
Book. A collection of articles commemorating a century of oil
and gas production. FIRST, the forum for international affairs.
- Higgins,
G.E. (1996). A History of Trinidad Oil. Trinidad Express
Newspapers Limited, 35-37 Independence Square, Port of Spain,
Trinidad, W.I., 498 p (Standort).
- Higgins,
G.E. and Saunders, J.B. (1967). Report on 1964 Chatham
Mud Island, Erin Bay, Trinidad, West Indies. The American Association
of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 55-64 (deposited
in the photo archive of John Saunders).
- Higgins,
G.E. and Saunders, J.B. (1974). Mud volcanoes-their nature
and origin. In: Jung, P., Bolli, H.M., Panchaud, R., Saunders,
J.B., Schaefer, H., and Wiedenmayer, F. (1974). Contributions
to the Geology and Paleobiology of the Caribbean and Adjacent
Areas. Dedicated to the 80th Birthday of Hans G. Kugler. Verhandlungen
der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft von Basel, vol. 84, No. 1,
pp. 1-520.
- Kugler,
H.G. (1965). Sedimentary volcanism. Transactions of the
Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April,
1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers,
Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968, pp. 11-14.
- In this context see also
- Yassir, N.A. (1989). Mud volcanoes and the behaviour
of overpressured clays and silts. PhD thesis University College
London, 249 p. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1349596/
- Kugler,
H.G. and Saunders, J.B. (1967). On Tertiary turbidity-flow
sediments in Trinidad, W.I. Boletin Informativo Asociacion Venezolana
de Geologia, Mineria Y Petroleo, vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 241-259.
- Kugler,
H.G. and Bolli, H.M. (1967). Cretaceous biostratigraphy
in Trinidad, W.I. Boletin Informativo, Associacion Venezolana
de Geologia, Mineria y Petroleo, vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 209-236.
- Saunders, J.B. (1998). Geological
Map of Trinidad. Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, Government
of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. With explanatory notes
for 1997 Geological Map of Trinidad by J.B. Saunders, and H.C.
Potter. (Standort).
- Renz,
H.H. (1942). Stratigraphy of northern South America,
Trinidad and Barbados. Proceedings of the Eighth American Scientific
Congress, Washington, D.C., IV, Geological Sciences, pp. 513-571.
With special comments to several specimens
in H.G. Kugler's stratigraphic collection.
- Carr-Brown,
B. (1979). Field Guide Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados,
July 1079. 4th Latin American Geological Congress. Printed
by Key Caribbean Publications, Port of Spain, Trinidad &
Tobago. With contributions from
- Carr-Brown, B. and Frampton, J. (An outline of the
Stratigraphy of Trinidad);
- Carr-Brown, B. and Frampton, J. (Field Trip A, Southeast
- Ferrell, A.D. and Kuarsingh, H. (Field Trip B, Eastern
Northern Range);
- Nath, M. and Tuttle, L.J. (Field Trip D, Southwest
- Scott, K.R. (Field Trip E, Western Northern Range);
- Frampton, J. and Birchwood, K.M. (Field Trip G, Historical
and Geological Tour of the Trinidad Oil Industry);
- Liska, T.C. and Frampton, J. (Field Trip H, Micropaleontological
collecting trip);
- Rowley, K.C. (Field Trips C and F, Tobago);
- Saunders, J.B. (Field Trip I,J, Barbados).
- Carr-Brown,
B. (2008). The Contribution of Trinidad Micropaleontology
to Global E & P. In: Trinidad and Tobago: Celebrating a century
of commercial oil production. Official publication of the Trinidad
and Tobago Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, Port of
Spain, The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, pp. 158-166.
- Bolli,
H.M., Beckmann, J.P., and Saunders, J.B. (1994), the
of J.P. Beckmann, and, especially, Jean-Pierre Beckmann's
study collection "Late Albian Globotruncana 26 zone to
Early Eocene Globorotalia 22 zone (T.L.L. zonal scheme)
of Trinidad benthic foraminifera and corresponding card catalogues".
- King,
D.J., Wade, B.S., Liska, R.D., Miller, C.G. (2020). A
review of the importance of the Caribbean region in Oligo-Miocene
low latitude planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and the
implications for modern biogeochronological schemes. Earth-Science
Reviews, vol. 202, 102968, 27 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102968
- For further information on the geology of Trinidad refer
also to the web site of the Geological Society of Trinidad
and Tobago under https://thegstt.org/
and for formations under https://thegstt.org/geoattract/formations
- For visiting geological attractions in Trinidad (for example
mud-volcanism) consult also https://www.trinoutdoors.com/pages/natural_attractions.html
- 1. Collection
of Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous formations of North Trinidad
(NW-Trinidad, Northern Range, and NE-Trinidad, mainly
J.B. Saunders' collections)
- Closely related publications and collections:
- Saunders,
J.B. (1972). Recent paleontological results from the
Northern Range of Trinidad. VI Conferencia Geologica del Caraibe
- Margarita, Venezuela Memorials 1972, pp. 455-460.
- Frey,
M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988). The mineralogy
and metamorphic geology of low-grade metasediments, Northern
Range, Trinidad. Journal of the Geological Society, London, vol.
145, pp. 563-575.
- Collections to Potter,
H.C. (1974a). The Geology of the western part of the
Northern Range of Trinidad. PhD thesis, University of Durham,
168 p.
- Collections to Potter,
H.C. (1974b). Type sections of the Maraval, Maracas,
and Chancellor formations in the Caribbean Group of the Northern
Range of Trinidad. VIIème Conférence Géologique
des Caraibes, Antilles, Françaises, 30 Juin-12 Juillet
1974. 25 p., 15 figs.
- Patos Island (thin-sections): Reference collection to Kugler, H.G. (1974). The geology
of Patos Island (East Venezuela). Eclogae geol. Helv. 67(3):469-478.
- For further information on Northern Range geology see also
J. and Arkle, J. (2015). Trinidad's Northern Range: "Reversal
of fortune": Bedrock structure and metamorphic geology,
and tectonic geomorphology. 20th Caribbean Geological Conference
2015. Conference Field Trip Guide. http://cbth.uh.edu/outreach/fieldtripguides/CGC_Northern-Range_FieldGuide.pdf
- Standort (collection of formations
and rocks)
- 1.1. Maraval Formation (Pre-Tithonian,
Northern Range) [Ex cabinet
- A collection of blocks of hard limestones, marbles, and recrystallized
calcareous schists, deformed and lower grade metamorphic limestones
(lower greenschist metamorphic facies ?). Collected by J.B. Saunders.
Poorly documented. Fieldbook notes do exist. Most blocks have
been cutfor thin sections. See reference collection and publication
of Frey, M., Saunders,
J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also
the collection to Potter,
H.C. (1974 a and b).
- JS 2149, JS 2306 (Saul-d'Eau Road), JS 2310 Saul-d'Eau Road),
JS 2311 (Saul-d'Eau Road), JS 2312(Paramin) , JS 2313 (Morne-Coco
Road), JS 2315, JS 2317 (Saul-dEau Road), JS 2319 (Morne Coco
Road), JS 2320 (Maracas Road), JS 2323 (Cutucupharo Road), JS
2328 (Saul-d'Eau Road), JS 2337, JS 2340 (Rev. Cummings Quarry),
JS 2395, JS 3108 (Anderson Estate), JS 3186, JS 3188, JS 3189,
JS 3190, JS 3191.
- 1.2. Maraval Formation (Pre-Tithonian),
Chancellor- and Laventille Formations (Barremian through Albian),
Northern Range [Ex cabinet
- A collection of blocks of hard, black to grey limestones
and calcareous shists, some of them strongly tectonized (streched
and foliated, some with serizite, some with streched quarzite
pebbles). Poorly documented but See reference collection and
publication of Frey,
M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below.
Fieldbook notes do exist. Collected by J.B. Saunders. See also
the collection to Potter,
H.C. (1974 a and b).
- JS 199 (Maraval Formation ?, Hollis Res.), JS 2352 (Cunaca
Road), JS 2357 (Cunaca Road), JS 2360 (Cunaca Limestone Quarry),
JS 2430 (Cuare Road) JS 2432 (Cuare River), JS 2433 (Cunaca Road),
JS 2434 ((Cuare Road) JS 2435 (Cunaca Road), JS 3185 (N end of
Hollis Res.).
- 1.3. Maracas Formation (Tithonian,
Neocomian), Northern Range
[Ex cabinet 171/19):
- Blocks of metapelites and metasandstones, phyllitic and micaceous
quartzites, collected by J.B. Saunders and H.G. Kugler. Poorly
documented but see reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B.
and Schwander, H. (1988) further below. See also the
collection to Potter,
H.C. (1974 a and b). Fieldbook notes of J.B. Saunders
do exist.
- Thin foliated grey schists (JS 3293) from Breakfast River,
- Micaceous phyllite and phyllitic micaceous quartzite (K681,
= 286) from Hacachacare Island, road to Lighthouse.
- Dark metapelite and black non-calcitic phyllite (metapelite)
with large pyrite crystals from Damian Bay, E of Maracas Bay.
- Jade green, phyllitic quartzite (K 9565 and JS 2300) [greenschist
metamorphic facies] from Maracas Road Mile 4, type locality of
Maracas Formation.
- Green (chloritic and sricitic) metapelite, strongly deformed
- Quartzitic brecchia (JS 2959) from Toco Main Road.
- Quartzose metasandstone with magnetite and hematite (K 10805)
from Maracas Valley, below La Vigie.
- Quartzitic tectonic breckzia (??) (JS 1927) and strongly
tectonized metapelite to metasandstone with tectonic breccia
included (JS 1927) from Chupara Pt.
- Other metapelites include JS 2933, K9420 (from Cuare), KR
79 (Hollis), lebelled as "with ammonites" (questionable);
JS 3147, JS 2303 (from Maracas Road), JS 2602 (labelled as ash
bed, is a green metapelite from Maracas Road).
- JS 1927, JS 2300, JS2302, JS 2303, JS 2602, JS 2933, JS 2959,
JS 3147, JS 3293.
- K681 (= 286), K 9565, K 10805, K9420
- KR 79.
- 1.4. Chancellor Formation (Barremian through Albian),
Northern Range [Ex cabinet
- Blocks of low grade metamorphic pelites and hard limestones
from Chancellor Formation from type area, collected by H.G. Kugler
and J.B. Saunders. Poorly documented but see reference collection
and publication of Frey,
M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below.
See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b). See
also Field book notes of J.B. Saunders.
- Black, non calcitic phyllite (K682) (Grande Rivière
Formation), Chacachacare Island, La Tinta Bay.
- "Schistes lustrées" (dark metapelite) (356)
from Lady Chancellor Road.
- Calcischist with giant pyrite crystals (JS 2382) from Lady
Chancellor Road.
- Calcitic veins, siderite and ankerite from Grande Rivière
Formation (355) from Lady Chancellor Road.
- Other metapelites and low-grade metamorphic limestones: JS
2644, JS 2378 (Lady Chancellor Road), JS 2379 (Lady Chancellor
Road), JS 3173 (Lady Chancellor Road), JS 3174 (Lady Chancellor
Road), JS 3176, JS 3193.
- A slice of a core-bit (grey-metamorphic marl or limestone)
from Couva offshore, at approx. 15000' depth.
- K682, 356
- JS 2382, JS 2644, JS 2378, JS 2379, JS 3173, JS 3174, JS
3176, JS 3193.
- 1.5. Laventille Formation (Barremian to Aptian), from
Pt. Gourde, Caspar Grande Island, Carrera Island, and Cronstadt
Island, "pre-" Northern Range
[Ex cabinet 171/21):
- Hand specimens of non-metamorphic sediments (shales, limestones,
coarse brecckzia) from Pointe Gourde, which is close to the main
fault line of Northern Trinidad (Arima Fault), some specimens
sectioned and polished. Collected by J.B. Saunders. Poorly documented
but see reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H.
(1988) further below. Fieldbook notes of J.B. Saunders
do exist.
- Coarse breccia of Laventille Formation (JS1887, JS 1890,
and JS 1899) (primary Talus ?), and Coquina (mollusk rich limestone
with Pteromya laventillensis Harris ?, specimens 285, compare
with Coquina (363) from Laventille Formation from Carrera Island
(=San Diego Islands) from Gulf of Paria, see also Bulletin
AAPG, vol. 57, No. 3, p.572) , both from Lee Lum Quarry at
Point Gourde.
- Sandstone (284, JS 1916), hematite (?) (JS 1936), oolithic
limestone (JS 1917) and breccia (JS 1915) of Laventille Formation
from Caspar Grande Island, Winn's Bay.
- Black shale (K 11543=TLL 246 095) and dark limestones (JS
1901 and JS 1902) from Cronstadt Island (=San Diego Islands).
- JS1887, JS 1890, JS 1899, JS 1916, JS 1936, JS 1917, JS 1915,
JS 1901, JS 1902.
- 285, 360, 363, 284,
- K 11543 (=TLL 246 095)
- 1.6. Laventille Formation (Barremian to Aptian), from
type area, "pre-" Northern
Range [Ex cabinet 171/22):
- Hand specimens of non-metamorphic or low grade metamorphic
Laventille Formation sediments (shales and limestones). Collected
by H.G. Kugler, Rutsch, P.W. Jarvis, H. Renz, and J.B. Saunders.
Poorly documented. Fieldbook notes of J.B. Saunders do exist.
- Shale from Picton Limestone Member K11224) of Laventille
Formation with yellow and orange colored Tellina-like bivalves
and gastropods from Laventille Picton Quarry, and slightly metamorphic
shale of Laventille Formation from Laventille Quarry.
- Calcitic shale of Picton Limestone Member (polished specimen)
and with Nerinea sp. from type locality of C.T. Trechmann's Nerinea
limestone east of Laventille Church).
- Limestone with Pteromya laventillensis (2333, and K11228
and JS 2196) from Laventille Formation, Laventille Quarry.
- Limestone (Picton Limestone ?) (K10371), and orange-yellow
shale with deformed bivalves (K11227 and HR 145) from Laventille
Formation, from Laventille Bainé's Quarry.
- Morvant Conglomerate Quartzite (K11229) and limonitic mudstone
(=? Hematite ?) from Quarry Morvant-Lady Hollis Road.
- K11224, 2333, K11228, K10371, K11227, K11229
- JS 2196
- HR 145
- 1.7. Rio Seco Formation (Neocomian
to Aptian), NE Trinidad (J.B. Saunders additions) [Ex cabinet
- A collection of blocks of dark and hard limestone, some of
them tectonized, collected by J.B. Saunders.
- Most of the specimens have been cut for thin sections. Sample
numbers highlighted in bold and red
are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also reference
collection and publication of Frey,
M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below.
See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b). Fieldbook
notes of J.B. Saunders do also exist.
- Specimens from Sena Bay (NE Trinidad):
- JS 2954, JS 2956, JS 2958, JS 3008,
JS 3010, JS 3011, .
- Specimens from along Siras River (NW of Sena Bay), NE Trinidad:
- JS 2939, JS 2940 (black
shale), JS 2942, JS 2944 (black shale), JS 2945, JS 2947, JS
- JS 2954, JS 2956, JS 2958, JS 3008,
JS 3010, JS 3011, JS 2939,
JS 2940, JS 2942, JS 2944, JS 2945, JS
2947, JS 2949.
- 1.8. Rio Seco Formation (Neocomian to Aptian), NE Trinidad (J.B.
Saunders additions) [Ex cabinet 171/24):
- Mostly dark and hard limestones and dark shales, cut for
thin sections. Collected by J.B. Saunders. Sample numbers highlighted
in bold and red are indicated
in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also reference
collection and publication of Frey,
M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H. (1988) further below.
See also the collection to Potter, H.C. (1974 a and b). Fieldbook
notes of J.B. Saunders do also exist.
- Specimens from Turure River:
- Black (JS 2524) and slightly
metamorphic micaceous shales (JS 2536),
grey and dark limestones (JS 2530, JS 2537).
- Specimens from Barracuta Point (NE coast of Trinidad):
- Black shales (JS 3006),
- Specimens from Matura Point (=SE border of Northern Range,
NE Trinidad):
- Dark, tectonized limestone (JS 3016).
- Specimens of Sena Bay (NE Trinidad)
- K 10379 (calcareous fossiliferous microbreccia), JS 3009
(strongly tectonized and metamorphized phyllite with talkum).
- JS 3138 (brown limestone).
- Specimens from along Siras River (NW of Sena Bay), NE Trinidad:
- JS 3064 (dark limestone).
- JS 2524, JS 2536, JS
2530, JS 2537, JS 3006, JS
3009, JS 3016, JS 3064, JS 3138.
- K 10379.
- More specimens of dark limestones (cut for thin sectioning)
from Siras River were found in another drawer ("important
Trinidad Material"), and they are probably all from Rio
Seco Formation. They include John Saunders' numbers JS 2948,
JS 4351, JS 4352.
- 1.9. Tompire Formation (Hauterivian
[=Upper Neocomian]), NE Trinidad
[Ex cabinet 171/25):
- Slates and dark limestones, collected
by H.G. Kugler, J.B. Saunders, K.W. Barr and G.E. Higgins.
For selected samples see Saunders, J.B. (1972), see
also field book notes.
- Tompire Bay, O'Hallaran Trace, Mile
24 of Toco Road (NE Trinidad): Type section of Tompire Formation:
Black slates (Cumana Formation) with heteromorphous ammonites
of Hauterivian age (K 10925, K 10927, 10928).
- Dark limestone blocks from Tompire
River mouth, Tompire Bay: JS
2960 (with heteromorphous ammonites),
JS 2962 with many small ammonites, and JS
- More cretaceous
ammonites from Tompire Formation of Trinidad, determined by Otto
Renz, September 1985 (Collection of Otto Renz):
- Now integrated in Tompire Formation
of H.G. Kugler's Stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.
- Sample numbers highlighted in bold
and red are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). BT refer to
Ken Barr's field numbers.
- Benueites trinidadensis n.sp. (J 28449), Trinidad. See Renz, O. (1982) The Cretaceous ammonites of Venezuela, p. 93 (holotype), pl. 28, Fig. 7a-b, 8a-b,
9-14, a-b, pl. 29, Fig. 1a-b.
- Benueites benuensis (J 28469, J 28450).
- Benneites regmanti (J 28455).
- Hypophylloceras sp., Barremian, Tompire Bay, Trinidad.
- Partschiceras sp., Barremian, Tompire Bay, Trinidad (BT 456;
see K.W. Barr (1963), K9263).
- Phylloceras sp.,
Barremian, Tompire Bay, Trinidad.
- Pulchellia sp.,
Barremian, Tompire Bay
- One specimen (with photo) with
Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten) 1886 (found by K.W. Barr, specimen
No. BT 456).
- K 10925, K 10927, 10928.
- JS 2960,
JS 2967.
- J 28449, J 28469, J 28450, J 28455,
BT 456 (=K9263).
- 1.10. Toco Formation (Barremian
to lower Albian), Toco Bay. NE Trinidad
[Ex cabinet 171/26):
- Blocks of dark coral limestones, grey limestones, dark shales
and breccia of the Toco Formation, from Toco Bay. Collected by
H.G. Kugler, A.G. Hutchison, and J.B. Saunders. (See
field book notes). For selected samples see Saunders, J.B. (1972). See
also collections
of Bartenstein (1957 to 1986). See
also reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H.
(1988) (metasediments) further below. BT refer to Ken
Barr's field numbers.
- - Toco Formation black, massive limestone with coarse quartz
grains, Trigonia and corals, similar to Remanié Beds,
from Coast west of Toco jetty.
- - Brown wheathered Toco limestone (K 2662) with corals (see
also polished specimens), west of Toco jetty.
- Dark Toco corallogeneous limestone (BT 154), south side of
O'Brian Point.
- - AGH 6335 and AGH 5473: Corals, belemnite fragments and
coralligeneous limestone blocks from Toco Bay area.
- - Large fragment of Leiocidaris hemigranosus Shumard, from
Toco Jetty (with photos).
- Other blocks of Toco Formation: K 2658 from Toco Bay, first
outcrop east of steamer jetty; a belemnite (AGH 6336) from Toco
Formation; dark Toco limestone, with corals (O'Brien Pt. area,
Trechmann's locality, JS 2048); Dark limestone (272) with shells
and corals from Toco area.
- Dark limestones of Toco Formation from Trechmann's locality
of sponge reef, Toco Bay, east of Jetty; K10932 sponge reef from
Toco Bay. Dark limestone from ? Toco area (550).
- Dark, sandy shales (JS 3815) from Toco Bay.
- "Cherrycake"
conglomerate (BT 450) (breccia !!) of Toco Formation, from Toco
Bay, O'Brian Point. Compare with Curtis Archie's homepage Geology of Trinidad and Tobago under Andre
Point - Toco.
- K 2662, BT 154, AGH 6335, AGH 5473, K 2658, AGH 6336, JS
2048, K10932, JS 3815, BT 450, BT 550.
- Standort
- 1.11. Toco Formation (Barremian to lower Albian), Reefs
Point, NE Trinidad [Ex cabinet
- Boulders of Toco Formation consisting
of mainly dark brown coral limestones, and algal limestones collected
by J.B. Saunders and H.G. Kugler. (See field book notes). Sample
numbers highlighted in bold and red
are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). For metasediments
see also reference collection and publication of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H.
(1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C.
(1974 a and b).
- JS 1954 (labelled with "algae
identified by Gasche"), JS 2057, JS 2059, JS 2064, JS 8581,
JS 2584,
JS 2587.
- K 2662 (from Toco Bay).
- 1.12. Sans Souci Volcanic Formation
(Albian), Galap Diorite, NE Trinidad
[Ex cabinet 171/28):
- Few blocks of dark green (?) diorite
collected by J.B. Saunders (JS 2011) and H.G. Kugler (364).
- (See field book notes). JS 4354 (Diorite
- Sans Souci Gabbro (JS 2038).
- Metamorphic sandstone (364) from Sans
Souci Volcanic Formation.
- For selected samples see Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also reference
collection and publication (metasediments) of Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H.
(1988) further below. See also the collection to Potter, H.C.
(1974 a and b).
- 1.13. Galera Formation (Campanian
through Maastrichtian), NE Trinidad
[Ex cabinet 171/29):
- Flysch deposists (non-metamorphic):
A collection of black shales, "Schistes lustrées",
some with ichnofossils (traces), black silts or limestones (?),
fine to coarse quartzose sandstones, and conglomerates and breccia,
all from Galera Point, collected by J.B. Saunders (see field
book notes). Sample numbers highlighted in bold
and red are indicated in Figure 1 in Saunders, J.B. (1972). See also the
collection to Potter,
H.C. (1974 a and b).
- Specimens: JS 1921, JS 2066, JS 2074,
JS 2087,
JS 2978, JS 2983, JS 2984, JS 2985, JS 2986, JS 2988, JS 2989,
JS 3000 (from Forest point), JS 3056, JS 3865, JS 3866,
- 301 and 302 (H.G. Kugler).
- 1.14. El Pilar fault zone [= large E-W trending fault
system south of Northern Range), (Arima River, Champs Fleurs,
central part of North Trinidad), and Fluorite
from Gaspar Grande Island (NW
Trinidad) [Ex cabinet 171/30):
- Grey shales (JS 2871, JS 2647, JS 2662,
JS2664), and red, tectonically brecciated and mineralized fault
filling (JS 3039) from Arima River. Tectonize and elongated (?)
conglomerate from Arima River (JS 3041).
- Siltstones or limestones, strongly
tectonized (mylonite ??) (JS 2231), and calcareous sandstone
(JS 2232) from Champs Fleurs. All collected by J.B. Saunders.
- Blocks of siltstone with veins filled
with quartz and violet fluorite from Gaspar Grande Island (NW Trinidad),
collected by J.B. Saunders (JS 1907, JS 1908, see also field
book notes).
- Reference collection to Frey, M., Saunders, J.B. and Schwander, H.
(1988). The mineralogy and metamorphic geology of low-grade
metasediments, Northern Range, Trinidad. Journal of the Geological
Society, London, vol. 145, pp. 563-575.
- Collection of thin sections described in the article. Thin-sections
labelled with P are from H.C. Potter, those labelled with DB
are from Daniel Bernoulli. For collection of rock samples from
Northern Range area see under 1.
Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous formations of North Trinidad
described further above.
- Standort