Numbering systems used by various authors and collectors at the NMB

NMB Fundort Nummern: A 5 digit number starting from 10000 on upwards. On specimens often with yellow labels.
CARIBLOC files: NMB numbers and collector's filed numbers plus primary information from the Caribbean Sea area, compiled by René Panchaud, Peter Jung, Antoine Heitz, and collaborators of the Panama Paleontology Project group (text file, 5492 records, size: 1.2 Mb).
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Field numbers from individual authors or collectors, in alphabetical order:
ABS=Field samples from Annika (-Berit) Sanfilippo.
AGH=A.G. Hutchison.
BC=Samples from Bath Cliff section, Barbados, West Indies.
BIT=Field Numbers of Peter Bitterli (-Brunner).
Bo=early H.M. Bolli field numbers.
BR=Field sample number of Paul Brönnimann.
Br=Field numbers from R. Gandolfi's (1942) Breggia-section.
BT=K. W. Barr (samples from Toco area, Trinidad, B.W.I.).
Cb=Colin Campbell.
Cd=C.M.Bramine Caudri's field numbers.
CK=Christos Kapellos field numbers.
CTE=Content-1 well samples (Jamaica, see collns. E. Robinson and Ch. Kapellos).
DB=Daniel Bernoulli field numbers.
EL=Ernst Lehner.
ER=Edward Robinson field numbers (University of West Indies, at Mona, Jamaica).
F.R.=Samples from Forest Reserve, Trinidad.
GC=Samples from Gay's Cove section, Barbados, West Indies, colln J.B. Saunders.
(CP=Samples from Congor Point, Barbados, West Indies, colln J.B. Saunders).
(PT=Samples from Pico Teneriffe, Barbados, West Indies, colln J.B. Saunders).
(WR=Windy Ridge, colln J.B. Saunders).
GEO=George Higgins (abbreviation in J.B. Saunders' fieldbooks).
GK=Collection numbers of the "Gross Kei" collection of Friedrich Weber (Indonesia collections).
Gr=T.F. Grimsdale.
Hg=H.G. Higgins.
HU (in study collections of L. Hottinger) = Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
HMB=Field numbers of H.M. Bolli samples. Example: HMB78/20, first number is the year, second is sample number. At the beginning of a new year the numbers restart from 1 onwards. Bolli had also registration numbers for which he created a cross index to his field numbers. See his refernce cards in held with his collection in K3.
JBS or JS=John B. Saunders field Numbers.
JF=John Frampton.
K=H.G. Kugler numbers (Example: K1500).
KR=Karl Rohr.
KS=Kurt Schmid.
KWB=Ken W. Barr's field numbers.
L=Peter Lehner's field numbers.
L=Charles S. Lee field numbers (Barbados, see collections Alfred Senn).
Lz=P. Leuzinger's Field Numbers.
MJ=Collection numbers of the "Mittel Java" collection of Friedrich Weber (Indonesia collections).
SJ=Collection numbers of the "Süd Java" collection of Friedrich Weber (Indonesia collections).
MK=Peter H.A. Martin-Kaye.
MK=Michael Knappertsbusch field numbers.
NMB PAL (on blue labels and red labels in the Raw Materials Collections): These are internal relocation numbers only (i.e. relocation to Zwischenlager Münchenstein in 2014. They run from 1 through 4130 for samples deposited in K1 and from 1 through 91 for samples held in the Jura Keller. The suite reflects the physical arrangement of the collections in K1 and in the Jura Keller, respectively. They have nothing to do with the original field numbers to the individual collections).
NU= Samples from Robert C. Speed, Dept. of Geology, Northwestern University, Illinois.
PF=P. Farfan.
PJ=Peter Jung Field numbers.
PJB=Jean-Pierre Beckmann's field numbers. Example: PJB 72-82 (similar to HMB numbers).
R=Rutsch ?
RM=R. Mühlemann; can also be Stainforth field numbers (Robert Masterman Stainforth).
RZ=H.H. Renz.
S=Alfred Senn field numbers, also early Hans Schaub field numbers (can possibly also be early Stainforth field numbers ?).
SCH=Hans Schaub field numbers. Hans Schaub numbered his collections by using a five digit number code, of which the first two indicated the collection year and the following three digits indicate the specimen number.
Sm=Leslie Smith (see letter J.B. Saunders to H.G. Kugler 26 May 1970 in archive H.G. Kugler Box 63.
SS=Sadie Samsoondar field numbers.
ST and/or RM =Stainforth field numbers.
SP=Thin sections to Paleogene Northern Spain samples (Esso study Luterbacher 1970, 1971).
V=Vonderschmitt field samples.
W=Field numbers of M. Wannier.
WIE=Field number of Felix Wiedenmayer.
Z, or FZ=Fritz Zyndel.
Abbreviations to former oil-companies or societies, most of them in context with collections from Central to South America and from the Caribbean area:
(source in partem from:
AB = Antilles Brighton Ltd (land sections only)
ABM = Antilles Brighton Ltd (Marine sections)
ABS = Antilles Brighton Ltd (land-submarine sections)
BCO = British Controlled Oilfields Limited
BPM = Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij = later Royal Dutch Shell (in context biography of Willi A. Mohler in R.E. Migliore, 2004: "Evening Flower").
BIPM = Bataafse Internationale Petroleum Maatschapij (in context collns Hans Schaub).
BP, BP Trinidad = British Petrol
D.O.L. = Dominion Oil Ltd (see Higgins, G.E. (1986). A History of Trinidad Oil. Trinidad Express Newspapers Limited, Port of Spain, Trinidad, WI, 498 p).
E.P.R.Co = Esso Production and Research Company (Houston).
KTO = Kern Trinidad Oilfields Limited
K.N.P.M. = Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Exploratie van Petroleumbronnen in Nederlandsch-Indie
SCP = Société Cherifienne des Pétroles (Morocco)
SEPE = Sociedad de Exploracion de Petroleos Espanoles (Spain)
Textrin = Texaco Trinidad
TLL = Trinidad Leaseholds Limited
TNA = Trinidad Northern Areas Limited
TOL = Trinidad Oilfields Ltd.
TPC = Trinidad Petroleum Company
TPD = Trinidad Petroleum Development Company Ltd
Trintoc = Trinidad and Tobago Oil Company
UBOT = United British Oilfields of Trinidad
UBWIPS = United British West Indies Petroleum Syndicate
VNIGRI = All-Union Oil Research and Geological Prospecting Institute, or All Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute, USSR
V.P.N. = Northern Venezuelan Petroleum Company