Collections of Helmut Bartenstein
(Smaller benthic and planktic foraminifera).
1.) Type collections:
Type- and reference collection to Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt, F., and Bolli, H.M. (1957). Die Foraminiferen der Unterkreide von Trinidad, B.W.I. 1. Teil: Cuche und Toco Formation. Eclogae geol. Helv. 50(1):5-67.
Illustrated and not illustrated but described holotypes, paratypes and materials, including a list with C-numbers. See also under 2.) for additional reference and study materials to this publication.
Type collection to Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt F. und Bolli H.M., (1966). For additional materials see under 2.1.) further below. TSL 186.
Holotype: Gaudryina reicheli Bartenstein, Bettenstaedt and Boll (1966)
Type collection to Bartenstein and Bolli, H.M. (1973). For additional materials see under 2.1.) further below. TSL 185.
Lenticulina (Astacolus) maridalensis Bartenstein and Bolli (1973)
Ramulina berthelini Bartenstein and Bolli (1973)
Type collection to Bartenstein, H. (1974a). Lenticulina (Lenticulina) nodosa (Reuss 1863) and its subspecies-worldwide index foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous. Eclogae geol. Helv. 67(3):539-562. TSL 184.
Lenticulina (Lenticulina) nodosa hilseana Bartenstein (1974), n. subsp.
Lenticulina (Lenticulina) nodosa (Reuss 1863)
Collection of hypotypes to specimens illustrated in Bartenstein, H. (1974b). Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous primitive arenaceous foraminifera from DSDP Sites 259 and 261, Eastern Indian Ocean. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 27, pp. 683-695. TSL 68.


Type and reference collection to Bartenstein, H. and Bolli, H.M. (1977). The foraminifera in the lower cretaceous of Trinidad, W.I. Part 4: Cuche Formation, upper part; Leupoldina protuberans Zone. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 70(2):543-573.
Two slides containing gold coated SEM preparations, including hand written species lists, SEM protocols and drawing of stubs. See also under 2.) for additional reference and study materials to this publication.


Collection of primary types and hypotypes to Bartenstein, H. and Bolli, H.M. (1986). The foraminifera in the lower Cretaceous of Trinidad, W.I. Part 5: Maridale Formation, upper part; Hedbergella rohri zone. Eclogae geol. Helv. 79(3):945-999. TSL 30. See also reference and study collection to this publication under section 2 below. Identification lists to illustrated specimens are deposited with the collection. TSL 30.
Holotypes to:
Dentalina bonaccordensis Bartenstein and Bolli (1986)
Lenticulina antillica Bartenstein and Bolli (1986)
Lenticulina caribica Bartenstein and Bolli (1986)







2.) Reference and study materials:
2.1) Reference collections to Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt, F., and Bolli, H.M. (1957 and 1966), and Bartenstein and Bolli (1973, 1977, and 1986).

The materials ncludes washed residues and Trays 1 through 4 with assemblage slides and picked foraminifers on Toco Formation and Cuche Formation of Trinidad. Link to H.G.Kugler's Strarigraphic collection of Trinidad (Toco Formation), (Cuche Formation) and (Maridale Member of Cuche Formation). Received from Bartenstein on 6 October 1986. For primary types see collections under 1.) further above.



Tray 1:
Four slides (lower Barremian, Toco Formation; 6 slides from Remanié Bed, more slides from Cuche Formation). Reference material to Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt, F., and Bolli, H.M., 1957. Die Foraminiferen Der Unterkreide von Trinidad. B.W.I. Erster Teil: Cuche und Toco-Formation. Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 5-67. Link to Toco Formation and Cuche Formation of H.G.Kugler's startigraphic collection of Trinidad.
Tray 2:
Slides with ostracods from Maridale Member of Cuche Formation (Upper Aptian to Lower Albian, Biglobigerinella barri Zone, from type locality), material in Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt F. und Bolli H.M., (1966). Foraminiferen der Unterkreide von Trinidad. Zweiter Teil: Maridale-Formation (Typlokalität). Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 59, Nr. 1, pp. 129-177. Link to Cuche Formation of H.G.Kugler's startigraphic collection of Trinidad.
Tray 2 on right hand side: Material from co-type locality to Bartenstein and Bolli, H.M. (1973). Die Foraminiferen der Unterkreidevon Trinidad. Dritter Teil: Maridaleformation (Co-Typlokalität). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 389-418. Link to Cuche Formation of H..G.Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.
Tray 3:
Picked material from L. protuberans Zone, reference material to Bartenstein, H., and Bolli, H.M. (1977). The foraminifera in the Lower Cretaceous of Trinidad, W.I. Part 4: Cuche Formation, upper Part; Leupoldina protuberans Zone. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 70, No. 2, 1977, pp. 543-573. Link to Cuche Formation of H.G.Kugler's stratigraphic collection of Trinidad.



Washed residues:

Washed residues to Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt, F., and Bolli, H.M., 1957. Die Foraminiferen Der Unterkreide von Trinidad. B.W.I. Erster Teil: Cuche und Toco-Formation. Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 5-67. Link to H.G.Kugler's startigraphic collection of Trinidad.



Washed residues to Bartenstein, H., Bettenstaedt F. und Bolli H.M., (1966). Foraminiferen der Unterkreide von Trinidad. Zweiter Teil: Maridale-Formation (Typlokalität). Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 59, Nr. 1, pp. 129-177. Link to H.G.Kugler's startigraphic collection of Trinidad.




3.) Reference collections to Bartenstein, H., and Kovatcheva, T. (1982)

Reference materials to Bartenstein, H., and Kovatcheva, T. (1982). A comparison of Aptian Foraminifera in Bulgaria and North West Germany. Eclogae geol. Helv. 75(3):621-667.

Gold coated SEM preparations 1 through 3 with the illustrated specimens from Plates 1 to 5. A copy of the paper is included and species lists to illustrated specimens. Contains the holotypes to Flabellamina bulgarica n.sp.; Flabellamina urgonensis n.sp.; Trochammina gerochi n.sp.; and Quinqueloculina pseudominima n.sp.