Collections of Hans Martin Bolli

About Hans M. Bolli, List of publications of Hans M. Bolli 1945 - 2001
Collections Listed by DSDP/ODP Legs:
DSDP Legs: 4, 15, 27, 40, 44, 50, 51,
Collection 24 of H.M. Bolli (DSDP Legs 4 through 40).
Collection of washed residues:
Card catalogue to samples of Hans M. Bolli
Holocene samples from the Pacific Ocean (Downwind-Expedition)
Mainly non DSDP/ODP materials:
Collections to publications & reports:


Study collections:







Plankton Stratigraphy:


Collections to other published studies:


Alabama and Texas:


Gulf of Mexico:

Other collections: Donation H.M.Bolli from 10.5.2001: