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Colln 24 of Hans M. Bolli:
Study- and reference collections of Hans M. Bolli to Deep-Sea Drilling Legs 4 trough 40
Collection 24 comprises several parts to several individual studies, of which the materials are listed subsequently.

[Slg. 24: Ex Wooden Cabinet #4 (bearing red number 1) ]. Study- and reference material of Hans M. Bolli from Glomar Challenger DSDP Leg 4, Sites 23-31.

Collection of washed residues, picked foraminiferal slides and assemblage slides.




[Slg. 24: Ex Wooden Cabinet #5 (bearing red No. 2) ]. Study- and reference material of Hans M. Bolli from Glomar Challenger DSDP Leg 15, Sites 147-151. Included is are lists to DSDP Site 147 "Assemblage slides". Collection of washed residues, picked specimens in slides, and assemblage slides.

Trays 1-9 contain the reference material to the study of Rögl and Bolli (1973): Holocene to Pleistocene foraminifera of Leg 15, Site 147 (Cariaco Basin (Trench), Caribbean Sea) and their climatic interpretation.

Picked specimens with determination to species and subspecies level and assemblage slides. Assemblage slides for Globorotalia fimbriata-, Globigerina bermudezi- and Globigerina calida calida subzones. Picked materials (topotypes) from type locality of Holotypes described and illustrated in Rögl and Bolli (1973). Precise descriptions and listings of contents of Trays 7, 8 and 9. Standort.

Link to holotypes in Rögl & Bolli (1973)


Accompanying material to holotype- and type decriptions of:
Globigerina clarkei Rögl and Bolli n. sp., topotype - Tray 2
Globigerina megastoma cariacoensis Rögl & Bolli n. ssp., topotype -Tray 2
Hastigerinella riedeli Rögl & Bolli n. sp., topotype - Tray 3
Globorotalia bermudezi Rögl & Bolli n. sp., topotype - Tray 1
Neogloboquadrina dutertrei blowi Rögl & Bolli, nom. nov., topotype - Tray 4 and 5
Assemblage slides for Quaternary subzones:
Globorotalia fimbriata subzone - Tray 8
Globigerina bermudezi subzone - Tray 8
Globigerina calida calida subzone - Tray 8



[Slg. 24: Ex Wooden Cabinet xxx]. Study- and reference material of Hans M. Bolli from Glomar Challenger DSDP Legs 3 through 40 containing washed residues, picked materials and foraminiferal assemblage slides. The following legs are represented:
DSDP Leg 3 , Site 20C
DSDP Leg 8, Site 72A
DSDP Legs 14 and 15: Material used for studies about Calcisphaerulids.
DSDP Leg 21, Site 208
DSDP Leg 22, Site 214
DSDP Leg 26, Site 257
DSDP Leg 40, Sites 364-365



[Slg. 24: Ex Wooden Cabinet #6 (bearing red No. 3) ]. Study- and reference material of Hans M. Bolli from Glomar Challenger DSDP Leg 15, Sites 151-154 and Site 154A (Assemblages), and from DSDP Leg 27, Sites 259-262 (Foraminifera, Calcisphaerulidae, Evolution): Washed residues, picked materials and foraminiferal assemblage slides.



[Slg. 24: Ex Wooden Cabinet #7 (bearing red No. 4) ]. Study- and reference material of Hans M. Bolli from Glomar Challenger DSDP Leg 27, Sites 262-263 (Foraminifera, Calcisphaerulidae), and from DSDP Leg 40, Sites 360-364: Washed residues, picked materials and foraminiferal assemblage slides.





[Slg. 24]. Study- and reference material of Hans M. Bolli from Glomar Challenger DSDP Legs 27 through 65. Material used for studies about calcisphaerulids. Washed residues, picked materials and foraminiferal assemblage slides.
