Type collection to Bolli, H.M. (1945). Zur Stratigraphie der oberen Kreide in den höheren helvetischen Decken. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae (1944, Ausgegeben den 28. Feb. 1945), vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 217-328, plate IX.
PhD thesis of Hans Bolli. The collection consists on 20 thin sections with specimens illustrated on Plate IX, including holotypes and paratypes. Donated to the NMB by H.M. Bolli on 10.2.1993.
There is also raw material from the Turonian Seewerkalk (Säntisgipfel), which is the type locality for G. helvetica Bolli.
Holotypes to illustrated species:
Globotruncana alpina Bolli (1945)
Globotruncana helvetica Bolli (1945)
Globotruncana lapparenti inflata n. ssp. Bolli (1945)
Globotruncana leupoldi Bolli (1945)
Globotruncana lapparenti lapparenti nom. nov. Bolli (1945)
Globotruncana lapparenti coronata nom. nov. Bolli (1945)


With the collection is also a box with sectioned specimens and thin sections of Seewerkalk containing topotypes of G. helvetica from the type-locality (Säntis Gipfel) [topotype sections prepared by L. Hottinger].

See also description in Herb et al. (1965). Die Oberkreide des Helvetikums von Amden (Kt. St. Gallen). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol. u. -Ing., vol. 31(81): 152-159.

Standort (Reference collection)
Standort (Raw material collection)