- Collections of Jean Pierre Beckmann
- Jean
Pierre Beckmann (1927-2002) was a well known specialist in
benthic foraminiferal taxonomy and stratigraphy. In 1953 he completed
his PhD thesis on Alfred Senn's collection of the Eocene to Oligocene
foraminifera of the Oceanic Formation in Barbados (B.W.I.). I
the same year Beckmann started his career as a micropaleontologist
with Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd (TLL), at Pointe-à-Pierre,
Trinidad, from where he has published several studies on the
smaller benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of various formations
in Trinidad and Venezuela. From 1957 to 1959 Beckmann changed
to Stanolind Oil Company in Habana, Cuba, and studied materials
from Cuba and Jamaica. Later, he was working as an exploration
biostratigrapher (regional Carboniferous to Miocene biostratigraphy
of Iran and the Persian Gulf) with Pan American International
Oil Company in Teheran (1958-1964). Later (1964-1968), in Cairo,
with the same company, he studied the regional stratigraphy of
the Lybian desert. In 1969 Beckmann accepted a position as a
scientist and teacher at the Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH) in Zürich, Switzerland. Next to his engagement in
petroleum companies he was sailing on DSDP Leg 8 and 14, from
where several publications were realized. His latest of his great
contributions appeared in 1994 in "Benthic foraminiferal
biostratigraphy of the south Caribbean region" (Cambridge
University Press.
- Source:
- Bolli, H.M.(2002). Jean Pierre Beckmann 1927-2002. Bull.
angew. Geol., 7(2):193-194.
- URLs: Local file,
taken from original source: http://www.angewandte-geologie.ch/Dokumente/Archiv/Vol72/72_Beckmann.pdf
- 0.) Study- and reference
collections of J.P. Beckmann to DSDP Legs:
- DSDP Leg 8; DSDP Leg
14 and Vema 15 & Vema 25-27; DSDP Leg 33;
- 1.) Type collections:
- Type- and reference Collection
of primary types and hypotypes to specimens illustrated and discussed
in the Dissertation of Beckmann, J.-P. (1953). Die Foraminiferen
der Oceanic Formation (Eozän-Oligozän) von Barbados,
Kl. Antillen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 46(2):301-412. TSL 188 containing
the holotypes, paratypes and hypotypes. For the corresponding
reference and study collection
to Beckmann (1953) see further below under section 2.
- Holotypes to:
- Anomalina pompilioides (Galloway and Heminway) var.
semicribrata Beckmann (1953)
- Pyrulinoides antilleanus Beckmann (1953)
- Sphaeroidinella senni Beckmann (1953)
- Standort
- Reference collection to Schneidermann,
N., Beckmann, J.P., and Heezen, B.C. (1972). Shallow
water carbonates from the Puerto Rico Trench Region. 6th Conferencia
geologia del Caribe - Margarita, Venezuela Memoirs 1972, pp.
- Collection of sectioned rocks and thin sections, plus correspondence
of J.P. Beckmann with N. Schneidermann and other collaborators.
Reprint with the collection.
- Donated to the NMB by J.B. Beckmann on 1.12.1992.
- Standort
- Reference collection to Guillaume,
H.A., Bolli, H.M. and Beckmann, J.P. (1972). Estratigrafia
del Cretaceo Inferior en la Serrania del Interior, oriente de
Venezuela. Memoria IV Congreso Geologico Venezolano. Tomo III.
Boletin de Geologia. Publicavion Especial No. 5. Ministerio de
Minas e Hidrocarburos. Caracas 1972, pp. 1620-1659.
- Collection (3 boxes) of slides with benthic foraminiferal
slides, together with the distribution chart and cross references
of C.S.V. (Compania Shell de Venezuela) to the published scientific
species names.
- Also included are
- A reprint of the publication.
- Originals of the published figures 1-14, and Table I ("Distribution
of planktonic foraminifera species 1-23, of which 16 exist in
individual slides", which are indicated with a "V"
on the chart).
- One sheet "Distribution Chart Cretaceous benthonic Foraminifera
in Eastern Venezuela by H.M. Bolli (1961) from the C.S.V. Report
No. 1680, Encl. 86, Caracas).
- One sheet Tabla II: Distribution de Foraminiferos benthonicos
en el Barremiense Superior a Cenomaniense inferior en el oriente
de Venezuela".
- A List "Cretaceous Foraminifera, Eastern Venezuela,
indicating scientific names (by J.P. Beckmann) in same order
as on range chart.
- See also: Collection of J.B. Saunders.
- Donated by to the NMB J.B. Beckmann on 1.12.1992.
- Standort
- Type collection to Beckmann, J.-P. (1974). The foraminiferal
genus Gabonella in Trinidad. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden
Gesellschaft in Basel, vol. 84, No. 1, pp. 321-325.
- Holotypus:
- Gabonella kugleri Beckmann (1974)
- Standort
- Collection to hypotypes described
and illustrated in Beckmann, J.-P. (1976). Shallow water
foraminifers and associated microfossils from Sites 315, 316,
and 318, DSDP Leg 33. Init. Rep. DSDP 33:467-489.
- There is additional material from Leg 33 to this collection
including thin-sections, picked specimens and washed residues
in slides.
- Also, there is correspondence of J.P. Beckmann with various
colleagues and a reprint of Butterlin, J. (1992), who has re-investigated
some of Beckmann's materials in 1992.
- Material donated to the NMB by Jean-Pierre Beckmann, 1.12.1992.
- Standort [illustrated material]
- Standort [additional materials and
documents, reprint Butterlin (1992) ]
- Reference collection to Beckmann,
J.P. (1978). Late Cretaceous smaller benthic foraminifers
from Sites 363 and 364, DSDP Leg 40, Southeast Atlantic Ocean.
Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 40, pp. 759-781.
- The collection comprises:
- multicellular slides A, B, and C with mounted specimens,
with identification lists to each slide.
- A collection of SEM preparations 38a-44, 44a and 45, with
identification lists to species for each preparation.
- 5 trays with washed residues and picked foraminiferal samples
from the Late Cretaceous of DSDP Leg 40, Site 363, cores 18-32
and Site 364, cores 11-24.
- A reprint of the publication with handwritten cross-references
to slides.
- Donated by J.P. Beckmann to the NMB on 1.12.1992.
- Standort
- Reference collection to DSDP
Shipboard Scientific Party and Beckmann, J.P. (1981). Site
451: East Edge of the West Mariana Ridge. Chapter 6 in Initial
Reports of the DSDP, vol. 59, pp. 405-483. Contribution by J.P.
Beckmann on pp. 414-415 (Foraminifera).
- Materials comprising 3 boxes with slides with benthic foraminifers
from DSDP Leg 59, Site 451, plus correspondence of J.P. Beckmann
with various specialists.
- Donated by J.P.Beckmann to the NMB on 1.12.1992.
- Standort
- Reference collection to Beckmann,
J.P., Bolli, H.M., Kleboth, P., and Proto Decima, F. (1982).
Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of the Campanian to Paleocene
of the Monte Giglio, Bergamo Province, Italy. Memorie die Science
Geologiche gia Memorie degli Istituti di Geologia e Mineralogia
dell'Universita di Padova. Vol. 35, pp. 91-172.
- This is a large collection of foraminiferal preparations
that were illustrated or otherwiose belong to this investigation,
- 1 Box with SEM preparations to Pl. IV,V: Beckmann. Cretaceous
Foram Nos C34955-35010 (SEM stubs 66, 67,68) and Pl. VI, VII:
Proto Decima & Bolli: Paleocene Forams No. C35220-35292 (SEM
stubs 69, 70, 71, 72). Both with identification lists.
- 1 Box Monte Giglio with picked samples 2200-2244.
- 1 Box Beckmann et al. (1982), type slides I & II with
identification lists.
- 1 Box Beckmann et al. (1982) with thin section 77/110.
- 3 Boxes Beckmann et al. (1982) with thin sections and with
- Film negatives to SEM illustrations.
- Samples of the 200 ff series.
- 5 Boxes with thin sections from Monte Giglio, comprising
- No. 96-116
- No.117-125
- No. 2276-133
- No. 2290-139
- No. 2250A-2267
- A reprint of the publication.
- Donated from J.P. Beckmann to the NMB at 1.2.1992.
- Standort
- Reference collection to Bernoulli,
D., Beckmann, J.P., Bolli, H.M., and Gunzenhauser, B.A. (1987).
Upper Cretaceous deep-water sediments near Prella (Southern Alps,
Mendrisiotto, Switzerland). Memorie die Science Geologiche gia
Memorie degli Istituti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell'Universita
di Padova. Vol. 39, pp. 49-71.
- Collection of illustrated thin sections. A reprint of the
publication is deposited with the collection.
- Thin-sections include the following numbers:
- Bo 83/2,a,b; Bo 83/7; Bo 83/19; Bo 83/24; Bo 83/26; Bo 83/29;
Bo 83/32; Bo 83/44; Bo 83/45; Bo 84/13; Bo 84/14; Bo 84/16; Bo
84/19 (all H.M. Bolli numbers).
- P-11; P-12;
- BG 317; BG 383; BG 392;
- DB5557; DB5561; DB5563; DB6602; DB6603; DB6607; DB6608; DB6939;
DB6940; DB7073 (all Dan Bernoulli numbers).
- FH41; FH75;
- Donated by J.P. Beckmann to the NMB on 1.12.1992.
- Standort
- Type- and reference collection
to Beckmann,
J.P. (1991). New taxa of foraminifera from the Cretaceous
and basal Tertiary of Trinidad, West Indies. Eclogae geol. Helv.
84(3):819-835. TSL 8.
- SEM preparations in 6 plastic boxes, with identification
lists and identification drawings to SEM-stubs and numbers of
negatives to the boxes.
- This collection is simultaneously the reference collection
to Bolli,
H.M., Beckmann, J.P. and Saunders, J.B. (1994).
- See also Kaminski, M.A., Gradstein, F.M., Beggren,
W.A., Geroch, S., and Beckmann, J.-P. (1988). Flysch-type
agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages from Trinidad: Taxonomy,
stratigraphy and Paleobathymetry. Abhandlungen der Geologischen
Bundes-Anstalt Wien, vol. 41, pp. 155-227.
- Box 1: SEM stubs 1-20
- Box 2: SEM stubs 21-38
- Box 1: SEM stubs 38a-45
- Box 1: SEM stubs 46-60
- Box 1: SEM stubs 73-87
- Box 1: SEM stubs 88-97
- Box 1: SEM stub 98
- Holotypes to:
- Evolutinella renzi Beckmann (1991)
- Ammobaculites lacertae Beckmann (1991)
- Sculptobaculites barri Beckmann (1991)
- Trochammina globolaevigata Beckmann (1991)
- Plectina kugleri Beckmann (1991)
- Eggerina subnovata Beckmann (1991)
- Nodosaria aspera paravermiculata Beckmann (1991)
- Cristellariopsis wirzi Beckmann (1991)
- Lenticulina lepida morugaensis Beckmann (1991)
- Cibicidoides tuxpamensis laxispiralis Beckmann (1991)
- Gyroidinoides kaminskii Beckmann (1991)
- Gavelinella rochardensis Beckmann (1991)
- New name:
- Halophragmoides neochapmani n. nomen
- Donated by J.P. Beckmann on 1.12.1992.
- Standort
- 2.) Reference collections:
- Reference collection to the Dissertation
of Beckmann,
J.-P. (1953). Die Foraminiferen der Oceanic Formation
(Eozän-Oligozän) von Barbados, Kl. Antillen. Eclogae
geol. Helv. 46(2):301-412.
- Standort: Deposited
together with the
collections of Alfred Senn from Barbados. See also the collections
of J.B. Saunders et al. from the Bath Cliff section, Barbados.
- Type and reference collection
to Beckmann,
J.P. (1955, 1956, and 1957). Foraminiferal Faunas of
Trinidad Type Localities. Private Report No. 395, i.e.
- Part 3: Beckmann, J.P. (1955). The benthonic foraminifera
of the Gautier, Naparima Hill and Guayaguayare Formations (Upper
Cretaceous). Private G.P.S. Report No. 395, Part 3, 27 p. plus
enclosures. T.L.L. Geological Laboratory, Pointe-à-Pierre,
May 1955. Deposited with the collection.
- Part 5: Beckmann, J.P. (1956). The benthonic foraminifera
of the Lizard Springs Formation. Private G.P.S. report No. 395,
Part 5, 35 p. plus enclosures. T.L.L. Geological Laboratory,
Pointe-à-Pierre, January 1956. Deposited with the collection.
- Part 7: Beckmann, J.P. (1957). The benthonic foraminifera
of the Navet and San Fernando Formations. G.P.S. report No. 395,
Part 7, 29 p. plus enclosures. T.T.O.C. Geological Laboratory,
Pointe-à-Pierre, February 1957. Deposited with the collection.
- The collection includes:
- A collection of zonal type slides with T.L.L. zonal numbers
(cardboard boxes 3 and 4, see above reports for identifications).
- A key for the translation of U.S.N.M. Bulletin 215 (Loeblich and Tappan, and collaborators, 1957)
zonal schemes into the T.L.L. zonal scheme.
- A correlation chart of Albian through Eocene planktonic foraminiferal
zones and formations in Trinidad.
- Collection donated to the NMB by H.M. Bolli on 17.11.1998.
- See also "An inventory of benthic smaller foraminifera
in Trinidad, W.I." of Hans M. Bolli and J.B. Saunders (1958, unpublished)
deposited in the study collections of J.B. Saunders.
- Standort
- Jean-Pierre Beckmann's study collection
"Late Albian Globotruncana 26 zone to Early Eocene
Globorotalia 22 zone (T.L.L. zonal scheme) of Trinidad
benthic foraminifera and corresponding card catalogues".
- This is a large collection of assemblage slides of benthic
foraminifera of Early Cretaceous to Eocene benthic foraminifera
and other microfossils from Trinidad. Card boxes 1-22 contain
benthic foraminiferal assemblages of T.L.L. zones Globotruncana
26 to Globorotalia 22. Cardboard boxes 23-25 contain varia. Cardboard
box No. 23 contains assemblage slides, that were investigated
in Beckmann, J.P.
(1960) [see further below].
- Deposited with these slides are
- A card catalogue (in 4 packages) with all species in boxes
No. 1-22 listed, i.e. agglutinated foraminifera, Rotaliids, Nodosariids
and Buliminids.
- Cardboard box No. 23 contains 21 assemblage slides I-XXI
containing the taxa of the investigated zones. Attached are identification
lists numbered I-XXI (exceptions: XVI are Bolivinoides). List
XVIII belongs to thereference collection
to Beckmann,
J.P. (1960). Distribution of benthonic foraminifera at
the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary of Trinidad (West Indies). Reprinted
from the Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI
session, Norden, 1960, Part V, The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary,
Copenhagen 1960, pp. 57-69 (i.e. illustrated types in figs 1-17).
- Cardboard boxes 24-25 contain varia.
- The wooden box contains the card catalogue of all illustrated
(published and not published) species, that were investigated
by J.P. Beckmann.
- A sheet showing the correlation of planktonic foraminiferal
zonal schemes published in the U.S.N.M. Bull. 215 publication
with the T.L.L. zonal numbers.
- Collection donated to the NMB by H.M. Bolli and J.P. Beckmann
on 30.3.1999.
- Standort
- Reference collection to El
Kerrdany, M.T. (1969). Paleontology and regional correlation
studies of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary rocks of Middle
Egypt. Unpublished PhD thesis, Faculty of Science, Ains Shams
University, Cairo. Typescript, 177 p., plates 1 through 18. Enclosures:
7 stratigraphic sections, 3 correlation charts.
- This is a collection of washed residues in glass vials and
thin sections described in the thesis. Alongside are detailed
sample lists and sections with the stratigraphic positions of
the samples indicated.
- Relevant sections are:
- AG: Guss Abu Said
- AM: Maqfi
- ANO: Gebel Uweina
- AH: gebel Abuttad
- NAB: Luxor
- Additional sections (Nos 3, 6, 9, 12, 20 and 23) are from
the Nile Valley.
- A copy (typescript) of the PhD thesis is deposited with the
- Donated from J.P. Beckmann to the NMB on 1.2.1992.
- See also:
- Type collection to Kerdany, M.T. and Abdelsalam, H. (1969).
- Colln. J.P.
Beckmann from Galala section (Gulf of Suez) and Gebel Kilabya
- Publication of Beckmann, J.P., El-Heiny, I., Kerdany, M.T.,
Said, R. and Viotti, C. (1969).
- Standort
- Collections J.P. Beckmann (ca.
1969 ?, year unclear) from Egypt: Southern Galala section
(Gulf of Suez) and Gebel Kilabiya section (Idu-Esna area).
- This is a collection of washed residues in glass vials, thin
sections together with stratigraphic drawings from the Galala
section (Gulf of Suez) and the Gebel Kilabiya section (near Esna)
showing a Cretaceous-Tertiary succession. These sections were
not studied in the the PhD study of Kerdany
(1969) (see above). There exists an extended body of more
recent stratigraphic studies from Southern Galala platform (see,
for example, Ismail et al., 2007; Galal and Kamel,
2007). A complete transition from the Cretaceous to the Tertiary
is only available in restricted areas in the South Galala area
J.P., El-Heiny, I., Kerdany, M.T., Said, R. and Viotti, C.
(1969), Scheibner et al., 2001). For the Gebel Kilabiya
area refer also to the study of Ouda, Berggren and Saad (2003).
- For the above reasons, these unpublished sections and samples
of J.P. Beckmann from Galala and Gebel Kilabya provide interesting
extra information and reference about the Late Cretaceous/Early
Palegene succession in middle Egypt with respect to any further
study in that area. Especially compare with the GSSP for the
base of the Eocene Series in the nearby Dababiya section
published by Aubry et al. (2007).
- Cited references (printouts are deposited as supplementary
information with the collection of J.P. Beckmann from Egypt):
- Aubry, M.-P., Ouda, K., Dupuis, C., Berggren, W.A., and
Van Couvering, J.A. and the Members of the Working Group on the
Paleocene/Eocene Boundary (2007). Global Standard Stratotype-Section
and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Eocene series in the Dababiya
section (Egypt). Episodes, vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 271-286.
- Galal, G. and Kamel, S. (2007). Early Paleogene planktic
foraminiferal biostratigraphy at the Monastery of Saint Paul,
Southern Galala, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Revue de Paléobiologie,
vol. 26(2), pp. 391-402.
- Ismail, A.A., Hussein-Kamel, Y., Boukhari, M., Ghandour,
A.A.A. (2007). Campanian-Early Eocene stratigraphy of the
Southern Galala Plateau, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Geologia Croatica,
vol. 60/2, pp. 115-137.
- Ouda, K.H., Berggren, W.A., Saad, K.H. (2003). The
Gebel Owaina and Kilabiya section in the Idfu-Esna area, Upper
Nile Valley (Egypt). In: Ouda, H.H., and Aubry, M.P. (eds.).
The Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene of the Upper Nile Valley: Part
1, Stratigraphy. Micropaleontology, vol. 49, supplement No. 1,
pp. 147-166.
- Scheibner, C., Marzouk, A.M. and Kuss, J. (2001).
Shelf architecture of an isolated Late Cretaceous carbonate platform
margin, Galala Mountains (Eastern Desert, Egypt). Sedimentary
Geology, vol. 145, pp. 23-43.
- Standort
- Collections J.P. Beckmann (1963,
unpublished material) from South Iran: Tang-i-Gurguda section
(Eocene to Miocene), Tang-i-Hind section (Upper Cretaceous to
Oligocene), Tang-i-Bulfaris section Cretaceous to Miocene), and
Kuh-i-Surmeh section (Permian to Miocene).
- Collection of thin sections (2 boxes), including sample list,
brief description of thin sections, and a card catalogue to samples.
No publication nor further documentation on this material was
found until present.
- Sections:
- 1.) Tang-i-Gurguda (north of Gach Saran oil field):
Samples H-157 to H-188 covering the Asmari Formation (Miocene),
Oligocene and the upper Eocene.
- 2.) Tang-i-Hind (east of Kazerun, prov. Fars): Samples
V-166 to V-247 covering the Asmari Formation (Oligocene), the
Eocene and the Upper Cretaceous.
- 3.) Tang-i-Bulfaris (northeast of the Agha Jari field):
Samples V-347 to V-399 covering the Asmari Formation (Miocene-Oligocene),
the Eocene, and the upper to middle Cretaceous.
- 4.) Kuh-i-Surmeh (50 km south to Firzubad): Samples
V-1277 to V-1228 covering the Fars group (Miocene), the Asmari
Formation (Oligocene-Miocene), the Eocene, Cretaceous, Jurassic
and Permian.
- For a geological and tectonmic orientation the illustrations
in the following paper may be helpful: Allen, M.B., Saville, C., Blanc, E.J.-P.,
Talebian, M., and Nissen, E. (2013). orogenic plateau
growth: Expansion of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau across the Zagros
fold- and thrust belt. Tectonics, vol. 32, pp. 1-20. doi: 10.1002/tect.20025,
- Standort
- Study collections of J.B. Beckmann
to DSDP Legs 8 and 14, and Vema 15 & Vema 25-27
- Collection of washed residues and slide preparations [all
Slg 31].
- DSDP Leg 8, Sites 68-71 [All ex Wooden Cabinet 1A].
- DSDP Leg 8, Sites 71-75 [All ex Wooden Cabinet 1B].
- DSDP Leg 14, Sites 135-144A,B, plus Vema 15, and Vema 25-27
[All ex Wooden Cabinet 2].
- Standort1 (Sites 68-71)
- Standort2 (Sites
- Standort3 (Sites 135-144, Vema)