Important sample and type localities of foraminifera in Trinidad, B.W.I.
Overview of Late Albian to Early Eocene sample localities (large open and filled circles) and Late Eocene to Middle Miocene type localities of planktic foraminiferal zones (red points). Combined from Figure 13 and Figure 48 shown in Bolli, Beckmann and Saunders (1994). For precise descriptions of localities consult the references given in this publication. Many of the samples or materials from the indicated cores are deposited in the stratigraphic collection of Trinidad from Hans G. Kugler at the NMB or other collections held at the Natural History Museum in Basel.
Surface sample designations: Bn: Pickering Quarry (NE side of Naparima Hill); Bo 521 (Bolli sample 521, identical to Renz sample Rz 413). G3644: same area as John Saunders sample JS 1019 or Karl Ror sample KR 8385. Hk 1831: Hans Kugler sample from type locality of Globorotalia subbotinae Zone. Hk 1832: same locality as Hk 1831. JS 1019: Sample from John Saunders, same locality as Karl Rohr sample KR 8385. K9415: Hans Kugler sample, co-type locality of the Globorotalia velascoensis Zone. K10832: Kugler sample, type locality of the Globorotalia pseudomenardii Zone. KB 6972: Sample from Ken Barr. KB 7907: Sample from Ken Barr. KR 8385=JS1019. KR23575: Sample from Karl Rohr, Designated as type locality of the Globorotalia uncinata Zone but now recognized as the G. ungulata Zone. PJ 253: A sample from Peter Jung from Usine Ste Madeleine Quarry. RM287: from Lower Cruse Formation clay. Rz 281: H.H. Renz sample (same as for KB 6972) type locality for the Globorotalia formosa formosa Zone. Rz 389: a sample from H.H. Renz from the lower Member of Tarouba Formation. Rz 413: A sample from H.H. Renz (same as for Bo 521), type locality for the Globorotalia aragonensis Zone.
Abbreviatiated well locations: AB=Antilles Brighton; AO=Antilles Oropuche; BD=Boodoosingh; ES=Esmeralda; FW=Fortin West; G=Guayaguayare; LI=Lizard; MA=Marac; MB=Marabella; MD=Morne Diablo; MO=Moruga; RD=Rock Dome; RO=Rochard.
Type localities: 1=Acarinina pentacamerata Zone; 2=Hantkenina nuttalli Zone; 3=Globigerinatheka subconglobata subconglobata Zone; 4=Morozovella lehneri Zone; 5=Orbulinoides beckmanni Zone; 6=Truncorotaloides rohri Zone; 7=Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta Zone; 8=Turborotalia cerroazulensis Zone; 9= Globigerina ampliapertura Zone; 10=Globorotalia opima opima Zone; 11=Globigerina ciperoensis zone; 12=Globorotalia kugleri Zone; 13=Globigerinoides primordius Zone; 14=Catapsydrax dissimilis Zone; 15=Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone; 16=Globigerinatella insueta Zone; 17=Globorotalia fohsi peripheroronda Zone; 18=Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Zone; 19=Globorotalia fohsi lobata Zone; 20=Globorotalia fohsi robusta Zone; 21=Globorotalia mayeri Zone; 22=Globorotalia menardii Zone.