Micropaleontological collections of Hans G. Kugler
See Saunders, J.B. and Bolli, H.M. (1985) on Trinidad's contribution to world biostratigraphy.
1.) Collection of H.G. Kugler's Foraminiferal Genus Slides of the T.L.L. (Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd.) Type Collection, comprising five cardboard-boxes (Labelled as Dr. H.G. Kugler's Collection, Boxes 1 through 5). Slide lists are given in the "List of Genera in T.L.L. Type Collection", which is an overview of foraminiferal Genera, in alphabetical order, and which is accompanied to the slides.
Note #1: There are two versions of the Genera List: A probably eary version (entitled "List of Genera in T.L.L. Type Collection") and a later version from 1959 (entitled "Scientific Cross-Index to Trinidad Foraminiferal Types"). The numbers in these indeces are the T.L.L. Routine No., and simultaneously are the numbers of the field, where the specimen is located in the corresponding genus slide.
See also Archive H.G. Kugler from Trinidad, Box No. 77 (in red folder): Stainforth, R.M. (1945). Trinidad Foraminiferal Type Samples. Report #3. Cruse and Forest Formations. Unpublished Geological Report No. 272 (T.L.L.).
Note #2: There is a similar collection, entitled "Trinidad Foraminifera", which was prepared by H.M. Bolli (see Collection of H.M. Bolli, donation from 22.11.2002).
Note #3: Use the T.L.L. collection together with the "Stratigraphic distribution of smaller foraminifera in Trinidad", Cretaceous to Recent, compiled by H.M. Bolli and J.B. Saunders, February 1958, which is located in the Collection of H.M. Bolli (donation from 22.11.2002).
Note #4: Translations of T.L.L. zonal names to scientific names and an inventory of important type samples for Trinidad land sections is given in two documents, e.g., Cross-correlations of T.L.L. zonal names for Trinidad and Overview of type-samples from Trinidad land sections used for development of T.L.L. zonal schemes and later schemes for tropical plankton foraminiferal zonations, compiled by Michael Knappertsbusch from collections held at NMB.
Curatorial note: Both versions were found in H.G. Kugler's Hand-library (MK, 10.12.2002), and are now held together with the collection.
Note#5: For cross-reference of T.L.L. names see also Frampton, J. (late 1980s). Correlation of foraminiferal zones in Trinidad with TTI zonal schemes. Unpublished document, print deposited alongside collection. Link to pdf (internal access only). See also copy of list "Zonal markers for Treatise (from U.S.N.M. Bull 215)", original deposited in the Kugler archive, Box 53 (Correspondence with Hans Bolli).
Note#6: For cross-correlation of Shell zones and Texaco foraminiferal zonal codes from the Miocene and Oligocene see Fieldbook #50 from Hans G. Kugler (1959-1960).
2.) TLL Type collection of H.G. Kugler - Small foraminifera and ostracods from Trinidad [Ex office J. meier, cabinet 171/15]:
A collection of microfossil slides with foraminifers and ostracods from Trinidad, prepared by J.-P. Beckmann, P.W. Jarvis, A. Senn, P. Brönnimann, H.H. Renz, H.M. Bolli, W.A. Van den Bold, and Saunders. See also TLL collections of H.G. Kugler (Collection of H.G. Kugler's Foraminiferal Genus Slides of the T.L.L. (Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd.) Type Collection), and of H.M. Bolli (Collection of Trinidad Foraminifera prepared by H.M. Bolli).
Subcollections include those of J.-P. Beckmann, P.W. Jarvis, P. Brönnimann, A. Senn, R.J.L. Guppy, H.H. Renz, H.M.Bolli, and W.A.Van den Bold.
Slide Chiloguembelina and related genera from Trinidad, B.W.I., prepared by J.-P. Beckmann, April 1957, including specimen list.
See also the collections of J.P. Beckmann and, especially, Jean-Pierre Beckmann's study collection "Late Albian Globotruncana 26 zone to Early Eocene Globorotalia 22 zone (T.L.L. zonal scheme) of Trinidad benthic foraminifera and corresponding card catalogues".
Slide Foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous, Eocene and Oligocene of Trinidad, B.W.I., prepared and determined by P.W.Jarvis (1927), with corrections from M. Reichel (1953), (donated by E. Lehner). With specimen lists, first version from P.W. Jarvis, corrected versions according to M. Reichel.
Slide with ostracodes, Ostracoda from plant leaves, Tobago (BR 585, =TLL 39287). Types determined by M.H. Stephenson. Related literature: P. Brönnimann (1949). Pflanzenbewohnende tropische Foraminiferen nebst Beschreibung von Cymbalophora tobagoensis n.sp. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, vol. 60, p. 179-185. List of ostracods on page 183.
A collection of washed residues in glass vials and picked residues from various Trinidad formations, collected by A. Senn, partially during the Trinidad Geological Conference 1939.
No separate list is available; however for lower Senn numbers (year 1938) see fieldbook from Alfred Senn entitled "XVI, Barbados II, S 108-S 157" on pages 100-102 (an extract xerox is deposited with the collection). The fieldbook is deposited in the A. Senn Archive [Standort archive] in box labelled as "A. Senn, Barbados, Reports, Stratigraphie, Letters, Literaturverzeichnis". For higher Senn numbers (year 1939) refer to Conference Reports in the Kugler archive.
Of special interest is this small but historical collection of glass slide preparations with foraminifera, radiolarians and diatoms from R.J.L. Guppy, that was rescued by Hans G. Kugler after there was a fire at the Museum in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad (fire mentioned on an undated label with the collection, but see the note of H.G. Kugler dated from 22 November 1913 when he mentioned finding Guppy's slides in the remains of the museum (Kugler archive, Box #72, folder about Guppy, notes written in red ink). See also mentions of Guppy meeting with A. Tobler in Tobler's fieldbook #24 (1913-1914).
The above glass slides were prepared by R.J.L. Guppy and show embedded foraminifers, diatoms radiolaria and palynomorphs from various places, mainly from Trinidad (Gulf of Paria), but also from Jamaica and the North Sea. Slides are labelled but there is no special list available. There is an undated handwritten note in red where Hans Kugler described the finding of these foram slides, see GEO Archive NMB, Kugler Archive, Trinidad, Box 72, in folder "Guppy".
Guppy was the founder of the Royal Victoria Institute (RVI, now renamed the National Museum) in Port-of-Spain at the time of Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1887 (see Bissessar, P., facebook posting from 25 July 2021). A fire gutted the RVI building in 1920s and it was rebuilt in 1923, but renamed the National Museum and Art Gallery in 1965 (see https://uwispace.sta.uwi.edu/dspace/handle/2139/7802?show=full and https://nationaltrust.tt/location/royal-victoria-institute/).
As reported in the Trinidad Guardian and the Port-of-Spain Gazette, both from 21 May 1920, the fire occurred on the 31st of March 1920. (source: National Archives Trinidad and Tobago).
A selection of washed residues in sample bags from various Trinidad Formation Type localities, collected by H.H. Renz. On some sample bags with note: "See Cushmann & Renz (=publications ?). No detailed list available.
Three cardboards holding slides, entitled Non-Foraminiferal fossils and Non Mollusks, for Dr. Renz for determination. No List available.
One assemblage slide containing planktonic foraminifera of the Paleocene -Lower Eocene Lizard Springs Formations (Trinidad, B.W.I.), including list with scientific names. Prepared by H.M. Bolli (16 April 1957). To be published in U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 215. Reference material to Bolli, H.M. (1957), The genera Globigerina and Globorotalia in the Paleocene-Lower Eocene Lizard Springs Formation of Trinidad, B.W.I. In: Loeblich and Tappan, and collaborators (1957) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 215, pp. 61-81).
TLL Type collection for ostracoda from Trinidad and Tobago, determined by W.A. Van den Bold (H.G. Kugler's Ostracod collection, 4 cardboard boxes I through IV). A generic key to the TTI Ostracode collection by M. Dempsey is alongside the collection. No detailed specimen list was found with the collection. Primary types to species are deposited in the USNM, Washington, D.C. The related type literature to this collection is published in
3.) Collection of larger foraminifera of H.G. Kugler to Vaughan, T.W. and Cole, W. St. (1941), determined by T.W. Vaughan.
See type- and reference collection to Vaughan and Cole (1941).
4.) Collection of larger foraminifera from Trinidad, and labelled as colln. "Van der Vlerk"
This is a set of wooden boxes with thin sections from various Trinidad locations and washed materials originally collected by Hans G. Kugler, Alfred Senn, Bramine Caudri, and others. The collection is listed as "Van der Vlerk", but no literature reference is given. The closest reference is the one of Van der Geyn, W.A.E. and Van der Vlerk, J.M. (1935). A monograph on the Orbitoididae occurring in the tertiary of America. Compiled in connection with an examination of a collection of larger foraminifera from Trinidad. Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen, 7(2):221-272.
In the second part of this publication is a listing of samples collected from Trinidad, bot none of the ones found in the present collection is listed. Possibly, the present material is an unreferenced portion of the study material checked by Van der Geyn and Van der Vlerk for their 19935 publication.
The collection comprises the following materials:
The precise sampling localities of H.G. Kugler samples are indicated on a series of topographic map sheets, which are deposited in K3/Wandgestell/maps and documents of Peter Jung/Italy. The relevant sheets are: