Collections of H.P. Luterbacher
- About
Hanspeter Luterbacher (8.1.1938 - 17.11.2021)
- List of publications
of H.P. Luterbacher (arranged by year)
Type- and reference
collections (processed materials).
DSDP/ODP Collections:
- Legs 1, 11,
12, 13,
14, 15, 17,
23, 25,
27, 32,
36, 41,
43, 44,
47, 50,
55 (Arif Butt), 62,
78, 129
(Gabi Dürr),
- Collections of Arif Butt: Leg 55,
also DSDP collections of Riegraf et al. (1984, 1989a,b).
- Unprocessed raw materials from DSDP
/ ODP.
Study collections of H.P. Luterbacher:
- Switzerland: Molasse and Jura drilling sites: Altishofen, Essertines,
Linden, Vraconne (see collns O. Renz), Entlebuch,
and Cuarny. For the drilling wells
of Le Maley (west of Cornaux, Kt. Neuenburg) refer to
the collection of Renz, O., Luterbacher, H.P. and Schneider,
A. (1963).
- Egypt: Geological
reconnaissance in the western desert (B.I.P.M., 1960).
- Maastrichtian-Paleogene sections:
- Topotypes from various locations,
mostly Europe.
- Paleogene sections from
- Teaching materials:
Calcareous algae [Diss. Ziko (1985), Abdel-Kireem, Djebel El-Zeit]);
Phytoplankton; Microfazies; Foraminiferal zones).
- Study collections
to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989 a,b,c), DSDP Legs 1-79.
- Western Morocco, Passive continental margin: Study collns. Arif Butt (1982 ?).
- 0.) Type- and reference collections of H.P. Luterbacher:
- Type collection to Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1962).
Note préliminaire sur une révision du profil de
Gubbio, Italie. Rivista Italiana de Paleontologia 68(2):253-288,
23 plates.
- Hypotypoids and topotypes of the illustrated specimens, in
fema cells. Illustrated topotype to Rotalipora appenninica
(Luterbacher & Premoli Silva, (1962), Plate XIX, Fig. 3a-c).
- For reference material from the Gubbio sections see collections
to thesis Luterbacher, H.P. (1964).
Types collection to Renz, O., Luterbacher, H.P., and Schneider,
A. (1963). Stratigraphisch- paläontologische Untersuchungen
im Albien und Cénomanien des Neuenburger Jura. Eclogae
geol. Helv. 56(2): 1073-1116.
collections of O. Renz
Type-, reference-, selected topotype-
and raw-material collections to Luterbacher, H.P. (1964). Studies
in some Globorotalia from the Paleocene and Lower Eocene
of the Central Apennines. Eclogae geol. Helv. 57(2):631-730. Material
to H.P. Luterbacher's thesis about the Gubbio-, Bottacione-, and
Contessa sections in the Central Appennine.
The type-collection includes the illustrated thin sections
and isolated specimens in fema cells, that are disscussed in the
PhD dissertation of H.P. Luterbacher. There are also the original
drawings of the thin sections and microphotographs (paper prints)
with the collection.
The reference collection encompasses additional materials
that was studied and partially mentioned in the thesis but which
was not explicitely illustrated. This includes 10 trays with picked
foraminiferal faunas in Fema-cells and multicellular slides. Of
thesese the assemblage slides G-1 through G 256 are documented
in more detail in Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1962),
but see also Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1964).
On 2 extra trays there are thin-sections from the Valle della
Contessa section (samples V18 through V82) to Luterbacher, H.P. (1964). The accompagnying
elongate red box contains Fema-cells with isolated specimens of
planktic foraminifers from the Gubbio sections, that were drawn
by H.P. Luterbacher but not published. Alongside the reference
materials are the original hand drawings of the individual sections
indicating the stratigrapühic positions of samples. Another
stack of 5 trays bears picked foraminifera in Fema-cells or multi-cellular
slides from the Detailed Sections described in the thesis.
Abbreviations: Fo=Fossombrone section; Me=Metauro section;
SL=San Lazzaro section; V=Valle della Contessa section A; K=Valle
della Contessa section B.
Topotype materials from the Ceselli-section: Recollection
by Ferrer and Luterbacher in 1966 from the type-locality and type-level
of Globigerina eugubina (see also entries fieldbook of
H.P. Luterbacher). A collection of 2 raw material samples and
washed residues in various size fractions from them. For description
of section see Fig. 2 (location 20) and page 85 in Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1964),
but see also Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1962).
Also material to Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1964):
Sample Ceselli 3 (=original type sample to Globigerina eugubina
(1962) and further re-collected type sample of the G. eugubina
type-level during the year 1981. Included are also 4 Fema-cells
with picked specimens from Monte Conero (sample no. 3: Racemiguembelina
fructicosa, Trinitella scotti and Rugoglobigerina
Raw-materials collection: Cretaceous through Middle
Eocene bulk sediments to this study from selected horizons of
the sections (K-, V-, Fo-, Me-, and G-series) illustrated in Fig.
132 of Luterbacher,
H.P. (1964). V-numbers indicate samples from the Valle
della Contessa section, Fo-numbers indicate samples from the Fossombrone
- Standort (Type-collection).
- Standort (Reference collection, donated on 24 February 2016).
- Standort (Ceselli topotypes G. eugubina,
donated on 24 February 2016).
- Standort (Raw-material collection).
Type collection to Luterbacher, H.P. and Premoli Silva, I. (1964).
Biostratigrafia del limite Cretaceo-Terziario nell Appennino Centrale.
Rivista Italiana de Paleontologia, 70(1):67-128, 7 plates.
Illustrated specimens in fema cells, including the holotypes
and paratypes of:
- Globigerina anconitana Luterbacher and Premoli Silva
- Globigerina eugubina Luterbacher and Premoli Silva
- Globigerina minutula Luterbacher and Premoli Silva
- Globigerina sabina Luterbacher and Premoli Silva (1964)
- Globigerina umbrica Luterbacher and Premoli Silva
- For reference material from the Gubbio sections see collections
to thesis Luterbacher, H.P. (1964).
Raw material collection to Luterbacher,
H.P. (1965). Das Scaglia-Profil der Breggia bei Balerna
(Süd-Tessin). Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Petroleum-Geologen
und Ingenieure, vol. 31, No. 81, pp. 161-175. (Neuere Daten zur
mikropaläontologischen Forschung in der Schweiz, zum 9. Europäischen
Mikropaläontologischen Kolloquium, Schweiz, 1965). A copy
of the publication is with the collection, together with xerox
copies of fieldbook notes from H.P. Luterbacher.
- The raw material collection contains the following HL-samples:
HL500, HL501, HL502, HL503, HL504, HL505, HL506, HL507, HL508,
HL510, HL511, HL512, HL513, HL514, HL515, HL516, HL517, HL518,
HL519, HL520, HL521, HL522, HL523, HL524, HL525, HL526, HL527,
HL528, HL529, HL530, HL531, HL532, HL533, HL534, HL535, HL536,
HL537, HL538, HL539, HL540, HL541, HL542, HL543, HL544, HL545,
HL546, HL547, HL548, HL550, HL551, HL552, HL553, HL554, HL555,
HL556, HL557, HL558, HL559, HL560, HL561, HL562, HL563, HL564,
HL565, HL566, HL567, HL569, HL570, HL571, HL572, HL573, HL574,
HL575, HL576, HL577, HL578, HL579, HL580, HL581, HL582, HL583
Additional, unprocessed bulk material to this study (field
numbers HL560 through HL627) is deposited at the Natural History
Museum in the raw material collection (collected by O.
Renz and H. Luterbacher in 1964), together with a copy of the
publication of Luterbacher (1965).
Standort (raw materials collection
HL560 - HL614)
Reference collection to Renz, O. and Luterbacher, H.P. (1965a).
Die Mittlere Kreide von La Vraconne bei Ste-Croix (Kt. Waadt).
Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., vol. 31, No. 81, April
1965, pp. 76-101.
See collections
of O. Renz
Documents to Premoli Silva, I. and Luterbacher, H.P. (1966).
The Cretaceos-Teriary boundary in the Southern Alps (Italy). Rivista
Italiana de Paleontologia, vol. 72(4):1183-1266.
With the exception of a limonitic nodule from the hardground
of Nago (HL 788, illustrated in Figure 10 on page 1209) no reference
collection or collection of raw materials to this publication
was found until this moment (status 16. July 2014). However, a
copy of the publication is available and xeroxed pages of field-notes
"Premoli Silva/Luterbacher, Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary
of the Southern Alps" indicating the field numbers of the
samples described in the publication is available.
Field numbers comprise the following sample series:
- Pederobba-Molinetto: 615-618
- Scaion: 619
- Possagno: 620
- Miniera di Carcoselle near Possagno: 621-628
- Possagno-Bassano, Cugnal: 629-631
- Castel Tesino: 632-639
- Val di Non: 640-652
- Castello Belfort: 653-658
- Molveno: 659-663
- Ponte Pia': 664-673
- Fraveggio: 674-677
- Sopramonte: 678-682
- Pian del Cansiglio: 683-700
- Vich: 701-707
- Mis: 708-711
- Campedei: 712-726
- Lamon: 727-733
- Rio Val Molina: 734-746
- Pradipaldo: 747-750
- Gallio: 752-758
- Mossano: 759-784
- Nago: 785-791
- Tignale: 792-795
- Pian del Cansiglio: 802-823
- Vich2: 825-831
- Ardo: 832-840
- Val di Non: 841-857
- Portolo: 858-863
- Ponte Pia' 2: 864-887
- Pian del Cansiglio: 888-889
- Ponte Pia' 3: 890-906
- Autostrada Milano-Lecco: 907-983
Reference collection to Cita, M.B., Premoli-Silva,
I., Toumarkine, M., Bolli, H.M., Luterbacher, H.P., Mohler, H.P., and Schaub, H. (1968 a).
Le Paléocène et l'Eocène de Paderno D'Adda
(Italie septentrionale). Mémoire du Bureau de recherches
Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.), No. 58 (Colloque
sur L'Eocène, Paris, Mai 1968):611-627.
and to
Cita, M.B., Premoli-Silva, I., Toumarkine, M., Bolli,
H.M., Luterbacher, H.P., Mohler, H.P.,
and Schaub, H. (1968 b). La coupe Paléocène-Eocène
de Paderno d'Adda. In Cita, M.B. (ed.) Guide de l'excursion en
Italie. Colloque sur l'Eocène, Milan-Nice-Paris-Reims 18-26
mai 1968, pp. 8-17.
A reprint of Cita et al. (1968 a) and a xerox copy to
Cita et al. (1968 b) is with the collection. See also the
excursion guides to European Micropaleontological Colloquia
alongside the collections of Hans Schaub.
This is an integrated micropaleontological study on the Paderno
d'Adda section in northern Italy. The collection of H.P. Luterbacher
comprises 4 trays with planktic foraminiferal assemblage slides
and isolated specimens in Fema-cells from the Paderno d'Adda section.
Assemblage slides labelled with numbers 906 through 951 and
Mo 909 through Mo 940. Fema cells are numbered from Pd 1 through
Pd 28 and were collected by H.P. Luterbacher at earlier occasions.
A separate collection (in cardboard box) contains 20 Fema-cells
with picked specimens. They are numbered from 778 through 839,
which however do not relate to the above publications
of Cita et al. (1968 a,b).
In addition, there is raw material from the Paderno d'Adda
section deposited in the raw materials collection of Hans Schaub
(Paderno d'Adda).
- Standort (planktic foraminifera H.P.
Luterbacher from Paderno d'Adda).
- Standort (reference collection nummulites).
- Standort (raw material Hans Schaub).
Reference collection and type colln.
[TSL 371] to Luterbacher, H.P. (1970 c). Environmental
distribution of Early Tertiary microfossils, Tremp Basin, Northeastern
Spain. ESSO Production Research European Laboratories. EPRE
Private report No. EPR-E-1ER-70, 48 pages, 18 plates.
Collection of macro- and microfossils, including specimens
illustrated in the report, from sections Tremp, Ager, S. Adria,
Llimiana, S. Esteve, and Alsina. The type collection (TSL 371)
contains illustrated macrofossils (corals, ostrea, gastropods)
illustrated on plates 14-18.
For precise levels of samples in the various sections see also
Luterbacher, H.P.
(1971). Paleogene microfossils from northeastern Spain.
Systematic paleontology. ESSO Production Research European
Laboratories. Supplement to: Environmental distribution of Early
Tertiary microfossils, Tremp Basin, Northeastern Spain. EPR-E-1
ER-70 (see further below).
There is additional materials from the Tremp-, Ager-, S. Adria-,
Llimiana-, S. Esteve-, and Asina sections in the raw materials
Note: There is additional material from these locations
available in the raw materials collection of Hans Schaub (Standort:
K3/G6/1, 2, and 3).
- Standort 1 Type colln.,
macrofossils (TSL 371) to Luterbacher (1970).
- Standort 2 Raw materials
collection to Luterbacher (1970).
Reference collection to Luterbacher, H.P. (1971). Paleogene
microfossils from northeastern Spain. Systematic paleontology.
ESSO Production Research European Laboratories. Supplement
to: Environmental distribution of Early Tertiary microfossils,
Tremp Basin, Northeastern Spain. EPR-E-1 ER-70. (Literature deposited
with Beleg Lit. to H.P. Luterbacher in K3 / Cabinet 70).
- Appendices included:
- Part A: Text, pp. 1-87.
- Part A: Text, pp. 88-180.
- Part B: Plates (1-44).
- Part B: Plates (45-92).
- Part C: Distribution charts 1-8:
- Tableau I (Sections La Pasarela, Ager, Llimiana,
St. Esteve, Alsina, Tremp, St. Adria, Areny).
- Foram zonations (Fig. 3)
- Range chart Alsina 1:1000
- Range chart Llimiana 1:1000
- Range Chart Areny 1:1000
- Range Chart St. Adria 1:1000
- Range chart St. Esteve 1:1000
- Range chart La Pasarela 1:1000
- Range chart Ager 1:1000
- Collection of thin sections in three boxes:
- Box 1 "Tremp-Esso Profile":
- Thin sections of isolated alveolinids from Tremp-Esso sections,
determined by L. Hottinger. All slides are labelled as SP followed
by a number (= ? depth in m in the section ?).
- Curator's comment: I assume that, if the section is
not indicated on the slide, the Tremp section is meant.
- SP 536, 538, 539, 588, 590, 594, 595, 955, 956, 957, 983,
984, 998, 1003, 1016, 1027, 1047, 1050, 1052.
- Box 2 "Tremp-Esso Profile":
- Thin sections of isolated alveolinids from Tremp-Esso sections,
determined by L. Hottinger. All slides are labelled as SP followed
by a number (= ? depth in m in the section ?).
- Curator's comment: No listing was included in the
box. I assume that, if the section is not indicated on the slide,
the Tremp section is meant.
- SP 648a, 701, 709, 715, 721, 723, 726, 727, 731, 739, 744,
899, 911, 912.
Box 3 "Tremp-Esso Profile":
Thin sections of isolated alveolinids from Tremp-Esso sections,
determined by L. Hottinger. All slides are labelled as SP followed
by a number (= ? depth in m in the section ?).
- Curator's comment: No complete listing was included
in the box. I assume that, if the section is not indicated on
the slide, the Tremp section is meant.
- SP 756, 758, 785, 827, 828, 846, 847, 883, 890, 921, 922,
923, 925, 930, 932, 935, 962, 963, 968, 969, 977, 980, 944, 992.
- Related literature:
- Hottinger,
L. (1974). Alveolinids, Cretaceous-Tertiary
larger Foraminifera. Esso Production Research-European Laboratories,
Report EPR-E-1 SP74.
Reference collection to Luterbacher, H.P. (1972). Foraminifera
from the lower Cretaceous and upper Jurassic of the northwestern
Atlantic. Init. Rep. DSDP, 11:561-593.
Picked specimens preserved in Fema cells and SEM preparations
to the illustrated specimens.
See also study
material to H.P. Luterbacher (1972) from DSDP Leg 11,
Lower Cretaceous and upper Jurassic foraminifera and calpionellids
from the Northwestern Atlantic.
Reference collection to Luterbacher, H.P. (1975a). Early Cretaceous
foraminifera from the northwestern Pacific, Leg 32 of the Deep
Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP 32:703-718.
SEM preparations. For additional materials see also the study collection of H.P. Luterbacher from
DSDP Leg 32, which is deposited elsewhere in the NMB.
Reference collection to Luterbacher, H.P. (1975b). Paleocene
and Early Eocene planktonic foraminifera Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling
Project. Init. Rep. DSDP, 32:725-733.
SEM preparations to the illustrated specimens.
Reference collection to Luterbacher, H.P. (1975c). Planktonic
Foraminifera of the Paleocene and Early Eocene, Possagno Section.
Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 97:57-67.
Collection of foraminiferal slides from the Possagno section
(Treviso, Italy). These contain picked specimens in Fema-cells
or assemblage slides from samples IT 580 ñ IT 702, 7 trays
in total). Fema-cells bearing singular specimens correspond to
specimens illustrated in the plates of the publication. Specimens
are identifiable by the sample number and the species.
Alongside the reference collection are two additional trays
with washed residues for comparison purposes from Paleogene formations
containing topotypes to the species discussed in the systematic
paleontology section of the paper (i.e. Lower Eocene Lodo formation,
California; Cocoa sand, Jackson series, Alabama; lower Eocene
from Cuba, and others).
Collection donated to the NMB on 24 February
- To view the Reference collections
to the subsequent three publications please follow these 3 links:
- Riegraf,
W., Luterbacher, H., and Leckie, R.M. (1984).
- Riegraf,
W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989a).
- Riegraf,
W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989b).
Reference collection to Abdel-Kireem, M.R., Samir, A.M., and Luterbacher,
H. (1994). Planktonic foraminifera from the Kolosh Formation
(Paleogene) of the Sulaimaniah-Dokan Region, northeastern Iraq.
N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 1994(9):517-527. Reprint with collection.
Included are handdrawn sketches of the section and locality maps.
- Collection of washed residues, thin sections and unprocessed
sediments (in plastic bags) from the Kolosh section (K- and T-numbers).
- An extra box contains thin-sections from the Sinjar Formation
(lower Tertiary: Samples 1-11 = section I, "Amphisorus
section"; samples 12-33 = section II, "alveolinids
The described formations are classical for the hydrocarbon
field of Mossul, Kirkuk, etc.
K samples range from K1-K48.
J samples range from J2-J44
G samples range from G1-G17
R samples range from R1-R41, some numbers with prime.
Collection donated to the NMB on 24 February
5.) Study
material of Arif Butt, DSDP Leg 55, Emperor Seamounts, NW-Pacific.
- Collection of Fema-cells with washed
residues and picked foraminifera from DSDP Leg 55, Sites 430,
431, 432, and 433 (Emperor Seamount Chain, NW-Pacific). Related
publications: Koizumi, I., Butt, A., Ling, H.Y., and Takayama,
T. (1980). Biostratigraphic summary
of DSDP Leg 55: Emperor Seamount Chain. Initial Reports of the
DSDP, vol. 55, pp. 285-288, and
- Hagn,
H., Butt, A., and Malz, H. (1980).
Paleocene shallow-water facies at Emperor Seamounts: DSDP Leg
55, Northwest Pacific. Initial Reports of the DSDP, vol. 55,
pp. 327-347.
- Materials:
- DSDP Site 430:
- 2 trays with samples from Hole 430,
cores 2 to 3, and from Hole 430A, cores 1 to 5.
- 1 tray with samples from hole 430B,
punch core samples.
- DSDP Site 431:
- 2 trays with samples from Hole 431,
cores 1 to 2; and from Hole 431A, cores 1 to 2.
- DSDP Site 432:
- 2 trays with samples from Hole 432,
core 1.
- DSDP Site 433:
- 1 tray from Hole 433, cores 1 to 4.
- 10 trays from Hole 433A, cores 1 to
19; and from Hole 433B, core 1.
- One tray miscellaneous samples.
- Two boxes containing glass vials with
washed residues from DSDP Leg 14 and DSDP Leg 55.
- Eingang: 11.7.2003.
- More Material: see under 1.)
above and 10.) below.
- Emperor Seamounts - see also collections of D. Bernoulli /DSDP Leg 55,
Sites 430, 430A, 432A, 433A, 433B.
Materials collected
from petroleum and gas exploration drill-holes in Switzerland
(Essertines, Linden, Entlebuch, Cuarny, Altishofen, Courtion):
In Switzerland thermogeneous gaz indications were found in
oil- and gaz exploration drill-holes of Altishofen,
Berlingen, Cuarny, Eclépens,
Essertines, Herdern, Courtion1 (see Python et al., 1998), Fendringen1
also Python et al., 1998), Hermringen, Kreuzlingen, Lindau,
Linden 1, Pfaffnau, Ruppoldsried,
Savigny, Tschugg and Tuggen (Wyss et al., 2002). Gaz was commercially exploited
in Finsterwald (drill hole
Entlebuch-1, Lahusen and Wyss, 1995). The following materials
were collected/studied by Luterbacher from some of these exploration
drill holes:
2.) Bohrung
Essertines 1.
Collection of wash-samples (Spülproben)
in plastic bags and palynological preparationes (liquid, in glass
vials) from well Essertines 1 in the Canton Waadt.The drilling
covers Molasse through Triassic. The drilling company was Brigitta
Elverat, Hannover (BEB), a former part of Shell and Esso (BEB
is no loger existing). The palynological studies (unpublished)
were done by Wolfgang Wille (Mössingen; Geological-Paleontological
Institute, University of Tübigen). A section indicating palynological
sampling from Keuper through Kimmeridgian levels (1058.6-2327.4
m) is alongside with the material.
[Eingang: 11.7.2003].
3.) Bohrung
Linden 1, bei Thun, CH.
Collection of wash-samples (Spülproben)
from well Linden 1 close to Thun (Linden 1 = Thun 1).
Of these 11 samples in small plastic
bags come from the Aquitanian from the tectonically thrusted Molasse
(aufgeschobene Molasse). The material was palynologically investigated
(unpublished) by Wolfgang Wille (Mössingen; Geological-Paleontological
Institute, University of Tübigen). Sample bags bear the numbers
(=depth in meters ?) 3188, 3199, 3208, 3295, 3324.70, 3231, 3350.80,
3377.50, 3404.30, 3417.50, 3424.10, and 3448.60.
Another set of 20 wash-samples (in plastic
bags) come from the depth range between 5110-5180m and most probably
cover Dogger sandstone.
The drilling Linden 1 was one of several
exploration wells for petroleum/gas in the Swiss Molasse. For
geographic positions of these drilling sites see the article of
Python, C., Berger, J.P., and Plancherel,
R. (1998). Note explicative. Feuille
1185 Fribourg, Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz, 1:25000, pp. 41-53.
(extracted pages are deposited with the material).
[Eingang: 11.7.2003].
6.) Erdgasbohrung
Entlebuch 1 (=Finsterwald)
Collection of 146 wash samples (Spülproben) in plastic
bags from drill-site Entlebuch-1 (=Erdgas Bohrung Finsterwald).
Samples range from depths from 4750m through 5156m. Drilling was
done by BEB (Firma Brigitta Elverat, Hannover; BEB was a former
part of Shell and Esso, lo longer existing). For more information
see Vollmayr,
T. and Wendt, A. (1987). Die Erdgasbohrung Entlebuch 1.
Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Petroleum-Geologen und
Ingenieure, vol. 53 (125):67-79.
This is one of the few drill-sites, where permo-carboniferous
sediments were hit in the southern part of the Swiss Molasse basin
(below 5082m), therefore very valuable ! There exists an unpublished
report (oral communication with H.-P. Luterbacher).
Few wash samples from drill-site Herdern (4 samples between
1878 and 1884m), and from drill-site Pfaffnau 1 (4 samples between
1665m and 1715m) are also with the materials.
- See also:
- Diebold, P. (1988).
Der Nordschweizer Permokarbon-Trog und die Steinkohlefrage der
Nordschweiz. Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft
in Zürich (1988), vol. 133, No. 1, pp. 143-174.
- Klöckner, A. (1986). Ein Jahr Erdgasförderung in Finsterwald. Bulletin
Vereinigung der schweizerischen Petroleum-Geologen- und Ingenieure,
vol. 52, No. 123, pp. 19-21.
- Remark:
- Wolfgang Wille (in Mössingen, Geol.-Paläontologisches
Institut Tübingen) investigated palynomorphs from this drill-site.
The liquid palynomorph samples were disposed because of strong
corrosion of glass vials (HF-preparations !) and leakage of material.
Eingang: 11.7.2003
7.) Molasse-Bohrung
Cuarny (bei Yverdon, Kt. Waadt)
Sectioned rock samples and collection of thin-sections from
Molasse-Drill Site Cuarny near Yverdon, Switzerland.
- 7 boxes with thin-sections including numbers
- CUARNY 467-564
- CUARNY 567-616
- CUARNY 620-868B
- CUARNY 874-1063
- CUARNY 1063-1393
- CUARNY 1820-2537
- CUARNY miscellaneous
- Selection of related publications:
- Jordi, H.A. (1955).
Geologie der Umgebung von Yverdon (Jurafuss und mittelländische
Molasse). Dissertation University of Bern.
- Jordi, H.A. (1955).
Geologie der Umgebung von Yverdon. Beiträge zur Geologischen
Karte der Schweiz, N.F. 99, 845, 5 Tafeln, Bern.
- Jordi, H.A. (1990).
Tektonisch-strukturelle Uebersicht estschweizerisches Molassebecken.
Bulletin Vereinigung der schweizerischen Petroleum-Geologen-
und Ingenieure, vol. 56, No. 130, pp. 1-11.
- Maurer, H. (1983).
Sedimentpetrographische Analysen an Molasseabfolgen der Westschweiz.
Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Jb Geol B-A, vol. 126,
No. 1, pp. 23-69, Wien, 1983.
- Sommaruga, A. (1997).
Geology of the central Jura and the Molasse Basin: New insight
into an evaporatite-based foreland fold and thrust belt. PhD
thesis University of Neuchatel. Mémoire de la Société
Neuchâteloise des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 12, 195 p.
- Sommaruga, A., Eichenberger, U., Marillier,
F. (2012). Seismic atlas of the Swiss
Molasse Basin. Edited by the Swiss Geophysical Commission. Matér.
Géol. Suisse, Géophys. 44, 90 p.
- See also the collection to Lemcke, K. (1963) (nearby well Savigny
- Eingang: 11.7.2003.
8.) Bohrung
Altishofen (Kt. Luzern):
Type collection to Luterbacher, H.-P. (1961). Ueber Thuramminen
aus dem oberen Malm der Bohrung Altishofen. Eclogae geol. Helv.
For the description of the locality and additional core material
see the collections to Kopp, J. (1952, 1955a and b). For Muschelkalk to Chattian sections
see also additional core samples to Vonderschmitt, L. and Tschopp, H.J. (1953)
in the same collections. For additional descriptions refer to
the publications of Fischer, H., and Luterbacher, H.P. (1963).
See also reference
collection of Fischer and Luterbacher (1963) for the thin
sections, that were illustrated. Copies of the lithological description
of the drilling well (Bohrung Altishofen No. 1) by E. Gutzwiller
and J. Kopp and the publication Fischer, H. and Luterbacher, H.P.
(1963) are deposited with the materials; the original document
is deposited in the geological
archive room, (Kasten D) behind room Weisser Bär W002.
Note about the wells Courtion
1 (coord. 572.41/189.42, depth 3083.80 m) and Fendringen
1 (coord. 585.16/192.46, depth 1970 m), both canton of Fribourg.
These were oil exploration wells effectuated by British Petrol
(BP) in the years 1960 and 1982, respectively. Python et al., 1998 reports, that there
was collaboration between BP and the Universities of Fribourg
and Basel. Microfossils from well Courtion1 were investigated
by Fischer
and Luterbacher (1963), and a small collection of illustrated
thin sections from well Courtion1 ist deposited at the NMB.
Standort [collection
Standort [Regional collections
of Switzerland, core-sample collections to Kopp, J. (1952, 1955a,
1955b), and Vonderschmitt & Tschopp (1953) mentioned in the
list available under Typen- und Belegsammlungen Details].
Study collections H.P. Luterbacher:
Geological Reconnaissance in the Western Desert, Egypt (B.I.P.M.
Reference / study collection to the geological reconnaissance
in the Western Desert (WD), Farafra area, in Egypt. Bataafse Internationale
Petroleum Maatschappij (B.I.P.M. = Shell), Vischer, G.A. (1960).
Washed residues in bags or plastic boxes (sample series WD 90
to WD 185) from the Zittel Berg section (El Quss, Abu Said) and
Ain Maqfi section. Thin sections (EG sample series).
A large collection of picked larger foraminifera in Fema cells
(WD sample series) from El Quss, Abu Said (WD 110-WD 208). A documentation
(B.I.P.M., compiled by G.A. Vischer 1960) with detailed maps and
sections of the investigated area is alongside the collection
[green folder; see nummulite collections of Hans Schaub from Egypt for a colored version
of the Vischer (1960) report].
Collection donated by H.P. Luterbacher to the
NMB on 24 February 2016.
- Study collections of H.P. Luterbacher:
Maastrictian-Paleogene sections from European areas.
- Collections Kruit (Type Montian); Type Danian; Colln. Gocht;
Balder Field (North Sea); Aquitaine, Gan-Pont Labau; and Vicentino
- Gan - Pont Labau: One
tray with 22 samples of washed residues containing foraminifera,
sample numbers from Mo 778 to Mo 839 (Mo from Mohler), covering
the Danian through Cuisian. Washed residues to Hay, W.W. and Mohler, H.P. (1967).
Calcareous nannoplankton from Early tertiary rocks at Pont Labau,
France, and Paleocene - Early Eocene correlations. Journal of
Paleontology, vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 1505-1541.
- Aquitaine & Vicentino, diverse
localities, mostly to Schaub, H. (1981): Three
trays (Aquitaine) and two trays (Vicentino) with Fema-cells containing
picked benthic and planktic foraminifera from various localities
studied by Schaub, H. (1981). Please note that
sample numbers to locations are different to those illustrated
in Schaub, H. (1981).
- Colln. Hans
Gocht: One Tray with picked specimens in Fema-cells
from "Various Paleogene and Neogene classic localities
of Germany and Austria". This is part of a private collection
of Hans Gocht (1968-1995). Hans Gocht was palynologist at University
of Tübingen, see Hinz and Werneburg (2019). After
retirement he donated this material to H.P. Luterbacher. Other collections from Hans Gocht.
- Colln. North Sea, Site 25 / 11-1 "Balder-Field"
(Norwegian sector): One Tray with 13 foraminiferal
assemblage slides ranging from the Kimmeridgian through the Post
Pliocene from well 25 / 11-1. The Balder field was the first
oil field discovered on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, with
Esso as licensee in production (cit.1).
It is located in the North Sea, approximately 190 km northwest
of Stavanger (cit 2).
- All donated by H.P. Luterbacher to the NMB
on 24 February 2016.
- Standort
Study collns H.P. Luterbacher: Topotypes
from various locations, mostly Europe:
- Calcari Diasprigni:
Radiolarite, mid-upper Jurassic, Umbria (Italy) exposed along
road Acqua Sparta - Firenzuola, Monti Martani. Six Fema cells
with crinoids and ostracods collected by Daniel bernoulli (samples
DB 2431, DB 2432). Described in Farinacci, A. (1965).
I foraminiferi di un livello marnoso nei Calcari Diasprigni del
Malm (Monti Martani, Umbria). Geol. Romana, 4:229-258. Ostracods
were described in Oertli, H.J. (1967). Ostracods des sédiments
bathyaux du Jurassique supérieur de l'Apennin (Italie).
Bull. Centre Rech. PAU-SNPA, 1, 7-19.
- Scaglia - Breggia (Tessin, Switzerland):
12 Fema-cells/assemblage slides from the Breggia section. Partly
topotypes taken from the original materials from Gandolfi, R. (1942), and partly re-collected
by H.P. Luterbacher and M. Caron from type-levels.
- Cantabria ("Off-shore cores University
Rennes"): One tray with washed residues from
core samples LD 11 through LD 48 (LD 11, 16, 17, 30, 37, 39,
40, 46, 47, 48) and other materials. No documentation.
- Various: One Tray with
Fema-cells holding specimens or faunas from various places and
age, some with topotype material: Upper Cretaceous Pondoland;
Ofener Mergel, top upper Eocene, Pustazein, Budapest; Tegel (Rupelian),
Schöntal Budapest, Ziegelei von Bohr; Préalpes Fribourgoises
with topotypes Globotruncana imbricata Mornod (1949),
recollected by Klaus (1958); Well Leon3 (SNPA, Aquitanian); HG69,
Cuanza Basin, Angola; Danien from El Hania Formation near El
Kef, Tunisia; Globigerina nepenthes, Tortoniano, Molise;
Mar Adriatico, Tortoniano tioico; Globotruncana linneiana
topotypes, leg. Pokorny; Lower Oxfordian from the Wolga area
around Saratow and Globigerina oxfordiana Grigelis from
Saratow area, mittleres Wolgagebiet USSR, leg. Kusnetzova.
- All donated by H.P. Luterbacher to the NMB
on 24 February 2016.
- Standort
- Study collections of H.P. Luterbacher:
Maastrictian-Paleogene sections from North Africa, Iran, Tibet,
and Australia.
- Eocene planktic foraminifera collected in 1964 by A. Blondeau
from Matred Cliff, Negev (Israel):
One tray containing picked planktonic foraminifera from the Nizzana
Formation (Cuisian), the Horsha Formation (basal Lutetian), and
the Matred Formation (Lutetian). For a description of the local
stratigraphy see Benjamini, Ch. (1995). Planktonic
foraminifera- distribution and zonal stratigraphy. In: Schaub, H., Benjamini, C., and Moshkovitz,
S. (eds.). The Biostratigraphy of the Eocene of Israel.
Schweizerische Palaeontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 117, pp.
- Luterbacher, H.P. (1985). Study of
Late Cretaceous and Miocene microfaunas from the Gebel El-Zeit
(Gulf of Suez). Private Report Deminex, 1985,
19 p. (report alongside the collection). One Tray with 25 Fema-cells/assemblage
slides containing picked foraminifera from Gebel El-Zeit (sample
levels TM 2 through TM 103). Included is also a report of Müller,
C. (1985). Biostratigraphic results from the Gebel Zeit (Gulf
of Suez) based on nannoplankton. One tray with 25 Fema-cells
/ assemblage slides containing picked faunas from the Upper Cretaceous-Miocene
(sample levels TM2 to TM 103).
- Pont du Fahs, Tunisie:
One tray with 6 Fema-cells containing Santonian - Campanian residues
(colln. Michèle Caron), samples MC 1589, MC 1592, MC 1596,
MC 1602, MC 1605, and MC 1608. For description refer to Salaj,
J. (1980). Microbiostratigraphie du Crétacé
et du Paléogène de la Tunisie septentrionale et
orientale: (Hypostratotypes Tunisiens). Institut Géologique
de Dionyz Stur, Bratislava (Geologicky ustav Dionyza Stura, Bratislava)
20 p., 64 pl.
- Libya: One tray with
19 foraminiferal slides from the Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene
from Deminex drilling sites DX-7 and DX-8 (Deminex 1985).
- Iran: Two trays of washed
residues covering the Maastrichtian through Eocene from Milleh
Sorkh (Hassan Anticline) and Kabir-Kuh Anticline, west Kermanshah
area, NW Iran. Material from Franz Allemann. Samples studied
by AM
Dakrory, A. M. (2002). A copy of correlated stratigraphic
sections from the Cretaceous-Paleogene from Milleh Sorkh (Hassan
Anticline) and Tang-i-Garau (Kabir-Kuh Anticline) with sample
positions is alongside the collection.
- Tibet: Two trays with
41 Fema-cells containing picked foraminifera. Short description
of samples included. Samples from Wolfgang Frisch. Poor documentation.
- Australia: One tray
with 9 Fema-cells containing typical planktic foraminifera from
the Paleogene of Australia. Leg. B. McGowran.
- All donated by H.P. Luterbacher to the NMB
on 24 February 2016.
- Standort
- Standort nummulite collections from
Israel of Schaub, H., Benjamini, C., and Moshkovitz, S. (1995).
Study collections of H.P. Luterbacher:
Paleogene type samples from Trinidad, and collections from
Trinidad, Mexico, California, southern U.S.
For comparison to European locations a printout
of Molina,
E., Alegret, L., Apellaniz, ..., Luterbacher, H., ... et al.
(2011). The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP)
for the base of the Lutetian Stage at the Gorrondatxe section,
Spain. Episodes, vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 86-108, is deposited alongside
the following collections.
Collection of type samples of Paleogene
planktic foraminiferal zones from Trinidad: One
Tray with 17 slides (picked foraminifers or washed residues;
classical samples from Kugler, Bolli, Renz, Higgins, re-collection
PJ (Peter Jung). See also the stratigraphic collections of H.G. Kugler from
Trinidad, the collections of H.M. Bolli, and the USNM Bulletin 215, in
the respective chapters in Loeblich, A. and Tappan, H. and collaborators
(eds.), (1957). Samples (in stratigraphic order):
- Grt. opima opima zone, PJ 270.
- T. rohri zone, Hantkenina PJ 273.
- Porticulasphaera mexicana zone type Hg 8581.
- Globigerapsis kugleri zone type locality Bolli No.
- Grt. kugleri zone, PJ 258.
- Hantkenina aragonensis zone type sample Rz 336, Friendship
- Grt. formosa formosa zone, upper Lizard Springs Fm,
type sample Rz 293.
- Globorotalia rex zone type Bolli No. 330.
- Grt. rex zone, Lizard Springs Formation.
- Grt. rex zone type sample, upper Lizard Springs Fm,
HR 1831.
- Grt. velascoensis zone, co-type locality K9415, Pointe-à-Pierre.
- Globorotalia velascoensis zone, co-type locality Kugler
- Globorotalia pseudomenardii-zone type sample K10832
- Grt. pusilla pusilla zone type sample, Lower Lizard
Springs Formation Guayaguayare well No. 159, core 4524-36'.
- Globorotalia uncinata zone type sample, Lizard Springs
Formation, K.R. 23375.
- Soldado Formation (type sample K2950).
Collection of typical specimens of Paleogene
planktic foraminifera from Trinidad, Mexico, and southern U.S.:
- Five trays with washed residues & picked specimens in
Fema-cells to Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal zones (one tray
with types Early-Mid Paleocene; 1 tray Late Paleocene-Early Eocene;
2 trays Middle Eocene; 1 tray Late Eocene). Topotypes, in partem
prepared from type samples.
Colln. "Eocene of the Lodo Formation,
southern California": One tray with 20 washed
residues (samples Lodo 32 through Lodo 205). A columnar section
of the Lodo Formation showing stratigraphic positions of samples
and lists with sample descriptions are included (section after
Israelsky, 1951). Related literature:
- Martin, L.T. (1943). Eocene Foraminifera from the
type Lodo Formation, Fresno County, California. Stanford Univ.
Publication 3/3:95-125.
- Mallory, V.S. (1959). Lower Tertiary Biostratigraphy
of the California Coast Ranges. American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 416 p.
- All donated by H.P. Luterbacher to the NMB
on 24 February 2016.
- Standort
- Study collections of H.P. Luterbacher:
Maastrictian-Paleogene sections from America: Mexico, Gulf
coast, and southeastern U.S.A..
- Collections from the K-T from central eastern Mexico; Gulf
of Mexico; the Eocene of the Lodo Formation in California, Paleogene
from southeast U.S.A.
- E.P.R.Co (=Esso Production Research
Company) collection Cretaceous-Tertiary of central eastern Mexico:
Two trays with 42 samples of washed residues and picked specimens.
Alongside is an extract (map and sample description) to Smith,
L.A. and Fairchild, W.W. (1969). Formations and collecting
localities Tampico-Misatlanta Embayment, Mexico. E.P.R.Co collecting
trip 1969. See also report by Smith, L.A., Luterbacher, H.P., Lamb, J.L.,
and Fairchild, W.W. (1969). Preliminary biostratigraphic
survey of samples from type and other localities of the Tampico
region, Central Eastern Mexico. Esso Production Research Company,
special report EPR69-SP36, 20 p. See
also study collections to Cretaceous type samples from Texas
further below.
- Colln. "Francisco Longoria 1968"
(Miami International University): Two trays with
44 washed residues and picked foraminifera from selected Eocene-Oligocene
formations from the Tampico Embayment, Mexico. See above E.P.R.Co
collection to Smith, L.A. and Fairchild, W.W. (1969) for
further documentation.
- Colln. "Stratigraphic Hole 43
- Gulf of Mexico": One tray with 12 foraminiferal
samples from offshore well 43, Gulf of Mexico (Lat. 28° 01.1'
N / 86° 24.7' W), 4433 feet), covering early Eocene - Early
Miocene strata. A brief description is alongside the collection.
- Recent foraminifera from west Flower
Garden Bank, Gulf of Mexico: Six assemblage slides
and selected raw sediments to Poag, C.W. and Tresslar, R.C. (1979).
Habitat association among living foraminifera of the west Flower
Garden Bank, Texas continental shelf. Transactions of the Gulf
Coast geological societies, vol. 29, pp. 347-351.
- E.P.R.Co collection Paleogene type
samples from Alabama: Two trays with 32 washed
residues collected during the Esso Production Research Company
(E.P.R.Co) central and western Alabama field trip, December 1-4,
1969. The collection contains type samples of Paleogene formations
from the southeastern U.S. and Gulf states. An extract of a report
by W.W. Fairchild and J.L. Morgan is alongside the collection
giving descriptions to samples, locations and stratigraphic positions.
Several samples of this collection refer to classical locations
studied in Bandy, O.L. (1949). Eocene and Oligocene
foraminifera from Little Stave Creek, Clarke County, Alabama.
Bulletins of American Paleontology, vol. 32, No. 131, 210 p.
- All donated by H.P. Luterbacher to the NMB
on 24 February 2016.
- Standort
- Study collections of H.P. Luterbacher:
Cretaceous type samples from Texas.
Three trays with washed residues / picked foraminifera and
a selection of washed residues (in yellow bags) from lower- to
mid Cretaceous formations from western Texas. Some materials
were collected from type localities. Formations include the Del
Rio Shale, Glen Rose Limestone, Walnut Clay, Georgetown Formation,
upper Taylor Marl, or the Washita Formation. The label "LK"
indicated on the yellow bags means Lower Cretaceous. For significance
of these formations for petroleum systems and exploration refer
to the report of Dennen, K.O. and Hackley, P.C. (2012).
For Cretaceous foraminifera related to these formations see especially
D.L. (1954). Handbook of Cretaceous Foraminifera of Texas.
Report of Investigations No. 22, Bureau of Economic Geology,
The University of Texas, Austin, TX. See also:
- Alongside, there is also a small collection of washed residues
in glass vials (4 samples) donated by D. L. Eicher (E.P.R.Co)
containing Late Cenomanian (Greenhorm Formation) and Early Mid
Turonian (Fairport Limestone member of Carlile Shale) from type
localities in the U.S. Great Plains. For reference to similar
locations check Eicher, D.L. and Worstell, P. (1970).
Cenomanian and Turonian foraminifera from the Great Plains, United
States. Micropaleontology, vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 269-324. A reprint
is with the collection.
- Donated by H.P. Luterbacher to the NMB on
24 February 2016.
- Standort
- Study collections of H.P. Luterbacher: Paleogene sections
from Russia.
- Mid Paleocene
from Tarkhankut Peninsula, NW Crimea: Two trays
with picked specimens in Fema-cells, mostly from the mid Paleocene.
These are samples from drilling wells, that Luterbacher obtained
in 1963 from V.G. Morozova (Geol. Institute of the Academy of
Sciences in in Moscow, Leg. Krasheninnikov 1963). These are splits
from the original materials to Morozova, V.G. (1961). Planktonic
foraminifera from the Danian-Montian of the southern Soviet Union.
Akad. Nauk SSSR Paleont. Zhur., 2, 8-19 (in Russian, reprint
alongside colln.). Please note that some of the listed topotypes
from N.N. Subbotina and E.K. Shutskaya were described and illustrated
in the dissertation of H.P.
Luterbacher (1964).
- Collection of specimens determined
by N.N.
Subbotina, V.N.I.G.R.I., St. Petersburg, 1962:
One tray with foraminiferal topotypes to Subbotina, N.N. (1953). Foraminifères
fossiles d'U.R.S.S., Globigerinidae, Hantkeninidae, and Globorotaliidae.
Trudy V.N.I.G.R.I., S.S.S.R., no. 76, 296 p., 8 fig., 1 dpl.,
41 pl.
- Collection of specimens determined
by E.K. Shutskaya (Moscow 1962): One tray with
foraminiferal topotypes from the Paleogene (22 Fema-cells) determined
by E.K. Shutskaya.
- Collection "Various species from
USSR": One tray (22 Fema-cells) with Paleogene
planktonic foraminifers from W-Turkmenia, the Precaucasus (Kheu
river and Nalchik), and from the Tarkhankut peninsula (NW Crimea)
determined by E.K. Shutskaya (Moscow).
- One box "CCCP residues" containing washed
residues from classic N-Caucasus Paleogene sections (labels in
Russian, legata mainly from V.A. Krasheninnikov and Irina Dolitzkaya).
For zonal designations see the report of Luterbacher, H. (1968).
- Collection "Paleogene zonal assemblages
of type sections in N-Precaucasus (Nalchik, Kheu-river), and
W-Turkmenia": Two trays (33 slides) with
picked paleogene foraminiferal assemblages from the Kuban River
and the Kheu-River. The section of Bakhtchissaray (Crimea) represents
the stratotype section for the southern Russian Paleogene. It
ranges from Upper Cretaceous through Lower Miocene and comprises
both planktonic and larger foraminifera thus allowing correlation
of larger benthic foraminiferal zones with planktic foraminiferal
zones (see also the materials from the 12th European Micropaleontological Colloquium
1971 in the Crimea and Moldavia collected by Hans Schaub,
the collection to Kapellos (1973), and of Lukas Hottinger
from Bakhtchissaray). In contrast, the mentioned collections
from Tscherkessk along the Kuban River (=Para-Stratotype section)
and the Kheu-River represent pelagic assemblages from a more
deep-water facies without nummulites. The Kheu-section in the
northern Caucasus is a key section for the Paleocene-Eocene transition
and PETM in the northeastern Peri-Tethys area, see for example,
et al. (2016). The above collections are mainly historically
important legates from E.K. Shutskaya (1962), Kuban river, and
from Krasheninnikov (1962), Tcherkessk, with some material also
from the Bakhtchissaray area. Three extra boxes contain 37 washed
residues in plastic bags from the Paleogene of the Kheu-river
section and from Nalchik (N-Caucasus). See the report of Luterbacher,
H. (1968). Paleogene deposits of the Soviet Union.
Internal report EPR68-ER11, pp. 3-20, and the enclosed notes
of the Stratigraphic Commission (1962) and of Leonov. L.P.
(1963). Remarks on the problem of the division in stages
of the Paleogene of the USSR. Viestnik Mosk. Univ., ser.
IV (Geol.), 1963/4, 34-35 (translation to german). The figure
5 in the report of Luterbacher (1968) refers to the study of
V.G. (1959). The geology of these areas is also described
in greater detail in Menner, V.V. (ed.) (1960). The
Paleogene deposits of the southern European USSR (in Russian).
Izd. Akad. Nauk, Moscow, 1-312. Specimens from the above locations
are also described and illustrated in the dissertation of H.P. Luterbacher (1964)
and in Toumarkine,
M. and Luterbacher, H.P. (1985). A german translation
to Morozova,
V.G. (1959). The stratigraphy of the Danian-Montian deposits
of the Crimea according to foraminifera. Doklady Akad. Nauk USSR,
vol. 124, No. 5, pp. 1113-1116 (in Russian) is alongside the
collection. For the Eocene subdivision in the Crimea see Golev,
B.T. (1971). New stratigraphic data on the subdivision
of the Eocene in the Bakhchisaray region, Crimea. Izvestiya Akademii
Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, vol. 9, pp.110-121.
- All donated by H.P. Luterbacher to the NMB
on 24 February 2016.
- Standort
Study collns. H.P. Luterbacher: Legat
Hans Gocht, Recent beach sands & otoliths:
- Three trays with Fema-cells containing Recent
beach sands from various provenances (Adriatic
Sea, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Barrier-Reef, Gulf of Oman,
Mozambique, Port Sudan). One extra tray with Fema-cells containing
otoliths and various microfossils.
No documentation is available to these materials. The collection
was part of a private collection of Hans Gocht (researcher at
University of Tübingen), that was after his retirement given
to H.P. Luterbacher.
All donated to NMB on 24 february 2016
Study collns. H.P. Luterbacher: Teaching
materials: Calcareous algae [Diss. Ziko (1985), Abdel-Kireem,
Djebel El-Zeit]); Phytoplankton; Microfacies; Foraminiferal zones):
- Various boxes containing thin sections with calcareous algae
and microfazies preparations:
All donated to NMB on 24 february 2016
collns. H.P. Luterbacher: DSDP Leg 11:
Foraminifera from the lower Cretaceous and upper Jurassic of the
Northwestern Atlantic (see also reference collection to Luterbacher, H.P. (1972 b) further
above). Mostly washed residues, but also unprocessed core materials
from DSDP Sites 98, 99A, 101 and 101A, 102, 103, 104, 105 and
108. For additional preparations from DSDP Leg 11 see Study collections further below to Riegraf,
W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989 a,b,c), DSDP Legs 1-79.
Reprints deposited alongside collection include:
- Hollister, C.D., Ewing, J.I., Habib, D., Hathaway, J.C.,
Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Paulus, F.J., Poag, C.W.,
Wilcoxon, J.A., and Worstell, P. (1972a). Site 98 - Northeast
Providence Channel, Init. Rep. DSDP 11:9-50.
- Hollister, C.D., Ewing, J.I., Habib, D., Hathaway, J.C.,
Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Paulus, F.J., Poag, C.W.,
Wilcoxon, J.A., and Worstell, P. (1972b). Site 99 - CAT GAP,
Init. Rep. DSDP 11:51-73.
- Hollister, C.D., Ewing, J.I., Habib, D., Hathaway, J.C.,
Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Paulus, F.J., Poag, C.W.,
Wilcoxon, J.A., and Worstell, P. (1972c). Site 100 - CAT
GAP, Init. Rep. DSDP 11:75-104.
- Hollister, C.D., Ewing, J.I., Habib, D., Hathaway, J.C.,
Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Paulus, F.J., Poag, C.W.,
Wilcoxon, J.A., and Worstell, P. (1972d). Site 101 - Blake-Bahama
outer Ridge (southern end), Init. Rep. DSDP 11:105-134.
- Hollister, C.D., Ewing, J.I., Habib, D., Hathaway, J.C.,
Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Paulus, F.J., Poag, C.W.,
Wilcoxon, J.A., and Worstell, P. (1972e). Sites 102-103-104
- Blake Bahama outer Ridge (northern end), Init. Rep. DSDP 11:135-218.
- Hollister, C.D., Ewing, J.I., Habib, D., Hathaway, J.C.,
Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Paulus, F.J., Poag, C.W.,
Wilcoxon, J.A., and Worstell, P. (1972f). Site 106 - Lower
continental rise, Init. Rep. DSDP 11:315-349.
- Hollister, C.D., Ewing, J.I., Habib, D., Hathaway, J.C.,
Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Paulus, F.J., Poag, C.W.,
Wilcoxon, J.A., and Worstell, P. (1972g). Site 107 - Upper
continental rise, Init. Rep. DSDP 11:351-356.
- Hollister, C.D., Ewing, J.I., Habib, D., Hathaway, J.C.,
Lancelot, Y., Luterbacher, H., Paulus, F.J., Poag, C.W.,
Wilcoxon, J.A., and Worstell, P. (1972h). Site 108 - Continental
slope, Init. Rep. DSDP 11:357-364.
- Luterbacher,
H. (1972a). Paleocene and Eocene planktonic foraminifera,
Leg 11, DSDP. Init. Rep. DSDP 11: 547-550.
- Luterbacher,
H. (1972b). Foraminifera from the Lower Cretaceous and
Upper Jurassic of the northwestern Atlantic. Preliminary note.
Init. Rep. DSDP 11: 561-593.
- All donated to the NMB on 21 november 2003
and 24 february 2016.
- Standort.
Study collections
to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989 a,b,c), DSDP
Legs 1-79, including additional collections from DSDP Leg
Large collection of picked Upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous
benthic foraminifera in Fema-cells and prepared multicellular
slides from DSDP Legs 1, 11 (Sites 100 and 105), 13, 17, 25, 27,
32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50, 62, and 79.
A parallel collection is the DSDP Type-collection
to Riegraf and Luterbacher (1989a, b, c) comprising 12
trays with type slides (Fema-cells) to benthic foraminiferal taxa
from Legs 1-79.
SEM preparations to illustrated specimens are deposited in
the Reference collection to Riegraf, W. and
Luterbacher, H. (1989a) and the Reference collection
to Riegraf, W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989b). and the
Reference collection to Riegraf, W. and
Luterbacher, H. (1989c).
Related publications (reprints alongside collections) are:
- Riegraf,
W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989a). Oberjura- Foraminiferen
aus dem Nord- und Südatlantik (Deep Sea Drilling Project
1-79). Geologische Rundschau, 78(3): 999-1045.
- Riegraf,
W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989b). Benthonische Foraminiferen
aus der Unterkreide des "Deep Sea Drilling Project"
(Leg 1-79). Geologische Rundschau, 78(3): 1063-1120.
- Riegraf,
W. and Luterbacher, H. (1989c). Jurassic and Cretaceous
Rhyncholites (cephalopod jaws) from the North Atlantic Ocean
(Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1-79) and their European counterparts.
Evidence for the uniformity of the western Tethys. Geologische
Rundschau, 78(3):1141-1163.
- For materials from DSDP Leg 11 see especially Study collns. H.P. Luterbacher: DSDP Leg
11 (Luterbacher,
H. (1972a,
and 1972b)
further above.
- All donated to the NMB on 11.7.2003.
- Standort
- 10.) Study
material to Butt, A. (1982, 1984) ?
- About
Arif Butt.
Collection of picked foraminifera in Fema-cells (37 trays),
probably related to the studies of Butt, A. (1982). Micropaleontological
bathymetry of the Cretaceous of western Morocco. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 37, pp. 235-275. and to
A., Stets, J. and Wurster, J. (1984). Micropaleontological
and sedimentological aspects of High Atlas Cretaceous onshore
sediments (Atlas-Gulf, Morocco). Init. Rep. DSDP 79: 923-934 (Printout
of articles with collection).
Unfortunately, no information at all about the provenance of
these samples was given so far when donated. Sample names do not
follow DSDP/ODP code, and the labels on the slides do not appear
in the above mentioned publication (see sample list Butt_1982.pdf). However, based
on the contents of Fema-cells (benthic foraminifera, ostracods,
Cretaceous planktic foraminifera and other microfossils), labelling
on some cells like Favusella (Hedbergella) washitensis
(Trays # 14, 18), indicated ages like upper Aptian, or Albian/Cenomanian
(Trays 16, 18), and the location name Imi Mekki [=Imi Mikki] on
a single sample on Tray #8), it is probable, that the materials
were for study and comparison reasons to Butt, A. (1982), and
may come from off-shore wells or land-sections in western Morocco,
between Agadir and Cape Rhir, and near Essaouira. Samples "Aa"
are possibly related to Berriasian-Albian intervals of the Askouti-Section,
see the biostratigraphy chapter p. 927 ff. in Butt, A., Stets, J. and Wurster, J. (1984).
Samples beginning with 76 were probably from "Mission 76",
an expedition of the former Tübingen-group together with
the service géologique marrocain into the Tarfaya Basin
during 1976.
The following publications may also be related to the above
Wiedmann, J., Butt, A., and Einsele, G. (1978). Vergleich
von marokkanischen Kreide-Küstenaufschlüssen und Tiefseebohrungen
(DSD): Stratigraphie, Paläoenvironment und Subsidenz an einem
passiven Kontinentalrand. Geologische Rundschau, vol. 67(2): 454-508.
(Printout of article with collection).
Wiedmann, J., Butt, A. and Einsele, G. (1982). Cretaceous
Stratigraphy, Environment, and Subsidence History at the Moroccan
Continental Margin. Chapter 15 in von Rad, U., Hinz, K., Sarntein,
M., Seibold, E. (eds.) Geology of the Northwest African Continental
Margin. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (Printout
of article with collection).
For more Material from Arif Butt: see under 1.)
and 5.).
- [Eingang: 11.7.2003; donated to the NMB by
Hanspeter Luterbacher].
11.) Study
material of Gabriela Dürr, ODP Leg 129 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Bulk sediments (chips) from ODP Leg 129 (western Central Pacific)
from the Berriasian to late Miocene.
- Site 800A, cores 800A-27R-2 through 800A-55R-2, Berriasian
to Early Aptian.
- Site 801B, cores 801B-5R-1 through 801B-33R-2, Callovian
to Paleocene.
- Site 802A, cores 802A-4R-2 through 802A-51R-1, Late Miocene
to Coniacian (good sample coverage).
These were samples of Gabi Dürr (Institute and Museum
for Geology and Paleontology, University of Tübingen), palynologist
during Leg 129.
12.) Early
Cretaceous from DSDP Leg 32 (western Central North Pacific).
[Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Study material to the publication of Luterbacher, H.P. (1975a and 1975b): A collection of picked residues
from DSDP Leg 32, Sites 305 through 307, and Site 313 (hard rock
- Core samples:
- DSDP Site 305: cores 42 through 66 (Barremian through basal
- DSDP Site 306: cores 1 through 42 (Early Cretaceous through
Late Albian)
- DSDP Site 307, cores 5 through 12 .
- DSDP Site 313, pieces of rock, core 7 and core 44.
- Washed residues in cells from:
- DSDP Site 304: cores 1 to 2.
- DSDP Site 305: cores 1 through 41.
- DSDP Site 306:
- DSDP Site 307: core 1.
- DSDP Site 308: core 3.
- DSDP Site 309: core 1.
- DSDP Site 310: cores 1 through 21.
- DSDP Site 310A: cores 2 through 14.
- DSDP Site 311: cores 1 through 5.
- DSDP Site 313: core1.
Materials from DSDP Leg 15 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Two slides with foraminifera from Site 152:
DSDP 15-152-8-1, 128-130cm
DSDP 15-152-8-CC
DSDP 15-152-10-1, 127-130
Materials from DSDP Leg 25 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
One slide with foraminifera from Site 240A:
DSDP 25-240A-3-1, 120-122cm
Bulk sediment sample from Site 249A:
DSDP 25-249-29-CC
Washed residues and picked slides from DSDP Leg 12, Maastrichtian
through Pleistocene [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
DSDP Site 118.
DSDP Site 119.
Washed residues and picked slides from DSDP Leg 1 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
DSDP Site 4, core 2.
DSDP Site 4A, cores 1 through 2.
DSDP Site 5, cores 1 through 2.
Washed residues in glass vials from DSDP Leg 36 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
DSDP Site 330, cores 10 through 14.
18.) Residues
from DSDP Leg 41 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Glass vials containing coarse fraction materials from the following
- Site 367 - cores 28, 35 and 36 (Kimmeridge to Early Cretaceous).
- Site 370 - cores 37 through 50 (Valanginian-Hauterive).
19.) Residues
from DSDP Leg 44 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Glass vials containing coarse fraction materials from the following
- Site 391 - cores 24 and 44.
20.) Residues
from DSDP Leg 43 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Glass vials containing coarse fraction materials from the following
- Site 384 - core 21.
21.) Residues
from DSDP Leg 50 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Glass vials containing coarse fraction materials from the following
- Site 416 - core 8, 32 and 48.
22.) Residues
from DSDP Leg 62 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Glass vials containing coarse fraction materials from the following
- Site 463 - cores 43 through 72 (27 samples, from Lower Aptian
to Upper Cenomanian).
23.) Residues
from DSDP Leg 13 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Two glass vials containing washed residues from the following
- Site 120 - cores 5 and 7.
24.) Residues
from DSDP Leg 17 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Washed, coarse material from the following Site:
- Site 166 - core 26-CC (Aptian/Albian).
25.) Residues
from DSDP Leg 27 [Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Washed, coarse materials from the following Site:
- Site 261 - cores 28 and 29.
26.) Washed residues from DSDP
Legs 14, 40, 41, and 47A:
- Leg 14 (7 trays), see Beckmann, J.P. (1972). The foraminifera
and some associated microfossils of Sites 135-144. Initial Rep.
DSDP, vol. 14, pp. 389-420.
- Site 135, cores 6-9
- Site 136, cores 4-9
- Site 137, cores 3-16
- Site 140, core 8
- Site 144, cores 4-5
- Leg 40 (4 trays), see Caron, M. (1978). Cretaceous
planktonic foraminifera from DSDP Leg 40, Southeastern Atlantic
Ocean. Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 40, pp. 651-678.
- Site 363, cores 18-38
- Site 364, cores 11-42
- Leg 41 (7 trays), see Pflaumann, U. and Krasheninnikov,
V.A. (1978). Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from
eastern North Atlantic, DSDP Leg 41. Initial Rep. DSDP, vol.
41, pp. 539-564.
- Site 367, cores 17-30
- Site 369A, core 43
- Site 368, cores 43-63
- Site 370, cores 19-50
- Leg 47A (1 tray), see Butt, A. (1979). Lower Cretaceous
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and depositional
environment at DSDP Site 397, Leg 47A. Initial Rep. DSDP, vol.
47, part 1, pp. 257-271.
- Site 369A (labelled as 396A), core 46
- Site 397A, cores 34-51
[Eingang: 21.11.2003].
Unprocessed raw
materials from H.P. Luterbacher from DSDP/ODP Legs:
1.) Chips
DSDP Material Leg 47 (Part 1) [Eingang: 11.7.2003].
Cretaceous raw material in plastic bags from Site 397-34-1
to 397-48-2, and Site 397A-44-2 to 397A-52-3.
See work of Arif Butt (Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie,
Universität Tübingen): Lower Cretaceous Foraminifera:
Biostratigraphy, Paleoceanography, and depositional environment
at DSDP Site 397, Leg 47A. Init. Rep. DSDP 47 (Part 1): 257-271.
See also adjoining chapters on cretaceous micropaleontology in
the same volume using similar material ! More Material: see under
5.) and 10.).
26.) Unprocessed
raw material from DSDP Leg 78, Barbados Ridge [Eingang: 16.01.2015].
From Barbados Ridge:
- DSDP Site 541:
- Samples 541-1-1, 20cm through 541-48-6, 20-22 cm
- DSDP Sites 542 and 542A:
- Samples 542-1-1, Top through 542-4-cc
- Samples 542A-H1-1, 9-11 cm through 542A-9-3, 9-11 cm
- DSDP Sites 543 and 543A:
- Samples 543-1-1, 47-49 cm through 543-34-2, 54-55 cm
- Sample 543A-1-1, 8-20 cm through 543A-7-4, 4-6 cm
Standort (alongside with MRC collections)
27.) Unprocessed
raw material from DSDP Leg 23, Red Sea [Eingang: 16.01.2015].
Sites 225, 228 and 229 (only few samples).
Standort (alongside with MRC collections)