Collections of Daniel Bernoulli and collaborators
(Obituary of Judith A. McKenzie)
1.) Materials DSDP Leg 11 (North Atlantic):
2.) Materials DSDP Leg 42A (Mediterranean Sea):
3.) Collections from DSDP Leg 55 (Emperor Seamounts):
4.) Collections from DSDP Legs 13, 17, 43, 55, and 79
5.) Collections D. Bernoulli from ODP Leg 173:
6.) Materials from Greece:


7.) Materials from Oman:

8.) Materials from Cabo Verde and Fuerteventura:


9.) Western and central Cuba, K/T Boundary breccias:


10.) Barbados, West Indies:

11.) Materials from the Southern-Western Alps and/or the Appennines:
12.) Siliceous diagenesis:
13.) HEAT (HEllenic Arc and Trench) Project 1979
14.) Bannock Basin, Eastern Mediterranean Sea
15.) Romanche Fracture zone, Equatorial Atlantic:

16.) Pteropods, Red Sea:

17.) Pourtales Terrace (Straits of Florida): Phosphorites

18.) Mapmaker Seamounts (N-Pacific): Ferromanganese crusts & nodules

19.) Film-negatives to various studies of D. Bernoulli
20.) PhD theses supervised by D. Bernoulli (in work)
21.) Diploma theses supervised by D. Bernoulli (in work)
22.) List of selected thin-sections from D. Bernoulli (various collections)

Reference collection to Bernoulli, D. (1972). North Atlantic and Mediterranean Mesozoic Facies: A comparison. Initial Reports DSDP, vol. XI, pp. 801-871 (Reprint with collection).

Collection of core samples from DSDP Leg 11, illustrated core-samples (Sites 98, 99A, 100, 105), rock specimens to Plate 5, Fig. 2 (deformed pelagic calcilutite, DB 19190) and Plate 9, Fig. 3 (Scisti Ittiolitici, DB 653), a collection of thin sections from DSDP Leg 11, a collection of diapositives showing thin sections from DSDP Leg 11. One yellow folder with SEM micrograph prints including SEM session protocols, mostly from Leg 11, but also with SEM micrographs to other DSDP Legs. Compare especially with lithologies and facies descriptions (for example core-slabs with Fig. 20) in review article of Bernoulli, D. and Jenkyns, H.C. (2009). Ancient oceans and continental margins of the Alpine-Mediterranean Tethys: deciphering clues from Mesozoic pelagic sediments and ophiolites. Sedimentology, 56:149-190. Several rock specimens to similar lithologies but from alpine areas are deposited alongside for comparison (see especially Fig. 11 in Benoulli & Jenkins (2009) for ferromangamese sediments or Fig. 20 for pelagic nannofosil ooze, or Fig. 34 for neptunian dykes).

Along with the Leg 11 materials there is the historical and classical reprint (DSDP Leg 1) with the collection from Burk, C.A., Ewing, M., Worzel, L., Beall, A.O. jr., Berggren, W.A., Bukry, D., Fischer, A.G. and Pessagno, E.A. jr. (1969). Deep-Sea Drilling into the Challenger Knoll, Central Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, vol. 53(7):1337-1347.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.



DSDP Leg 42A and Leg 55: Collection of thin sections & Leg 42A evaporites:
Reference collection to Garrison, R.E., Schreiber, C., Bernoulli, D., Fabricius, F.H., Kidd, R.B. and Mélières, F. (1978). Sedimentary petrology and structures of Messinian evaporitic sediments in the Mediterranean Sea, Leg 42A, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 571-611, and to
Kidd, R.B., Bernoulli, D., Garrison, R.E., Fabricius, F.H. and Mélières, F. (1978). Lithologic findings of DSDP Leg 42A, Mediterranean Sea. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 1079-1094.
Reprints deposited with collection.
Materials: Collection of Thin sections from DSDP Leg 42A (Mediterranean Sea), Sites 371, 372, 373A, 374, 375, 376, 377, and 378. Site 374 from Messina Abyssal Plain, Init. Rep. DSDP 42(Part 1):175-217 (see also studies of D. Bernoulli and co-workers from Leg 42 deposited in Compactus B). One box contains smearslides from DSDP Leg 42A-376, cores 11 through 23, see also Leg 42 Shipboard Scientific party, 1978).
One box with envelopes containing sediment pieces from Leg 42A evaporites, from which thin sections were prepared.
Another thin slide box contains also thin sections from DSDP Leg 55.

Also included:
Folders containing the original notes to the visual core descriptions, high resolution core photographs, and seismic surveys from DSDP Leg 42A, Sites 372 through 376, with vcd notes by D. Bernoulli and Bob Garrison. One folder contains film negatives to Leg 42A.

Donated to the NMB 5 May 2002 and on 25. January 2016.





















Reference material to Müller, J. and Fabricius, F. (1978). Lüneburgite [Mg3 (PO4)2 B2O (OH)4 x 6 H2O] in upper Miocene sediments of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 42(1):661-664.

A small vial containig powderized Lüneburgite for X-ray analyses (Ssample DSDP 42A-374-15 BNL 2/5/75. Enclosed is a xerox copy of the paper and X-ray diffractograms of Lüneburgite ("LGM balls").

Donated by D. Bernoulli, 26.4.2006, MRC-Begleit-Sammlung.





















Reference material to Bernoulli, D. Garrison, R.E., and Mélières, F. (1978). Phillipsite cementation in a foraminiferal sandstone at Hole 373A and the "case of the violated foram". Init. Rep. DSDP 42(Part 1):478-482.




















Reference material to Bernoulli, D. and Mélières, F. (1978). Dolomitization in Early Pliocene pelagic limestones, Site 374, Ionian Abyssal Plain. Init. Rep. DSDP 42(Part 1):621-633.


















Reference collections to studies from DSDP Leg 42A (Mediterranean Sea), Sites 371, 373A, 377, 378:

Bernoulli, D. and McKenzie, J. (1978). Petrology, isotope geochemistry, and origin of dolomite and limestone associated with basaltic breccia, Hole 373A, Tyrrhenian Basin. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 541-558.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978a). Site 371: South Balearic Basin. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 29-57.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978b). Site 377: Mediterranean Ridge Cleft. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 305-319.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978c). Site 378: Cretan Basin. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 321-357.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978g). History of the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 1053-1078.

Collection of sediment preparations (most of them cuts of sediments embedded in resin, but also unprocessed bulk sediments) in original DSDP plastic cylinders), fotoreproduction of airgun seismic lines from Site 373 and 377, a folder containing microfotographs from sedimens from Hole 373A, and diapositives from Sites 373A, 377 & 378. Reprints with collection.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.
Note: Material not for loan.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 81






















DSDP Leg 42A, Sites 372 and 374: reference and study material related to publications of:

McKenzie, J., Bernoulli, D., and Garrison, R.E. (1978). Studies on lithification and diagenesis. Lithification of pelagic-hemipelagic sediments at DSDP Site 372: Oxygen isotope alteration with diagenesis. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 473-478.

Bernoulli, D. and Mélières, F. (1978b). Dolomitization in early Pliocene pelagic limestones, Site 374, Ionian Abyssal Plain. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 621-633.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978d). Site 372: Menorca Rise. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 59-150.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978e). Site 374: Messina Abyssal Plain. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 175-217.

Bernoulli, D. (1976). Deep-water carbonates. manuscript to Internal report KSEPL Rijswijk, NL, 22 p., 47 figures.

Collection of unprocessed bulk sediments, core junks, and diapositives from Site 372. Cuts of sediments embedded in resin and diapositives mith micrographs from Site 374, a folder with SEM micrograph prints and core photos from Site 374.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 83 - 84















DSDP Leg 42A, Sites 375 and 376: material related to publications of:

Baroz, F., Bernoulli, D., Biju-Duval, B., Bizon, G., Bizon, J.-J., and Letouzey, J. (1978). Correlations of the Neogene formations of the Florence Rise and of northern Cyprus: Paleogeographic and structural implications. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 903-926.

Hsü, K., Montadert, L. et al. (1978f). Site 375 and 376: Florence Rise. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 42, Part 1, pp. 219-304.

Collection of unprocessed bulk sediments, core junks, cuts of sediments embedded in resin, and 3 boxes with diapositives from Site 375.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 85-86

















Study and reference materials to DSDP Legs 13, 17, 43, 55, and 79:

DSDP Leg 79: Material related to Bernoulli, D. and Kälin, O. (1984). Jurassic sediments, Site 547, Northwest African margin: Remarks on stratigraphy, facies, and diagenesis, and comparison with some Tethyan equivalents. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 79, pp. 437-448. Reprint with collection.

and to Kälin, O. and Bernoulli, D. (1984). Schizosphaerella Deflandre and Dansgeard in Jurassic deep-water carbonate sediments, Mazagan Continental Margin (Hole 547B) and Mesozoic Tethys. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 79, pp. 411-435. Reprint with collection, together with original foto prints of the publication.

See also Kälin, O. (1980). Schizosphaerella punctulata Deflandre and Dangeard: wall ultrastructure and preservation in deeper-water carbonate sediments of the Tethyan Jurassic. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 73(3), pp. 983-1008. A reprint is deposited with the collection, together with original foto prints of the publication.

Collection of pieces of sectioned sediments and 1 box with thin sections from Leg 79, mostly from Site 547, but also from 544 and 546. One Tray with smearslides from Site 547B, Diapositive slides showing cores from Sites 544, 545, 546, 547, and illustrated plates. One folder with notes to samples and SEM session protocols and SEM micrograph prints from studied Leg 79 samples, and original photographic prints to publications. See also review of Bernoulli, D. and Jenkyns, H.C. (2009). Ancient oceans and continental margins of the Alpine-Mediterranean Tethys: deciphering clues from Mesozoic pelagic sediments and ophiolites. Sedimentology, 56:149-190.

The material from From Legs 13 (Site 133), 17 (Site 167), 43 (Site 386), 129 (Site 801) comprise sectioned pieces of sediment or unprocessed samples from only few selected horizons.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.
















Collections D. Bernoulli from DSDP Leg 55 (Emperor Seamounts)
See also under 16.) Film-negatives to various studies of D. Bernoulli
See also collections of H.P. Luterbacher / study materials from Arif Butt (DSDP Sites 430, 431, 432, 433).

Collection related to:
McKenzie, J., Bernoulli, D., and Schlanger, S.O. (1980). Shallow-water carbonate sediments from the Emperor Seamounts: Their diagenesis and paleogeographic significance. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 55, pp. 415-455. Reprint with collection, and with originals to fotographic plates.

Von Salis, K. and Bernoulli, D. (2000). Coccolith in a K-feldspar: A note. Journal of nannoplankton Research, 22(1):35. Reprint with collection.

Jackson, E.D., Koizumi, I., and Shipboard Scientific Party (1980a). Chapter 5. Site 432: Nintoku Seamount. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 55, pp. 95-125. Reprint with collection.

Jackson, E.D., Koizumi, I., and Shipboard Scientific Party (1980b). Chapter 6. Site 433: Suiko Seamount. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 55, pp. 127-282. Reprint with collection.

Collection of pieces of sectioned sediments, bulk sediment, washed residues (Site 430 [3 samples], Site 430A [4 samples], Site 432A [2+1 samples], Site 433A [19-6 samples]; Site 433B [4-1 samples], and one box with smear-slides (Sites 430A and 433A,B) to the above studies. One box with diapositive slides showing thin-sections from Emperor Seamount and Köko-Ojin-Nintoku samples. One folder with notes to samples and SEM session protocols and SEM micrograph prints from studied Leg 55/Emperor Seamounts samples.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 98
















Collections D. Bernoulli from ODP Leg 173:

Collection of 12 selected pieces of sectioned sediments from ODP Leg 173-Site 1065A, rotary core 1R to core 33R.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 99




Study materials (pteropod collection) to Almogi-Labin, A., Luz, B., and Duplessy, J.-C. (1986). Quaternary paleo-oceanography, pteropod preservation and stable isotope record of the Red Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 57, pp. 195-211. Reprint deposited with the collection.

Collection of 19 Fema cells containing isolated pteropods, most probably all from the same core MD76-140 (Red Sea, see Fig. 1 in the publication). Fema-cells include the following numbers: 5788, 6355, 6357, 6359, 6360, 6361, 6374, 6380, 6388, 6390, 6395, 6396, 6398, and 6404. Alongside to the collection are SEM micrographs with protocols from tghese samples.

(Note: Compare also with different cores from the Red Sea described in Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984), pp. 285-319).

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort: K3 / A 18 / 3 / 100










Materials from Greece:

Reference collection to Bernoulli, D. and Renz, O. (1970). Jurassic carbonate facies and new ammonite faunas from western Greece. Eclogae geol. Helv. 63(2):573-607. See also review of Bernoulli, D. and Jenkyns, H.C. (2009). Ancient oceans and continental margins of the Alpine-Mediterranean Tethys: deciphering clues from Mesozoic pelagic sediments and ophiolites. Sedimentology, 56:149-190.





Materials to Chiari, M., Baumgartner, P.O., Bernoulli, D., Bortolotti, V., Marcucci, M., Photiades, A., and Principi, G. (2013). Late Triassic, Early and Middle Jurassic Radiolaria from ferromanganese-chert "nodules" (Angelokastron, Argolis, Greece): evidence for prolonged radiolarite sedimentation in the Maliac-Vardar Ocean. Facies, 59:391-424. DOI: 10.1007/s10347-012-0314-4











Materials from Oman:

Materials to Bernoulli, D. and Weissert, H. (1987). The upper Hawasina nappes in the central Oman Mountains: Stratigraphy, palinspastics and sequence of nappe emplacement. Geodinamica Acta (Paris), 1(1):47-58.

Alongside is also a report Bernoulli, D. (1982, unpublished). Preliminary notes on geological reconnaissance fieldwork in the Oman Mountains, December 1981. Upublished report, 15 p.

Also alongside is the report Delaitre, E. (1985/1986). Les dépots radiolaritiques des séquences du Semail er D'Hawasina (Oman): Caractérisation minéralogiques et géochimique. Rapport de stage d'initiation à la recherche U.L.P. Strasbourg, 27 p. Direction du stage: M. Karpoff, centre de sedimentologie et de géochimie C.N.R.S. (Strasbourg), including a letter from D. Bernoulli to Karpoff from 20.03.1986 showing sampling positions.














Reference collection to Bernoulli, D., Hottinger, L. Spezzaferri, S., and P. Stille (2007). Miocene shallow-water limestones from Sao Nicolau (Cabo Verde): Caribbean-type benthic fauna and time constraints for volcanism. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, vol. 100, pp. 215-225. pdf [2.9 MB]. Reprint deposited with collection.

Collection consisting of thin sections and sectioned rocks: Miocene; according to Bebiano & Soares, 1953, Senonian. Monte Focinho, Sao Nicolau.

Thin sections are labelled with DB SNic; DB SNic 1; DB SNic 2; DB SNic 4; DB SNic 5; DB SNic 6; DB SNic 7; and DB SNic 8.

Donation Daniel Bernoulli, 11. May 2010










Reference collection to Robertson, A.H.F. and Bernoulli, D. (1982). Stratigraphy, facies and significance of Late Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) and Mayo (Cape Verde Islands). In: Von Rad,, Hinz, K., Sarnthein, M., and Seibold, E. (eds.): Geology of Northwest African Continental Margin, pp. 498-525. Springer, Berlin. Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinet 69 with reference literature.

Collection of sectioned rock samples and 26 thin-sections (in green box), and diapositives to selected thin-sections. There exist also additional Film-negatives to various studies of D. Bernoulli.
Included in this collection are also sectioned sediment rock samples and thin-sections, that were collected in 1975 and evaluated by Lukas Hottinger together with D. Bernoulli, in the geological context of the study of Robertson and Bernoulli (1982). These additional samples comprise a plastic box with thin sections labelled with DB (Daniel Bernoulli) numbers, and thin sections 75003, 75004, 75006, and Dakar, which were prepared by L. Hottinger. Sectioned rock samples include Hottinger's numbers 75002 - 75007. Selected literature, correspondence, notes, and a field-guide from Fuerteventura showing the sample locations of 75003, 75004, 75006 are also deposited alongside the collection.
The thin-sections labelled as "Dakar" from a rock-sample collected from the beach Anse St. Bernard, Dakar (Senegal, NW Africa). It represents a "Bloc (Miocene) dans Basaltes" containing Lepidocyclines, indicating the age of the Tertiary volcanism in the context of the geological history of Cap-Verde to the Senegalo-Mauretanian Basin (see especially page 59 ff. in the thesis of Bellion, Y. J.-C., 1989). Histoire géodynamique post-paléozoique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest d'après l'étude de quelques bassins sédimentaires (Sénégal, Taoudenni, Iullemmeden, Tschad). Thèse de doctorat, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, Publication occasionnelle 1989/17, CIFEG, 103, rue de Lille, 75007 Paris. France.
The corresponding rock sample "Dakar" is deposited in the Regional-Stratigraphic Study Collection of Lukas Hottinger "Foraminiferida: Paleogene West Africa - Senegal, Elfenbeinküste, Nigeria, Niger" [Standort]".
Thin sections transferred from GPI Uni Basel to NMB on 11 December 2018].
Sectioned rocks transferred from GPI Uni Basel to NMB on 5 June 2019].
Related studies:













Dan Bernoulli's collection from western and central Cuba, K/T Boundary breccias:

Sectioned rock samples and thin section from western and central Cuba, including K/T Boundary breccias, collected by D. Bernoulli in 2001 and 2002. A list of samples is included with the collection. Sampling locations are documented in Iturralde-Vinent, M.A. (2002). Field guide to the geology and tectonics of western and central Cuba. Museo National de Historia Natural, 58 p. (a copy of the field guide is with the collection).

Also included is a reprint of Iturralde-Vinent, M.A. (1992). A short note on the Cuban late Maastrichtian megaturbidite (an impact-derived deposit?). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 109:225-228.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 101



















Dan Bernoulli's diatomite-, porcellanite-, chert- and dolomite diagenesis collection:

Collection of selected specimens illustrating the various stage of diatomite-, porcellanite-, chert diagenesis, collected by D. Bernoulli between 1988 to 2003. No further documentation available.

Dolomite nodule (Monterey Formation, Shell Beach, California); Dolomite (Monterey Formation, Jamalah Beach, Lompoc, California); Bedded dolomite (Monterey Fm, Shell Beach, Ca); Porcellanite (opal CT) (Monterey Fm, Celite Quarry, Lompoc, California); Pliocene Diatom ooze (DSDP Leg 3-17-2-5, 123-131cm); Opal CT mudstone, Santa Cruz mudstone, (mouth of Yellow Bank Creek, north of Santa Cruz); Radiolaria ooze (Universidad Fm, Eocene, Via Blanca, Jibacoa, La Habana, Cuba, see also Field guide to the geology and tectonics of western and central Cuba in the Cuba collection of D. Bernoulli); Santa Cruz mudstone (Waddell Creek, Highway 1 between Davenport and Ano Nuevo, California); Chalk (Tal der Könige, West-Theben); Diatomite (Road from Tamerza to Chebika, southern Tunisia); Diatomite (Menilith Shales; east of Eger, Hungary); Dolomite concretion (Santa Cruz Mudstone, Greyhound Rock, Highway between Davenport and Ano Nuevo, California); Dolomite nodule in opal-CT mudstone (Santa Cruz mudstone, Roadcut, north of Santa Cruz, California); Diatomite (Monterey Fm, Ano Nuevo Peninsula, north of Santa Cruz, California); Diatomite (Trigal Fm, Loja Basin ?, Ecuador); Porcellanite (Santa Cruz Mudstone, Highway 1 between Santa Cruz and Davenport, California); Upper Monterey Fm (3. Mignolito road, Lompoc); Diatomite (Contignaco, Aquitanian, WSW of Contignaco, Parma, D. Bernoulli, 12.3.1989); Mussel Rock (Monterey Fm, Chert member, opal CT- chert), 28.3.90); Diatomite (Trigal Fm, Miocene, Loja Basin, Loja, Ecuador, 8.8.1996); Marl, intercalated with diatomite (Contignaco, Aquitanian, WSW of Contignaco, abandoned quarry, Parma); Laminated diatomite (Sisquoc Fm, Pliocene, from above the Monterey Fm, Johns Manville Quarry, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California); Umber (between Konka and Trimiklini, southern Troodos, Cyprus); Diatomite (Tortonia, Monte Porras Unit, T. Aventino, between Palena and Stazione di Palena, below bridge of S5, Italy, D. Bernoulli 3.10.1992); Radiolarite (middle Jurassic, Sümeq Bakony, D. Bernoulli, 1.8.1991); Diatomaceous opal CT mudstone (Santa Cruz mudstone, roadcut near majors, California 1, N of Santa Cruz, California); Smectitic clay (Kamavion Fm, Campanian, road from Mandria to Ayios Nicolaos, southern Troodos, Cyprus): Chert (Monterey Fm, Middle Miocene, Palos Colorados Quarry, Gretzo Company, SE Lompoc, California); Tuffite (Monterey Fm, Middle Miocene, Palos Colorados Quarry, Grzzo Company, SE Lompoc, California); Monterey Fm (Middle Miocene, Celite Quarry road, Lompoc, California); Chert (Monterey Fm, Middle Miocene, Road to Celite Quarry, Lompoc area, California); Diatomite (Monterey Fm, Middle Miocene, Palos Colorados Quarry, Gretzo Company, SE Lompoc, California); DiaTOMITE (Celite Quarry road, Monterey Fm, California).

Enclosed is a box "siliceous sedimens" with thin-sections from various locations, and also with phosphorites from the Monterey-Formation in California. See also information about thin sections from Daniel Bernoulli.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 103




















Materials from the Southern-Western Alps and/or the Appennines:
Reference collection to Bernoulli, D. and Ulmer, P. (2015). Dropstones in Rosso Ammonitico-facies pelagic sediments of the Southern Alps (southern Switzerland and northern Italy). Swiss Journal of Geosciences. DOI 10.1007/s00015-015-0205-0. Reprint deposited with collection.

Collection of illustrated rock specimens (Broccatello with clasts of Rhyolite, Rhyolite peble including thin section ("Eruptivgeröll im Domerien, Val Molinaccio, Leg. Diss. P. Leuzinger 1926, Campo dei Fiori), Quarzite pebble, thin sections of dropstones, Toarcian wood fragment, and a permian rhyolite with thin section from the dissertation D. Bernoulli (1964) [Monte Generoso].

Enclosed are photo prints to specimens, SEM images, and several reprints about gastroliths discussed in the text, and a set of diapositives illustrating the hand specimens.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.


Ferrando, S., Bernoulli, D., and Compagnoni, R. (2004). The Canavese zone (internal Western Alps): a distal margin of Adria. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilunge, 84:237-256.
Materials to van Konijnenburg, J.-H., Bernoulli, D., Mutti, M. (1999). Stratigraphic architecture of a Lower Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary Carbonate base-of-slope succession: Gran Sasso d'Italia (Central Appennines, Italy). Advances in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Applications to Reservoirs, Outcrops and Models. SEPM Special Publication No. 63, pp. 291-315. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).
Reference collection to Bernoulli, D., Schaltegger, U., Stern, W.B., Frey, M., Caron, M., Monecchi, S. (2004). Volcanic ash layers in the Upper Cretaceous of the Central Appennines and a numerical age for the early Campanian. Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundschau), vol. 93, pp. 384-399.
Collection containing rock samples, sectioned rocks, smear-slides and thin sections.
Donated to the NMB, December 2018.

HEAT (Hellenic Arc and Trench) Project 1979:

Collection of HEAT bulk samples and sectioned rock samples, from sample H-1-36-1 through sample H-15-50-3 (all in polystyrene boxes). One box with HEAT smearslides, and one box with HEAT thin sections.

See also under 16.) Film-negatives to various studies of D. Bernoulli


Contributions from D. Bernoulli:
Bernoulli, D. and McKenzie, J.M. (1981). Hardground formation in the Hellenic trench: penesaline to hypersaline marine carbonate diagenesis, pp. 197-220, chapitre XI, in Dercourt, J. (ed.) (1981). Programme HEAT. Campagne submersible. Les fosses helléniques, 19 août-15 septembre 1979. Publications du Centre National pout l'Exploitation des Océans (CNEXO), Résultats des Campagnes à la Mer No. 23, Brest CEDEX 1981.

McKenzie, J.A. and Bernoulli, D. (1982). Geochemical variations in Quaternary hardgrounds from the Hellenic Trench region and possible relationship to their tectonic setting. Tectonophysics, vol. 86, pp. 149-157.

Alongside the samples are various documents about the HEAT project, i.e.:

Folders with sedimentological/microfacies descriptions and SEM micrographs & SEM protocols to Heat (H) samples.
One folder (red) with descriptions to samples recovered with the CYANA submarine.

Various other documentation to samples and to the HEAT project.

Correspondence D. Bernoulli with colleagues (1980-1981).

A large sample chart with HEAT samples.

Shipboard report: Mascle, J., Lecleach, A, Murat, A., Glacon, G., Got, H., Monaco, A. (1985). Les Rapport des campagnes à la mer. MD / STRABON 82 à bord du "Marion Dufresne", 9 octobre ­ 18 octobre 1982. No. 82-07, Juin 1985. Univ. Perre et Marie Curie, Villefrance sur Mer, Univ. de Perpignan.

Reprint of Erba, E., Parisi, E., and Cita, M.B. (1987). Stratigraphy and sedimentation in the western Strabo Trench, Eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology, 75:57-75.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 108-110


Bannock Basin, Eastern Mediterranean Sea:

Reference collection to Aghib, F.S., Bernoulli, D. and Weissert, H. (1991). Hardground formation in the Bannock Basin, Eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology, vol. 100, pp. 103-113. (Reprint deposited with the collection).

Illustrated hardground specimens, Fig. 2a-d. Additional dredge samples (sectioned) of hardgrounds (in polystyrol cases, fore more info see accompanying blue folder "BANNOCK BASIN" with drawins and descriptions to individual specimens, from 1984 cruise of R.V. Bannock). Two boxes (BAN 84 11-D, LIT. F) with thin sections to the hardground specimens. Included are also macroscopic fotographs and SEM micrographs (prints, negative films) to individual samples.

With the material is a collection of selected key papers about the discovery and study of the Bannock Basin (please leave with collection !).

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 112










Romanche Fracture zone, Equatorial Atlantic:

Reference collection to Gasperini, L., Bernoulli, D., Bonatti, E., Borsetti, A.M., Ligi, M., Negri, A., Sartori, R., von Salis, K. (2001). Lower Cretaceous to Eocene sedimentary transverse ridge at the Romanche Fracture Zone and the opening of the equatorial Atlantic. Marine Geology, vol. 176, pp. 101-119. Reprint with collection.

and to

Bernoulli, D., Gasperini, L., Bonatti, E., and Stille, P. (2004). Dolomite formation in pelagic limestone and diatomite, Romanche Fracture Zone, Equatorial Atlantic. Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. 74, No. 6, pp. 924-932. Reprint with collection, electronic version also on CD Rom (pdf, Word, tiff).

A collection of bulk sediments (dredge samples), sectioned rocks, thin sections from the described locations.

Donated to the NMB on 25. January 2016.

Standort K3 / A 18 / 3 / 114


Pourtales Terrace (Straits of Florida): Phosphorites.
Unpublished study collection of D. Bernoulli. Sectioned rock samples from dredge-samples from Pourtales Terrace (Straits of Florida).
A green box with thin-sections from Pourtales materials. The collection is related to the PhD thesis of Gomberg, D.N. (1976). Geology of the Pourtales Terrace, Straits of Florida. Dissertation Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science. https.//
Enclosed with the materials is correspondence between D. Bernoulli and D.N. Gomberg, dated from 18 April 1973.
One sample of washed foraminiferal ooze from historical Challenger Expedition (Station 24, 25 March 1873, 610 m, St. Thomas-Bermudas).
Eingang 11.12.2018

Mapmaker Seamounts (N-Pacific): Ferromanganese crusts & nodules
Unpublished study materials of D. Bernoulli to Heezen, B.C., Mathews, J.L., Catalano, R., Natland, J., Coogan, A., Tharp, M., and Rawson, M. (1973). Western Pacific Guyots. Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 20, pp. 653-723.
Various rock specimens with ferromanganese crusts and notules. Sampling locations are indicated on adjoining map of Chase, T.E., Menard, H.W., and Mammerickx, J. (1971). Topography of the North Pacific.
Thin-sections are kept in the green box, together with materials from Pourtales Terrace (see above).
Eingang 11.12.2018

Film-negatives to various studies of D. Bernoulli
Green folder containing film-negative stripes to the following topics
There is an extensive archive of film negatives and digital fotos from SEM studies at University of Basel including film negatives from Daniel Bernoulli (see Universitätsbibliothek Basel / Nachlässe, Nachlass Guggenheim).
Material donated to the NMB on 28. August 2018.

PhD theses supervised by D. Berrnoulli (in work)
Bichsel, Matthias (1980). Zur Sedimentologie des Lombardischen Oberkreideflyschs zwischen Lecco und Breschia. Inaugural dissertation Phil. Nat. Fak. Univ. Basel, 166 p. Chair: Prof. D. Bernoulli, Co-chair: Prof. A. Matter.
No collection at NMB.

Diploma theses supervised by D. Bernoulli (in work)
[Deposited with collections of Lukas Hottinger]
Reference collection to diploma thesis of Martin Hess (1985). Zur Stratigraphie des Oligo- / Miocaens in der Umgebung des Gardasees (Norditalien). Diploma thesis.63 p., University of Basel. Supervisors: Prof. L. Hottinger, Prof. D. Bernoulli.