Collections of Lukas Hottinger
About Lukas Hottinger (25 February 1933 - 4 September 2011)
The collection of Lukas Hottinger do not only cover vast areas all over Europe and the Tethian realm, but also include collections from Northern Africa, the Near East, Himalaja (Pakistan), the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean.
Important notice: A considerable portion of the study collections of L. Hottinger reflects the former collections of Manfred Reichel, as Hottinger has studied, integrated and re-organised subcollections from Manfred Reichel to a large extend, see curator's comment to the collections of Manfred Reichel.
Inventory of publications from Lukas Hottinger:
Color codes: A part of Hottinger's collections bears color codes: Yellow = systematic collection. Green = regional or stratigraphic collection. Pink = in work (?).
Overview of collections of Lukas Hottinger:
1.) Type- and reference collections:
Back to overview collections of Lukas Hottinger
Type- and reference collections to Hottinger, L. (1958 - 1962):
Hottinger, L. (1958). Géologie du Mont Cayla (Aude, Aquitaine orientale). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 51, no. 2, p. 437-451. See also unpublished excursion report Hottinger, L. (1957).
This collection comprises the thin sections containing Alveolina and Glomalveolina specimens used for the publications by Hottinger, L. (1985, 1960, and 1962).
Lists for download (printouts are deposited in 2 folders with the collection):
Arranged by species names: as text format, Legend for columns.
Arranged by NMB C-numbers, as text format, as Excel format (PC), Legend.
Arranged by sample codes, as text format, as Excel format (PC), Legend (with link to Serra-Kiel et al, 1998).
Hottinger, L. (1960a) [ identical to Hottinger, L. 1962]. Recherches sur les Alvéolines du Paléocène et de l'Eocène. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie 75 (Text(I)) / 76 (Atlas(II)), 243 p., 1 table, 18 plates. See lists for download.
Hottinger, L. (1960b). Ueber paläozäne und eozäne Alveolinen. Diss. Univ. Basel, verkürzte Fassung, Eclogae geol. Helv. 53(1):265-283, plates 1-21.
This is an extended collection of mainly thin sections, but also rock samples and orientated sections- and thin sections from alveolina-limestones of various provenance, including the types and other specimens illustrated and described in the dissertation of L. Hottinger. For stratigraphic discussions see also the publication of Hottinger, L. and Schaub, H. (1960). See lists for download.
Of historical interest is the mention of the "fichier Alcide d'Orbigny etabli par J. Sigal et M. Lys" at the bottom of page 43 of the dissertation of Hottinger, L. (1960a), which is deposited with the models in the collection Modèles de foraminifères d'Alcide d'Orbigny 1826 (copies).
Other related publicatons: Hottinger, L. (1999).
Holotypes erected in Hottinger (1960a and b), in alphabetical order:
Alveolina aragonensis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina aramaea Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina avellana Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina avellana Hottinger aurignacensis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina bronneri Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina callosa Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina corbarica Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina coudurensis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina cylindrata Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina dainelli Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina fragilis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina globula Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina ilerdensis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina indicatrix Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina laxa Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina lehneri Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina leupoldi Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina levantina Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina (Glomalveolina) levis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina minervensis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina moussoulensis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina munieri Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina palermitana Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina parva Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina pinguis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina piper Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina pisiformis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina (Glomalveolina) pilula Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina prorrecta Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina recondita Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina regularis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina rotundata Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina rugosa Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina rütimeyeri Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina solida Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina stipes Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina (Glomalveolina) subtilis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina (Glomalveolina) telemetensis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina tenuis Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina trempina Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina triestina Hottinger (1960)
Alveolina varians Hottinger (1960)


[No collection found until now]. Hottinger, L. (1964). Les genres Operculina et Heterostegina (foraminifères) et leur utilité stratigraphique. Extrait du Colloque sur le Paléogène (Bordeaux, Septembre 1962). Mémoire du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.), vol. 28(2): 1013-1031, 1964.
There is no specific reference collection to this review article. Note, that neither in the text nor in the captions to illustrations any sample numbers are indicated. Most probably, specimens from which illustrations were drawn, are scattered in various regional parts of study materials in the collection of L. Hottinger. A direct link illustration-specimen is hence not possible.
See for example materials in the study collections from France (Cérisols [Petites Pyrénées]; Latoue; Mont Cayla [Aude]; Coustouge; Calders; Tuilerie de Gan; Aragon [Montagne Noire] ); Spain (Puigmasana & Estorm [Tremp]; Biarritzien de Bernouès [Huesca]; Benidorm; Alfaze [Benidorm]; Igualada), Italy (Buttrio [Udine] ); Morocco (Ouezzane); Egypt (Thèbes ).
This review is also cited in the article about nummulitid evolution of Less et al. (2008).
Collection of hypotypes to the illustrated and discussed specimens in Hottinger, L., Lehmann, R., and Schaub, H. (1964). Données actuelles sur la biostratigraphie du Nummulithique Méditerranéen. III. Les grands foraminifères eocènes du Bassin de Paris et leur importance pour la détermination des étages du Paléogène. Colloque Paléogène (Bordeaux, 1962). Mémoires du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.) No. 28(2):629-652. Illustrated nummulites are integrated in the collection of Schaub, H (1981) if not otherwise indicated. For localities in the Adour-Basin (Montfort, Nousse, Donzacq, Bastennes, Caupenne, bergouey, Sorde-l'Abbaye, etc) see also the maps given in Hottinger, L., Schaub, H. and Vonderschmitt, L. (1956), and Herb, R. and Schaub (1963).
Standort colln. Hottinger
Standort colln. Schaub
Type collection to Hottinger, L. (1965a). Evolution et variation morphologique des Palmula et Flabellina du Coniacien et du Santonien de Tarfaya (Maroc Méridional). Mémoires B.R.G.M. (Paris), 32:101-111. See also Hottinger, L. (1966b). Foraminifères flabelliformes du crétacé supérieur. Notes et Mém. Serv. Géol. Maroc, No. 175, pp. 181-201.
Collection of hypotypoids and paratypoids in multicellular slides and lists with species determinations; from the Colloque International de Micropaléontologie, Dakar, 6-11 May, 1963.
Holotypes in the collection:
Flabellinella africana Hottinger (1965)
Flabellinella africana africana Hottinger (1965)
Flabellinella africana antiqua Hottinger (1965)
Flabellinella africana elongata Hottinger (1965)
Flabellinella vizentini Hottinger (1965)
Praeglobotruncana gigantea Hottinger (1965)


The slides (C25017, C25018, C25019, C25020, C25021, C25022, C25023, and C25025) were prepared from Tarfaya samples T28, T30, T32, T34, T36, T68, T86, T90, T109, T204, T206, T207, T241, T242, T405, T406, T473, and T477 from the reference collection to Lehmann, R. (1962b).
Specimens in the Plummer cell labelled as Diouri F27d (=C25025) were collected by Mohammed Diouri (=former chef de la Division de la Géologie du maroc, Service géologique du Maroc, see avant-propos in Hottinger, L. (1967c). For additional Diouri samples see also the study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco about "Upper Cretaceous Tarfaya & Special questions about the Danien-Montien".
Related literature with detailed descriptions to geological sections:
Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., and Hottinger, L. (1966b). Aperçu géologique du Bassin côtier de Tarfaya. pp. 9-220 in Choubert, G. Faure-Muret, A., and Hottinger, L. (eds.). Le Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional). Tome I, Stratigraphie. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc. Vol. 175.
See also Fielbook #6 and Fieldbook #6.1 of L. Hottinger indicating T sample numbers from Tarfaya area outcrops.
Standort colln. Hottinger, L. (1965a,b)
Standort colln. Lehmann, R. (1962b)
Reference collection to Hottinger, L. (1965b). Observations sur quelques Uvigerines du Néogène Marocain. International Union of Geological Sciences, Commission on Stratigraphy, Proceedings of the Third Session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964, Edited by C.W. Drooger, Z. Reiss, R.F. Rutsch, P. Marks. Leiden, E.J. Brill 1966, pp. 84-86.
Collection of Multicellular slides and lists with determinations to species.
Specimens were selected from the following samples:
Pliocene of Melilla: AM 133, AM 159, AM 165, AM 166, AM 336
Messiniano: AM 322, AM 331, AM 336, AM 340
Pliocene: AM 191, AM 192B, AM 365
Collection G. Suter: AA 120, 122, 464, 557, 562, and KM 51
For washed residues of AM samples see the study collection of L. Hottinger further below.
Type collection to Hottinger, L. (1966a). Foraminifères rotaliformes et Orbitoides du Sénonien inférieur pyrénéen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1): 277-301.
Thin sections and isolated specimens in fema cells. Holotypes and paratypes of:
Orbitokathina vonderschmitti Hottinger (1966) (generotypus)
Pseudorotalia schaubi Hottinger (1966)
Rotalia reicheli Hottinger (1966)
Sulcoperculina aff. cubensis (Palmer) (generotypus)


Reference collection to Hottinger, L. (1966c). Heterostegina, Grzybowskia et Spiroclypeus néogènes du Maroc. Proceedings of the third session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964. Comm. Méditerr. Néogène Strat. Proc. 3rd sess. Berne 1964 (Brill, Leiden) 1966:61-69.
Slides of Gryzbowskia aff. involutiformis (Papp and Küppers), on Plate 15, Figure 6.
For additional material see the study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Si Ameur el Hadi (Oz series); Miocène Maroc, Heterostegines.
Standort (reference collection).
Standort (study materials).
Reference collection to Hottinger, L. (1966d). Les Ammonia dans le Miocène supérieur et Pliocène Marocain. Proceedings of the third session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964. Comm. Méditerr. Néogène Strat. Proc. 3rd sess. Berne 1964 (Brill, Leiden) 1966:117-123.
A reprint of the paper is deposited with the collection.
Hypotypoids (thin sections) to "Ammonia n. sp. 3" and to Ammonia punctatogranosa (Plate 35, Figs. a and b), samples Nj 33 and AA 74.
Additional thin sections with Ammonia from samples AM 171, AM 383, AA 74, and Mj 33 (for washed residues from Morocco see the study collections of L. Hottinger/Morocco).
Reference collection to Mamet, B., Choubert, G., and Hottinger, L. (1966). Notes sur le Carbonifère du jebel Ouarkziz. Etude du passage du Viséen au Namurien d'après les Foraminifères. Notes du Serivice éologique du Maroc, Tome 27 (Notes et mémoires), No. 198, pp. 7-21.
Selected sectioned rock specimens from the Anti-Atlas mountain range including sample numbers T502, T508, T509, T510, T529, T530, T553, T559, T560, T561, and T562. A reprint of the publication is with the collection. Also included is the original manuscript text with fotoprints, range charts (with number codes to the species), a translation of species numbers to scientific names, and sections including the sample positions.
Reference material to Hottinger, L. (1967a). Zur Grossforaminiferenfauna des Niesenflyschs am Niesengipfel (Facultative Excursion B, So 5. Sept.), in: Brower, J., Hay, W.W., Hottinger, L., Kugler, H.G., Mangin, J.-Ph., Millioud, M., and Renz, O. (1967). 9. Europäisches Mikropaläontologisches Kolloquium (1965). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petr.-Geol. u. Ing., vol. 33, No. 84, Mai 1967, pp. 70-71.
A copy of the reprint is with the collection.
Reference material to Hottinger, L. (1967b). Zur Foraminiferenfauna der Orbitolinenschichten an der Strasse Weesen-Amden (Exkursionsführer Seite 155), in: Brower, J., Hay, W.W., Hottinger, L., Kugler, H.G., Mangin, J.-Ph., Millioud, M., and Renz, O. (1967). 9. Europäisches Mikropaläontologisches Kolloquium (1965). Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petr.-Geol. u. Ing., vol. 33, No. 84, Mai 1967, pp. 71-72.
A copy of the reprint is with the collection.
Type- and reference collection to Hottinger, L. (1967c). Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoïque marocain. Ed. du service géologique du Maroc, Rabat - 1967, pour le compte du Royaume du Maroc, Ministère du commerce, de l'artisanat, de l'industrie et des mines, Direction des Mines et de la Géologie, Division de la Géologie, Notes et Mémoires du Service géologique N° 209, 168 p., 61 text figures, 20 plates. Habilitationsschrift Univ. Basel.
Collection labelled with "Grands forams Jurassiques Maroc", containing holotypes, paratypes, and hypotypoids in form of thin sections and picked specimens in Fema-cells.
See also collection of foraminiferal models of Manfred Reichel and Lukas Hottinger.: Cuneolina, Broeckinella, Anchispirocyclina
The last drawer to this collection (currently deposited in K3 / A7 / 1 / 23) contains the original raw material, from where Hottinger selected the illustrated and described specimens for his study "Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoïque marocain" (this drawer was originally labelled as Lituolidae Maroc, for the Orbitolinidae from Maroc see remarks further below). See especially the detailed list with sampling locations on page 115-117.
Holotypes (in alphabetical order) to:
Anchispirocyclina lusitanica minor Hottinger (1967)
Choffatella tingitana Hottinger (1967)
Dictyopsella muretae Hottinger (1967)
Flabellocyclina reissi Hottinger (1967)
Lituosepta compressa Hottinger (1967)
Mayncina termieri Hottinger (1967)
Mesoendothyra complanata Hottinger (1967)
Orbitopsella dubari Hottinger (1967)
Orbitopsella praecursor africana Hottinger (1967)
Orbitopsella aff. primaeva Hottinger (1967)
Pseudocyclammina liasica Hottinger (1967)
Pseudocyclammina parvula Hottinger (1967)
Pseudocyclammina muluchensis Hottinger (1967)
Pseudocyclammina sphaeroidalis Hottinger (1967)
Pseudospirocyclina mauretanica Hottinger (1967)
Pseudospirocyclina maynci Hottinger (1967)
Rectocyclammina chouberti Hottinger (1967)
Streptocyclammina parvula Hottinger (1967)


With the collection to Hottinger (1967c) there is deposited a copy of the PhD thesis of Hamel, C. (1965). Etude géologique de la Terminaison Occidentale de la Chaine du Gareb (Avant-Pays du Rif Oriental). Thèse 3ème Cycle, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Paris, 128 p., and of Hamel, C. (1968). Etude géologique de la Terminaison Occidentale de la Chaîne du Gareb (Avant-Pays du Rif Oriental). Notes et mémoires du Service Géologique, No. 199. Editions du Service Géologique du Maroc, Rabat, 78 p.
These publications contain detailed maps with sampling locations from where Hottinger collected also study materials for his own investtigations (see study collections Hottinger from Morocco and the archive to the collections of L. Hottinger). Some of the Fema-cells described Hottinger (1967c) were prepared from material collected and studied by Hamel (1965). There is extra washed materials from the "Hamel, Ch. (1965) collection" in the study collection of Hottinger about Orbitolinidae (see below, Standort Hamel, Ch. (1965 and 1968) materials). Materials include the following washed residues:
A31; B26 (Flanc N du Kerker); B88 (Flanc S de Kerker); F37 (Flanc N piste chez Kerker); F77 (Ich Usugar); G68c; HM 30 (Gerrouaou); Me 154 (Jebel Naach).
AM 93, AM 94, AM 95 (thin sections of L. Hottinger from Moulouya).



See also the study collections of Lukas Hottinger from Morocco (Zone Rifaine, Rides Prérifaines, Moyen Atlas and Haut Atlas) for additional washed residues.
Other related publicatons: Hottinger, L. (1999).
Standort Hottinger (1967c)
Standort study colln. Orbitolinidae of L. Hottinger with materials from Hamel, Ch. (1965 and 1968).
Reference material to Azéma, J., Fernex, F., Hottinger, L., Magné, J. and Paquet, J. (1968). Borelis melo (Fichtel et Moll) dans le Miocène de la partie orientale des Cordillères Bétiques (Espagne). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 7e série, t. X, pp. 444-448.
Two thin sections (No. 700 and 702, plesiotypes) to illustrated specimens on plate 1 (XXVIII). A reprint of the paper is deposited with the collection.
Type collection to Hottinger, L. (1969). The foraminiferal genus Yaberinella Vaughan 1928, Remarks on its species and on its systematic position. Eclogae geol. Helv. 62(2):745-749.
Reference collection to Hottinger, L. (1971). Larger foraminifera common to Mediterranean and Indian Paleocene and Eocene Formations. Ann. Inst. Geol. Publ. Hung. vol. LIV, fasc. 4, pars I, Budapest 1971. (Colloque Stratigraphie sur l'Eocène, 1969).
Collection of washed residues with (large) alveolinids, picked material, thin sections from various formations (Meting Formation, Khirthar Formation, Laki Formation, and Ranikot Formation) from the Sind and Cutch areas. See also accompanied material from Pakistan in the collections of L. Hottinger.
Reference materials to Drobne, K. and Hottinger, L. (1971). Broeckinella and Saudia (Foraminiferida) aus dem nordwestlichen Teil Jugoslawiens, ihre Morphologie und ihre stratigraphische Verbreitung. Slowenska Akademija Znanosti Umetnosti. Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica, Classis IV: Historia Naturalis et Medicina, Dissertationes, vol. XIV/7, 26 p.
Thin sections to illustrations on Plate 3, Figs. 1 and 2, Plate 4, Figs. 1, 2, and 4 (Klana section).
A reprint is deposited with the collection.
Type-collection of hypotypes, that are discussed and illustrated in Hottinger, L. (1972a). Campanian larger foraminifera from Site 98, Leg 11 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (Northwestern Province Channel, Bahamas Islands). Init. Rep. DSDP 11:595-605.
Additional research material to this study is deposited in the study- and research collection of L. Hottinger.
Standort (type collection)
Standort (additional study material)
Reference- and study collection to Hottinger, L. (1972b). Larger foraminifera in the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea). A provisional inventory. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Geology, May 1972, pp. 1-5, 5 plates.
A collection containing fema cells with picked specimens, washed residues, and with the illustrated specimens (SEM preparations), and with SEM negatives of the specimens illustrated in the paper.
Related publications:
Reiss, Z. et al. (1977).
Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984).
Hottinger, L., Halicz, E. and Reiss, Z. (1993).
Type collection to Hottinger, L. and Krusat, G. (1972). Un foraminifère nouveau intermédiaire entre Opertorbitolites et Somalina de l'Ilerdien Pyrénéen. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, numero extraordinario, dec. 1972, pp. 249-271. Collection of thin sections to illustrated holotype and paratypes. See also models of Orbitolites in the collection of foraminiferal models of Manfred Reichel and Lukas Hottinger.
Holotype to:
Opertorbitolites transitorius Hottinger and Krusat, 1972.


[No collection found until now]. Hottinger, L. and Dreher, D. (1974). Differentiation of protoplasm in Nummulitidae (Foraminifera) from Elat, Red Sea. Marine Biology, vol. 25, pp. 41-61.
Hottinger, L. (1974). Alveolinids, Cretaceous-Tertiary larger Foraminifera. Esso Production Research-European Laboratories, Report EPR-E-1 SP74, 84 p. (text volume), 106 plates (plates volume).
There exists a large a large number of oversized fotographic prints, drawings, and spiral diagrams in the Maps-Archive of the NMB, that probably belongs to this report.
Curator's comment:
No extra collection was found until now - does it refer to the study of Luterbacher, H.P. (1971) about Paleogene microfossils from northeastern Spain. Systematic paleontology. ESSO Production Research ­ European Laboratories ? The alveolinids in thin-sections to the collection of Luterbacher, H.P. (1971) were determined by L. Hottinger !
Standort (Thin sections to Luterbacher, 1971)
Standort (Maps-Archive)
Reference collection to Hottinger, L. (1975). Late Oligocene larger foraminifera from Koko Guyot, Site 309. Init. Rep. DSDP, 32:825-826.
The collection contains orientated thin sections of specimens of Spiroclypeus tidoenganensis Van der Vlerk (specimen illustrated in Figure 2 of the paper).
Collection of syntypes discussed and illustrated in Hottinger, L. (1976). An early umbilical canaly system in Trocholina chouberti n.sp. from the Lower Cretaceous of northeastern Morocco. Eclogae geol. Helv. 69(3):815-820. (TSL 203).
Syntypes to:
Trocholina chouberti Hottinger (1976)


Related publications:
Reference collection to Hottinger, L. (1977a). Foraminifères operculiniformes. Mémoires Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Série C - Sciences de la Terre, 40:1-159, 66 plates.
A collection of thin sections, isolated picked specimens, rock samples, and SEM preparations holding the illustrated specimens. Foraminiferal groups include Ranikothalia, Sulcoperculina, Operculina, Nummulites, Cycloclypeus, Heterostegina, Spiroclypeus and Planoperculina. A model of Sulcoperculina (made by Paul Brönnimann) is deposited in the collection of foraminiferal models of Manfred Reichel and Lukas Hottinger.
Holotypes to:
Nummulites bombitus Hottinger (1977)
Nummulites oblaticus Hottinger (1977)
Operculina ammonea tectosaga Hottinger (1977)
Operculina escheri Hottinger (1977)
Operculina ornata Hottinger (1977)
Operculina roselli Hottinger (1977)
Sulcoperculina kugleri Hottinger (1977)


This study is cited in the article about nummulitid evolution of Less et al. (2008).
Reference collection. Hottinger, L. (1977b). Distribution of larger Peneroplidae, Borelis and Nummulitidae in the Gulf of Elat, Red Sea. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, vol. 15, pp. 35-110. A volume of Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins 15 is deposited alongside to this collection. The study was part of I.G.C.P. Project No. 1.
Two slides with SEM preparations. See also materials to publication of Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984) and related papers.
See also Archive Hottinger/Elat containing REM fotos from studies at Elat.
[Review paper - no collection]. Hottinger, L. (1978). Comparative Anatomy of Elementary Shell Structures in Selected Larger Foraminifera. In: Hedley, R.H. and Adams, C.G. (eds.). Foraminifera. Volume 3. Academic Press, pp. 203-266.
[no collection found until now] Hottinger, L. (1980). Répartition comparée des grands foraminifères de la Mer Rouge et de l'Océan Indien. Annali dell'Università di Ferrara (Nuova Serie), Sez. IX, Sc. Geologiche e Paleontologiche, vol. VI, supplemento, 13 p.
Type collection to Caus, E., Hottinger, L., and Tambareau, Y. (1980). Plissements du "septal flap" et système de canaux chez Daviesina, foraminifère paléocène. Eclogae geol. Helv. 73(3):1045-1069, 4 plates.
Collection with primary type and hypotypes to illustrated specimens (thin sections, isolated specimens, slide preparations, and SEM negatives.
Holotypus to:
Daviesina chattoni Caus, Hottinger and Tambareau (1980)



Reference collection to Hottinger, L. and Leutenegger, S. (1980). The structure of calcarinid foraminifera. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 101:115-154. Plates 1-12.
Hypotypoids to the illustrated and described specimens, picked specimens and SEM (microcast) preparations.
Related Publications:
Billmann, H., Hottinger, L., and Oesterle, H. (1980).
Hottinger, L. (1977).
Hottinger, L. (1982).
Leutenegger, S. (1977). [Dissertation].
Leutenegger, S. and Hansen, H.J. (1979).
Leutenegger, S. (1983).
Leutenegger, S. (1984).
Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984).
[No collection found until now]. Zohary, T., Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1980). Population dynamics of Amphisorus hemprichii (Foraminifera) in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba), Red Sea. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 73, No. 3, pp. 1071-1094.
But see materials to publication of Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984) and related papers.
See also Archive Hottinger/Elat containing REM fotos from studies at Elat.
Reference collection to Hottinger, L. (1981). Fonctions de la disposition alternante des loges chez les foraminifères et la structure d'Omphalocyclus. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, 4:45-52, plates 1 to 2.
Plesiotype (in fema cell) to the illustrated specimen, and three thin sections to the illustrations of the publication. Original hand-drawings and foto negatives, including prints are deposited with the collection as well.
[Review paper - no collection]. Hottinger, L. (1982). Larger Foraminifera, Giant Cells with a Historical Background. Naturwissenschaften, vol. 69, pp. 361-371.
Type collection to Hottinger, L. and Caus, E. (1982). Marginoporiform structure in Ilerdorbis decussatus n. gen. et n. sp., a Senonian agglutinated, discoidal foraminifer. Eclogae geol. Helv. 75(3): 807-819.
Collection of thin sections to illustrated and discussed specimens.
Holotypus to:
Ilerdorbis decussatus Hottinger and Caus (1982)
[Sedimentological article - no collection found until now]. Hottinger, L. (1983). Neritic macroid genesis, an ecological approach. In Peryt, T.M. (ed.). Coated Grains. pp. 38-55. Springer-verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
[No collection found until now]. Fricke, H.W. and Hottinger, L. (1983). Coral bioherms below the euphotic zone in the Red Sea. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, vol. 11, pp. 113-117.
[Sedimentological review article - no collection]. Hottinger, L. (1984a). Les organismes constructeurs sur la plate-forme du Golfe d'Aqaba (Mer Rouge) et les mécanismes régissant leur répartition. Geobios, Mém spécial no. 8, pp. 241-249.
See also field books of L. Hottinger (Elat 1971 and 1973).
[Review article - no collection]. Hottinger, L. (1984 b). Foraminifères de grande taille: Signification des structures complexes de la coquille. Larger foraminifera: The significance of complex shell-structures. Benthos '83; 2nd Int. Symp. Benthic Foraminifera (Pau, April 1983), pp. 309-315, Pau and Bordeaux, March 1984, ISSN 0181-0901. ISBN 2-901026-14-1.
Reference collection to the chapters on larger and smaller foraminifera in Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984). The Gulf of Aqaba. Ecological micropaleontology. Ecological Studies 50, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Important raw material to the study, drawers labelled with "Elat", but needs yet to be sorted (February 2006).
Related publications:
Hottinger, L. (1972b).
Reiss, Z. et al. (1977).
Hottinger, L., Halicz, E. and Reiss, Z. (1993).
[Review article - no collection]. Caus, E. and Hottinger, L. (1986). Particularidades de la fauna (macroforaminiferos) del Cretacico superior pirenaico. Paleontologia e Evolutio, t. 20, pp. 115-123.
[Review article - no collection]. Hottinger, L. (1986). Construction, structure, and function of foraminiferal shells. Chapter 14 in: Leadbeater, B. and Riding, R. (eds.). Biomineralisation in lower plants and animals. Systematic Assoc. Spec. vol. 30, Clarendon, Oxford, pp. 219-235.
[Review article - co collection]. Hottinger, L. (1987). Conditions for generating carbonate platforms. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., vol. 40, pp. 265-271.
[Review article - no collection]. Hottinger, L. (1988). Significance of diversity in shallow benthic foraminifera. Atti del Quattro Simposio di Ecologia e Paleoecologia delle Communità Bentoniche. Sorrento 1-5 Novembre, 1988, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali - Torino, pp. 35-51.
Collection to Morariu, A., and Hottinger, L. (1988). Amphisteginids: Specific identification, dimorphism, coiling direction and provincialism. Revue de Paléobiologie, vol. spéc. No. 2, Benthos'86, ISSN 0253-6730, pp. 695-698.
No detailed collection to this publication was found until present. However, there exist 2 boxes with SEM preparations with amphisteginids, of which one SEM stub holds the specimen illustrated in Figure 1C.
Standort (SEM preparation and reprint).
Type- and reference collection to Hottinger, L., Drobne, K., and Caus, E. (1989). Late Cretaceous, larger, complex miliolids (foraminifera) endemic in the Pyrenean faunal province. Fazies, 21:99-134, plates 21-29. TSL 100.
A collection of thin sections, and picked and isolated specimens and topotypes to the described and illustrated specimens.
Holotypes to:
Helenalveolina tappanae Hottinger, Drobne, and Caus (1989)
Lacazina elongata ovula Hottinger, Drobne, and Caus (1989)
Lacazina pyrenaica Hottinger, Drobne, and Caus (1989)
Pseudolacazina loeblichi Hottinger, Drobne, and Caus (1989)
Pseudolacazina cantabrica Hottinger, Drobne, and Caus (1989)


[No collection found until now]. Langer, M., Hottinger, L., and Huber, B. (1989). Functional morphology in low-diverse benthic foraminiferal assemblages from tidal flats of the North Sea. Senckenbergiana marit., vol. 20, No. 3/4, pp. 81-99.
[No collection was found until now]. Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1990 a). Wall texture of Spirorutilus. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 65-70.
[No collection found until now]. Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1990 b). Partitions and fistulose chamberelts in Textulariina. In. Hemleben, Ch., Kaminski, M.A., Kuhnt, W., and Scott, D.B. (1990). Palaeoceanography and taxonomy of agglutinated foraminifera, pp. 37-49. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Hottinger, L., Reiss, Z., and Halicz, E. (1990). Comments on Neoeponides (Foraminifera). Revue de Paléobiologie, vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 335-340.
Until present, no special collection could be found to this publication. However, there exists a box with SEM preparations to various studies, and some of these SEM stubs hold specimens of Eponides. It is unclear, whether the specimens on the SEM stubs belong to those illustrated in the above publication, but these preparations were obviously made in the course of the study of Hottinger, Reiss and Halicz (1990) or in connection to Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss (1991b, see further below).
Standort (SEM preparations).
Material to Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1991a). The foraminiferal genera Pararotalia, Neorotalia, and Calcarina: Taxonomic revision. Journal of Paleontology, 65(1):18-33.
Until present, no detailed collection could be found to this publication. However, there exists a box with SEM preparations to various studies, and some of these SEM stubs hold neorotalia (Pararotalia) calcar. It is unclear, whether the specimens on the SEM stubs are identical to those illustrated, but it is obvious, that these specimens belong to the study of Hottinger, Halicz, and Reiss (1991a).
The study material comes from the Gulf of Aqaba, Ramla, Keij Islands, Sybai (Philippines), Paris Basin and Victoria (Australia). Materials from these areas can be found within the study collection of L. Hottinger in K3/compactus C [MK, 28.10.2010].
Standort (Reprint)
Standort (SEM preparations)
Material to Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1991b). Architecture of Eponides and Poroeponides (foraminifera) reexamined. Micropaleontology, vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 60-75.
Until present, no detailed collection could be found to this publication. However, there exists a box with SEM preparations to various studies, and some of these SEM stubs hold specimens of Eponides. Inspection showed, that the illustrated specimens do not exactly correspond to the specimens on these SEM stubs, but it is very probable, that these specimens belong to the study of Hottinger, Halicz, and Reiss (1991b).
However, the study material comes from the Gulf of Aqaba (including collections with submersible GEO), the Gulf of Naples, and from Crete). Materials from these areas can be found within the study collection of L. Hottinger in K3/compactus C [MK, 28.10.2010].
Standort (only reprint)
Standort (SEM preparations)
Reference collection to Renz, O., Bernoulli, D., and Hottinger, L. (1992). Cretaceous ammonites from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. Geol. Mag., vol. 129, no. 6, pp. 763-769.
For macrofossils see also type/reference collection in K3 / A1 / 3 / 102.
For film negatives from Fuerteventura of D. Bernoulli see collns Daniel Bernoulli.
Reference collection to Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1993). Recent foraminiferida, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Opera Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica, Classis IV: Historia Naturalis, 33; Paleontological Institute "Ivan Rakovec" 3.
(Dela Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 33; Razred za naravoslovne vede; Paleontoloski institut Ivana Rakovca 3; 1-179).
TSL 133. Eight cardboard boxes (numbered from 1 through 8) with Fema cells holding isolated specimens that are figured in the plates. Gold coated specimens were removed from the original SEM stubs and preserved in the Fema-Cells. Please note, that this collection is not entirely complete, as not every illustrated specimen on the plate is represented by a specimen in the collection. In addition, some of the fema-cells contain also specimens, that were not illustrated.
Contents of Cardboard-Boxes:
Box 1: Specimens to Plates 1 through 26
Box 2: Specimens to Plates 27 through 49
Box 3: Specimens to Plates 50 through 87
Box 4: Specimens to Plates 87 through 105
Box 5: Specimens to Plates 105 through 123
Box 6: Specimens to Plates 124 through 144
Box 7: Specimens to Plates 144 through 205
Box 8: Specimens to Plates 202 through 221
There are two folders enclosed with the collection:


The second folder contains a list of changes (revision) of taxonomic names in alphabetical order.
Ammonia debenayi Hayward & Holzmann (2019), described in Hayward, B.W., Holzmann, M., and Tsuchiya (2019).
Designated holotype of Ammonia hottingeri nov. sp. (=syn. to Pseudoeponides falsobecarii Rouvillois 1974), deposited in cardboard-box No. 8, Slide to Plate 206, Figs. 1-10 in Hottinger, Halicz & Reiss, 1993), study in progress by Hayward, Holzmann and co-workers (2020, email conversation with M. Holzmann, 12 June 2020).
SEM preparations to Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss (1993) and other studies from the Red Sea (Elat) are deposited in the study collections of L. Hottinger, (as for example SEM Box 1 to Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss, 1993), together with two yellow folders labelled as "SEM stubs Elat" and "Elat agglutinated Forams and Elat literature".
There is also a voluminous study collection of L. Hottinger from the Gulf of Elat
containing unprocessed foraminiferal sands and other materials from the Gulf of Aqaba (for example sample 83033, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, type material to Ammonia debenayi Hayward & Holzmann, 2019). Furthermore, there are two boxes with a collection of SEM/REM fotos to Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss (1993), which is currently deposited in the Micropaleontological Hand library Weisser Bär/Hottinger/Foto-Archive.
Related other publications:
Hottinger, L. (1972b).
Reiss, Z. et al. (1977).
Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984).
Hayward, B.W., Holzmann, M., and Tsuchiya (2019). [Holotype to Ammonia debenayi Hayward & Holzmann 2019].
Schweizer, M., Jorissen, F., and Geslin, E. (2011). [On Pseudoeponides fasobecarii Rouvillois, 1974].
Standort (reference collection).
Standort (study collection: unprocessed recent foraminiferal sands from Elat, corals, algal limestones, epoxy preparations of sedimentary structures).
Standort (SEM preparations to studies from Elat).
Reference collection to Hottinger, L. and Caus, E. (1993). Praestorrsella roestae (Visser) - a foraminiferal index fossil for late Cretaceous deeper neritic deposits. Zitteliana, 20:213-221.
(Material still missing).
[Review paper - no collection]. Hottinger, L. (1996). Sels nutritifs et biosédimentation. Mém. Soc. géol. France, n.s., No. 169, pp. 99-107.
[No collection found until now]. Romero, J., Hottinger, L., and Caus, E. (1999). Early appearance of larger foraminifera supposedly characteristic for Late Eocene in the Igualada Basin, NE Spain. Revista Espanola de Paleontologia, vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 79-92.
The studied material is deposited in the Department de Geologia de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
[No separate collection to this publication]. Hottinger, L. (1999). "Odd partnership", a particular size relation between close species of larger foraminifera, with an emendation of an outstandingly odd partner, Glomalveolina delicatissima (Smout, 1954), Middle Eocene. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 92, pp. 385-393.
[No collection found until now]. Peybernès, B, Fondecave-Wallez, M.-J., Hottinger, L., Eichène, P., and Segonzac, G. (2000). Limite Crétacé-Tertiaire et la biozonation micropaléontologique du Danien-Sélandien dans le Béarn occidental et la Haute-Soule (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Geobios, vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 35-48.
Type- and reference collection to Hottinger, L. (2001a). Archaiasinids and related porcellaneous larger foraminifera from the late Miocene of the Dominican Republic. Journal of Paleontology, 75(3):475-512. TSL 381.
This study was an attempt to re-vitalize the interest of Caribbean larger benthic foraminifers, that were collected in the framework of the project "Neogene Paleontology in the Dominican Republic" of Saunders et al. (1986): Refer to review in Hottinger, L. (2013).
There also unfigured and non-type materials with the collection (e.g. K3/A6/2/73 and 74).
Holotypes to:
Androsinopsis radians Hottinger (2001) (genus type)
Annulosorites spiralis Hottinger (2001) (genus type)
Cyclorbiculina miocaenica Hottinger (2001)
Miarchaias meander Hottinger (2001) (genus type)
Miarchaias modestus Hottinger (2001)
[Review paper - collection]. Hottinger, L. (2001 b).- Learning from the past. In: R.Levi-Montalcini (ed.): Frontiers of Life, vol. 4, part 2: Discovery and spoliation of the biosphere, p. 449-477. Academic Press (London & San Diego).
Material to Hottinger, L. Reiss, Z., and Langer, M. (2001). Spiral canals of some Elphidiidae. Micropaleontology, vol. 47, supplement no. 2, pp. 5-34.
No detailed collection to this publication could be located until present. There are, however, SEM preparations with elphidiids (epoxy casts), porononionids, and amphisteginids, that obviously belonged to this investigation. The specimen illustrated on Plate 10, Figure 7 was found among these preparations.
Standort (SEM preparations)
Hypotypes to specimens illustrated and described in Hottinger, L., Romero, J., and Caus, E. (2001). Architecture and revision of the Pellatispirines, planispiral canaliferous foraminifera from the Late Eocene Tethys. Micropaleontology 47, supplement 2:35-77. TSL 404. Collection of individual specimen preparations and SEM preparations. A folder with "original drawings and notes Pellatispira" is deposited with the reference literature in Cabinet 71.
Reference collection to Abramovich, S., Keller, G., Adatte, T., Stinnesbeck, W. Hottinger, L., Stueben, D., Berner, Z., Ramanivosoa, B., and Randriamanantenasoa, A. (2002). Age and paleoenvironment of the Maastrichtian to Paleocene of the Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar: a multidisciplinary approach. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 47, pp. 17-70.
Small collection comprising thin sections to benthic foraminiferal specimens illustrated on Plate III and Plate IV. Additional isolated specimens are keppt in Fema-cells and there are washed residues (samples of Gerta Keller) from selected levels of the Amboanio section and the Berivotra section described in the paper. A brief description of the illustrated specimens and a xerox copy of the article are deposited with the collection.
Collection to Hottinger, L. (2007a). Revision of the foraminiferal genus Globoreticulina Rahaghi, 1978 and of its associated fauna of larger foraminifera from the late Middle Eocene of Iran. Carnets de Géologie, article CG2007_A06.
Holotypes to:
Austrotrillina eocaenica Hottinger (2007), n. sp.
Neotaberina neaniconica Hottinger (2007), n. gen., n. sp.
Neorhipidionina spiralis Hottinger (2007), n. gen. n. sp.
Rotaliconus persicus Hottinger (2007), n. gen. n. sp.
New genus:
Penarchaias Hottinger (2007), n. gen.


Standort (Reprint deposited in K3/A6/3/103, material still to come, MK 28.11.2007)
[collection missing] Hottinger, L. (2007b). Shell architecture in the Late Cretaceous foraminifer subfamily Clypeorbinae Sigal, 1952. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 372-392.
Collection to Hottinger, L. (2009a). Meandropsinidae, an ophtalmidid family of Late Cretaceous K-strategist foraminifera endemic in the Pyrenean Gulf. N. Jb. Geol. Pal. Abh., vol. 253/2-3, pp. 249-279.
Study materials including thin-sections from the described localities (as found on Lukas Hottinger desk on 30 Janaury, 2012). The illustrated and type sections need still to be found, MK 5. May, 2012). A reprint of the paper is deposited with the collection.
Holotypes to:
Eofallotia (n. gen.) simplex n. sp. Hottinger and Caus (2009)
Fascispira schlumbergeri n. sp. Hottinger and Caus (2009)
Alexina (n. gen.) papyracea n. sp. Hottinger and Caus (2009)


Study collection to Hottinger, L. (2009b). The Paleocene and earliest Eocene foraminiferal family Miscellaneidae: neither nummulites nor rotaliids. Carnets de Geologie / Notebooks on Geology, article 2009 / 06 (CG2009_A06), 41 p. Printout of the article is alongside the collection.
Raw material, washed and oriented thin sections residues from Pakistan.
Relevant samples 92010, 93504, 93563, 95109.
See also entries in fieldbook # 20 from Lukas Hottinger (Pakistan, Salt Range area, 1995).
Study collections of Lukas Hottinger, containing illustrated and described specimens to the publication of Vicedo, V., Aguilar, M., Caus, E., and Hottinger, L. (2009). Fusiform and laterally compressed alveolinaceans (Foraminiferida) from both sides of the Late Cretaceous Atlantic. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, vol. 253(2-3):229-247.
Two drawers with alveolinid study materials, that was originally collected and investigated by Manfred Reichel, and later incorporated into the collections of Lukas Hottinger by the latter.

Drawer "Alveoliniden, Caribik, Murciella cuvilleri topotypes; Murciella from Bignot's locality 1972 in Slovenia": This drawer holds topotype materials to several species described and illustrated in Vicedo et al. (2009). These are

Standort1 (Fabalveolina reicheli, Chubbina cardanasensis etc. )
Standort2 (Raadshoovenia guatemalensis)
Collections to Hottinger, L. (edited by Davide Bassi) (2014). Paleogene Larger Rotaliid Foraminifera from the Western and Central Neotethys. Springer, 196 p.
Curation not complete yet: Only to a few holotypes described in this publication could be located so far. Many of the described types or illustrated sections may appear from the study collection with time. The study collection ("Arbeitssammlung) "Rotaliids" to this publication is deposited together with the few types, that could be located. It omprises a vast amount of only preliminarily sorted thin sections, hand specimens, washed residues and picked materials, that Lukas Hottinger had assembled over the years for a Rotaliid study. Alongside to the collection is a large archive of microfotographic prints of rotaliid species.
2.) Study collections of Lukas Hottinger:
Back to overview collections of Lukas Hottinger
2.1.) Recent materials
2.2.) Study collections from Java & Sumatra, Borneo & Thailand
2.3.) Study collections from Morocco
2.4.) Study collections from Spain
2.5.) Study collections from Switzerland
2.6.) Systematic collection, selected foraminiferal groups
2.7.) Regional-stratigraphic study collection
2.8.) Study collections Lukas Hottinger from Pakistan, Salt Range area



2.1.) Recent materials
Study collection "Prosper", Atlantic Ocean (recent sediments):
Collection of unprocessed sediments from the "Prosper" project (no more info available).
Study collections from the Mediterranean Sea (recent sediments):
In 1974, 1975, 1976 expeditions were undertaken to the Mediterranean Sea visiting Elba and Crete (for example the SANW expedition of P. Tardent, Zürich, and L. Hottinger, Basel, see filed books of L. Hottinger # 12 and #13). See also diving protocols during that expedition from Peter O. Wettstein (deposited in the micropal handlibrary to Lukas Hottinger in the NMB/Weisser Bär). There is also a report of L. Hottinger (1974) entitled Marin- biologische Expedition nach Kreta. Studies, that resulted from this material, include the diploma studies of Mario Wannier (1975) [Elba and Crete], Saskia Hollaus (1974) [Crete], and Thomas Wolf (1978) [Crete] about faunas from Recent sediments.
Later, marine biological excursions to Elba were also undertaken in 1983 and 1984 together with students, where sampling sites at Capo Calvo and Punta Galera were re-visited and sampled (samples 83025, 83028, 83031, 83032, 83033, 83034, 83039, and 84507, 84508: Punta Galera, 30m, 84512, 84513: Capo Calvo 36.5m.
For more information about sampling sites see the various unpublished reports of L. Hottinger, D. Senn, O. Wettstein and students from Elba and Crete, that are deposited in the micropal handlibrary to L. Hottinger in the NMB/Weisser Bär.
A further Mediterranean study area of L. Hottinger were annual foraminiferal successions at the Marine Biological Station in Piran (close to Trieste) during the years 1987 and 1988 (see fieldbook #15 of L. Hottinger), from where the diploma theses of Christian Michel (1996) and Barbara Schmucker (1996) emerged.
Other Mediterranean sampling locations of L. Hottinger were Menorca and the western Mediterranean Sea (Recent sediments, possibly collected in 1975, see fieldbook # 13 of L. Hottinger).
Standort (collns. mainly from Elba, 1974, 1975, 1976).
Standort (collns. Meeresbiologische Exkursion nach Elba 1983 und 1984).
Standort (collns. from Piran).
Standort Menorca & western Mediterranean Sea.
Study collections from the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea, Recent sediments):
The Recent marine ecosystem from the Elat, Gulf of Aqaba and neighbouring areas (southern Sinai, Red Sea) was a major interest in Lukas Hottinger's and his collaborator's research agenda, from which numerous publications resulted (Hottinger, L. (1972b); Hottinger, L. and Dreher, D. (1974); Zohary, T., Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1980); Fricke, H.W. and Hottinger, L. (1983); Hottinger, L. (1984a); Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984); Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z. (1993), but also those of Reiss, Z. et al. (1977); Reiss, Z. and Hottinger, L. (1984); and Hottinger, L., Halicz, E. and Reiss, Z. (1993). This research extended from about 1970 to 1982, with diving and sampling campains during the years 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1981 and 1982. During 1981 and 1982 expeditions were also made in the Gulf of Elat using a submarine (see fieldbooks #9 and #11 of L. Hottinger). Some limited material (labelled in the collections as "HU-samples") is from collaboration with members of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
There is a vast collection of Recent foraminiferal sands, coral samples, algal reefs, ocoliths, mollusks, and wet samples from these investigations. Notably, there is an excellent raw material collection of Recent foram sands from Elat / Gulf of Aqaba to the publication of Reiss and Hottinger, 1984.
More documentation and maps about expeditions and sampling is deposited in the micropaleontological hand library/Weisser Bär (hand library and files of Lukas Hottinger).
Study collections from Madagascar (Recent sediments):
Collection of Recent sediments comprising beautiful samples rich in Amphisorus hemprichii, Heterostegina depressa, Soritids, and other recent larger benthic foraminifera from Madagascar.
The material was originally collected at Tuléar (SW Madagascar) by Bernard A. Thomassin (Station Marine d'Endoume et Centre d'Océanographie, Marseilles, France) in the years 1965 through 1970, and some by J. Picard during september 1968, and then brought to the Station Marine d'Endoume et Centre d'Océanographie in Marseilles.
The material comprises vials with unprocessed foraminiferal sands, some wet (poisoned ?), and some of them stained rose.
A second batch of samples was collected by Raphael Planke in the years from 1965-1970 at Tany Kely, a small islet south of Nosy-Bé, in northwestern Madagascar. See Plante, R. (1967). Etude quantitative du Benthos dans la région de Nosy-Bé: Note préliminaire. Cahiers O.R.S.T.O.M., sér. Océanographique, vol. V, no. 2, pp. 7-14. See also the publications from Plante-Cuny, M.-R. (1974) and, for example, Thomassin, B.A. (1986).
In 2004 this material was rescued from being discarded and sent to L. Hottinger at GPI in Basel.
Study collections from Mauritius (recent sediments):
Several members from Swiss Universities including Lukas Hottinger collaborated in the multidisciplinary European research project CCE 946 / 88 and 946 / 89 Sauvetage des Ecosystems Littoraux de Maurice, which was led by the Université d'Aix-Marseille I et III and the Université de Maurice. The Swiss participation was project "The littoral ecosystem of Mauritius (Indian Ocean), which was led by J. Geister (Univ. Bern), B. Kübler (Limnocéane, Neuchatel), and by L. Hottinger (Univ. Basel), and which was funded by SNF.
In this project Hottinger visited Mauritius from 1989-1990 during three field trips, when he collected large amounts of recent benthic foraminifera, algae, and reef sediments. This material was picked into Fema cells, multiple field cells, or exists as washed residues of various size fractions. A locality map from Mauritius included with the collection. Accompanying literature, a number of dissertations, field notes, reports, and detailed locality maps are deposited together with other Hottinger files in the Micropaleo Hand Library at the NMB (Weisser Bär). Fieldbook No. 16 of Hottinger contains sketches and details to the collected materials. There is a report of Hottinger, L., Müller, N., Müller, J. and Vasseur, P. (1990) summarizing some of the field observations.
The collection comprises Recent sediments, coral specimens, rhodolites, hardgrounds, reefal deposits, and algae collected during that time.
In particular there are several sub-collections, that are related to more specialized studies, i.e.:
Standort1 (foraminiferal preparations to Revets, S.A. and Hottinger, L. [datum post 1990, unpublished] ).
Standort2 (Study collections Mauritius).
Standort3 (Sub-colln. Patrick Ruch).
Standort4 (Sub-colln. Hottinger & Pignatti, 1990 or later).
Standort5 (Sub-colln. Montaggioni, L. 1989-1990).
Study collections from Oman: recent (?) sediments:
Collection of foraminiferal sands and washed residues, labelled as "B. Jäckli Proben". Provenance, age (Recent ??) unclear, no more documentation found until now.
Study collections from the Maldives (recent sediments):
A collection of Recent foraminiferal and reefal sands, algae, rhodolites, isolated and picked foraminiferal preparations from the Maldives. Samples were collected in the years 1977 (samples 77001-77053) and 1980 (samples 80001-80034).
Related literature: Hottinger, L. (1980). Répartition comparée des grands foraminifères de la Mer Rouge et de l'Océan Indien. Anali dell'Università di ferrara (Nova Serie), Sez. IX, Sc. Geologiche e Paleontologiche, vol. VI, supplement, pp. 1-13. Reprint deposited with the collection. See also the study collections from the Gulf of Elat further above.
Study collections from the Seychelles (recent sediments):
A collection of Recent foraminiferal and reefal sands from the Seychelles. Samples were collected in 1980 (samples 80501-80520).
Study collections from Numea (New Caledonia) (recent sediments):
A collection of Recent foraminiferal and reefal sands from New Caledonia, especially from Numea. Samples were collected in 1981 (sample series 81001-81034).
Mollusks, nautilid shells, corals, red algal balls were also collected in 1981 (sample series 81001-81020).
Study collections from the Pacific Ocean (recent sediments):
A collection of Recent foraminiferal samples from a some of the sites (or close areas) described in Langer, M.R. and Hottinger, L. (2000). Biogeography of selected "larger" foraminifera. Micropaleontology, vol. 46, supplement no. 1, pp. 105-126. Note, that this is not a reference collection but only a study collection with material, that is related to this punlication. A copy of the publication is deposited with the collection. In this context see also the notes about surface sediment samples from Kalimantan-Sulawesi in Fieldbook #16 of Lukas Hottinger.
Collection Bourouilh-Le Jan, F.G. (1986) - Clipperton Island.
Recent sediment samples collected in 1996 from the Clipperton Atoll in the E-NE Pacific, including correspondence between F. Bourouilh and L. Hottinger, and map sketches showing sampling locations [similar map published in Bourouilh-Le-Jan, F.G. (1985) ].
There is also other material included, i.e. from Nauru.
Sample series include (among others) numbers G-3; G-9; G-10; G-11; G-12; G-13; G-14; G-15; G-16; G-19; G-20; G-21, and
C-03-80; C-04-80; C-14b-80; C-15-80; C-21-80; C-22-80; C-23-80; C-24-S-80; C-24-b-80; C-28-b-80; C-29-80; C-30-80; C-40-80; C-44-80; C-45-80; and C-46-S-80.
Literature deposited alongside this collection:
Bourouilh-Le-Jan, F.G. (1985). A tool for a better knowledge of an atoll: The magnetic field at Clipperton Island (E-NE Pacific). Geophysical and geological results. Proceedings of the 5th International coral reef congress, Tahiti, 1985, vol. 6, pp. 407-412.
Bourouilh-Le-Jan, F.G. (1990). Diagenèse des carbonates de plate-formes, récifs et mangroves, en Atlantique et Pacifique. Contròle de la diagenèse par les variations thermo-glacio-eustatiques d'émersion-submersion aragonite, calcite, dolomite. Thèse de doctorat d'etat, No. 90-17. Mémoires des Sciences de la Terre, Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie, Paris VI, 190 p.
[No other collection found until now]. Bourrouilh-Le Jan, F.G. and Hottinger, L.C. (1988). Occurrence of rhodolites in the tropical Pacific - a consequence of Mid-Miocene paleo-oceanographic change. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 60, pp. 355-367.
[No other collection found until now]. Bourrouilh-Le Jan, F.G., Hottinger, L.C., and Salvat, B. (1996). The birth of a carbonate platform: Miocene to Recent carbonate sediments on Rurutu Island (Austral Archipelago, SE Pacific). Mém. Soc. géol. France, n.s., No. 169, pp. 231-242.
2.2.) Study collections Lukas Hottinger from Java & Sumatra, Borneo & Thailand
a - Java & Sumatra collections:
Collection to Baumann, P., Oesterle, H., Suminta, and Wibisono, S. (1972). The Cenozoic of Java and Sumatra. Proc. Indonesian Petroleum Association, First Annual Convention, June 1972, pp. 31-42; and documents with biostratigraphic zonal schemes from the Indonesian region.
The material comprises picked samples with benthic foraminifers from Java, Sumatra, and East Kalimantan (east Borneo).
Alongside are 5 wooden boxes containing picked foraminifera/residues in Fema-cells various places/oil-wells:
One box from Sumatra, one box "smaller benthic foraminifera" in the Bekapai-field and other places in the Kutei Basin (East Kalimantan, Borneo), one box "Eocene benthic foraminifera", and two boxes with picked benthic foraminifera or residues from East Java including Bodjonegoro-I well and from Madura.
In addition, there are range charts to Late Miocene-Holocene benthic and planktonic foraminifera from well BEKAPAI-4 and BEKAPAI-24 (both Total Indonesie, 1973), and from well SANTAN-1 (Union Oil, 1974). For locations of the Bekapai and Santan oil/gas fields refer to Satyana, A.H. Nugroho, D., Surantoko, I. (1999). Tectonic controls on the hydrocarbon habitats of the Barito, Kutei, and Tarakan Basins, Eastern Kalimantan, Indonesia: major dissimilities in adjoining basins. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 17, pp. 99-122. Printout with collection.
Furthermore, there is one Tray with picked benthic foraminifera from the Mesozoikum (donation Dr. Max Chatton, 1949).
b - Borneo & Thailand collections:
Wannier, M. (2009) - Borneo-Sarawak: Mulu
Study materials to Wannier, M. (2009). Carbonate platforms in wedge-top basins: An example from the Gunung Mulu National Park, Northern Sarawak (Malaysia). Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 26(2):177-207. A reprint is deposited with the study collections.
Foraminiferal samples and picked specimens in Fema-cells, Thin-sections Mulu 2005 (1a-40).
See also p. 195 ff in Wannier, M., Lesslar, P., Lee, C., Raven, H., Sorkhabi, R., Ibrahim, A. (2011). Geological excursions around Miri, Sarawak. 1910-2010 Celebrating the 100 anniversary of the discovery of the Miri oil field. Ecomedia, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 279 p.
Wannier, M. et al. (2011) - Borneo-Sarawak: Niah
Study materials to Wannier, M., Lesslar, P., Lee, C., Raven, H., Sorkhabi, R., Ibrahim, A. (2011). Geological excursions around Miri, Sarawak. 1910-2010 Celebrating the 100 anniversary of the discovery of the Miri oil field. Ecomedia, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 279 p. Washed foraminiferal samples and isolated corals from the Miocene Niah area, Sarawak, see p. 188 ff in the book. Book deposited with the collection.
(A further publication has been submitted, pers. communication MK-M. Wannier, 6 May 2019).
Some related literature:
International Symposium on Shallow Tethys 5, 29 Jan-5 Feb 1999, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Collection of unprocessed rock samples collected by Lukas Hottinger during excursions of Shallow Tethys 5 international symposium: Thailand and Borneo - Permian, Jurassic, Eocene-Oligocene, Melinan Limestone Sarawak, Borneo. See also book of Wannier, M., Lesslar, P., Lee, C., Raven, H., Sorkhabi, R., Ibrahim, A. (2011). Geological excursions around Miri, Sarawak. 1910-2010 Celebrating the 100 anniversary of the discovery of the Miri oil field. Ecomedia, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 279 p.
Enclosed with collection are reports and field guides of
Ratanasthien, B. and Rieb, S.L. (eds.) (1999). Shallow Tethys 5. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Shallow Tethys (ST) 5, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 497 p.
Ratanasthien, B., Singharajwarapan, S., Chonglakmani, C. (eds.) (1999). Pre-Shallow Tethys 5 Symposium Excursion. Guide Book, 29-31 Jan., 1999.
Ratanasthien, B., Singharajwarapan, S., Chonglakmani, C., Metcalfe, I. (eds.) (1999). Mid-Shallow Tethys 5 Symposium Excursion. Guide Book, 3 February, 1999.
2.3.) Study collections from Morocco:
Curational remarks:
From 1959 to 1964 Lukas Hottinger had a professional position as a micropaleontologist at the Service Géologique du Maroc in Rabat, where he mainly collaborated with Georges Choubert (=head of the geological Service at that time), Anne Faure-Muret, Roger Lehmann, Gabriel Suter, Charles Hamel and other colleagues. The general interest of the group was the the geological development, stratigraphy and structure of the Moroccon Rif and Atlas Mountains, for which Hottinger and Lehmann concentrated on the micropaleontological aspects. For a summary on the geology of NW Africa see, for example chapter 5 in Bellion, Y.J.-C. (1989).
First summaries under this constellation appeared in Durand Delga, Hottinger, Marçais, Mattauer, Millard and Suter (1962) about "Données actuelles sur la structure du Rif and Hottinger (1962) entitled "Documents micropaléontologiques sur le Maroc: Remarques génerales et bibliographie analytique". In the same volume (tome 21) of the Notes du Service Géologique du Maroc micropaleontological studies appeared by Lehmann (1962 b) about the globotruncanids of Tarfaya in southeastern Morocco. Later this was an important area from where Hottinger (1966) collected and published the foraminiferal biostratigraphy (see further below). For clarification of the stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Rif- and Prérif nappes Hottinger and his colleagues travelled and collected their samples primarily in the northern Rif-zone (Melilla Peninsula, Tanger-Ceuta area), the Zone Prérifaine (Chaîne du Gareb, Avant-Pays du Rif oriental), and the Rides Prérifaines at the southern boundary of the Zone Prérifaine. A useful guide to understand the research strategy of Hottinger in the Rif and Atlas domain is given in Faure-Muret and Choubert (1971). A useful study of the Neogene post-nappe deposits in the northern Morocco is given in Wernli (1987). Other sampling excursions led to the Moyen Atlas and Haute Atlas regions, and the Tarfaya Basin with its Cretaceous deposits and bordering Paleozoic outcrops. Publications that refer to these more geologically oriented studies include Hottinger and Suter (1962) [La structure de la zone prérifaine au sud du moyen Ouerrha (Maroc septentrional)]; Choubert, Hottinger, Marçais and Suter (1964) [Stratigraphie et micropaléontologie du Néogène au Maroc septentrional]; Choubert, Faure-Muret, Hottinger and Lecointre (1966a) on the Melilla Basin; Choubert, Faure-Muret, Hottinger, and Lecointre (1966b) [Le prétendu "Piocène" de Charf el Akab près de Tanger], Hottinger (1966e) [Résumé de la stratigraphie micropaléontologique du Mésozoique et du Tertiaire Marocain]; Charlot,..., Hottinger, et al. (1967) on the Messinien du Maroc; Collington, Lehmann, Hottinger et al. (1966) and Choubert, Faure-Muret, and Hottinger (1966b) on the Tarfaya Basin. Explicit micropaleontological studes include Hottinger's Habilitation (1967c) entitled "Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoique marocain". Numerous smaller more taxonomic studies about benthic foraminifera include Hottinger (1965a and 1966b) [about Palmula and Flabellina from Tarfaya]; Hottinger (1965b) about Uvigerines from the Neogene of Morocco; Hottinger (1966c) about Heterostegina, Grzybowskia et Spiroclypeus néogènes du Maroc; Hottinger (1966d) about Ammonia; and Hottinger (1976) [Canal system of Trocholina chouberti].
The materials deposited in the study collections of Lukas Hottinger from Morocco touches each of these publications in one or the other way. However, only a comparably limited fraction of the many samples were actually selected and described in the above mentioned publications. With the exception of the material studied in the Tarfaya area (Choubert et al., 1966a and b, Hottinger, 1965a, 1966b, d), and to Hottinger (1967c) the precise provenance of the samples is rather poorly documented in the publications, sections or maps, only providing descriptive information about the sampling area. Hottinger's collection of samples from Morocco includes hundreds of washed residues, which are labelled with a numbering system, but often without providing comprehensive sampling lists. From most of the samples in the study collection there exist only hand written notes on loose notepads or as entries in Hottinger's field books. For localization of Hottinger's sampling sites from the Avant-Pays du Rif oriental (Kert-Gareb area) the dissertation of Hamel (1965 and 1968) is extremely helpful.
In a wider framework one has to keep in mind that the study collections from Morocco complement those from southern Spain (see further below). One of Hottinger's interest was a comparison of the Paleogene stratigraphy and paleobiogeography of the Rif domain in Morocco against the Betic chains in southern Spain. In northern Morocco the Rif include tectonic units like the Domaine ultra / Dorsale calcaire / Domaine externe / Nappe Prérifaine / Rides Prérifaines, while in southern Spain their counterparts are the Péribétique / Prébétique / Unités intermédiaires / Subbétiques / Bétiques (see sketches of L. Hottinger in Fieldbook #5). In this wider context the tectonic overviews given in Faure-Muret and Choubert (1971); Romagny, A. (2011); Ellero et al. (2012); or Michard et al. (2015) are helpful.
The following information about the samples in Hottinger's study collections from Morocco was therefore compiled after visual scanning Hottinger's unpublished legacy like field books and notepads remaining from the excursions. During curation, however, sampling trips could partially be reconstructed and it was recognized that Hottinger's numbering scheme for Morocco samples followed more or less tectonic units. Sample numbers ME are hence related to the Melilla area, AM stand probably for Moyen Atlas, HA for Haut Atlas, and RPr for the Rides Prérifains.
For locating geographic areas consult also the topographic and geological maps from Morocco in the maps archive.
Study collections in general related to:
- Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., Hottinger, L. et Lecointre, G. (1966a). Le Néogène du Bassin de Melilla (Maroc Septentrionale) et sa signification pour définir la limite Mio-Pliocène au Maroc. International Union of Geological Sciences, Commission on Stratigraphy, Proceedings of the Third Session in Berne, 8-13 June 1964, Edited by C.W. Drooger, Z. Reiss, R.F. Rutsch, P. Marks. Leiden, E.J. Brill 1966, pp. 238-249.
- Durand Delga, M., Hottinger, L., Marcais, J., Mattauer, M., Milliard, Y., and Suter, G. (1962). Données actuelles sur la structure du Rif. Livre à la Mémoire du Professeur Paul Fallot, consacré à l'Evolution paléogéographique et structurale des Domaines Méditerranéens et Alpins d'Europe, Tome I, pp. 399-422.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Route Azila-Tanger (samples Az 1-35): Study collection to Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., Hottinger, L., and Lecointre, G. (1966b). Le prétendu "Pliocène" de Charf el Akab près de Tanger est d'âge tortonien. Notes du Service géologique du Maroc, Tome 27, (Notes et Mémoires No. 198), pp. 29-33.
Washed residues to samples Az 1-35 from along the nouvel route Azila-Tanger (year unknown).
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Kettama - Tanger.
No further info given.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Melilla, Sondage IRE, AM samples:.
No further info so far.
Related to Choubert et al. (1966a) and Durand Delga, et al (1962), see above.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Chaîne calcaire du Rif interne (Tetouan - Ceuta, Eocene - Pliocene).
Sample series FM 2 - FM 39; FM 63 - FM 124
Samples R2/67 FM, R3/67FM, R4/67 FM, R7/67 FM and R8/67 FM.
Mostly washed residues, thin sections, and few raw material samples.
The material was collected by A. Faure-Murat (abbreviation FM=Faure-Murat) between 1966 - 1967. Samples come from l'Oued Laou & Rio Martin (Region Temsamane; Oued Martil; Jebel Zen-Zen, north of the area Tetouan to Ceuta).
The material was studied to solve questions about the transgressive series lying on the Paleozoic. Included are comments by A. Faure-Murat, and a sample list of Monsieur G. Lorenz (micropaleontologist), and determinations by L. Hottinger.
A small collection of nummulites from Morocco (leg. G. Lorenz) is in the study collection of Hans Schaub.
Standort2 (Collns. H. Schaub: Nummulites from Morocco, Leg. G. Lorenz)

Study materials from J.-C. Griffon and J. Muylaert from the Chaîne calcaire du Rif interne [singular materials only but currently deposited with the reference collections under Griffon and Muylaert].

Les Rifides or "Dorsale Calcaire" is a tectonic unit within the internal zone of the northern Moroccan Rif mountains [see page 20 ff in Faure-Muret, A. and Choubert, G. (1971); Griffon, J.-C. and Muylaert, J. (1962 ); Griffon, J.-C., (1965) ]. During the 1960is there were intense geological investigations about the Rif by members of the Moroccan Geological Service, including L. Hottinger, who was employed as micropaleontologist at the Service géologique Marocain at that time.

The present singular materials of Jean-Claude Griffon (1 washed sample Griffon 106 with nummulites from the Dorsale Calcaire) and Jean Muylaert (2 washed samples M155 and M156 from the Priabonian of the Dorsale Calcaire at Jebkha) were surely collected in the framework of the above mentioned research. However, a precise assignment of these sample numbers to publications could hitherto not be done; possibly the material is related to the Eocene flysch of the Dorsale calcaire mentioned in Muylaert, J. (1966).

The sample Griffon 106 was perhaps collected during the framework of the Griffon & Muylaert (1962) study, but is not mentioned in that publication.

Similarly, the samples M155 and M156, which come from Jebkha (coastal city between Tetouan and El Hoceima in northern Morocco), but not from the Tetouan area (the area south of Tetouan area was the study area in the thesis of Griffon, J.-C., (1965).



Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Moyen Atlas & Avant Pays Rif oriental: Samples AM 4-103: Washed residues from the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene, and Miocene, see fieldbooks of L. Hottinger: Notepad #A "AM 1-100". Related to Choubert et al. (1966a) and Durand Delga, et al (1962), and Hottinger, L. (1967c), see above.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Moyen Atlas & Avant Pays Rif oriental: Samples AM 140-193: Washed residues from the Toarcien, Aalénien, Dogger, Senonien, Turonien, Miocene and Pliocene from the Rif oriental, Meknes-Fez area and the Melilla peninsula, Crétacé Moulouya, see fieldbooks of L. Hottinger: Notepad #A "AM 1-100" and Notepad #B "AM 100-200". Particularly samples in Notepad #B are related to descriptions of the Neogene and Messinien of the Melilla peninsula in Choubert et al. (1966). For tectonic units see Durand Delga et al. (1962), as indicated above.
See also Hottinger, L. (1967c) and Hamel (1965 and 1968).
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Moyen Atlas & Avant Pays Rif oriental: Samples AM 194-336: Washed residues in glass vials. See Fieldbook Hottinger #7.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Moyen Atlas & Avant Pays Rif oriental: Samples AM 336-467: Washed residues in glass vials. See Fieldbook Hottinger #7.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Moyen Atlas & Avant Pays Rif oriental: Samples AM 401-452: Washed residues in glass vials. Plus selection AM 201, AM 201, 202, AM 356, AM 383, BR 82, BR 122, FM 7-32.
See Fieldbook Hottinger #7, see also Hamel, C. (1965 and 1968) for locations.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Moyen Atlas, Material to Rahhali, I. (1970). Foraminifères benthoniques et pelagiques du Crétacé supérieur du synclinal D'El-Koubbat (Moyen Atlas - Maroc). Notes Serv. geol. Maroc., t 30, No. 225:51-98.
Collection of thin sections.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Eastern Morocco (1967): LH 1-99.
Collection of washed residues and thin sections including a card catalogue.
See Fieldbook L. Hottinger # 7.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Les Rides Prérifaines. RPR 1-237, RPr 53-70. Washed residues. Year unknown. See fieldbook of L. Hottinger # 6.2, Notepad#C "Me 1-52 and RPR 53-70" and Notepad# C2.
ME 1-52: Mostly Neogene from the Melilla -Taourirt area.
RPR 53-70: Rides Prérifains, Maroc occidental - Mostly Neogene from the area north of the route from Meknes to Fez.
Included sample numbers (washed residues in glass vials):
RPr 1-5,
RPr 43, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70,, 73, 74, 75, 77
RPr 126, 140, 152, 154, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 178, 179
RPr 180, 182, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194, 196
RPr 202, 205, 207, 208
RPr 224, 226, 227, 228, 232, 234, 236, 237, 240, 241, 244
Related literature: ???
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Hajrat el Baz, Les Rides Prérifaines (Aptian - Albian).
Collection of sectioned rocks.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Les Rides Prérifaines, Dar Bel Hamri (area around Sidi Kacem), diverse samples.
A large collection of washed residues in glass vials. Precise provenance and ages unclear (no information about sample numbers, no sample listing, and no reports or publications were found until present). Possibly, some abbreviations correspond to old drilling sites of the Société Chérifienne Pétrolilière, SCP).
Samples include the following numbers:
DH (from Dar Bel Hamri; for general area see for example Figure 6 in Faure-Muret and Choubert, 1971):
DH10, DH11, DH11a, DH12, DH15
AM (see also AM samples further above):
AM 408, AM 410, AM 418, AM 423, AM 433, AM 434, AM 436, AM 444, AM 463, AM 464, AM 465
OA 1, OA2, OA3, OA3a, OA4, OA5
A continued series of washed residues in glass vials from R51 through R90 (no further info available).
Other samples include E-25, F-8, F-10, A 154, "Mallorca 10", 75006 (Fuerte Ventura), DB1699 "Pliocän Griechenland", but the context is unclear.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Upper Cretaceous Tarfaya & Special questions about the Danien-Montien.
This collection includes several she series of washed/picked preparations in cells including Diouri 383, 393, 397 (Maastrichtian), 425, 426, 427, 433, 434, 447 (Gavinellids), and Diouri F 27a,c,d,f.
The series KS 204, 417, 444, 167 (Danien prérifain).
The series AA 382, 368, 418 (with Neoflabellina from the Dano-Montian), 428, 433, 452, 457 (Campanien with Neoflabellina), 837.
A sample 57 VI 267 (from Faure-Murat ??).
Sample KB 102.
Samples RPr 187 (Montian), thin sections RPr 187 (Lagenids Montien Prérif) [see also additional material of this sample in K3 / G 28 / 8], RPr235.
Samples K 70, K75, K101, K102, KS 204.
3 samples for comparison: Washed residues 77000 A, 77000 B and 77000 C from Bochotnica (near the village of Kazimierz, Poland) of Maastrichtian to Montian age.


Some comments about this material:
1.) Diouri denotes the name of its collector (not a locality name), i.e. Mohammed Diouri, former chef de la Division de la géologie du Maroc, Service géologique du Maroc.
2.) Diouri samples were also used in the collection to Hottinger (1965a).
3.) Significance of this material: In the Tarfaya sections Cretaceous sequences occur from the upper Albian to Campanian, and are capped by a transgressive Miocene (Marnes tortoniennes) and overlaid by the Moghrebien (see pp. 58-61 in Choubert, Faure-Murat and Hottinger, 1966 b). The lower Cretaceous until the Albian is continental-deltaic, while from within the Albian through Campanian the serie is in marine facies (Gebhardt, Kuhn and Holbourn, 2004) and so documenting the opening of the Atlantic and establishment of the early upwelling regime off western Morocco. During the Campanian a marine transgression occurred leading to the replacement of the more restricted benthic faunas with Gabonellids by extremely diverse benthic faunas thereafter, which seem comparable to faunas in Central America (Siphogenerinoides). The above materials in this portion of the study collection of Hottinger addresses some of these environmental changes.
The accompanying samples "Dano-Montian" and RPr 187 from the Montien prérifain concern questions about the regional development of the Paleogene in SW Morocco, i.e. predominant absence of Paleogene deposits in Tarfaya and the presence of Paleogene deposits in the Rio de Oro area and further to the north (couches phosphatées) and in the Prérif. At Tarfaya, there is only notion of a single nummulite bearing remain of mid-late Cuisian age from the Moghrebian de la Sebkha El Khemira (Hottinger 1966 f).
Standort [additional material to Sample RPr 187 in K3 / G 28 / 8]
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Si Ameur el Hadi (Oz series); Miocène Maroc, Heterostegines (study material to Hottinger, L. 1966c).
Collection of washed residues from Si Ameur el Hadi, above Dar Srafah, piste ancien du sondage SCP (Société Chérifienne des Pétroles). Sample numbers include Oz 540, Oz 542, Oz 543, Oz 545, Oz 548, Oz 549, and Oz 554 (see also entry from 2 April 1963 in fieldbook L. Hottinger # 6.1).
Other samples include Miocene sediments and Heterostegines from the area between Fez and Immouzer. More precise information about exact sampling localities of Oz samples and other samples could not be found until present. See extract from Rey, M. et Nouet, G. (1958) including a list of selected drilling locations of the Société Chérifienne des Pétroles (SCP) in that region (as compiled from from literature refs), which is alongside the collection.
Related literature related to the stratigraphy around Si Ameur:
Cizancourt, M. de (1933); Lacoste, J. et Rey, M. (1938); Rey, M. et Nouet, G. (1958); Senn, A. (1934); Senn, A. (1935a). See also Archive to A. Senn, and Maps Archive with maps & sttratigraphic sections of A. Senn from Si Ameur el Hadi.
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Nouet, G., (1953). Le Miocène d'Ahermoumou.
This is a small collection of rock samples and thin sections to Nouet, G. (1953). Le Miocène d'Ahermoumou. Unpublished. Typewritten text including a drawing of the section.
Alongside is material for comparison from the Aquitaine ("Miocène type Bordeaux); Sables burdigaliennes Vallée de la Devèze (Gironde); Route Renault-Tripoli; a collection from Carmona (Spain); and a collection of samples from the Burdigalien from the Vienna Basin (NE Rohrbach, Burgenland).
Study collections L. Hottinger from Morocco: Calcaire Dorsale (Maroc).
Small collection of rock samples with material for comparison from Palo de Malaga(southern Spain) and Eocene samples with alveolines.
2.4.) Study collections from Spain:
Study collections Lukas Hottinger / Southern Spain (1960).
General note: The study collections from Southern Spain and from Morocco complement each other. One of L. Hottinger's guideline was a comparison of the Paleogene stratigraphy and paleobiogeography of the Betic chains in southern Spain against the Rif domain in Morocco.
In southern Spain these tectonic and paleogeographic units include the Péribétique / Prébétique / Unités intermédiaires / Subbétiques / Bétiques. In the the northern Morocco Rif the counterparts include the Domaine ultra / Dorsale calcaire / Domaine externe / Nappe Prérifaine / Rides Prérifaines (see notes L. Hottinger in Fieldbook #5).
The collection strategy follows this scheme to some degree by assembling typical stratigraphic sections from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea.
For larger regional context see for example Faure-Muret and Choubert (1971); Romagny, A. (2011); Ellero et al. (2012); Michard et al. (2015).
Collection of unprocessed sediments, washed residues (sample series E 1-100), sectioned rocks and thin sections. For comments see Fieldbook #5 and Notepad # 5.1.
2.5.) Study collections from Switzerland
Study collections Lukas Hottinger / Foraminiferida: Unterkreide Schweizer Jura, Trocholines d'Arzier, Dissertation Fritz Burri (1956; Bartenstein and Burri, (1954).
Study collections Lukas Hottinger / Lower Cretaceous, Swiss Jura Mountains (Marnes d'Arzier, Fort l'Ecluse).
2.6.) Systematic collection, selected foraminiferal groups
Reference collection to Erk, A. Suat (1942). Etude géologique de la région entre Gemlik et Bursa (Turquie). Inaugural-Dissertation University Basel. Veröffentlichung des Institutes für Lagerstättenforschung der Türkei, Serie B: Abhandlungen No. 9, 1942 Ankara, 295 p.
This is the lithological reference collection to the Permian from the Diskaya area described in the PhD thesis of Erk (1942). It contains sectioned rock samples (no thin sections) bearing the numbers as shown in the illustrations. A list with sample numbers and sampling locations, and an envelope with xeroxed copies of figures and drawings are with the collection. A copy of the thesis volume is also alongside the collection.
History: The collection was originally composed by Suat Erk for Manfred Reichel (supervisor of thesis), and was later incorporated by Lukas Hottinger in his own research- and study collection. See also comment on page 322 in Hottinger (2013).
The type collection to the thesis is deposited at M.T.A. (Mineral Research and Exploration General Directorate, Ankara, Turkey,, see thesis text on page 239).
2.7.) Regional-stratigraphic collection of Lukas Hottinger
Regional-stratigraphic foraminiferal collection of Lukas Hottinger ranging from the Paleozoic, Jurassic, Cretacous through Tertiary. This collection comprises sampled materials from diverse important foraminiferal or stratigraphical type localities, or localities of importance for paleogeographic reconstructions.
2.8.) Study collections Lukas Hottinger from Pakistan, Salt Range area
Unprocesses raw material, washed residues, sectioned rocks, macrofossils (corals, cephalopods), hand specimens, drilling samples (Gibson), and a larger collection of thin sections, which are mostly related to the Pakistan materials. Collected during the First South Asia Geological Congress, Islamabad, Pakistan, in 1992 and years thereafter. See Alam, G.S. (1992). First South Asia Geological Congress. Islamabad, Pakistan: February 23-27, 1992. Field Guide book Salt Range - Potwar, February 29 - March 2, 1992. Geological Survey of Pakistan. With annotated sampling positions of Lukas Hottinger.
Note: This collection is still poorly curated and yet poorly organized as it was in work progress by Hottinger. It was found on the desktop / private home of L. Hottinger on 4 July 2012 after passing away of Lukas Hottinger.
Range of sample numbers:
LH 92001-92030: Pakistan, Salt Range.
LH 92001-92050: Pakistan, Salt Range.
LH 93501-93568: Pakistan, Salt Range.
LH93521-93543: Pakistan, Salt Range.
LH 93544-93569: Pakistan, Salt Range.
LH 95162, 164, 165, 170, 204: Pakistan, Salt Range.
LH 93570, 93511, 512: Pakistan, Salt Range.
LH95101-95131: Pakistan, Salt Range, and Kohat Basin.
LH 95101-204: Pakistan, Salt Range, and Kohat Basin and Quetta.
LH 95133-95203: Pakistan, Salt Range and Kohat Basin.
3.) Collection of thin-sections and SEM preparations of Lukas Hottinger:
Back to overview collections of Lukas Hottinger
3.1.) Thin-sections
Lukas Hottinger has a vast collection of thin sections comprising those preparations from his Dissertation, thin sections to published type-and reference materials, and thin sections to structural pre-studies or unpublished observations to benthic foraminiferal genera and species scattered.
Although thin sections are scattered all around through the various collections from Lukas Hottinger, there two major bodies where thin sections are concentrated, i.e.
The majority of all thin-sections are labelled with a continuous numbering system per preparation. In many cases several thin sections were prepared from the same sample in order to obtain oriented sections for ultrastructural analyses. Thin section numbers begin with No. 1 up to # 16'359 or even higher. Note, that thin-section numbers are not identical to field sample numbers.
Field sample numbers were initially a letter code with digits, and later followed a 5 digit code similar to the numbering system of Hans Schaub. The first two digits represent the year of collection, and the remaining three digits represent the sample in a section in the field.
Documentation to thin sections: Schliffbücher 1-3:
Thin section numbers and field sample numbers are recorded in volumes 1 through 3 of his "Schliffbücher", where his has also noted determinations and sampling localities. Standort: These books are deposited alongside the collection of thin-sections.
Schliffbuch 1:
Thin sections # 1-330: Loose sheets.
Thin sections # 501-655 (dated from 1962)
Thin sections # 1050-2253 (dated from 1962)
Thin sections # 10'000-10'797 (dated from 1967-1968)
Schliffbuch 2:
Thin sections # 5001-5799
Thin sections # 5801-7020
Thin sections # 7410-7746
Thin sections # 7511-8053
Schliffbuch 3:
Thin sections # 10'798-12'460
Thin sections # 12'900-12'953
Thin sections # 13'001-14'013
Thin sections # 15'001-16'359
Boxes containing thin sections:
Thin section #: Taxa, Field sample number
#15304-15400: Miscellanea, Ranikothalia, Daviesina [93563, 93501, 92010a, u.a.].
#15601-15700: Elphidium, Daviesina, Miniacina [95115, 91505].
#15701-15800: Miniacina, Lockhartia, Daviesina [95115, MS38, 73910].
#16025-16094: All sample 95116, Dhak Pass, Salt Range, Pakistan.
3.2.) SEM preparations
This is a collection of SEM stubs hold in several boxes that belong to various studies from L. Hottinger. The assignment of boxes or individual stubs to illustrations or plates in publications is still awaiting completion. From a few SEM stubs, however, precise assignment of specimens on stubs to publicised illustrations or figures could partially be accomplished (see detailed info on the boxes), including the following publications:
Morariu, A. and Hottinger, L., 1988.
Hottinger, L., Reiss, Z., and Halicz, E., 1990.
Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z., 1991a.
Hottinger, L., Halicz, E., and Reiss, Z., 1991b.
Hottinger, Halicz and Reiss, 1993.
Hottinger, L, Reiss, Z. and Langer, M., 2001.
4.) Historical collections of L. Hottinger
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4.1.) Foraminiferal collection of (?) R. Häusler (1881-1893) [only parts]
According to Seibold (1966) a several historically important foraminiferal collections of Rudolf Häusler are lost or their location/deposition is unknown. In the present case it is a small collection of foraminiferal preparations (2 red cardboard boxes), that most probably were part of Rudolf Häusler's original collection. The preparations comprise glass-slides with single- or multiple specimens or grain-preparations holding recent and fossil foraminifera. The kind of preparations, the labelling, and writing is very similar - not identical - to those described and illustrated in Oesterle, H. (1969) on pages 698-699 and in Figure 2 of that publication. Unfortunately, there are no specimens of Globigerina helvetojurassica (as mentioned in Oesterle, 1969) alongside with this particular material. This sub-collection was re-discovered in 2019 during curatorial work in the study collections of Lukas Hottinger. Unfortunately, there was no further information or documentation deposited with this material.
See Seibold, I. (1966). Ueber den Verbleib älterer Sammlungen jurassischer Foraminiferen. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, vol. 40(1/2), pp. 151-154.
5.) Dissertations supervised by Lukas Hottinger
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Gowda, Somanahalli Sambe (1964). The foraminifera of the South Indian Cretaceous-Eocene and some conclusions as to the geologic age and correlation of certain lithotopes. Diss. Naturwiss. Basel. Chair: Prof. M. Reichel or Prof. L. Hottinger ?
Bolliger, Werner (1968). Sedimentologische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen an Plattform- und Beckensedimenten des Oxfordien im Solothurner und östlichen Berner Jura (Schweiz). Diss. Naturwiss. Basel. Chair: Prof. H. Laubscher, Co-referee: Prof. L. Hottinger.
Reference collection to the PhD dissertation of Müller-Merz, E. (1975). Strukturanalyse ausgewählter rotaloider Foraminiferen. Inaugural Dissertation Universität Basel, 50 p., 27 figs, 15 plates. Chair: Prof. L. Hottinger. For description of contents of collection see type- and reference collection.
[No collection found until now]. Leutenegger, Susanne (1977a). Ultrastructure de foraminifères perforés et imperforés ainsi que de leurs symbiontes. Dissertation Univ. Basel. Chair: Prof. L. Hottinger.
No specific collection was found to this particular thesis but see collection of glass negatives to REM fotos in the Archive Hottinger/Elat/Glas-Negative Leutenegger".
Also consult the study collections of L. Hottinger from Elat/Red Sea.
Also refer to reference collection to Hottinger, L. and Leutenegger, S. (1980).
Thematically related publications:
Leutenegger, S. (1977b).
Leutenegger, S. (1977c).
Leutenegger, S. and Hansen, H.J. (1979).
Leutenegger, S. (1983).
Leutenegger, S. (1984).
[No collection found until now]. Leutenegger, Susanne (1977b). Reproduction cycle of larger foraminifera and depth distribution of generations. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, vol. 15, pp. 27-34.
No specific collection was found to this particular thesis but see collection of glass negatives to REM fotos in the Archive Hottinger/Elat/Glas-Negative Leutenegger".
Also consult the study collections of L. Hottinger from Elat/Red Sea.
Also refer to PhD thesis of Leutenegger, S. (1977a).
Study collection to Wannier, M. (1979). Origine, Evolution et Systematique des Sidérolithines. Dissertation Univ. Basel, 55 p. Chair: Prof. L. Hottinger.
Collection of slides and thin-sections to the PhD study, which resulted in two later publications, i.e. Wannier, M. (1980). La structure des Siderolithinae, foraminifères du Crétacé supérieur. Eclogae geol. Helv. 73(3):1009-1029, 4 plates (materials deposited with the type- and reference collections); and
Wannier, M. (1983). Evolution, biostratigraphie et systématique des Sidérolitinae (foraminifères). Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 15(1):5-37 (topotypes and materials are deposited with the type- and reference collections.
Remark: There are no holotypes deposited with the collection (missing or elsewhere ??); also the SEM stubs to Wannier (1979 / 1983) are still missing (or elswhere in the collections of L. Hottinger ??).
Standort (dissertation).
Reference- and study material and raw material collection to the PhD dissertation of Huber, B. (1994). Rupelian foraminifera in the southern Rhinegraben and their paleoecological significance. Dissertation Geol. Pal. Inst. University of Basel. Chair: Prof L. Hottinger.
Large collection of washed residues, picked and illustrated foraminifera in Fema-cells from the studied wells Riehen 1, Riehen 1A, Riehen 2, Reinach, Leymen 1, and some additional materials. See also also unpr0cessed core materials from the above drill sites in the raw material collection. Alongside to the reference collection are composite logs (scale 1:1000) of the geothermal drillings Riehen I and Riehen 2, see Vögtli, B. et al. (1988), a lithological log of the Leymen drilling by M. Brianza, and a chart illustrating the stratigraphic extention of drillings Allschwil 1 and 2, Neuwiller, and Leymen. In addition, there is a catalogue with unpublished SEM prints of smaller benthic foraminifera (with determinations of B. Huber) from the Oligocene of the Rhinegraben.
Selection of related literature (some copies are deposited alongside the collection):
Standort [reference- and study material]
Standort [raw material]
Reference collection to the PhD dissertation of Hollaus, Saskia-Silja (1997). Cloning in foraminifera. Diss. Geol.-Paläont. Institut, Univ. Basel. Chair: Prof. L. Hottinger.
Collection comprising a copy of the dissertation, diverse maps (xeroxed) indicating sampling locations, selected pages of the manuscript, two folders with prints of frequency diagrams (some with different bin-widths than in the final thesis), and associated samples in fema cells. Also deposited are counted samples from sample numbers 95 SH 101-108, 95 SH 110-116, 95H 303-305, and Hans Schaub sample 90064 from Fabas.
Reich, Jacqueline Renée (1997). Taxonomy manager: a computer based system for the representation of paleontologic knowledge. Diss. Geol.-Paläont. Institut, Univ. Basel. Chair: Prof. L. Hottinger.
6.) Diploma studies supervised or co-supervised by Lukas Hottinger
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Study and reference collection to the Diploma thesis of Mario Wannier (1975). La distribution des Foraminifères en Méditerrannée à l'Ile d'Elba et de la Crète. Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Universität Basel. A copy is deposited with the collection.
Collection of recent surface sediments (washed residues) mainly from Elba (in cardboard boxes) during visits/courses in 1974, 1975 and 1976 (refer also notes in the field books # #12 of L. Hottinger and #13 of L. Hottinger). Additional information about related field trips to Elba and Crete is deposited in the micropaleo hand library (Weisser Bär) together with the files of L. Hottinger.
Samples include the following numbers:
Collecting in 1974:
Elba 74 W4, W5,, W6, W8, 74100 to 74600.
Collection in 1975:
Elba 75 W1 to W9, W25, W26, W27, .
Collecting in 1976:
Elba 76 W31, W32, W33, W34, W35, W36, W37, W38, W39, W40 to W46, 74800, H1 to H6, P1 to P9.
In addition the study used also materials from SANW-Expedition 1974 to Crete.
Reference collection to the Diploma thesis of Thomas Wolf (1978). Jahreszeitliche Schwankungen des Zooplanktons vor der Küste von Kreta und Versuche zur Darstellung des Planktons mit dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop. Diplomarbeit Zoologisches Institut Basel. Supervisor: Prof. L. Hottinger. Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut Basel.
Reference collection plus original text, contact prints of plates, SEM and light microscopic prints and negatives, in 3 boxes.
Diploma thesis of Christiane Vogt (ca. 1978-1980). Geologische Kartierung südwestlich Bitschwiller (Südvogesen). Diplomarbeit Universität Freiburg i.Br.
Christiane Vogt carried out her diploma thesis under the supervision of Prof. Rudolf Maass (University of Freiburg i. Br.). Between 1978 - 1980 she was also co-supervised by Lukas Hottinger (Basel) for the micropaleontological aspects of her study.
In the collections of the NMB a brief mention of this collaboration was found in the collections of L. Hottinger. In his correspondence from November 1977 to R. Maass. Manfred Reichel mentioned collaborative interest about Viséan foraminiferal studies from nearby Vosges together with Prof. Eduard Wenk (Basel) and Prof. Daniel Bernoulli (Basel). However, a publication of such a project could never be realised.
The material deposited is a small collection of thin-sections from the Viséan of the southern part of the Vosges, from which endothyrid foramininifers (Endothyra, Plectogyra) were determined and illustrated by M. Reichel. Whether these slides were part of Christiane Vogt's diploma thesis is unclear. The slides are labelled with the following numbers: V434, V464, V695, V699, V701, V703, V708, V755, and V 756.
Of Christiane Vogt's diploma thesis unfortunately only manuscript copies of part II and part III are deposited alongsdide with this material.
Part II is entitled: Mikropakläontologische Untersuchung der Kalke südwestlich von Bitschwiller-les-Thann (Südvogesen), while Part III is the Discussion. Part I (Geologische Kartierung südwestlich von Bitschwiller) is not deposited at the NMB.
A later publication about the benthonic smaller foraminifera from the lower carboniferous of the southern Vosges appeared in 1981 (Vogt, C., 1981), and is deposited with the above documents and materials.
Reference collection to the diploma thesis of Saskia-Silja Hollaus (1994). Recent benthic Mediterranean Foraminiferids from Crete (Greece). Diploma thesis, 111p., 19 plates. Zoologisches Institut Basel. Supervisor: Prof. L. Hottinger.
Collection of sample residues (including materials from SANW-Expedition 1974 to Crete) and SEM preparations. A copy of the diploma thesis and sample lists are deposited with the collection. A collection of SEM fotos and the originals to plates (with original scaling) are deposited in the micropaleontological hand library Weisser Bär (diploma theses supervised by Lukas Hottinger; see also additional documentation deposited in the micropaleontological hand library Weisser Bär about expeditions to Crete).
The SEM preparations (2 boxes) holding benthic forams were found in the collns. of L. Hottinger (K3/C14/6/199) without any labelling or legend. Cards with sketches to SEM stubs were separately found with the literature files to the diploma thesis of Saskia Hollaus/literature of L. Hottinger in the Weisser Bär. Visual inspection of the SEM stubs with the sketches on the card and the illustrated specimens given in the diploma thesis confirmed, that both (most probably) belong together. The numbering in the boxes corresponds to the numbers indicated on the cards. SEM stubs and card files are therefore now kept together in the collection to Hollaus (1994).
Also related to this collection related is the publication of Hollaus, S. and Hottinger, L. (1997). Temperature dependance of endosymbiontic relationships ? Evidence from the depth range of mediterranean Amphistegina lessonii (Foraminiferida) truncated by the thermocline. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, vol. 90, pp. 591-597. (A xerox copy is deposited with the collection).
Reference collection (3 drawers) to diploma thesis of Martin Hess (1985). Zur Stratigraphie des Oligo- / Miocaens in der Umgebung des Gardasees (Norditalien). Diploma thesis.63 p., University of Basel. Supervisors: Prof. L. Hottinger, Prof. D. Bernoulli. A xerox copy of the diploma thesis is deposited with the collection.
Drawert 1: Collection of picked foraminifera from Manerba, Calcare di Mte Brione, Formazione Torbole, in Fema-cells (5 cardboard boxes, plus 5 trays with isolated forams in Fema-cells), 1 box with smear-slides.
Washed residues: Biarritzien-Priabonien with larger foraminifera; more residues in glass bottles (SM 3, SM 11, SM 21, SM 23, SM 26, SM 33, SM 34, SM 83); 5 residues for sedimentological-stratigraphic exercises in blue plastic boxes; 3 plastic containers with residues SM 11, SM 21, SM 23.
Thin sections: 2 green slide-boxes with sample numbers mh1 - mh 142 (Box 1);
Box 2 with slides mh 145 - mh 167; and samples DB 5584 - DB 5597.
Thin sections mh are from Martin Hess, those numbered as DB are from Daniel Bernoulli.
Sample lists inside boxes.
Drawer 2: Alongside to thin sections are sectioned rock samples. Folder with sample lists, descriptions of sectioned rocks, and original maps with sampling localities of Martin Hess.
Drawer 3: Original drawings, sections, and illustrations shown in the diploma study.
Other diploma theses supervised or co-supervised by Lukas Hottinger, arranged by year (collections not yet fully curated):
Verena Jenni [Verena Scheuring] (1969). Verlauf der Pfeiler und Oeffnungen bei konischen, imperforierten Foraminiferen am Beispiel von: Lituonella roberti Schlumberger 1905 und Dictyoconus americanus Cushman 1919. Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut.
Gertz, Gaby (1973). Die Anordnung der Nesselzellen bei Tubastrea spec. (Madreporaria). Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut.
Stoll, Annemarie (1973). Die Verteilung der Symbionten im Gewebe von Cladocora spec. (Koralle). Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut.
Süsstrunk, Ursula, H. (1974). Die Verteilung der Zooxanthellen in Alveopora sp. und Echinopora sp. (Scleractinia)/(Madreporaria) aus dem Golf von Aqaba/Eilat. Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut.
Wettstein, Peter O. (1974). Kolonieform und Skelettstruktur von Echinophyllis sp. (Faviida/Madreporaria) aus dem Golf von Eilat/Aqaba (Rotes Meer). Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut.
Glasstetter, Michèle (1981). Erläuterungen zur Rekonstruktion der Mundwerkzeuge von Balanus crenatus Bruguiere 1789 (Cirripedia, Crustacea). Supervisor: PD Dr. D.G. Senn, co-supervisor: Prof. L. Hottinger.
Steiner, Patrick (1982). Zonierung von Bryozoen im Roten Meer bei Elat. Diplomarbeit in Biologie I. Supervisor: Prof. L. Hottinger, co-supervisor: PD Dr. D.G. Senn, University of Basel.
Calmbach, Lukas (1987). Der eocäne Golf von Igualda (Katalonien): Stratigraphie, Fazies und Microfauna. Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut.
Loosli, Christina (1989). Zur Stratigraphie der Tertiärschichten der Bohrungen Riehen 1, Riehen 2 und Reinach sowie dem Laufenbecken. Diplomarbeit Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut. Supervisor Prof. W. Winkler (ETHZ) [heavy minerals], Co-Supervisor Prof. L. Hottinger.
Michel, Ch. (1996). Oekologische Untersuchungen an rezenten benthonischen Foraminiferen aus einem Querprofil durch den Kanal San Bortolo (Golf von Piran / nördliche Adria). Diplomarbeit Geologisches Institut der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau,44 p. Link to study collections L. Hottinger from Piran.
Schmucker, B. (1996). Oekologische Untersuchungen an rezenten benthonischen Foraminiferen aus einem Längsprofil durch den Canale San Bortolo (Golf von Piran / nördliche Adria). Diplomarbeit Geologisches Institut der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, 49 p. Link to study collections L. Hottinger from Piran.