Collections of Fritz Burri

Collections currently embedded within the study collections of Lukas Hottinger / Foraminiferida: Unterkreide Schweizer Jura, Trocholines d'Arzier, Dissertation Fritz Burri (1956; Bartenstein and Burri, (1954):
Reference collection (microfossils) to the Dissertation of Burri, F. (1956). Die Rhynchonelliden der unteren Kreide (Valanginien-Barrémien) in westschweizerischen Juragebirge. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 49(2): 559-701.
11 cardboard trays with thin sections that are mentioned in the thesis. They comprise the following samples:
Samples 1-19: Tüscherz, Grenze Jura-Kreide.
Samples 19 - 41: Grenze Jura-Kreide.
Unterkreide: Samples 44 - 61
Profil 2: Samples 51 - 54
Profil 4 (Twann): Samples 73 - 100
Profil 5: Samples 148 - 146
Feurtille: Samples 178b - 189
Profil 10: Samples 191 - 202
Le Brassus: Samples 250 - 261
Profil 6b: Landeron Samples LC 28 - LC 44
Profil 19: Les Clées: Samples B1 - B7
Samples 364 - 365
Profil 13: Samples 366 - 375
Profil 14: Samples 381 - 389
Samples 398 & 407
Profil 23: Arzier: Samples AR1 - 312
Profil 12: Champ de Moulin
Profil 6a, Landeron, Samples LC 2/3 - 414a, & 127
Profil 6b, Landeron, Samples 152 - 168


In addition, there are washed residues and thin sections with Trocholina from Arzier; Neotrocholina (Marnes d'Arzier); a thin section labelled as Neotrocholina fribourgensis (Topotype) from the Urgonien Le cerniot, Montsalvens; and thin sections containing Trocholina alpina (Leupold).
Furthermore, the collection contains material described in the study of Bartenstein, H. and Burri, F. (1954) (see further below).
Related studies:
Reichel, M. (1955a). Sur une Trocholine du Valanginien d'Arzier. Eclogae geol. Helv. 48(2):396-408.
Rigaud, S., Blau, J., Martini, R., Rettori, R. (2013). Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Trocholinidae (Involutinina). Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 317-339.
Other related material:
Study colln. L. Hottinger / Lower Cretaceous (Marnes d'Arzier, Fort l'Ecluse).
Standort (microfossils to Diss. Burri 1956)
Standort (macrofossils to Diss. Burri 1956)
Collection to Bartenstein, H. and Burri, F. (1954). Die Jura-Kreide-Grenzschichten im schweizerischen Faltenjura und ihre Stellung im mitteleuropäischen Rahmen. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 47(2): 426-443.
Standort (together with collection diss. Burri, F. 1956).