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Topical inventory of publications from Lukas Hottinger Bibliographie 1956-2009
Labels indicated with each publication correspond to Hottinger's personal numbering system for his publications
1. Biostratigraphy and zonation of the Paleogene, in collaboration with Hans Schaub (Nummulitids)
2. Upper Cretaceous of Tarfaya, smaller benthic foraminifera
3. Operculinids and related genera and species: Taxonomy and zonation
4. Paleogene agglutinated-conical foraminifera (Coskinolina, Dictyoconus etc,)
5. Rotaliids (Upper Cretaceous ­ Recent)
6. Miscellaneids
7. Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell (in general)
8. Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: Agglutinated forms from the Lias Malm, Upper Cretaceous and younger
9. Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: Orthofragminiforms (Orbitoididae, Discocyclinidae etc.)
10. Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: Archaiasinids and other porcellaneous forms
11. Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: cytoplasm, organelles, incl. symbionts
12. Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: Rotaliids and canal-systems in general
13. The Neogene in Spain and northern Africa. Benthic foraminifers and the stages of the Tortonian, Messinian and Sahelian
14. Ecology of recent larger foraminifera: In General, Nautilus, Taxonomy, Recent and fossil Biogeography, Eastern and western border of the Atlantic, Bathymetric zonation, Hard substrates, substrate-maturation - maturation and taxonomy of sessile forams, Soft substrates, secondary motility of sessile organisms.
15. Classroom books and articles








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1. - Biostratigraphy and zonation of the Paleogene, in collaboration with Hans Schaub (Nummulitids):

1.1 - Alveolines, Taxonomy of species and zonation:
1.- Hottinger, L., Schaub, H. & Vonderschmitt, L. (1956).- Zur Stratigraphie des Lutetien im Adourbecken. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 49. no. 2, p. 453-468.
2.- Hottinger, L. (1958.)- Géologie du Mont Cayla (Aude, Aquitaine orientale). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 51, no. 2, p. 437-451.



4.- Hottinger, L. (1960).- über paleocaene und eocaene Alveolinen. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae vol. 53, no. 1, p. 265-283.


5.- Hottinger, L. & Schaub, H. (1960).- Zur Stufeneinteilung des Paleozäns und Eozäns. Einführung der Stufen Ilerdien und Biarritzien. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 53, no. 1, p. 453-479. Traduction en Espagnol, 1961: Notas y Communicaciones Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana (Madrid) vol. 61, p. 199-234.


6.- Hottinger, L. (1962).- Recherches sur les Alvéolines du Paléocène et de l'Eocène. Mém. Suisses de Paléontologie, vol. 57/76 (1960), 243 p.


9.- Hottinger, L. (1963).- Les Alvéolines Paléogènes, exemples d'un genre polyphylétique. In E. von Koenigswald ed.: Evolutionary trends in Foraminifera. Elsevier (Amsterdam), p. 298-314.


13.- Hottinger, L., Lehmann, R. & Schaub, H. (1964).- Données actuelles sur la biostratigraphie du Nummulitique méditerranéen. Mémoires Bureau Recherches Géologiques et Minières (Paris), vol. 28, no. 2, p. 1013-1031.


31.- Gohrbandt, K. A. H. & Hottinger, L. (1967).- Der Libysche Flosculina Limestone. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 60, no. 2, p. 697-705.


40.- Hottinger, L. (1971).- Larger foraminifera common to Mediterranean and Indian Paleocene and Eocene formations. Annales Institute Geology Hungary (Budapest), vo. 54, no. 4, p. 145-151.


96.- Hottinger, L. & Drobne, K. (1988).- Alvéolines tertiaires; quelques problèmes liés à la conception de l'espèce. Benthos '86. Revue Paléobiologie (Genève), vol. spécial 2, p. 665-681.


115.- Tambareau, Y., Hottinger, L., Rodriguez-Lazaro, J. Villatte, J. Babinot, J.-F.. Colin, J.-P., Garcia-Zabraga, E., Rocchia, R. et Guerrero, N. (1997).- Communautés fossiles benthiques aux alentours de la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire dans les Pyrénées. Bulletin Société géologique France, vol. 168, no. 6, p. 795-804.


119.- Serra-Kiel, J., Hottinger, L., Caus, E., Drobne, K., Ferrandez, C., Jauhri, A.K., Less, G., Pavlovec, R., Pignatti, J., Samso, J.M., Schaub, H., Sirel, E., Strougo, A., Tambareau, Y., Tosequella, J. and Zakrevskaya, E. (1998).- Larger Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Paleocene and Eocene. Bulletin Société géologique France, vol. 169, no. 2, p. 281-299.


122.- Hottinger, L., Sameeni, J. and Butt, A.A. (1998).- Emendation of Alveolina vredenburgi Davies and Pinfold, 1937 from the Surghar Range, Pakistan. Dela Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umenosti (Ljubljana), vol. 34, no. 2, p. 155-163.


124.- Hottinger, L. (1999).- Odd parterships, a particular size relation between close species of larger foraminifera , with an emendation of an outstandingly odd partner, Glomalveolina delicatissima (Smout, 1954), Middle Eocene. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae vol. 92 no. 3, p. 385-393.


125.- Peybernès, B., Fondecave-Wallez, M.-J., Hottinger, L. Eichène, P. et Segonzac, G. (2000).- Limite Crétacé-Tertaire et Biozonation micropaléontologique du Danien-Sélandien dans le Béarn occidental et la Haute-Soule (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Géobios vol. 33no.1, p. 35-48.


137.- Sameeni, S.J. & Hottinger, L. (2003).- Elongate and larger Alveolinids from Chorgali Formation, Bhadrar area, Salt Range, Northern Pakistan. Pakistan Journal Environmental Sciences (Lahore), vol. 3, no. 1, p. 16-23.


148.- Vecchio, E., Barattolo, F. and Hottinger, L. (2007).- Alveolina horizons in the Trentinara Formation (Southern Apennines, Italy): stratigraphic and paleogeographic implications. Rivista Italiana Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, vol. 113, no. 1, p. 21 - 42.


Related publications from others:
Drobne, K. (1977).- Alvéolines paléogènes de la Slovenie et de l'Istrie. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie, vol. 99, 174 p.
Sameeni, S. J. & Butt, A. (2004).- Alveolinid biostratigraphy of the Salt Range succsession, northern Pakistan. Revue de Paléobiologie (Genève), vol. 23, no. 2, p. 505-527.
Sirel, E. & Acar, S. (2008).- Description and Biostratigraphy of the Thanetian-Bartonian Glomalveolinids and Alveolinids of Turkey. Chamber of Geological Engineers, Scientific Synthesis of the Lifelong Achievement, Special Volume 2 (Ankara), 264 p. 78 pls.













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2. - Upper Cretaceous of Tarfaya, smaller benthic foraminifera:
15.- Hottinger, L. (1965).- Evolution et variation morphologique des Palmula et Flabelinella du Coniacien et santonien de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional). Mémoires Bureau Recherches Géologiques et Minières (Paris), vol. 32, p. 101-111.
25.- Hottinger, L. (1966).- Foraminifères benthoniques du bassin côtier de Tarfaya. Foraminifères flabelliformes du crétacé supérieur. Mémoires Service géologique du Maroc (Rabat), vol. 175, no. 2, p. 181-232.



















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3. - Operculinids and related genera and species: Taxonomy and zonation.

14.- Hottinger, L. (1964).- Les genres Operculina et Heterostegina (foraminifères) et leur utilité stratigraphique. Mémoires Bureau Recherches Géologiques et Minières (Paris), vol. 28, no. 2, p. 1014-1031.

18.- Hottinger, L. (1966).- Heterostegina, Grzybowskia et Spiroclypeus néogènes du Maroc. Proceedings III. session Comittee Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy Bern. Brill (Leiden), p. 61 ­ 69.

49.- Hottinger, L. (1975).- Late Oligocene larger foraminifera from Koko Guiot, site 309. Initial Reports Deep Sea Drilling Program, vol. 32, p. 825-826.

52.- Hottinger, L. (1977).- Foraminifères operculiniformes. Mémoires Muséum National Histoire Naturelle (Paris), vol. C 40, p. 1-159.

65.- Caus, E., Hottinger, L. & Tambareau, Y. (1980).- Plissement du septal flap et système des canaux chez Daviesina, foraminifères paléogènes. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 73, no. 3, 1045-1069.


Related publications from others:
Tosquella, J. & Serra-Kiel J. 1998.- Nummulites catari: a new species from the Late Paleocene of the Pyrenean Basin. Dela SAZU vol. 34, no. 2, p. 165-171.











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4. - Paleogene agglutinated-conical foraminifera (Coskinolina, Dictyoconus etc.)

41.- Drobne, K. & Hottinger, L. (1971).- Broeckinella und Saudia (Foraminiferida) aus dem nordwestlichen Teil Jugoslaviens, ihre Morphologie und ihre stratigraphische Verbreitung. Razprave SAZU (Ljubljana), vol. 14, no. 7, p. 215-238.

62.- Hottinger, L. & Drobne, K. (1980).- Early Tertiary conical imperforate foraminifera. Razprave SAZU (Ljubljana), vol. 22, no. 3, p. 169-276.

149.- Vecchio, E. & Hottinger, L. (2007).- Agglutinated conical foraminifera from the Lower-Middle Eocene of the Trentinara Formation (Southern Italy). Facies (Erlangen) vol. 43, p. 509 - 533.

151.- Hottinger, L. (2007).- Revision of the foraminiferal genus Globoreticulina rahaghi, 1978, and of its associated fauna of larger foraminifera from the late Middle Eocene of Iran. Notebooks on Geology (Brest), CG2007-A06, p. 1-51.


















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5. - Rotaliids (Upper Cretaceous ­ Recent)

20.- Hottinger, L. (1966).- Les Ammonia dans le Miocène supérieur et Pliocène marocain. Proceedings III. session Comittee Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy Bern. Brill (Leiden), p. 117-123.

23.- Hottinger, L. (1966).- Foraminifères rotaliformes et Orbitoides du Sénonien inférieur pyrénéen. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 59, no. 1, p. 277-301.

60.- Billman, H., Oesterle, H. & Hottinger, L. (1980).- Neogene to recent rotaliid foraminiferans from Indonesia. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie (Basel), vol. 101, p. 71-113.

110.- Hottinger, L. & Caus, E. (1993).- Praestorsella roestae (Visser), a foraminiferal index fossil for late Cretaceous deeper neritic deposits. Zitteliana (München), vol. 20, p. 1-9.

Hottinger, L. (ed. Davide Bassi) (2014). - Paleogene Larger Rotaliid Foraminifera from the Western and Central Neotethys. Springer, 196 p. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-02853-8.


Related publications from others:
Wannier, M. (????). Evolution, biostratigraphie et systematique des Siderolithinae (Foraminifères. Revista Espanola de Miceopaleontologia vol. 15, no. 1, p. 5-37.






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6. - Miscellaneids

155.- Hottinger, L. (2009).- The Paleocene and Earliest Eocene foraminiferal family Miscellaneidae: neither nummulitids nor rotaliids. Carnets de Géologie (Brest), article 2009/06, PDF p. 1-41. Electronic publication available at, pdf available at, or download local pdf.


Related publications from others:

Kuss, J. & Leppig, U. (1989). The early Tertiary (middle-late Paleocene) limestones from the western Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Neues Jahrbuch Geologie & Paläontologie Abhandlungen, vol. 177, no. 3, p. 289-332.
Leppig, U. (1988). Structural Analysis and Taxonomic Revision of Miscellanea, Paleocene, Larger Foraminifera. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 689-721.













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7. - Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell (in general)

54.- Hottinger, L. (1978).- Comparative anatomy of selected foraminiferal shell structures. In: R. H. Headley and G. Adams (ed.): Foraminifera 3. Academic Press (San Francisco), p. 203-266.

68.- Hottinger, L. (1981).- Funktion und Funktionswandel der Grossforaminiferenschalen. In: W. Reiff (ed.): Funktionsmorphologie. Paläontologische Gesellschaft (München), p. 159-172.

87.- Hottinger, L. (1984).- Foraminifères de grande taille, signification des structures complexes de la coquille. II. International Symposium on Benthic Foraminifera 29/1, p. 35-39.

90.- Hottinger, L. (1985).- Spiralige Schalen. In H. Hartmann & H. Mislin (ed.). Die Spirale. MG Editions (Basel), p. 46-53.

127.- Hottinger, L. (2000).- Functional morphology of benthic foraminiferal shells, envelopes of cells beyond measure. micropaleontology vol. 46, supplement 1, p. 57-86.

140.- Hottinger, L. (2005).- Geometrical constraints in foraminiferal architecture:
consequences of change from planispiral to annular growth. Studia geologica polonica,
vol. 124, p. 99-115.

142. - Hottinger, L. (2006).- The "face" of benthic foraminifera. Bolletino Società Paleontologica Italiana (Modena) vol. 45 (1): 75-89.

149.- Vecchio, E. & Hottinger, L. (2007).- Agglutinated conical foraminifera from the Lower-Middle Eocene of the Trentinara Formation (Southern Italy). Facies (Erlangen) vol. 43, p. 509 - 533.














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8. - Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: Agglutinated forms from the Lias Malm, Upper Cretaceous and younger

28.- Hottinger, L. (1967).- Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoique marocain. Mémoires Service Géologique du Maroc (Rabat), vol. 209, p. 1-129.

39.- Hottinger, L. (1971).- Larger foraminifera of the mediterranean Jurassic and their sratigraphic use. Annales Institute Geology of Hungary (Budapest) vol. 54, no. 2, p. 497-504.

73.- Caus, E. & Hottinger, L. (1982).- Marginoporiform structure in Ilerdorbis decussatus n. gen. n. sp., a Senonian agglutinated discoidal foraminifer. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 35, no. 3, p. 607-615.

123.- Krautwig, D.W.H., Hottinger, L. and Zankl, H. (1998).- The Lamellar-Perforate Arborescent and Coloured Foraminifers Miniacina, Homotrema and Sporadotrema. Facies (Erlangen), vol. 38, p. 89-102.

146.- Ornelas-Sanchez, M. & Hottinger, L. (2006). Upper Jurassic Lituolids in the Sierra de Chiapas (Mexico) and their relation to the Tethys. International symposium on foraminifera FORAMS 2006 (Natal, Brazil). Book of abstracts: Anuario do Instituto de Geosciencias Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, vol. 29 no.1, p. 351-352.



Related publications from others:

Mohler, W. (1938).- Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen in der nordwestschweizerischen Juraformation. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie, vol, 60, p. 1-53.
Derin, B. & Reiss, Z. (1966).- Jurassic microfauna of Israel. Israel Institute of Petroleum spec. publication. Dazu gehört eine nicht publizierte Dissertation auf hebräisch und die Dünnschliffe.


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9. - Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: Orthofragminiforms (Orbitoididae, Discocyclinidae etc.)
67.- Hottinger, L. (1981).- Fonctions de la disposition alternante des loges chez les foraminifères et la structure d'Omphalocyclus. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie (Paris), année 1981, no. 4, p. 45-55.
134.- Aguilar, M., Bernaus,J.M., Caus, E. & Hottinger, L. (2002).- Lepidorbitoides minima Douvillé from Mexico, a foraminiferal index fossil for the Campanian. Journal Foraminiferal Research 32/2: 126-134.
152. Hottinger, L. and Caus, E. (2007).- Shell architecture in the Late Cretaceous foraminiferal subfamily Clypeorbinae Sigal, 1952. Journal Foraminiferal Research, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 372 ­ 392.


Related publications from others:

Ferrandez i Canadell, C. (1999).- Morphoestructura i Paleobiologia dels Ortofragminidos de la Mesogea (Discocyclinidae i Orbitocyclinidae, Foraminifera). Institut Estudis Catalans; Col-lectio Arxius seccions ciencies 121: 339 p. (Barcelona).




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10. - Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: Archaiasinids and other porcellaneous forms
3.- Dubourdieu, G. & Hottinger, L. (1959).- Présence de Néoalvéolines dans le Miocéne du Mesloula (Algérie orientale). Revue de micropaléontologie (Paris), vol. 2, no. 1, p. 3-7.
11.- Hottinger, L. (1963).- Quelques foraminifères porcelanés oligocènes dans la série sédimentaire prébétique de Moratalla (Espagne méridionale). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 963-972.
36.- Azéma, J., Fernex, F., Hottinger, L., Magné J. & Paquet, J. (1969).- Borelis melo (Fichtel & Moll) dans le Miocène de la partie orientale des Cordillières bétiques (Espagne). Bulletin Societeé Géologique de France (Paris)vol. 7, no.1, p. 444-448.
37.- Hottinger, L. (1969).- The foraminiferal genus Yaberinella Vaughan, 1928 . Remarks on its species and on its systematic position. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 62, no. 2, p. 745-749.
44.- Hottinger, L. & Krusat, G. (1972).- Un foraminifère nouveau intermédiaire entre Opertorbitolites et Somalina de l'Ilerdien pyrénéen. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, Numero extraordinario XXX. aniversario Empresa Nacional Adaro (Madrid), p. 249-271.
129.- Hottinger, L. (2001).- Archaiasinids and related porcelaneous larger foraminifera from the Late Miocene of the Dominican Republic. Journal of Paleontology vol. 75, no. 3, p. 475-512.
138.- Drobne. K. and Hottinger, L. (2004).- Larger Miliolid Foraminifera in Time and Space. Academie Serbe Sciences et Arts, Bulletin T. CXXVIII; Sciences Naturelles No. 42, p. 83-99.
150.- Bassi, D., Hottinger, L. and Nebelsick, J.H. (2007).- Larger foraminifera from the upper Oligocene of the Venetian area, North-East Italy. Paleontology, vol. 50, part 4, p. 845 ­ 868. Standort: Weisser Bär, Micropaleontology reprints library. Specimens to this publication are deposited in the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Ferrara, Italy.
151.- Hottinger, L. (2007).- Revision of the foraminiferal genus Globoreticulina rahaghi, 1978, and of its associated fauna of larger foraminifera from the late Middle Eocene of Iran. Notebooks on Geology (Brest), CG2007-A06, p. 1-51.
157.- Hottinger, L. & Caus, E. (2009). Meandropsinidae, an ophtalmidid family of Late Cretaceous K-stragegist foraminifera endemic in the Pyrenean Gulf. Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie (Stuttgart), Abhandlungen, vol. 253, no. 2-3, p. 249-279.
159.- Vicedo, V,. Aguilar, M., Caus, E. & Hottinger, L. (2009).- Fusiform and laterally compressed alveolinaceans (Foraminiferida) from both sides of the Late Cretaceous Atlantic. Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie (Stuttgart), Abhandlungen, vol. 253, no. 2-3, no. 229-247.




Related publications from others:

Lehmann, R. (1961).- Strukturanalyse einiger Gattungen der Subfamilie Orbitolitinae. - Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 54, p. 597-667.














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11. - Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: cytoplasm, organelles, incl. symbionts

48.- Hottinger, L. & Dreher, D. (1974).- Differentiation of protoplasm in Nummulitidae (Foraminifera) from Elat, Red Sea. Marine Biology, vol. 25, p. 41-61.

61.- Hottinger, L. & Leutenegger, S. (1980).- The structure of calcarinid foraminifera. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie (Basel), vol. 101, p. 115-154.

64.- Zohari, T., Reiss, Z. & Hottinger, L. (1980).- Population dynamics of Amphisorus hemprichii (foraminifera) in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba), Red Sea. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 73, no. 3, p. 1071-1094.

71.- Hottinger, L. (1982).- Larger Foraminifera, Giant Cells with a Historical Background. Naturwissenschaften vol. 69, p. 361-371.

143.- Hottinger, L. (2006).- The depth-depending ornamentation of some lamellar-perforate foraminifera. Symbiosis vol. 42, pp. 141 -151.



Related publications from others:

Leutenegger, S. (1977).- Ultrastructure de Foraminifères perforés et imperforés ainsi que de leur symbiotes. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie (Paris), année 1977, no. 3, p. 3-52, 54 pls.
Leutenegger, S. (1984).- Symbiosis in benthic foraminifera: specificity and host adaptations. - Journal of Foraminiferal Research, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 16-35.
Leutenegger, S. & Hansen, H.J. (1979).- Ultastrucure and Radiotracer Studies of Pore Functions in Foraminifera. Marine Biology vol. 54, p. 11-16.








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12. - Comparative and functional anatomy of the shell: Rotaliids and canal-systems in general

20.- Hottinger, L. (1966).- Les Ammonia dans le Miocène supérieur et Pliocène marocain. Proceedings III. session Comittee Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy Bern. Brill (Leiden), p. 117-123.

51.- Hottinger, L. (1976).- An early umbilical canal system in Trocholina chouberti n. sp. from the lower Cretaceous of North-Eastern Morocco.Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 69, no. 3, p, 815-820.

60.- Billman, H., Oesterle, H. & Hottinger, L. (1980).- Neogene to recent rotaliid foraminiferans from Indonesia. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie (Basel), vol. 101, p. 71-113.

61.- Hottinger, L. & Leutenegger, S. (1980).- The structure of calcarinid foraminifera. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie (Basel), vol. 101, p. 115-154.

90.- Hottinger, L. (1985).- Spiralige Schalen. In H. Hartmann & H. Mislin (ed.). Die Spirale. MG Editions (Basel), p. 46-53.

107.- Hottinger, L. Halicz, E. & Reiss, Z. (1991).- The foraminiferal genera Pararotalia, Neorotalia and Calcarina: taxonomic revision. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 65, no. 1, p. 18-33.

110.- Hottinger, L. & Caus, E. (1993).- Praestorsella roestae (Visser), a foraminiferal index fossil for late Cretaceous deeper neritic deposits. Zitteliana (München), vol. 20, p. 1-9.

131.- Hottinger L. (2001).- Shell Cavity Systems in Elphidiid and Pellatispirine bilamellar Foraminifera. Editor's preface. Micropaleontology 47, suppl.2: 1-4.

132.- Hottinger, L., Reiss, Z. & Langer, M. (2001).- Spiral canals of some Elphididae. Micropaleontology 47, suppl. 2: 5-34.

133.- Hottinger, L., Romero, J, & Caus, E. (2001).- Architecture and revision of the pallatispirines, planispiral canaliferous foraminifera from the Late Eocene Tethys. Micropaleontology 47 suppl. 2; 35-77.

158.- Boix, C., Vilalonga, R., Caus, E. & Hottinger, L. (2009).- Late Cretaceous rotaliids (Foraminiferida) from the Western Tethys. Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie (Stuttgart), Abhandlungen, vol. 253, p. 197-227.


Related publications from others:

Müller-Merz, E. (1980).- Strukturanalyse ausgewählter rotaloider Foraminiferen. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 101, p. 5-68.
Wannier, M. (1980).- La structure des Siderolitinae, foraminifères du Crétacé supérieur. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 73, no. 3, p. 1009-1029.














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13. - The Neogene in Spain and northern Africa. Benthic foraminifers and the stages of the Tortonian, Messinian and Sahelian.


17.- Drooger, C. W., Reiss, Z. & Hottinger, L. (1966).- Lineages and zones used for stratigraphic subdivision of the Neogene. Proceedings III. session Comittee Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy Bern. Brill (Leiden), p. 18-20.

20.- Hottinger, L. (1966).- Les Ammonia dans le Miocène supérieur et Pliocène marocain. Proceedings III. session Comittee Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy Bern. Brill (Leiden), p. 117-123.

27.- Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., Hottinger, L. & Lecointre, A. (1966).- Le prétendu Pliocène de Chorf el Acab près de Tanger est d'age Tortonien. Notes Service Géologique du Maroc (Rabat), vol. p. .



19.- Hottinger, L. (1966).- Observations sur quelques Uvigérines du Néogène Marocain. Proceedings III. session Comittee Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy Bern. Brill (Leiden), p. 84 ­ 86.

21.- Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A., Hottinger, L. & Lecointre, G. (1966).- Le Neogène du Bassin de Melilla (Maroc septentrional) et sa signification pour définir la limite Mio-Pliocène au Maroc.













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14. - Ecology of recent larger foraminifera

In general:

83.- Reiss, Z. & Hottinger, L. (1984).- The Gulf of Aqaba: Ecological Micropaleontology. Ecological studies 50, Springer (Heidelberg), 354 p.

101.- Hottinger, L. (1990).- Significance of diversity in shallow benthic foraminifera. In: E. Robba (ed.): Proceedings 4th Symposium Ecology and Paleoecology Benthic Communities (Sorrento 1988), Museo Regionale Scienze Naturali Torino, p. 35-51.

126.- Hottinger, L. (2000).- Adaptations of the foraminiferal cell to life in shallow carbonate environments. Extended abstract. Accademia Nazionale Scienze Lettere Arti di Modena, Collana Studi no. 21, p. 135-140.

127.- Hottinger, L. (2000).- Functional morphology of benthic foraminiferal shells, envelopes of cells beyond measure. micropaleontology vol. 46, supplement 1, p. 57-86.

154.- Hottinger, L. (2008).- The role of biogenous carbonate production in the ecology of shallow benthic communities in oligotrophic waterbodies. In: F. D. Por (ed.): Aqaba-Elat, the Improbable Gulf. Environment, Biodiversity and Preservation. Magnes Press (Jerusalem), p. 153-176.



70.- Hottinger, L. (1981).- Eine Expedition ans Ende der Welt und an den Anfang der Zeit. Uni Nova (Universität Basel). Jahrgang 1981, no. p. 22-23.



104.- Hottinger, L. Halicz, E. & Reiss, Z. (1990). Comments on Neoeponides. Revue de Paléobiologie (Genève), vol. 9, no. 2, p. 335-3340.

106.- Hottinger, L. Halicz, E. & Reiss, Z. (1991).- Architecture of Eponides poroeponides reexamined. Micropaleontology (New York), vol. 37, no. 1, p. 60-75.

111.- Hottinger, L., Halicz, E. & Reiss, Z. (1993).- Recent Foraminiferida from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umenosti (Ljubljana), classis IV, dela vol. 33, 179 p., 230 pls.

Hottinger, L. (ed. Davide Bassi) (2014). - Paleogene Larger Rotaliid Foraminifera from the Western and Central Neotethys. Springer, 196 p. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-02853-8.


Related publications from others:

Baccaert, J. (1987).- Distribution patterns and Taxonomy of benthic foraminifera in the Lizard Island reef complex, Northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. These Université de Liege, 3 vols.
Debenay, J.-P. (1986).- Recherches sur la sédimentation actuelle et les thanatocoenoses des Foraminifères de grande taille dans le lagon Sud-Ouest et sur la marge insulaire Sud de Nouvele Calédonie. These Université Aix-Marseille, 2 vols.
Langer, M. (1989).- Distribution, Diversity and Functional Morphology of benthic Foraminifera from Vulcano (Mediterranean Sea). Thesis University of Basel.
Cimermann, F. and Langer, M. (1991).- Mediterranean Foraminifera. Dela SAZU (Ljubljana), classis IV, vol. 30, p. 1-118.



Biogeography, recent and fossil. Eastern and western border of the Atlantic

35.- Choubert, G., Faure-Muret, A. & Hottinger, L. (1968).- La série stratigraphique de Tarfaya et le problème de la naissance de l'océan Atlantique. Symposium on Continental Drift, Montevideo, 1967.

37.- Hottinger, L. (1969).- The foraminiferal genus Yaberinella Vaughan, 1928 . Remarks on its species and on its systematic position. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 62, no. 2, p. 745-749.

46.- Hottinger, L. (1973).- Selected Paleogene Larger Foraminifera. In: A. Hallam (ed.): Atlas of Paleobiogeography. Elsevier (Amsterdam), p. 443-452.

78.- Hottinger, L. (1983).- Processes determining the distribution of larger foraminifera in space and time. In: J. E. Meulenkamp (ed.): Reconstruction of marine paleoenvironments. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletin. vol. 30, p. 239-253.

94.- Hottinger, L., Caus, E., Drobne, K. & Leppig, U. (1987).- Paleobiogeography of larger foraminifera from Late Cretaceous to Early Paleogene. International Symposium Evolution of Karstic Carbonate Platforms, Trieste. University Trieste, p. 39.

97.- Hottinger, L. & Morariu, A. (1988).- Amphisteginids; specific identification, dimorphism, coiling direction and provincialism. Revue Paléobiologie (Genève), vol. special 2, p. 695-698.

128.- Langer, M. R. and Hottinger L. (2000).- Biogeography of selected "larger" foraminifera. micropaleontology, vol. 46, supplement 1, p. 105-126.

153.- Bernoulli, D., Hottinger, L., Spezzaferri, S. & Stille, P. (2007).- Miocene shallow-water limestones from Sao Nicolao (Cabo Verde): Caribbean-type benthic fauna and time constraints for volcanism. Swiss Jounal Geosciences, vol. 100, p. 215-225.




Bathymetric zonation

53.- Hottinger, L. (1977). - Distribution of larger foraminifera in the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea). Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletin vol. 15, p. 35-109.

63.- Hottinger, L. (1980).- Répartition comparée des grand foraminifères de la Mer Rouge et de l'Océan Indien. Annales Université Ferrara, special publication 4, p. 1-13.

78.- Hottinger, L. (1983).- Processes determining the distribution of larger foraminifera in space and time. In: J. E. Meulenkamp (ed.): Reconstruction of marine paleoenvironments. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletin. vol. 30, p. 239-253.

79.- Fricke, H. & Hottinger, L. (1983).- Coral bioherms below the euphotic zone in the Red Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 11, p. 113-117.

83.- Reiss, Z. & Hottinger, L. (1984).- The Gulf of Aqaba: Ecological Micropaleontology. Ecological studies 50, Springer (Heidelberg), 354 p.

86.- Hottinger, L. (1984).- Zur Tiefenverbreitung von Grossforaminiferen. In H.P. Luterbacher (ed.): Paläobathymetrie. Paläontologische Kursbücher 2, Paläontologische Gesellschaft (München), p. 140-147.

116.- Hollaus, S. and Hottinger, L. (1997).- Temperature dependance of endosymbiontic relationships ? Evidence from the depth range of mediterranean Amphistegina lessonii (Foraminiferida) truncated by the thermocline. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 90, no. 3, p. 591-597.

117.- Hottinger, L. (1997).- Shallow benthic foraminiferal assemblages as signals for depth ot their deposition and their limitations. Bulletin Société géologique de France, vol. 168, no.4, p. 491-505.




Hard substrates, substrate-maturation - maturation and taxonomy of sessile forams

45.- Hottinger, L. (1972).- Pseudochama cornucopiae (L.) in Dahab, a model of rudist reefs? Scientific Newsletter Marine Biological Station (Elat), no. 2, p. 6-7.

55.- Hottinger, L. (1978).- Cementation of reef in the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea) by acervulinid Foraminifera. In: G. M. Friedman (ed.): Abstracts International Congress Sedimentology (Jerusalem), p. 315.

56.- Hottinger, L. (1978).- Early diagenesis as a main ecological factor of shallow benthic life in the Gulf of Elat. In: G. M. Friedman (ed.): Abstracts International Congress Sedimentology (Jerusalem), p. 313-314.

74.- Hottinger, L. & Vischer, H. (1983).- Distribution and migration of Posidonia meadows as observed by Scuba diving during nine consecutive years in Southeastern Elba (Italy). Rapports Commission Internationale de la Méditerranée (Monaco), vol. 28, no. 3, p. 171-172.

76.- Hottinger, L. (1983).- Neritic macroid genesis, an ecological approach. In: T. Peryt (ed.): Coated grains. Springer (Heidelberg), p. 38-55.

77.- Hottinger, L. (1983.)- Enregistrements de processus marins cycliques de courte et moyenne durée par des interactions de mechanismes biotiques et abiotiques. Colloque Océanographique Conseil de l'Europe, Science, Océanographie, vol. 35, no. 1, p. 3.

81.- Hottinger, L. (1984).- Les organismes constructeurs sur la plateforme du golfe d'Aqaba (Mer Rouge) et les mechanismes régissant leur répartition. Geobios (Lyon), vol. 8, p. 241-249.

84.- Hottinger, L. (1984).- Stratégies vitales et processus écologiques selectionnés régissant la constitution des corps bioconstruits. In J. Geister & R. Herb (ed.): Géologie et paléontologie des recifs.

85.- Hottinger, L. (1984).- Bioconstructions récentes à corallinacées. In J. Geister & R. Herb (ed.): Géologie et paléontologie des recifs. p. 171-175.

107.- Hottinger, L. Halicz, E. & Reiss, Z. (1991).- The foraminiferal genera Pararotalia, Neorotalia and Calcarina: taxonomic revision. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 65, no. 1, p. 18-33.

111.- Hottinger, L., Halicz, E. & Reiss, Z. (1993).- Recent Foraminiferida from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umenosti (Ljubljana), classis IV, dela vol. 33, 179 p., 230 pls.

114.- Hottinger, L. (1996).- Sels nutritifs et biosédimentation. Mémoires Société géologique de France (n.s.) vol. 169, p. 99-107.

123.- Krautwig, D.W.H., Hottinger, L. and Zankl, H. (1998).- The Lamellar-Perforate Arborescent and Coloured Foraminifers Miniacina, Homotrema and Sporadotrema. Facies (Erlangen), vol. 38, p. 89-102.



Soft substrates, secondary motility of sessile organisms

64.- Zohari, T., Reiss, Z. & Hottinger, L. (1980).- Population dynamics of Amphisorus hemprichii (foraminifera) in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba), Red Sea. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae vol. 73, no. 3, p. 1071-1094.

100.- Langer, M., Huber, B. & Hottinger, L. (1989).- Functional Morphology in Low-Diverse Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages from Tidal Flats of the North Sea. Senckenbergiana maritima vol. 20, no. 3, p. 81-89.
















To top

15. - Classroom books and articles

58.- Hottinger, L. (1980).- Wenn Steine sprechen. Birkhäuser (Basel).

69.- Hottinger, L. (1981).- The resolution power of the biostratigraphic clock based on evolution, and its limits. In: J. Martinell (ed.): International Symposium on Concepts and Methods of Paleontology (Barcelona), p. 233-242.

71.- Hottinger, L. (1982).- Larger Foraminifera, Giant Cells with a Historical Background. Naturwissenschaften vol. 69, p. 361-371.

86.- Hottinger, L. (1984).- Zur Tiefenverbreitung von Grossforaminiferen. In H.P. Luterbacher (ed.): Paläobathymetrie. Paläontologische Kursbücher 2, Paläontologische Gesellschaft (München), p. 140-147.

109.- Hottinger, L. (1993).- Quality and quantity in paleontology as experienced in foraminiferal research. Europal Newsletter no. 3, p.

113.- Hottinger, L. (1996).- Focussing Paleontological Education. Europal Newsletter no. 9: p. 36-39.

130.- Hottinger, L. (2001).- Learning from the past. In: R.Levi-Montalcini (ed.): Frontiers of Life, vol. 4, part 2: Discovery and spoliation of the biosphere, p. 449-477. Academic Press (London & San Diego).

144.- Hottinger, L., Fugagnoli, A. and Bassi, D. (2006).- Foraminiferal Shell structures. Annali Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Sezione Museologia scientifica e naturalistica, Vol.2, part 1.

Hottinger, L. (2013). Micropaleontology in Basel (Switzerland) during the twentieth century, rise and fall of one of the smaller fields of the life sciences. In Bowden, A.J., Gregory, F.J., and Henderson, A.S. (eds.): Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropaleontology: History and Development. The Micropalaeontological Society Special Publications No. 6, Geological Society Publishing House, Bath, U.K., pp. 317-335.