List of Alveolina and Glomalveolina specimens used for the publications by Hottinger 1958, 1960 and 1962

Legend for columns

A: Locality or sample code.
B: NHMB inventory number; C for Foraminiferida.
C: Species name updated 2011. A. for Alveolina, G. for Glomalveolina.
D: Generation: A = gamont or schizont, B = agamont.
E: Orientation of section: ax = axial, eq = equatorial, obl = oblique, tg = tangential, trans = transverse.
F: Quality of preparation of specimens not figured in the literature: ! = sufficient for at least partial morphometrics, !! = perfect. See also remarks on each specimen in column I.
G: Phot = Photo available, at least photographic negatives, for specimens not figured in the literature.
H: Nature of numbered object : blank = oriented thin-sections of one or several free specimens, cem: sections of cemented rock that has approximately oriented sections of identified specimens among others in oblique sections, cell = container with one to many free specimens of alveolinids picked from washed sample residues..
I: Remarks on the individual specimen including the site of illustration in the literature.
Abbreviations: off center for sections that are not hitting the megalosphere, "deco" for decorticated specimens having lost the outer whorls by abrasion, "def" for shells deformed, usually by compaction of the sediment during early diagenesis, "regen" for regenerated shells after mechanical damage of the mineralized shells during life time.