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of collections from Hans Schaub
- Collections of Hans Schaub:
- Materials from consulting & nummulite
determinations for external micropaleontologists
- Thrakien,
- material H.D.
- material Paul Corminboeuf
- 1.) "Thrakien"
- Collection of thin sections from Thrazia (Greece). In the
context of hydrocarbon exporation in the years 1954 and 1955
in Thrazia (Greece) requests for nummulite determinations was
forwarded to Manfred Reichel from members of "C. Deilmann
Bergbau GmbH Bentheim", in Germany. The rock materials
is deposited in the raw collection of Hans Schaub in K3/G8/4,
under "Thrakien". The thin sections were investigated
by Hans Schaub. Alongside with the collection are lists with
the description of the thin sections and isolated foraminiferal
faunas (dated from 16.3.1954 and 31.12.1954), and the correspondence
with C. Deilmann Berbau GmbH Bentheim.
- 2.) Nummulite
determinations for H.D. Kind
- Collection of nummulite preparations from Pamplona and determinations
by Hans Schaub, together with correspondence between Hans Schaub
and H.D. Kind.
- H. D. Kind has worked in the southeastern Basque country
(Northern Spain), see publication of Kind, H.D (1967) [a xeroxed copy
is deposited alongside with the collectiion].
- There is also unprocessed material from H.D. Kind from Pamplona,
deposited in the nummulite raw material collections of Hans Schaub
Standorte: Nummulite preparations, raw material
Nummulites from Morocco, leg. G.
- Small collection of nummulites, leg. G. Lorenz.
- No sample list. See few other materials from Morocco from
G. Lorenz in the study collections of L. Hottinger to Morocco.
- 3.) Nummulite
determinations for Paul Corminboeuf
- Collection of nummulite preparations with determinations
by Hans Schaub in the framework of the dissertation of Corminboeuf,
P. (1965, non publiée). Géologie des Alpettes
et de la Chia (Préalpes fribourgoises). For the study
area refer to Corminboeuf, P. (1959). Sur les couches
de Cucloz-Villarvard en Suisse occidentale. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae,
vol. 52(1): 271-294. See also the introduction in P. Corminboeuf, P. (1961).
- Sample numbers include the following C- numbers:
- (C from Corminboeuf,
not identical to C-numbers from NMB !!!)
- C
- C1700, C1701, C1705, C1706, C1708, C1709, C1710, C1718, C1722,
C1723, C1724, C1726, C1733, C1734, C1735, C1736, C1749, C1753,
C1754, C1761, C1766, C1780, C1783, C1815, C1816, C1827, C1846,
C1852, C1853, C1854, C1855, C1856, C1857, C1861, C1862, C1866,
C1884, C1886, C1887, C1889, C1890, C1904, C1933, C1934, C1935,
C1936, C1937, C1938, C1939, C1940, C1951, C1953, C1954, C1959,
C1967, C1979, C1985, C1979, C1986, C2106, C2107, C2108, C2109,
C2125, C2224, C2225, C2246.
- Alongside with the material there is the correspondence between
H. Schaub and P. Corminboef, together with sample lists: Letter
Corminboeuf to Schaub from 2 Dec. 1961; letter Corminboeuf to
Schaub from 23 Dec. 1961; letter Schaub to Corminboeuf from 11
Jan. 1962 with list of determined samples and with drawings.
Unfortunately, these documents do not indicate sample sites to
the above series. However, information of sampling locations
is perhaps described in the unpublished dissertation of Corminboeuf,
P. (1965). Locations may be found on Sheet 1224 Moudon de la
Carte nationale de la Suisse (scale 1:25000).
- The reference collection to Corminboeuf, P. (1965, non publiée)
is deposited at the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Fribourg
(Depôts des echantillons les plus significants lors des
travaux de thèses, 639 echantillons), see link under
- Standort