Overview to collections of Hans Schaub (1913-1994)
About Hans Schaub
Sample lists (Fundortkatalog)
The nummulite collections of Hans Schaub include different categories of collections, e.g.
Archive materials (film negatives, printed fotos, field books, list of publications, sample lists (Fundortkatalog), supplementary information)
Collections to publications of Hans Schaub
Studies from other workers who have used material from Hans Schaub
Study and research materials, that was used but not explicitely described in the publications of Hans Schaub
Collection of thin sections from Hans Schaub
Collections related to the geological mapping by Hans Schaub together with other authors
Materials from consulting & nummulite or age determinations for external micropaleontologists
Systematic nummulite collection of Hans Schaub
"Old systematic foraminiferal collection of the NMB"
Materials assembled by Hans Schaub during micropaleontological colloquia and excursions
Specimen loans taken from various other collections from the NMB or from other museums (legata)
Raw material (Nummulites) collection of Hans Schaub
Collection of European type localities of stages (raw material)