During their studies about the internal architecture of foraminifera Manfred Reichel, Lukas Hottinger and Paul Brönnimann have produced a number of models of larger and smaller foraminifera. Some of them are just gypsum casts showing the general aspect of the outer morphology of the shell, other models are complex constructions, that were derived from thin sections illustrating the internal anatomy of shells. The Natural History Museum in Basel curates a collection of original casts and molds (made in wax, plastiline, gypsum, wood, or silicon) of these models, which are useful in micropaleontological teaching; additional models are deposited in the teaching collection at the Geological-Paleontological Institute, University of Basel. Models include the most important Cretaceous planktic foraminiferal morphologies (Schackoina, Hedbergella, Rotalipora, and Globotruncana), and Tertiary Globorotalia.
A collection of the original microfossil specimens, that served as the pattern to the models, is deposited at the end of the model collection. Several of these preparations were taken out from the collection to the dissertation of Gandolfi, R. (1942). Especially to mention are the structural models of larger foraminifers illustrating the complex internal architecture (Fusulinids, Alveolinids, Orbitolina and others). In the following these models are listed, together with the related literature references. [Standort]
Hottinger L. (2006).- Illustrated glossary of terms used in foraminiferal research.- Carnets de Géologie - Notebooks on Geology, Brest, Memoir 2006/02 (CG2006_M02), 126 p., 83 fig. URL http://paleopolis.rediris.es/cg/CG2006_M02/index.html
Leria, M., Ferrandez-Canyadell, C., and Ruiz-Ortega, M. (2014). Modelos tridimensionales de foraminiferos fosiles de Lukas Hottinger. Revista Bellas Artes, vol. 12, pp. 79-102.
Leria Morillo, M. (2015). Dibujo Cientifico en Paleontologia. Proceso en la Representacion de Foraminiferos Fosiles. Interaccion entre Arte y Ciencia. PhD thesis. Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Dibuix, Facultat de Belles Arts, 421 p.
Kellner, S.K., Knappertsbusch, M.W., Costeur, L., Müller, B., and Schulz, G. (2019). Imaging the internal structure of Borelis schlumbergeri Reichel (1937): Advances by high-resolution hard X-ray microtomography. Palaeontologia Electronica 22.1.17A, 1-19, Palaeontologia Electronica 22(1), https://palaeo-electronica.org/content/2019/2471-borelis-micro-ct, https://doi.org/10.26879/854.
Plastiline- and gypsum models of Globotruncana (Ticinella) roberti, Gandolfi, G. (Thalmanniella) ticinensis Gandolfi, G. (Rotalipora) appenninica O. Renz, G. (Rotalipora) turonica Brotzen, G. (Globotruncana) stephani Gandolfi, G. (Globotruncana) lapparenti Brotzen, etc. illustrated in Reichel, M. (1949a). Observations sur les Globotruncana du gisement de la Breggia (Tessin). Eclogae geol. Helv. 42:596-617., Plates 16 and 17. Reprint deposited with the collection. Link to original specimens to models.
Plastiline- and gypsum models of Schackoina, illustrated in Reichel, M. (1947 b). Les Hantkéninidés de la Scaglia et des Couches rouges (Crétacé supérieur). Eclogae geol. Helv. 40(2):391-409, Fig. 8. An extrait of the reprint is deposited with the collection. Link to original specimens to models.
No. 1: Fusulinids: Keriotheka of Triticites and Schwagerina. Plasticine model of M. Reichel. Illustrated in Hottinger, L. (2006), Figure 62.
No. 2: Two models of (?) Triticites showing septae in axial section and folded septae in tangential section (larger model) and wall structure in smaller model. Unpublished plasticine models sculptured by M. Reichel.
No. 3: Plasticine model of the Permian (Artinskian) fusulinid Misellina. Model by M. Reichel. Not published.
No. 24: Structural plasticine model of Pyramis parva (Colani) [=Coloniella pyramis]. 65x, Upper Permian. Model illustrated in Fig. 33 in Reichel, M. (1945b). Sur quelques foraminifères nouveaux du Permien méditerranéen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 38 (2): 524-560. There is also a hand-drawing of Pyramis parva in the archive of M. Reichel. Extrait of reprint deposited with collection. 2 models: One soft model in plasilline (=original, NMB), one ceramic model. The ceramic model was fabricated by Clemencia Wannier in the late 1970ies [ca. 1978, personal communication M. Knappertsbusch with Mario Wannier from 16 May 2019]. (colln. ex GPI, 4.12.2010).
No. 25: Morphological model of Schwagerina showing polar torsion of the spirotheka. Unpublished plasticine model. Compare with illustrations in Leppig, U. (1992). Functional anatomy of fusulinids (foraminifera): Significance of the polar torsion illustrated in Triticites and Schwagerina (Schwagerinidae). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 66(1/2): 39-50.
No. 26: Morphological models of the spirotheka of Fusulina. Unpublished plasticine models. For an artistic (!) drawing of a fusulinid spirotheca see page 50 in Hottinger, L. (1985). Manfred Reichel. 1896-1984. Dessins, 60 p.
No. 33: Plasticine models showing folded septae in fusulinids. Unpublished.
No. 34: Plasticine model showing cuniculi and septal fluting in Parafusulinids (Eopolydiexodina sp.). Illustrated on Figure 35C-E in Hottinger, L. (2006). Illustrated glossary of terms used in foraminiferal research. Model manufactured by M. Reichel.
No. 55: Two wax models of Fusulina (probably Fusulina afghanella). The two models belong to each other (lower part=No. 55 a; upper part=No. 55 b). The dotted bottom inside of the alveoli in model 55 b represents the Keriotheka. This structure is somewhat similar to Broeckinella (without Keriotheka).
No. 4: Fusarchaias bermudezi n. sp. Reichel (1951). Plasticine model to Figure 3 in Reichel, M. (1951). Fusarchaias bermudezi n. gen., n. sp., Pénéroplidé alvéoliniforme de l'Oligo-Miocène de Cuba. Eclogae geol. Helv. 44(2):458-464. Reprint is deposited with collection.
No. 7: Plasticine model of Ovalveolina showing axial, aequatorial and tangetial sections. Similar to illustration I, Plate XI in Reichel, M. (1936-37). Etude sur les Alvéolines. Mémoires de la Société paléontologique Suisse, vols. 57 and 59. Model by M. Reichel.
No. 8: Structural plasticine model of Ovalveolina (150x). Model by M. Reichel, unpublished.
No. 9: Structural plasticine model of Bullaveolina. Model by M. Reichel, unpublished.
No. 10: Sarcode model (models of the protoplasm) for Alveolina sensu stricto. Gypsum model by M. Reichel, unpublished. Septulae in "mode continu" des cloisonnettes, see Reichel (1937, page 9). See also Figures 79 G and 79 H in Hottinger, L. (2006).
No. 11: Sarcode model (models of the protoplasm) for Praealveolina tenuis. Model similar though not identical to Figure 13 in Reichel, M. (1933). Sur une Alvéoline cénomanienne du Bassin du Beausset. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 269-280. Reprint deposited with the collection. See also Figures 70 G and 70 H in Hottinger, L. (2006).
No. 12: Structural plasticine model of Praealveolina tenuis (250x). Model to Fig. 11 in Reichel, M. (1933). See also Figure 70 in Hottinger, L. (2006).
No. 12': Structural plasticine model of Praealveolina cretacea (250x). Model by M. Reichel. Unpublished.
No. 17: Second sarcode model (models of the protoplasmic body filling of the cavities) for Praealveolina. Illustrated in Reichel, M. (1933). Sur une Alvéoline cénomanienne du Bassin du Beausset. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 269-280. See also Figure 70 H in Hottinger, L. (2006).
No. 20: Sarcode model (models of the protoplasmic body filling of the cavities) of Alveolinella. Unpublished plasticine model, but see schematic drawing, Fig. 27 VIII in Reichel, M. (1937). Etude sur les Alvéolines, second fascicule, Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, vol. LIX, pp. 94-147. Compare also with CT-scan of Alveolinella quoyi illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9 of Bassi et al. (2022). Larger porcellaneous foraminifera with a common ancestor: the Neogene Ino-Pacific Flosculinella and Alveolinella (Alveolinidea). Marine Micropaleontology, 173:102124.
No. 30: Tangential section of Alveolina (Paleocene-Eocene). Plasticine model by M. Reichel. Similar to model illustrated on Fig. 1 in Reichel, M. (1931). Sur la structure des Alvéolines. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 24(2):289-303. Reprint deposited with the collection. See also Leria et al. (2014).
No. 31: Plasticine model of Borelis (Neoalveolina) melo (200x). Model not published, but see Plate 11 in Reichel, M. (1937). Etude sur les Alvéolines, Mém. Soc. Pal. Suisse, Vol. 59, fasc. 2, pp. 94-147.
No. 32: Plasticine model of Borelis (Neoalveolina) melo kurdica (200x). Model not published, but see Plate 11 in Reichel, M. (1937). Etude sur les Alvéolines, Mém. Soc. Pal. Suisse, Vol. 59, fasc. 2, pp. 94-147. See also Azéma, J., Fernex, F., Hottinger, L., Magné, J. & Paquet, J. (1969). Borelis melo (Fichtel & Moll) dans le Miocène de la partie orientale des Cordillières bétiques (Espagne). Bulletin Sociétée Géologique de France (Paris), vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 444-448.
No. 37: Plasticine model of the polar region of Praealveolina cretacea (ca. 260x) sculptured by M. Reichel. Similar (though not identical) illustrated on Figure 8 in Reichel, M. (1936). Etude sur les Alvéolines. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, vol. 57, premier fascicule, pp. 1-93. See also Plate 4, Fig. 2c in Hamaoui, M. (1984). Sur la dynamique architecturale des Alveolinidae (foraminifères). In Oertli, H.J. (ed.) Benthos '83. 2nd Int. Symposium on benthic foraminifera (Pau, April 1983). Elf Aquitaine, Esso Rep. and Total CFP. Pau and Bordeaux, 1984, pp. 271-279.
No. 38: Plasticine model of of the embryonic apparatus of Alveolina s.str. showing the central chamber (proloculus) and the first chamber. Sculptured by M. Reichel. Unpublished, but compare with schematic drawing on Fig. 1 and Fig. 13 in Reichel, M. (1936). Etude sur les Alvéolines. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, vol. 57, premier fascicule, pp. 1-93.
No. 60: Structural model in plastiline of Alveolinella. Not published, probably sculptured by M. Reichel. Ex GPI, 12.4.2010.
No. 61: Plastilie model showing tangential section of Cisalveolina. Probably sculptured by M. Reichel. Not published, but see illustrations in Reichel, M. (1941).
No. 62: Plastiline model showing structure of Campanian Subalveolina dordonica. Probably sculptured by M. Reichel. Not published, but see figure 3 on Plate 11 in Reichel, M. (1936). Etude sur les Alvéolines. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, vol. 57, premier fascicule, pp. 1-93.
No. 63: Plastiline model showing structure of Flosculinella bontangensis Rutten (Aquitanien-Burdigalien). Probably sculptured by M. Reichel. Not published, but see figure 7 on Plate 11 in Reichel, M. (1936). Etude sur les Alvéolines. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, vol. 57, premier fascicule, pp. 1-93. (Standort: see next drawer). Compare also with CT-scan of Flosculinella bontangensis illustrated in Fig. 4 of Bassi et al. (2022). Larger porcellaneous foraminifera with a common ancestor: the Neogene Ino-Pacific Flosculinella and Alveolinella (Alveolinidea). Marine Micropaleontology, 173:102124.
No. 48: Sarcode models of Alveolina (Eocene) to the models illustrated in the study of Reichel, M. (1936-37). Gypsum models manufactured by Mrs. Wannier. "Mode alternant".
No. 49: Sarcode models of Praealveolina (Cenomanian-Senonian). Similar to the illustrated model in Figure 13 of Reichel, M. (1933), - "Mode continu" - but see also the study of Reichel, M. (1936-37). Gypsum models manufactured by Mrs. Wannier.
No. 50: Sarcode models of Ovalveolina (Cenoman-Turon) to the models illustrated in the study of Reichel, M. (1936-37). Gypsum models manufactured by Mrs. Wannier.
No. 51: Sarcode model of Alveolina tenuis, similar to Figure 14 in Reichel, M. (1933). Sur une Alvéoline cénomanienne du Bassin du Beausset. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 26(2):269-280. See also Figure 70 in the glossary of Hottinger (2006). But compare also with sarcode reconstruction for Alveolinella in Reichel, M., 1937).
No. 52: Sarcode models of Praealveolina (Cenomanian-Senonian), "Mode continu". Similar to the illustrated model in Figure 13 of Reichel, M. (1933). Sur une Alvéoline cénomanienne du Bassin du Beusset. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 26(2):269-280.
No. 56: Gypsum casts of models of Praealveolina, including silicone mold. Aequatorial- and axial section through macrospheric proloculus. See also apertural face with row of apertures. See Reichel, M. (1937). Etude sur les Alvéolines, 2nd fascicule. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, vol. 59, pp. 94-147, and Pl. XI, Fig. IIa.
No. 63: Plastiline model showing structure of Flosculinella bontangensis Rutten (Aquitanien-Burdigalien). Probably sculptured by M. Reichel. Not published, but see figure 7 on Plate 11 in Reichel, M. (1936). Etude sur les Alvéolines. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, vol. 57, premier fascicule, pp. 1-93. Compare also with CT-scan of Flosculinella bontangensis illustrated in Fig. 4 of Bassi et al. (2022). Larger porcellaneous foraminifera with a common ancestor: the Neogene Ino-Pacific Flosculinella and Alveolinella (Alveolinidea). Marine Micropaleontology, 173:102124.
No. 15. Plasticine model of a portion of a basal section of Orbitolina. Unpublished, but corresponds in about to Figure 71 F in Hottinger, L. (2006). Illustrated glossary of terms used in foraminiferal research. See also Leria et al. (2014).
No. 22: Structural models of Orbitolina (250x, plasticine). Similar though not identical to the illustrations in Hottinger, L. (2006), Figs. 71 A and B. In about oblique and vertical to the cone base. The models were probably early studies from M. Reichel of the orbitolina structure. Small plasticine models show two orbitolinid cones. Unpublished.
No. 35: Structural plasticine model of Chapmanina (syn.
Chapmania; Eocene, Oligocene). Model formed by M. Reichel.
Reichel was interested to analogous structures (pseudopilae, buttresses)
in Dictyoconus.
Compare with illustrations in Davies, L.M. (1930). The genus Dictyoconus
and its Allies: A Review of the group, together with a description
of three new species from the lower Eocene beds of Northern Baluchistan.
See also Davies L.M. (1939).- An early Dictyoconus
and the genus Orbitolina: their contemporaneity, structural
distinction and respective natural allies.- Transactions of the
Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 59, p. 773-790.
No. 36: Structural plasticine model of Orbitolina (500x) scultured by by M. Reichel around 1955 but was never published. The enclosed drawing (by Reichel ?) was taken from Hottinger, L. EUCOR_MICROPAL 1996. Advanced training course for structural analysis and functional morphology of benthic foraminifera (Late Paleozoic to Recent). Oct. 3-17, 1996 at the Geological Institute, Basel University (Switzerland). See also models illustrated on Figure 71 in Hottinger, L. (2006). Illustrated glossary of terms used in foraminiferal research. The small entire Orbitolina model model displays the marginal basal sector (indicated with orange paper stripes) from where the enlarged sculture was formed. See also Leria et al. (2014).
No. 36 ': Plasticine bloc-model of Septulum structure in Orbitolina showing alternating arrangement of intercameral foramina. Compare with large model (No. 36) of Orbitolina.
No. 42: Gypsum model of Dictyoconus of M. Reichel. Unpublished models. Models with "cover plates". See model No. 35 and compare with illustrations in Davies, L.M. (1930). The genus Dictyoconus and its Allies: A Review of the group, together with a description of three new species from the lower Eocene beds of Northern Baluchistan. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. LVI-Part II (No. 20). See also Davies L.M. (1939).- An early Dictyoconus and the genus Orbitolina: their contemporaneity, structural distinction and respective natural allies.- Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 59, p. 773-790.
No. 13: Plasticine model of Asterigerina. Unpublished.
No. 14: Structural plasticine model of Pseudorotalia schroeteriana. Unpublished model, but compare with SEM illustration on Figure 2, Plate 6 in the PhD dissertation Müller-Merz (1975) and in Müller-Merz, E. (1980). Strukturanalyse ausgewählter rotaloider Foraminiferen. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 101:5-39.
No. 27: Structural plastiline models to Rhapydionina liburnica Stache, illustrated in Reichel, M. (1984). Le crible apertural de Rhapydionina liburnica Stache du Maastrichtien de Vremski-Britof, Yougoslavie. Benthos '83; 2nd Int. Symp. benthic Foraminifera (Pau, April 1983), 525-532; Plate 3, Figures 1a-e and 2. Pau and Bordeaux, March 1984, ISSN 0181.0901 ISBN 2-901026-14-1. With fotomaterial and originals to plates. Compare also to the publication and type-collection to Pêcheux, M.J.-F. (1975). Pseudorhapydionina moulladei. Nouveau macroforaminifère du Paléocène du Chiapas, SE Méxique. Revue de Micropaléontologie, 38(2):169-176.
No. 43: Morphology of Asterigerina. Gypsum model. See model No. 13.
No. 39: Structural model of Cuneolina (two halves of oblique section). Gypsum model fabricated by L. Hottinger (for productional parts see model No. 47). Illustrated on Fig. 49 in Hottinger, L. (1967). Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoique marocain. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique No. 209, Editions du Service Géologique du Maroc, Rabat, pp. 1-168. See also Leria et al. (2014).
No. 47: Constructional parts and silicone molds for the model of Cuneolina (model No. 39). Produced by L. Hottinger.
No. 5: Structural plasticine model of Orbitolites. Unpublished model of M. Reichel.
No. 19: Amphisorus. Unpublished plasticine model.
No. 19 ': Sorites orbiculus. Unpublished plasticine model.
No. 19 '': Ssections through Sorites. Unpublished plasticine model.
No. 21: Structural model of Orbitolites complanatus. Lutétien. Large section = tangential section parallel to axis. Unpublished plasticine model.
No. 23: Structural plasticine model of Yaberinella jamaicanensis (550x). Illustrated on Figure 44 in Lehmann, R. (1961). Strukturanalyse einiger Gattungen der Subfamilie Orbitolitinae. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 54(2), pp. 598-667. The model was manufactured by Lehmann or Reichel or both. See also Hottinger, L. (1969).
No. 28: Bloc-model of the structure of Orbitolites. Unpublished.
No. 29: Plastiline model of Marginopora vertebralis (Miocene-Recent), showing chamberlets (K from "Kämmerchen") of the lateral layer. A similarly though not identical model of the Marginopora structure is illustrated and explained on Figure 13 in Hottinger, L. (2000). Functional morphology of benthic foraminiferal shells, envelopes of cells beyond measure. Micropaleontology, vol. 46, supplement No. 1, pp. 57-86. See also Figure 18e in Hottinger, L. (1978). Comparative Anatomy of Elementary Shell Structures in Selected Larger Foraminifera. In: Hedley, R.H. and Adams, C.G. (eds.). Foraminifera. Volume 3. Academic Press, pp. 203-266.
No. 40: Structural model of Orbitolites. Large wooden model fabricated by Lukas Hottinger. Red threads through lateral canals indicate axes of protoplasmic streams (crosswise oblique stolon system). Model not published as such but see Figure 2 showing a block diagram of an orbitolithid structure in Lehmann, R. (1961). Strukturanalyse einiger Gattungen der Subfamilie Orbitolitinae. Eclogae geologica helvetiae, vol. 54(2), pp. 597-667. Compare also with structural patterns illustrated on Fig. 18 in Hottinger, L. (1978). Comparative Anatomy of Elementary Shell Structures in Selected Larger Foraminifera. In: Hedley, R.H. and Adams, C.G. (eds.). Foraminifera. Volume 3. Academic Press, pp. 203-266, or with Figure 3 in Hottinger, L. and Krusat, G. (1972). Un foraminifère nouveau intermédiaire entre Opertorbitolites et Somalina de l'Ilerdien Pyrénéen. Revista Española de Micropaleontologia, Numéro Extraordinario. XXX Aniversario E.N. Adaro, December 1972, pp. 249-271. And compare also with illustrations in Hottinger, L. (1981). Fonctions de la disposition alternante des loges chez les foraminifères et la structure d'Omphalocyclus. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, 4:45-52, plates 1 to 2.
No. 6: Plasticine model of sarcode (=shell cavities for protoplasma) from Eulepidina (Lepidocyclina), showing the "6-stolon system". Not published.
No. 16: Oblique section through a Discocyclina. Plasticine model probably made by M. Reichel according to iron-stained specimens from famous upper Eocene locality of Kressenberg, Bavaria (materials see also in Brönnimann collection and in nummulite collections of Hans Schaub. But see also the publication of Brönnimann, P. (1941). Eine Discocyclina mit multilocularem Embryonalapparat aus dem Eocaen von Kressenberg. Eclogae geol. Helv. 34(2): 305-319). Model illustrated on Figure 1 in Brönnimann (1951d). A model of the internal structure of Discocyclina s.s. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 208-211. Xerox copy with the collection.
No. 18: Structural model of Discocyclina. Unpublished plasticine model by ? Paul Brönnimann or Manfred Reichel ? Note rectangular chamberlets.
No. 18': Structural model of Lepidocyclina (in 3 parts). Unpublished plasticine model fabricated by ? Paul Brönnimann or Manfred Reichel ?
No. 44: Sarcode model (models of the protoplasmic body filling of the cavities) of Lepidocyclina. Gypsum models by ? M. Reichel. Not published.
No. 45: Gypsum models of chamberlets in Lepidocycllina. Model by ? M. Reichel.
No. 46: Gypsum models of either Orbitolites or of Lepidocyclina showing a crossed stolonal pattern (see See Hottinger (1978): Figure 12d). Produced by M. Reichel.
No. 58: Wax-Model of Discocyclina. Author unknown (Paul Brönnimann ?).
No. 41: First version of a structural model of Broeckinella arabica. Gypsum models fabricated by Mario Wannier, together with L. Hottinger. The final model (see No. 53) was published in Hottinger, L. (1967). Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoique marocain. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique No. 209, Editions du Service Géologique du Maroc, Rabat, pp. 1-168, Fig. 35. See also Hottinger (1978) and Hottinger (2006). Remark: The models were commented and corrected by Schröder & Cherci (pers. communication M. Knappertsbusch with L. Hottinger,from 7.6.2010).
No. 53: Structural model of Broekinella (Paleocene; no pilae). Gypsum model fabricated by L. Hottinger. A similar model is published on Fig. 35 in Hottinger, L. (1967). Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoique marocain. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique No. 209, Editions du Service Géologique du Maroc, Rabat, pp. 1-168. Compare also with the schematic drawing for the arrangement of stolon patterns on Figure 6 in the same article.
No. 54: Structural model of Anchispirocyclina (upper Jurassic). Gypsum model (including silicon mold) fabricated by L. Hottinger. Principal sections of the structure of Anchispirocyclina is illustrated on Fig. 3 in Hottinger, L. (1967). Foraminifères imperforés du Mésozoique marocain. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique No. 209, Editions du Service Géologique du Maroc, Rabat, pp. 1-168. Drawings of the associated endosceletal structure showing radial elements and stolonal openings are given in Figure 7 of the same article. See also Hottinger (1978) and Figure 47 in Hottinger (2006).
A collection of silicone molds for various internal foraminiferal structures (though without any further description).
No. 57: Model of Sulcoperculina. Manufactured by Paul Brönnimann.
No. 59: "American orbitoidids". Author unknown.
A number of wax models showing the structure of Nannoconus (calcareous nannofossils). The author of these nannoconid models is unknown.
Collection of microfossil preparations (Fema-cells and thin sections), that served Manfred Reichel as the pattern to the drawings and models illustrated in Reichel, M. (1947) and Reichel, M. (1949a). They include:
3 Tablets plus 1 Lot with Fema-cells containing Schackoina, Rotalipora and Globotruncana illustrated in Reichel, M. (1947) and Reichel, M. (1949).
1 Tablet labelled "Originaux des modèles en plâtre" (original patterns to Reichel, 1949a).
1 Lot containing Fema -cells with Ticinella, donated from G. Colom, 1956).
1 Lot containig Fema-cells and thin-sections with Globotruncana sigali and Globotruncana helvetica, from the Turonian of Sidi-Aissa (Aumale), Algier.
1 Lot containing residues from Glomar Challenger Leg 11 (Site 98, core 14, section 1), donated from M. Caron, 1970.
1 Lot with slides containing Rotalipora and Globotruncana, prepared and donated by F. Brotzen, 7 January, 1949) (with identification list).
1 Lot with slides to illustrations and model of Ticinella in Reichel, M. (1949a), fig. 2a,b,c, together with washed residues (Breggia section, Ticino, Switzerland, new series, Nos. 89-100), donated by D. Bernoulli, 1960.
1 Lot containing slide with Planomalina, Praeglobotruncana, and Globorotalia, donated by A. Loeblich.
1 Lot with Fema-cells showing Globotruncanids from the western side of the Lago di Garda area (Italy), donated by M.B. Cita.
1 Lot with picked globotruncanids from La Noria (Mexico), donated by W. Leupold.
1 Lot with various Fema-cells with Hedbergella and Globotruncana, taken from the reference collection to R. Gandolfi (1942) [Breggia section, Ticino, Switzerland].
1 Lot with preparations of Pseudogümbelina and Gublerina, donated by P. Brönnimann, August 1954.