- Geological archive of the NMB
- (Weisser Bär, previously called room
W003, new room number 13/3)
- Geo-Archive Weisser Bär, room 13/3 after refurbishment
in 2010 (image from 25 february 2021).
- Left image, view from entry door. The bookshelf at
the back side of the room is labelled A, B, C. The large bookshelf
- on the right side of the room is continued with labels from
D through J, tablars are numbered from top (1) to bottom (8).
- Right image showing the first of two smaller bookshelfs
behind each other in the middle of the room.
- Organization of the geological archive before 2011 (room
formerly called W003).
- A through F contain documents like unpublished reports, correspondence
of museum staff with researchers and collectors, field books,
diaries, card-file catalogues, reports to funding agencies. (By
17th november 2006).