Archive of August Tobler (deposited in the geological archive of the NMB)

There is information about August Tobler's geological activities in Switzerland, Indonesia and elsewhere.







Box "A. Tobler - Petroleum Exploration K.N.P.M. in Sumatra 1900-1903".

(K.N.P.M.= Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Exploratie van Petroleumbronnen in Nederlandsch-Indie).

Historical and original hand-drawn maps and sections from A. Tobler during his stay in southern Sumatra 1900-1903 (Moeara Enim area, SW of Palembang). These documents form the basics to the publication and collections Tobler, A. (1906). Topografische und geologische Beschreibung der Petroleumgebiete bei Moeara Enim (Süd-Sumatra). Drukkerij E.J. Brill, 1906, 315 p. The documents are sorted in 10 yellow envelops, e.g.,


Standort Geo-Archive









Box Fundortlisten- und Karten zu Aufsammlungen von A. Tobler.
Tobler, A. (1913). Two locality maps from North-Atjeh (North Sumatra):
Standort Geo-Archive