Archive of Michael Knappertsbusch (deposited in the geological archive of the NMB)














Archive "Knappertsbusch (1990 a and b) - PhD thesis"

Electronic archive to Knappertsbusch, M. (1990a and b). Geographie distribution of modern coccolithophorids in the Mediterranean Sea and morphological evolution of Calcidiscus leptoporus. PhD thesis, No. 9169, ETH Zürich.

The data are stored on the internal Media server (M:) of the NMB (no public access).
Raw data (printed & hand-written) are deposited in the GEO Archive of the NMB, see Archive to VICOMED I and II and Archive to C. leptoporus study further below.


Related publications:

Standort Archive (Archive: internal Media server (M:) of NMB).
Standort (see related collections).











Archive "Expeditions VICOMED I (1986) and II (1988), Mediterranean Sea" (to Part 1 of PhD thesis of M. Knappertsbusch 1990).

Archive of M. Knappertsbusch to French oceanographic expeditions VICOMED - Vérifications Interdisciplinaires pour une Climatologie et Océanographie Méditerraneennes, Toulon-Heraklion, 1986 and 1988. Supplement to Part 1 of PhD-thesis Knappertsbusch (1990).

Archive Box VICOMED I:

Related publications:


Standort Geo-Archive
Standort (see related collections).










Archive to Global Emiliania Modeling Initiative - Blagnac Meeting Reports 1990 - 1997, and proposals 1990-1991

The Global Emiliania Modeling Initiative (GEM) was coordinated during several international meetings held at Château de Blagnac, Cabara, France. This archive consists of 2 boxes. Meeting reports and notes of M. Knappertsbusch are archived from


Results presented herein relate to archives and collections to the study of Knappertsbusch and Brummer (1995) (in archive box "Sediment trap study 47°N / 20°W"), to the archive to the study Knappertsbusch (1994, unpublished) under "Emiliania huxleyi bloom simulation", and to the collections related to the Global Emiliania Modeling Initiative.
Also enclosed are the proposals and reports to SNF / NWO during the initial part (1990-1991) of the GEM study, e.g. project "The significance of marine phytoplankton for the oceanic carbon cycle; Emiliania huxleyi as a case study".
Standort Geo-Archive








Archive "Emiliania huxleyi bloom simulation"

Archive to the SNF study of Knappertsbusch, M. (1994, unpublished). "The significance of coccolithophore blooms for the oceanic carbon cycle: A numerical modelling experiment simulating Emiliania huxleyi blooms in the North Atlantic". (post-doc fellowship at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/research stay at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK. SNF grant No. 8220-033288, April 1, 1993-30 September 1994).

The archive consists of 4 boxes, e.g.:
Part I and II (April 1993-Feb 1994).
Part III and IV (April 1994-October 1994).
Part Development of model (1.10.1993-17.8.1994).
Part Final Report (1994). Proposals (1992 and 1993).

Part I through IV: Notes to the development of the COCDIA bloom simulation programs, intermediate report to SNF, full set of final report to SNF (unpublished, November 2, 1994) including printed fortran computer program listings of COCDIA and auxiliary programs developed on Macintosh computer.

Part Development of model contains the mathematical formulation of the model, solution of partial differential equation, and discretisation of equations, listings to CNDIFF 1.0 and to versions of COCDIA 1.56; 2.05; 2.08; 2.09; 2.11; 3.01; 4.20; 5.00; 5.02; 6.00; 8.01; 9.00; and 10.01. Also a preparation of the model description is included.

The part Final Report (1994) contains also results of simulation runs from COCDIA v. 10.03 (overhead transparencies) presented by Knappertsbusch in front of 85. Jahrestagung Geolog. Vereinigung Deutschland, "Global Change and Marine Geology", February 22-25, 1995 in Bremen. Abstract in Terra Nostra, vol. 1/95, pp. 26-27.

The final version of the model was COCDIA v. 10.04 and is also stored in electronic format on the NMB's internal Media Server. See also documents deposited in the collections to Knappertsbusch (1994).


Standort Geo-Archive
Standort (collection).









Archive box "Sediment trap study 47°N / 20°W"

Laboratory notes to the study and collection of Knappertsbusch, M. and Brummer, G.-J. (1995). A sediment trap investigation of sinking coccolithophorids in the North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research I, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1083-1109. The box contains 3 green folders, e.g.,


Note, that there is also an electronic archive to the article on the media-server of the NMB.

Standort Geo-Archive





Archive box "North Atlantic Bloom Experiment, JGOFS Leg 3 and 4"

Laboratory notes to Netherlands JGOFS Leg 3 and JGOFS Leg 4. Plankton data (microscopic counts) and Results. Fotos (SEM, Satellite) from Emiliania huxleyi bloom south Iceland 1990. Related to study and collection of Knappertsbusch, M. and Brummer, G.-J. (1995).

Standort Geo-Archive







Archive "NEPTUNE-online - Archive development age models to DSDP and ODP holes and software development (1995-2002).

Archive of M. Knappertsbusch to age model construction for DSDP and ODP, software development (on-line version of NEPTUNE database, development of PC versions of Dave Lazarus' (1992) Age Depth Plot (ADP) and Age Maker (AM) programs. Collaboration with former micropaleo group of Hans Thierstein at ETH, collaboration with Hugo Hack, in framework with SNF project "Establishment of a microfossil database at the Basel MRC as a tool for evolutionary research" (1999-2002).

There is also an electronic archive with data to age models and software on the internal media (M) server at NMB, under 05_Wissenschaften-Archiv/MIKROPALAEONTOLOGIE/NEPTUNE

There is still (April 2024) also a web page under

The NEPTUNE-online archive comrises 10 boxes. Boxes 1 through 7 contain details to the construction and compilation of biostratigraphic (Bstrat) files from the initial and scientific reports of the DSDP and ODP. Boxes 8 and 9 contain ideas, concepts, and notes abouut Bstrat95 templet development (following the Berggren et al. (1995) integrated biogeochronology).

Standort Geo-Archive








Archive "C. leptoporus study".

Archive of M. Knappertsbusch to Knappertsbusch, M. (1990). Geographie distribution of modern coccolithophorids in the Mediterranean Sea and morphological evolution of Calcidiscus leptoporus. PhD thesis, No. 9169, ETH Zürich. Supplement to Part 2 of PhD-thesis Knappertsbusch (1990).

Archive Box C. leptoporus study:

Related publications:


Standort Geo-Archive
Standort (see related collections).
















Archive box "Morphometry - Outline extraction & digital image processing" - Archive to Knappertsbusch (1998, 2002 partem, 2006 partem, 2007 partem).

Laboratory notes to early morphometric studies on G. menardii, first development of program Trace and suite of programs for outline analysis of menardiform globorotalids (mostly 1996-2004).

Two green folders Outline Extraction & Digital image processing:

Related studies are those of Knappertsbusch (1998); Knappertsbusch (2002); Knappertsbusch (2006); Knappertsbusch (2007).
Standort Geo-Archive
Archive boxes "Film-Negatives (I) + (II)" and "Film-Negatives (III) + (IV)" - Relates to studies about extant coccolithophores in the Mediterranean Sea, the North Atlantic (JGOFS Leg 4), and Polarstern expeditions ANT I and IV (Atlantic Ocean).
Contents of Box "Film-Negatives (I) + (II)":
Contents of Box "Film-Negatives (III) + (IV)":

Standort Geo-Archive







Archive boxes to "Project AMOR" -
Archive to Knappertsbusch (2002); Degen and Erni (2005); Knappertsbusch et al. (2006); Binggeli (2006); Herzig and Schmutz (2007); Stapfer (2007); Widmer (2008); Zehnder und Ganz (2008); Dietiker (2009); Schorpp (2008-2010); Unseld (2010); Schorpp (2011-2013); Strelcenko (2011); Chalençon und Schneider (2012); Scheffelmeier, Lescoeur and Kaeser (2014); Eisenecker (2014); Oegerli (2015a); Oegerli (2015 b); Eisenecker (2017-2018) [AVM 2]); Binggeli, D. (2019); Eisenecker, J. (2020); Wie weiter mit AMOR ? - Construction of System AMOR 2. Lab-journals J. Eisenecker AMOR development.
Top "Project AMOR"
Contents of [AMOR Box1]: "AMOR (I)", (2000-2005, 2006) Stage development & motorization, Stages I to III:

See also notes about morphometry in Green folder 2 in Archive box "Morphometry - Outline extraction & digital image processing".

Standort Geo-Archive




Top "Project AMOR"
Contents of [AMOR Box2]: "AMOR (II)", (Degen and Erni, 2005): Development Stage IV; Binggeli (2006): Development Stage V.
"AMOR (II)", (Degen and Erni, 2005): Development Stage IV:
"AMOR (III)", Binggeli (2006): Development Stage V:

Standort Geo-Archive


Top "Project AMOR"
Contents of [AMOR Box3]: "AMOR (III)", Diplomarbeit Herzig und Schmutz (2007), [Verwendung von Stage V]:

Standort Geo-Archive







Top "Project AMOR"

Contents of [AMOR Box4]: "AMOR (VI), 2007-2008", Diplomarbeit Stapfer, S. (2007):

Standort Geo-Archive


















Top "Project AMOR"
Contents of [AMOR Box5]: "AMOR (V), 2008", Diplomarbeit Widmer, L. (2008):

Standort Geo-Archive









Top "Project AMOR"
Contents of [AMOR Box6]: "AMOR (VI), 2008-2010", Richard Schorpp - Nachbesserungen AMOR:

Standort Geo-Archive








Top "Project AMOR"
Contents of [AMOR Box7]: "AMOR (VII), 2011-2013", Richard Schorpp - "G. miocenica" Problem, Entwicklung AMOR v. 3.28 // 2014, Scheffelmeier, Lescoeur & Kaeser - Evaluation AMOR // 2014, Jean Eisenecker: AutoIt for AMOR 3.28 // 2014 - 2015, Kevin Oegerli: P5 Project AutoFeretRotate.

Standort Geo-Archive







Top "Project AMOR"
Contents of [AMOR Box8]: FHNW Bachelor Thesis Kevin Oegerli (2015 b) zum Thema Softwaremigration für AMOR;

Standort Geo-Archive












Top "Project AMOR"
Contents of [AMOR Box9]: FHNW Bachelor Thesis Samuel Dietiker (2009) [AVM 1]; FHNW Studentenprojekt Andrej Strelcenko [AVM 1.5]; AVM 2 by Jean Eisenecker; FHNW Bachelor Thesis Andreas Unseld (2010) [Eigenshape analysis].

Improvements of program AVM by Jean Eisenecker in 2017-2018: The versions AVM 1.0 and AVM 1.5 were both not satisfactory for routine applications with AMOR. Both program versions produced errorneous values for the spiral height (dY) of menardiform shells in keel view. In 2017-2018 Jean Eisenecker improved AVM and produced version AVM 2, which generated correct values for spiral height. AVM 2 was implemented in LabView 14 and runs on the PC for System AMOR 2. For software see Media server of the Museum, directories

  • Software: For software during this project phase see Media server of the Museum, under 05_Wissenschaften-Archiv/MIKROPALAEONTOLOGIE/AMOR/UNSELD_2009_2010.

    Standort Geo-Archive








    Top "Project AMOR"
    Contents of [AMOR Box10]: Wie weiter mit AMOR ? - Construction of System AMOR 2.

    Standort Geo-Archive





    Top "Project AMOR"

    Contents of [AMOR Box11]: Lab-journals J. Eisenecker AMOR development:

    Standort Geo-Archive









    Archive box to MorphCol -

    Archive to Knappertsbusch (2004) [=first version of collection of Fortran programs for geometric morphometry] and developments thereafter in context of building AMOR and System AMOR 2.
    See also or
    Notes, CD-Roms (MacOs 9.2 formatted), printed program listings, and full set of printed MorphCol supplements.
    Standort Geo-Archive





     Archive box to Development of Concept "Evolutionary Prospection" (mapping speciation through geography and time).

    One box, containing the most relevant moments in the development of the concept of Evolutionary Prospection (in separate folders). See cover sheet in box with history of development. Printouts of Knappertsbusch (2000), Knappertsbusch (2001) and Knappertsbusch (2011) are enclosed in the box.

    Standort Geo-Archive