- Posters of M. Knappertsbusch and collaborators
(1996 - 2019): Contents of Lista unit 11, drawer 06
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- Posters to collections of M. Knappertsbusch and collaborators
(by 10.06.2024)
- 1996, 1st EuroColloquium of
the Ocean Drilling Program, 28 February-1 March, 1996, Oldenburg,
Germany. Knappertsbusch, M. Are the morphological evolution
of the planktic foraminifer Globorotalia menardii different in
the Caribbean Sea and the Equatorial Eastern Pacific ? A
study in progress. Abstract in Terra Nostra, 96/4, p. 53. Maps
archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 1996, 1st EuroColloquium of
the Ocean Drilling Program, 28 February-1 March, 1996, Oldenburg,
Germany. Knappertsbusch, M. Micropaleontological Reference
Centers. Abstract in Terra Nostra, 96/4, pp. 53-54. Maps
archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 1998, 24th European Micropaleontological
Colloquium, 15-23 September 1998, Bilbao, Spain. Knappertsbusch,
M. Micropaleontological Reference Centers. Abstract
volume to the 24° Colloquio Europeo de Micropaleontologia,
Bilbao, 15-23 de septiembre de 1998, p. 109. Maps archive NMB,
Lista-unit 1106: Poster #3.
- 1999, Symposium "Phylogeny
and Evolution" 18th Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society,
12-17 September 1999, in Göttingen, Germany. Knappertsbusch,
M. Harmonic analysis of the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia
menardii from DSDP holes in the Caribbean Sea and the equatorial
eastern Pacific. A study in progress. Abstracts volume, pp.
34. Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 2003, 1st Swiss Geoscience
Meeting in Basel. Knappertsbusch, M. Microevolution
in planktonic foraminifera: a morphometric case study applied
to the Globorotalia menardii plexus and G. tumida lineage.
Saturday, 29th Nov. 2003, Poster PA 6, Paleontology session.
Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 2004, The Micropalaeontological
Society Calcareous Plankton Spring Meeting 2004 (Joint Foraminifera
and Nannofossil Group Meeting), Thursday 13th Saturday
15th May 2004, Geocenter Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Knappertsbusch,
M. Microevolution in planktonic foraminifera: a morphometric
case study applied to Globorotalia menardii plexus and G. tumida
lineage. Abstract in Danmarks og Gronlands Geologiske Ondersogelse
Rapport 2004/50, Abstracts and Field Guide (eds. Sheldon, E.,
Stouge, S. and Henderson, A), pp. 54-55. Published by the Survey
of Denmark and Greenland Ministry of the Environment. Maps archive
NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster #6.
- 2004, The Micropalaeontological
Society Calcareous Plankton Spring Meeting 2004 (Joint Foraminifera
and Nannofossil Group Meeting), Thursday 13th Saturday
15th May 2004, Geocenter Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Brown,
K. Morphological variation in Recent Globorotalia menardii.
Abstract in Danmarks og Gronlands Geologiske Ondersogelse Rapport
2004/50, Abstracts and Field Guide (eds. Sheldon, E., Stouge,
S. and Henderson, A), p. 42. Published by the Survey of Denmark
and Greenland Ministry of the Environment. [Supervised by MK].
Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 2004, 2nd Swiss Geoscience
Meeting in Lausanne, 19th-20th November 2004. Brown, K.
Morphological variation in Recent Caribbean globorotalid foraminifera.
Session 8: Fossils and Evolution through time. Session Fossils,
Palaeoecology, Palaeoenvironments. Abstract. Abstracts vol. 1,
A-C, p. 99. [Supervised by MK]. Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit
1106: Poster #7.
- 2005, European Geoscience Union,
General Assembly, Vienna, 24-29 April 2005. Knappertsbusch,
M.; Brown, K.; Rüegg, H. Enhanced stereographic microfossil
imaging in reflected light and using a motor driven stage.
Session SSP26 - The radiation of marine microplankton in the
Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7,
02623, 2005 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-02623. Maps archive
NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster #9.
- 2005, European Geoscience Union,
General Assembly, Vienna, 24-29 April 2005. Brown, K.
Global morphological variation in Recent Globorotalia menardii
and Globorotalia tumida. Session SSP26 - The radiation of
marine microplankton in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 04084, 2005 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-04084.
[supervisd by MK]. Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster #10.
- 2005, 3rd Swiss Geoscience
Meeting in Zuerich, 18th-19th November 2005. Knappertsbusch,
M., Brown, K., Rüegg, H.-R., Erni, A., Degen, C., Kopainsky,
J. Progress in development of 3D imaging and automated
measurement systems for microfossils under reflected light.
Session 8: Fossils and Evolution through time. Program &
Abstracts volume pp. 250-251. https://geoscience-meeting.ch/sgm2005/query_main.html?pages/local_committee.
Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 2006, International FORAMS
Symposium, Natal, Brazil. Brown, K.R. Morphological
variation in late Pleistocene-Holocene globorotalid foraminifera.
Session: Evolutionary morphometrics of the foraminiferal test
in time and space. Abstract in Anuario do Istituto de Geosciencias,
2006, Vol. 29-1, Univ. Federal Rio de Janeiro, pp. 383-384. [Supervised
by MK]. Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 2007, NMB, Basel. Knappertsbusch,
KUGLER (1893-1986). Zum Jubiläum «20 Jahre nach
dem Baseler Oelgeologen und Pionier Hans G. Kugler». Vitrinen-Ausstellung
Hochparterre NMB, 19.4.2007 3.7.2007. Maps archive NMB,
Lista-unit 1106: Poster #18.
- 2007, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
(FHNW) in Muttenz, 16.1.2007. Herzig, A. und Schmutz, L.
Der Evolution auf der Spur. Öffentliche Präsentation
zur Diplomarbeit «Ansteuerung eines Mikroskops zur Untersuchung
von Mikrofossilien». Co-supervised by M. Knappertsbusch.
Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 2009, The Foraminifera and
Nannofossil Group's Joint Spring Meeting, 4th-5th June, 2009,
ETH in Zürich. Knappertsbusch, M., Binggeli, D., Herzig,
A., Schmutz, L., Stapfer, S., Widmer, L., Schneider, C., Eisenecker,
FOR MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSES. Abstract volume p. 44. Maps archive
NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster #14.
- 2009, The Foraminifera and
Nannofossil Groups' Joint Meeting, 4th-5th June, 2009, ETH in
Zürich. Knappertsbusch, M. Anatomy of morphological
evolution: Old data seen in new light. Abstract volume p.
43. Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 2011, 9th Swiss Geoscience
Meeting, 11. Nov. - 12. Nov. 2011, ETH Zürich, Switzerland..
Knappertsbusch, M., Mary, Y., and Schorpp, R. AMOR
does it for us. Session 14: Traces of life on planet Earth:
A tribute to the late Professor Lukas Hottinger. Maps archive
NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster #18.
- 2011, 9th Swiss Geoscience
Meeting, 11. Nov. - 12. Nov. 2011, ETH Zürich, Switzerland..
Knappertsbusch, M. and Mary, Y. Mining morphological
evolution in microfossils using volume density diagrams.
Session 14: Traces of life on planet Earth: A tribute to the
late Professor Lukas Hottinger. Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit
1106: Poster #19.
- 2018, 16th Swiss Geoscience
Meeting, 30. Nov.-1.Dec. 2018, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Knappertsbusch, M. & Friesenhagen, T. Morphological
evolution of menardiform globorotalids are different in the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans. Session 10: Celebrating 50 years if International
Ocean Drilling (1968-2018). Poster 10.6. Abstract volume, p.
300-301. Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit 1106: Poster
- 2019, 17th Swiss Geoscience
Meeting, 22nd-23rd November 2019, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Knappertsbusch, M., Eisenecker, J. & Binggeli, D.
AMOR2 follows AMOR an improved robot for orientation
and imaging of planktonic foraminifera. Session 4: Palaeontology.
Abstracts volume pp. 147-148. Poster 4.2. Maps archive NMB, Lista-unit
1106: Poster #17.