- Collections
of Michael Knappertsbusch
- Archive
of M. Knappertsbusch
- Stratigraphy of the
eastern Lombardian Basin (northern Italy).
- Study- and Reference collections to coccolithophore studies:
- Morphometry:
- Studies about Calcidiscus
leptoporus (calcareous nannoplankton).
- Morphometric studies about Globorotalia menardii and
related forms (planktonic foraminifera):
- Knappertsbusch, 1998 b. A simple
FORTRAN 77 program for outline detection. Computers & geosciences,
vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 897-900.
- MorphCol (2004) and
update 2015.
- Studies about G.
menardii at DSDP Sites 502 and 503, ODP Site 925B, ODP Site
- Recent G. menardii
from waters off Oman Margin (unpublished).
- Mining morphological
- Global Holocene menardiform
study (unpuplished).
- Samsoondar, S.
and Knappertsbusch, M. (2024a, submitted): Archival and morphometric
study Globorotalia archeomenardii - praemenardii - menardii
from Cipero Formation, Trinidad, SE Caribbean.
- Imaging techniques:
- Imaging and automation:
- Collections for
teaching micropaleontology:
- Collection of
Recent marine beachsands.
- Teaching Nannoplankton:
Modern coccoliths and diatoms; carbonate producers.
- Teaching nannoplankton:
Smearslides (Upper Cretaceous coccoliths) from Site 758A (Indian
- Teaching nannoplankton:
Smearslides (Upper Triassic coccoliths) from ODP Leg 122 (Wombat
Plateau, NW Australia, Site 764B).
- Teaching nannoplankton:
from INA Meeting Prague (1991) - Excursion to the western Carpathians
(South Moravia).
- Teaching planktonic
foraminifera (morphology) and radiolaria.
- Teaching biostratigraphy
with planktonic foraminifera, Cretaceous to Tertiary zones (from
24 EMC 1998 and other areas).
- Teaching Cretaceous/Tertiary
boundary: from TMS Meeting Copenhagen (2004) and other areas.
- Teaching Cretaceous/Tertiary
boundary and type Maastrichtian: Groeve Curfs, near Geulhem,
South Limburg, the Netherlands.
- Teaching palynomorphs:
Palyno-preparations (pollen, dinoflagellates).
- Teaching materials
larger foraminifera (nummulites, assilines, orbitolines from
24 EMC 1998 and other areas).
- Teaching benthic
and planktic foraminifera & biostratigraphy: materials mainly
from 24° Colloquio Europeo de Micropaleontologia (EMC),
Bilbao, 15-23 September 1998, Espana.
- Teaching materials
(holothurian sclerites) from various provenances.
- Teaching materials
(ostracods, characeans, otoliths) from various provenances.
- Study collections:
Back to overview
1.) Stratigraphy
of the eastern Lombardian Basin (northern Italy):
Study collection to Knappertsbusch, M. (1985). Geologie
und Mikropaläontologie im Valle di Costa, Prov. Brescia,
Italia. Diploma thesis ETH Zürich, 100 p.
The collection holds washed (sieved) residues, remains of many
of the washed samples, and hand specimens from the studied sections
and lithologies. The micropaleontological slides (picked microfossils)
and thin sections are deposited in the collections of the Geological
Institute ETH, Zürich.
Along with the study collection there is a xerox copy of the
diploma thesis, a full copy set of the studied sections, re-printed
maps of the spot-map and the interpreted geological map. These
documents are also deposited at the media server of the NMB in
electronic format (i.e. pdfs to texts and sections, jpg images
of the fotos in the text, and scans of the spot-map, the interpreted
geological map, the sample map and the structural map (jpg and
photoshop documents). Also included is the set of notes with primary
micropaleontological observations and X-ray diffractograms from
the samples.
An extra set of maps and transparency overlay maps (geological
outcrop map, map with locations of sections and samples, and a
structural map) and sections, that were prepared by Knappertsbusch
in 1985 as duplicates is deposited in the maps archive of the NMB, Lista unit 7, drawer
No. 12 (the originals are deposited at the Geological Institute
ETH in Zürich).
Results of this study were later included and published in
a joint paper by Lehner, B.L., Knappertsbusch, M.W., Heer,
P.H. (1987). Biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and sedimentology
of the Maiolica Lombarda and the Scaglia Lombarda on the west
side of Lake Garda (Northern Italy), Memorie di Scienze Geologiche,
Universita di Padova, vol. 39, pp. 1-35. A copy of this publication
is also alongside to the collection.
Back to overview
2.) Study-
and Reference collections to coccolithophore studies:
- 2.1.) Mediterranean
- 2.1.1 - Study collection
to Knappertsbusch,
M. (1990 a). Geographic distribution
of modern coccolithophorids in the Mediterranean Sea and morphological
evolution of Calcidiscus leptoporus. PhD. Dissertation
No. 9169, ETH Zürich, pp. 1-72 (part 1), and
Knappertsbusch, M. (1993 a). Geographic
distribution of living and Holocene coccolithophores in the Mediterranean
Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, vo. 21, pp. 219-247. [For raw data,
cell- and coccolith counts in the plankton samples and sediments
to this paper see the electronic archive to the PhD thesis of
M. Knappertsbusch on the internal Media (M) server of the NMB].
The collection to the above two publications includes remaining
filter samples (air dried), sediment samples from box-cores and
from piston cores raised during French VICOMED I and VICOMED II
oceanographic expeditions into the Mediterranean Sea (1968 and
1988). The slide reference collection (slide preparations from
filters) are deposited at the Geological Institute of the ETH
in Zürich (collection to PhD Dissertation of M. Knappertsbusch).
A copy of the thesis and a reprint of the publication to Knappertsbusch
(1993 a) are deposited alongside with the collection. An annotated
pdf version of the thesis and raw data (with coccolith counts
from VICOMED I and II cruises) are stored on the internal media
server (M) of the NMB. Also included with the collections are
the original temperature vs salinity plots from CTD casts during
cruises VICOMED I and II, and the field books during the VICOMED
I and II cruises from M. Knappertsbusch.
Alongside to the reprint of Knappertsbusch (1993 a) there are
two manuscript versions to this article: One of these is a xerox
of an early version stoll having included plates with SEM micrographs
of coccolithophores (actually, this was taken from the Thesis
part 1). The manuscript version 2 (from 27 March 1992) to the
paper contains printed lists of coccolith countings of the samples.
This is the only available printed revised list of the original
data and should not be discarded (!). Please note, that the
published article (=version 3) came without listings of the original
raw data.
Enclosed with the collection are
reprints of related publications of Jordan, R.W., Knappertsbusch, M., Simpson,
W.R., and Chamberlain, A.H.L. (1991). Turrilithus latericioides
gen. et sp. nov., a new coccolithophorid from the deep photic
zone. British Phycological Journal, 26:175-183, and of Knappertsbusch,
M. (1993 b). Syracosphaera noroiticus sp. nov.,
and S. marginaporata sp. nov., (Syracosphaeraceae, Prymnesiophyta),
new coccolithophores from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic
Ocean. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 12 (1):71-76.
Film-negatives to light- and SEM micrographs from filter (plankton)
samples are deposited in the geological archive of the NMB, Archive
M. Knappertsbusch: Film-Negatives
- Other related publications:
- Pujol, C. and Vergnaud Grazzini, C. (1995). Distribution
of live planktic foraminifers as related to regional hydrography
and productive systems of the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Micropaleontology,
vol. 25, pp. 187-217.
- Rohling, E.J., Den Dulk, M., Pujol, C., and Vergnaud-Grazzini,
C. (1995). Abrupt hydrographic changes in the Alboran Sea
(western Mediterranean) around 8000 yrs BP. Deep-Sea Research,
vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 1609-1619.
- Standort (collection)
- Standort (Archive:
2.1.2 - Raw material collection
of Knappertsbusch, M. / Box-cores from VICOMED expeditions,
Mediterranean Sea
This is a collection of unprocessed sediments sub-sampled from
a total of 18 box-cores (type USNEL) raised during the VICOMED
I and VICOMED II expeditions into the western and eastern Mediterranean
Sea in 1986 and 1988.
From VICOMED I sub-cores were taken from stations BAL, ALG,
ANN, TUN, SIC, MAL, ANA, and YOS. From VICOMED II sub-cores come
from stations LIO, MAJ, ALG, PAN, CRO, SKE, OTR, PEL, CRE and
KHA (for positions of these stations see Knappertsbusch, M., 1993 a).
The sub-cores were taken using an especially designed "Ghillardi
sub-sampler" made in polystyrene, that allowed to sub-sample
comparably large slabs of sediment from the box-core. The cross
area of the slabs were 12.5 cm x 9 cm, and most sub-cores attained
a length between 25 to 30 cm representing a continous record over
approximately the latest 2000 years of the Holocene over a west
to east transect troughout the entire Mediterranean Sea. After
collection, sediments were immediately placed in vertical position
into a refridgerator on board and kept constantly deep-frozen
at -19°C until further processed on land.
After having preserved the slabs continuously deep-frozen for
more than 26 years, they were sectioned and processed to dry bulk
sediment samples in 2014 in the laboratories of the Natural History
Museum Basel. For this purpose the frozen cores were photographed,
measured, and the frozen sediment dry-sectioned into 1-cm thick
slices using a stone-saw. From the slices the wet and dry bulk
densities were pycnometrically estimated. Thereafter the sediments
were thawn and dried in an oven. The dried sediment slices are
wrapped in plastic bags and deposited in the raw materials collections
of the NMB until further analysis.
All documentation including a processing report by Schmutz,
S. (2014), laboratory processing sheets, notes and observations
on the material, and some selected literature is deposited alongside
the collections. An electronic documentation about processing
the VICOED cores and images of frozen core slabs and slices are
deposited on the media server of the NMB.
Standort (Raw material collection)
2.1.3 - Sapropel and Smearslide
collection of Michael Knappertsbusch from piston cores raised
during VICOMED II (1988) expedition, Mediterranean Sea
Collection of unprocessed slabs taken from piston cores raised
during VICOMED II (1988), Mediterranean Sea.
Piston core |
Sapropel No. |
KS2 / 06 |
Sapropel S1 |
KS2 / 07 |
Sapropel S6 ? |
KS2 / 09 |
Sapropel S1, Sapropel S3, Sapropel S3 or S5,
Sapropel S6 |
KS2 / 13 |
Sapropel S1, Sapropel S 3, Sapropel S4, Sapropel
S5 |
Smearslide samples (dry bulk sediments in plastic bags) from
VICOMED II (1988) piston cores are from KS2 / 03, KS2 /04, KS2
/ 06, KS2 / 07 and KS2 / 13. For more info on materials see also
of M. Knappertsbusch, Box "Expeditions VICOMED I (1986)
and II (1988), Mediterranean Sea".
2.1.4 - Sediment trap
samples from ECOMARGE Station in Canyon Lacaze-Duthiers, Gulf
of Lions, Mediterranean Sea
- Collection of 27 sediment trap sample splits, obtained from
André Monaco during core-opening party VICOMED at University
of Perpignan (27 April - 3 May 1987) for comparison with VICOMED
plankton samples. The samples are freeze-dried (lyophilisé)
and in small plastic tubes.
- ECOMARGE campain I, 11 July-27 July 1985.
- ECOMARGE campain II, 28 October - 13 November 1985.
- ECOMARGE campain III, 22 January - 7 February 1986 and 23
February - 11 March 1986.
- Water-depths at 50m, 100m, 300m, 600m.
- See map showing the mooring position (ECOMARGE 2, Station
74), http://campagnes.flotteoceanographique.fr/campagnes/86006411/fr/
- Related publications:
- Monaco,
A., Biscaye, P., Soyer, J., Pocklington, R. and Heussner, S.
(1990). Particle fluxes and ecosystem response on a continental
margin: the 1985-1988 Mediterranean ECOMARGE experiment. Continental
Shelf Research, vol. 10, No. 9-11, pp. 809-839.
- Monaco,
A., Courp, T., Heussner, S., Carbonne, J., Fowler, S.W., and
Deniaux, B. (1990). Seasonality and composition of particulate
fluxes during ECOMARGE-I, western Gulf of Lions. Continental
Shelf Research, vol. 10, No. 9-11, pp. 959-987.
- Heussner,
S., Monaco, A., Fowler, S.W., Buscail, R., Millot, C., and Bojanowski,
R. (1988). ECOMARGE: flux of particulate matter in the
Northwestern Mediterranean (golfe du Lion). Oceanologica Acta,
1988, No. SP, pp. 149-154.
- Back to overview
- 2.2.) Global Emiliania Modeling
(GEM) Initiative, North Atlantic
- Reference- and study collection
to Knappertsbusch
M. and Brummer, G.-J.A. (1995). A sediment trap investigation
of sinking coccolithophorids in the North Atlantic. Deep-Sea
Research I, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1083-1109.
Collection of air dried filters from plankton- and sediment
trap samples collected during Dutch JGOFS Leg 4 (Dutch Joint
Global Ocean Flux Study, Reykijavik-Madeira-Galway,
June 1990, on board R.V. Tyro). Field book of M. Knappertsbusch
is included.
Plankton samples comprise surface water samples collected with
the ship's seawater pump (FH1 through FH51), and bottle samples
raised during CTD casts (FB1 through FB88), see also Ganssen, G. and Shipboard Party (1990).
Shipboard Report JGOFS Leg 4, MS Tyro, Reykjavik-Galway 2-29 June
1990, unpublished (a copy is deposited alongside the collection).
A related publication is also Knappertsbusch, M. (1993 b). Syracosphaera
noroiticus sp. nov., and S. marginaporata sp. nov.,
(Syracosphaeraceae, Prymnesiophyta), new coccolithophores from
the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Micropalaeontology,
12 (1):71-76.
In addition, there are few filters from plankton samples collected
during the preceding Dutch JGOFS Leg 3. Also included are filters
raised within an E. huxleyi bloom encountered south of
Iceland on 22 June 1991 during British BOFS (Ocean Flux Studies)
expedition CD60 (Station 8, Lat. 61° 31'N/22° 37' W, CTD
#15, water depths 3m, 10m, 20m (2x), 30m, 50m, 75m, 100m, 150m,
and 200m), on board R.V. Charles Darwin (collected by Paul van
der Wal, NIOZ).
Filters from sediment trap samples come from MST-7, B-2 (used
as "test-sample") and from MST-5, samples H1 through
H12, as published in the above mentioned paper (MST stands for
moored sediment trap). The collection includes also filters from
seawater collected from the NIOZ-seawater tap (filtered sea-water
was used during processing of sediment trap samples). Finally,
the collection has few samples obtained from a sediment trap mooring
in the North Sea (with cells of Braarudosphaera bigelowii).
The plankton and sediment trap data to Knappertsbusch M. and Brummer, G.-J.A. (1995)
are electronically archived on the internal MediaServer of the
NMB. The laboratory notes to the MST-5 sediment trap study are
deposited igeological archive of the NMB (archive Knappertsbusch).
Film-negatives to light- and SEM micrographs from filter (plankton)
samples are deposited in the geological archive of the NMB, Archive
M. Knappertsbusch: Film-Negatives.
For SEM-preparations to studies and surface sediment samples
see also collection
further below.
Additional materials are 23 dried filter samples (0.45 µm,
samples H2-H24)
prepared from moored sediment trap String MST 2 (G.-J. Brummer),
from 23° W / 43° N: H-series from trap at 4427 m water
depth, deployment in 1989, recovery in 1990 during JGOFS Leg 4
(unpublished materials). See Geo-Archive/M. Knappertsbusch, Sediment
trap studies for more information.
In the archive there are meeting reports to the Global Emiliania
Modeling (GEM) Initiative, that were held at Château de
Blagnac, Cabara, France from 1990 through 1997.
Satellite images:
- One set of AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)
images from south Iceland from 3 June and 7 June 1990.
- One time-series AVHRR images showing the Emiliania huxleyi
bloom off the SW Norwegian coast (3, 7, 10, 18, and 27 June 1993)
during the Ehux mesocosm experiment.
- Standort collection
- Standort (Archive:
Film-Negatives; Blagnac Meeting reports)
Collection to Van Kreveld, S.A., Knappertsbusch, M., Ottens,
J., Ganssen, G.M., and van Hinte, J.E. (1996). Biogenic
carbonate and ice-rafted debris (Heinrich layer) accumulation
in dee-sea sediments from a Northeast Atlantic piston core. Marine
Geology, 131:21-46.
Collection of fine-fraction (<63mm) suspensions from piston
core T88-9P studied in the in the publication of Van Kreveld, S.A., Knappertsbusch, M., Ottens,
J., Ganssen, G.M., and van Hinte, J.E. (1996).
A related study (but from JGOFS Leg 4 in 1990) is Van Kreveld, S.A., Ganssen, G.M., van Hinte,
J.E., Melkert, M.M., Troelstra, S.R., van der Borg, K., and de
Jong, A. (1995). A method for quantifying deep-sea carbonate
dissolution using 14C dating. Radiocarbon, vol. 37, No. 2, pp.
585-592. (a printout is alongside the collection).
The materials includes 13 glass vials with core-top samples
(<32 µm) from various Box-cores taken on board R.V. Tyro
during JGOFS leg 4 (for locations see shipboard report JGOFS Leg
4, MS Tyro, 2-29 June 1990 by Ganssen, G. and Shipboard Party (1990):
- T90-1B, 0-2 cm
- T90-2B, 0.5-2.5 cm
- T90-3B, 0-2 cm
- T90-4B, 0-2 cm
- T90-5B, 2-4 cm
- T90-7B,, 1-3 cm
- T90-8B, 0-2 cm
- T90-10B, 0-2 cm
- T90-11B, 0-2 cm
- T90-12B, 0-2 cm
- T90-13B, 0-2 cm
- T90-15B, 0-2 cm
- T90-16B, 0-2 cm
- Included are unprocessed sediment samples (in plastic bags)
from various levels from box- and piston cores collected by M.
Knappertsbusch during JGOFS Leg 4, e.g.,
- Box core T90-1B
- Box core T90-2B
- Box core T90-3B (unprocessed intact sub-core from 0 - 34.5cm)
- Piston core T90-2P
- Piston core T90-3P
- Piston core T90-9P
- Piston core T90-14P
- For SEM-preparations to studies see also collections further below.
Collection to Knappertsbusch,
M. (1997, unpublished). Coccolith fluxes at NABE station 34°N
/ 21° W.
Filter samples (>0.45µm) from time-series sediment
traps at JGOFS Station 34°N / 21°W (North Atlantic Bloom
Experiment, NABE):
- Sediment trap samples 3401 from 2067m water depth, filters
from cups 1-13;
- Sediment trap samples 3402 from 1980m water depth, filters
from cups 1-13;
- Sediment trap samples from 4564m water depth, filters from
cups 1-13;
- Sediment trap samples at 4477m waterdepth, filters from cups
- Microscopic slide preparations for light microscopic analyses
of coccolith assemblages to the above filter samples. Additional
samples from the coccolith counting and intercalibration experiment.
With the collection is a report of the results of the coccolith
analyses by Knappertsbusch, M. (1997, unpublished).
- A printout of a related article Broerse, A.T.C., Ziveri,
P., van Hinte, J.E., and Honjo (2000). Coccolith export production,
species composition, and coccolith CaCO3 fluxes in the NE-Atlantic
(34°N, 21°W and 48°N 21°W). Deep-Sea Research
II, 47:1877-1905 is also deposited.
- With the material there is one green folder "Sediment
trap NABE 34°N/20°W" containing detailed laboratory
notes, coccolith analyses, and the results of Knappertsbusch,
that were presented in form of a poster at GEM VII Meeting, 13-17
September 1997, Château de Blagnac, Cabara, France.
- There exists an electronic archive with all counting results
and coccolith calcite flux estimates and SEM illustrations to
Knappertsbusch (1997, unpublished) on the NMB's internal Media
- Standort
- Back to overview
- 2.3.) FS Polarstern expeditions ANT
IX-1 and ANT IX-4, Atlantic Ocean transsects
- Plankton samples:
- Collection of calcareous nannoplankton filter samples collected
by M. Knappertsbusch on board FS Polarstern, Expeditions ANT
IX-1 (Bremerhaven-Punta Arenas, 20 October-14 November, 1990)
and ANT IX-4 (Capetown-Bouvet Island-Bremerhaven, 30 March -
13 May, 1991). Filters were 0.45 µm acetate filters of
type HA from Millipore.
- Filter collection during ANT IX-1 (Bremerhaven-Punta Arenas)
- Filters FH 1 - FH 105 were taken with the ship's sea-surface
water pump (at about 11m waterdepth).
- Filters FB 1 - FB 81 were collected during CTD cast stations
1 through 7 from water depths at 3m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m, 60m,
75m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 250m and 300m with 10 liters Niscin bottles
mounted on the "Bio-Rosi".
- For documentation see the report of Bos, G. and Knappertsbusch, M. (1992).
Mikrozooplankton und nannoplankton, pp. 12-22. In Bathmann, U.,
Schulz-Baldes, M., Fahrbach, E., Smetacek, V., Hubberten, H.-W.
(eds.). Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS IX/1-4 des Forschungsschiffes
"Polarstern" 1990/91. Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar
Research), Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar
and Marine Research, vol. 100, 403 p.
- hdl:10013/epic.10100.d001.
- URL: http://epic.awi.de/26277/1/BerPolarforsch1992100.pdf.
- Filter collection during ANT IX-4 (Capetown-Bouvet Island-Bremerhaven)
- Filters FH 1 - FH 135 were taken with the ship's sea-surface
water pump (at about 11m waterdepth).
- Filters from CTD stations 1 through 4 were collected from
water depths at 3m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m, 60m, 75m, 100m, 150m,
200m, 250m and 300m, also with 10 liters Niscin bottles mounted
on the "Bio-Rosi".
- Two slide boxes containing light-microscopic filter preparations
from ANT IX-1 (surface) plus ANT IX-4, stations 2-4; and filter
sample slides from ANT IX-1, stations 1-7 and ANT IX-4, Station
1, respectively.
- Sediment samples:
Nannoplankton samples and slides collected during ANT IX/4:
Box with smear-slides from Multicorer (MUC), Schwerelot (SL,
=gravity core), or Kolbenlot (KOL, = piston core) samples. Samples
were taken either from the core-top or supernatant "flocculate"
layer, or from the core-catcher (cc).
One box with glass-vials containing fine-sediment (surface
or flocculate above sediment-water boundary) taken from MUC tubes:
Series 20801 through 2087-2 (black point); Series 2091-1 through
2099-1 (red point); Series 2102-2 through 2109-2 (green point).
One box with Kolbenlot samples (KOL) for nannoplankton study:
2083-3 KOL, levels taken at 153cm through 1053 cm; 2085-3, KOL
from 557cm.
One box with KOL and MUC samples (suspensions in water for
nannoplankton smear-slide preparations).
One box with Schwerelot (SL) core-catcher samples: 2073-2,cc;
2074-1,cc; 2078-1,cc; 2081-3,cc.
Diverse plastic containers with sediment residues from multicorer
tubes: 2075-1;0-1cm; 2106-3,5-7cm; 2105-2,5-7cm; 2108-1,20-30cm;
and 2105-1 or 2103-1,30cm.
- Documentations:
- For documentations to plankton and sediment samples see the
relevant field books and the report of Knappertsbusch, M. and Vonhof, H. (1992).
Mikrozooplankton und Nannoplankton. pp. 317-324. In Bathmann,
U., Schulz-Baldes, M., Fahrbach, E., Smetacek, V., Hubberten,
H.-W. (eds.). Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS IX/1-4 des Forschungsschiffes
"Polarstern" 1990/91. Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar
Research), Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar
and Marine Research, vol. 100, 403 p.
- hdl:10013/epic.10100.d001.
- URL: http://epic.awi.de/26277/1/BerPolarforsch1992100.pdf.
- Included with the collection are the following documents:
- Two fieldbooks of M. Knappertsbusch (ANT IX-1 and ANT IX-4).
- Documentation ANT IX-1 (report, maps, sample lists).
- Documentation ANT IX-4 (report, maps, sample lists, fotoprints
from zooplankton samples).
- Data to hydrological profiles and sections, and reports in
electronic format are also deposited on the Media Server of the
- For SEM-preparations to studies see also collection further below.
- Film-negatives to light- and SEM micrographs from filter
(plankton) samples are deposited in the geological archive of
the NMB, Archive M. Knappertsbusch: Film-Negatives.
- Standort (collections)
- Standort (Archive:
- Back to overview
- 2.4.) Computer simulation experiments
- Report to the study Knappertsbusch. M. (1994, unpublished).
The significance of coccolithophore blooms for the oceanic carbon
cycle: A numerical modelling experiment simulating Emiliania
huxleyi blooms in the North Atlantic". Final report
to SNF, Grant No. 8220-033288 (April 1, 1993-30 September 1994),
November 2, 1994.
- Included is the printout of the Fortran code to the COCDIA
program version 10.04.
- Data and code are also deposited at the MediaServer of
the NMB.
- Pdf resources:
- Also included are washed sediment samples and bulk sediment
samples from surface sediments (0-2cm) from box-cores
T90-1B through T90-14P are also in this collection. For sampling
positions see shipboar report of Ganssen, G. and Shipboard Party, 1990.
- Also included is a printout of Van Kreveld, S.A., Knappertsbusch, M., Ottens,
J., Ganssen, G.M., and van Hinte, J.E. (1996). Biogenic
carbonate and ice-rafted debris (Heinrich layer) accumulation
in dee-sea sediments from a Northeast Atlantic piston core. Marine
Geology, 131:21-46.
- In the geological archive of the NMB there are 3 boxes (Archive
M. Knappertsbusch, Emiliania huxleyi bloom simulation)
containing intermediate results and test runs during the development
of the model, the SNF proposal to this study, intermediate and
final reports to this study.
- Standort (in collection).
- Standort (Archive).
- Back to overview
- 2.5.) SEM Preparations JGOFS Leg 4,
MST-5, T88-9P, ANT IX/1 and 4.
- Collection of SEM preparations (filter samples mounted on
stubs, sediment samples, all gold coated [150 Angstroem] to selected
plankton samples from JGOFS Leg 4 (Ganssen, G. and Shipboard Party, 1990),
the study from moored sediment trap MST-5 (Knappertsbusch M. and Brummer, G.-J.A., 1995),
sediments from Piston core T88-9P (Van Kreveld, S.A., Knappertsbusch, M., Ottens,
J., Ganssen, G.M., and van Hinte, J.E., 1996), and selected
plankton samples from ANT IX/1 and 4 (Bos, G. and Knappertsbusch, M., 1992;
M. and Vonhof, H., 1992).
- For details to samples see List
of samples.
- See especially the collection of film-negatives and respective
information in the GEO-Archive of the NMB of M. Knappertsbusch.
- Standort (collection)
- Standort (Geo-Archive
NMB of M. Knappertsbusch)
- Back to overview
- 3.) Morphometric
- Study collection to Knappertsbusch, M. (1990b). Morphological
evolution of the coccolithophorid Calcidiscus leptoporus
from the upper Oligocene to Recent. In: Knappertsbusch, M.
(1990). Geographic distribution of modern coccolithophorids in
the Mediterranean Sea and morphological evolution of Calcidiscus
leptoporus. Dissertation No. 9169, ETH Zürich, part
2, pp. 73-141.
- Collection of Holocene, Pleistocene and pre-Pleistocene deep-sea
samples (view sample
list as pdf file, download
sample list (rtf file, 356 KB, or as a simple text file). An annotated pdf
version of the thesis and raw data (with all coccolith measurements
to this study) are stored on the internal media server (M) of
the NMB.
- For information about samples from core ME 69-196 see also
the report of Meincke, J., Mittelstaedt, E., Kremling,
K., Zenk, W., and Koske, P. (1985). Technischer
Bericht 1-85 Forschungsschiff "Meteor", Reise No. 69,
Nordostatlantik 84 NOAMP III. Institut für Meereskunde Hamburg.
- Standort
- Notes to Knappertsbusch, M., Cortes, M.Y., Thierstein,
M. (1997). Morphologic variability of the coccolithophorid
Calcidiscus leptoporus in the plankton, surface sediments
and from the Early Pleistocene. Marine Micropaleontology, vol.
30, pp. 203-317.
- The materials to this study is deposited alongside to the
PhD thesis of Knappertsbusch
(1990), Part 2. Deposited documents include a reprint of
the article, and notes for provenance of samples and for biostratigraphic
age determination of Pleistocene core samples.
- See also the Archive "Knappertsbusch (1990 a and
b) - PhD thesis" in the GEO archive at NMB to this
- For information about samples from core ME 69-196 see also
the report of Meincke, J., Mittelstaedt, E., Kremling,
K., Zenk, W., and Koske, P. (1985). Technischer
Bericht 1-85 Forschungsschiff "Meteor", Reise No. 69,
Nordostatlantik 84 NOAMP III. Institut für Meereskunde Hamburg.
- Standort
- Material to: Knappertsbusch, M. (2000). Morphological
evolution of the coccolithophorid Calcidiscus leptoporus
from the Early Miocene to Recent. Journal of Paleontology, 74(4):712-730.
- Standort
- Data to Knappertsbusch (1998 b). A simple
FORTRAN 77 program for outline detection. Computers & geosciences,
vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 897-900.
- (This is also described in Knappertsbusch, 2004. MorphCol,
see below).
- Program source
code to Trace V. 1.2.5 from August 1, 1997. For electronic
files see also internal Media server of NMB under [05_WISSENSCHAFTEN-ARCHIV/MIKROPALAEONTOLOGIE/Knappertsbusch_1998b].
- Knappertsbusch, M. (2004). MorphCol.
A collection of Fortran 77 programs for geometric morphometry.
NMB Technical Report. First Edition, 14 september 2004. Hardcopy
including program code listings. An updated version was published
at www.pangaea.de
under Knappertsbusch,
M. (2015a). Online at PANGAEA since 20
august 2015. See extended collection of MorphCol supplements
in the Geo Archive of the NMB under Knappertsbusch/MorphCol.
- Standort collections
- Standort Archive
M. Knappertsbusch
Reference collection to Knappertsbusch, M. (2007). Morphological
variability of Globorotalia menardii (planktonic foraminifera)
in two DSDP cores from the Caribbean Sea and the Eastern Equatorial
Pacific. Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology -Brest,
Article 2007/04 (CG2007_A04). URL: http://paleopolis.rediris.es/cg/CG2007_A04/index.html
See also Knappertsbusch, M. (2016). Raw data to Knappertsbusch, M. (2007). Morphological
variability of Globorotalia menardii (planktonic foraminiferan)
in two DSDP cores from the Caribbean Sea and the Eastern Equatorial
Pacific. File archive for download (1.48 GB). https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.863580
- Study materials, data and documentation to the study (trays
I through VII):
- Tray (I): Mounted and measured specimens (in multi-field
slides) discussed in the publication, and picked additional menardiforms
in Fema cells. From several levels sample sub-splits from the
DSDP/ODP MRC collection (DSDP Sites 502A, and 503A) were taken.
In this case, the working split was picked for menardiforms,
whereas the remaining split (unchanged) was returned to the MRC
collection and labelled with a black dot on the box. Included
is a printout of the article.
Tray (II): Processed samples from Site 502, 502A and 502B (ODP
Request # 16563 from 26.8.2004, part A and B): washed residies,
splits, size-fractions, bulk (nanno) samples, and picked residues.
Tray (III): Processed samples from Site 503 and 503A (ODP Request
# 16563 from 26.8.2004, part A and B): washed residies, splits,
size-fractions, bulk (nanno) samples, and picked residues.
Tray (IV): Processed samples from Sites 502, 502A, 503, 503A
(ODP Request # 16563d from 14.11.2001): washed residies, splits,
size-fractions, bulk (nanno) samples, and picked residues.
Tray (V): Processed samples from Sites 502A, 503A (ODP Request
# 16563c from 6.2.2001): washed residies, splits, size-fractions,
bulk (nanno) samples, and picked residues.
Tray (VI): Processed samples from Sites 502A, 502B, 503A (ODP
Request # 16563F from 2.9.2004): washed residies, splits, size-fractions,
bulk (nanno) samples, and picked residues. Folder with working
sheets, ideas, data processing protocols (see Knappertsbusch,
M. [2004]. MorphCol), dating of samples, sample selection.
- Tray (VII): Data and documentation:
- One green folder "Initial sample documentation and documentation
to Morphometry CD#1 through 30.
- One green folder with detailed sample processing sheets and
species identification lists to measured slides.
- CD Roms # 1 through 30 (digital images, black/white images,
morphometric data, all CD Roms are in MacOs9.2 format). A composition
of the content of Morphometry CDs #1 through 30 is deposited
on the Mediaserver of the NMB (with the original file name convention
for MacOs9.2 format preserved, so that they can be processed
with the original Mac programs. However, all files can also automatically
be opened under windows after appending ".txt" for
text files , ".RAW" for raw files, and ".TIF"
for tiff files. Files can also be opened from within a text editor
or image processing applications without having the extensions
- 2 CD Roms about article to Carnet de Géologie: One
CD Rom with construction files (Text, plates, figures, Macintosh
formatted; one CD Rom with final paper to Carnets de Géologie,
PC formatted).
- The raw data to this study from DSDP Sites 502 and 503 can
also be downloaded from https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.863580.
Online at PANGAEA since 8 august 2016.
Back to overview
Collection Knappertsbusch, M. (2009, unpublished). Images
and morphometric measurements of recent (living) G. menardii
from waters off the Oman Margin.
A small collection of recent (live) G. menardii recovered
from waters from off the Oman Margin. Morpometric measurements
and experiments are deposited on the enclosed CD ROM.
A complete data set is stored on the internal media Server
of the NMB, together with correspondence with Kate Darling (University
of Edinborough, UK) between 29 July 2008 and 12 August 2009.
Geographic positions of plankton stations are published on
Table 1 in Darling, K.F., Wade, C.M., Siccha, M., Trommer,
G., Schulz, H., Abdolalipour, S., and Kurasawa, A. (2017).
Genetic diversity and ecology of the planktonic foraminifers Globigerina
bulloides, Turborotalita quinqueloba and Neogloboquadrina
pachyderma off the Oman margin during the late SW Monsoon.
Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 17, pp. 64-77.
to overview
Reference to Knappertsbusch, M. and Mary, Y. (2012).
Mining morphological evolution in microfossils using volume density
diagrams. Palaeontologia Electronica, Vol. 15, Issue 3; 7T: 209p.
URL: http://palaeo-electronica.org/content/issue-3-2012-technical-articles/282-volume-density-diagrams/
This collection contains all data, that were used to construct
the volume density diagrams. Alongside are 6 CD-Roms (PC formatted)
called Voxlerpaper_CD_1 through Voxlerpaper_CD_6, and one CD-Rom
(MacOs9.2 formatted) with original data generated on a Macintosh
All menardiforms, that are described in this paper are deposited
with the collection to Knappertsbusch
(2007), deposited at the NMB. The coccolith preparations are
deposited at the Geological Institute of the ETH in Zürich.
to overview
Reference collection to Knappertsbusch, M. (2016). Evolutionary
prospection in the Neogene planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia
menardii and related forms from ODP Hole 925B (Ceara Rise,
western tropical Atlantic): evidence for gradual evolution superimposed
by long distance dispersal ? Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, vol.
135 (2), pp. 205-248. On-line version available under https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13358-016-0113-6
10 trays with picked and mounted specimens for measurements
and assemblage slides of samples from Site 925B-1-1, 0-2cm through
925B-23-4, 103-117cm. Also included are the remaining washed residues
(splits of the larger than 63 µm size fractions), and the
fine fraction (less than 63 µm).
A reprint is with the materials, also a folder with sample
selection sheets for Site 925B.
For a raw data archive to this study see Knappertsbusch (2015b). Raw-data to
morphometric investigations about the Neogene planktonic foraminifer
Globorotalia menardii and related forms from ODP Hole 154-925B
(Céara Rise, western tropical Atlantic). http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.855898.
Online at PANGAEA since 21 december 2015.
The same data and images are also deposited on the Media Server
of the NMB.
to overview
Reference collection to Knappertsbusch, M. (2022). Morphological
evolution of menardiform globorotalids at Western Pacific Warm
Pool ODP Hole 806C (Ontong-Java Plateau). Revue de Micropaléontologie
74 (2022) 100608, 33 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revmic.2022.100608
19 trays with picked and mounted menardiform specimens for
measurements and 3 trays with assemblage slides from Site 806C-1-1,
14-15cm through 806C-29-7, 31-32cm. Also included are the remaining
washed residues (splits of the larger than 63 µm size fractions),
and the fine fraction (less than 63 µm). Laboratory notes,
sample protocols, and data processing protocols are also deposited
along the collection (yellow folder).
A printout of the article is with the materials, also a folder
with lab-notes to the processing of samples and data from Site
806C. A set of 18 CD-Roms (Morphometry, CD#76-93, PC formatted)
containing the original digital images to the study, that were
collected with AMOR, and processed image files.
- There exists an electronic archive
to this study, which is hosted on the internal Media server of
the NMB. This archive contains >12.3 GB of digital images,
intermediate images, morphometric measurements and intermediate
results, and software code to the above study.
- A mirror of this archive is available under Knappertsbusch, M. (2021b). Commented
archive to studies about the morphological evolution of menardiform
globorotalids at Western Pacific Warm Pool ODP Hole 806C (Ontong-Java
Plateau). PANGAEA, https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.932504
to overview
Reference collection to Knappertsbusch, M. (2023). Morphological
cladogenesis and terminal dwarfing in extinct Late Miocene through
Pliocene menardiform globorotalids: New complementary data to
"Evolutionary prospection in the Neogene planktic foraminifer
Globorotalia menardii and related forms from ODP Hole 925B (Céara
Rise, western tropical Atlantic): evidence for gradual evolution
superimposed by long distance dispersal ? Swiss J. Palaeontology,
135:205-248". Data archive and report published on https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7812050
This is complementary material to the study of Knappertsbusch
(2016): 3 trays with picked, mounted and imaged specimens from
additional 9 stratigraphic levels at ODP Hole 925B. Splits of
residues >63 micrometer in glass- vials (those with a black
point were completely picked for menardiforms for morphometric
analysis). Residues <63 micrometers are in plastic cases (not
used for analysis). Documentation (processing- and analysis schemes)
and report are deposited alongside the collection. A mirror of
the electronic archive is deposited on the NMB's internal media
server under Knappertsbusch (2023).
to overview
Reference collection to Samsoondar, S. and Knappertsbusch, M. (2024a,
submitted). Combined archival and morphometric research
for evolution in Globorotalia archeomenardii-praemenardii-menardii
lineane from Oligocene-Miocene Cipero Formation type- and
co-type localities, Trinidad, SE Caribbean. Manuscript submitted
(11 March 2024).
Collection of raw samples, processed, washed sample residues,
and picked morphometry slides with menardiform globorotalids for
imaging with AMOR. Laboratory notes and manuscript text with the
collection. Electronic archive of images and image derivates,
outline coordinates, morphometric measurements and statistics
are deposited at the museum's internal Media (M) drive.
to overview
[Study collection,
"Die ewig Unvollendete"] Global Holocene
menardiform study (unpublished).
Collection (2 drawers) of a global Holocene sample set (bulk
surface sediments and washed residues, worldwide, picked-mounted-imaged
specimens on trays) for studying the morphological variability
of Globorotalia menardii. This investigation is not yet
completed (imaging of menardiform globorotalids done for all samples,
morphometric analyses and statistics still in progress, March
2024). Included is a documentation folder with sample locations,
protocols to sample processing, and preliminary analyses.
For more info on samples from the Sunda-Shelf (Expedition Sonne
115, and kindly provided by Prof. Wolfgang Kuhnt, Kiel), see Stattegger,
K. Kuhnt, W., Wong, H.K., et al. (1997). Cruise Report
Sonne 115 SUNDAFLUT. Report No. 86 of the Christian-Albrechts-University
Kiel, Germany, 214 p. https://oceanrep.geomar.de/id/eprint/35684/1/awi_doi~10.2312_reports-gpi.1997.86.pdf
(a printed copy is alonside the collection).
Digital images of menardiforms taken from samples are stored
on the NMB's internal Media server.
Back to overview
4.) Imaging techniques:
Reference slide illustrated in Knappertsbusch,
M. (2002), Stereographic virtual
reality representations of microfossils in light microscopy,
together with CD-Rom. See
Archive to Project AMOR for fürther documentation about
universal stage used in this study.
Reference collection to Kellner, S.K., Knappertsbusch, M.W., Costeur,
L., Müller, B., and Schulz, G. (2019). Imaging the
internal structure of Borelis schlumbergeri Reichel (1937):
Advances by high-resolution hard X-ray microtomography. Palaeontologia
Electronica 22.1.17A, 1-19, Palaeontologia Electronica 22(1),
- and to Supplement to: Kellner, S.K., Knappertsbusch, M.W., Costeur,
L., Müller, B., and Schulz, G. (2019). Imaging the
internal structure of Borelis schlumbergeri Reichel (1937):
Advances by high-resolution hard X-ray microtomography. Palaeontologia
Electronica 22(1), https://palaeo-electronica.org/content/2019/2471-borelis-micro-ct.
- Specimen 77023-1 (originally labelled as Alveolinella1),
mounted on glass-pipette, and illustrated in Figs. 1-5 and 7-9
in the article. The specimen was taken from study collection
Lukas Hottinger, Recent materials, Maledives, sample 77023, from
box labelled with Alveolinella ("B-Form") and with
an "!". With the collection deposited: Colored printouts
to 3D reconstructions. Notes Xray-CT by M. Knappertsbusch (June
2017) with some descriptions, how Borelis was reconstructed
in Avizo7.
- A mirror of electronic data to PANGAEA is deposited on the
NMB's internal Media-Server (M-drive).
- Standort reference collection.
- Standort original sample 77023 in study
colln. L. Hottinger, from where specimen 77023-1 was taken.
- Study collection Michael Knappertsbusch:
Praktikum Siri Kellner, from 10. May 2017 to 30 June 2017..
- Collection of 6 menardiform globorotalid specimens for micro
X-ray CT imaging experiments mounted on glass pipettes. Experiments
were done with X-ray CT scanner Phoenix nanotom m at Biomaterials
Science Center of University of Basel. Specimens are multica1,
menardi1, limbata1, menardi2, and menardi3. A description about
the rationale and outcome of the experiment is with the collection,
together with a printout of the Basic data about provenance of
- Raw Data (image stacks in dcm format), 3D-reconstructions
after using AVIZO7 software, segmentations of chambers, chamber
growth, and images taken from selected specimens with AutoMontage
and/or AMOR 3.28 are stored in respective subdirectories on the
NMB's internal Media server under 05_Wissenschaften-ARCHIV/MIKROPALAEONTOLOGIE/COLLN_KELLNER_PRAC_2017
- Basic data showing the provenance of all samples are given
in Excel file Basic_data.xlsx
- Standort
- Study collection Michael Knappertsbusch:
Unpublished X-ray CT experiments 2013-2019.
- This is a preparation of 3 selected foraminiferal specimens
mounted on a piece of a multicellular cardboard slide. The specimens
are a Globigerinoides ruber from a Recent VICOMED sample, a Globorotalia
menardii, and a Globorotalia tumida, both from sample DSDP leg
68-502A-1H-1, 15-20cm, 100-500 micrometers, 3/128 split. These
specimens were used for an initial experiment performed on 17
July 2013 for imaging with X-ray CT scanner Phoenix nanotom m
at Biomaterials Science Center of University of Basel.
- A description and data are deposited on the NMB's internal
- The electronic archive contains 2 directories:
- [First_Tests_17July2013]: containing the original .dicom
data and first steps into3D-reconstruction and imaging using
Voxler2 software.
- [Later_Tests_Gmenardii]: Additional tests for 3D representation
using ImageJ, Voxler2 and 3DPDF software.
- Back to overview
- 5.) Collections
to Project AMOR
- Collections to Project AMOR comprise the various devices,
that were developed for orientation and imaging of microfossils.
AMOR and System AMOR 2 are in use and are held in office rooms
of the NMB.
Collection to Knappertsbusch, M.W., Brown, K.R., and Rüegg,
H.R. (2006). Positioning and enhanced stereographic imaging
of microfossils in reflected light. Palaeontologia Electronica,
Vol. 9, Issue 2, 8A:10p., 30.1MB. http://palaeo-electronica.org/paleo/2006_2/reflect/index.html
- Stage III consisting of Power supply, Stepper box, Switch
box and motorized tilting stage.
- See Archive Knappertsbusch / Project AMOR
for detailed documentation, mechanical and electric schemes.
- Alongside is a slide with the imaged specimen of Globigerinoides
ruber (Figure 7).
- (The other illustrated specimens [holotypes of Globorotalia
multicamerata, Figure 8; Globorotalia pertenuis, Figure
9); and Globorotalia gibberula, Figure 10] are deposited
at Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C.).
Collection to Degen, C. and Erni, A. (2005). Automatisierung
der Mikrofossilorientierung. Semesterarbeit SS 05, FHBB, Elektrotechnik
und Informationstechnologie, 38 p.
- Stage IV consisting of motorized tilting stage, power supply
and electronics.
- See Archive Knappertsbusch / Project AMOR for
detailed documentation, mechanical and electric schemes.
- Back to overview
- 6.) Collections for teaching micropaleontology
Collection of Recent marine beachsands (0).
- Back
to overview
- Teaching Nannoplankton: Modern
coccoliths and diatoms; carbonate- and silica ooze producers.
- Smear-slides from Recent surface sediments (coccolith ozzes,
diatoms); a piece of sub-Recent deep-sea carbonate (nannoplankton-foram
ooze, sample T90-15B, 50-55cm from Dutch JGOFS leg 4 in 1990,
- Recent Pteropod ooze from core T90-5B, 0-5mm, size fraction
125micrometers to 600 micrometers, Dutch JGOFS Leg 4 in 1990,
- Fresh diatom-ooze from multicorer MUC 2102-1, ca. 30-35 cm,
Polarstern expedition ANT-IX/4, waterdepth 2388 m, South Atlantic.
- Dried pure diatom-ooze from Maud-Rise, Antarctica, Kasten-Lot
sample obtained from ship crew member during Polarstern Expedition
ANT IX/4 (sample was collected during one of the preceding ANT
IX expeditions into Antarctica).
- Box with siliceous sponge remains and a diatom-ooze recovered
during sampling Multicorer Stat 1 (ca. 20-30cm sediment depth),
South Atlantic, during Polarstern Expedition ANT IX/4 (Capetown-Bouvet
- For comparison: a fossil (upper Jurassic) hexactinellid sliceous
sponge, Craticularia parallela (Goldfuss, 1833).
- Standort
- Back
to overview
- Teaching nannoplankton: Upper
Triassic coccoliths. From ODP Leg 122, Wombat Plateau, NW
Australia, Site 764B.
- Smearslides from Upper Triassic sediments from Wombat Plateau,
NW Australia (ODP Leg 122, Site 764B). Alongside is a xerox copy
of Bralower, T.J., Bown, P.R., and Siesser, W.G. (1992). Upper
Triassic calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy, Wombat Plateau,
Northwest Australia. Proc. ODP, Sci Rep. 122:347-451. Also alongside
is a reprint from Moshkovitz, S. (1982). On the findings of a
new calcareous nannofossil (Conusphaera zlambachensis) and other
calcareous organisms in the Upper Triassic sediments of Austria.
Eclogae geol. Helvetiae 73(3):611-619.
to overview
Teaching nannoplankton: Smearslides
(Upper Cretaceous coccoliths), ODP Site 758A (Indian Ocean) (1.1).
- Bulk raw sediments, smearslides and sediment suspensions
(in tap-water) from 43 stratigraphic levels (cores 1 to 57) from
ODP Site 758A (Leg 121, 90 East Ridge, Indian Ocean). Including
the article from Resiwati, P. (1991). Upper Cretaceous
calcareous nannofossils from Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge,
Indian Ocean. Proceedings ODP, Scientific Results, vol. 121,
pp. 141-170. Raw sediments obtained 1992 fromTon van Eijden,
Free University of Amsterdam, NL.
- Standort
to overview
Teaching nannoplankton: Materials
from INA (International Nannoplankton Association) Meeting Prague
1991 - Excursion 2 to the western Carpathians in south Moravia
- Small collection of Oligocene-Miocene nannoplankton samples
and rocks from the Carpathiam Foredeep and Flysch Belt:
- Brno-Kralovo Pole (Miocene, Lower Badenian, NN 5 zone);
- Nosislav area (Lower Miocene, MM4-NN5 zone), and samples
from borehole Nosislav-3 (Lower Miocene, Eggenburgian, NN 2 zone);
- Pouzdrany area - Puzdrany Marls (NP 21-22) through Uhercice
Formation and diatomites (NP 22 zone);
- Uhercice area: Lower Oligocene Menilithic Formation and Chert
- Krepice area: Lower Oligocene Dynow Marlstones (Menilithic
- Included are excursion notes and an excursion field guide.
- Standort
to overview
Teaching planktonic foraminifera
and radiolaria (2): Washed residues of planktonic foraminiferal
oozes from the Mediterranean Sea collected during VICOMED I and
II expeditions; Tray with picked slide preparations to morphology
and terminology of planktonic foraminifera (following Loeblich
& Tappan (1957) USN Bulletin 215) including identification
sheets; same tray with preparations to hastigerinids and digitate
forms, variation in G. sacculifer, and ontogenetic variation in
planktic forams; one tray with selected samples of radiolaria
(Barbados, Eocene, Springfield Quarry; Radiolarite from Southern
to overview
Teaching biostratigraphy with
planktonic foraminifera, Cretaceous to Tertiary zones (3,4):
Washed residues from selected samples (24 European Micropal Colloque
[24 EMC] 1998 Bilbao, Spain [Tercis, Zumaya]; Neubeckum (Germany),
Breggia section (southern Switzerland). Included is a field guide
to the 24 EMC with notes to sample positions at various locations.
to overview
Teaching Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary:
Materials from TMS Meeting Copenhagen (13-15 May 2004)
- The Micropalaeontological Society Calcareous Plankton Spring
meeting (Joint Nannofossil and Foraminifera Group Meeting). Excursion
to Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary section at Stevn's Klint (5).
- Small collection of samples across the K/T boundary at Stevns
Klint: Rodvig Section=sample No's RS 1 through 14; Hojerup section=
sample No's HS1 and HS2). Washed residues and bulk material.
Included meeting-notes from MK and Abstracts & Field Guide
by Emma Sheldon, Sven Stouge and Andy Henderson (2004).
The Micropalaeontological Society Calcareous Plankton Spring
Meeting. Danmarks og Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse Rapport
2004/50. For additional raw materials see also the raw materials
colletions from Knappertsbusch at Spenglerpark.
- Two washed residues (63 microns and 125 microns) from the
lowermost Danian Boundary Clay from the Contessa section (sample
C2). One hard rock sample from Contessa section from Parvularugoglobigerina
eugubina zone. Collected during private excursion Matthias
Lindinger, Beni Lehner & Michael Knappertsbusch to central
Appennines, Italy from 1 August 1986.
- A single sectioned rock sample plus mega-thin-section showing
non-complete K/T boundary as a sharp hiatus covering about 10
million years between Maatrichtian Scaglia rossa and early Eocene
from Nago (NE Monte Baldo), Lago di Garda, Italy: Specimen N1,
collected in Nago on 27 September 1984, see entry grey fieldbook
thesis of Knappertsbusch, M. (1985). K=Kreide, T=Tertiär,
U=unten, O=oben. --> Compare
specimen with cover plate (Hard ground at Cretaceous-Tertiary
boundary in the Monte Baldo range) in Cita, M.B. (1965).
Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary microfacies from the Southern
Alps (Northern Italy). In Cuvillier, J. & Schürmann,
H.M.E. (eds.) International Sedimentary Petrographical Series,
Vol. VIII, Leiden, E.J. Brill. See also Figure 26 and chapter
about Nago section on p. 1206-1210 in Premoli Silva, I. & Luterbacher, H.P. (1966).
See also Figure 15 in Clari, P.A., Dela Pierre, F., and Martire,
L. (1995). Discontinuities in carbonate successions: identification,
interpretation and classification of some Italian examples. Sedimentary
Geology, 100: 97-121.
to overview
Teaching Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
and type Maastrichtian: Groeve Curfs, near Geulhem, South Limburg,
the Netherlands.
Samples 1 through 8 embracing the Cretaceous -Tertiary boundary
in the Curfs section. Sample 4 = "Boundary clay" layer.
Washed residues, hand specimens and unprocessed nannoplankton
samples. Collected 25 February 1993 together with Hubert B. Vonhof.
- Some related literature:
- Hofker, J. (1962). Correlation of the Tuff Chalk of
Maastricht (type Maestrichtian) with the Danske Klak of Denmark
(type Danian), the stratigraphic position of the type Montian,
and the planktonic foraminiferal faunal break. Journal of Paleontology,
vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 1051-1089. A xerox copy is alongside the
- Jagt, J.W.M. and Jagt-Yazykova, E.A. (2012). Stratigraphy
of the type Maastrichtian - a synthesis. Scripta Geologica, January
2012, 32 p. A printout is alongside the collection.
- Vonhof, H.B. and Smit, J. (1996). Strontium-isotope
stratigraphy of the type Maastrichtian and the Cretaceous / Tertiary
boundary in the Maastricht area (SE Netherlands). Geologie en
Mijnbouw, vol. 75, No. 2-3, pp. 275-282. A printout is alongside
the collection.
to overview
Teaching palynomorphs (6)
Palyno-preparations from Willersdorf, pollen-preparations from
selected modern trees.
to overview
Teaching materials larger foraminifera:
nummulites, assilines, orbitolines (7): Selected materials
and thin-sections from the 24th European Micropaleontological
Colloquium (24 EMCBilbao 1998), Curfs section (Maastrichtian of
Southern Holland); Kutch section (giant alveolines), Pakistan;
diverse localities in Switzerland (nummulites, orbitolina marl).
to overview
Teaching benthic and planktic foraminifera
and biostratigraphy: Materials mainly from 24° Colloquio
Europeo de Micropaleontologia (EMC), Bilbao, 15-23 September 1998,
Espana (drawers 8,9,10,11).
Collection of sectioned rock samples and washed residues from
various outcrops and sections from the 24 EMC) from the
[drawer 8: washed residues from Marnes de Handia; Caniego Quarry;
La Acebosa section; Lahoz section; Grès de Biarritz; Menoyo
section; Korres section];
[drawer 9: washed residues from Cobreces section; Madoz section;
Olazagutia section].
[drawer 10: Cuera section; La Acebosa section; Cobreces section;
Caniego Quarry section; San Pantaleon de Losa section; Lahoz section];
[drawer 11: Leortza section; Korres section; Madoz section;
sections Biarritz area; Eocene from Hochflue, Switzerland].
For box with thin sections from 24 EMC and selected nummulites,
assilines, and orbitolines collected during 24 EMC see drawer further above. For preparations from Cretaceous-Teriary from
Zumaya section see also further above. For additional raw
materials see also the raw materials colletions from Knappertsbusch at Spenglerpark. Included are
a street map of the areas, a copy of Lamolda, M. (ed.) (1999). 24 Colloqquio
Europeo de Micropaleontologia. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia,
vol. 31(3), fotos from 24 EMC. For sample positions at various
sections see field guide to the 24 EMC further above.
to overview
Teaching holothurian sclerites,
echinoderm remains: Materials from various provenances (12).
Collection of washed residues and picked holothurian sclerites
and other echinoderm remains from Tongrube Frick (Insektenmergel,
Obtusus Ton) collected by M. Knappertsbusch but also from Karl
Haldimann (Arbeitskreis Frick); Piran, Slovenia (Recent, collected
by Karl Haldimann); and from Olazagutia, Spain (collected during
24 European Micropaleontological Colloque [24 EMC] in Spain, 1998).
Picked Miocene characean oogonians from Wissenbachtobel am Lindenberg
(AG, Switerland); washed residue from Neubeckum, Westfahlia, with
to overview
Teaching ostracods, characeans,
otoliths: Materials from various provenances (13).
Paleozoic ostracods (Obersilur Beyrichien-Kalk Gerölle
von Rügen und Hiddensee); washed residues from Mulde Marl,
Gotland; Cretaceous (Campanian) ostracods from Steinbruch Beckum/Westfahlen,
Germany; subrecent residues from Lago Valencia, Tacarigua, Venezuela;
residue from Cobreces section (24 European Micropaleontological
Colloquium [24 EMC] 1998 in Spain).
Study collection M. Knappertsbusch:
Upper Cretaceous of Münsterland / Westfalia, Germany
- Section "Steinbruch Phoenix Werke", Beckum (DE):
Collection of Campanian sediments, washed residues. First series
of samples (only top sample and sample from base of Quarry) from
24 September 1994. Second series of samples (1 through 16) collected
during 3 Jube 1995 (see sketch of section). Third series (nannofossil
samples) collected during 4 August 1996 (see sketch). Panorama
foto shows situation during 4 August 1996. Standort.
- Section Neubeckum, Sprenker Quarry, Campanian. Washed residues
and nannoplankton samples. Two series collected: First series
from 19.09.1999 (samples 1 through 10), see sketch; and second
series from 04.06.2000 (hinterer, tieferer Teil), samples 1 through
9, see sketch. Standort.
- Section Erwitte, upper Turonian: Raw material (samples
1 through 12) and washed residues from Erwitte Quarry (last quarry
behind "Mülldeponie", see enclosed map), collected
during 24 June 1995. Standort.
- Section Westereiden, lower-upper Turonian: Nannofossil
samples and washed residues (Samples 1 through 7, see enclosed
map), collected during 6 August 1996. Standort.
- Section Büren Quarry, Cenomanian (?) to lower Turonian:
Washed residues and nannoplankton samples. 2 Series (see sketches
and map): Samples 1 through 3 from 28 March 1997 (Karfreitag)
and samples 1 through 8 from 30 March 1997 (Ostersonntag). Standort.
- Section N-Büren, upper Turonian: Samples 1 through
6 from section northwest of Büren (see sketch and map),
collected during 28 March 1997 (Karfreitag). Standort.
- Section Rüthen, lower Cenomanian: Abandoned old
Quarry, see sketch and map. Washed residues and nannoplankton
samples, Samples 1 through 4, collected during 6 August 1996.
Stratigraphically close to Cenomanian transgression over Carboniferous.
- Outcrop Minden, Kimmeridgian (?): Behind CREMARE Tierkrematorium
GmbH, Hausbergerstrasse (B482), Nodrhein-Westfalen, northern
Germany. Washed residues and unprocessed samples 1 through 5.
Sample 5 with fine laminations (? seasonal coccolith blooms ??).
For general info see Betzer, H.-J. et al. (2003). Geologie im
Weser- und Osnabrücker Bergland. Geologischer Dienst Nordrhein-Westfalen,
Krefeld, 222p. https://www.gd.nrw.de/pdf/geologie-weser-osnabruecker_bergland.pdf.