Collection of Hans Georg Lorenz


Reference collection to Lorenz, H.G. (1968). Stratigraphische und mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen des Braunkohlegebietes von Baccinello (Provinz Grosseto - Italien). Univ. Basel, Diss phil., Riv. Ital Paleont. e Stratigrafia, vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 147-270. A copy of the dissertation is with the collection.

Collection of washed residues, picked microfossils in fema cells, large amount of unprocessed sediment rocks from stidied sections. Rock samples, Fema-cells with picked microfossils, macrofossils, coal. Documents include drawings to sections, fieldbooks, geological mapping, topographic maps.

In this collection embedded is the reference collection about gastropods to Gillet, S., Lorenz, H.G. and Woltersdorf, F. (1965). Introduction à l'étude du Miocène supérieur de la région de Bacinello (environs de Grosseto, Italie). Bull. Serv. Carte géol. Als. Lorr., t 18, fasc. 1, pp. 31-42, Strasbourg.

Standort [Diss. Lorenz].
Standort [Gillet, Lorenz & Woltersdorf, 1965].