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New additions since March 2014


Raw material (ex "Barbados collections" Jura Keller)

Raw material collections collected by J.B. Saunders in Anguilla, Barbados, Carriacou, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Croix, Trinidad, Venezuela and other areas.
Curatorial status of this material is preliminary, and currently, there are also collections from other (unrelated) provenances deposited alongside in these cabinets. The materials are listed as they were formerly arranged in the wooden cabinets in the Jura-Keller. Much of this material serve as further reference for the biostratigraphic correlations and micropaleontological investigations from the Bath Cliff (Barbados) section study of Saunders et al. (1984), the tektite study of Sanfilippo et al. (1985), the studies in Grenada described of Saunders et al. (1985), or are in context with the Neogene foraminiferal zonations elaborated in the Caribbean area (Bolli 1970 during DSDP Leg 4, Neogene planktonic foraminiferal zonations in Jamaica or northern Venezuela and Margarita Island). A useful description about important geological sites, where numerous of the sampled locations in Barbados are mentioned, is given in Donovan, K.D. (2005). The Geology of Barbados: a field guide. Caribbean Journal of Earth Science, 38:21-33. Particularly Barbados was repeatedly visited and samples taken by John Saunders, Peter Jung and colleages during several years, as for example during the field trip to Barbados during the 4th Caribbean Geological Congress in 1965 (see raw material collection from Barbados). For some of the materials from Anguilla, B.W.I., see Budd et al. (1989).
Standort (Ex Jurakeller, cabinet 253B left)
NMB Relocation No. Collection Geo Lager 4 / Regal / Spalte / Schieber
NMB PAL 1 Raw materials collections / Saunders / Anguilla B.W.I. / Aguilla Formation. ICQ-1, EKB-1, SRB-1. Known abbreviations: ICQ=Isaa's Cliff, SRB=southwest of Katouche Bay. Collected January 1988. For locations see Budd et al. (1989). Additional samples: JS 3382, JS 3383, JS 3384, JS 3387, JS 3388, JS 3389, JS 3390, JS 3398, JS 3399, JS 3391, JS 3397. J / 13 / 02 
NMB PAL 2 Raw materials collections / Saunders: 1.) Residues from St. Croix and St. Vincent (no further information). 2.) Samples from various Tertiary type localities collected during (?) the International geological Congress in Mexico (1956). See maps in enclosed Guidebook. 3.) Residues from Colombia (no further information found). J / 13 / 04
NMB PAL 3 Leer. J / 13 / 05
NMB PAL 4 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, ABS 82-32 - ABS 82-54 (Annika Sanfilippo, see Sanfilippo et al., 1985), NU 137 (Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 07
NMB PAL 5 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 64 - NU 75, NU 137 (Northern University), GC 1 - GC 11 (Gay's Cove) J / 13 / 10
NMB PAL 6 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados: Bath Cliff Area, NU 7, NU 30, NU 31, NU 37, NU 44, NU 45, NU 46, NU 48, NU 49, NU 50, NU 51, NU 52, NU 53, NU 97 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 12
NMB PAL 7 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 54, NU 55, NU 56, NU 58, NU 59, NU 60, NU 61, NU 62, NU 63 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 14
NMB PAL 8 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 76, NU 77, NU 78, NU 79 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 16
NMB PAL 9 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados: NU 80, NU 81, NU 82, NU 83, NU 84, NU 85, NU 86, NU 89 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 18
NMB PAL 10 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 92, NU 93, NU 94, NU 95, NU 96, NU 97, NU 98, NU 99, NU 100, NU 101 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 20
NMB PAL 11 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 103, NU 104, NU 106, NU 107, NU 108, NU 109 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 22
NMB PAL 12 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 110, NU 111, NU 112, NU 113, NU 114, NU 115, NU 116, NU 117 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 24
NMB PAL 13 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 133, NU 134, NU 135, NU 136, NU 138, NU 139 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 26
NMB PAL 14 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 118, NU 119, NU 120, NU 121, NU 122, NU 128, NU 129 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 28
NMB PAL 15 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 140, NU 141, NU 143, NU 144, NU 145, NU 146, NU 147 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 30
NMB PAL 16 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 148, NU 149, NU 150, NU 151, NU 153, NU 154, NU162, NU 192 (Joe's River Fm), NU 193 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 32
Standort (Ex Jurakeller, cabinet 253B, right)Back to overview raw materials
NMB Relocation No. Collection Geo Lager 4 / Regal / Spalte / Schieber
NMB PAL 17 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 155, NU 156, NU 157, NU 158, NU 159, NU 160, NU 161, NU 162, NU 163 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 34
NMB PAL 18 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 123, NU 164, NU 165, NU 166, NU 168, NU 169, NU 170, NU 171, NU 172 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 36
NMB PAL 19 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 174, NU 175, NU 176, NU 177, NU 179, NU 180 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 38
NMB PAL 20 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 182, NU 187, NU 188, NU 191 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 13 / 40
NMB PAL 21 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, JS 4147, 4148, 4149, 4150, 4151, 4152, 4153, 4154, 4155, 4156, 4157, 4158, 4159, 4160, 4161, 4162, 4163, 4164 J / 14 / 02
NMB PAL 22 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, JS 1399, 2727, 4137, 4139, 4140, 4142, 4143, 4144, 4145, 4146, 4165, 4166, RL 474, RL 473, GG 55, K9398, ca. JS15, tank site 15, RDL 396. Washed residues: RDL-396, Tank Site T 50, K 9398, 9397, RL 473, Gg 55, JS 1399, JS 2727, "lobata zone ± JS 15", JS 4139, JS 4140, JS 4141, JS 4142, JS 4143, JS 4144. Materials was in partem collected during the 4th Latin American Geological Congress field trip to Barbados in 1979, see Saunders, J.B. (1979). J / 14 / 04
NMB PAL 23 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, JS 4167, 4168, 4170, 4171, 4172, 4173 (Bath Cliff), 4174 (Bath Cliff), 4175, 4176, 4177, 4178, 4179, 4181, 4182, 4183, 4184, 4185, 4186, 4187, 4188 J / 14 / 06
NMB PAL 24 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados and Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, MK 4900, 4941, 6525, 6684, 6685, 6689, 6690, 6691, 6701, 6702, 6707, 6709, 6711, 6723, 6724, 6725 (See Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 08
NMB PAL 25 Raw material collections /Saunders / Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, MK 6726, 6727, 6729, 6737, 6740, 6741, 6742, 6743, 6747, 6748, 6751, 6754, 6767, 6768, 6772, 6794 (Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 10
NMB PAL 26 Raw material collections /Saunders / Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, MK 6825, 6841, 6842, 6843, 6847, 6873 (See Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 12
NMB PAL 27 Raw material collections /Saunders / Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, MK 6887, 7312, Mt Nesbitt estate: MK 7314, Tufton Hall River: MK 7316, 7317, 7318, 7319, 7320 (See Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 14
NMB PAL 28 Raw material collections /Saunders / Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, Tufton Hall: MK 7321, 7322, 7323, 7324, 7325, 7326, 7327, 7330, 7332, Tempe Parnassus Marl: MK 7335, 7336 (See Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 16
NMB PAL 29 Raw material collections /Saunders / Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, Sauteurs Bay: MK 7352, 7354, 7356, Tuftuon Hall: MK 7338, 7340, 7341, 7342, 7343, 7347, 7349, 7350, Levera Bay: MK 7357, Tempe Parnassus: MK 7339 (See Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 18
NMB PAL 30 Raw material collections /Saunders / Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, Levera Bay: MK 7358, 7359, 7360, 7361, Grenada Bay: MK 7362, Palmiste: MK 7363, 7364, 7365, 7367, 7368, 7369, 7370, Brothers Estate River: MK 7371, 7373, 7374, 7375 (See Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 20
NMB PAL 31 Raw material collections /Saunders / Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, MK 7385, Brothers Estate River: MK 7376, 7377, 7378, 7379, 7380, 7381, 7382, Clozier: MK 6723, 7384, Hope Vale: MK 7324, 7388 (See Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 22
NMB PAL 32 Raw material collections /Saunders / Grenada, Martin-Kaye samples, Crayfish Bay: MK 7413, 7414, 7415, 7416, 7417, 7418, 7419, Des Isles Point: MK 7423, 7424, 7428 7430 (See Saunders et al., 1985) J / 14 / 24
Standort (Ex Jurakeller, cabinet 270, left)Back to overview raw materials
NMB Relocation No. Collection Geo Lager 4 / Regal / Spalte / Schieber
NMB PAL 33 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, Gay's Cove Tectite layer: GC-3-82, GC-4-82, GC-5-82, GC-6-82, GC-7-82, GC-8-82, GC-9-82, GC-10-82, GC-12B-82, GC-13-82, GC-14-82, GC-15-82, GC-16-82, GC-17-82, GC-18-82, GC-19-82 J / 14 / 26
NMB PAL 34 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, NU 3, NU 8, NU 12, NU 17, NU 19, NU 21 -NU 25, NU 29, NU 38, NU 39 NU 124, NU 125, NU 253 - NU 260, NU 263 - NU 267, NU 273, 287 NU 290, NU 292, NU 296, NU 300 - NU 307, NU 309, NU 310, NU 312 - NU 315, NU 318 - NU 322 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University), JS 4304-JS 4317 J / 14 / 28
NMB PAL 35 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados? NU 1 - NU2, NU 4 - NU 6, NU 9 - NU 11, NU 16, NU 18, NU 20, NU26, NU 27, NU 32A, NU 35 - NU 36, NU 40, NU 57, NU 70, NU 88, NU 90, NU 91, NU 129, NU 131, NU 132, NU 142, NU 176 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University) J / 14 / 30
NMB PAL 36 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados? NU 641 - NU 649, NU 650 - NU 663, NU 669 - NU 690, RS1D, RS 2, RS 7C2, RS 8, RS 16 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University), JS 3785, JS 3797, C S-01 J / 14 / 32
NMB PAL 37 Raw material collections /Saunders / Venezuela, Barbados, Trinidad (washed samples), Margarita: Micellaneous J / 14 / 34
NMB PAL 38 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, Bath Cliff: BC 30S, BC 34S, BC 35S, BC 38S, BC 40S, BC 41S, BC 42S, BC 44S, BC 46S, BC 49S, BC 51S, BC 60S, BC 64S, BC 66S, BC 67S, BC 68S, BC 69S, BC 72S BC, 74S, BC 76S, BC 78S (see Saunders et al.,1984). J / 14 / 36
NMB PAL 39 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, Bath Cliff: BC 31S, BC 32S, BC 47S, BC 52S, BC 53S, BC 54S, BC 56S, BC 59S, BC 62S, BC 65S, BC 70S, BC 71S, BC 72S, BC 73S, BC 75S, BC 77S, BC 79S, BC 80S, BC 88S (see Saunders et al.,1984). J / 14 / 38
NMB PAL 40 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, Bath Cliff: BC 22S, BC 23S, BC 24S, BC 27S, BC 26S, BC 28S, BC 29S BC 81S, BC 82S, BC 84S, BC 85S, BC 86S, BC 89S, BC 93S, BC 97S, BC 98S, BC 99S, BC 131S J / 14 / 40
NMB PAL 41 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados, Bath Cliff: BC 8, BC 9J, BC 25S, BC 83S, BC 95S, BC 96S, BC 102S, BC-77-82, BC-78-82, BC-81-82, Consets Section? C-11-82, C-12-82, C-15-82 (see Saunders et al.,1984) J / 15 / 01
NMB PAL 42 Raw material collections /Saunders / Saunders / Barbados, RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RS-4, RS-5, RS-6, RS-7, RS-8, RS-9, RS-10 (samples Robert Speed, Northern University), C-1-82, C-10-82, C-15-22 (Consets section ?). J / 15 / 04
NMB PAL 43 Raw material collections /Saunders / Barbados? SVP1, SVP2, SVP3, SVP 4, SVP5, SV5A, SV5B, SVP6, SV6A, SVP7, SV7D, SV7B1, SV8A, SV8B, SV1, SV2, SV3, SV4, SV6B, SV7A, SV7B, SV7C, SV9, SV10, SV11 SV12, ML4A, ML4B, ML4C, ML49, BS1, BS1A, BS2, BS3, BS4, BS6, BS1A, BS5, MB1 J / 15 / 06
Raw material collections /Saunders / Carriacou 87-2, 87-10, 87-15, 87-18, 87-17a, 87-17b, 87-24, 87-26a.
Carriacou: CAR 90-28, CAR 90-37a, CAR 90-46a, CAR 90-47, CAR-90-53, 10-9-7, 10-23-5. See study collection to Speed, R.C., Smith-Horowitz; P.L., Perch-Nielsen, K., Saunders, J.B. and Sandfilippo, A. (1993).
Barbados: Woodbourne #105 4919', Woodbourne #106 2326'-2329' (samples Robert Speed, Northern University). For location of Woodbourne well see Donovan, K.D. (2005): Caribb. J. Earth Sci 38:21-33 ! See also comment of DeVerteuil, L.R. (1979).
J / 15 / 07
NMB PAL 45 Raw material collections /Saunders / Venezuela, Barbados, Trinidad (washed samples): JS 1516 - JS 1523, JS 761 - JS 763, JS 960 - JS 981, JS 1552 - JS 1553, JS 1501 - JS 1515, Barbados? JS 3800 - JS 3839, Margarita (Venezuela): JS 1545 - JS 1546, Cabo Blanco (Venezuela). J / 15 / 09
NMB PAL 45a Raw materials collection Saunders / Venezuela / Araya Peninsula: JS 1501 - JS 1523; Venezuela: JS 1524; Cubagua Island: JS 1525 - JS 1530 and JS 1578 - 1584; Cabo Blanco: JS 1548 - 1561; composite sample JS 1567 J / 15 / 11
NMB PAL 46 Raw material collections /Saunders / Venezuela, Barbados, Trinidad (washed samples), JS 1009, JS 2985, JS 3774 - JS 3885 J / 15 / 13
NMB PAL 47 Raw material collections /Saunders / Exkursion, Mexico? Rio Canio Bridge of Sabaneta, Brian Redmond #169, Brian Redmond #171, Los Quemados, Imbert Highway 0.9km South of Imbert Intersection, Imbert Road, JS 3335 J / 15 / 16
NMB PAL 47a Raw materials collection / Saunders / St. Stephens Quarry and Millers Ferry (Paleogene of Alabama, U.S.A.) J / 15 / 18
Standort (Ex Jurakeller, cabinet 270 right)Back to overview raw materials
Colln. Saunders, Colln. Knappertsbusch (24 Europ. Micropal. Colloque,
K-T Boundary Stevns Klint: The Micropaleontological Society Meeting,
13-15 May 2004 in Denmark, Possagno Excursion (Italy, 1986),
Grabung Schambelen (AG) with Walter Etter, 4.9.2004)
NMB Relocation No. Collection Geo Lager 4 / Regal / Spalte / Schieber
NMB PAL 47b Raw materials collection / Saunders / Caribbean Sea grab- and dredge samples, and test cores (in relation to DSDP Leg 4 or Leg 15 Site Surveys ?): JS 2472 - JS 2501 J / 15 / 20
NMB PAL 48 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / 24th European Micropaleontological Colloque (1998): Tercis-Section, Cuera Section J / 15 / 21
NMB PAL 49 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / 24th European Micropaleontological Colloque (1998): Biarritz, Bidar Section, Zumaya Section J / 15 / 23
NMB PAL 50 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / 24th European Micropaleontological Colloque (1998): Menoyo-Section, Lahoz-Section, Korrez-Section, San Pantaleon de Losa Section J / 15 / 25
NMB PAL 51 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / 24th European Micropaleontological Colloque (1998): Cobreces-Section, Caniego Quarry, Leortza-Section, Madoz-Section, Olazagutia-Section J / 15 / 27
NMB PAL 52 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / 24th European Micropaleontological Colloque (1998): Carranquez Section, Peran Section, Luanco Section, Viodo Section J / 15 / 29
NMB PAL 53 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / 224th European Micropaleontological Colloque (1998): La Acebosa Section J / 15 / 31
NMB PAL 54 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / K/T Boundary at Stevns Klint, Hojerup, Rodvig, The Micropalaeontological Society (TMS) Meeting 13 - 15 May 2004, Denmark. Xerox copy to sample location with collection. See also Sheldon, E., Stouge, S. and Henderson, A. (2004). J / 15 / 33
NMB PAL 55 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / Possagno Exkursion (Italy), July 1986 (with Hans M. Bolli) J / 15 / 35
NMB PAL 56 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / Possagno Exkursion (Italy), July 1986 (with Hans M. Bolli) J / 15 / 37
NMB PAL 57 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / Schambelen (AG): Grabung Insektenmergel with Walter Etter 4.9.2004. Xerox copy with positions of samples is included. See also Etter, W. and Felber, P. (2018). J / 15 / 39
NMB PAL 58 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / Schambelen (AG): Grabung Insektenmergel with Walter Etter 4.9.2004. See also Etter, W. and Felber, P. (2018). J / 16 / 02
NMB PAL 59 Raw materials collection / Knappertsbusch / Schambelen (AG): Grabung Insektenmergel with Walter Etter 4.9.2004. See also Etter, W. and Felber, P. (2018). J / 16 / 04
Standort (Ex Jurakeller, cabinet 315 left)Back to overview raw materials
NMB Relocation No. Collection Geo Lager 4 / Regal / Spalte / Schieber
NMB PAL 60 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Trinidad: K 11096, Point-à-Pierre, JS 2626, JS 1588 J / 16 / 06
NMB PAL 61 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Trinidad: Point-à-Pierre, JS 3816 - JS 3840, A071 J / 16 / 08
NMB PAL 62 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Grenada, thin slides, DB 5112 etc. (Saunders et al., 1985) J / 16 / 10
NMB PAL 63 Raw materials collection / Saunders / 7433, 7439, 7470, 7471 MK7454, JS 1003 (Grenada) J / 16 / 12
NMB PAL 64 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Trinidad, JS 20, 1399, 1464, 2257, 2327, 2514, 2556-76, 2637-3120 J / 16 / 14
NMB PAL 65 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Trinidad: Stollmeyer Quarry J / 16 / 16
NMB PAL 66 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Jamaica: JS 1197 - JS 1204 J / 16 / 18
NMB PAL 67 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Jamaica: JS 1205 - JS 1217 J / 16 / 20
NMB PAL 67a Raw materials collection / Edward Robinson /Jamaica: ER 1246 - ER 1342 J / 16 / 21
NMB PAL 68 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Venezuela, Pozo #1 Commendador, El Higuerito, Mella, #2#3#7 Maleno, Superior Oil Company (SOC see Kugler Reports) J / 16 / 23
NMB PAL 69 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Dominican Republic, Outcrop Samples, Superior Oil Company J / 16 / 25
NMB PAL 70 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Dominican Republic, Outcrop Samples, Superior Oil Company J / 16 / 27
NMB PAL 71 Raw materials collection / Saunders / JS 3431, JS 3420, TU 1227 (Zalaya), TU 123 (Rio Punjad, Emily Sample) J / 16 / 29
NMB PAL 72 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, JS1038 - JS1059. J / 16 / 31
NMB PAL 73 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, JS 1060 - JS 1077. See also raw material collection from Barbados with samples taken from identical locations by Peter Jung during the 4th Caribbean geol. Congress in 1965. Correlation samples JS-PJ J / 16 / 33
NMB PAL 74 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, JS 1620 - JS 1879. See also raw material collection from Barbados with samples taken from identical locations by Peter Jung during the 4th Caribbean geol. Congress in 1965. Correlation samples JS-PJ J / 16 / 35
NMB PAL 75 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, JS 1881 - JS 1885, JS 2502 - JS 2512. J / 16 / 37
Standort (Ex Jurakeller, cabinet 315 right)Back to overview raw materials
NMB Relocation No. Collection Geo Lager 4 / Regal / Spalte / Schieber
NMB PAL 76 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados: Bath Cliff, JS 4243 - JS 4251 (see Saunders et al.,1984) J / 16 / 39
NMB PAL 77 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados: Bath Cliff, JS 4230 - JS 4242 (see Saunders et al.,1984) J / 17 / 02
NMB PAL 78 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, JS 3775 - JS 3810 J / 17 / 04
NMB PAL 79 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados: Bath Cliff, Sampling 1982, JS 4263 - JS 4334 (see Saunders et al.,1984) J / 17 / 06
NMB PAL 80 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, Sampling 1982, ABS 42 - ABS 54 (Annika Sanfilippo), C 1-82- C 15-82 (Conset Bay), SH 11-82 - SH 15-82 (Sealy Hall) J / 17 / 08
NMB PAL 81 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, Sampling 1982, WR 15-82 - WR 27-82 (Windy Ridge), JS 4262 - JS 4268, JS 4350, Brigand Hill J / 17 / 10
NMB PAL 82 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados: Bath Cliff, JS 4275 - JS 4342, JS 3420 J / 17 / 12
NMB PAL 83 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, Rock Hall, MK 7196- MK 7200 (Martin-Kaye?) J / 17 / 14
NMB PAL 84 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados: Turners Hall Well, #32 - 164 J / 17 / 16
NMB PAL 85 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, WR 1-82 - WR 22-82 (Windy Ridge) J / 17 / 18
NMB PAL 86 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, WR 24-82 - WR 28-82 (Windy Ridge) J / 17 / 20
NMB PAL 87 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, BC 70-81, BC 22-82 - BC 79-82 (Bath Cliff), SH 2-82 - SH 14-82 (Sealy Hall) J / 17 / 22
NMB PAL 88 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, GC 16-82 - GC 30-82, GC 3-82 - GC 6-82 (Gay's Cove) J / 17 / 24
NMB PAL 89 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, GC 7-82 - GC 15-82 (Gay's Cove), PT 1-82 - PT 10-82 (Pico Teneriffe) J / 17 / 26
NMB PAL 90 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados, PT 11-82 - PT 18-82 (Pico Teneriffe), CP 1-82 - CP 6-82 (Congor Point) J / 17 / 28
NMB PAL 91 Raw materials collection / Saunders / Barbados: JS 4290 - JS 4303, (Bath Cliff?), NU 39 - NU 42 (Northern University), (Robert Speed Samples) J / 17 / 30
Raw material collections Münchenstein, new additions since March 2014
Standort Back to overview raw materials
 NMB Relocation No.  Collection  Geo Lager 4 / Regal / Spalte / Schieber

Colln. Knappertsbusch, M. / Box-cores VICOMED  J / 17 / 40 to J / 18 / 08

Colln. Gradstein, Knappertsbusch & Etter (2016) / Eisengraben: Birmensdorfer Schichten, "Project G. helvetojurassica"  J / 18 / 10 to J / 18 / 10-14
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Insektenmergel Frick 2001 / Samples 01-12  J / 18 / 17
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Insektenmergel Frick 2001 / Samples 11-19  J / 18 / 20
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Insektenmergel Küttigen 2002 / Samples 1-8a   J / 18 / 23
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Insektenmergel Arisdorf 2003   J / 18 / 26
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Insektenmergel Schambelen 2004 / Samples 02u-13. See also Etter, W. and Felber, P. (2018).  J / 18 / 29
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Insektenmergel Schambelen 2004 / Samples 14-25. See also Etter, W. and Felber, P. (2018).  J / 18 / 32
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Insektenmergel Schambelen 2004 / Samples 26-41. See also Etter, W. and Felber, P. (2018).   J / 18 / 35
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Insektenmergel Schambelen 2004 / Samples 42-50. See also Etter, W. and Felber, P. (2018).  J / 18 / 38
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Obtususton Frick 2005  J / 19 / 03
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Obtususton Frick 2005  J / 19 / 06
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Obtususton Frick 2005  J / 19 / 09
  Collns. Etter, W., Raw material Callovian Anwil 2014  J / 19 / 12