- Archive John B. Saunders: Contents of
Lista unit 17, drawer 2
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Geological sections and maps from the Dominican Republic; study
files and reproductions to the Dominican Republic (DR) project.
See publication of Saunders, J.B. Jung, P., and Biju-Duval, B.
(1986). Neogene Paleontology in the Northern Dominican
Republic. 1. Field Surveys, Lithology, Environment, and Age. Bulletins
of American Paleontology, vol. 89, No. 323, 79 p., including maps
and sections. (Red Book, one copy alongside the maps archive).
- Signature: NMB GK.DOM.3
- No.323=Vol.89, Bulletins of American Paleontology (John B.
Saunders, Peter Jung and Bernard Biju-Duvanel: Neogene Paleontology
in the Northern Dominican Republic. Field Surveys, Lithology,
Environment and Age).
- Rio Gurabo Maps and profiles, text figures 5 and 6.
- Rio Cana Maps and profiles (sketches with Saunders
and Jung sampling numbers and NMB sampling numbers), text figures
15 an 16.
- Rio Yaque del Norte / Yaque del Sur Hand drawn map
with sampling numbers (in colour), Mapa topografico 1:1'000,
profiles, text figures 21 and 25. - Document provisoire de section
Quita Coyaza, Rio Yaque del Sur, with sampling numbers
- Rio Amina Hand drawn maps (black and white) 1:5'000,
text figure 34.
- Synthetic log of Cercado, Gurabo and Mao Formation 1:1'000,
Coupe de Baitoa (hand written original and sketch with handwritten
remarks), Coupe de la Sierra El Numero (route d'Azua), 3 maps
and 1 transparency, Text figure 29, Rio Mao (with sampling localities).
- Various originals for text figures and tables.
- The above material is related to: Archive John Saunders:
Dominican Project (Archiv Geowissenschaften).
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Archive John B. Saunders