- Microfossil collection from Peter Jung.
- About
Peter Jung
Reference collection to Jung, P. (1973). Pleistocene pteropods
- Leg 15, Site 147, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Init. Rep. DSDP,
vol. 15, pp. 753-767.
Collection of 20 SEM preparations including list.
- Reference collection to Jung,
P. (1975). Quaternary larval gastropods from Leg 15,
Site 147, Deep-Sea Drilling Project. Preliminary report. Veliger,
vol. 18, pp. 109-126.
- A collection of diverse SEM preparations.
- 7th International Congress on Mediterranean
Neogene, Athens, 27 September - 2 October 1979, Excursion to
the Neogene of Crete: Small collection of Neogene planktonic
foraminifera of Crete (Miocene materials for working group A)
collected by Peter Jung.
- Washed residues:
- PJ 1700: Kastelli subbasin, Potamidha section, Potamidha
formation, Upper Tortonian Globorotalia conomiozea zone.
- PJ 1701: Kastelli Subbasin, Potamidha Formation, Upper Tortonian
Globorotalia conomiozea zone.
- PJ 1702: Kastelli Subbasin, Potamidha Section, Kaeretiana
formation, lower Messinian.
- PJ 1703: Kastelli Subbasin, Kaloudhiana road, Finika Group,
lowermost Pliocene.
- PJ 1704: Iraklion Basin, Finika Clays, G. puncticulata zone.
- PJ 1705: Iraklion Basin, Finika Clays, G. puncticulata zone.
- PJ 1709: Iraklion Basin, Prassa Section, Finika Group diatomite,
G. bonionensis zone.
- Enclosed with materials: Notes of Peter Jung and xerox copy
(with sampling positions) of Excursion guide: Meulenkamp, J.E., Dermitzakis, M., Georgiadou-Dikeoulia,
E., Jonkers, H.A., and Böger, H. (1979). Field guide
to the Neogene of Crete. In: Symeonidis, N., Papanikolao, D.,
and Dermitzakis, M. (eds.). Publications of the department of
geology and Paleontology, Univ. Athens, Series A. No. 32, 32p.
- Standort