Collections of Willy A. Mohler
- About
Willy A. Mohler (1911-2008).
- Micropaleontologist at N.V. Batafsche Petroleum (Shell).
Studies in Balikpapan (Borneo), Bandung (Java), Caracas &
Maracaibo (Venezuela).
- Publications:
- Mohler, W. (1938). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen
in der nordschweizerischen Jura Formation. Abhandl. Schweiz.
Paläont. Ges. 60, pp. 1-53 (Dissertation Univ. Basel).
- Mohler, W. (1943). Palaeontology and stratigraphy of the
Tertiary of SE Borneo. Chishitsu-Chosajo (Geol. Surveey, Bandung),
Report 12 p. (unpublished).
- Mohler, W.A. (1946). Neue Pithecantropusfunde von Java. Experientia
(Basel), 2,2, p. 1-2.
- Mohler, W.A. (1946). Zur Stratigraphie der Säugetierführenden
Schichten von Java. Experientia (Basel) 2,8, pp. 287-292.
- Mohler, W.A. (1946). Handleiding voor het determineeren van
de groot foraminiferen-genera van Nederland Oost Indie. Unknown
publisher, p. 1-46.
- Mohler, W.A. (1946). Sigmoilina personata n. sp. eine
Leitform aus dem Eozän von Südost Borneo und Java.
Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, 39, 2, pp. 298-300.
- Mohler, W.A. (1948). Ueber das Vorkommen von Alveolina
und Neoalveolina in Borneo. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, 41,
2, pp. 321-329.
- Mohler, W.A. (1948). Spiroclypeus und Flosculinella
in Kalken aus dem Küstengebirge zwischen Patjitan und Blitar
(Java). Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, 41, 2, pp. 329-332.
- Mohler, W.A. (1949). Das Alter des Eozän-Kalkes von
Gunung Gamping westlich Djokjakarta, Java. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae,
42, 521-527.
- Collections:
- Mohler, W.A. (1938).
- Willy A. Mohler's (1939-1940) systematic
collection of foraminifera.
- Mohler, W.A. (1946 a, b, and c).
- Type- and reference collection
to Mohler,
W.A. (1938). Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen
in der nordschweizerischen Juraformation. Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen
Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 60:1-53, plates 1-4.
- This is the material to the PhD dissertation of Willy Mohler.
It includes thin sections, washed residues, rock samples and
isolated microfossils in Fema cells, that are illustrated in
the publication.
- Holotypes to:
- Ammobaculites coprolithiformis (Schwager) var. sequana
Mohler (1938)
- Nautiloculina oolithica Mohler (1938); Generotype
- Pseudocyclammina sequana (Merian) var. major
Mohler (1938)
- Pseudocyclammina sequana (Merian) var. minor
Mohler (1938)
- Standort
- Reference collection to Mohler,
W.A. (1946a). Sigmoilina personata n. sp., eine
Leitform aus dem Eocaen von Südost-Borneo und Java. Eclogae
geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 39 (1946), pp. 298-300.
Xerox copy deposited with the collection.
- Small collection containing the Holotype
(fixed) and paratypes (loose specimens) in a Fema-cell, and isolated
specimens of S. personata (also in fema cells) from other
- Holotype:
- Sigmoilina personata Mohler (1946)
- Standort
- Type collection to Mohler, W.A. (1946b). Lepidocyclina
crucifera n. sp., aus dem Burdigalien von Ost-Borneo. Eclogae
geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 39 (1946), pp. 302-309, Xerox
copy deposited with the collection.
- Holotype (?)
- Lepidocyclina crucifera Mohler (1946)
- A single thin section containing Lepidocyclina
crucifera Mohler (1946), from "S. Mandai, Stromgebiet
des S. Birang, Borneo" and bearing the label B63, which
is described as the reference specimen in the article. It may
represent the Holotype specimen, but comparison with the illustrated
figures shows, however, that the figured sections do not precisely
correspond to the section in the slide (different sectioning
planes ?).
- Standort
- [Specimen not found yet]. Collection
to Mohler,
W.A. (1946c). Ueber das Vorkommen von Trocholina
Paalzow in der Unterkreide von West-Borneo. Eclogae geologicae
Helvetiae, vol. 39 (1946), pp. 300-302, Xerox
copy deposited with the collection.
- Standort
- Type- and reference collection
to Mohler,
W.A. (1949a). Flosculinella reicheli n. sp. aus
dem Tertiär e5 von Borneo. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae,
vol. 42(2): 521-527.
- Small collection containing the Holotype of Flosculinella
reicheli n. sp. (isolated specimen in Fema-cell, specimen
number B. 328), several Fema-cells and thin-sections with isolated
Flosculinella specimens from SE Borneo. A xerox copy of
the article is with the collection.
- Holotype:
- Flosculinella reicheli Mohler
- Standort
- [No collection found yet]. Mohler,
W.A. (1949b). Das Alter des Eozän-Kalkes von Gunung
Gamping westlich Djokjakarta, Java. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae,
vol. 42(2): 519-521.
- Standort
- Willy A. Mohler's systematic
collection of foraminifera, prepared in 1939-1940.
- A fine teaching- and training collection of isolated benthic
and planktic foraminifera important in biostratigraphy and/or
for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and covering the Cretaceous,
Tertiary and Quaternary (in Fema cells or small amounts of washed
residues). A large portion of the collection representing major
taxonomic foraminiferal groups like miliolids, alveolinids, lagenids,
Buliminidae, Rotaliidae, nummulites, Operculina,
Assilina, Heterostegina, Spiroclypeus, Cycloclypeus,
Lepidocyclina (with thin sections), Miogypsinidae,
Discocyclinidae, agglutinated forams, Globigerinidae,
Globorotaliidae, and globotruncanids).
- The majority of samples were collected from sections or oil
exploration holes in Borneo between 1939 and 1940, but others
come also from Misol, New Guinea, and the Sinai.
- There is no special documentation about this collection.
However, the book by R. Elizabeth Migliore (2004). Evening
Flower, where the growth of Willy Mohler's systematic collection
of foraminifera is mentioned, is deposited alongside the collection.
- Standort