Historical materials to the nummulite collections of Hans Schaub:
The following three collections (sections I through III below) were found alltogether in a single drawer in the collections of Hans Schaub. They include historical nummulite materials from Rütimeyer (1850), De la Harpe (1883), and some other materials from various persons (1910 until 1959). These materials were once used by Hans Schaub for an exhibit on nummulites in the museum, and therefore are kept together here.
I - Collection to Rütimeyer, L. (1850). Ueber das Schweizerische Nummulitenterrain, mit besonderer Berücksichtigun des Gebirges zwischen dem Thunersee und der Emme. Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die gesamten Naturwissenschaften, 11:1-120, 2 maps, 3 plates.
The collection holds the original, handwritten manuscript text from Rütimeyer and nummulites collected by L. Rütimeyer, preserved in the original paper envelopes.
II - Collection De la Harpe, Ph. (in partem 1883).
De la Harpe, Ph. (1883). Etude des nummulites de la Suisse et révision des éspèces éocènes des genres Nummulites et Assilina. Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 10:140-180, plate III-VII.
In case of Nummulites solitarius De la Harpe (1883) the specimen mounted on glass slides (specimen number 4883, Ilerdien, from El Quss, Abu Said, oasis of Farafra, Egypt) represent a lectotype and a paralectotype and were taken from the De la Harpe collection in Lausanne, Switzerland (see foot note on page 73 in Schaub, H. (1981), vol. 104).
For the remaining specimens, e.g. Assilina heteromorpha [specimen no. 32098], Assilina minima [No. 4443 and 4444], Assilina nili [specimens no. 4434 and 4435], Assilina pyrenaica [specimen no. 32098, and 4445 and 4446] the type status is not clear.
III - Collection of isolated specimens out of the Schaub collection.
A specimen of nummulite limestone labelled "Durch Winderosion freigelegte Nummuliten in kieseligem Nummulitenkalk. Mittlerer Teil der unt. Mokattam-St., Werner Tal bei Heluan. Buxt. (Buxtorf) 1910.
A nummulite limestone, with letter included.
Nummulites from Castell'Arquato (Mayer-Eymar) in 2 glass tubes and 3 thin sections from Roger Dubey (University of Fribourg) with a letter dated from 15.10.1959.