Collection of Cenozoic Planktic Foraminiferal Zones and Subzones, prepares by Hans M. Bolli, 1985-1987, for the Natural History Museum Basel ["golden and silver set of slides"].

This is a reference-, teaching- and study collection of assemblage slides to the 49 Cenozoic (lowermost Paleocene-Holocene) planktic foraminiferal zones and subzones as published in Figure 2 in Bolli and Saunders (1985).

The collection contains faunas from type localities in Trinidad, W.I. (see USNM Bulletin 215, 1957), but also from Jamaica, from the Caribbean Deep Sea Drilling Leg 15, Venezuela, the Gulf of Mexico, Cuba, Java, Italy and Japan. As many of the samples, on which the zones were defined, are deposited at the Natural History Museum in Basel, reference is given to the corresponding literature. Cross-reference is given to the relevant collections with type material housed at the NMB and also to accompanying samples from various other collections of similar age and provenance. To each slide there are identification lists to species . Also, reference is given to the original samples (listed below under 'original zonal type samples), on which early planktic foraminiferal zonal definitions were established in Trinidad (Bolli, 957b, 1957c, and 1957d). For an early review paper see also Bolli (1959a), a later review about Oligo-Miocene planktonic foraminiferal stratigraphy with reference to samples from Trinidad is given in King, D.J., Wade, B.S., Liska, R.D., Miller, C.G. (2020).


See also: Original plates to Plankton Stratigraphy
See also: Study- and training set to Cenozoic planktic foraminiferal zonal slides to H. M. Bolli, 1985-1987 ["Teaching set of slides"].
See also: Frampton, J. (late 1980s). Correlation of foraminiferal zones in Trinidad with TTI zonal schemes. Unpublished document. For some cross-correlation of Shell- with Texaco foraminiferal zonal codes from the Miocene and Oligocene see Fieldbook #50 from Hans G. Kugler (1959-1960).
Silver slides represent Paleogene faunas, golden slides are Neogene faunas.
Collection donated from Hans M. Bolli to the NMB on 3 June 1987.


Age Zones and subzones Sample ID Location Collected by Corresponding original zonal type sample (Bolli, 1957b,c,d) Other Samples References