Collections of Hedi Oberhänsli
- Study collections to
- DSDP Leg 26, 41, 42, 73,
75, 80,
- ODP Leg 114, 115, 119, 121,
- 1.) Collection from DSDP Leg 26 (Indian Ocean), Site
- Study collection of washed residues in glass vials, including
- Samples from DSDP Site 253 (southern Ninety East Ridge),
Oligocene (Blow, 1969: P21-P22) - Early Miocene (Blow, 1969:
- 9 samples from 253-9-1, 129-131cm through 253-11-4, 115-117cm.
- Literature: Boltovskoy, E. (1974). Neogene planktonic
foraminifera of the Indian Ocean (DSDP Leg 26). Init. Rep. DSDP,
vol. 26, pp. 675-741.
- Materials donated by Hedi Oberhaensli to
the NMB on 7 October 2020.
- Standort
- 2.) Collection from DSDP Leg 41 (off NW-Africa), Site
- Study collection of washed residues in glass vials, including
- Samples from DSDP Site 366 (Sierra Leone Rise), Late Eocene-
Late Paleocene:
- 36 samples from 366-9-4, 141-143 cm through 366-43-1, 25-27
- Literature: Krasheninnikov, V.A., Pflaumann, U. (1978).
Zonal stratigraphy and planktonic foraminifers of Paleogene deposits
of the Atlantic Ocean to the west off Africa (Deep Sea Drilling
Project, Leg 41). Init. Rep. DSDP, vol. 41, pp.581-611.
- Materials donated by Hedi Oberhaensli to
the NMB on 7 October 2020.
- Standort
- 3.) Collection from DSDP Leg 42 (Mediterranean Sea),
Sites 374 and 376
- Study collection of washed residues in plastic tubes, including
- Samples from DSDP Site 374 (Messina Abyssal Plain), Lower
Pliocene - Quaternary:
- 13 samples from 374-4-1, 137-139 through 374-4-3, 7-89cm
- 14 samples from 374-5-1, 140-142 through 374-5-5, 148-150cm
- 24 samples from 374-6-1, 10-12cm through 374-6-6, 138-140cm
- 23 samples from 374-7-1, 5-7cm through 374-7-6, 135-137cm
- 16 samples from 374-8-1, 73-75cm through 374-8-4, 140-142cm
- 20 samples from 374-9-1, 17-19cm through 374-9-4, 128-130cm
- 6 samples from 374-11-1, 89-91cm through 374-11-2, 130-132cm
- Total: 116 samples
- Samples from DSDP Site 376 (Florence Rise, eastern Mediterranean
Sea), Pliocene - Quaternary:
- 12 samples from 376-3-1, 132-134cm through 376-3-5, 138-140cm
- 5 samples from 376-4-1, 52-54cm through 376-4-2, 143-145cm
- 27 samples from 376-5-1, 125-127cm through 376-5-5, 135-137cm
- 8 samples from 376-6-3, 98-100cm through 376-6-4, 76-78cm
- 7 samples from 376-7-1, 40-42cm through 376-7-2, 140-142cm
- Total: 59 samples
- No reference to publications about the collections was given.
- Information on sediments, cores, ages, etc can be drawn from
the respective chapters in the Initial Reports DSDP vol. 42.
- Materials donated by Hedi Oberhaensli to
the NMB on 28 April 2014.
- Standort
- 4.) Collection from DSDP Leg 73 (South Atlantic), Sites
522 and 523
- Type collection TSL 12:
- Type collection to Müller-Merz, E., and Oberhänsli,
H. (1991) Eocene bathyal and abyssal benthic foraminifera
from a south Atlantic transect at 20-30° S. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83:117-171, and Oberhänsli, H., Müller-Merz,
E., and Oberhänsli, R. (1991). Eocene paleoceanographic
evolution at 20-30° S in the Atlantic Ocean. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83:173-215. [DSDP Leg 3: Sites
19, 20; Leg 39: Site 357; Leg 40: Site 363; Leg 73: Sites 522,
- SLG 25:
- Study collection to Müller-Merz, E., and Oberhänsli,
H. (1991) Eocene bathyal and abyssal benthic foraminifera
from a south Atlantic transect at 20-30° S. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83:117-171, and Oberhänsli, H., Müller-Merz,
E., and Oberhänsli, R. (1991). Eocene paleoceanographic
evolution at 20-30° S in the Atlantic Ocean. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83:173-215 [DSDP Leg 3: Sites
19, 20; Leg 39: Site 357; Leg 40: Site 363; Leg 73: Sites 522,
- Related publications:
- Weissert,
H., McKenzie, J., Wright, R.C., Clark, M., Oberhänsli, H.
and Casey, M. (1984);
- McKenzie,
J.A., Weissert, H., Poore, R.Z., Wright, R.C., Percival, S.F.,
Oberhänsli, H., and Casey, M. (1984);
- Weissert,
H. and Oberhänsli, H. (1985);
- Oberhänsli,
H. and Toumarkine, M. (1985);
- Hsü,
K. and Wright, R. (1985).
- Standort
- 5.) Collection from DSDP Leg 75 (off southwest Africa),
Site 532
- Study collection to Oberhänsli, H. (1991). Upwelling
signals at the northeastern Walvis Ridge during the past 500'000
years. Paleoceanography, vol. 6(1): 53-71.
- The collection consists of washed residues in glass vials,
including Samples from DSDP Site 532 (Walvis Ridge), Late Pleistocene
- Holocene:
- 16 samples from 532-1-1, 21-23cm through 532-1-3, 98-100cm
- 2 samples from 532-2-1, 18-19cm through 532-2-1, 119-120cm
- 19 samples from 532-3-1, 64-11cm through 532-3-CC, 8-10cm
- 19 samples from 532-4-1, 21-23cm through 532-4-3, 101-103cm
- A xerox copy of the article is deposited with the collection.
- Note:
- Stable isotope studies from cores 1-4 from Site 532 were
also published in Diester-Haass, L. (1985). Late Quaternary
upwelling off southwest Africa (DSDP Leg 75, HPC 532). In: Hsü,
K. and Weissert, H. (eds.). South Atlantic paleoceanography.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
A xerox copy of the book is deposited with the collection.
- Materials donated by Hedi Oberhaensli to
the NMB on 28 April 2014.
- Standort
- 6.) Collection from DSDP Leg 80 (Goban Spur and Porcupine
Abyssal Plain, Northeast Atlantic), Sites 548A, 549 and 549A,
- Study collection of washed residues in glass vials, including
- Goban Spur: DSDP Site 548A, Mid-Eocene through Lower Oligocene:
- 24 samples from 548A-16-5, 103-105cm through 548A-22-6, 91-93cm
- Goban Spur: DSDP Site 549, Upper Paleocene through Mid-Eocene:
- 28 samples from 549-2-3, 31-33cm through 549-16-3, 20-22cm
- Porcupine Abyssal Plain: DSDP Site 550, Upper Paleocene through
lower Eocene:
- 16 samples from 550-27-2, 135-137cm through 550-34-5, 54-56cm
- Note:
- No reference to publications about the collections was given
by the donator.
- Materials donated by Hedi Oberhaensli to
the NMB on 28 April 2014.
- Standort
- 7.) Collection from ODP Leg 114 (Islas Orcadas Rise,
Subantarctic South Atlantic), Sites 702A,B
- Study collection of washed residues (subsplits of sieve fractions
larger than 150 micrometers in glass vials). The samples were
collected from 135 stratigraphic levels and cover an age range
from the Early Eocene through Late Miocene, with a large Hiatus
in the upper portion of the section. No publication was delivered
or was found about results from this collection.
- Information on sediments, cores, ages, etc can, however,
be taken from the respective chapters in the Proceedings of the
ODP, Initial and Scientific reports.
- Materials donated by Hedi Oberhaensli to
the NMB on 28 April 2014.
- Standort
- 8.) Collection from ODP Leg 115 (Mascarene Plateau, Indian
Ocean), Sites 707A and C, and 711A
- Study collection of washed residues (fractions smaller than
63 micrometers in plastic containers, and residues larger than
63 micrometers in glass vials) and remaining unprocessed sediment
(bulk) samples from ODP Sites 707A and C, and 711A. Volumes of
unprocessed materials is about 0.5-1 cm3.
- The samples were collected across the Late Eocene through
Early Oligocene, and were used for stable isotop analyses on
foraminifers in the years from 1994 to 1995. No publication is
available about results from these studies. Information on sediments,
cores, ages, etc can be taken from the respective chapters in
the Proceedings of the ODP, Initial and Scientific reports.
- Site 707A: In total 73 unprocessed samples in plastic bags
(115-707A-20X-1,27-29cm through 707A-23X-6, 116-118cm). Of these
there are washed residues (<63µm and > 63 µm)
from 11 samples.
- Site 707C: 6 unprocessed samples in plastic bags (115-707C-6R-1,46-48cm
through 707C-6R-3, 102-104cm).
- Site 711A: 126 unprocessed samples (711A-19X-6,105-107cm
through 711A-12X-2, 63-65cm).
- Materials donated by Hedi Oberhaensli to
the NMB on 28 April 2014.
- Standort (unprocessed samples)
- Standort (washed residues)
- 9.) Collection from ODP Leg 119 (Kerguelen-Heard Plateau,
South Atlantic), Sites 738B and 738C
- Study collection of washed residues in plastic vials, including
- ODP Site 738B, Early Eocene to Mid-Eocene:
- 9 samples from 738B-17-3, 100-102cm through 738B-24-2, 20-22cm