Archive of Karl Rohr
- [These documents are related to collections of Hans Kugler,
- The documents below (ex Archive K. Rohr) are now
integrated in the Kugler Archive, Kugler Archive Box No. 85
- Venezuela /Falcon / Photogeological interpretations.
- Rohr, K. (1948-1955). N.V.P. Geological Report No.
102. Aerial Survey of the Acosta Area, N.V.P. concession, 18p.
(Duplicate). The original report and related documents and maps
are deposited in Kugler Archive, Box No. 13.
- Stacks of aerial stereo-photographs (prints) from Falcon.
- Photogeological interpretations on transparency sheets by
K. Rohr (for index of flights and maps see Maps archive H.G.Kugler
/ Venezuela/Falcon/Photogeological interpretations (K. Rohr).
- Map of Jimenez Arraiaz Concession, Districs of Acosta &
Zamorra, State of Falcon, Venezuela, Scale 1:200'000.
- Signature: GK.VEN 3
- Standort Venezuela
/Falcon / Photogeological interpretations.
- Standort Kugler Archive
Box No. 13 (Venezuela, N.V.P., Acosta area).