Collections of Hermann Fischer
Herman Fischer (1935-2022)













Reference collection to Fischer, H. (1965a). Geologie des Gebietes zwischen Blauen und Pfirter Jura. Beiträge zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz. Neue Folge 122:106 p.

Collection of rock specimens, washed picked residues, picked microfossils (in Fema-cells), thin sections, that were prepared and discussed in the dissertation of Hermann Fischer. The collection is arranged in stratigraphic sequence, ranging from Tertiary to Dogger formations. Included with the collection is a detailed map showing locality numbers to the described samples (deposited in drawer 179).
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Reference collection to Fischer, H. (1965b). Oberes Rupélien (Septarienton) des südlichen Rheintalgrabens: Tongrube von Allschwil bei Basel. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., Vol. 31, No. 81, pp. 7-16.
Washed residues of the described samples. A copy of the paper is deposited with the collection.
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Reference collection to Fischer, H. (1965c). Oberer Dogger und unterer Malm des Berner Jura: Tongruben von Liesberg. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol.-Geol. u. Ing., Vol. 31, No. 81, pp. 25-36.
Washed residues of the described samples.
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Collection Hermann Fischer (2015 - ca. 2021, unpublished): Bohrung Allschwil 2
Background (information from Herman Fischer, 8.6.2011):
During the early years of the 20th century exploration for potassium (KCl, NaCl) deposits has been made in the southern Rhinegraben (Schmidt et al., 1924). One of these attempts were realized by Ernst Gutzwiller in the drillings of Allschwil 1 and Allschwil 2. The expectations were to meet deposits similar to the potassium cloride deposits in the mines of Wittelsheim and Buggingen further north in the southern Rhinegraben structure. Both drillholes were not successful in this respect. However, Allschwil 2 became scientifically relevant for the documentation of the Allschwil Fault system. Allschwil 1 is lithologically described by H. Christ in Schmidt et al., (1924). Unfortunately no written primary technical drilling reports are known to exist any longer about the precise location of the sites.
However, the positions of both drillholes are indicated in a report about a gravimetric survey from C. L. Alexanian (1932), and so both drillholes could be marked on Sheet 1047 Basel (Atlas Blatt 59), Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz, 1:25'000 (Wittmann et al., 1970). In the report by H. Christ in Schmidt et al., (1924) material from drillhole Allschwil 1 is said to be deposited at the NMB, but until hitherto could never be located in the collections of the NMB. The Allschwil 2 drilling - although comparably deep (final depth 922.1 m) - was only briefly mentioned in a report by W. Hotz (1928); a detailed description of the drilling material has never been accomplished at those times. An unpublished lithological log by Pümpin and Stumm (1964) indicates the stratigraphic intervals of the Allschwil 2 drilling, that has been recovered in form of entire core bits. A first detailed lithological description of the cores was given by Hermann Fischer (1966, unpublished manuscript) for the preparation of the publication of the Eräuterungen zum geologischen Atlasblatt Basel (Fischer, H., Hauber, L., and Wittmann, O., 1971). From the recovered material only a fraction ist preserved until today (small core bit samples, washed residues) while the remainder of the core was disposed because of lack of storage facility. A portion of the cores was washed by students (Oesterle and Heckendorn) of Prof. L. Vonderschmitt in Basel. Nevertheless, and despite of limited storage space a total of 283 core-bit samples, that were considered to be representative for the Allschwil 2 drilling could be kept aside and were later transferred by Hermann Fischer to the Natural History Museum in Basel, where they are now curated.
From 2001 through 2010 washed residues were investigated for their micropaleontological contents by members of the group around Prof. J.-P. Berger (University of Fribourg), which resulted in a publication by Pirkenseer et al. (2010), but see also the dissertation of Pirkenseer (2007), and Pirkenseer et al. (2013). From the time 2000 until ca. 2021 Hermann Fischer carried out a parallel investigation at the Natural History Museum Basel about the Allschwil 2 drilling, especially about the Rupelian interval. His findings (notes, manuscript texts, lithological and micropaleontological descriptions remained unpublished, but are deposited alongside the Allschwil 2 collection and are also stored on the internal Media Server (M) of the NMB.
The collection of the Allschwil 2 drilling consists of the preserved representative drillbits and washed residues in plastic bags, and a number of thin sections. Of the washed residues the light fractions (empty microfossil shells) were separated by flotation in CCl4, filtered, and are kept separately in glass vials. Alongside (in K3/B8/6/207) to the collection there are deposited a list with the core depths of these intervals, and a map from Alexanian, C.L. (1932) where the position of the drilling is indicated.
Micropaleontological collection of H. Fischer from drillhole Allschwil 2:
Washed residues from drillhole Allschwil 2 are deposited in plastic bags ranging from samples A3 through A 218 (6 boxes), together with 4 trays containing fema slides with microfossils from this drill hole picked by H. Fischer. Alongside, there is a grey folder "Allschwil 2" with H. Fischer's notes and sample descriptions, dated from about 2015-2021. The lithological section from Bümpin and Stumm (1964, unpublished) plus cards "Inhaltsbeschreibung der Bohrkernkisten", a xerox copy of Christ, P. (1924). Die Bohrung von Allschwil bei Basel, and printouts of H. Fischer's manuscript texts are also with this collection.
Enclosed supplementary literature:
See also few Eocene samples from Allschwil 1 (?) preserved in the regional Jura collection (Spengler Park).
Standort (micropaleontological collections Allschwil 2)