Reference collection to Schaub, H. (1963a). Ueber einige Entwicklungsreihen von Nummulites und Assilina und ihre stratigraphische Bedeutung. In: Von Koenigswald, G.H.R., Emeis, J.D., Buning, W.L., and Wagner, C.W. Evolutionary trends in foraminifera. Elsevier Publishing Company, pp. 282-297.

There are several versions to this publication, e.g. Schaub, H. (1950), Schaub, H. (1962b), Schaub, H. (1966b, in Russian), the latter with the description of Nummulites nemkovi, with indications to NMB own C-numbers assigned to each specimen, and with a discussion of Crimean nummulites, and a popular version in German, English, French and Spanish language (Schaub, H., 1970).


The illustrated specimens are integrated in the reference collection to Schaub, H. (1981) at the NMB in Basel, if not otherwise mentioned in the publication.


Standort 1 (=collection to Schaub, H. (1981).
Standort 2 (=Explicit illustrated material to Schaub, H. (1963a): Specimen numbers C4331 to C4371, for numbers see also Folder "C3000 bis 9999 Einlaufbuch" in K3/A11/1/8.



Material to Schaub, H. (1962b). Stammesentwicklung und geologische Zeitmessung. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 73(2):318-331. These are Original fotos to illustrations 4, 5 and 6 (thin sections).
