Collections of Bernhard Scheuring
Collection to Scheuring, B.W. (1970). Palynologische und palynostratigraphische Untersuchungen des Keupers im Bölchentunnel (Solothurner Jura). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 88, 119 p., 43 Plates.
The reference collection to this study is deposited at ETH in Zürich (pers. comm. V. Scheuring, 16.10.2006). A collection of unprocessed bulk sediments is held at the NMB (together with a xeroxed copy of Fig. 2 of the thesis showing the sampling horizons).
Standort (raw materials collection)
Deposit to Scheuring, B.W. (1978). Mikrofloren aus den Meridekalken des Mte. San Giorgio (Kanton Tessin). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 100, pp. 1-100, plates 1-52.
No collection - the deposit consists only of a type-written manuscript with the original plates. The collection to this study is deposited at ETH in Zürich (pers. comm. Verena Scheuring, 16.10.2006).