To overview collections H. Schaub
Type- and reference collection to Schaub, H. (1951a). Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Schlierenflysches mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der paleocaenen und untereocaenen Nummuliten und Assilinen. Schweizerische paläontologische Abhandlungen, 68:1-222, 9 plates.
Abbreviated version: Schaub, H. (1951b). Die Stratigraphie des Schlierenflysches. Abbreviated version of Schaub, H. (1951a). Buchdruckerei B. Wirz, Binningen/Basel, pp. 1-16, 1 foldout.
This is the type- and reference collection to the PhD thesis of Schaub (1951a,b), including assilina- and nummulite preparations, and the primary types of many new species erected by Hans Schaub. The negatives to the micrographs illustrated in the publication (1951a) are deposited in the archive of Hans Schaub. Original pencil drawings of nummulites (enlargment 25x) described in the publication and the negative films are deposited in 5 folders alongside to the collection, together with a catalogue of thin sections (in partem deposited in Boxes 1 through 7; deposited in K3/A10/6225-226). Also included with this material are picked and asolated nummulites, and nummulite preparations from the Schlierenflysch area, that was used in the thesis but not further determined.
For a summary description of the stratigraphy of the Grosse Schlieren see also the publication of Vonderschmitt, L. and Schaub, H. (1944). Hans Schaub field numbers of samples to this publication range from S1 through S736. See also archived documents about the geological mapping of the Pilatus-Schlieren area by Buxtorf & Schaub in 1963.
In addition there is a collection of nannoplankton smeaslides, that were taken from the Grosse Schliere section, and which are described in the study of Schaub, H., Hay, W.W., and Mohler, H.P. (1965). The smearslides are deposited in the Schaub, Hay and Mohler (1965) collection.