Collections of Pierre A. Soder

About Pierr Albert Soder (1922-2008).

Dissertation of P.A. Soder (1949).
Study collection from P.A. Soder from Iran.
Nekrologe (Obituaries):
Pierre Soder was very enganged to compile a biographic lexicon of Swiss geologists, many from petroleum geologists, see Soder, P.A. (1985). Lebensbeschreibungen von Schweizer Geologen. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol. Geol.- u. Ing., 51(120):71-72. At the Natural History Museum Basel there is a voluminous collection deposited of biographic reports, CVs, anekdotes of Swiss and other geologists - see the Nekrologe collection (Obituaries).
Reference collection to Soder, P.A. (1949). Geologische Untersuchung der Schrattenfluh und des südlich anschliessenden Teiles der Habkern Mulde (Kt. Luzern). Inaugural Dissertation, Universität Basel. Sonderabdruck Eclogae geologicae helvetiae, vol. 42, No. 1, 109p.
Collection of rock samples, thin sections, washed residues, and pencil drawings of foraminifera. A list to samples and thin sections is also enclosed.
Study collection of P.A. Soder from Iran (curation not complete, 3.7.2015).
There is a small collection of thin sections, rock samples, and microfossils from Iran.
See also the archive of P.A. Soder.