Archive of P.A. Soder

Orbituary about P.A. Soder (1922-2008).
Pierre Soder was very enganged to compile a biographic lexicon of Swiss geologists, many from petroleum geologists, see Soder, P.A. (1985). Lebensbeschreibungen von Schweizer Geologen. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Petrol. Geol.- u. Ing., 51(120):71-72.
At the Natural History Museum Basel there is a voluminous collection deposited of biographic reports, CVs, anekdotes of Swiss and other geologists - see the Nekrologe collection (Obituaries).
The archive held at the Natural History Museum Basel contains reports, publications, correspondence, fieldbook, maps, and private reports compiled by P.A. Soder during his work as petroleum geologist in Iran. Biographies are sorted alphabetically into folders, a smaller subset has been digitized into pdfs (15 July 2020).
