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Reference collection to Cita, M.B., Premoli-Silva, I., Toumarkine, M., Bolli, H.M., Luterbacher, H.P., Mohler, H.P., and Schaub, H. (1968 a). Le Paléocène et l'Eocène de Paderno D'Adda (Italie septentrionale). Mémoire du Bureau de recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.), No. 58 (Colloque sur L'Eocène, Paris, Mai 1968):611-627.
This is an integrated micropaleontological study on the Paderno d'Adda section in northern Italy. The publication correlates the strata numbers to Schaub (SCH) field numbers for levels, where nummulite and assilina samples were collected.
The collection here comprises the preparations for the nummulite species discussed in the paper and taken from Schaub samples 63034, 63036, 63236, 63239, 63240, 63243 (all collected during 1963). Some of the materials of this study is also integrated in the large nummulite collection of Schaub, H. (1981). The preparations are organized by species per tray per sample. For the nummulite preparations of sample 63244 (Nummulites sp. aff. sordensis) refer to the collection of Vialli, V. (1951). There is also Raw material deposited in the raw materials collection of Hans Schaub (Paderno d'Adda). A reprint of Cita et al. (1968) is with the collection. See also the collections of H.P. Luterbacher for collections of planktic foraminifera from the Paderno d'Adda section.