Micropaleontological collections of H.J. Oertli
- [Not Type collection]. Material
to Oertli,
H. und Key, A.J. (1955). Drei neue Ostracoda-Arten aus
dem Oligozän Westeuropas. Bull. Vereinigung Schweizerische
Petroleum Geologen- u. Ingenieure, vol. 22 (62): 19-28.
- Hypotypoid to the species described in Oertli (1955)
and held at the NMB:
- Haplocytheridea basiliensis Oertli and Key (1955)
Specimen included in the collection to Oertli, H.J. (1956), see further below.
The primary holotype is deposited at the Geological Institute
of the University in Berne, Switzerland.
Type collection to Oertli, H.J. (1956). Ostracoden aus
der oligozänen und miozänen Molasse der Schweiz. Schweizerische
Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 74:1-119, 16 plates.
This is a collection of paratypoids, hypotypoids and topotypoids
to the illustrated isolated specimens, all kept in Fema-cells.
The original collection with the primary holotypes are deposited
at the Geological Institute of the University in Berne, Switzerland.
Paratypes to the species described in Oertli (1956)
and held at the NMB:
- Cytherella bernensis Oertli (1956)
- Cytherella gutzwilleri Oertli (1956)
- Cytherella tribeli Oertli (1956)
- Cytherella variabilias Oertli (1956)
- Cytheridea fallens Oertli (1956)
- Cytheridea genavensis Oertli (1956)
- Eocytheropteron bruggenense Oertli (1956)
- Haplocytheridea subalpina Oertli (1956)
- Hemicythere ? triangularis Oertli (1956)
- Leguminocythereis lienenklausi Oertli (1956)
- Leguminocythereis sorneana Oertli (1956)
- Loxoconcha delmontensis Oertli (1956)
- Paracypris aerodynamica Oertli (1956)
- Pokornyella calix Oertli (1956)
- Pontocythere therwilensis Oertli (1956)
- Pterygocythereis helvetica Oertli (1956)
- Pterygocythereis retinodosa Oertli (1956)
- Pterygocythereis volans Oertli (1956)
- Schuleridea rauracica Oertli (1956)
- Note:
- Hypotypoid to Haplocytheridea basiliensis Oertli and
Key (1955) from Oertli, H. und Key, A.J. (1955) (see
furter above) is included in this collection.
Type collection to Oertli, H.J. (1959a). Malm-Ostrakoden
aus dem Schweizerischen Juragebirge. Denkschriften der Schweizerischen
Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, vol. 83, Abh. 1, pp. 1-44, 7 plates.
A collection of ostracod-holotypes and hypotypoids to the illustrated
specimens, held in Fema-cells.
- Holotypes to:
- Cytherella index Oertli (1959)
- Cytherella woltersdorfi Oertli (1959)
- Cytheropteon rutschi Oertli (1959)
- Krausella ? argoviensis Oertli (1959)
- Macrocypris aequabilis Oertli (1959)
- Macrodentina (Macrodentina) confinii Oertli (1959)
- Paracypris acris Oertli (1959)
- Pontocyprella suprajurassica Oertli (1959)
- Note: Specimen o. 69/2 of Cytherura liesbergensis
in Fema-cell F69 was transferred to new cell with No. F69 b (study
of W.W. Luppold, Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie,
Hannover; October 2010).
Collection of holotype and hypotypoids
to the ostracods described in Oertli, H.J. (1959b). Platylophocythere,
eine neue Ostracoden-Gattung aus dem unteren Malm des Schweizer
Juras. Eclogae geol. Helv. 52(2):953-957, 2 plates.
Specimens in Fema-cells.
- Holotypes and hypotypoids to:
- Platylophocythere hessi Oertli (1959)
Type collection to Oertli, H.J. (1966). Die Gattung Protocythere
(Ostracoda) und verwandte Formen im Valanginien des zentralen
Schweizer Jura. Eclogae geol. Helv. 59(1):87-127, 7 plates.
Collection of the illustrated holotypes, paratypes and hypotypoids,
preserved in Fema-cells.
- Holotypes to:
- Cythereis matura Oertli (1966)
- Protocythere divisa Oertli (1966)
- Protocythere helvetica Oertli (1966)
- Protocythere reicheli Oertli (1966)
- Pseudoprotocythere aubersonensis Oertli (1966)