- Archive A. Senn: Contents of Lista unit
15, drawer 10
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- Original drawings of A. Senn's stratigraphic sections,
stratigraphic schemes, geological maps and sketches from Barbados,
Cuba, Colombia, Venzuela. - Signature :
NMB GK.BAR.6 (Document collection)
- Senn, A. (1944). Generalized stratigraphic chart of Barbados,
B.W.I. and adjacent countries. Table, written with pencil. Senn's
Document No. 801.
- Senn, A. (1948). Generalized stratigraphic chart of Barbados,
B.W.I. Table, written with pencil. Senn's Document No. 802.
- Senn, A. (1939). Senn, A. (1939). Stratigraphic correlation
chart of the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations of the Antillean-Caribbean
region. Table, written with pencil. Senn's Document No. 803.
- Senn, A. (19??). Stratigraphic correlation chart of Jurassic,
Cretaceous, and Tertiary Formations of Cuba. Table, written with
pencil. Senn's Document No. 804.
- Senn, A. (1945). Stratigraphical chart of oil-bearing Cretaceous
in Colombia and Venezuela and its relation to Barbados, B.W.I.
Table, written with ink. Senn's Document No. 805.
- Senn, A. (1947). Stratigraphische übersicht des Kaenozoikums
von Barbados, B.W.I. (Kleine Antillen). Table, written with ink.
Senn's Document No. 805.
- Senn, A. (1934). Vertikale weltweite Verbreitung der Nummuliten
und Orbitoiden nach der Literatur und eigenen Untersuchungen.
Senn's Document No. 807. This is the draft to A. Senn (1935b). Nachtrag zu: Die stratigraphische
Verbreitung der Tertiären Orbitoiden. Eclogae Geologicae
Helvetiae, vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 369-373, Plate IX.
- 5 structural maps (copies) of Barbados with Senn locality
numbers. One with transparency (coloured) Senn's Document Nos.
302, 303, 304, 305, 306.
- Original plotting of Darkhole road between Darkhole &
Senior River. Paper and transparency. Senn's Document No. 307.
- Traverse along road from No. 9 to K.4. Scale 1:2'000 and
Region south of Turners Hall. Senn's Document Nos. 309, 310,
311. Turner Hall wells no. TH 1,
TH 3, TH 4, TH 8, TH 11, TH 13, TH 17, and Mount All well No.
- Senn, A. (1939-1940). Geological Map of Ragged Point. Scale
1:1'000. (Drawing, transparency and print). Senn's Document No.
- Senn, A. (1941). Detail Map Spa Peak. Scale 1:1'000. (Drawing,
transparency and print). Senn's Document No. 316.
- Construction sheets to sections, reconnaissance surveys,
sampling maps, indications to well-sites. Numerous sheets, some
sheets giving reference to A. Senn's field-books from Barbados.
Senn's Document Nos. 318 331
- Senn's fossil localities in Chalky Mount area, scale 1:5'000.
Transparency, ink drawing. Senn's Document No. 353.
More archive
files & private reports to the geological studies of Alfred
Senn in Barbados are deposited in K3/Wandregal.