Reference collection to Schaub, H. (1960). Ueber einige Nummuliten und Assilinen der Monographie und der Sammlung d'Archiac. Eclogae geol. Helv. 53(1):443-451, plates1-4.
Spanish version of same publication: Schaub, H. (1961). Acerca de algunos nummulites y assilinas de la monografia y coleccion de D'Archiac. Notas y Comuns. Inst. Geol. y Minero de Espana, No. 62:171-194.
The collection of D'Archiac and the holotypes are deposited at the Natural History Museum in Paris. The illustrated specimens (NMB numbers C 3001 to C 3062) in Schaub (1960) are deposited as a separate collection next to Schaub, H. (1981).
Associated with the reference materials to Schaub's publication on the D'Archiac material, there were found some original preparations of the D'Archiac collection, on which Schaub has removed the specimens from the cardboard for investigation and photographing. These are specimens of Nummulites discorbinus D'Archiac, N. beaumontensis D'Archiac, N. verneuilli D'Archiac, N. caillandi D'Archiac and N. deshayes D'Archiac. Photographic prints and hand written notes from H. Schaub are included with this additional material.