H.G. Kugler's collections from Tobago, B.W.I.
See also collection of Saunders & Müller-Merz (1985) about the age of Rockly Bay Formation.
1.) Colln. H.G. Kugler/Tobago/Balanus Beds (TLL Batch # 31 sent to NMB in 1951) (Ex wooden cabinet 139/20)
A collection of fossil balanids from the Balanus Beds from Tobago: Localities are Cliff close to Robinson Crusoe Hotel at Scarborough, Tobago, and from Rockly Bay, from Government's Farm and from SW Tobago. A comprehensive introduction to the geology of Tobago is given in Jackson, T.A. and Donovan, S.K. (1994), of which a xerox copy is deposited with the collection.
Samples include numbers AGH 4782, AGH 4898 St. 236, AGH 4959, AGH 4964, AGH 9965, AGH 4997, AGH 4999, SU colln No. 2, Karl-Schmid colln. 3-4-37, and K 4899.
2.) Colln H.G. Kugler (1931)/Tobago/Balanus Beds (Ex wooden cabinet 139/19)
This is another collection of fossil balanids from Scarborough and Lambeau, Tobago. The material includes specimens with numbers K9786, JS 3869, and JS 3870. The sample K9786 is referenced in a manuscript by J.B. Saunders and E. Müller-Merz (1985), entitled The age of the Rockly Bay Formation, Tobago. The manuscript documents are included with the collection.
The same collection includes also recent corals from Bucco Reef and Pidgeon Point, Tobago (collected by H.G. Kugler), as well as washed residues (most probably recent) from the same locations.
3.) Colln A. Senn (1949)/Tobago/Balanus Beds (Ex wooden cabinet 139/18)
A collection of fossil balanids from Balanus Beds in cliff westwards from Robinson Crusoe Hotel (in Scarborough), Tobago. The materials were collected in March 1943. Numbers iclude St. 236, TLL 74508, and NMB 10160, NMB 10162, NMB 10163.