Type collection to Hirsch, F. (1966). Sobre la presencia de Conodontes en el Muschelkalk superior de los Catalanides. Notas y Comns. Inst. Geol. y Min. Espana, vol. 90, pp. 85-91. [TSL 338]. Reprint deposited with the literature to type- and reference collections in K3/Cabinet 71.
Collection of isolated conodont specimens and SEM preparations. 2 holotypes and 4 paratypes.
Type collection to Hirsch, F. (1971). Conodontes nouvelles du Trias Méditerranéen. Compte Rendu des Séances de la Société de Physique et de l'Histoire Naturelle de Genève, Nouvelle Série 6(1), pp. 65-69. [TSL 333]. Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinet 71 (reference literature to type collections).
Collection of Fema-cells containing isolated conodont specimens and SEM preparations.
Reference collection to Hirsch, F. (1972). Middle Triassic conodonts from Israel, southern France and Spain. Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud., vol. 21, pp. 811-828. Reprint deposited in K3/Cabinet 71 (reference literature to type collections).
Collection of isolated hypotype specimens (Fema-cells, plus REM preparations)to